Zaheera's Bazaar Flyers

Started by ItsAdventureTime, April 10, 2024, 01:37:55 PM

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Zaheera's Bazaar

Various sundry available for sale!
From miscellaneous trinkets
to specialized equipment
to potions of various kinds.

Also buying interesting items of note:
Holding onto something interesting?
Of value? That someone else will
surely want?
Sell it to Zaheera in exchange for
dinari and/or blurring potions!

Check the Souk of Salt and Spices
to see if Zaheera has set up shop.

Or bellow or write to
Zaheera Nahaat
at the Krak des Roses.


Potions Brewing Services Offered

Now Brewing Potions of

Other available potions for brewing include:



Aspectral Prism Tailoring Services Offered

Have a piece of equipment with a cursed aspect?
Found an Aspectral Prism but don't know how to use it?
Let Zaheera incorporate it into your equipment!

Success not guaranteed. Desired aspect not guaranteed.
Should application of an Aspectral Prism fail, customer will be
compensated one phial of water of light quality or better.



Zaheera's Bazaar is seeking the following items:

~Unfinished but constructable painting frames~
~Musical instruments~
~Music/song sheets~
~Equipment and gear for bards and minstrels
(particularly spell granting items of the following types:
cloth outfits, boots/shoes)~

No items graced by the designs of Gellema will be purchased!


Arts and Tradecrafts Services Offered


Would be patrons and commissioners
are invited to contact Zaheera Nahaat.


Special Items For Sale

Spiderkin's Cape
A cape seemingly made of spider webbing that provides you with many attributes of nature's most clever of hunters.
//+2 vs. poison
//Spell immunity: web
//1 per day, Summon 1

Puzzler's Cap of Concentration
A beautifully coloured helm for the thinking person.
//+3 concentration
//+1 lore
//3 uses, scarlet blue ioun stone (+2 to INT)

Sibilant Slayer Full Plate Mail and Helm Set
A set comprised of lightened full plate mail and a fortifying helm, this set provides various advantages against the sibilant. Sold together.
//Armour: 8 base AC
//+1 AC vs. haflling
//5% acid immunity
//+2 discipline/intimidate
//80% weight/40lbs
//Helm: +1 deflection AC
//+1 fortitude
//+1 discipline/spot
//+2 intimidate

Chameleon Hide Vest
A set of leathers that provides above average protection while still being excellent for sneaking about.
//5% piercing immunity
//+2 hide
//5 uses of camouflage


Heroes of the Well Collectable Trading Cards!

Now announcing the first print of the Purple Amethyst and Green Emerald Collections of the Heroes of the Well Collectable Trading Cards!

Do you have a favourite Hero of the Well? Think someone is a key figure destined to be pivotal in the Well's history? Or perhaps you have some unrequited feelings? Indulge and try your hand at collecting these fully illustrated and glamoured trading cards! For only 50 dinari*, you can randomly pull a card from the Heroes of the Well Collectable Trading Cards Box.

Curious as to what the cards look like? See the Heroes of the Well Collectable Trading Cards Reference.

The first printing of the Purple Amethyst and Green Emerald Collections totals 36 cards. Card rarity may be common, uncommon, and rare. These rarities occur within in the printing in 3:2:1 proportions.

*Maximum of three pulls per day per person.