Words of Wisdom

Started by Dr Dragon, December 10, 2012, 02:02:06 AM

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Dr Dragon

Dr Dragon

Quote from: Dr Dragon;315891For those whom don't me I am the doc, and I am going to offer some much needed wisdom to the younger players of Efu. When I first started EFU I was a total noob. EFU provides a great outlet for those pissed off, and feel like an animal in a zoo. This tends to happen when you are in an education system designed for total dumb asses. Yes the American education system does not promote intelligence considering most of my class mates in college who are flunking out lacked basic critical thinking skills.

1 The doc reccamends everyone get their grades up college is the exact opposite of an education system.

2 The doc reccamends getting involved and pursuing extraciricular activities. i did theater in high school. Also extra curiculars are a great place to meet members of the opposite sex.

3 The doc reccamends making a good source of friends lets just say after high school you'll see who your real friends are.

4 In our society we are given a socially constructed rediculous perception about drugs. Stay away from Meth, Heroin, Crack, and Opium. Do your research before ever considering doing a substance. I reccamends reading Erowid.com if you ever feel like trying a substance. I also will add in most of the world the legal drinking age is 18 not 21. Sometimes laws and government are completely stupid. If you've not learned this from EFU then you need to seriously evaluate your intelligence.

5 Research schools, and find an objective I reccamends making your college plans by the time you graduate.

6 Have some respect for your teachers for the most part teachers are a group of kind individuals trying to help young people but they are constantly being shitted on. In fact most teachers are regulated to teach students a very horrible curriculum. Be friends with your teachers they are the people who write your grades. If they respect you they will stretch their kneck out for you. I should have failed most of my math classes in high school. However thanks to befriending my teachers I got c's when they should of been F's.

7 Question everything around you especially rules, laws regulations, read books and the news become a global citizen.

8 That image of the geeky nerdy person is often what people think of Dnders. Don't be that guy conduct yourself, and be an outgoing person. There's more to life then EFU. Yes this is coming from someone who has previously said they preferred EFU to the real world because of how retarded high school was.

9 if your ever in college study abroad, and see what the rest of the world is like. Fortunately I will be doing this next year and going to Sweden.

10 Study other cultures the more you know the better. It is not benficial go be ignorant about the world around you or the other cultures of American citizens. I understand in a small town this might not matter but in the broader perspective it is super important.

If anyone is struggling in history classes feel free to contact me the doc is very well versed in history. I also will add high school history is for the most part bullshit.


*recommend(s) :P

But yes, listen to the doc.



Dr. Dragon, in the six or seven years you've been loosely affiliated with the EFU community it's been my pleasure to watch you mature and grow. You've played some excellent characters and your persona as a member of the community has also been appreciated. Frankly, you have come a long way.

But, man, you have to put some more work in. You're in college, and at this level you should be writing better. I suggest getting in the habit of checking your work with a basic spellchecker as well as checking for grammatical errors and stylistic flow.

Good luck out there, as always.