Praise Etorix, Raised Again

Started by Big Cook, May 14, 2017, 10:57:19 PM

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Big Cook

Etorix has risen again, and I come to tell his tale. Praise be.
Imgur album:

And just putting pictures here for you dorks that don't want to go to that link or something.

Here we see Mister Thomas, Proprietor of that one tavern.

Lord Vlach, wearing purple, under our noses the whole time.

Goodbye, money.

What's he doing with that throne?...

Oh. Oh no.

I almost forgot to put this in here!

Back in time a sec, for some reference.


We near completion, Praise Etorix.

They're good thrones, bront

Goodbye old friend

Oh hey Thomas what ya doing

No really Thomas what ya doing

Oh cool ok

Someone call the VFX police

Yaaaay dragons

Guaranteed to give 'nam flashbacks or your money back

​erron you're telling me my life was a lie? why did you lead me on for so long

Etorix wakes up after we make so much noise

Recovering from the hangover...

What you up to, Etorix?


Etorix on a mad one.


Etorix works fast

Heeeeeey how you doing Etorix?

Cool... cool... good to see you too Etorix.

Please not me

Vlach's back, baby!

I dunno if that's the right tone to take with a dragon, man...

Okay, Vlach, you're definitely getting eaten.

No screenshot for the ending, but please, allow me to shout at you.
:[DM Shout : It slashes forward with a huge claw, and knocks him flat. It grabs the stunned form of Vlach, roars once more, and flies off..... ]::
:[DM Shout : It circles once, twice, thrice.... the ruins of old Dunwarren... ]::
:[DM Shout : And then speeds away into the darkness. To where..... ]::
:[DM Shout : You do not know. ]::
:[DM Shout : Exhausted and in a state of shock, the adventurers head back to Sanctuary - much deprived of its defences - yet Sanctuary still stands. ]::

Spiffy Has

The greatest crime here is Thomas Alqvin being dead. :'(


So awesome.  Up there on efu epic events of all time!


Thank you very much for posting these, BigCook.  Great screenies, great event.

Haer Dalis 83

