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Messages - SovietGrowlithe

Screen Shots & Obituaries / Dagna Alestorm
April 07, 2019, 01:51:56 PM
Dagna wasn't my first character on the server but she was the first one I put effort and time into.  I didn't know anything about the server when I made her. I just had a basic idea of a former Dragon Hunter that enjoyed drinking ale.  I met so many folks on her and made a lot of strong bonds with other characters. Unfortunately I've nothing from her short days in Driftwood. Nor the day to day intereactions with some of the various friends of hers. I wish I had more screenshots but this is what I've got.

This was the first awesome weapon I got on the server. A stone mallet but it lasted me for nearly a month. I got it only my second day on the server. It was traded to me for some what if's by a large rock gnome. I think his name as Baravon? Or something like that.
This was the first time I met Argus. The second dwarven friend she'd make. He was drunk at the time and was amazed to see a woman dwarf. Ontop of this she's wearing armor that was sold to her at a cheap price by Beodda. There's a bit of the drunk conversation of Argus and her.
I don't have a direct picture but Frank was the one who converted Dagna to the faith of the Gateway. She became a loyal follower and began traveling around with him quite a lot. Due to this they were able to get into some crazy adventures together. This is where I got my first DM Custom peice of gear! It was perfect for her character.
This is from the last day together with her friend Volantis, Frank, Hanna, Valindra, Teniulle, Grimgor, Shalkis and Alfrida.  They're not all in the shot but there's a bit of dialog as Frank got paralyzed.

Her time was shorter than I liked but I had to play the character true to her colors. She died fighting and she died doing something she believed was right. I didn't expect an ugly, groaty voiced, socially inept dwarf to make as many friends as she did. Perhaps because she didn't involve herself in politics much nor really care about any of the 'big' changes within ninety nine she was able to just see folks for who they were and 'judge' based on that.  I enjoyed my time with the Driftwood Company and the Blooded Shields alike.  She's my first REAL character on the server and I can't bare to delete at the moment but as it is I look forward to my next major character on the server.
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: Frank Hollenbeck
April 06, 2019, 08:47:47 PM
Undoubtedly a great character.  One worth dying for.
Off-topic Discussion / Re: Out of Context Dialog
April 05, 2019, 01:16:56 AM
I just hit ranger level 6 on my character Bianca Bradford only to find out that  while I get the +1 Dmg Vs Elves and +1 dmg vs orcs. Not receiving the +1 AB to orcs or elves. On top of that I do not get the +1 ab and dmg vs humans that both the Favored enemies provided.  I was meaning to talk to a DM about it. See if it's an easy fix or if it was intended. If it's a fix coming down the road I'll keep the FE's as I have them. If not  I hope that I can at least switch them out. Thank you.
Off-topic Discussion / Out of Context Dialog
March 31, 2019, 12:20:44 PM
Just figured I'd start something up. It's sometimes fun to take a break from the seriousness of it all and look at some words spoken by characters, npcs and the like and see how funny they are without the context. Like this one for instance.
Bug Reports / Web Wall Bugs - Earth Seam
March 31, 2019, 09:55:17 AM
Within some of the quests there. There's these walls of web that you're unable to 'reach' with melee weaponry.  Once engaging in attacking them it always positions you in a spot you can't get to them. Generally, we've had to use items/can-trips or something to try and get them down. Thanks.
He will be missed.