Renewal of the Ponds Update - Bugs

Started by ShadowCharlatan, July 28, 2019, 12:20:07 PM

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Post your bugs here.

This update has a large surface area, so please report any bugs or anything that seems out of place in the new setup.


In regards to the Groundskeeper Cabin, when I spawned in after reset I ended up outside of the cabin (at Ticker Square) with the following message:

Error: Could not create lair entrance.

Error when creating lair Keeper1 with area tag 5_park_hub and vector

24.528728485    14.957546234    3.304431915


In the Tower of Solitude, the mushroom placeables block pathing in the floor where there are two lots of them. I believe it is opposite the bedroom.


NPC who sells random seeds do not spawns in night time in hidden place.
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Just a small note but with the changes to everything being shifted, PCs can lure entire mobs of Breadbloods or Cobbledogs into the Labrinyth and they try to transition gank anyone.

In the old design the Muckboys would cut them down so they didn't spread into other rings.

el groso

The Goat named "Groat" will wander around due to animal script of avoiding PCs, resulting on him never being by Cooper's, which seems the design.


The transition from the sewer area that led to the ponds underwater area is now dead. I believe it was a "squeeze through the bars" at the end of a long tunnel at the top of the minimap.


Annoyed Pondsmen who gives quest and shifting pondsmen who sells drugs - they both stays in night and often dying from hostile spawn.
Upd: Swaddled Pondsman dying from night spawn as well.
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The Courthouse's minimap marker still says Ring 98.


The annoyed pondsman questgiver keeps winding up dead for some reason as well.


The Drains side access point that was once in the underwater Ponds areas no longer connects to anything. 


Any hostiles NPC from 99th ring or any other hostiles from fishing or other area in day time makes NPCs very anrgy, they run from their regular spots.
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After 3 irl days when citizenship in ticker square was cancelled the pond NPC Crum still doesn't allow to pick Pond as residence.
NPC dialog says about waiting few more days.

Additionally, DM Pigadig applied some sort of fix to my character. The fix, however, did not help. Crum's dialog reply did not change and 'few more days' needed.


A few of the dive in/swim up transitions into the moat of the peerage ward have been removed unnecessarily.

When entering ring 99 from ring 100 the marking that directs you to paupers pond on the wall is misleading now.


Two things, although neither are technically bugs.

Firstly, the entering the hatch at night takes six lines of dialogue. As people tend to sit around the fire and chat, the constant interjection is more conversation destroying than some idiot emoting "tap tap" all the time. 

Secondly, and this is just a style thing, but the new Ponds seems so damn nice. Frequent IC discussions are had about how beautiful it is here. The old ponds looked like a terrible, small strip of land no one wanted to live in. Now it is pretty much the nicest place I have seen in the rings. It sort of changes the tone of the Ponds: "Poor me, pushed out of civilisation and forced to eat wild peaches while chilling by a bonfire on a beach of a glittering pond  while surrounded by verdant and graceful willows"! With the mud baths and the tower of solitude, people in chat were making jokes about Les étangs de Pauper, the posh new health resort. I dont really know if it needs to be changed, but the new Ponds feels like a druidic wonderland, not a place where all the poor and desperados are crammed together having a miserable time.