Prelude: Tomb Raiders

Started by Sternhund, September 09, 2008, 06:28:42 AM

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This Saturday Morning, Sept. 13th I would like to run a prelude for six interested players. The context of the prelude is this:

QuoteOn the Priador Region of the Thayan Plateau, a group of Thayan slaves were being transported to their new work camp via caravan. The slaves decided to riot, engaging the guards in vicious hand-to-hand combat. A small group of the escaped are led away by fellow slave, Hashif Asus, who shows them to a tomb he knows of in the area. It is the tomb of Akil Msrah, a famed riddle wizard. The escaped slaves decide to rob this tomb, and run from Thay with their newfound treasure to start a new life.

Players in this prelude will be raiding the tomb, which will be a task of both muscle and mind.

I haven’t determined an exact time on Saturday Morning to run this event, but expect it to start at around 11:00 AM, GMT-6 (CST). If you’re interested in this, write me a quick paragraph (under 300 words, please!) with any information about your character that you think is pertinent. (Send paragraphs to my forum PM box.) I’ll be choosing the six characters I feel are best suited for the prelude.

It should be noted that three of the six players I choose will be given special preference if I believe they have not received much DM attention in the past or present. Thus, I encourage new players to apply!

All standard, non-application, races are preferred, and all alignments and classes are welcome. Please have applications in by Friday, Sept. 12th before 10:00 PM GMT-6 (CST).

(For those unfamiliar with preludes: This is a DM quest to help make part of your new character's backstory. At the end of this DM quest, your character will arrive in the EFUA gameworld where you may continue playing him or her.)


Hey everyone! I'm cutting the deadline short. No more applications will be accepted. Sorry about this without further notice, but the applications I have now are all exceptional. To the six people who submitted characters, you're all in.

For now, make your characters in the OOC Area and log out. Wait until prelude day and be online by 11:00AM, GMT-6. I will be busy later that day, so I want to get started as close to 11:00AM as possible, so please try to be on time! I also want you guys to know that there is a hurricane coming this Saturday morning. Although I'm not in the line of fire, I may be experiencing heavy thunderstorms and may not have internet access. If you don't hear from me, that would be why. If it comes to that, I'll postpone the date to Sunday at the same time if possible.

See you Saturday!


If you have IRC and are a member of this prelude, feel free to hang out in #TombRaider from now until the prelude is over.


Thanks again to those who attended. Due to the hurricane, I ran the server locally for the prelude. As a result, your characters are on your local vault, not our server vault, which is why I asked you guys to save characters.

To those who took part: I need your character files to upload to EFUA before you guys can continue playing. Here are the instructions to do that:

Go to your NWN/localvault folder on your computer. Find the file named yourcharactername#.bic . Choose the file with the highest number at the end, and upload it to Rapidshare at .

Once it's been loaded to Rapidshare, send me a PM with your Rapidshare link and character account name. I'll download the file, and post here again on the announcements when your character files have been updated. Hopefully I can get this done tonight, but we'll have to wait on the hurricane.


Alright, everyone who sent me RapidShare links are good to go. If you have any trouble with your character, let me know!