EFUPW Forums

Main Forums => Suggestions => Topic started by: Recklessfireball on May 16, 2019, 08:57:27 PM

Title: Tailoring the look of your characters clothing, armor, and weapons.
Post by: Recklessfireball on May 16, 2019, 08:57:27 PM
Perhaps most people don't care about this but, it's a big deal to me.  I thought I might say so, in case it's putting anyone else off from playing on the server, and they wish to add their opinion to mine.  Or, maybe you do play here, but would simply enjoy being able to more freely and easily customize the look of your character.  Customizing my characters manner of look and dress is part of what cements the character in my mind and helps convey the concept I've envisioned to other players on the server. 

City of Rings has many wonderful features, but it's terribly limited and restrictive, in this regard.   Also, the interface for tailoring (and switching your head) is quite clumsy and frustrating to navigate.  The way the camera swings around and zooms in and out while using the clothing dummies is infuriating.  I find this sufficiently off putting, that I don't actually want to play on the server, and have decided to spend my time somewhere else, instead.

FWIW (If anything).

P.S.  If it wasn't inherently clear, my suggestion would be to adopt a more robust and expansive weapon and armor tailoring system.  I think you would be surprised at how many more players might be attracted to the server, as a result.
Title: Re: Tailoring the look of your characters clothing, armor, and weapons.
Post by: Bong Serpent on May 16, 2019, 10:22:06 PM
I'm to understand that custom tailored gear is intended to be brutally expensive and that most people will wear ramshackle clothing/armour for the majority of their characters life.
Title: Re: Tailoring the look of your characters clothing, armor, and weapons.
Post by: Grouch on May 16, 2019, 11:08:05 PM
While I like to look pretty as well, I also like the gritty scavenger mentality that City of Rings is going with and I don't feel it would be appropriate if you turned your rusty kobold toilet pothelm into a epic looking greathelm or your barn door tower shield into a steel bulwark.

The custom armor making system is clunky but it's what we got.
Title: Re: Tailoring the look of your characters clothing, armor, and weapons.
Post by: Pup on May 17, 2019, 10:44:52 PM
If you go to options and turn off the 'dialog zoom' the camera won't keep jumping around during the conversation with the tailor/armorer.  As to the cost/availability of customization I can't speak to, as I haven't been able to play CoR yet.   :(

I'm also not up on the availability of dyes and dye barrels, which were my go-tos in the past. 
Title: Re: Tailoring the look of your characters clothing, armor, and weapons.
Post by: SovietGrowlithe on May 17, 2019, 11:20:27 PM
As someone who puts in the effort and groat towards custom armor on the characters I can say that you're allowed two enhancements which don't seem like much to most but they can be pretty tailored to your character's wants and needs. Furthermore I've found that you'll need to scroll through the -previous- options instead of next. To actually get all the available peices for things like shoulders, gloves and etc.

Most will tell you it's not worth it. But Style over Substance is what I'll tell you.
Title: Re: Tailoring the look of your characters clothing, armor, and weapons.
Post by: Dillusionist on May 17, 2019, 11:24:03 PM
You aren't the first to make the suggestion.

The 'look' of equipment as found tends to be important on EFU. Slime-stained plate, and goblin-shaman loinclothes, are sometimes meant to simply look as is. There are options in game to have custom plate and such made, though it is intentionally expensive.  EFU is in-part a survival sever, and vanity comes at a price.
Title: Re: Tailoring the look of your characters clothing, armor, and weapons.
Post by: Howlando on June 02, 2019, 09:24:05 PM
Switching your headset in the starter area should be very easy, there's a voice command you can quickly hotkey to flip through the available heads.

Switching off dialogue zoom takes care of the tailor.

Customizable gear is not ridiculously expensive for an established PC and is just as effective as anything else out there.

Freely modifying your gross goblin chains into epic looking plate isn't something we'll ever support.

Imagine the satisfaction of how it will feel when you actually earn the right to look cool, or have a look that no one else has through DM loot or whatever else.

I personally agree with style over substance, I just think for style to be meaningful it has to be earned.