Sandstone College - Almae Matris Nostra Est or Lessons In Plain Sight Hidden

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Sandstone College - Almae Matris Nostra Est or Lessons In Plain Sight Hidden
by hand of Student Alecto Hadwyn-Zagar

Foreword and Chapter 1 - The College and its people

- Building of Sandstone College

Welcome, dear reader, to work about the most prestigous school of higher learning in Ephia's Well and perhaps one day, to rival the Great Academy of Baz'eel itself - even if some may think it is far fetched: know Reader, that future is rarely written.

Sandstone College was founded by fourth great minds, their Almae Matris being Great Academy of Baz'eel itself. These fourth people, carrying out will of Izdu are: Chancellor Amira Khel, Historian-Curator Orhan Celik, Astronomer Mustafa Al'Mus and Professor of Archeology, Berrina Ghul. They still make up the princple educational and administrational body of College. However one cannot omit the Esteemed Benefactor of College, may Izdu bless him with Thousandfold Wisdom - Khalim al'Khal, owner of famous trading house and man who dedicated rest of his life to guiding the new, young generation of scholars to greatness.

College itself, due to His patronate, opened its walls for many new students and await many more, to follow in footsteps of scholars of old. Your's truly being one of newly appointed students, I aim to let you learn about this great house of knowledge and encourage you to follow your dreams to Ephia's Well, if you are brave enough to face it.

As of writing this text, building of College is still under renovations from the great destruction that it faced during the Great Siege of Ephia's Well from hands of Orientids. Many mysteries can be found among its walls, like anywhere in Well. It is craddle of mystery, history and archeology for any self-respecting scholar and place like no other among the sands of Great Desert.

- One of lecture halls

The great building of College already offers plenty of the place for all its students, both to rest and learn in their own way. We are expected to further education by our own way and brave the darkness of ignorance without being hand-held by anyone, but our own intuition. The great library of Scholar's Hall already offers access to many rare books. For these who wish to access even rarer tomes, I humbly suggest trip to Souk of Ephia's Well and visiting shop of famous scholar, Rashid Al-Rashid and pay for the great amount of volumins that he managed to both gather and write himself.

As mentioned, there is certain expectation placed before us as students. We must find our own ways to wisdom, with only help and guidiance, not blind obedience to doctrine or teachings. Student of College must fund and supply his own expeditions and research as a way of testing themselves in the future life of a scholar that is yet before him. Expecting the unexpected, while dry and well-used phrase, will find its use here, in the Great Desert.

But College is also home. Student dormitory is avaliable for anyone who paid tuition fee and one is expected to take care of his own comfort as well as of his fellow students. While certain sort of friendly rivaly exist, we are not our own enemies - unlike some... other institutions within Well. The scholar will support the scholar, for nobody else will support us unless we make some allies and friends first. As Izdu's Tenets say - Protect the Word; Tutor the Ignorant. Skills are hard to come by and there is no person that has them all - one of your fellow students may save your life, one day...

- Night in Dormitory

The scholaric cadre of College offers lessons to these who prove themselves worthy of their attention, with dedication and results in their education. Great minds of the Ash Desert are here to prove to you that you do not know all that you should know yet - for true learning never ends, with wisdom of Mother and Izdu raising us above our station, as they did with ancient ashfolk. The local sands offer plenty of opportunity for archeologists and all other sort of scholars and scientists, from healers to engineers and builders. The doors of the Sandstone's are open to these who are willing to follow the path to knowledge. All you need to do is dare to follow it and stay steady on its course. Follow the stars, watch the sky and you will find your own way.

As I was told by wise man: Knowledge is fire and it burns, sometimes harsher than the cursed rays of Hateful Sun, Demon Pra'raj. One must know how to trail a brave way into the future, for these who will come after us - and I fully believe that our Founders and Esteemed Benefactor are such people. Perhaps, one day, the great minds of Sandstone College shall bring glory and prosperity to Ephia's Well. Once, it was heart and glory of Caliphate and Sultanate...

Perhaps one day it may be so again, but only if we work for it. Only we can help ourselves.

Founders (without Esteemed Benefactor):

- Chancellor Amira Khel

- Professor of Archeology Berrina Ghul

- Astronomer Mustafa Al'Mus

- Historian-Curator Orhan Celik
Current character: Ealdred Emberheart, the burned hin.


Chapter 2 - Branches of Tree of Wisdom - or about coloured Tassels

As I mentioned in first chapter of my work, there is huge freedom in our College: both as a burden and a blessing put onto the Students. As such, there are many informal sorts of agreements between us and our colleagues and the tradition of Coloured Tassels is one of them - while it isn't recognized as official sort of "course", these tassels often symbolize what sort of topic the student focuses on in their education, allowing for better teamwork and share of information. Connections and rifts created by such are form of yet another test upon unsuspecting scholar, as earning Coloured Tassel is often cosidered a first step upon their route to graduation.

Such informal sort of cataloguing helps other students know what one is interested in and possibly, in what one can help. It isn't unheard of for any sort of colour to team with others and create their own student group, often travelling and studying together. Archeologist may need help of Arcanist in their studies (with particually enchanted sort of finding or some sort of arcanical safety measure), Astronomer may be able to help Historian with connecting the stars mentioned in text to some sort of stardate and Healer is appreciated by all sort of groups... believe me, I know about this from my own experience.

As I was informed, it also allows one to gather contacts years after the graduation - one can always (well, almost) count on their student friends, with bonds forged in fire of education and hardships of the world inside and outside College's walls.

Where nature finds void, it wishes to fill - it is the same with minds of people. One doesn't know when subject from particular field of expertise may be useful to them and it is worth to keep friends within all sorts of Colours. Information flow, while sometimes controled, helps one to learn more: and again, as mentioned previously, learning never truly ends!

Green Tassel - Students of Natural World, Medicine and Herbalism

- Excerpt from "Connecta Via Natura" by Sharlil var Ashim

Students of Green Tassel are people focusing on very particular yet broad sort of study. The Natural World studies, sometimes called Biologica and Geologica Arts, are arts focusing on the ways of work of the Disc, the minerals and stones and natural organisms living upon it - from animals, through beasts and insects, to humanoid races and the way their bodies work. As you can suspect, it is harsh topic to study, but it is one I can offer insight into - as I am a healer myself.

The study starts with the basic everyone have to follow through - the basic mechanisms of body, such as blood flow, breathing and workings of particular organs. While there are a lot of differences between different creatures and even humanoid races, the basics of most organs are mostly the same and help the student to gather his information on all sort of the different functions of the body. This can take considerable amount of time and only after following with first exams, one picks his specialization in said subject: while they share certain common ground, work of herbalist is fundamentally different than work of surgeon, geologist or animal caretaker.

Natural World studies as a focus consider mostly of the ways of natural things in the world - from plants to the stones, geological minerals and all other sort of natural occurences. People specializing in this field often become certified geodesist, so needed among the ever-shifting sands of Ash Desert or surveroys, seeking rare resources in name of Sultanate. People with good renown on this field can easily find job in about any city-state of Great Ring, not without reason.

Healing and Medicine are two arts connected to each other like White Spear is connected to history of Caliphate. These arts focus, of course, on healing and helping body overcoming various problems - from diseases, through wounds and ending (if one is born under lucky star) on helping and healing in-born deformities or problems. Our mortal lives are surprisingly frail, but with correct help and habits, we can help them to last longer - and if our neighbours would wish to help us shorten our time on the Disc, healer can help us protect ourselves from such fate. Healers divide themselves into as many specializations as the art of Medicine itself: part of them focus on diseases, some prefer to bloody their hands with helping the wounded while others dwelve deep into human bodies as surgeons.

- Excerpt from tractate "Of Human and Animal Bodies - Or how to Save Fools" by Hilus the Ringwalker

Animal Husbandry is often unappreciated art, until one buys their first pet or camel for caravan - only then our eyes open for necessity of these brave men and women who follow into care of Kula's blessed life. As thinking creatures, we have responsibility to take care of these less understanding creatures. Of course, sometimes we have to kill - for self care, food, safety of our people and even entertainment - but we don't need to be cruel to them, for they also were born in will of Mother and for happiness of Kula.

- Page of "The Great Herbalists Compendium of Great Ring, Tome XIX" by Hieronymus, priest of Kula

The last, but not least, is important art of Herbalism. Rarely sad is man or woman who can find their way among plants of the Disc, for they are graced with Wealth of Kula herself. Now without reason she is considered to be patron of Nature and Life. One who knows how to use plants is treasure without measure for any sort of self respecting healer, investigator, guard or scientist. In right amounts, this knowledge can kill as well as it can save and divide time between life and death.

Respect your healer and the toll they take to take care of you, for often, they will be ones to give your final farewell. Good student shall know value of Green Tassel in their learing and take care to find at least one friend from this field - It is worth to have someone who will stitch you up one bad, fateful day, isn't it?
Current character: Ealdred Emberheart, the burned hin.


Blue Tassel - Students of Mathematics and Philosophy

Blue Tassel, the followers of Ars Logica, as they are sometimes called are entirely different beast than this of Green one. Their studies follow much more different topic of inner and outer build of the Disc and other forces itself, such as gravity and spirits that drive us - as wise man said, "Mind is Body's Engine". Two arts that follow into it are Mathematic and Philosophy, so vastly different yet so interconnected.

One may think that these arts follow itself only on basic of Logic, mentioned previously, but one would be surprised that it is not only outlook at these arts. They both challange the unknown and force the motives and to become clear as pure water and equally possible to read - thank to numbers or power of morality and human psyche.

As my friend and fellow Student - Daoud al-Maaz, of Blue Tassel wrote for me, as his input into this book, for which I really thank him:
"My reason for choosing the blue tassel, focusing of Mathematics and Philosophy, is rooted in a love for the solving for unknowns. Working through equations is as rewarding for me as peeling back the mysteries of the cosmos, as both will result in a satisfying, provable conclusion. Logical reasoning merges with curious contemplation in this area of interest. It is the harmonious balance of both question and answer."

- Ilthan Sal'aradi's ilustration in "Fathers and Mothers of Equations"

Mathematics is called "Mother of Sciences" and not without a reason weighting heavily on so many other courses on any sort of self-respecting higher learning instance. Without their equations, no miner could dig into the earth, no architect would make wonders of this world, no man would gathera group big enough to venture into sands and no trader would trade anything which can be counted. In other words, it is the core of our civilization and perhaps any sort of civilization that there is. In that way, I cannot but applaud these who follow this frickle yet always stoic mistress, who has her will written into laws of reality itself.

No space or distance would be possible to measure without knowledge of mathematics and all maps would be all but pretty pictures without such measurements - one must know how much water and camels to prepare on their journey. Nor Ash-sails would be in the air, if not the right amount of material for it nor energy that is required for it to float - such things are possible thank to this powerful art, for some considered to be truest form of magic. It is no surprise that many speak of it with praise reserved to saints or blessed.

As such, it is an science placed into pure logic and by that - pure art. There is no place for chaos in the laws of mathematics nor any sort of randomness, unless it is counted to be there. Even chaos is lawful within its measurements - this can explain some of unnatural invaders reserve to approach some geometrical shapes and figures, as they feel their power emanating from it. Some may wonder exactly how much of mathematics is yet known and used by Baz'eelian civilization and how much it can help it to reach even higher in the ladder of understanding of reality. One can only hope that it will continue to reach further than that.

Different branches of this art could take twenty other books, so I will allow myself to skip mention of them here - for I am not good at many elements of it. I shall leave it in hands of these who know it. There is wisdom in admitting there are people wiser than you will ever be.

- "Logicus Measurements and The Weight of Matter" by Sonerat of Likh

Philosphy, on the other hand, sometimes called "Left Hand of Logic" by its followers, is an art of understanding the world and making sense of it. It is very systematical art and as such, it is also placed within field of Law, at least in my belief and understanding. To follow the sense and meaning of topics like existence, reason, knowledge, value, mind, and even language is truly powerful art that can change the world in right hands - and it did, in example of Ephia's Well and Asterabadi, the great philospher. One must be familiar with concept of Leagues, if they ever heard about Ephia's Well and no surprise, for it is one of reason for its unique governance.

Without people such as this great sage and many others, we would never rise as far as we did - in any sort of world. The Disc is richer because of these people and anyone would be fool to deny that. Their hard work and for a lot of times, their own sacrifices are fuel for flames forge of wisdom for generations after generations. One cannot be afraid to ask themselves question if they are to become more then they were yesterday and so, they did not fear. Instead, following in Izdu's steps, they became and learned more - but also shared their knowledge with others. And as so, they burned brigther and kinder than Demon Pra'raj ever will.

- Excerpt from "Philosphers of the Great Ash Desert", image titled "The Death of the Sun, The Birth of Reason"

It is not easy feat, to follow this path, for it is one with many self-abnegations and other sorts of sacrifices. One often finds himself lost within their own mind, despite being surrounded by people, once close to them, when their minds brave winds of thought and realization. For many, this path ended in self-exile from their own families and friends, but one should always be aware of dangers on their path and as so, they should be warned.

Philosophy can be divided into many branches, but the major ones in Baz'eelian school of Philosophy are:
- Epistemology, of knowledge and how to acquire and share it among others and what sort of knowledge should be learned and to what measure and degree.
- Ethics, which focus on morals of life and death and everything inbetween them - what is right and what is wrong, in eyes of law and people, character and personality, all within reason of mind.
- Logic, the art of correct reasoning and making good arguments, while eliminating bad ones after examination through the reason and power of mind and known rules of reality - one which is particulary hated by some external forces wishing to invade the Disc.
- Metaphysics, which focus on rules of the Disc's reality and how it can be put together again while being broken and how to distinguish it from possible other realms - something which I witnessed myself, as hole to the world of Water was opened before my eyes.

There are many other 'lesser' fields of philosophy, which I do not consider lesser in any sort of way. They are, among others: Philosophy of Historical Events, Philosophy of Politics and its Courses, Aesthetics and Course of Beauty, Philosophy of Language - major part of any linguistics and Philosophy of Mind, the core of sanity upon the world. I shall not describe them here for as with previous topic, they are myriad and one should follow their own curiosity in researching them.

- Excerpt from "The Three Sages and Education of Lessers"

As you can see, these sciences are ones of particular value and in faith of Izdu, they can never be overlooked, for they are beloved by Him and His. Within Sandstone College, we treat our friends of Blue Tassel with respect they deserve, for their learning is harsh road of cold Logic, colder than night sky of the Desert. May we all learn from their sacrifices and support them on their turns of the road.
Current character: Ealdred Emberheart, the burned hin.