NWN on Mac OS High Sierra

Started by IxTheSpeedy, November 27, 2017, 01:00:40 AM

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Anybody else not able to launch NWN after the upgrade?  I've found a few things on it such as:


But personally I can't even launch it to the point of being about to set the screen options. Wondering if anybody else ran into this problem and if so, have you fixed it?  What did you do?  etc.



I use a Wineskin wrapper, which I've put onto OneDrive: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AmC6UtszZXkazjdsphaONxLFYa7k

I just confirmed it works in High Sierra.

I set up my wrapper using the GOG version of NWN so it currently expects a C:\Program Files\GOG.com\ folder, but you can right-click > Show Package Contents > and then run the Wineskin app inside the app package to go to Advanced and select nwn.exe from a different path after copying your NWN application to some place under drive_c. I think the EFU EXE also works but it's been a while.

Some notes:

This wrapper uses a 1920x1080 virtual desktop in a window. I'm pretty sure any full screen or native window modes crash or run the risk of xserv misbehaving. (But it's been a while since I made the wrapper.)

The toolset will crash.

But hopefully this will tide you over until the Enhanced Edition releases.