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In-character Forums => Journals and Musings => Topic started by: Don Nadie on February 20, 2023, 11:40:40 AM

Title: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on February 20, 2023, 11:40:40 AM

[This is an assortment of writings that, with some generosity, could be called a journal, a notebook or a collection. The pages are sheer havoc: some are cut, burnt or stained. There is an absolute lack of order. Notes for tales and translations often have strange marginallia with (usually terrible) rhymes and some attempts at drawing. Sometimes, it does seem the writer gets distracted halfway through the note-taking to write something else.

Amongst this chaos one may find a piece of order: transcriptions clearly written with a slightly more careful hand. While still adorned with unnecesary attempts at poetry  and notes on how the historical record could "more interesting" if it included "giants", "sorcery", "romance" or "a talking turtle", these seem to be at least legible.]
Title: First Days in Ephia's Well
Post by: Don Nadie on February 20, 2023, 11:47:25 AM

First Days in Ephia's Well

The place is beautiful, after so much wandering... The people are kind, though maybe a bit too focused on making coin for their own good. Half the place seemed to be rushing to buy merchant licenses!

I began the telling of the Thousandfold Tale in the Well. It was so beautiful... After telling tales arround fires and camps, the Speakers Mound felt like the most glorious place on the Disc to speak...I also think I made a friend with D. Cherise. She came to my first telling of the Thousandfold Tale... She was the only one. That made me a bit nervous. It easier when you've got a crowd, because you can be sure /someone/ will like it. When there's only one person... Well. You either swim or sink! And I think I swam.

(I miss swimming. Going down the cliffs with friends, then climbing back up and laying beneath the olive trees to dry off. This place is beautiful, but there are no olives.)

D. Cherise said she liked it, and afterwards recited some lovely verses... Will include her in the Thousandfold Tale, I think... Though she didn't really say why she sang them. I think she must've lost someone. Many someones.

I guess we all have.
Title: Courier Work
Post by: Don Nadie on February 22, 2023, 09:13:57 AM

Courier Work

I have done quite a bit of running, from one side of the Well to another. Lots of people seem to need packages delivered! While not the best job, it does have its perks. You get to walk arround, and meet all of these new folks, and discover all of these new places. I have gone up and down the Eagle's Mount, I have stopped to enjoy the fountain of the Palm's Heights and the smells of the Souk.

But the weirdest thing happened, just recently.

I was in the Souk, and a man asked me to deliver a package, and to not open it. He was a little greasy, but seemed trustworthy enough! So, when he told me to bring things to a place called "The Creep", I agreed. Too many things cost too much, and I like learning new places. Then, it turned out it was in the Gutters, which I had never seen. Then it turned out the Gutters were the underground tunnels, full of rats, strange glassy monsters and bandits.

Thankfully, Sr. Benji was with me. A local merchant and also a decent singer, he sort of had pushed himself into being my escort, and gotten payment for it. Now, I'm not complainig, because when we were assaulted by a bandit, he refused to let us get robbed! Admittedly, we mostly won the fight because I, terrified, used one of my illusions to stun him, but...

I don't know. I still don't get used to seeing a man dead. By hand, mine or my allies. I know it is fine, I know I must defend myself. I just wish I didn't have to.

*The narration is interrupted with the quick draft of a little jingle. Perhaps not terribly thought-through, but certainly sincere:*[/size]

Oh, like the knife just so sharp
on the lowly goat's neck,
who was no, never asked
to follow the next step,
as its forced to cut deep
and to cut down a life,
there's no choice to be had,
so I guess it's all fine...

I just wish I didn't have to.

So, I got the Creep, delivered the packages and got some coin for it. I thought the packages were spices for the Creep, because obviously they couldn't have as easy access in a tavern deep in the Gutters (no idea why someone would open a tavern there) Then, as we emerged... Sr. Benji explained to me that, apparently, I had delivered...


So I guess that's that for courier work, because I certainly don't want to meet more robbers OR to be delivering bad things...
Title: Candidate Junior Secretary (Maybe?)
Post by: Don Nadie on February 25, 2023, 12:37:12 PM

Candidate Junior Secretary (Maybe?)

I've been looking for work. Travelling with adventurers and warriors pays. So does the public, when I do a Telling. None, however, pay enough for the price of all the songs and the expenses of living in the Well. And that is before I can even consider becoming Voiced!

So, when a woman called Jamileh declared in a Sending that her archeological company, "The Competition" needed a secretary to help transcribe I thought: why not? I mean, I can write! Plus, an archeological company means old things, which means old stories, which means more materials for the Thousandfold Tale! So I offered my services.

D. Jamileh adviced me to hide these notes within my other papers, notes for stories and other "silly things", she said. We do not entirely agree on what to do with what is discovered, but... I can see her point.

Caliphs, emirs and kings are rarely the heroes of tales. There's danger is seeking to understand what is forbidden, just in case it turns out to be forbidden for no reason other than threatening those in power...[/size]
Title: Worms and Roses
Post by: Don Nadie on February 27, 2023, 12:58:40 PM

Worms and Roses

So, I helped defeat some evil djinni summoners in the First Wheel. I don't want to sound whinny, but djinnis are, in fact, extremely scary and creepy.  And I still feel so uncertain, waddling in battle, dashing back and forth, and trying to hit something and not be hit... It's stressful!  I much prefer it when I need to stand at the back, where it is /relatively/ safe.

Still, we won, and I practiced a little.

The curious thing was that, as we were using magic to dispel whatever was summoning the djinni, the woman next to me whispered asking "The Wyrm" for power. Now, I'm not an expert, but I think the Wyrm is a bad god. But then, the woman seemed normal?

So when we returned and she praised by fighting and asked for a chat, I obliged. I mean, she hasn't been murdery, and also, mama always sayssaid I should be courteous to people.

"Please and thank you are the cheapest ways to help others with their day", she used to say. I miss her.

Anyways, the woman talked to me in the Krak. Told me a tale of how she was once captured by gnolls, her whole town razed, her to be eaten or worse... And a big giant Worm came out of the ground and ate the gnolls! She said that's what she worships. She also said that the Worm loved strength and that It had liked me. Then she put a rose on my chest.

I said thank you very much but I follow Warad. But thanks!

After our talk, I went to hear the Balladeers. They were drinking, sharing old tales. I had heard it before, in rumors, softly... But these veterans, how they spoke, stepped deep in memory and wine, of their loss... It was sad. The talked of how the Cinquefoil Rose risked it all, how they died, so many. How so many drowned, in the very Plaza, when the waters returned... And how the Janissaries took the victory for the caliph.

"The story hasn't ended yet", one said. I guess it hasn't.

And then, wordless, the Grandmaster emerged. She said nothing. She just took a rose and went to the Plaza. The Balladeers, the Sisters, the Banda did the same. Slowly, they walked out, a rose in their hands. And out there, the Grandmaster, an old actress, dropped the rose, for a year had passed yet again, since many lost their lives to make this refuge possible.

I added my rose. So did many. While the Janissaries watched, worriedly, roses piled up before the Pyramid.

The story, I suppose, is yet to be told.
Title: Re: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on February 28, 2023, 11:02:25 AM

Junior Secretary (Definitely!)

I delivered my transcription and got finally hired. Not sure if its because d. Jamileh appreciated my work or because she's just too overwhelmed to say no by her backlog, but I won't look a gift goat in the mouth! Working with The Competition is giving me a great chance to learn about ancient histories, and it's good to work with someone who values the truth.

(D. Jamileh and I definitely have a bit of different ideas of what truth can be - her definition being much much more exclusive than mine! There's truth in the record, yes, but there is also truth in a fictious re-telling!)

The Competition has some curious people (a lot of them). Seems like a few Izdu and Warad priests even, which makes sense. I've mostly ventured with d. Jamileh and the sras. Mari, Sana and Pirouette. Sra. Mari is real strong, but also a bit scary (I've seen her break a lot of necks with her bare hands - yikes!). Sra. Pirouette is great at magic, and quite kind! And sra. Sana is very talented, but she calls me "Other Bard" which feels a bit dismissive, but then again, maybe she's insecure? Maybe she needs that to not feel bad about herself!

Anyways, it's a nice little group to go with. We did a small expedition to the Rust Dunes and saw some strange machines in the caverns. It was /extremely/ creepy, so much so that both I and d. Jamileh forgot to take notes? I'll need to return soon... And I'll also need to learn how the heck to copy d. Jamileh's classification system which I'm sure is real smart but also a mess...
Title: Leaps of Fancy
Post by: Don Nadie on March 02, 2023, 10:46:48 AM

Leaps of Fancy

Working for d. Jamileh is great. We did an excavation into a strange water-logged place with the writings of an ancient traveller! And there were statues, too!

It was real fascinating, even if none was /terribly/ interested in my theory of the Sisters being somehow related to what the traveller described as women who imbibe strange wines and stay in mystical contemplation. I think it has merit! Maybe some local plant the sisters discovered, which was already used in Orentid times?

I'll admit it: these theories are not /extremely/ based on /a lot/ of evidence. But taking a big leap can actually help us reach further! And I mean, it's not as though I'm saying it /has/ to be true! Just that it could be!

I think that while something cannot be demonstrated, if two things seem to be related, even if they aren't, it means they may have something subjacent in common! Like how the metaphor of life and time as a river is common in places that have nothing to do with each other because it is, simply put, very appropriate.

Sometimes its not about historical facts, but about facts about the nature of people. I think, at least. So, what is there in this Well that led both the Orentid women and the Sisters to mystical contemplation via drink? That's not a worthless question!

[A smaller note]

D. Jamileh also talked of the person spying on them. It's scary! Need to -er- figure out what's happening there, and who are behind the threats...
Title: Dinari, dinari, dinari
Post by: Don Nadie on March 02, 2023, 11:42:18 AM

Dinari, dinari, dinari

Making coin is tricky. Specially when your boss mostly pays you in exposure and access to really fascinating and maybe only an itty bit heretical texts. So I'm always struggling for coin, because the songs of the Sha'ir are expensive, and maybe I also should work towards getting a nice Voice?

Storytelling does get some coin, but it is difficult to write a good tale, and to prepare for a great performance. So, I've decided to offer some services writing to improve people's reputation. It isn't glamorous, but writing jingles can be fun, and I'm good with crowds so... Why not? The Torchbearers hired me because some newspaper is giving them real bad publicity... And I can help! Maybe I can even figure out why the newspaper hates them... Put to some use all I learned trying to sneak into the granary at night!

For now, I started working in a jingle for the Torchbearers...[/size]

When you're lost (just so lost!)
And don't know were to go
when the dunes  (just so lost!)
are making you too slow...

SEEEEEEK Torchbearers!

They will find you the path
with their keen seeking eyes!
Evading monster's wrath
you won't be food for flies!

SEEEEEEK Torchbearers!

And when you're safe and sound
in our dear Ephia's Well
you will see many arround
their torch took out of hell!

SEEEEEEK Torchbearers!

So never doubt it (No!)
When you need a good guide,
Find yoursel orange cloaks
and be safe in your stride!

THEEEEEE Torchbearers!

Hopefully they'll like it!
Title: The Leagues
Post by: Don Nadie on March 05, 2023, 09:37:29 AM

The Leagues

I don't know what I think of the Well's government. It's all a bit too big, in comparison to what I'm used to.

Back home? We were too few, most crimes were very petty because there's only so much you can do when the biggest "wealth" is one goat more than your neighbour and when everyone needs everyone else to survive. So, it was all about talking and, in cases of really bitter rivalries, the mediation of the old women. And with really foul crimes, exile was enough.

Here there are riches and properties, and people who want to keep what they've worked for (or stolen, or inherited). There are laws to protect them. There are also laws to protect refugees from abuse. There are laws against necromancy and brookering, because those are things that can perfectly happen here. There's just always a lot going on.

I definitely don't like that you have to pay to become a citizen and have a say in the Laws. It feels like cheating: those who cannot earn money without help don't get a voice, so they don't get the help they need. On the other hand, it certainly is better than just being under the thumb of a Sultan's choices. I'm mostly familiar with Sultans and Kings through stories, but it does /not/ seems like they are reliable...

People divide themselves in three big camps, when it comes to politics, allying for clout and power...

The League of Purple are sort of the sultan's bootlickersvery dedicated followers (it's bad to be mean). They just think its great to have a Sultan. Heck, I think if it was up to them there'd be no democracy at all! Considering this is the same Sultan who betrayed the Cinquefoil, I think its a very silly position.

The League of Gold are mostly merchants. They think we should all be independent from the Sultan, but mostly so that they, the richest, would have more control and more power. They have tried to raise the price of a Voice, for example, and seem prone to disenfranchising others to concentrate power on themselves.

And the League of White is, in theory, most dedicated to the masses. They supposedly want to protect the refugees, and to give everyone a Voice regardless of wealth. And that sounds great! Complicated, but great! But there's the fact that a lot of their Legates seem to be a bit... Shifty. Some say that they use the League's good reputation to hide illegal or just extremely inmoral behaviour. I don't know. Maybe.

D. Jamileh says the whole system is corrupt, and doesn't want to participate in it. And maybe she's right. I honestly don't know... I mean, sure, it is not perfect, but trials are better than Janissaries just killing whomever they wanted, no? I think, at least...

Things were easier back home. That's for sure.
Title: Climbing the Mountains
Post by: Don Nadie on March 05, 2023, 10:43:40 AM

Climbing the Mountains

The Competition joined the Torchbearers and, led by s. White and a few others, we went climbing the mountains of the Ayyabas. It was... A bit secret, and very interesting. Less dangerous than I thought. More mysterious.

I dont know how to write the experience. I guess, it was technically boring. We climbed. We saw a few ruins. We talked. We couldn't climb any higher. We returned to the City.

But that wouldn't describe the strange silence. The presence that watched us (benign? unkind?). The way the clouds didn't move like elsewhere. The  strange fortress, with an architecture that didn't fit the climate, nor the style of any other local civilization. It wouldn't describe what's at the top, which we didn't see, but which some of the others described. S. Hayes had even painted it, though I prefer not to see it, so that someday I'd be able to stare in awe at the construction.

It was a trip in which nothing happened, but a lot was felt.

The stars do not glow
as elsewhere they shined.
The clouds high above,
are static and lined
with mysteries deep
by strange hand bestowed,
know not who built this
why they climbed this road.

I know just one thing:
I came from so low...
I've dared all the cliffs
an old world did sow,
and seen all your works
I know what I owe:
I've climbed to your home
and now I must bow.
Title: Research Woes
Post by: Don Nadie on March 05, 2023, 10:50:38 AM

Research Woes

I'm concerned about all we're discovering. I'm worried something bad will happen to d. Jamileh. We did one excavation in the quarry, an discovered one really interesting granary. Which in itself wasn't that important but inside there were these tablets... And the tablets held an account that was...

[There is a pause in the writing, something has been scratched with a big blotch of black ink]

That was fine and normal! Taxation! Buh, so boring! But a tale occurred to me:

Maybe once there were a woman and a man.
And, in their homestead... They'd need no grain for their bread.
For they drank deep and saw things.
Women of Orentes's court in mystical meditation.
Sisters, sipping their wine.

[The tale seems to have been edited several times. Large splotches of black ink stain some lines, so that only a few notes remain. No doubt, Alejandro has spent many an hour shedding more and more of this, as though... Fearful?]

Needs work!
Title: Dwarvenkind and Agaslakku
Post by: Don Nadie on March 06, 2023, 02:52:43 PM

Dwarvenkind and Agaslakku

Since d. Jamileh and the others of the Competition are usually more than the 5 it is safe to travel with, I've started adventuring a lot with s. Snorri, a dwarf. It got me thinking about all the different people I've gotten to know, all the races and ways of speaking and cultures I'm experiencing...

I remember when I was little, everyone was just like me. I can only think of seeing someone different once, an Ashfolk captain in a sailing ship, and how I and the other kids followed him, hiding when he turned to look at us as though his gaze would turn us to stone. Someone said that an Ashfolk's spit would turn you bald. It's... When I think about it now, I feel both warmed by how childishly innocent we were... And a little bit embarrased at  our ignorance.

Apparently, not every place was like the Well, and some of the refugees carry prejudices worse than the ones we had. The Torchbearers told me one Banda Rossa, for example, called elves "tree monkeys" and talked cheerfully about cutting them. As though they weren't people. I can't begin to imagine what that kind of feeling is like... Being looked at like that.

Anyways, s. Snorri... He is a sturdy man, loyal to a fault and very proud. He also also protective, and really kind. He's been teaching me a thing or two about being in the frontlines. Of course, I'm never going to be as good a fighter as him, but if I can be resourceful when we're in a pickle... That's not nothing.

Plus, he likes my songs.

And he tells interesting tales. For instance, he told me:

The Thousand Clans follow The Murderer, which is the name given to Agaslakku by the dwarves.
For it was partly to satisfy Him that the orcan attacked the dwarves of Kulkund, with the aid of the treacherous deep dwarves.
And His priests must kill to raise in rank:
A single man to be inducted in the priesthood.
And more, and more, as one raises in rank.
So that their higher priests have their hands covered in blood of those they've murdered, alone.

Which was interesting. It did... Fit with what a wandering Agasian called Cyressa told me once, in the Speaker's Mound:

That their lodges are everywhere.
That they are nowhere heralded or celebrated.
That theirs is a wild, secret faith, recorded only in the Book of Strife.
That they all know the pain of the breaking of the axe.

But she added: For there is no greater pain than to break things.

So I wonder if s. Snorri is right but also... If there's something more to their faith. If they consider and accept that murder is "the breaking of things" and is necessary.

I myself break things. Often. With Snorri, for instance, we've broken orcan and deep dwarves a few times. And perhaps Agasians (perhaps even the orcs we fell) are more at peace with it than either of us.
Title: Bard for Hire
Post by: Don Nadie on March 08, 2023, 09:09:05 AM

Bard for Hire

I'm getting paid to write jingles more and more often! It seems a bit silly, but I guess it makes sense: people need something quick and catchy to help their reputations, and I can certainly provide a good performance. My last job was a bit of a stroke of luck: I happened into a contest of gladiators right before the final confrontation. Since they needed some entertainment, I told the Tale of Why the Camel Cries, a little classic. It was well received, and after the contest was won, a friend of the winner paid me 400 dinari to write a song celebrating the winner: Atreus Loukanis.

I think I did a decent enough job:

Atreus! Atreus! /
Sharp blade of the sand!
Those who stand against you
do not understand!
For they've never dared
a blade, oh, so grand!
They're bound to their deaths
if they don't disband!

Atreus! Atreus!
You peerlessly strong!
You faced endless meleks
and held them for long!
When vile goblins gathered
for their foulest throng,
by thousands you cut them,
put end to their wrong!

Atreus! Atreus!
Gladiator unmatched!
Astute axe-wielders
were easily dispatched!
Ink-magics you faced,
its wielder fast dashed!
Resourceful, you caught him,
and then he was trashed!

Atreus! Atreus!
Your quests do we trail!
For against all odds,
you always prevail!
Your enemies know
they shall always fail,
that's why the Well
all knows your tale!

I performed it a couple of times at the Krak, adding some dramatic scenic trics to make it more thrilling. People like it! I think s. Brudon will want to hire me again. And, most important, s. Atreus was really happy about it (even if I had to correct his name because I initially called him "Atreus Loukans". It's not my fault Loukanis is more difficult to rhyme!)
Title: The Contest of Cosmoetry
Post by: Don Nadie on March 08, 2023, 09:26:22 AM

The Contest of Cosmoetry

I participated in a contest of poetry organized by s. Laremy. He is a priest of Izdu, and one of my favourite priests. He has a great sense of drama, always with that lantern of his which he dangles mysteriously for almost any and all comments! And with those Sendings he makes, where even going off to herd some goats is presented as a glorious chance written in the very skies.

The Contest started with a bit of trouble. He arrived late, and elected the Plaza as the stage, which was a terrible idea considering how much people pass constantly. Plus, someone was sick, which caused an entire little plague as people began to feel bad. Terrible! Thankfully, doctors worked their way and, after some advice from me, s. Laremy declared that the stars declared that the Krak was more appropriate! Good on the Cosmos!

The Contest was very interesting: participants had to wield a latern and to write poems about the Stars which also praised Izdu. I wrote a fun jingle, which I performed very dramatically, starting all sad and then going more and more cheery:

[What follows is a song with notes indicating how to play it with a mandolin. The rhythm starts ominous and suddenly shifts into ever-increasing, possibly obnoxious cheerfulness. Stage notes include "look all sad, covered in cloak", "reveal lantern, smile to the public", "dancing back and forth" and "smile, smile smile!". A bard reading such notes may detect the kind of energy usually posessed by youth pastors of Izdu, trying to teach children that the stars are as cool as gladiators.]

Such a fright in the night
when the darkness takes hold...
Even knight would take flight,
so I shiver with cold.

Trembling the cost of frost,
in such shadows embroiled...
I'm so lost... Just like most...
With my hopes all but foiled...

Not so fast! What's been cast?
On the sky does it shine?
What I asked for has passed,
the guidance is now mine!

There's egress to this mess
in Izdu's kindly skies!
What a bless! No more guess
of some black empty lies!

Such's the sign, clear like twine
from one star to the next!
Calculate sine and line:
he's left us such clear text!
Now rejoice in his voice,
in the firmament bright:
Izdu's choice was not noise
but the language of light!

There was a lot of variety. A Stonefolk joining last told a good and slow anthem. S. Mari told us a cute little poem not about the stars but about the space between them, which daringly praised Gellema rather than Izdu. Another man offered a very dramatic take on stars as Emperors and used fire elementals to give an eery light. A Nazarim called "Esti" wrote  a very serious, very stern poem about the relationship between math and stars. And a dashing elven swordsman wrote about not so much stars as [an akward stain, presumably from an akward pause] love. It was hotvery interesting.

In the end s. Laremy made us vote, each of us for one of our rivals. The math poem and mine got the same number of votes (2!) so we decided to leave it to "fate" and the flip of a coin. S. Esti won then, earning the price of a Voice! Good on her!

I'm a bit dissapointed (I'm saving for a Voice myself, and it would've been good to suddenly have all my savings for songs) but happy: it was a night of great fun! And I loved how much variety of takes there was on the same topic. It shows how fun poetry can be, bringing out all those many different ideas!

That said, s. Sana complained to me afterwards that the poem used too much rhyme. Which surprised me, because I thought it was obvious that my jingle had very strict rhymes to replicate the idea of things "written beforehand in the stars" (a rhyme scheme, after all, sets the "life" of the poem long before it "happens"). I thought it was appropriate, but if a bardess like s. Sana didn't pick up on it... Maybe nobody did?

Well, it was fun still!
Title: The Death of a Friend
Post by: Don Nadie on March 10, 2023, 09:38:23 PM

The Death of a Friend

[This entry is written with shaky calligraphy, stained with tears at some parts. There's a song, too, and some notes for a melancholic melody.]

Justin is death, and everything is worse for it. He apparently just... Transformed. Grew hideous wings. S. Koukol went mad with pain and attacked a Banda Rossa just as they took him to the Astrologist's tower. The Nadiri tried to heal him but discovered he was cursed. Snorri was with him. Apparently, Justin chose to die rather than transform or be exiled.

S. Koukol grabbed the body, to bury. She didn't want anyone with her, but she let me go along. It was for the best. If I hadn't been there, she might never have buried him. We carried the body, washed him. Then, we set up a pyre to burn him. She made a small figurine. I sand a song. A stupid song like an open wound.

And still, dumb as it is, it's the only thing that kept me from crying. The only thing that gave me the strength to convince S. Koukol to burn him... To stand up and start moving forward...

The last time I saw you
your smile was so bright.
Tell me, my friend,
where is your light?

As I saw you then leave,
not knowing you were gone,
I just thought: there he marches
my friend for so long.

You were flying freely
soaring over us all,
you were always so cheerful,
as though you'd never fall.

The last time I saw you,
you were happy and true.
Tell me my friend,
did you already knew?

Did you already knew?
Did you already knew?
That death comes some sudden,
Just out of the blue?

Just out of the blue...
Just out of the blue...
Tell me, Justin,
did you already knew?

[The next part of the entry seems to have been added a while later.]

I saw him at the market.

I said: "Looking handsome!", he said: "That makes two of us".

I can't believe the last thing we said to each other was /that/.

Title: Re: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on March 10, 2023, 10:06:25 PM

The Very Cursed Crypt

I'm feeling a little better, I think. About Justin. I talked, I cried, I took drugs with s. Hypatia. But weirdly, I think what helped most was... Getting in deadly danger.

S. Snorri wanted to explore a Crypt in Old Formoria, and I didnt want to be in the City, so he agreed to take me along. It was us two, s. Leiah, s. Kyana and s. Kypros. The trip there was... A bit scary (orcs of the Thousand Clans are nothing to sneeze at) but more or less uneventful. But then, we got to the Crypt.

Walls moved. Undead walked. Traps and pillars of negative energy and cursed magics everywhere. There were even... People... But... I don't even know if I dare to put my theories down here. It was hideous. It was scary. People got wounded. I almost died. A strange, enormous creature who seemed to meld in and out of shadows, attacked me from nowhere, and I held her best I could and ran from her, and did my best to survive.

I read... Texts... I need to write, and a lot, for d. Jamileh.  Ancient mysteries. Strange discoveries.

It was even stupid. At one point, a summoned rat /saved us/ from the biggest [a big scratch of ink, as though covering whatever he wrote.]

I feared for my life. For my friend's life. I discovered things. I endured with effort and luck.

I felt more lively, at least. I did not find great treasure... But I came back with a Tale. I shall tell it, soon enough.
Title: The Tales of Others
Post by: Don Nadie on March 12, 2023, 09:41:40 AM

The Tales of Others

I offended d. Jamileh, and I feel a little bad about it.

I had written the fourth telling of the Thousandfold Tale. For a long time, I had the general jist of it: two rivals learn to respect and love each other. Initially, it was just your run of the mill tale of misplaced hatred, but I thought it'd be funny to make it a little tease about d. Jamileh and s. Naelin, who are always bickering like an old married couple.

That's what offended her. That I teased her, in public. "You don't know what I've endured to be were I'm at", she told me. She was almost seething. I was reminded of what s. Snorri told me, too, when I asked him if I could talk about the Fall of the Dwarven halls of Kulkund... He asked whether the elder had told me the tale because he wanted to, or because I caught him at a weak moment... And what did that tell me about my right to tell that story.

It is... True. I think in my eagerness to tell tales, maybe I sometimes treat people as set-pieces, or characters... Rather than real people, with real feelins about their story, or their likeness, being used in a public tale.

I still think the Tale of the Two Rivals is a good one. But the tease was clearly a bad idea. The worst thing is, as I wrote it, it became less and less important: the moral of how much we can learn from those with different skills and attitudes made me think of how much I had learnt from d. Jamileh's thoroughness. "A weaver of certainty", I called her alter-ego. "Someone who ensures the past survives through discipline and intellect". Those are all things to admire, and things that she's taught me.

So I'll apologize. And, in the published version, I'll change the names.

A tease between friends is only funny when they like it.
Title: Balladeer at Last
Post by: Don Nadie on March 12, 2023, 10:08:48 AM

Balladeer at Last

I am a Student of the Balladeers!

Truth be told, I didn't doubt it would happen. I am - of this I'm certan - one of the best and best known performers in the Well... But I think I spent too long working on my "not-to-be-published" sort of thesis on Old Formoria. I woke up asleep atop a pile of transcriptions, only to learn that the Lyricist had called for /storytellers/! And I failed to attend the call!

Apparently, a few people had been selected: Edha, Velan, Lynneth, Aubrey and Palamon. Truth be told, while all are respectable, the only one of them whose art I had seen was Edha. Sana was apparently a bit annoyed at having been left aside, considering not one of those chosen was able to play a single instrument. But I think, like me, she had no doubts she'd get in. It was just a matter of time.

It took a few days, but when rumor finally spread that the Balladeers were accepting new students, I just set off to hunt for a recommendation. S. Lynneth didn't have enough time, and s. Aubrey said she wouldn't recommend anyone she didn't knew personally (I guess she didn't think she knew me well enough!).

So, after witnessing a little barfight, I accompanied s. Velan and s. Felix, the second of whom also wanted to apply, and listened to his interview. It included a re-telling of our experience in Mt Kulkund, one which ended with s. Velan wounded and us carrying his body back to the Well after defeating those who fell him. In s. Felix's re-telling, s. Velan just defeated everyone... Which, well. I'm all for massaging facts, but it should be for the moral or the message... For the /story/ itself... Not for a man's reputation and ego!

Anyways, when it was my turn, it turned out s. Velan expected me to impress him with a tale or other artform about his person.

Obviously, I told him that was not going to happen. I can make jingles and praises as work, for coin... But to weave a Tale is an Art, and I'd disrespect myself and the Balladeers by improvising something on such mercenary terms. Either he does something to actually cause a lasting impression, or he doesn't get in. I'm not going to... Massage the truth. Honestly, that seemed like the worst way to judge a candidate, based not on their Art or aims, but on /yours/.

Anyways, Felix asked me to tell him a tale that would make him cry. And I went on and improvised the tale I already had woven in my heart, even if the words were... Not written. The Tale of the Handsome Fool. About Justin.

He cried. I got in. I have to make a few changes over what I improvised, but it... It will be a good Tale.

I'm not sure black suits me. But the message and goal of the Balladeers? Clinging to hope through Art?

That does.

[A little jingle is added at the bottom. Notation indicates it is cheerful, fast-paced and probably quite catchy, both a battle and a tavern song]

There's a tale in the Well
that's too sad to behold,
yet its swell to try spell
what no caliph can stall.

When you stand with the Band
in their own verdant stage,
all the sand in this land
can't hide cup from the page.

Do not sell to the fell,
hold your hope and be bold!
Hear the bell, break your shell!
The tale's yet to be told!
Title: The Games
Post by: Don Nadie on March 19, 2023, 10:45:29 AM

The Games

Well, I had an exciting and dissapointing day, both.

I rose full of enthusiasm, because it was to be the day of the Great Games. I was even more excited when /Airships/ came, and from them three /Princesses/ descended. It was like a fairytale: Three Princesses, each equal in beauty yet different in personality. They even wore distinct but matching togas! Truly a delight! I was ready to have them fall in love with someone, or be kidnapped by an evil warlock (I guess I should be thankful this last one didn't happen at all!)

Then, we went to the Games. After a little talking, the Whites began asking for more to join their team in the big Melee. The Purples were full of grand warriors and wizards, while Legate John Syter was offering coin for people to inflate the ranks of the Gold. As the Whites argued to just have fun and play, I decided to join them. Why not?

So I fought for them, and lost, twice. Badly. It was really hard, seeing as I could barely react in the midsts of battle, we were less people and we had less experienced fighters. I am a terrible fighter if I dont manage to react and be tricksy! And even then, I'm not /that/ good. Still, I guess we didn't do too badly, and I was in a good mood, congratulating the victors and so on...

And my mood started souring when it turned out that some of my companions were being competitive in /a bad/ way. Getting angry at having lost, as though that meant /anything/. I started to realize that, for a lot of Leagues, these Games were not a friendly exchange between neighbors, but a chance to vent up frustration and beat up those they disliked. Some Purples were full of themselves in victory. Some Gold and White, bitter in defeat.

I disliked that.

I also dislike that I missed a performance by S/a Sana to the Princesses because I was to fight.

Anyways, then came the champion's fight! Some fell quick quickly, but S/a Fineweather, for the Gold, and S/r Atreus, for the Purple, kept dashing and slashing for /hours/. I was excited... Until I realized they were using /drugs/. DRUGS! So they weren't grand warriors, they were... Snuff-junks.

In the end, they were both declared winners together, in a display which was a little sweet and /did/ take /a bit/ of the day's bitterness away. But generally, not great. I wasn't... Thrilled at how things developed. At least the jingle I was paid to write (another 400 dinari! Even if I had to set my foot down a bit on S/r Brundon!) became true...

[There is a little jingle scribbed on the sides. Apparently it is meant to be song as a tavern song, with the music being clapping or clanging of glasses on a table]

Tell me, oh stranger,
what's this about Games?
Why is the Souk
brimming with names?

Who is now destined
to victorious rise?
What name does fill
with cheers our skies...?

Who... But... Him...?

Mantled in purple!
Brave like a knight!
Raising his sword!
Dashing and bright!

Oh, gaze upon him,
who live in these lands!
It's Atreus Loukanis,
sharp blade of the sands!

Who... But... Him...?

Come then, and watch him
victorious like dawn,
soon to to win all
with guile and with brawn!

Come now, to see him!
You'll have no regret!
Atreus Loukanis!
The Games' safest bet!
Title: A sidenote
Post by: Don Nadie on March 19, 2023, 10:54:40 AM

[A little note, added almost as an afterthought to the last entry, written like a little tale]

Once, there was a very tall man with an axe who came to the games.
Bowed to the princessess.
Not gallant, not daring. Just respectful without being obsequious.
Said his custom was to attend these displays.
Oh, he was so very, very tall.
None dared tell him to sheath his axe.
Not even the Janissaries.

I wondered if he was related to L., but his skin was not pale.
Perhaps. Factions. Conflict. Uncertainty, even amongst them?
He bore an axe, unshattered? Shattered? None was close enough to see...

And so, after gazing upon the warriors and finding them wanting...
He left, dissapointed.

(Wonder why.)
Title: The Voices
Post by: Don Nadie on March 19, 2023, 10:56:15 AM

The Voices

I had a long debate with S/a Sephidra and S/r Velan, regarding the Voice.

For both of them, the less people who have a Voice, the more that excellency can shine.
For me, the more people that have a Voice, the more excellency is /forced/ to shine.
Right now a rich merchant needs little effort to have his interests outbid the poor masses. But if each pauper had a Vote, wouldn't the brightest need to raise? Wouldn't the best need to lead?

For both of them, those who have not done anything to deserve a Voice, shouldn't have it.
For me, only those who /have/ done something to /not/ deserve it, shouldn't have it.
How does a man not deserve the air to speak, the Voice to talk? How do they not deserve to tell their own story, choose their own laws? It is reasonable to take the Voice off of those who harm the Well, so why fear give it in the first place, when it'd be so easy to ensure no harm is done?

I mentioned my home. How all had a say, in our little village, and our all having a say didn't mean that the Voices of experience and the elderly were ignored. Reputation is a thing, oratory is a thing. Even if I followed their argument, that excellency is best for government, right now mediocrity is allowed to fester by lack of competition, and excellency is sidelined due to lack of funds.
They smaller the government, the easier it is to solve their problems.

Just because something is more difficult doesn't mean it isn't worth doing.

Are they /that/ afraid of getting lost in the mass? We evidently came to no real agreement, but at least knew each other better.  S/a Sephidra wants to promote a system of accessing Voices that isn't just coin, such as apprenticeships, and I can wholeheartedly support that, as a second best option. S/r Velan seems more driven by his desire for greatness that anything else. Which is... A stupidless inspiring attitude.

Anyhow, they asked if I was in a League. And I'm not. The Whites... What keeps me from joining is the horrible rumors about them...

I guess I need to talk with some of them. See what they respond.
Title: Accursed Nazaru!
Post by: Don Nadie on March 19, 2023, 01:13:22 PM

Accursed Nazaru!

Goodness, what an adventure! Terrifying! Diffcult! Impressive! Daring! A quest so grand and brave it shall be inmortalized in the Thousandfold Tale, whose knowledge brings wisdom and endless life!

But let's go in order...

It all began, as such epic adventures often do, when S/r Snorri came into the Krak cursing under his breath. Apparently, a foul Nazaru had dared taunt him, saying that many a dwarf had been waylaid by their tribe, and /eaten/! Needless to say, he sought to liberate them, or at least bring vengeance and ensure it happened no more. Needless to say, I offered my blade and my voice, for who could resist such a chance to do a good deed, to be heroic, and to aid a friend?

So off we went: S/r Snorri, S/a Sephidra, S/a Lynneth and S/a Sana. And myself, of course, shield high and blade sharpened.

It was horrifying.

Nazaru (which I keep wanting to call Nazuru, for some reason) are horrid little gremlings who, lacking in any magic, accept djinni into their flesh to obtain a semblance of power.  And so, they fight with malicious magics, odd ilusions and dangerous mutations. Most terrifying: on their death their very organs and hands seem to gain life, the djinni ready to use the opportunity to cause havoc and bring destruction.

It. Is. Disgusting.

So we fought them, in corrupted tunnels and dangerous caves, as cursed Obelisks blasted us with foul magics, in corridors filled with mists which made anyone within decay... We fought and fought. S/r Snorri at the front, as ever, his hammer sending Gremlings to their death, with S/a Lynneth fighting enflamed by the blessings of Warad. From the rear, S/a Sephidra pierced the hearts of their shamans, with Sana joining the song of her arrows with the song of her bow. And I tumbled and dashed, and healed and slashed, tricksy and beyond reach, an annoying distraction on the sides of the host, a healing support, a nuissance.

We endured the caves, but there was more. Deeper. Ruins. We steeled ourselves, as our spells began to falter, and continued.

Through ancient corridors and rooms we continued. Facing the most dangerous and horrifying djinni, leading with wicked grins their Nazuru troops. We dodged claws, endured spells, bested the Smokeless Fire, the Shineless Ice. And at the very end, we charged into battle valiantly, our arrows piercing their shaman, our brave Snorri enduring their spellcasters... S/a Sana got slightly hurt through a terrifying spell, and we all almost died at one point or another (it'll take a while to recover the Water I spent), but we endured and survived.

And so, we put to rest the Nazaru. Though it was too late for many a dwarf, they would rest in peace knowing they were the last to be waylaid. There was no great treasure... But there was a great victory, and a great tale.

Not many face an ifrit and live to tell the Tale.
Title: Orcs in the Ramparts
Post by: Don Nadie on March 21, 2023, 11:10:41 AM

Orcs in the Ramparts

I went with S/r Snorri and the Competition in another, new expedition to the Rampart Nusrum. It was quite dangerous, but Warad smiled upon us and, as we travelled forth, I told a tale.

[The tale ahead is written in an entirely different tone. Someone uninformed may well consider it a pointless draft]

Once there was a corpse.
Deep, deep.
Feasted on by ghouls.

Foul were the smells, the sights.
Foul was its size, its gnawed bones, the bones arround it, smaller.
So frail the bones arround it. So frail the corpse itself.
Broken, the big and the small, for size and might mean nothing to Death.
Together, food for ghouls, and ghouls, and ghouls...

Desecration! Said then a woman.
(Had she always been there?)
So tall she was. So very, very tall and so very, very pale.
To know: desecration. To seek: desecration. To exist with questions: desecration, desecration, desecration.

And so the steel clashed and the spells rang.
Deep, deep.
And there, for a moment, we all were food for ghouls.
The big and the small.

Needs work, but I think they liked it. A creepy tale for them to shiver. A fantastic fear to stall the very real fear of very real danger.

Anyways, we got there, we explored a bit. Then, as we were set to continue, drums rang in the air. The Thousand Clans were ready for us. We... Rushed back to the caravan, but the drums had heard us and, as we readied ourselves to leave, we realized, with dread, that the refugees wouldn't have time to escape.

Needless to say, we stood. S/a Sana, S/r Snorri, myself. All of us stood strong and true, for we couldn't let the innocents be hurt for our mistake. I've never been prouder of my companions.

What an assault it was! A large warlord, beastly greatsword in hand, shattered and slashed all on his way. S/a Leiah got knocked to the floor with but a swing, even S/a Mari, our mightiest fighter, got thrown to the floor in a couple of this monster's slashes! I myself survived (particularly after running towards S/a Mari to heal her without success, as the horrid warlord and myself were left alone) through a mixture of luck and fighting as defensively as humanely possible... Which didn't keep him from hitting me, mind you, just from obliterating me completely.

Thankfully, S/r Snorri managed to pick up on his followers while S/a Jamileh valiantly led the warlord astray. Then, with the aid of some vials, S/r Snorri faced the horrible Warlord, whom I did my best to demoralize while healing and darting back and forth.

It was horrifyingly close battle. But we survived. And bought the refugees time to escape.

That was good. It was well done. I just... Wish I was half as mighty as S/r Snorri. Half as capable to hold the line, and defend those who cannot defend themselves.

Praise unto Warad for returning us safely. Praise unto my companions, for being brave and heroic.

[A little note, added at the bottom]

It is... Strange to me, that he tells himself charity is wrong, but then acts with a generosity that, without his stubbornness, could only be called charitable. What do you call standing instead of taking the caravan, to protect refugees that have nothing to give you, and not a chance to survive on their own?

Then again, he also likes to pretend that he is not smitten with Princess Hashimaa, so I guess he is not the most prone to self-examination.

It is funny. A little sad, perhaps. But mostly funny.

I really admire him, regardless.
Title: Art's Price
Post by: Don Nadie on March 21, 2023, 11:57:09 PM

Art's Price

I keep working and working and working.

It's strange. I'm getting quite a lot of recognition for my work as a bard. I think I'm probably one of the most famous in the Well? So much money to be made from jingles for a product! From songs for a warrior! From sonnets for a merchant!

And there is a lot of pleasure in performing them, yes. And they pay for supplies or for songs, yes. But it's lacking. It's fun and interesting and thrilling the same way that using a sword is fun and interesting and thrilling. A skill practiced and honed, and used for a living.

But its not Art. It doesn't make the heart skip a beat, it doesn't hold the axis of the sky. No tears burst, and neither does laughter.

I recently made a sonnet for S/a Ophelia. I had been hired to do so by S/a Zaniah, since the merchant had, apparently, donated a lot for her games. I was meant to find something to flatter her, so I decided to make a sonnet extolling her virtues and choosing an animal for her seal. I choose the bee, because I remembered an old tale about how ants took but made nothing, and spiders made much, but only as a trap... While the bee took, but only to make something better it then gave for free.

A good moral. Hardly applicable for a merchant (even one as nice as S/a Ophelia). But a good moral nonetheless. And making a sonnet with it? It was /fun/. The way words twist arround and you must find the right one that fits just in place... I was happy with what I got in the end:

The insects we imagine assembled
As we seek one to shine in her seal
For though they all have appeal
We shall pick one Ophelia resembles.

The ant it is not for she gathers,
And shares not, miser to transform
While the spider, with wild abandon,
Its own substance merely scatters.

Let me state: Ophelia is like the bee,
She gathers coin, yes, but then makes
Sweetest honey she offers for free!

As it is, black and gold clothe her shapes!
And her wealth is for Games we'll all see!
Celebrate her: she gives what she takes!

It was a fun poem to write. And it did fit. And it did flatter her. And she does wear black and gold, which is what gave me the idea in the first place.

But it is so far from Art. So much closer to swordsmanship.

I do think jingles can be Art. Or swordsmanship. Or even (Warad forgive me) Velan and his onanistic self-promotion. Because Art... Art is like the finger that finds the string, the lightning that strikes the tree. It is two things meeting in such a way that something else /happens/.

It is the lifeless, pointless /things/ crashing with the heart and making something else. It is the soul expressing itself into matter, be this words, sounds, or objects.

I guess that's why I feel it is so important to set my Tale aside from other creative pursuits. I shall accept no restrictions to it. I shall tell it as I see fit. No coin can change that. Nothing can.

S/a Kythaella wants to forbid Shapeshifting in the Krak, when I think it'd suit my story? The Krak's stage is mine to command.
S/a Zaniah wants me to tell a Tale for Janissaries? She better accept she isn't getting to choose a theme or tone.
S/r Velan wants to hold a Balladeer recommendation ramsom for a Tale glorifying him? I'd rather never bear the Rose on my back.
No restrictions on the Muse. No restrictions on the Words. No restrictions on the Heart.

I'd tell the Tale in the streets. I'd tell the Tale in the Creep. I'd tell the Tale in the dunes, for none but jackals to hear.

Perhaps someday I shall have to.
Title: The Door
Post by: Don Nadie on March 22, 2023, 09:41:52 AM

The Door

[This entry is simply the draft of some Tale. The story is swiftly scribbled, the calligraphy indicating it was perhaps written in a caravan. Halfway between a story and a poem, it seems to be some kind of little fable]

Once, there was a door.
What a mystery it was!
For none knew what it held.
What it hid.
What it kept at bay.

Once there was a door.
Eager was its draw, and so many joined to open it.

And they travelled.
Hidden, they travelled.
Sharing secrets, sharing knowledge, they travelled.
And trying to pry it open, they knew themselves and they knew each other.
For words are shared under the pale light of the moon, when the drums of distant tribes beat the promise of death.
Words are shared, not to be shared elsewhere.

And once, the door was opened.
And behind it, two more doors locked, with two more mysteries behind.
And behind each of them, another two.
And two, and two, and two, forever and ever.
For each door is a path, from one onto another.
Each door separates one person from the next.
The more you know, they more there's left.
Title: The Coming Storm
Post by: Don Nadie on March 28, 2023, 08:33:16 AM

The Coming Storm

Once, a storm was coming.

We were showing the Acolytes the surrundings of the Well. Encampments, routes, beautiful sights. It was a lovely mission. After having spent way too long concerned about strange conspiracies, infiltrating the Creep in search for some signs of new betrayals, it was truly, truly lovely.

We walked, we shared stories. We got to the First Wheel.

How beautiful it was, the ancient oasis. The spokes of the Wheel, eight spokes and the ninth outside. The stones felt so ancient, so massive. Their illustrations... So worn out and strange. Who were they, these old gods that had grown so differently? Who were they, at first?

The small man with rough axe, still unbroken.
The woman, covered in bones.
The figure with the staff, the one with the tablet.
The two (children?) embracing.
The forest, the lightning, the maws.
The mist, the shade, the mist, the cloud.

"Who were they?", I wondered, as I took notes and set tribute. For they were like a distant echo of our Wheel.
Who were they? Were they angrier or kinder than our gods?
Were they more alive, more present?
"Who were they?"

The stones were heavy with history.

And then, it was announced.

Once, a storm was coming.
Like ash-lizards they ran, to hide into their holes.
And under the Shade which protects.
They ran, they ran, they ran.
And their hearts beat in their chests.
His heart, it beat.
As though it could stop at any minute.

We rushed the Acolytes to safety. Not knowing when the storm would come. Not willing to take the risk. We had to keep them safe, after all, that was our duty. The College protects the Sisters, who so kindly guide us, who so kindly minister to the poor and the weak. Instead of extending our expedition, I talked with Acolyte Leiah and Amelie about their charitable efforts. I discussed politics and intrigues with S/a Aubrey.

Time continued. I performed once again the Thousandfold Tale and it was good, the telling of Justin's tragic death. S/a Koukol cried, at last. I hope she found some peace. S/r Snorri joined, for the first time, and he too liked it. I think the song was maybe not a great ballad, but certainly a good mourning dirge. I think the stage-tricks worked. I think I ought to have spoken more slowly, but that is the only thing I'd changed. S/a Lynneth was impressed. I was happy about that.

The days slid slowly, like honey. Dripping one after another, sweet with stillness, slow with expectation.

They called for help, the sages.
"To hold the Shade, we seek help"
"To hold our city, we seek help"
"Protect us", they said, "for none can hold, alone, the Sky".

So many joined. What could they do?
Fear is no excuse.
Dread is no excuse.

We were to ward them while they took measurements, for their magic would no doubt attract unwanted attention. Escorting them, in normal circumstances, would be an easy task, or even a pleasure, for to walk in learned company is a sure way to learn new Tales. But the storm was coming. The sky roiled with Ash clouds and the promise of danger.

As they worked the storm approached.
With every pylon planted, with every meassure taken, closer.
Closer, closer, closer.
(I felt I coudn't breathe. I felt my heart wanted to slip out of my chest.)
(I gripped my blade. My fingers feel slow, when I try to play the lute. I must have hurted my hand, gripping so tightly.)
(I did not notice, at the time, that I was gripping so tightly)

Fear, fear, fear.
There was the sound of goats in the winds.
Their terrified bleating, in the Storm, the Storm, the Storm.

"We have a duty to protect them", S/r Snorri reminded me. He was stern, but kind. He made my think of tio Paco. Of the kind severity with which he taught me how to properly kill a goat, when it was time. So that it didn't suffer. "We owe them that", he said.
("Don't!", he said. )
(That's the last he said, to me.)

I felt safer, shield near his shield, weapons raised together. I felt safer. I endeavoured. Even as the storm came closer. D/a Jamileh's arrows to wean down our foes, S/a Mari's kicking and punching like a whirlwind. Melek and lizardfolk fell to us, unfailingly. The Nadiri took their meassurements, so that only one pillar remained.

But the Storm came closer, stronger, darker. Fearful, we went into it. Our initial idea was to climb the mountains, but the violent winds drove us away. Scarred by Ash, we sought refuge in an ancient temple. We promised ourselves one last measure, one last pillar. There was a whirlwind of plans and counterplans, though we ultimately let the Astronomers make the decision. It was their work, after all. In the Giant's Road we planted the last pylon, we stood proudly.

The ash ravaged them, burning their skin, their eyes.
And from the clouds/sands/ash they came.
Horrid, lost, broken. Shimmering, within their eyes the burning ash.
Burning away the memories, the passions, the stories.

(Are the goats husks?)
(Is tio Paco a husk?)

Bravely, they fought. With magic and shield, they fought.

Riding on the wild wings, a song.
Of soft breezes rustling the leaves.
Of clear skies.
And the warm sun on their skins...
That song, a promise of better days.
And with that hope in their hearts, they fought.

We lived. We returned whole, with but a few wounds to lamment. No fatal accidents.
And the Nadiri had the meassurements they needed. Enough, hopefully, to make us all safe.

(Hope is sharp. Keep it sharper)
Title: The Storm
Post by: Don Nadie on April 01, 2023, 12:44:14 PM

The Storm

Once, there was a Storm.
Against the Shade, it roiled.
(Can such a thing have malice? It seemed to have malice.)

I hid in the Krak, so as to not see the sky above us, so dreadfully familiar.
I hid from the Storm until I could hide no longer.

When the horns blared, I joined the call. What else could I do? The Melek were coming, from their lairs, seeking to attack our Well while we were struggling. I had to overcome my own fear and fight,  raise my voice as the sand lashed against our faces.

We then discovered that someone, a saboteur, had attempted to breach the Shade by breaking one of the Astronomer's strage contraptions. Someone, someone in our city, had tried to kill us all.

The storm roiled and roiled and roiled.
A rumble, a threat above them all. Death, like a promise, rumbling.
Below, the fearful argued and intrigued. An Assembly was called on the matter of sabotage.

The Purple: distracted, scratching her arms, burying her face in ehr hands. Barely herself. Were was the proud woman with a love for scholarship?
The Gold: nervous, eager. A tad self-satisfied, perhaps. By his side, his confidant and magistrate, looming.
And the White? The White, on the sidelines. He watched and argued and argued. Vehemently, I thought. Like a man who wished to protect us all, I thought.

They argued, and argued and argued.
They were so scared.

The Assembly was long. Much was considered, pondered, called. The High Zenithar talked to the Assembly. Witnesses were brought and their testimony heard. S/r Kypros was brought to the podium, under suspicion of being the saboteur. He took away his helmet and we all saw his face, consumed, eaten away by some sickness. Many suspected him, many brought other suspects.

Then... Then S/ra Aubrey and S/r Heinrik spoke. "Syter's Slys", they called them. They brought up a conspiracy, accused Legate Syter of having framed S/r Diakos... And were proven wrong.  The letter, at least, turned out to be a falsification.

Had they been played? Had they been lied to? We had little time to contemplate the matter, because the Janissaries descended upon the Hall, with Sorazin leading them, and attempted to arrest Aubrey. Needless to say I took out my shield (though not my blade. It would've been disrespectful to take my blade out in the Hall of Speakers), standing next to the Cinquefoil. S/ra Aubrey, however, chose to go with them without opposing resistance... And I obeyed.

I went to bed. As ever, exhaustion took me. I only heard what happened the next morning...

The Purple: Vanished.
The White: Wounded by a dagger, unconscious.
The Gold: killed. By the same dagger as the White.

A poison in the long-gone dagger. A poison in the Legates. A poison in the Well.
And above, the storm roiled, and roiled and roiled.
Pressing against the Shade, seeking us behind. Like something hungry or something in love.

Title: Re: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on April 04, 2023, 10:34:13 AM


[A piece of paper is stuck in this entry. It contains a poem, appended to the beginning of the Tale. The calligraphy seems to belong to a Scribe, presumably a record of something said on the Bellows. It is attributed to Isabella Fitzgerald.]
[hide=Isabella's poem]
Beneath the sun beating; ash bites and tears.
Every last one, bereft of deter.
Eleven to praise; hearts valiant and bold.
Three to return, their story, one told...

A mountainous hearth; where auld memmories bade.
Through horde, cliff and earth; to retake what was made.
Glory and honor; every last soul true.
For our friends we weep... Every last of you.

Rest in peace; tender and heaven.
To the eight lost... Of Valiant Eleven.

Some day, this will be a Tale. The story of how we got to Kulkund.

Once, there was a scholar. She was as wise as she was kind.

We met the Elder at the Tablet, dwarves and their allies gathered for some conversation. It was dire, threatening. The Elder did insist that this could and would be deadly, that we better be prepared. Still, no dwarf was a coward that day and, for the sake of their History, they all chose to join the expedition. Four humans, too, were included: Zieghart, Victor, Leiah and myself.

A key was given. A strange, beautiful one.

And bravely, she dared the storm with those she called allies.
For not even the sky itself could stop her, where knowledge and wisdom were in the line.

We got to Kulkund without much issue, and entered the tunnels. Those would provide side-ways access to the Upper City, where we thought our destination might be found... Whatever door the key opened.

One of eleven fell, to the hungering spiders of the depths.
Unable to climb, tangled. He perished with the thought of his people engraved in his heart.

The Upper City itself was a battlefield. Orcan drums beat through its halls, small bands in their perennial struggle with the deep dwarves for the spoil of their treacherous alliance. We fought and fought and fought. Their number was so great... There were so many... And still, we forged our path ahead, even when we lost our first leader. Even when Victor was cut by the blade of a Bloodpoet. Even as an assassin skirmished while we crossed a chasm, even as we fought and fought and fought.

In her Wisdom, she called the very stars.
Lights from the upper reaches of heaven bathed the fighters.
She protected them, as she'd protected all.
For she was as wise as she was kind.

Beyond the chasm was a door. Intricate and beautiful, engraved with gold and ancient runes. They key fit in it. No matter the centuries, the mechanism barely clicked: it obeyed. Beyond it, another testament of dwarven craftsmanship: statues which, on glancing upon us, moved in unison awakened by ancient runes. We were forced to break them. Slowly and steadily. For they were built to last, to endure. The pride of artisans long gone.

We lost another to the statues. Like a pillar, it fell upon him. His death was swift, if nothing else.

When the battle was quietted and her magics could be spared, the Scholar took out her instruments.
She decyphered what none would have been able to read.
For she cared about History, and about her friends.
And with steady words she let us know of the past:

Of its kindness.
Of its honor.
Of its betrayal.

A last speech for peace. A last speech, cut short by an assassination.
She told it solemnly and in awe.
For she was as wise as she was kind.

Then, the steps of armor on the ancient halls. Echoing. Thundering.
A Senator of the Deep Dwarves. His entourage. His assassin.

He offered us to give up everything, so He'd get to destroy it. He spoke of ancient shames, of slavery under the Upper City, which may have inspired kindness, had he not refused of entreaties of a reasonable, peaceful solution. He really wanted to leave no memory of the High Dwarves, to erase them all.

We couldn't accept.

To protect the Past she fought. To protect the Future, she fought.
It was neither her Past nor her Future, but she fought.
For she was as wise as she was kind.
She was fallen. Last to fall, of them all. Killed by the treacherous Senator.


I carried her body through the sandstorm. I couldn't let her go.
I carried her and carried her and carried her.
She felt so heavy.
(How could she be so heavy? Such a small frame, she had.)

She was brought from faraway lands to her Sisters.
Who would wash her lovingly, who would lay her to rest.
She was as wise as she was kind.

I know someday it will be a Tale.
Title: Re: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on April 05, 2023, 07:29:30 PM

The White Worm

I was too exhausted, I think. I barely remember it all. I was there, of course. I was awake. Waiting for the burial of Leiah, I hadn't even washed the ash off of my clothes. Then... Alarms, in the air and in the bellows.

I was exhausted. But when the Acolytes ran off to find the danger, I had to go with them. I hadn't noticed before how they all seem like her. Their uniforms, their veils, they can seem, from a distance, to tired eyes, almost identical. As violence erupted, the very idea of them being hurt made my heart ache.

So I made my way into the Chamber in time to find the symbol of the Wyrm, blazing. In the Bellows, the voice of Diakos, once of the White, revealing that he was, in fact, a foul Wyrm-cultist. That he had been involved in all that happened. Zarat? Missing. Syter? Dead. Diakos? Behind everything. I was a bitter discovery. A betrayal, by a man I had thought noble.

I made my way to the Pilgrim in time to face the Melek. I think I raised my voice, and sang, though it escapes me how I even managed. And the sky was roiling and roiling... And the water of the snakes, staining the Well... It all seemed lost, it all seemed to be crumbling.

And then. Like a miracle.

The Ecstasic Terrace, breaching through the Storm.

The Sultan's Geomancers performing their ancient Arts, from above. The clouds finally parting. The sky. I had almost forgotten I could see the sky. I felt awe at the Sultan's power. And fear. And so much relief, as the Celestial Disk shone above us...

Then, I went down into the Well. With the Acolytes. For her funeral.
Title: Re: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on April 05, 2023, 07:59:49 PM

The Basis
The Grounding
The Thing

[This entry in the diary seems to include a lot of seemingly random drawings. The most notable is the drawing of an ear, the lines having been repeated over and over. Alongside it, the little text of a Tale]
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣴⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣦⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Once, a storyteller was scared.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣸⣿⡏⠀⠋⣠⣴⣶⣶⣤⣈⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀But he had friends. He had hope. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿⣷⣶⡄⢹⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀He had to have friends and hope.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⣻⣷⣾⣿⣿⣿⡟⠁⠀⠀Else he'd throw himself off the nearest Canyon.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠛⠛⠋⠀⠀He could be brave for them.

U s e   y o u r   e a r s

Title: Ancient Battles
Post by: Don Nadie on April 06, 2023, 12:09:14 PM

Ancient Battles

We went to the Nusrum Ramparts again. A big expedition, with the Torchbearers. We had many an old map and, though harrased by the Inheritors, did not want to give up. So, in a bigger group, with the Thousand Clans thankfully distracted elsewhere, we did our excavations.

Battlefields, mostly. Ancient roads destroyed by war. Ancient walls, breached by war. Ancient households, demolished by war. I can't even begin to imagine how devastating the war which the Colossi suffered must have been. Nor against whom. I only know their absence, their bones bleached by ages untold. I only know this was once a garden, and is now a desert.

It was a strange expedition. When I close my eyes, I can almost see that Wall, and the scattered bones of giants, of reptiles, of humanoids. So many people, so many kins...

So much destruction.

[A little draft of a tale is appended at the bottom]
Once, a woman was seeing things.
Scary things, shimmering things.
Things that took the air from her lungs.
(And we couldn't stop it. We couldn't save her)

Once, a snake spoke.
It spoke deceit, it spoke hatred.
It spoke temptation, and it was stomped.
For the Rose needs not tolerate the weeds.
(But perhaps some weeds are culled too harshly)

"I'm on the verge of maddness", she said.
"Perhaps", said another, "you're on the verge of Revelation".

Title: The Other Bard
Post by: Don Nadie on April 07, 2023, 09:57:50 AM

The Other Bard

She went to Luca Ferra, and she's gone now.

"She was happy", said Mari. "She loved it, when a whale splashed us with water".

I do not know exactly what happened. I probably shall ask, interview, write. The Rose needs to know, and so do I. For an expedition meant to be for treasure seems to have turned into many other things. A carnage, for a start.

"She got hurt", said Mari. "But insisted she wanted to go ahead, to continue, to risk it."

She's missing. The bookshop feels more empty without her laughter. The College feels more empty without her irony. The Krak feels more empty without her, tapping her own rhythm on the pommel of her sword, arms crossed, glancing arround with a mixture of irony and curiosity. There's an absence, another, all arround.

"I think she was trying to make up for Kulkund", said Mari. "She had been punished, she wished to prove herself".

She's missed. Her trust was hard to win, as was her kindness. I had found both. She trusted me enough to show me her performance, to let me know about it. I think I know who the song was for. I think I got to know a lot more of her than I'd initially expected, when she was just one more member of The Competition teasing me...

I wish I was still the Other Bard.

[A song is appended at the bottom, along with some beautiful notation for the Lute. The words are notes taken by Alejandro, from a live performance in the College of Balladeers.]

~My lady's eyes are like the skies~ A soft and sunlit hue~
~No other fair could half compare~ In sweet midsummer dew~

~My lady's eyes cannot disguise~ Her tender, gentle heart~"
~She cannot feign, she feels my pain ~Whenever we must part~"

~Now while I live I needs must give~ Her all my love and more~"
~That she may know I worship so~ This one that I adore~"

~And while away, I long and pray~ The days may speed, and then~
~I heart-ward hie, I flee, I fly~ To see her eyes again~

~My lady's eyes, each glance I prize~ As gentle as a dove~
~And would that I could tell her why~ I dare not speak my love~

~Too high, as far as any star~ Her station is to mine~
~Too wide that space to e'er embrace~ Beneath her I repine~
Title: Old Flames
Post by: Don Nadie on April 08, 2023, 06:27:52 AM

Old Flames

I've been thinking about the Inmolation. It makes me feel uncomfortable. I know that it was established by Vadh I, one of the most praised Caliphs, perhaps due to who his successor was. I also know that it remains in vogue, our current sultan's kin having been prepared for it since birth.

I remember I was puzzled, when I first learnt the term. Even more so, when I understood what it meant, that it was not a metaphor.  I couldn't fathom how or why would anyone do it, I couldn't stop thinking about my own sisters. The idea of something like that happening to them, for power, made my skin crawl.

And then we did an excavation.

Once, there were two brothers.
In the chimney, they were found.
With their hands entwinned, they were found.
Burnt to nothing, they were found.
Their tiny finger-bones still reaching out, for solace.

Vadh I started it. The one who praised Izdu as the Shining Sun. Was it once, so long before Zohjir, an acceptable metaphor for learning and Logos? Perhaps, once it wasn't quite so illegal but an[The speculation is scratched and cut short, continuing with something else entirely.] His son, the Dissapointing... We also saw remnants of his work. A tax office and, in the records, evidence of his caliphate's decay.

I feel I know too much I'm not meant to. And, at the same time, I know even less than when I started. Time turns and changes, and we read texts long rewritten, long re-read. So many layers of misdirection it becomes impossible to tell propaganda and record appart. Here, the Storyteller's talent may shine, for truths can be embroidered within a Tale. Truths can be shared within fiction. Hidden, whispering truths.

Once, there was a door.
Behind one door, another two.
Title: The Sublime Buttocks
Post by: Don Nadie on April 08, 2023, 06:51:42 AM

The Sublime Buttocks

We were in a gloomy mood, after some excavations, so we decided to do something fun, for once. We chose to drink, and enjoy ourselves... Participating in S/ra Zaniah's riddle contest. I am terrible at riddles. Snorri and Jamileh, however? They are excellent. Quick like lightning, and tremendously ingenious. Some of the riddles were excellent, some were funny, some were neat.

I offered my own riddle, perhaps less ingenious, but I loved the idea of everyone discussing its content...

Sublime and well-plumped
by feasts beyond count.
Well-rounded and pale
never touched by sun.
In ointments well-washed
since most tender age.
It sits now above us,
on Gardens so great!

It was, of course, the Sublime Buttocks.

When the contest ended, with S/ra Mari winning, another vote was given for best riddle. I am sad to say the Sublime Buttocks was wiped!

It was amusing. I had fun. I forgot for a bit of... Everything. And then, D/na Jamileh whispered to me: "Careful. You do not want them to notice you".

Danger lurks, I suppose.
Title: Re: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on April 12, 2023, 04:55:45 PM

A Whole Lot of Talking

Election season has begun, after the Princess so declared. Apparently, we have to wait for their Sublime Majesties to authorize us to self-govern, it'd seem. Annoying as it may be, I suppose it is a compromise which must be made... No member of the Accord would stand to win in confrontation, and none can deny that the Sultan saved our collective buttocks during the Ash-Storm.

The thing with elections, though, is that it means a lot of talking, talking and talking. And even more talking in the Bellows. S/ra Isabella, for instance, has put all her considerable energy into making grand declarations on the Bellows, roaring about this and that. She left the League of White to join the Purples, in honor of her husband, which in turn made me decide it was about time to officially join the Whites. I'll admit the rumors of intrigues and the betrayal of their once-Legate make one hesitate... But, on the other hand, things only improve when one does something to improve them.

As candidates of each League begin gathering their signatures, talking circles become impromptu assemblies. Apparently, we can sign more than one petition. Some have remained loyal to their chosen candidate, while others have embraced every single one. Perhaps in a display of compromise, I have chosen to support one candidate from each League, each a person I like most from amongst their competitors.

In the Golden it was Sol Auk. With S/ra Ophelia dead there was, really, no other choice. In general, though, he is an interesting and keen man. I gave him a lecture on humanoid artforms with D/a Jamileh and S/ra Mari which was informative to us both (despite the licking of a poor painting). Apparently, Stonefolk only like sculpture. The thing with Sol Auk, though, is that he is also tremendously ambitious and extremely astute, whatever his speech-pattern may make one think. His foreigness allows him liberties others lack. He could be an asset to the Well.

In the Purple, it was easy. Amidst a growing number of people obsessed with order and kissing the Sultan's behind, S/ra Sephidra was the most convincing. She cares about refugees, she cares about improving people's lot. We may not agree on everything, but I think she'd judge wisely, and her policies are appealing.

And in the White, it was also no contest. With the alternatives being S/ra Lynneth of the Balladeers and S/r Cyrille, the screeching, I barely had to wait. I did listen to them debate a little, which was a show of contrasts: the grace and patience with which S/ra Lynneth endured his assaults against the screeching, improvised policies of S/r Cyrille. "A chicken in every pot", he said, as though that actually was policy, and not empty promises. Where does one even /get/ chickens? The only ones I've seen are from mad herbalists!

At least something good came out of all this talking. As we waited for about two hours to set off, while every member of the Competition crossed with one or another candidate and were stopped, S/r Snorri asked if the Balladeer seeking to repair a mithril chainshirt was still arround. He wasn't... Which meant S/r Snorri repaired it for me.

Now I'm wearing a chainshirt, fixed by a friend and mentor, of the same metal that keeps him.

I'm... Well, it's stupid. I know it's dumb.

(But I'm proud of it.)
Title: The Buttock's Trial
Post by: Don Nadie on April 13, 2023, 08:33:50 AM

The Buttock's Trial

I woke up to an unpleasant surprise. Turned out that, while I slept, a trial was held over the most important matter: whether my dumb riddle was Treason.

Now, I knew the Jannisaries were exploring the issue. S/ra Zaniah had mentioned, and demanded on our friendship that I don't tell anyone my involvement. I had been interrogated myself, and danced circles arround the handsome Janissary who did the questioning. I was very clear that  not only was that a silly thing to investigate, but that it had happened in the Krak, and hence was under our jurisdiction. I never thought it would get to trial on the face of the whole thing's foolishness...

How wrong I was!

It seems S/r Zaniah decided to force the hand of the Janissaries, and, according to her, S/r Rennik was forced to bring it to trial by pressure from S/r Sol Auk - who is said or feared to have the Fourth in his pockets. The trial was obviously farcical, with the entirely of the public incredulous that the Accusation was asking Death for allowing a silly riddle to take place in the Krak - and not giving up its author. The screeching increased when S/r Velan took to the Bellows to encourage everyone to "admit" authorship, and talking about the Sultan's "ass".

Eventually, the Trial was dissmissed by the Princess. Presumably aware that such a trial was more harmful than kind to the Sultan's authority, she descended and dismissed everything. I have mixed feelings about it: on the one hand I fear it is stupid that she gets to just stop trials of our City. On the other, I also feel like the fairness of our justice was being... Held hostage... By idiocy. So I suppose dismissal was for the best. And it spared S/ra Zaniah of any danger.

I am also concerned that it was S/r Sol Auk's who pushed for the trial. Whether to hurt S/r Lynneth's chances, to hurt S/r Zaniah or to ingratiate himself with the Sultan, I don't know. But he certainly was the one to denounce. That's a worrisome choice, for one of the most likely candidates to become Legate...

That said... There's something endlessly amusing about all this. I wrote the riddle as a silly, amusing joke...

I was not expecting the Sultan's Buttocks to be in everyone's mouth.
Title: Re: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on April 15, 2023, 08:43:57 AM

The Slippery Pebble

I think we're all a little scared. Word of assassins, of Janissaries in pockets, of conspiracy. A meeting, in relative secrecy.

"Stay in the Krak", she said. "And treat the rest of the Well like hostile territory".  We all were nervous, sitting arround the table, while D/a Jamileh set golden coins on the floor, trying to draw a triangle within a circle. "I can't ensure your safety outside the Krak. This goes for all of you", she added. Nobody can say that the Banda doesn't know how to cheer up a party.

They were angry at me. At my stupid riddle. It saddened me, that misplaced anger... Why should I not do something silly and stupid, just because it was the Sultan? Why should I cower in a corner, like a little scared child? Instead, I was angry, too, at the idiocy of the whole thing. At the treachery of Sol Auk attempting to kill a woman over something so stupid. At the Sergeant, cowering under threats and giving way to a trial. At the City, which ought to be Just, using its systems to oppress.

At their thinking I should not get involved. Not mock that idiocy in rhyme and jingle. "That's how Tyranny works", I tried to argue. "It makes you fear its reach, and fear extends it". I tried to argue, but I still couldn't shake their fear for me, and my love for them. My original insults, more scathing, went limp. What would've been an angry song turned celebratory, of the Princess. More astute a maneuver, perhaps, and still far from what they wanted...

But a bit cowardly. And still a bit brave. I suppose one must deal in compromise, between friends and duty.

[Mixed in this entry are a few papers, with a long-form draft of a poem, with numerous scratches and notes]

It seems in the evening
while this singer slept
our Princess did save us
as our Justice wept.

A Sergeant who failed
a vile snake to choke
sought treachery again
in a simple joke.

More thoughtful than him,
I shall not be crass,
but Colmes saw treason
to the Sultan's... Dignity.

The streets wonder, though,
why did he pursue?
Seems Sol Auk denounced:
a Golden! Who knew?

Strange, one does think:
the may-be Legate
would seek, from a riddle
"a example to make"

Since when do the Golden
call death from stealth,
pursuing silly rhymes
instead of new wealth?

Since when do our guardsmen
obey his commands?
Is Golden their leash?
Where does Purple stand?

It's odd, I do fear,
that our Golden rock
would so seek to kiss
the Sultan's firm... Hand.

Sol Auk's silly intrigues
our wise Princess stopped,
Magister against it,
his "example" flopped.

Our slippery pebble
the Bellows then took :
"Wise decision this",
claimed the trial's cook.

The being who almost caused
our dear Zaniah's death
claims now to be against it:
all in the same breath!

Happily ends the tale,
of trial most silly
with Sol Auk kept far
for what he sought really.

Should you care for Justice,
my public, you must
remember this song:
the fool and the just.

For we, with the Princess,
in this stand aligned
against silly Sol
for the plump... Riddle.

[The jingle is a longer, and certainly more crass version of the song which eventually rang in the Bellows: The Princess and the Pebble (https://www.efupw.com/forums/index.php?topic=707163.msg750116#msg750116).
Title: Campaign
Post by: Don Nadie on April 19, 2023, 07:46:47 AM


This is getting tiresome. Part of me loves the energy and the rummor-mongering of elections, but even I grow weary of having to hear an endless parade of speeches on the Bellows. Truly, one almost feels tempted to put the chips aside.

Worst part is, of course, that you are forced to participate in it, too. The less you speak, the more space you concede, so adding to the noise both in person and in public becomes necessary. I've been making my own rhymes, and talking to people, trying to sell them on the importance of the White League. Heck, I've even added another little song:

A woman who hears,
to all lost, a guide:
Lynneth, Waradim,
takes the future in stride!

On White now she stands,
both patient and bold:
to channel the Voice
which belongs to us all!

Go talk, let her hear!
Go read what she wrote!
She'll stand for us all:
so go give her your vote!

Not sure how good it is, but I'm quite convinced Lynneth will be a good - if reluctant - Legate for the White. And as maneuvers continue, with Sephidra retiring after (maybe?) being poisoned or (maybe?) pretending to be poisoned, it seems likely that many will feel inclined to vote for her. After all, her substitute is none other than Cyrille, who has swiftly dyed his cloak from White to Purple just to get a chance. I doubt many will vote for him, which means that Lynneth has a real chance of winning.

So who knows? Maybe it'll all end well. But whatever happens, I hope it ends soon.
Title: Re: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on April 21, 2023, 06:22:18 PM

On the Road

Today was a lovely day, if not without weirdness.

S/ra Lynneth was just exhausted from all the politicking, so she decided that we all ought to do a frield trip. With S/r Kragg and S/r Delafosse, we set on to explore a few distant locales. It started well: clear skies, its infinite blue full of promise... And then got interrupted by the appearance of a poor woman in our cart.

I thought she was wounded or something, so I approached, while S/r Delafosse (who had apparently endured something similar) insisted that we don't tell her our names. I... Maybe should've thought more carefully, but I also felt the poor woman seemed in distress? Well, it turns out she was in distress inasmuch as she was a damm djinni! The wagon filled with a thousand, maddening whispers and I had to draw my sword but, thankfully, the djinni lost interest fast. Perhaps because we didn't say our names.

Despite how shaking that was, the rest of the trip was lovely.

Spring's Gift was a beauty. In the middle of the desert, a garden which seemed almost a mirage. How could it be so sudden, so different from anything else? It seemed something out of a fairytale... Which, to an extent, it may have been. One local said it had been a Wish, someone wanting to give elves a refuge.

[An abrupt change, as a story is noted]

Once, there was a Gift.
It provided Life. It provided refuge, shelter, safety. I sated their thirst for a home.
Once, there was a Gift, for someone, once, was generous.
And from the MisClouds, they emerged, fully formed.
Made for a life of meaning.
The mist, the clouds, the waters, the rivers. They flowed
Until they dried, too, with their garden.

From there we went to Bafnasi, which was a real pleasure. Such a large and nice city! And so... Familiar, in a way. I always remember, when I'm there, how beautiful the Sea of Pearls is, and how much I miss it. The rumor of the waves, its murmur, its secrets... It felt like coming back home. Except home is nowhere to be found. I feel like there is a word for the nostalgia one may feel for a place that makes them feel so at home it reminds them home is out of reach. Or there should be.

Anyways. Banafsi was interesting. Its history was quite curious (they may or may not have dealt with their Tyrants in a very direct manner). They had a lot of mermen and merwomen, apparently refugees from some horrors beyond the waves... Which I guess means the world is not only dying aboveground... And their markets were really full of terribly fascinating things.

It was an interesting trip. I left feeling... Both satisfied and melancholic.

There should be a word for that feeling, too.
Title: The Door
Post by: Don Nadie on April 22, 2023, 08:54:04 AM

The Door

[Another little Tale, quickly scribbled. This includes a rudimentary drawing of a tall statute.]

Once, again, there was a door.
And behind that door another two.
And below that door another statue.
Old history wrapped in code and metaphor.
They sifted through shreds of evidence.
And came to know an inch more than before.
And came to know the gulf of their ignorance.

Behind each door, another two.
Title: Dangerous Accords
Post by: Don Nadie on April 22, 2023, 12:18:34 PM

Dangerous Accords

She's been threatened.

They, of course, denied it, but she's been threatened.

I do not trust S/r Kergal, I do not trust S/r Oro. Even if S/r Alexander iswas an idiot, I can't just dismiss his claims. Much as I may want to. The fact that Alexander is dead now doesn't help. The fact we're doing what we're doing doesn't help. Alexander iswas perfectly able to make it up out of spite, to hurt Astronomers. Kergal and Oro are perfectly able to order an assassination, out of fear, envy or a desire for control.

Where does precaution end and paranoia begin?

What's the right time to be scared? And angry?

What I know is that the Astronomers seem to be putting their weight behind Sol Auk and the Golden League. It is likely that they shall become the single purveyors of archeological licenses, though what will happen to those who /already/ hold them remains unknown. We shall see.

At least it seems the Cinquefoil did... What it should: Oppose any and all powergrab by the Eagle's Mount.

The petals serve refuge
to friends in the Rose.
Keep those we want close
safe in dire deluge.

While starlocks gather
from all for their greed
the Rose, at the lead,
must their plans all shatter.

[The remainng of this entry seems to have been added at a later time. With worse handwriting, it is not unlikely this was written not on the table, but in bed... After much tumbling and turning.]

I don't know what I'd do if it happened, though. Nothing nice.

Title: Re: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on April 27, 2023, 07:54:35 AM

The Golden Victory

He won. Sol Auk, that is. Though it was significantly closer than anyone - S/ra Lynneth, among others - seemed to believe. In the end, it was a matter of five votes in the election, and it was only won because the Golden League decided to gift Voices to those who would vote for them. Eight voices they bought all in all. Enough to change everything.

Once there was an election: charity against independence.
"We must earn our own voices", said the Gold.
"All deserve a voice, like a gift", said the White.
And so they argued and argued and argued.

And when it came to voting, the Gold gifted their supporters voices.
For they were too few to win otherwise.
And hypocresy is the purview of the merchant.

Still. I call this a victory: none gave Lynneth a chance and yet the Golden League had to spend 45 thousand dinari in winning the election - and prove, for it, their own hipocresy. While this is a temporary setback, it will certainly come back to bite them.

Some in the College are sad and angry. Some are sad. I, however, think nothing of this defeat: a minor setback is just a stepping stone - a bit of conflict necessary to make victory all the sweeter.
Title: Re: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on April 27, 2023, 08:22:33 AM

The Steele and the Laws

A new name engraved on the Steele, over the markings of the Wyrm.

Sol Auk made a show of calling priests of the Wheel to argue which was the one most deserving to be engraved once more. Many priests, however, didn't bother: it was evident this was but a show, considering one of his closest advisors, the priestess Mari, was a servant of The Sabotage.

It was no surprise when, shortly after, Their name was carved upon the Steele. There were deals he made to win the election, and one of them was certainly with her.

Almost inmediately trouble began. Paper vanishing, things rattling and those who cursed the current Patron of the Well finding themselves in all sorts of troube. Things became even more difficult when an attempt was made to inscribe a Law: something meant to forbid the Accord members from running for Legate excluded (deliberately or not) the Janissaries. And in the void between the stars, They smiled with amused, as we fell into discord.

Now, I have some soft spot for The Sabotage, Them being the patron of poets and satyrists alike, and thus I believe it is idiocy to curse Their name. Rather, all complaints should be brought to Sol Auk, for engraving Their name in the first place. The Sabotage is not a deity whose attention you want to call, but one you ought to keep safely at bay, praying to avoid Their mischievous glance. It is Their nature to be a deity of whim and chance, and both the Legate and his voters should've known better.

Honestly, the same applies to Astronomers. Who would've guessed the man who has shown he is suceptible to bribe would be suceptible to bribe and betray them the instant dinari were set on the table? And now, they hasten to seek an alternative.


Once, a man took a snake into his home.
He gave it food, he gave it drink.
He gave it a place in his bed.

"Why did you bite me", he asked, as he died to its poison.
"Why would I not?", asked the snake.
Title: Re: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on April 29, 2023, 09:35:44 AM

The Beast of the Oasis

Once, travellers began to vanish.
So the Rose, the Mount, the brave: they set off.
For Warad smiles, when travellers are saved.

They found, on the road, hobgoblins.
Travellers they hunted, monsters too, for they cared not for their victims.
Flesh, flesh, flesh: that was all they wanted.
Fresh blood to spill into the waters.

And as the valiants made their way...
As they cut through hordes of their grunts...
As they duelled their greatest heroes...
The waters were dyed red with fresh killings.

"T-the chains are breaking!", screamed the Mouse.
And all could see it: in an corpse-filled oasis, a djinni of blood and waters.
Struggling to break free of its chains.
All knew, for a moment, the weight of fear.

Blessed waters were spilled, holy hymnals sang.
With wisdom and craft, the Nadiri wove their spells.
And though the monster pulled its chains.
And though is roar promised a thousand deaths.
Wisdom and bravery prevailed, and the djinni was trapped once again in the Mother's embrace.

And so they left. A tragedy avoided, but not all.
Hundreds of lost lives still littering the oasis.

Title: The Names of Betrayal
Post by: Don Nadie on May 01, 2023, 08:04:53 AM

The Names of Betrayal

Today was the first time I felt truly dissapointed by one of my fellow Balladeers.

We've had differences in opinion before. I was deeply annoyed when S/ra Mariet felt she could no longer be with us, and very angry when S/r Delafosse insulted the kindly Acolytes who followed - no doubt with wisdom and the best intention - the League of Purple. But those were, ultimately, disagreements of oppinion. A family can bicker, after all, and when everyone's passionate, it is normal to disagree behemently. 

But I was not expecting what S/r Aubrey did.

I found them by chance, by superiors in rank, the three sitting with D/a Jamileh.

Was it deliberate? S/r Aubrey wielding friendship like a knife? Past actions which ought to have been performed with generosity, turned into the coins of an exchange? She wanted her to make a clear alignment, to take a stance. I disliked that. I may wear the cloak, but she has fought hard for her independence, and a friend ought to understand that. Ought to respect that.

I felt dissapointed in S/ra Aubrey. In the rhetorical tricks she used. In the way she turned friendship into a weapon. I understand she's angry at the Election's results, but that is no reason to let go of the Ideals we ought to represent. Were I of a superior rank, I may have reprimanded her... Though at least S/r Velandis and S/ra Lynneth remained proper, and did their best to stop S/ra Aubrey from burning every bridge.

But I was angry, and felt betrayed by S/ra Aubrey. Were it not for the others remaining stalwart representatives of our Ideals, I might've been tempted to return my cloak. It was an unbefitting show.

And the worst was - [the narration is stopped, for a short draft of a Tale]

Once, there was a friend.
She was trusted with secrets.
Dangerous secrets, deep secrets. Secrets carefully buried in the sand.
She died. She was mourned, and missed.

Once, there was an angry woman.
"She told me about it", she revealed, "Your friend told me".
And the mournful could only answer with silence.

A knife, in the back, from the grave.
Betrayal from one long-gone.
Where goes the anger we may feel at someone dead?

Perhaps she was playing a role, S/ra Aubrey. If so, a painful role, a deeply offensive role. A role which hurt me, and made me trust her less.

Whatever the case, with our ranks and despite my lowly Student status, I must keep arguing the same:

Defeat cannot embitter us.
Darkness cannot scare you.
Burning bridges make terrible torches.
Title: Re: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on May 01, 2023, 10:19:59 PM

Finding the Cup

What busy days these have been. As the temperature increases, the Balladeers have found themselves raising the stakes in a rather fun and mischievous way.

First, a Janissary got very focused on litterers and their prosecution, so of course S/r Delafosse went on a littering rampage with his leaflets, while I myself wrote a lovely (and quite catchy) jingle praising their new role in our City: street-cleaners.

Later, pressure was put on Sol Auk after he legalized minor crimes for a night for those with a Voice or rank. Supposedly it was a test, but others (including other of her allies and S/ra Mariet herself) were not so sure. The "test" stopped after a day, with changes annulled, but not before the Princess had descended and a few people had, for the fun of it, done some amusing minor crime.

The day later, we kept pressuring him over his foolishness, using the disgruntled voices at seeing Gellema on the Steele to raise objections to his "one-Legate" dictatorship. I even made a poem on his "record", which I performed in front of him first, and in the Krak later. It was /fun/, such kind of revelry.

And after that, I went off. But as I was out and about, excavating, it seems new Elections were announced, and Rashid al-Rashid raised as interim Legate, to smooth things over. What I found fascinating though is that, while we had been busy mocking and running arround, in the next expedition I went to, we excavated a painting...

A painting of Ephia. With the Cup.

Once, there were a woman and a man.
And they were giants, and they drank deep.
Of the waters, the vapors, the fountains, the wine.
They held court, in a library, for their myriad children.
Smaller, made of their hand.  So eager to learn.

And the man held Scales, to give measure.
And the woman held Cup, to give life.

I'm not a man for signs, or for Fate. But I am a Storyteller, and I know a good motif when I see it. It is not insignificant, that after being distracted by politics, my attention is returned to the Cup in the desert.

Divine Warad, I wish I had some faith. But at least I know many of my colleagues do. This painting may cheer us up.
Title: The Shapes of their Absence
Post by: Don Nadie on May 08, 2023, 09:00:25 PM

The Shapes of Their Absence

I am left to do it.

D/a Jamileh is deep in her texts, and perhaps losing her mind. S/r Snorri is wounded and still unable to respond. S/ra Mari sees to have gone into the wilderness of the desert. Even S/ra Pirou I see rarely these days. Maybe its temporary. Maybe it isn't. Maybe they'll join Sana, Leiah. Maybe I've lost them too.

It's up to me, for now. I can't betray their trust, but I can't stop either. I must push forth, look forward and forward and forward. Just keep going ahead, until something happens. To stay in place is death. If you stay in one place, and dwell too much, and think too much, and fear too much, you end up throwing yourself down the cliffs.

Don't throw yourself down the cliff.

Instead, find it. The Foun[The word is scratched, and instead a word added in a foreign tongue]Los Cimientos. El Pajaro. . Find it. For them, who cannot. Use their lessons.

U  S  E               Y  O  U  R              E  A  R  S

And try not to look at the shapes of their absence.
Title: Her Lessons
Post by: Don Nadie on May 09, 2023, 12:53:44 AM

Her Lessons

Foolish, I've been foolish. But then again, that's my Role. But then again, I've been foolish.

I've been looking for El Pajaro. Wandering arround. I've become acutely aware of the amount of things I'm missing, now that she's gone. Her notes were thorough. I made the mistake of not joining in transcribing some things, where she could be trusted to provide the answers. And now there are materials I cannot crossreference, knowledge I cannot access. Partly, it is like starting again. But at least I have all of what she taught me, to help.

She taught me a lot. I've realized that, too.

I went exploring with Mae and Elle. It was a long trip, showing them some sights, protecting them. Using the tricks I learnt from S/r Snorri to keep danger at bay, to defeat whatever we found on our way. I felt reliable. It was good to felt reliable. Then, we were done seeing what Mae wanted to see.  (And what a pitiful sight it was, the wretched supplicants atop their snaking tunnels. I left them some bread. I know they'd do monstruous things, but I couldn't handle their hunger, their sores. I had to do them a kindness). We were gone, anyways, and it was too early to return.

"Have you ever seen the Valley of Wisdom", I proposed. I don't know why. She had promised she'd show me. The Valley. She burnt the paintings Sana made of that place, except the one I rescued. I don't know why, but I wanted to see it. So I took them there, protected them and, when everything was safe, when everything was done...

I translated the ancient glyphs and revealed, to my friends, the secrets of the Past. I discussed with them the implications. I revealed some, kept what I didn't feel they were ready to handle. I think she felt like this. Happy and proud at their little theories. And I translated most with ease. Her lessons served me. I wrote:

"Exhibits VW#1-6". She really taught me well. Perhaps too well.

"Someone has to dig", she used to say. So when it occurred to me I lacked the ability to cross-reference with those runes, when I thought that /maybe/ they held the answer, I travelled alone to that  House. I set the board. I offered a coin to the Seneschal and stated, openly, that I sought only knowledge, and bore no ill-will. I talked with him a bit. Asked. Maybe I shouldn't have asked.

Then I set to work. Slowly translating. Knowledge. Hideous knowledge that seems, so far... Entirely unrelated. Useless. I left, ran back, light on my step, eager to put some road between me and that place. And as the sun shone I feel bound to I stop on my tracks, a weight in my heart. What had I given? What had I left behind, for nothing? The clear sky brought little solace, as I thought of those long, long shadows.

Those runes taunt me. There's a weight in my heart. I do not know what I left. More than a tithe, I fear. I played my role, too perfectly.

But this was her lesson, too. Not to fear knowledge. After all...

Someone has to dig

Title: Danger in the Ramparts
Post by: Don Nadie on May 11, 2023, 08:00:59 AM

Danger in the Ramparts

I spent the past day tumbling and turning, my heart clutched by fear, by anxiety. Dread, like a ghost, haunted me.

I saw the Acolytes and the Banda meeting, by chance. By accident, as Sephidra took me to their fortress. I offered my aid to protect the Acolytes, as is my duty, as I /must/ do. They were clearly planning something and the Banda, without hesitation, asked me to leave. They were not rude, not for their standards. They were, however, exceedingly dismissive.

I knew the Jannissaries were planning something, and it wasn't difficult to put two and two together. Less so when, seeking distraction, I travelled to the Ramparts to help the Torchbearers and stumbled, repeatedly, on their plans. Boxes of explosives near the caravan, guarded by Janissaries. Janissaries fighting the Clans in the Har'Saf Valley.

I was anxious. I was anxious as I heard the battle and forced myself not to run to it. I was anxious, and furious perhaps as we got waylaid by one of those large orcan Warband, with a hero at their helm and Heralds praising Agasslaku and Blood Poets writing their foul Art.

My companions ran. I used my tricks. I won, and found them.

I was anxious, I kept looking towards the distant battle, knowing I wasn't wanted. I expected the Janissaries not to want me, for I strive to tease and ping them. I am not surprised that the Banda dismissed me, for they rarely dissimulate their contempt for the College. But the Acolytes not speaking out for me, it hurt.

Their silence, as I was asked to leave, reminded me of my failure. Of the weight of Leiah's body. She was so heavy. So heavy, so heavy.

She still is.

[A note towards the end of the entry, seeming to have been written in the middle of a sleepless night, like a confession.]

I was cruel, when I faced the warband alone. I cut and and cut and cut and cut. I didn't have a jab or a smile, I just did bloody work. One of their archers ran away and instead of letting him go, as I usually do, I took out my sling and broke his nape. I executed their agonizing leader, took his bearskin mantle.

I do not know what I was trying to prove. Or to whom. But the Banda didn't need me to keep them safe. It is I who lost an Acolyte, not them.

Title: Re: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on May 11, 2023, 10:22:13 AM

Balladeer at Last

My efforts were finally recognized. I am finally a proper Balladeer. It took so long... I endured so many times the question of: "Why haven't you graduated yet?" And while I always said that my heart wore the colors, long before my clothes were dyed, the part of me who is a performer can but desire recognition.

It is not a pretty part. I like to pretend it doesn't exist. But it is there.

The Graduation was deeply enjoyable. Lyrist Beauregard was exceedingly cheerful, and a delight of a man. Lyrist Alois asked me about the best poet in the Well and, before I could think, I said Amelie. There was a lot of laughter, and some honest anger on his part. (I will be the first to admit that he is a much better poet than me, and could teach me much, but I like the sincerity and stricture of Amelie's writing). There was applause, and there were cheers, and hugs.

I was with Edha, there. She, who decided to join the Balladeers when I told her of the ceremony, of the Tribute of the Rose, of the Tale Yet to Be Told. The same ceremony that made me realize I wished to be part of them, and write the Tale with my life and my sacrifices, if need be.

I drank the Drink, twice. I cheered for the Future we shall lead to, for the Past we strive to keep. Acolyte Zvada looked deep into my eyes, and shared her words, and her wisdom. And I am thankful for it, even if I cannot shake the weariness in my heart.

I felt the Drink's pull, but I did not let it draw me. I resisted, and I am... Glad for it. I remember D/a Jamileh's words, her concern. I wish she and Snorri were there, frowning and concerned and saying something thoughtful and tender nonetheless. I wish Pirou had a chance to hug me, and Mari to make fun of me. It was thick, and deep, and pleasant. I felt my mind wandering slowly towards darker places, I felt it. And I had to strive to push forward, to look forward, to move forward.

[A little poem in some odd verse seems to have been added later. It has the stain of a red dropplet.]

Deep, the pull of loss.
Elated, the cheer ringing.
Am I happy yet?

Title: Re: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on May 13, 2023, 09:25:47 AM


Once, a question was asked.
"How many secrets do you hold, to keep others safe?"

And the question was sharp.
And the question was pointed.
And the question was like a spear to the heart.

"How much do you hide, under that performance?"

And an answer gushed out, like blood off a wound.
"Too much", was the answer. To both.

"We'll have a talk", I promised, "with wine".
"I never drink while at work", she said.
"We'll have to cheer afterwards".

Title: On the Many Trappings of Pride...
Post by: Don Nadie on May 13, 2023, 04:44:37 PM

On the Many Trappings of Pride, the Pride of Excellency, the Excellencies of Ilusion, the Ilusion of Achievement, the Achievement of Misdirection, and the Misdirection of the Many Trappings of Pride

Oh, to be taken seriously! Oh, how the heart longs sometimes for the reputation of fearsomeness that accompanies others under the banner of the Cinquefoil! Oh, the snicker, how it pinches in the heart, how it tugs at the foulest reaches of the bard's psyche, who can but seek and desire glory! Oh, how the handsome Ballestriere calls the sling "cute", much as it has broken many a neck and saved his life! Oh, how the dwarf calls the dancer weak, even as his shield has held his frontlines and endured through the horrors of his forefathers in twice-tragic Kulkund! Oh, how the mace-wielder smiles, she who would struggle to travel where the explorer dashes and dances! Oh, being rushed out of rooms, as the Acolytes gaze silently and give, with their silence, their aproval! Oh, to be noticed by one's superiors, your efforts praised!

Oh, to be underestimated! Oh, how important it is to be hidden and unseen, so that secret work may remain secret! Oh, the necessity of silence, and joke, and misdirection! Oh, the feint which draws blade to the ground and not the neck! Oh, the illusion which misleads a sibilant army! Oh, the summons which occupy the bugbear horde as the trickster slips behind to cut the neck of their shamans! Oh, the hordes of the Clans, grunting through Old Formoria as the bard does his work swiftly! Oh, the ancient ramparts with ancient bones and the storyteller who reads ancient history, holding the rhythm of his breath so that it may match the boasts of the orcan just next door! Oh, how essential it is, when you lack the strength of the giant, to lean on their pride so as to cause their downfall! Oh, how essential, when you lack the roar of the lions, to have the stealth of the dunecat! Oh, to be noticed by one's superiors, and questions asked!

What does the hero want, if not glory? What does the rogue want, if not to slip away?

And what of the Trickster? What does the Trickster want, hero as he is, rogue as he remains? What is the nature of such feinting Archetype, and its Quest, and its Plot? Oh, the questions demanded of the storyteller! A circle it is, or a spiral, for it seems that it ever turns and turns and it goes ever-downwards!

Title: The Chat
Post by: Don Nadie on May 14, 2023, 09:41:30 AM

The Chat

We talked a lot.

We went to the Valley of Wisdom, as is only appropriate for a Balladeer and his cupbearer. She had never seen it, and I find there are few things more interesting than hearing people's reaction to knowledge. You can learn a lot about people from how they react to jest, to gift, or to wisdom. Hers was interesting: the tender, relaxed smile of a mother listening to a child relay his adventures. Even though she had never heard it.

I read to her the inscriptions, for she is far from scholarly. I told her the tale, too. That behind each door there are another three, and so it is with doors, and so it is with people. And she told meanother tale. About a witch. About the difference between deducing the future from the past... And knowing it.

We both understood the meaning of our tales, for it was clear.

The Sisters are old. Their wisdom is ancient, and so must be their archives. She sang an anthem and it burnt into my heart, for we both understood that knowledge is fire, and that not all are ready to handle it. She explained to me things. Small things, what she could. And I, in turn, shared what I could. For there are many secrets we have each vowed to keep hidden from all, and many things that make little sense, if you haven't heard of what came before.

Hours we spent. Hours upon hours.
We started at night.
Pra'jah dawned on us.

We returned, weary but wiser. More aware of our ignorance.

We both forgot about the wine.

Title: Playing Roles
Post by: Don Nadie on May 14, 2023, 01:45:06 PM

Playing Roles

[A little tale, accompanied by the rudimentary drawing of two masks.]

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⢀⣀⣤⣤⣶⣶⣾⣿⣿⣷⠀⠀⠀Once, there was a simple man from a simple town who was denied a simple life.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
⠀     ⣠⣴⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
⣠⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀So he made a new home, where he performed many a Role. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
⠀⢻⣿⣿⣿⡟⠛⠉⣹⣿⣿⣿⣶⣶⠟⠛⠛⠃⠀⠀⠀The Fool, the Scholar, the Friend, the Child, the Poet, the Guardian, the Teacher,⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
⠀⠀⠀⢹⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠛⠉⠉⠀⣼⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⣦⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀the Apprentice, the Hopeful, the Hero, the Singer, the Riddle-Maker, , the Courtier
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠛⢿⣿⣿⣿⠁⢰⣿⣿⡟⠛⠻⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣤ the Stranger, the Lost, the Seeking, the Page, the Explorer, the Swordsman
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣦⡀⠀⢹⣿⣿⣿⠃⠀the Waterbearer, the Scout, the Spy, the Cat, the Lorekeeper, the Mourner
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢿⣿⣿⣄⠀⠉⠛⠛⣛⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠀⠀⠀the Storyteller⠀⠀⠀
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠻⠿⣿⣿⣿⠿⠛⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀the Fool.⠀

Versatile, he was.
And perhaps he, or others, saw one performance.
And perhaps he, or others, hid many more.
For there are three doors, behind each we open.

"How long have you felt this way?", she asked.
We were in a locked room, warded, closed.
The smell of roses thick in the air.
"Since forever, of course", I answered.
"But it's been harder since Kulkund."
"The Cheerful Boy I once was, ever harder".
She has kind eyes. She just watched me.
"But I am a good performer, yes?"
"Why, I often believe it myself!"

And she sighed, and hugged me.
It is good, to be hugged by a friend.
Title: A First
Post by: Don Nadie on May 15, 2023, 06:57:42 PM

A First

Duels are, I fear, exceedingly horrid affairs. They always seemed so, from afar. And after participating in my first one, I stand absolutely vindicated in my impression. In a tiny circle, with no maneurability, wasting vials and supplies and anger and skill... Over pride.

Once, there was a Storyteller.
And he had a friend, he felt sorry for a friend.
He tried to cheer her up, for she was prone to melancholy and defeatism.

In truth, I do not know what moved her so. She had been increasingly bothersome since I Graduated. She would scorn me, tell me to wear a helmet, ignore me when I explained it was part of the magic which kept me safe. The magic which allowed me to explore as I must. "You keep hurting your arm", she grumbled. She thought I couldn't lead, when I got hurt.

Once, the Storyteller had some success.
And the friend grew first distant, then demanding.
Owed, she felt, obedience.
And in honor of past friendships, the Storyteller smiled and shrugged it off.
"She has it hard", he told himself. And she did.

At the tunnels, she kept asking for things, and I gave them. Vials, spells, trinkets. She was dour and unkind, but it was fine. But things kept going worse and worse. And when Hypatia and Lynneth left, she was angry and insistent we ought to go on. I didn't want to, and she tried to order me. Neither did Alfred. She kept calling me boy, and ordering me, and ordering me. I had to tell her she had no authority, and to let me be. She pushed. I may have gotten angry.

Once, things went badly. The friend demanded what she could have asked.
"You wouldn't survive my trials", the Storyteller said at last, in anger.
So she raised her fist. And, angry as she was, hurt a she was, she failed to hit.
So she drew her sword, and slashed.
As the Storyteller walked away.
Staying his own anger, on account of what remained of their friendship.

She followed me. She insisted. She kept insisting. And insisting and insisting. Until there was a crowd and she would not attend to reason. Until I couldn't say no, and had to follow her to the arena. She drank all the vials she had not used for us, used all the trinkets. She really wanted to hurt me. Eventually, I chose not to waste. Not for her, not for this. And she won, with ease. Perhaps she wouldnt have won with me trying harder, wasting more. Perhaps would have won regardless. It mattered little, at the time. It matters little, now.

The once-friend chose a little circle.
And fought there, and won.
And turned her cloak, for she was to leave.
And she scowled "What of your Trials, boy?".
Her tone was so hurtful. Once-friend, soured so.
And the Storyller said
wanted to scream.
"Do you think this is the Trial I meant?", he wished to ask.
"Do you think these trials of yours are a Trial of the Balladeers?"
"You walk from contract to contract, in circles, and know not what there is all arround you!"
He wanted to scream: "You have a little circle and call it a life!"

To scream: "I meant the Trials of Mystery and Revelation!"
To scream: "The Trials of Knowledge and Ignorance! Of the Locked Door!"
To scream:  "The Words in the House of Whispers, beneath the sands!"
To scream:  "The Star-Fire-Which-Burns-Wisdom!"
To scream:  "The Breaking of the Axe and the hand behind the Breaking of the Axe!"
To scream of foundations and mists and ears and birds and heads of stone.

To continue: "Knowing this! Carrying this and holding and holding and holding!"
"And hoping madness takes time to root!"
"So that enough can be revealed! So that you can pass it on!"
"So that the Trial is someday ended, and all Doors open and the Garden won!"
He wanted to scream and cry and cry and scream and let all in there know everything they were best ignoring.

But thankfully, he was an exceedingly good performer.

So he took a bow, instead.

[Exits, pursued by Dread]

Title: A Scar
Post by: Don Nadie on May 17, 2023, 09:05:35 PM

A Scar

She left a wound. A visible one. "Put some Waters in it for a few mornings", adviced the healer, "and it'll heal in no time". I was going to do it, to put behind this sorry affair.  But this morning, after throwing up, I found myself examining my reflection. The thin line of the rapier I gifted her, as a friend. She was going for my eye, I think. I must've dodged enough that the point of her blade instead pressed into my jaw, and scratched all the way down my neck. I slid my finger all the way down, following the line of the wound.

"A reminder", I thought. And I left it untreated. But I'm not sure what I meant.

A reminder of what, exactly?

Of gifts once given?
Of the trappings of pride?
Of the trappings of friendship?
Of my failings, of hers?
Sing, oh, sing!
Oh, merry Balladeer!
For the road ahead of you
is a road that's full of cheer!
And the ladies, oh...

They love a scar...

"You're so full of shit", she said.

"Indeed", I answered.
"As are we all".

Title: A mist
Post by: Don Nadie on May 18, 2023, 10:18:01 PM

A mist

[A little tale.]

Once, there was a merry band.
And they had suffered a loss.
Thus, in a garden, they sat to gaze upon the roses.
And soften their pain in the glow of each other's friendship.
And as they were chatting the hours away, something happened.
The Priestess seemed concerned.
And from nothing emerged Voices and mist.

And the Cook ran, scared.
And the Priestess sought help.

And the Fool was left, pondering through his knowledge.
Too much to be useful.
Or too little, perhaps.
But he whispered, in secret, to the statue of the once-king:
"Use your ears..."

The statue, however, remained deaf.

I was happy to be examined by Hypatia.                                                                                                             
To know I bear no wicked mark, after what I felt I left behind...                                                                                                             
In the House of Whispers, beneath the Sand.                                                                                                             

I was even happier it was this mist, and not another.
Another which I'd have to write in capital letters.
And which would hold meanings too deep for me to ponder.
Title: A Thesis
Post by: Don Nadie on May 19, 2023, 04:46:37 PM

A Thesis

[After the more emotional and poetic past entries, this one seems to be something closer to an actual journal]

I am writing a thesis.

If I have to be perfectly honest, I'm not sure why. I think it may be because I've been roaming and roaming. My own notebook is so empty still, it feels so untethered, in comparison with hers. I feel that I need to fill it with all that I'm missing, with the knowledge that I lack, with what I couldn't translate, with the secrets that she kept even from me. That's the only way to do it. There are vast gulfs between each thing I know... Such vast gulfs...

So I am writing a thesis. Because, as I see it, she was right. She always said she was proud to have taught us. There is power, and importance, in helping /others/ understand. And I have seen so much that I notice patterns, as they emerge. The kinds of texts that appear in certain language tell, too, a story. And people need to know more. So many walk blindly, knowing nothing of the world arround them...

Once, there was a merry Fool, roaming
      Roaming and roaming.
            Shining sword and high shield
                  A song on his lips!
                        Few challenges he couldnt meet or avoid,
                              as the mood stroke him,

                                                                                and if I'm always moving, I cannot be stopped.

"I'm so proud"
She used to say that
When she saw us discuss this and that finding
"You will be able to continue our work"
she said
"when I'm gone"

"Don't be grim!"
That was usually my answer
That, and a bright, bright smile.

I'll be dedicating it to her.

Title: A Second
Post by: Don Nadie on May 19, 2023, 06:05:29 PM

A Second

Alfred. My poor Alfred, my friend.

I went after him, thinking it was all a mistake. Thinking he was just scared. I cancelled my show, I ran through the sands. I ended up discovering he had just hid in the Palatial Pyramid. Things kept escalating, with that woman, with the Janissaries, with the idiocy of the Apothar Estellise forcing her way in. And I just wanted to scream for them all to stop, for a second, and to work to help my poor friend.

And then, when we finally got him to speak. He revealed a tragic past and a great sense of cowardice.

He attacked Cosine. He attempted to escape. He took for granted... What? That we'd defend him? Over the damm Accord, broken by his choice? He was evasive, he had been evasive for so long. Then I learnt it was his doing, that Amelie was in her current situation. His doing. He had told us nothing, just run away.

"You should've come after me", he said, "None of you did!"

A spoiled, cowardly child, who endangered the Rose.
Who endangered Amelie.

I took his cloak, sternly. I gave him some of my old clothes, the dashing ones I made for Isabella's date-auction. He looked very handsome on them, bearing those Balladeer colors. Then, I gave him a chance to walk away honorably, and he chose to be brought unconscious.

"You can take me by force",
he said,
"I'll make it expensive, though"

So I flicked my hand and made him fall,
for easy picking.

A trickster still.

Once there were two cloaks, folded.
Folded and waiting.
For they were a token of shame.
And moths nibbled at their fabric.

Title: The Prince of Fear
Post by: Don Nadie on May 20, 2023, 05:27:17 PM

The Prince of Fear

[A little tale, or the draft for one.]

Once, there was a merry band in Rose cloaks.
And for a party, or an event, they all joined in cheer.
Even those long lost to their rest or melancholy.
"To the desert!", cheered their Master
"To the desert, oh petals of the Rose!"
And to the desert they ran.
Where the skink looks deep into your eyes.

"I shan't go with them", she insisted, the Star, "for they are wicked".
And the Fool tried to humor it.
For they hadn't travelled, he and her, for long.
And this mission seemed ill-suited for the targets of her scorn.

"Spare me your wine and her whine", she answered, the Lion.
The Mountain watched coldly, brimming with anger.
Clearly it meant more  to them than the Fool once realized.
And though they did leave in the end, none were satisfied.
Not even the Star who had flashed, then hid again.

And hours upon hours upon hours were spent.
              Dealing with hurt feelings and broken trust.
                            And pride.
                                          So much pride.
                                                        Everywhere so much pride .
                                                                      Onto so much pride.
                                                                                    An eternity could be spent dealing with this pile of shit
                                                                                                  Where none could show the others an inch of goodwill.
                                                                                                               For the Rose they all said they served

Instead, Kragg shoot Elle
Ancestors spit on him
Hurting a subordinate to make a point
Shame upon his beard!
And shame upon me for thinking him better!

I think that is what convinced me I was wasting my time.
Trying frienship in the first place.

But foes were beaten, so that was something.
A tale to tell of a really big lizard, defeated. Yay!
And merry songs rang from the gardens.

Title: Tasks of Errantry
Post by: Don Nadie on May 20, 2023, 07:27:02 PM

Tasks of Errantry

[This entry starts with a little tale, written alongside the drawing of a dandelion. The entire page seems to have been made in a rush, in the sands.]

                                                            ,'                                           Once, in the sands, a woman was being hunted.
                                                    , '                      , '                                 Hunted, while the Rose fumbled with the pride of its petals.
                                      .  ,  .                       ,'
                             .  `  .    `  .  `  .      ,'                          ,'                   She was a brave woman.
                            .  `  .  `  .  `  .  `  .           ,'        , '                                 Braver than the Lion, the Star or the Mountain.
                            .  `  .  `  .  `  .  `  .
                            .  `  .  `  .  `  .  `  .           ,'     , '
                            \  \  `  .  `  .  `  .      , '                    For she was facing the Trials of Mystery and Revelation.
                            /  \. ` , ` .  ` , '       , '                                 With her eyes wide open.
                          / /                                              And her heart ready.
                          | |                  _
                           \ \            /` /
       _                   | |  __  /  : /  _ 
     \  `  \             | |  \      :        /                       She was braver than the Fool, too.
     _\  :  \  _      / /  \       :       / _                                       
     \      :     /_  | |  \         :          /                                           Three options, her predicament offered:              
     _\       :      /_    /     :     /  `                                       Murder, Suicide.                                
     \         :        / /   .  ' /  `                                                  Or an impossible battle.
        ` \      :  /      ' /``
`^^`^`^``^^`^^^`^^`^^^`^                  So the options were clear, and help was freely offered.

"Alejandro, peace. We seek the Pilgrim. Part of that may be /moulding/ those who may one day /be/ that Pilgrim. We try this, and sometimes we /fail/. It is right of you to take responsibility, but it is past.", she said. I was so grateful. She also told me to bear up the Well, to continue seeking the redemption of this world with all my heart. I shan't forget her wisdom, for some things must be above the pride of the Rossa and the College... And I, too, have my Tasks of Errantry to perform in the Sands
Title: Portrait of a Fool on Fire
Post by: Don Nadie on May 21, 2023, 11:17:48 AM

Portrait of a Fool on Fire

[This entry seems to be the lyrics to some tune, written windingly, like a spiral down the page.]

I was born to be so happy,
                        so my mother used to say,
                                         so even when Ashstorms took her,
                                                my smile wouldnt go away!

                                                It comes easy, bein' just cheerful,
                                though you must remain quite loose
            to set smile upon your frown,
for this joy can bear no excuse.

So when fire sparked right beneath me
                        and then flames soon licked my toes,
                                     was so focused being so happy!
                                                Didn't knew whose toes were those!

                                                While embraced by flames all over
                                   oh so merry did I sing!
                        For my lovers all now buried
are a joke that does not sting!

All my friends are turned to charcoal
                        and my house has long burnt too,
                                I still keep my smile so wide
                                                for this joy's the best I do!

                                                Wouldn't ever stop being happy
                                   even bearing many a scar...
                        Can you give up on your Art
when your Art is all you are?

So with hair a burning crown,
                        come and cheer my with me, my friend!
                                Join in ecstasy and elation,
                                                                        for at last it will all end!

                                                                                                Join in ecstasy and elation,
                                                                                                                        for at last it will all end!

I need a drink.
Title: Our Dakwar
Post by: Don Nadie on May 24, 2023, 07:59:59 PM

Our Dakwar

I started feeling much better, after I simply stopped caring. Elle brought the topic up and I responded that, while I had done my best and would continue to do my best to be cordial, I would not go running after people. My advice? Considering how often /I/ could make the same little scene and start making claims of disrespect? Get a thicker skin. If a fool finds it useful, so would they.

Useful, a thicker skin, to for instance take two dismissive reclutas on digs and care only about them performing their contractual work.
I've been doing a lot more digging, lately, with some maps I received as a gift from Zaniah and those S/r Marcellus put together for me. With the help of Elle or the Torchbearers to dig, I got to uncover much. I recovered some artifacts I had seen before, confirming the destruction and destitution the Colossi had suffered in their myriad wars. I was reminded of that strange stone, the one with the ancient writing. Their sorrows, indeed, uncounted.

But perhaps the most fascinating expedition was with the Torchbearers, Acolyte Hypatia, Acolyte Ianthe and a random assortment of tag-ons with nothing better to do. Our first dig was an Orentid alehouse, which didn't uncover anything particularly useful, but illustrated a few interesting things (among others, a prayer to The Sabotage, may They avert Their gaze). The second, however, was an ancient monument to Vadh I. And ancient and extremely revealing monument.

I had the stories of the caliphs fresh, since I had been working in the Tale of the Naked Caliph, and Vadh I, establisher of the inmolation, was fresh in my mind. That made it easy to recognize the scenes, the drawings. In a single instant: revelation. From those paintings I gathered what had caused the Desolation (a mystery in itself), the specifics of its workings, and how it was first solved. Plus how Vadh I managed to ascend, when there were three candidates with better chances...

I was elated, taking notes at full speed, helping others remember (or in many cases hear for the first time, does nobody use S/r Marcellus's library?) the stories of the caliphs. It made me so happy, to see things fit one within another, the veil of the past receding for an instant! I endure so many Trials of Mystery that a Trial of Revelation was a breath of fresh air. I felt like I did in those first few digs, with D/a Jamileh, and Snorri and the rest. The smell of the ancient artifacts, the sense of putting the world together from the pieces... It made me really happy....

Plus, we digged a bucket! I cackled at that, for it truly was... Well. Perhaps a sign. Our Dakwar, as D/a Jamileh liked to jest. Someday, who knows. Perhaps we'll find the real one.

It worked for Vadh, after all. He knew that, while others fought... Someone has to dig.

[There's a little note at the margin, made later at night, scrawled swiftly in bed.]

Whas it a natural occurence?
Or could They call it down?
Twinkle tinkle little s

Title: The Djinn and the Poet
Post by: Don Nadie on May 26, 2023, 09:59:04 AM

The Djinn and the Poet

[A little tale, accompanied by some notes]

Once, there was a Poet who sang of the Wyld.
And this Poet was kind, and this Poet was tricked.
For kindness can be a trap.
And a Foe sought to enslave her.

I promised I'd help. Her errantry deserved an answer, a call back, a show of hopeful aid. I forced myself up and out, I joined so many others who cared for the safety of the Well, for the safety of the world... And for her safety, too. Alfred was not there. Probably too dangerous, too tempting. He'd give It too much strength.

With many an ally, the Poet sailed.
To an island shimmering like a pearl in the Sea.
And with many an ally, they climbed to the top.
As their Foe innundated the path behind them with bile.

We got to the top, to the volcanoe. We were haunted by Its servants, those foul entities of flesh, and earth, and hatred. Such hatred and such hunger, I could feel it. Such hunger to be, because they are not. They would take our names, if they could. They would take our shape and our flesh and our very being, and burn it with ther eagerness to exist and be, again, dissatisfied. For life cannot be stolen.

We weakened them. We prepared the urn.

Atop the volcano they laid their trap.
And in it fell the Foe, screaming.
But as it fell, it grasped.
And as it grasped, it grabbed.
And so, too, was the Poet carried into the trap.

We couldn't just leave her there. It was not acceptable, and not a choice. We just laid ourselves against the urn, let the trap close upon us. So many of us. Kythaella and Kragg, showing the bravery which makes it so difficult to dismiss them for their cruelty. Estellise, showing the dedication which makes it difficult to dismiss it for her pride. Shae and Lynneth, as was expected. Orrin and Narwen, as was not. And Lojir, the trap's maker.

And Pirou.

Within the trap they fought.
For their Foe had hordes and they had one-another.
And the trap was twisting, and well laid.
And full of knowledge too forbidden to be pondered for long.
They refused deals or brooking, they refused cowardice.
So fire burnt in tight corridors, and they cut and killed and raised their voices.
Because none was willing to sacrifice the Poet to her Foe.

It was a hellish fight, in tight corridors, a meatgrinder of djinn-flesh. They summoned fire, those foul monsters. Fire. So much fire. We refuse to give up or to surrender. She refused, too. She healed and endured and then burnt all of the sudden and it took all within me not to start screaming and give everything up.

She was there and then she wasn't. She was there, living, and the she was burnt.

Sacrifices were endured.
One died, someone dear. And the Fool took a deep breath and put on his mask.
For roles must be played until the courtain falls.

I held it, best I could. I kept calm and steady, even as I saw her melt in those cursed walls of flesh. For heroes don't shatter in the middle of a challenge, do they? And even Fools are called to heroism, from time to time. But I was so deeply aware of my own voice as I spoke, so deeply aware of the Alejandro who talked, being watched by the Alejandro who spectates, being watched by the Alejandro who screams so loudly that seas would part.

Valiantly, upfront, they sacrificed safety for a chance to escape.
And they fought, and fighting, they emerged victorious.
And so the trap was closed.
With no more innocents within that those who fell.
And the trap was laid into fire.
For uncounted centuries to come.

We broke the runes, our warding, our peace. We fought and cut and weakened the djinn lord enough that it graps weakened, that it was /forced/ to let us go. And we left. We closed the urn. We threw it in the fire. The Drink was sweet, on my lips. Sweeter still on my heart.

And at courtain call, the Fool took a bow.
                        And began crying, because he had to.
                                                And he cried and cried and cried.
                                                                        For that's what was gained:

                                                                                                Heroism and a fistful of ashes.
Title: Pirou
Post by: Don Nadie on May 26, 2023, 12:21:12 PM


[A little poem, alongside the rudimentary drawing of a rose. There are numerous reddish stains on the page.]

The Pilgrim mourns you.

              Now, in the night, absence

                            weights sleepless in me.

            _ , - - . _.  - ,
          /  \ _ r - , \ _  )
. -  .  )   _  ;  =  '  _ / ( . ;
    \  \ '                    \ /     )
      L  .'  - .   _   .   '   | - '
   < _ ` - ' \  ' _   .  ' /
            ` ' - . _ (  \
                    ___   \\,                   ___
                    \  . ' - .\\      . -   '  _ .  /
                      ' .  _ '  '.\\/. - '_ .  '

Title: Lost in Translation
Post by: Don Nadie on May 28, 2023, 10:48:02 AM

Lost in Translation

The book has been finished, and shall be published soon. An Introduction to Ancient Languages, I called it. I felt something like that was missing from the shop of Al'Rashid. Something useful to those who were starting their research and had no idea of what all of those symbols were, what all of those unfamiliar grammars and words and signs meant.

It is hard, to translate. There's an endless gap of absence between the word in one language and the word in another. I am so familiar with it, bearing it every day since I lost home. I feel odd, still, "being" drunk and "being" dark-haired. The being of temporality versus the being of unchanging essence. Two such different things, which my own tongue differenciates and which Common, for some odd reason, refuses to acknowledge.

It is not that the meaning is missing. Rather, it is that the meaning in one case is implicit, a "secret seed", I called it in my writing. While those two beings are evident, there are such intricate weaves of underlaying meaning, such strange and mysterious undercurrents in every word, which ties them to another and to the whole language.

So much is lost, of those Ancient tongues. I felt "find you" in Piscean was meant to imply love, when I read it. I felt "one" in the Erugitic words of the House of Whispers Under the Sands meant more than just "two". I feel the underlining currents of "Water" in Colossi and "Territory" in the Low Formorian of the Thousand Clans, and "Brethren" in that dwarven speech. So much is lost and beyond reach, because we only have these tiny, tiny samples. Bereft of their kin, words lost and missing. I identify, I think. Out of context, so often.

At times I think that this applies to each of us. Each of us, too, have many a closed door and behind each door, three more, more tightly locked. The words I say carry within my life, my reading, my poetry, the other languages I know. They carry mistakes in translation and insights in eloquence. And so, perhaps, nobody can ever understand what each of us truly means, and all of our true sense, all that we wish to truly say...

All of it is lost, from my lips to your ears, in the act of translation.

[The draft of a tale concludes the entry]

Once, there was but one language for human and dwarf and cloud and cliff.
Once, all could speak to one another.
And ask as they needed, and receive as they wished.
So death waited patiently, and so did hunger, when asked politely.
While joy came to all who called for it.

Once, a man loved a woman.
Like fire loves the wood.
And, selfishly, he sought a word to call her "love".
And, selfishly, made a word for himself and her.
She did not like it.
Neither did the stone he usted to carve it, nor the bark he used as paper.

And so the bark made a language for itself, and the stone, too.
And each thing made its own tongue.
And nothing was able to ask anything else.
Each locked in behind the doors of their own phrases.

Title: The Once Nadiri
Post by: Don Nadie on May 28, 2023, 12:56:30 PM

The Once Nadiri

I may have been played, trusting a friend. Hoping it'd bring success to her, hoping that she'd be a good candidate, and offer a fair fight too. I paid for her Voice without hesitation, because that is what you do for friends: you help them and you do not care about coin, or wealth, or dignity, or what is most astute.

"The robes weight heavy", she said. I do not understand the whole of the issue, but I suspect it was part of the trial for her third and last Epoch. To renounce her candidacy in exchange for a chance to raise higher in station. I dislike such maneuvers, such efforts to cut her wings. I also dislike that I gave coin for a Voice which could've gone to someone more willing to fight.

But she remains a friend, I suppose. So I didn't hesitate to join her in travelling to the Ramparts, with the Banda. My presence there was an odd thing, bound by friendship and, to an extent, by pity. Alois had been satirizing Estellise, but had perhaps stepped over the line where satire becomes cruel. Estellise has many failings (pride and stubborness come inmediately to mind), but a heart aching is a heart aching.

So I joined. Plenty of orcs to kill, mysteries to gather. Not a terribly profitable expedition, specially considering that I neither got part of the coin the Banda got for their coffers, nor got to examine the magnificently ancient tablet which Mae uncovered. But hopefully my presence there was helpful. A friendly face? One can hope. And perhaps she'll share what she learnt.

At the very least it was fun. And a chance to fight alongside the Banda. Sometimes, one needs to show what they can do.
Title: Paintings
Post by: Don Nadie on May 29, 2023, 09:39:09 AM


I keep so much art. So much heavy art. It weights me down, as I run up and down distant dunes under the full moon, the horns of the Thousand Clans and worse ringing in the night. It truly weights me down, but I cannot find myself just dropping it or leaving it behind. There's such a peace, when alone, gazing onto beauty. Solace, I think. Stillness.

I gaze upon Her most often. She, who stands alongside Him. Such ancient work, so worn out by the merciless passage of Ages. Why does it call me so? Is the Cup, in which I can only belive when I have drunk Deep from the Drink? The ancient expressions? Is it the library behind them both, brimming with the promise of knowledge? The certainty that, in ancient times, ancient peoples I shall never know, too, dreamed of beauty, enlightenment and peace?

It just brings peace.

And then there are the other pieces I hold. The White Spear, wielded. The Tragedy of the Burning (Thousandfold are the pains of the ancient giants), and Edha's painting...  Of myself.

That one, I rarely gaze upon. I find it beautiful, but also somewhat disturbing. She drew it inspired by my re-telling of the Grandmaster's actions on that meaningful day, when I realized that I belonged in the Balladeers. She, too, was moved by my Tale to join the same. And I am... I suppose I feel dazed, somewhat, when I look at it. It is missing the scar, I feel as though I look much younger...

And yet, she pierced right through me. Right through my masks and my performances, for even then she captured my melancholy. The strange   mood that comes upon me, when  I am weary and I fail to focus, for but a few moments, on moving forward, ever forward, towards the future. It is a mood that assaults me most often, these days. More and more often, the more people I lose.

Hence, perhaps, why I gaze into my little collection. For there's solace in beauty. Beauty is, ultimately, what the Drink holds. It's visions, the things it opens, are sights of Beauty and, through it, of peace. I keep drinking it, now. It truly, truly helps. Steadies the hand, steadies the soul.

It stops me from screaming and screaming and screaming.

"You can live for revenge", she said.
And I do not know if I can.
I do not know if Pirou would like that.

But I drank, deeply. Such Beauty...
Title: Pride & Politics
Post by: Don Nadie on May 29, 2023, 10:20:39 AM

Pride & Politics

I do not know if I am terribly clumsy, or if everyone else is, and I just trust them too much. But when I heard Lynneth had stepped down as candidate of the White, after Mae did the exact same thing, I was /annoyed/. The League had short numbers, and I /hated/ the fact that our best bet was Estellise. The woman has her charms, but a politician she is not. So I stepped in. And later, when Zvada asked me to give her a Voice so she could step in? I gave her the coin. And I gathered signatures, one after another, steadily and without hesitation.

Now, as it turns out, that meant there would be a candidate of the Rose with good chances in every League. And the Priory does not like Sisters being directly involved. Needless to say many a faction felt extremely threatened by it, even after Sol Auk and Colmes's maneuvers had forced out many a good and decent candidate. Sol Auk was angry, and I wasn't going to indulge his silliness, but when Legate Al'Rashid /also/ expressed his dissaproval, and pointed that they /would/ forbid members of the Accord from running if we insisted on "packing" the Leagues, I began to be concerned.

Of course, it is silly to imagine the Grandmaster would order us such things, being as she is concerned with more important matters. But I understood that there is too much mistrust, and that the Accord and the Well are fragile things. Were either us or the Legates to push things too far, we /would/ have violence. And when powers clash, it is the People that suffer.

After much back and forth, a compromise was offered, a reasonable, if bitter one. Only a member of the Rose to run per election. It was a reasonable and acceptable sacrifice. Not ideal, but not terrible either. And the Rose needs to win an Election and have a Legate, prove that we are trustworthy, or chances are we shall get banned from running sooner or later before the third Election.

Both Legates prefered me. I thought, too, that I was a better politician. I can be persuasive and charming, if need be, and have no reputation of bloodthirst, violence or vandalism. Even my foolishness could play in my favor, as it did on the late Syter. I am better able to hide my emotions, to find what other people want, and bring it to them. But the Lion is Proud, is she not? She would not budge. She insisted she would not budge. That she was too pissed, that she would win. I stressed that we /had/ to win the election, and that if there was a /chance/ of her losing the primary, it was too dangerous. I insisted that /I/ was best positioned. But she did not heed my advice, sure as she was of her inevitable victory. She's a warrior. A stupid, thick-headed warrior, with skill and perhaps good intentions, but without guile. I recognize, in the Priestess, the trappings of the Trickster. And I fear she's gonna win.

Proud, proud Lion. If she fails, it's gonna take a lot of work, and a lot of charm, to undo her idiocy. And if she wins, I will have to sacrifice the League of White for the sake of long-term well-being of the Well. I hate the choice that was forced upon me. I hate that, once more, the Banda is too proud to accept my worth, or the worth of our College. I hate that the Well was endangered.

But I'd be a poor member of the League of White, if I thought I matter more than all else. I'd be a poor, poor member of the Rose, if I didn't put Its success above my own. I'd be a poor Fool, if I couldn't swallow my pride and take a bow.

So I did.

"A renowned scholar and performer", Al-Rashid called me. I was pleased by that. He is a terrible person, and an incredible scholar. I love him to bits. I gifted him a signed copy of my book, which he accepted and said he would treasure. "The Rose has done you ill", he said. "If poor Jamileh could see", he added.

I smiled. The aftertaste of the Drink, still in my tongue, helped me smile. "We scholars are familiar with the darts of misfortune, noble Legate". And he left, pleased with me, and displeased with my companions. If I can charm a member of the Purple League of such high standing, despite my cloak, I clearly have a better chance than any Lion.

But pride, oh pride.

I'll ready my pieces, in any case. And if the Lion fails... I shall pull all my tricks to work. The League of White, and the Rose, deserve it.

Title: Re: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on May 30, 2023, 01:39:13 PM


[Four simple lines mark this entry.]

Cursed Velan.

Cursed Banda.

Cursed day.

The idiocy they got to in the few hours I slept, compounded, begets disbelief.

Title: Stuppor
Post by: Don Nadie on June 01, 2023, 12:10:08 AM


[This page is stained with a myriad reddish spots. The writting is messy, perhaps written while drunk.]

Once there was a Fool who went to bed.
Having set up plans to regain what the Lion's pride has cost.
Alas, he woke up to betrayal and betrayal.
A slow uncovering of stabs on his back.
From those who said they serve the Rose.

"Tomorrow we'll see what the day brings", I told her.
I knew she'd lose. For Trickster knows Trickster.
But traps had been set.
And I was ready to fix things, if the world did not burn.

First the Hero, the elf.
The Balladeer who once asked a Fool to sell his Art like a Fishmonger.
And thus dishonored the Tale, the College and himself, all.
Who chose to emerge from his drunken stuppor.
Betray agreements.
And die.

"He had been in melancholic stuppor", I told him.
"Rarely emerging"
He clearly wanted to die a protagonist.
And curse us all, on the way out.

Then the Mountain, shame upon his beard.
Who had sold the Fool and pocketed the gold.
And ignored his entreaties for support now in return for support past.
Offering, at best, usury.

"I will expect bribes and deals, if you manage it", he said.
"If you want my help".
"But do it fast", he added, "Lest the Lion return to the race"
I froze.
"What do you mean?", I asked.
He shrugged.
"Things happen".

I didn't knew what he meant, not yet.

The Priestess invited the Fool to her temple.
And therein laid chaos and destruction.
For a Lion had rampaged within, and a Mountain too.
Lions, in their pride, make exceedingly sore losers.
And care not about what Roses they crush under their paws.
Nor about the People.
And the Fool trembled with anger.

"Sometimes", I admitted, I want to relieve my shoulders"
So she said many a thing.
Of love, of trust, of the future.
The air was thick with the smell of roses.
"I can't leave our Dream, for these dogs to piss on", she said.
And I cried, again, in that room.
Because she was right

The Fool convinced the Stargazer, convinced one Candidate, convinced one League.
And armed with his charms, and his bribes, set off.
To convince the Pebble.
Sacrificing, for it, much-loved Art.
And getting nothing.
For all arguments for the Rose were lost.
As soon as the Lion roared.
And the Fool wouldn't leave his flowers.

"The Lion's actions make such impossible", he said.
I had cajoled and charmed my way through.
"I'll only drop my cloak if the Rose betrays its principles", I answered
But hasnt it already?
Title: Three Prayers
Post by: Don Nadie on June 01, 2023, 11:37:59 AM

Three Prayers

[Three prayers, written in paralel.]

Oh Izdu, Oh Wisdom-bringer,
who bears the Steele,
decypher, in me, the meaning
and offer me Discovery,
dawning upon the dunes.
Withhold nothing, Izdu,
so that I may hold the Light
which disspates ignorance
and thus rejoice
in your Trials of Revelation.


Oh, Warad, oh Storyteller,
who weaves the Tale and the path,
bring me solace on the road,
and offer me Challenge,
according to my abilities.
Withhold nothing, Warad,
so that I may return with a Tale
much greater than myself
and return, too, greater than I left
from your Trials of Errantry.


Oh, Sabotage, oh Trickster,
who smiles upon the fools,
brimming with secrets,
bring me the Obscurity
which protects those alone.
Withhold nothing, Sabotage,
so that I may hide pain
from even my heart
and rejoice and laugh, instead,
in your Trials of Mystery.
Title: Rings and Revelation
Post by: Don Nadie on June 02, 2023, 04:14:10 PM

Rings and Revelations

[This entry is written in a careless calligraphy, numerous red stains on the page]

Curses on curses on curses. The day was so good, so lovely. We went out, we found many a thing. "Revelation", I explained, I declamed, and it was like being once more with the Competition, except this time I was guiding Portia, I was Jamileh teaching me, and Marcellus was watching and the Torchbearers were there asking about books, and Lynneth was there being knightly, and Zvada was smiling, all questions, and I felt so full, in my heart, so purposeful, because we found that, the Big One
(or one of them but not going to write here, no way, no way at all, that'd be stupid,
but the lion the life like the star which shines and twinkles and tells "let there be intellect" somehow
and it ought to be impossible and it wasn't.)
It was good and then we dug in Phor's tomb and it was also good, something new, something not beautiful, but important and Portia dug a coin and a mural and the coin had a cup and it was beautiful, so beautiful, to see the cup, to see it in the hands of someone who was starting and to smile to myself at her eager surprise, at her excitement, to hear the way she put one fact within the other I was so proud of her that my heart was brimming
"I shall not press you, Portia, but this is the Dhakwar, represented
And your finding it is Fate. So when you're ready, come to me and you shall be inducted as a Student")
I was suitably inspiring, I really was, it was nice, after all that horror after all that violence to feel hope and inspiration and comradeship, to be with a group of friends looking at the wide sky above and the mysteries below and the turtles smiled with the word of Warad, and then I got back and oh, oh gods,
oh Alfred, a ritual, a ritual, Alfred, and I didn't knew, I was the last to know, so I took a Drink because I didn't want him to burn but I could bear him to live and then Mari came for a meeting and then Elle came to speak of threats to us
and then Kragg came with Ahura, great, intimidating and insulting and blaming me for Velan who just emerged to die like his life was a game someone else was playing and Ahura was holding her mace and Kragg was calling me boy and giving  me orders and I couldn't fight them and I couldn't charm them and I they were boyboyboy like the fucking pirates used to
but that way lies ruin and I didnt want to think of that so I took another Drink because to think of that is to think of way too much I dont want to think about  and instead I think forward-forward-forward, the Tale moves forward and forward so move the day with my mind swimming in a tenuous balance between Revelation and Oblivion
and then another person rang because the Crow's Captain who may want to bed me or may want to kill me or may want to do both wanted to negociate so I was my most charming because I can oh be so charming and I tried my best and hopefully it was friendly enough but steady enough and then and then came then the next meeting, Shae, who wanted to be updated so I started listing and then
the bell the bell RANG again and RANG AND RANG AND RANG and I wanted to take that BELL and put it up someone's arse and Lynneth stopped me because I was screaming and she said that I ought to remember myself and she reminded me I had been inspiring and ideallistic in her hard times last election
and I just laid against the wall and heard them both and then Shae wanted to write a demand to the Grandmaster and I was to say you dont make demands of her, but the Lyrist came instead to remind us the Banda was horror and our mission was important but he went upstairs, too, with Lynneth, because Estellise rang the bell, and I had neither more Drink nor the energy to go upstairs and get another, so I went here instead and then I'll go to bed but I'll put wax in my ears to stop the bell.

Title: New Rule
Post by: Don Nadie on June 02, 2023, 04:15:21 PM

New Rule

[An extremely short entry, barely a few thick and strongly written phrases.]

New Rule:

Thou Shall Not Drink the Drink When Sad

Title: Eating Toad
Post by: Don Nadie on June 03, 2023, 12:52:17 PM

Eating Toad

I grow weary. The cloak grows heavy. So does duty.

"Comer sapos", se said, back home. "Eating toad". To put a polite smile as you swallow your disgust. Not letting anyone see that you're hurt, or angry, trying to restrain your emotions for the sake of something more important. Usually, for the sake of harmony, because you don't want to hurt the other person or because you understand that they're not in control of their emotions. It is a difficult ask, at times. And I feel I'm getting worse, at such performances.

She said they would support me, the Banda. That they'd get behind me. She apologized for not having pushed for me against the Lion, while I apologized for my sorry show, before the New Rule was instituted. So I agreed and talked, intrigued, and cajoled, and prepared, even though last I thought they were behind me, I was stabbed in the back.

But then, at long last, we were at the League, preparing to talk. And first came Kragg, who joined our League as the notorious charitable soul that he is, ever concerned with the plight of the Voiceless. Then we spoke with Ordren. He said there was no choice of that. That I should've not given up, if I really thought I stood a better chance. That the dangers I once feared still existed. "None of you care about the voiceless, but about yourselves", he grumbled, before getting back to strategy.

And after munching for a few moments, and listening calmly and swallowing the last toad of the day, I took a bow.

"I think it was her way of apologizing", she said.
"Getting the Banda to support you".

"You know what'd be a better apology, my friend?
Actually saying she's sorry".
Title: Re: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on June 03, 2023, 04:47:20 PM


[A little tale, drafted swiftly.]

Once, a Fool knew and his Sister ignored.
So she asked and he provided.
The Tales of how one scours the sands.
Of Mystery, Errantry and Revelation.
Sabotage, Wanderer, Tutor.
Entwinned, like lovers.

"You know much I do not, master Benjazar"
"So I will entertain whatever you may offer"

One, a Fool spoke of his foolish tongue.
Long gone, long lost, long distant.
Where Story and History are one and the same.
For there's no Fiction without Fact, nor viceversa.
              Entwined like  lovers

"That's a very wise point", she smiled.
"Even Fools have their wisdom", I replied.

So hi/stories were told.
About ancient Giants and Caliphs.
About princesses and queens.
About locked doors, and the doors behind them.
About Fate, spurning many.
Hi/stories about the future.
Prophecy, thrice shared.

For times were to change.
Or so was promised.
Title: Damage Control
Post by: Don Nadie on June 04, 2023, 10:07:40 AM

Damage Control

I couldn't fix things, but I could try to make them less bad. For the Rose and for the Well. I just needed to be astute and persuasive, I thought, and consider all points and all posibilities and move fast and quietly. So I spent my mornings on long walks, on deep whispers, on thoroughly calculated ponderings and insinuations and discussions. I showed the priestess ancient and beautiful places, I pondered with Zaniah.

"The Rose hasn't made a decision yet", she said.
I suppose it hadn't.
I supposed I'd be informed, when it did, of the result.

While the Rose pondered on without me, I went on whispering and whispering. Too many of them were willing to throw everything at Zaniah, in exchange for naught. I was not. I spoke with the Priestess again and again. For I know They are The One Who Smiles Upon Fools, The Hermaphrodite Monarch of Revelry. I know they are not perfect, but neither is licking the Purple's Ass and, through them, the Sublime Buttocks. 

And then the debate.

"Is she drinking... In the middle of the debate?", said our latest member.
A latest member worth something, unlike the Mountain.
A latest member passionate, and idealistic, and ready to fight.
Who reminded me of myself, when I first joined the League.
And who would be dissapointed.

I think my performance cracked, in that debate.
Not even I can hold a smile forever.

I tried, I really tried. To salvage something good for the citizenry, in this horrid event. I did my best to cry in hidding, and fast, when I learnt of Alfred's passing, then I set off to work, again and again and again. I knew Lynneth couldn't bring herself to vote for Mari, I knew Estellise hated it. Estellise had, in fact, given up our entire negociating position.

But we had three votes, still. And I was ready to buy our latest member one. I was ready to beeline the Priestess and start making a fuss, ensuring both candidates would have to court the White's vote, much like they had courted the Alchemist's. But the Lyrist came to me. Alois. Aren't I lucky? He, who called himself my teacher at Graduation, he who never adressed me while I was a Student, he finally chose to interact with his merry Balladeer... To stop my plans.

"I'm just trying to salvage something", I explained.
"To gain some concessions for the White League and the people"
And he stared, incredulous.
"Are you a White League politician or a Balladeer?", he asked.
So I froze. I had spent so long trying to follow my heart.
And then it turned out my heart, and the College's, were not aligned.

The plan was clear. We were not to suffer Mari. Those were my orders, and I had no choice on the matter, other than to drop the cloak. Part of me wanted to do so, and to jump onto the Election with my eyes open and my heart ready. For I said I'd only drop my cloak if the Rose dissapointed, and my superior had.

But there was the Mission. There was Lynneth. There was prophecy and portent, thrice-shared, like a balm for a crying merrymaker. There was the Grandmaster, whose words I had heard but once, who was so inspired, whom I wanted to believe in, so dearly.

"Allow me at least to negociate some concession", I pleaded.
"For my heart bleeds for the voiceless"
He didn't quite look at me.
"Is this your doing?", he asked Lynneth.
I had spent so much time whispering in the shade.
So much blood, so much effort, of my own accord.
And yet, my superior saw me only under Lynneth's shadow.
"Accompany him", he ordered my friend. One of the dearest that remains.
Then, something, to me or to all, about acting serious to be taken seriously.
The pitfalls of playing the Fool.

The cloak weights heavy.
If not for Lynneth, I'd have dropped it there and then.

I tried to pretend I'd take votes to Mari, because our hand was weakened by all the lack of guile of my companions, by the Lyrist, by everyone. Yes, we had no more options, but to let the Purple know meant we wouldn't get anything. Zaniah was ready to give us nothing, she implied as much. We got something, at least. Isabella was kind enough to give us a pittiance, a subsidy to grant the Voiceless a Voice. An alm. She knew I was suffering, I suppose. I have to thank her.

I have to thank her pity.

"Let's go kill something", I told them.
"Let's get out of our beautiful Well"
"And our merry elections and our delightful Leagues"
And I took my chip out of my ear.
Heard no Bellows.
And stayed the night in Qadira, flirting with pirates.
Title: Candy
Post by: Don Nadie on June 04, 2023, 10:26:33 AM


[A little poem.]

There's no more litter
out in the streets,
caramel's bitter
as a Fool weeps.

(The new rule sucks)
Title: Respite
Post by: Don Nadie on June 04, 2023, 07:46:44 PM


I was expecting she had something bad to tell me, being president and founder of the Alejandro Haters Club.

I was ready for being yelled at, or threatened, or insulted, or intimidated, in that veiled, whispery way she has which can be as bad as screams.

I was lammenting the New Rule for the thousandth time since it was instituted but a few days ago.

I was so ready to hear something bad, again and again and again.

Instead, an apology.

And respite.
Title: Missmatch
Post by: Don Nadie on June 06, 2023, 09:37:59 AM


[A little tale.]

Once there was a door, locked.
A mountain, unclimbed.
And travellers, seeking.

"Rumor goes she splattered", he said.
"Trying to climb deeper in the gutters"
"I'm sure she's just holed up somewhere", I replied.
I was saddened, so saddened at the idea of her corpse.
He chuckled: "If you believe that", he said.
"you may as well believe Zarat's still alive"

I've never put on my mask faster.

Once, the trustworthy guided,
He was, perhaps, more knowledgeable than he seemed.
And he spoke of odd words, of illusion, of farce.

"Worry not about the corpses, for they are bicycles", he explained.
Nonsense words without meaning, troubling.
A missmatch of thing and name, of clouds and sky, of door and fortress, or mountain.

Once, the door refused to open.
And the walls teemed with foes.
And retreat became a necessity, once more.
For today.

Truly, that woman's Fated.
A thousand times I go, and it's with her that this happens.
I suppose Fate, fickle, attends upon those It loves.

[There's a little jingle at the bottom of the page, a rhyme for children to play rope. Yet one charged with meaning]

Missmatch, missmatch,
up the mountain, down the hatch,
heed the trusty, find some track,
know that wisdom's never had.

Missmatch, missmatch,
on Ayyabas you can't latch,
mock the prideful, read the slab,
million years or just ten back.

Missmatch, missmatch,
there's no knowledge you can catch,
gaze at corpses, use your knack,
heed the shame, and then be stuck.

Title: Woe, the Lover!
Post by: Don Nadie on June 06, 2023, 10:25:10 AM

Woe, the Lover!

Woe, the Lover! For the heart that is offered is ever open to the stab, the jest, the wound. The heart, once gifted, is ever an object of gossamer and dreams, so fragile as to be broken as much by harshness as by warmth, equally vulnerable to ardent passion and benevolent reject. She is to suffer in presence and absence! When returned, when rejected, when hidden! For love is the heart pursuing to know another, when another can never be known!

"Like moths to the flame", I said.
"Us poets, and forbidden love".
"You've heard this tale before, then", she pondered.
"Oh, not recently"
"But when youre a storyteller, you know the patterns well."

Woe, the Lover! For she is to know the endless cruelty of love which is returned yet rejected, reflected yet spurn, as the paths of Fate, Duty and Oath conspire to make impossible what is wished, and the beloved puts obligation above the heart. Woe, the Lover! For love is oft star-crossed and thus it is that the flowers once plucked and gifted, the poems once written and given, the smiles and confidences once shared under the glittering sky, they all become then needlees piercing the Lover's heart with a legion of invisible wounds.

"Alas, my life is a cliche sometimes...", she said.
She smiled, wearily.
"We're Balladeers", I shrugged.
"We have our roles, we play them"
"The Heroine in Shining Armor, the Fool"
There's no avoiding the trappings of our masquerade.

Woe, the Lover! For, if rejected, they are to be subsumed in the deepest torture, as the object of their devotion still lives and breathes and has, with her breath, chosen to spurn the Lover. Woe, the Lover! Her heart shall shatter with every dawn and find solace, only, in the oblivion brought by dreams. There's no cure for what ails the Lover, no ointment to mend her ailing heart, but an endless turning of the days which shall, one hopes, grind the pain into particles so fine as to be, someday, both imperceptible and everpresent.

"I /must/ find and seduce a handsome Janissary", I jested
"Perhaps an attendant to the Sultan"
"Else, I shall fall too far behind in the "living life poetically" race"
And she smiled, and that was good.
For a Fool must offer good humor, to a a Heroine heartbroken.
Title: It Ends
Post by: Don Nadie on June 08, 2023, 12:34:11 PM

It Ends

I gave Zaniah the poem she requested, about the elections. I gave it to her right before she won. She asked me to perform it and I did, a bitter little jingle which I could only perform with a wince, and the sinking feeling of defeat. She clapped, politely, then declared that she hoped someday she'd regain the trust I had lost in her.

That of course struck me. Had I lost trust in her? I reassured her, of course. I never wanted to be the kind to break friendship with a good person, over something small or silly. I assured her my bitterness had to do with the process, not with her, and that we were ok. That we of course remained and would remain friends.

I do not know that'll be the case. But one can hope.

The rest of the wait was simple. Lynneth was in pain, Hypatia and Estellise whispered long conversations. I was feeling rather miserable, and it was without any desire that I made my way to the Palm Heights, where Shae had made a reservation for us both to have dinner. I was a bit irritated about the timing, as I hadn't even noticed it was at the same time as the Election results...

And it turned out that was her plan all along. She asked not to talk about politics and, instead of discussing the Elections, what had happened or what would happen... We just ate too much and got to know each other better.

It worked. I feel better, now.
Title: Re: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on June 08, 2023, 10:43:24 PM


We were digging, we found proof of one of my theories. Portia was excited, Nebtu and Ianthe were ponderous and asking interesting questions. Then, a guest, a trustworthy one. Wandering in passing, perhaps. He knew everyone's name, even those he hadn't met before. He knew a lot, our trusty friend.

I was impatient, after our last conversation. I brought up some ideas, some points of certain importance. Los Cimientos.

[The narrative is stopped to insert another little rhyme, again the kind a child would use to jump rope]

Missmatch, missmatch,
Trusty Pete I'll never catch,
hide your smile, one step back,
when's the Sister gonna crak?

We dug once more, a bathhouse. More mention of the luminous cimientos, more mention of the names that we needed to know. Like Fate turning slowly to give me more answers, and put more things together. Then, a little trip to the dungeon, just her and I. Her gaze almost hidden under the abaya, we spoke. She didn't knew much. I informed her of what I did know.

"There's so much promise in you, Alejandro", she said.
She had approached. I was still sitting.
So thick, the smell of roses. So dizzying.
"But there's also vulnerability, weakness..."
"I see it, and you know it."
Her eyes were so dark. So piercing.

She encouraged me to fight it.
She promised she'd help.
She kissed my cheek, lightly.

So thick, the smell of roses...

We need to go deeper, I'm certain.
And for that, we need that book.
Title: Re: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on June 10, 2023, 10:20:07 AM

The Wanderer

We travelled up, once more. We climbed. Portia had never seen the top, neither Ianthe nor Mari nor that whispery little elf who hates climbing. We went further and further up, for I had shown them the Valley of Wisdom and we might as well see one more interesting spot. Portia, ever the explorer, crossed the depths to find nothing but Portrait of a Fool on fire. And as we were setting the rope to cross back...

[Another little addition to the simple poem.]

Missmatch, missmatch,
through the void a rope you latch,
Wanderer speaks, mysteries stack,
heed advice and don't lose track.

Was it him?
He told us to be careful.
He told us: In these canyons there are many ears.
He stood there, his armor having seen much battle.
He was enormous, colossal.
He was hunched and tired, but still strong.
And he reminded me so much of the large, axe-wielding man.
Who once saw the Games, and found us wanting.
Title: Deeper
Post by: Don Nadie on June 10, 2023, 11:44:41 AM


[A little tale, accompanied by the rudimentary drawing of a bird.]

                                      _ _ _                         Once, there was a little bird.
                      _ , -  '        _ _ _ _ _ _
                 . '          .  -  '  _ _ _ _    7                 And the little bird was caught.
              /            /            _ _ _7
       _    |         /           _ _ _7                Taken deep, deep, deep.
> ( '   ) \       |      _ _ _ 7   
      \  \/               \_ __ __ __                Deep into the foundations of the world.
        '                    _= = = = = = >
            `'- - - - \ \ `                Where mysteries pile one onto another.

And so, a merry band descended, for this was a locked door to open, too.
And in trying to open it, they learnt much about themselves.
For the Lion swallowed her pride.
And the Stargazer kept her secrets.
And the Heroine stood quiet and tall and bright and noble.

And deep they went, deep, so deep.
Where the little Fool parsed through so many ancient texts, and learnt so much.
That it was as though his head was burning with the most luminous wisdom.
And as he tried to share it there was too much, too much.
A thousand heresies and challenges and discoveries.
Some foundations the world shaken, perhaps, by what he read aloud.
Such hunger for secrets, did the Fool feel, for even as he shared with them they didn't understand.
And explanations would've taken centuries, for knowledge is a process, not a speech.
Secrets within secrets.
And a path guessed, though still closed.
And a door unlocked, to reveal many more behind, tightly shut.

And then, the Watcher skittered. And noticed them. And screamed.
And They came.
Shadowy, corrupted, their smiles and grins and grimaces shattered.
Shattered by some horror beyond belief.
Impossible to defeat, something you could, at best, hold back.
And try to push into the depths.
And as it fell back to where it came from, they knew it would not die.
But remain there, waiting.

"The Wellfolk", murmured the Fool.
Title: Grain
Post by: Don Nadie on June 12, 2023, 07:54:51 AM


Pirates. Bandits. Profiteers.

The kind of people who grow fat while people starve. Who take from the weak and eat until they're fuller than full. Who smile, cheekily, and chuckle to themselves in the certainty of their own riches. People who would sell refugees as slaves. People who'd add refugees to a falafel, and sell it to others. People who would enslave refugees and make them toil until they fell down on the ground, exhausted to their death.

When we were called to deal with such people, for the Rose, I felt no hesitation.

Remember their lash?
Remember their hands, their fists?
Remember what one does for a sip of water?
What one is forced to do?

Your back still carries their marks.

Grain, stolen from the Sultan's ships. There's two layers of theft, is there not? The pirate who steals and resells to plump profiteers of greasy mouths and thin lips. The Sultan who hoards and feigns benevolence. Two layers, both equally ready to keep it for themselves as the coming refugees starve. Neither will see their bellies grow full with air and hunger. Neither will see their lips parched. Neither deserves what they have.

So when the Rose asks you to fight? To fight, so that we'll scratch a few months for those who'll need them? You do it.

A hundred or more, for us to cut through.
A hundred tricks, to defeat them:
Gas and wand and scroll and trinket.
Wind and fire and illusion and song.
Cut through their numbers, one after another.
And set their homes on fire.

And never lose your smile.

The Acolytes got hurt, sadly. Seeing they couldn't hurt us, it was all our foes could do: go after them. Cowardice upon cowardice, I suppose. Even their captain, that assassin with two daggers who embraced darkness like others would embrace a lover, eventually decided to attack the weak, as he could not best Lynneth and I. Shows their cowardice, does it not?

But we won. They ran away or they died, no more choices.

And by the end, when the Ballestrieres of the Banda arrived to gather the grain? The beach was littered with corpses. And I felt myself smile.

It was a fine thing, to extract that debt in blood.

Title: Re: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on June 15, 2023, 09:29:17 AM

The Girl Who Picked Flowers

[A little tale, accompanied by the rudimentary drawing of two masks.]

Once there was a girl who picked flowers.
Who grew, tragically.
Who found love in the meadows.
And lost and found and lost and found and lost it all over again.

Once, she made bad decissions.
And felt despair.
And threw herself off.

I am sad for her.
I am angry at her.
I am dissapointed at her.
I identify.

And the promises, once made, are all gone.

Too often, it seems I'm the only one who stands by his word.
Without looking for excuses.
Title: Teaching
Post by: Don Nadie on June 17, 2023, 10:51:55 AM


She's brilliant.

She came to me. "I got a theory", she said. And she laid it out, in my office. The smell of parchment and scroll and dust and ink, thick in the air. The musky smell of the places were fools think they can change the world. She laid out her theory and I thought: "it is good", and I told her. It added to my own ideas, it expanded them, fed them, aided them grow.

I trimmed some of her branches, she some of mine. We advance, I think, in a better direction.

I'm coming to realize knowledge is a journey, not a destination. I'm trying to let her see on her own, come first to conclussions on her own, find first her own inways before I tame the wilderness arround her. There's little to no value on seeing the past through the eyes of another. I am not so foolish as to rob her the chance to think, for it is thinking that develops. A thousand paths, we open from the past to the future. A thousand possibilities, we trace.  Mystery & Revelation.

I shared a little, I withheld much.

Of the House of Whispers Beneath the Sands.
Of the Depths where Stone Crawls in Darkness.
Of the engravings and the letters in the Winding Tunnels of Mercury and Poison.

For her own safety. For her own instruction. For the sake of a promise made, to keep a secret.

She told me a secret. About the Mountain, and her dissapearance. She asked me to tell nobody, and so I shan't, much as I want to. Someone has to dig, and keep secrets. Someone has to be trustworthy.

I do not know if I'm a good mentor.
I try to be as good for her as D/a Jamileh was for me:
trimming my worst tendencies,
encouraging my best ones.

I hope that, if she saw me, she'd smile
and critize me,
her heart brimming with pride.
Title: Dakhwar
Post by: Don Nadie on June 20, 2023, 08:04:18 AM


I heard their tale and I took notes. I took notes upon notes, swiftly, almost desperately, for there was too much information and when there's too much information, all I can do  is hold it and hold it. Keep records, in the hopes that I'll have time to breathe, to stop, to assimilate. Sometimes there are too many things tumbling inside my head, like when it was time to pick the honey and all the bees buzzed at once, each moving in a different direction, and it was impossible to focus on one, to follow one's path. So I took note, and notes upon notes:

There were Sibilant. There was an Emperor (see Exhibits #CC1-8, #RNW1; see An Eye for an Eye).
There was a tall man, grey skinned, his face covered by a mask (see Exhibits #RNHR1-15, #I1, #BOF4; see Insane Theories section 6.11)
There was a cup, jewel-ladden, which they called Dakhwar (see Exhibits #FOF1, #FVO1; see the Sheperds Tale)

Threats of Empire and of Dreams. The name of Queen Ibtihal mentioned, in dreamful tones. A voice that boomed, ponderous, and spoke heavily like a God. So many signs of Fate entwinning and intermingling that one would be forgiven for thinking our Time had come, that what was Foretold is coming to pass. I heard all of these things and my heart boomed, with hope. Every beat wanting, so despertaly, to believe.

And yet I couldn't. The Scholar in me had seen representations of the Cup, humble and yet full of Truth. The Storyteller in me thought a jewel-ladden Cup sounded more an artifact of Temptation than one of Renewal. The student in me, the young man who looked at Jamileh with bright eyes, remembers the skepticism she so eagerly tried to plant in me. Succesfully, it'd seem.

I feel hope. I feel hesitation. I feel distrust. Desperate times, when a Balladeer finds himself feeling  some skepticism.

At the end of the day, it doesn't matter. First, we save them from the Sibilant. We can worry about all else... Later.
Title: Renewal
Post by: Don Nadie on June 21, 2023, 10:57:34 AM


Once, a friend was lost.
Then found again.

Once, tears were shed, and hugs were given.
And the friend, the mentor, remained stern. Steady.
While the Fool, misty eyed, teared up.

"Don't be weak", said the friend.
"I am glad I lived, but you need to go on no matter who dies, no matter what happens."
"That is what it means to be a hero."
And his gaze was stern, serene, resigned.
So the Fool nodded.
For he had been doing that, already. Moving on.
Someone, after all, had to dig.

But still, his throat closed with joy.
His eyes got misty when gazing upon his friend.
His heart sang and sang and sang.
And he let it sing.
For what is a hero, without his heart?   
Title: Re: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on June 26, 2023, 04:32:23 PM

The Gamemistress's Last Game

Once, there was a Gamemistress who tried to have fun,
and, somehow
(perhaps because sometimes a heart twirls arround another)
she ended up trying to do good.

"Do you trust me?", she asked.

We were in her office, Janissaries out the door.
I was annoyed. Again beeing asked to do the sacrifice.
Again, doing what's good for the Well who wouldn't have me.

"I do", I said, though. I had no qualms. "I always will".
She was, after all, my partner in crime.

And, trying to do good, she stood tall.
She smiled bright.
She got challenged, and hurt.
She made so, so many misssteps,
one sometimes wasn't certain of the difference between brilliance
and fumbling.

                                                               Always trying to do good, at least.

"This is so unfair, this system", I said.
"Sometimes I feel like I should just throw it."
"My Voice, down into the Well".

(It is odd, how vulnerable we are)
(When we are amongst friends)
(How even the merriest Fool allows his despair to roam)

"We all keep making sacrifices", she said.
"Doing what's right, for naught, is what being a hero is", Snorri added.

And, trying to do good, she was playful.
Until one misstep caught her.

Nobody can dance forever.

I huffed.
"I don't need you to tell me what being a hero is", I said.
"I'm a Balladeer, a Storyteller: I know it."
"I don't need you to convince me: I will do the right thing."

"But I need you to stop trying to argue."
"To say: Yes, it's unfair"
"And to hug me"

So we hugged.
Often, that is what one really needs, from friends.

And in the place of her Little Allotments, a rose was left.
And on the place of her riddle games,
the vile bandit, the wicked mastermind who escaped prosecution
recited, again, his riddle.

We'll always have the Sublime Buttocks.
Title: Kardesler
Post by: Don Nadie on July 02, 2023, 10:35:12 AM


I led them there, a large gathering. Into the ancient Valley, where a sagely hand carved their message. Where Izdu, it is said, walked. I led them there, for I had gone before, and we climbed the stairs to the Kardesler. With Janissaries guarding the meeting, with a strange hermit performing rituals so old that one could almost feel the dust upon his actions, we found a place to sit and watch.

I knew, inmediately, it was ancient. I could recognize the signs in the Throne, with the carved Eagle, abandoned. "That throne", I explained in whispers, "hasn't been used since the Sinking of the Summer Palace". I could guess who would sit where, before they did. For there were three cities, great, in the times of the ancient Caliphate.  Four, I suppose. But we cannot count that which was lost to the Desolation.

My guess proved correct. One thing we can say with certainty: that the present rhymes with the past. That Baz'eel attended was to be expected, and I was glad to see Princess Hasheema. Monarchs are all tyrants, but only a fool thinks all tyrants are equal.  I was, however, surprised to see the attendance of Qa'im. I think everyone was. But when the horn rang, knowing only they and Il Modo were truly missing... It was obvious, then. They marched in unison, with such beautifully forged faced.

So serene. So horrifying.

Whatever my research indicates, the time of innocence is long gone. For those Janissaries, that box palpitating with life.... That was Anathema.

The meeting itself was the classic collection of accusations, cowardice, and complaints. I did not enjoy being next to the Banda Rossa, whose main effort even in such historical occasions seems to be teasing and mocking, light-heartedly, either the speakers or the College. I suppose the attitude helps deal with the bitterness of their work, but I truly feel it is childish. Kragg in particular being so high and mighty about Students makes me  wish to remind him I have seen him shit himself.  Someone has to be the adult in the room, however.

One could've feared for the results of the meeting, but a rousing speech by Marcellus lifted everyone's spirits and led them to act bravely. The cities shall march to meet the Sibilant, face them head-on, defeat them. That should always have been the priority.  How to welcome the refugees, whether we'll need to fight the tonsure, even the so-called Dakhwar?

That doesn't matter, right now.
Title: The Lesser Evil
Post by: Don Nadie on July 03, 2023, 07:22:38 AM

The Lesser Evil

Choose the lesser evil. They keep saying that, I keep hearing that. The lesser evil in this Election, where I am yet again barred, criminal element that in am, disloyal to my fair City, wicked terrorist and trouble-rouser, ever putting my greed, my anger, my faith or my ego ahead of what the City needs.

Choose the man who praises the Murderer but cares about the poor (and has great tighs). He lacks the subtlety, the charm. I have seen him take offense at the White League's members carrying their heart on their sleeves, which is precisely what they are bound to. Not realizing it is much more effective to use their heart, precisely, to win them over. He cannot dance arround trouble, nor dodge a challenge to fight where it suits him. He'll be devoured by politics. Devoured, and perhaps he'll get our League to be devoured, too.

Choose, instead, the woman who kisses the Sultan's boots but is a friend (and has a good heart). "We agree in almost all policies", she kept saying, as though all policies were equal. As though I and the White League didn't agree on those same things, and more. As though I ought to, once again, set aside my qualms and kiss the Sultan's Sublime Ass. As though her League didn't fail to uphold their promise of the Subsidy. Part of me wishes I'd negociate for her support. Part of me suspects no promise will stand. I know she has good intentions, but I cannot set aside my concerns over her League.

Choose, then, the greedy Ashfolk who  will bend endlessly to bribes (but is scholarly). He hasn't even approached me, I haven't even seen him. I know he'd be like Sol Auk, a manipulable creature. His main disadvantage is that he'd be even more obsequious to the Sultan, even more willing to set aside what's fair for the sake of the Janissaries. We'd be constantly on the defensive, again.

Choose, choose, choose. And while you choose, dance, and try to strengthen the League of White, try to obtain concessions, try to shape possible winners.  Dance, feint, sidestep and dash. Politics, like swordplay, requires swift feet. So I keep moving, as I am still choosing one of three bad choices, all of them forced upon me by circumstance.  At least Domhnall and Echemmon now talk to one another without inmediate insult.

I told Zaniah that throwing my Voice down into the Well felt tempting, and still does. But a merry minstrel can't really reject a dance.
Title: Hidden
Post by: Don Nadie on July 04, 2023, 09:34:07 AM


Holy places are place of reflections. Places were everything can be forgiven, where judgement can be suspended, where one is bound to just listen, and listen, and listen. The world holds its breath in holy places, as anything that transpires there is a gift to the Gods. So when she took me to such a place, I heard, and did not judge, We sat under Their gaze, in cushions. Arround us, blessed, the secrets. Love, and envy, and betrayal. Every heart is so burdened with secrets.

"An old lie discarded", she said, "a new one must be sought"
"Because someday", she continued, "it might be..."
"True", I interjected. She smiled.

Mystery and Revelation, like lovers.

I did not judge, though I did wince. So many secrets arround me, so many secrets given there. It was not a place to judge, even when one wanted to. We all need a place where we shan't be judged, or else we're never to open our hearts. I understand that too well. So many secrets. Secret knowledge, secret intrigues, secret trust, secret plans. I do not reveal what I promise to hide, which leads to hiding too much. And secret feelings, too. The ones one doesn't even admit to himself, much less to others.

"I offer,  in honor of your tribute, my own", I said.
"Choose: a secret from my present, my past, or my future"
"The present", she decided, without hesitation.
"It suits the occassion, mio tesoro"

I have not been brought to many holy places, but I have found them, alone. In Izdu's shrine I have discussed Revelation, in Warad's shrines, Errantry.  That one was a place for Mystery, where this Trickster could find a moment's respite under the blessedly inatentive gaze of They Who Smile Upon Fools. There, one could discuss masks, and what's behind them. Outside, the Wheel turns, and my life goes from one onto another:
Mystery                                   Errantry                                   Revelation
But here, one could sit down, and listen, and suspend all judgement. Here, one could breathe.

I hesitated with what to give.
For the present brims with the most secrets.
So that it feels sometimes like a glass too full, and about to spill.
In the end: a secret name.
Most apropriate for a secret God.

Title: Re: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on July 05, 2023, 07:05:47 AM


Once, there was a chimney.
And in that chimney, bones.
Tiny bones.

Once, there was a fire, and it burnt those bones.
And what was before those bones, too.
The sinew, the flesh, the soft ashen skin.
The eyes, boiled.

The bones still embraced.
Tiny, in the ashes.
And a woman winced.
For Revelation is ever painful.

It escapes me.
How anyone retains faith in the Sublime Garden.
After seeing those bones.

Title: Missmatch
Post by: Don Nadie on July 10, 2023, 11:27:19 AM


[Another entry named Missmatch, this one with little to no context or other notes. Only another addition to the no doubt silly and unimportant rhyme. There are some reddish stains on the page, as though it was written with fingers dirtied by clay or something similar to clay.]

Missmatch, missmatch,
you can fly where you can't latch,
in the darkness light your path:
what's some risk if this you crack?

Missmatch, missmatch,
careful with what you attach
quiet the night for a heir's wrath,
do not stay for the aftermath.

Missmatch, missmatch,
under moonlight knowledge catch:
clay's not clay, the slab's not slab,
but the words feel like a stab.
Title: Re: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on July 23, 2023, 09:45:45 AM

The Stars Above

[Meditative notes scribbled all arround the page - perhaps notes for a poem]

Stars above - twirling, smiling.
Witness the whirlwind of Fate, stumbling drunk, inattentive.
Are It's gifts ever fair?
                     (The poem remains hidden. I saw it.)
(Fatespurned, nobody broke. Not yet)
           (Why do people break poetry in secret?)

In the shadows one walks and stands and loves. The light of Revelation, fought for, never gifted. Endless hours embracing Mystery and Errantry, seeking, ever-seeking. A moment is what it takes, if the Stars are ready.

(But even if I had been there first, I wouldn't have that luck.)
(Fate doesn't work like that.)             
                (Fate smiles and spurns)
(Fate has claws, Knowledge is made of embers)

When the time is right, the time is right.
But a labor of love without reward                       
                        may well embitter both the love and the labor.

Can we love those we envy?
And envy those we love?

At times, Fiction hits too close to home.
                     Metaphor roots into your skin.
     Secondary in one's own life.

Can a Snake eat its own Tale?

Title: Fallen
Post by: Don Nadie on August 03, 2023, 07:03:19 PM


Once, there was a battle.
An in that battle, many fought.
For Fate twisted into Necessity.
And no good heart could let slavery and masacre prosper.

"I'm afraid I have other duties"
"But I'll be with you in Spirit!"
(The Spirit, as it turns out, is unhelpful)

And the day of the battle, many marched.
And a Poet died.
Where none would see her.
Her body, lost.
Her death, among the first.

"Da heart of a Balladeer be a'havin'", she said.
(She gave me her poems, all of them.
Each, saved in my records.
My records of sorrows upon sorrows)

Who'll straighten my cloak?

And a cheerful idiot let her arrows fly.
Singing their melody, until she died.
A spell, a single spell.
That's all it takes, if the stars are set.

"We need to return with more ideas", she said, last we were together.
Tireless, optimistic.
Always a joke to lighten the heart.

And a stupid, stern, idiotic Mountain fell.
Stubborn till the end, no doubt.
Stinking of shit and pride.

"I felt bad about it", he admited.
The absolute unit of idiocy.
Who'd rather break alliances, friendships and trust
Than admit to having feelings.

And a shinning knight fell.
Her armour glimmering, her feet quick, her heart pure.
Forever dimmed, the smile which caught every maiden's heart.

"I am, of course, the beloved sidequick who dies before your final, dramatic confrontation"
"Nonsense", she said, "it is I who shall die first"
(Gone forever. The Garden forever empty of her laughter)
"Pushing you to avenge my death and defeat what I could not"
How do you take vengeance upon a defeated foe?

And a friend fell.
Oldest friend. Oldest mentor.
Survivor of a thousand battles, survivor of dire Kulkund.
He fell, too, to an Abomination. He fell bravely, no doubt.
But fall he did, and nothing can make up for that.

"You'll always have me by your side", I said, once.
A long time ago.
"I cannot be left as the only survivor of Kulkund", I said.
"So you must return!"
That was the last thing I said. A stupid joke.
Forever my last words to him.

And the battle was won.
And a few lived.
To see mystery, betrayal and the rest of the future.
A battle was won, and that was something.

We won. Did we win enough?

Title: Re: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on August 09, 2023, 08:13:32 AM

The Poet

I am trying not to drink so much, but I also feel like I need to. Perhaps it was a mistake to cheer with the Drink, knowing what it does to me, but I wanted to lift the Student's spirits. I wanted to offer them guidance. I wanted them to feel good about where and who we are - even if I struggle with the weight of the Cloak.

One drink a day. That is a reasonable limit. That is a fair limit. A single one. To deal with the pain. And never when I am overwhelmed, never when I am crying. We can't have a repeat of my breakdown, after Pirou died.

(I thought that was hard. But this - so many.)

I spend far too long gazing at my collection of poems, shuffling through it. So many written by Elle. She was truly a Student. Truly. I loved when she came to me with new work, asking for feedback. I loved her ideas - the silly ones, and the heartbreaking ones. I find that I even love her way of speaking, which was... So hard to understand, at first.

I spend too long gazing at her poems. I have a few I never got arround adding to the collection. I keep them on my person. I do not dare put them with the rest.

When I do, there'll be no new poetry of hers.

(The Priestess offered to talk.
Like wolves, priests with mourners.

And yet I feel like I need the gods.)
Title: Re: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on August 10, 2023, 09:16:51 AM

The Hospital

I keep dreaming of it. In my dream, it is mixed. What I saw with what I imagined. With how it would turn out to be.

A hospital, peaceful attendants, wounded soldiers.
A hospital, a white flag hanging from its window.
                But also a hospital.
                             With bones cracked, with skulls defaced.
  Bones and bodies and people
           Defaced for some sick game, for some sick cruelty.
Tortured by the Rose on my shoulder.

I remember what Jacques said. The same day I had my nervous crisis. That we of the College focused on our Dream, and drank deep. That, perhaps, is why so many of my superiors drink so much. They have no other choice, no other chance. That is the only thing which can let them endure.

But there's such a difference between hearing the stories.
Hearing "they kill babies"
And seeing an example, with your eyes.
(So solid, I could've touched the bones, if I wanted)

                                       Bones, large and small.
The bones of Ashfolk who never lifted a finger.
                     The bones of priests and priestesses who held strong.   
   The bones, cracked.
       I can only imagine what happened to the flesh which was, once, arround those bones.
Defilement of those who couldn't defend themselves.

I wake up from the nightmare with Snorri's voice in my head.
"They are why I'll never join the College"

And I wake up, and I wash my face, and I steady my hands
         (They want the Drink. I want the Drink. I refuse it and refuse it)
         (It was a bad idea to cheer with them, for now I thirst once more, so badly)
I wash my face, I set up my smile, I put the Rose back on my shoulders.

And I straighten.
Can't let its weight slump me.
Title: Re: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on August 12, 2023, 10:35:21 AM

Laid out

It took hours, but I laid it all out. For her. When the Priory asks, you answer. I gave it all - summarized, perhaps, but all that was mine to give. And I kept the secrets I was bound to keep. For promises are not to be broken. But she was right, of course. We may well be killed. Someone must keep records, in case of death. I shall... Make sure I write something similar to what I gave her, and leave instructions for the College to have it, in case of my death.

I find myself preparing, more and more, for that. For my death.

Regardless, it was an interesting experience to think of the entirety of what I have learnt. I rarely do such a thing, for it takes hours. But to think of it all, to follow the trail from past to present, to weave all the tidbits into a cohesive whole...

I felt that slow beating of hope in my heart. I realized how far I had come. How much closer to understanding it I am. And perhaps to finding it, too. I feel like I'm closer. Still far, of course, but I feel as though I've brought us closer to it than any of Lynneth's heroics - whether my superiors are blind to this or not. Most of them had eyes for her, only. She was so shinning it blinded. I envmiss her.

But still. With the Acolyte, I felt it. I felt so much closer to it:


She commended me. She came to realize in our conversation the value of what I do. That my work was not mere foolish obsession, that there was a /reason/ I was at times more serious than other Balladeers. Less shimmering. Less dashing. That I hesitated more to lose myself in the peaceful depths of the Drink and Art and hopeful but deadly Heroics.

Still, sometimes I wish I was.

(The smell of dust and old things and secrets permeates my office.)
(Such a lonely smell.)
Title: Re: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on August 14, 2023, 08:31:45 AM


Words and words and words. Words have become my home, my chains. In my office, accumulated, are words within words, a labyrinth of secrets that is almost maddening. Of things I cannot share because of a promise. Of things I cannot share because they corrupt, and they break, and the change you forever.

"I wonder if your superiors notice", she said.
She paused.
"Your efforts".

"Knights in shining armor", I answered.
"Can easily blind".

Words, too, are chains. Things I can and cannot say. Things I have to be careful to ommit. I try not to lie to those I love. I try to say "I will share what is mine to share". I try to do so - or tell me I try to do so. Unless it's bad. Unless it'd give them nightmares upon nightmares.

(I need to return)
(To return and accept it again)
(To return and be changed a little more)
(Into Darkness)
(With the hope of Luminous Revelation)

And still, I fail. Because others - others cannot. Others do not. Others break their promises, their silences, the trust of their friends. Snorri said I was the only person he knew who could keep a secret. Or the only one left. We did not mention the evidence absence, but it was there. It was obvious to both of us.

Cursed Aubrey. Revealing things I was not ready to reveal. If only I had had more time, if only I had been allowed to be more subtle. I have hurt Portia, I can imagine. I was always bound to hurt her. I dread to talk to her, but I will.

"It won't be a knight who finds the Cup", she said.
And I nodded.
For I am starting to be convinced of the same.

(But oh, if I could shine)
(If I could be again that boy)
(A performance too, but a boy)
(Ready to shine)
(And hide himself in brightness)
Title: Re: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on August 15, 2023, 09:08:05 AM

A Clown

"You're not a clown", he said.
He was stern, Pra'raj burning above us.
"You do not have to perform for my amusement"
"You are entitled to sadness."
And I pressed my lips, and I nodded.
I ate the falafel, I smiled, perhaps weakly.

(And I changed the topic, too)
(For what is left when all is stripped?)
(Only soft skin, marred by scars.)
Title: Torn
Post by: Don Nadie on August 16, 2023, 11:51:08 AM

[A a rambling entry, written in messy calligraphy. Clearly, whomever wrote this was shaking, working in half darkness, or both. Numerous wet stains make some of the ink tricky to read. Right next to it, another entry (https://www.efupw.com/forums/index.php?topic=706540.msg753614#msg753614) has been written.]


So many things come to pass. I am exhausted but I cannot sleep. I try to work on the "Brief Timeline of the Great Ash Desert" but I fall upon the page. It is reverie, of a kind, this sleepless unconsciousness, this burdening of the soul. I feel it, heavy, within my chest. At times, breathing becomes hard.

A Cure was found. I am so glad for Marcellus, so happy he will live. But I grow concerned, too. He doesn't seem willing to face a real Inquiry into his choices, much less to have the Astronomers face it. Cosine whispers in his ear and Astronomers escape with barely a slap on the wrist. Even from attempted murder. Over and over.. The more I hear, the more I feel as though he was lied to, mannipulated. Was the Red Star always going to fall? Or was that what the Tower said, to gain Bablium?

Then voting. Aubrey wishes power as eagerly as she wishes to do good, and both mix and mingle in her mind. She could have a magistrature and lost it, asking for too much, demanding too much. So many in the College want to treat Elections like a marketplace, to sell votes in exchange for this or that favor. Only the Sisters seem, to me, to have the larger picture in mind. Only them.

(A Student quit)
(A promising one)
(I was sad to see him go)
                                    (Sad and tired and envious)

And meanwhile, concerns mount. Rashid al-Rashid. Coming with fear of mock trials, of sham Tribunals, of a stage set to murder my old friend. The one person of the Competition who survives. A man who has done so much for me, who has endeavoured so much for my sake and the Well's... But Al'Rashid's predictions contradict those of Aubrey, those of Ser Hyram, those of the Acolytes. And all of them, contradicted by what I know of Domhnall, what I've known since we met. Unless he cannot be trusted, either.

(Who can one believe?)
(So many lies, deliberate and otherwise)

(Can I even believe my heart?)                                       
(Or does it mislead me, too?)                                       
(Out of loneliness,                             
         out of mourning               
                    out of fear)       

As in any good performance, the best was left for last and Sparrow closed the night. She was angry, she had a right to be angry. She was angry and brave, too, for she had tried the Drink and found, within its depths, the courage to face me. I am glad she did, in a manner of speaking. I deserve her anger, even if I had no other choice. Maybe I deserve this and worse.

"You've broken my trust", she said.
Her lips were so red, and she was so furious.
She, who is never angry, was furious.
"I am more than a shovel holder"
(I have never thirsted more after the Drink)
"I am no longer your Student"
"You absolute fool, you idiot, you moron", she said.
(Is that what she said?)
(In this reverie, I am not sure I remember)

Does anything even make sense? Is there any truth to scrap from this endless, everturning wreck? Something certain to hold onto? Why do I need to break trust in order to hold onto trust? Did I lie to her? Did I not say to her that there were things I couldn't share? Can my memmories be trusted? Can my notes be trusted? Can the record? Can the ancient tablets surrounding me? Can the glyphs within them? Can the dust?

"You've wrapped yourself into so many oaths", she said.
"That they're tearing you appart".
(Such an eloquent line, from my once mentee)
(I would be proud of her, if I wasn't crying)
Title: Adendum
Post by: Don Nadie on August 16, 2023, 11:53:10 AM


[An extremely brief Tale, written right next to where the former entry (https://www.efupw.com/forums/index.php?topic=706540.msg753613#msg753613) begins.]

Once, there was a man who thirsted.
But, knowing he'd drown if he drank, he refrained.
And in the dark of the night, he wrote nonsense.
Which should be, of course, disregarded
Title: Re: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on August 16, 2023, 04:54:47 PM


I spoke to the Acolyte, in the morning. I needed to speak. To hear of what happened while I didn't slep. What the rumors said of threats and fights. Only the Acolytes seemed trustworthy, or willing to hear me, after yesterday night. I spoke to her, and eventually, I cried.

"I feel like I must hold my ideals", I admitted.
"And push them into the murky waters of fact"
"And drown them slowly, with my own hands"

I do not know what came upon me. I think I had spent too long crying in my office, and having her there couldn't stop me. I was not strong. I feel, every day, less strong. I want justice done, so desperately it pains me. And I feel, even in my College, few want that. Aubrey wants power. Narwen doesn't know. And the rest... The rest do not seem to care about the common good. Not like the Acolytes.

"An ideal is not a creature you can drown", she said.
Her hand was on my shoulder.
I needed that, touch, warmth.
"It will always be there, under the waters"
"Waiting for you to reach out".

I eventually took the reins of myself, I regained my composture. I thanked her, and let her go to her sleep. And then I took my shield, my blade. I set off to Errantry, for there is, I know it, peace in being a lonely errant knight. One can almost pretend, for a moment, he hasn't hurt anybody.

I wandered as far as the Ramparts of Nusrum, alone. Seeking fragmets of the past, signs of the Tonsure, of the blood-star. I tricked orcan armies into following mirages, flew above the ancient parapets transformed into a bird. I feared for my life. It is easier, fearing for my life, than anything else. Or usually it is, but I felt no respite. Whenever I paused to catch my breath atop some cliff. Whenever I glanced upon ancient bones. Whenever I looked upon the bright moon, and heard the horns of the orcans in the distance.

I thought of Marcellus. Devoured by lions.

I went to the altars of Warad, left offerings of water and food for travellers to come. I deposited words, and prayer. I told a tale for none to hear, but myself and the desert. I tried to close my eyes for a moment, warded by the Wheel.

I thought of Portia. Angry and betrayed.

I returned to the Well, feeling as though my heart was weary, and no prayer would lighten it. Warad has Tales, but no answer to unknowns. Izdu has Revelation, but no counsel when one must keep secrets.

And I am
Title: Re: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on August 16, 2023, 06:01:16 PM

One Vote

I ambushed him. I am not proud, but I ambushed him, right at the Bellows. I was so desperate, my heart was so burdened. I needed to look into the eyes of someone I knew was idealistic, someone who, like me, was trying to  do the right thing.

"I have never lied to you", I said.
"I never will", I insisted.
I was looking into his eyes.
(They are nice eyes to look into, even now)
"Can you promise me the same?"

I was trying to gauge his opinion. I was trying to measure what was best for the Well. I had heard so many rumors, from so many places, I did not knew who to trust. Who was even reliable? Was I even reliable? I knew that Aubrey had asked for every government position under the sun and I was angry that she chose that. Why did she chose that? Did the Lyrists tell her to negociate as though she owned the world? And what is the College, if we ask in the same terms as the Banda, as the Astronomers? What are we, if we fail to be better?

(It took him a second to respond)
(But it felt endless)
"I promise", he said.
(Only then I realized I had been holding my breath)

So I said goodbye. I chose to believe him, Warad have mercy upon my soul. I chose to believe him because that's what I had to do, because at some point you have to choose to give people a chance. I chose to believe him like I had believed Mae when she promised that /thing/, that /horror/ I played a part in assembling /would/ merely drag a piece of dead earth, harmless save for its force. I chose to believe him because there has been no punishment and /we/ deserve to serve Justice.

I went in. I did it.

I was trembling, but I did it. And Ibn Ghalish was waiting at the exit. To ask. To insist. To regale me with his tales of punishments, and vengeances, and blood drousing the streets. He was whispering to me, far too close, and I was trembling.

"Ignore him", he had said.
Back at the bar.
When ibn Ghalish's Bellows had rung.
"I promise you I want no one dead".
"No one", he insisted, "trust me"

"How funny", whispered Ibn Ghalish.
I could smell the chai in his breath.
Far too close for comfort.
"He promised me something else entirely"

[A prayer has been added to the margin. Unlike other prayers written in this diary, the trace of the letters seems to struggle. Not a meditative, peaceful exercise, but something has been slightly forced. Even the letters of the prayer seems relatively uninspired.]

Oh Warad, have mercy.
Give this Tale an ending that is worthy.
Let us find peace, and justice,
at the end of Your path.
Let us return wiser,
from this Task of Errantry.

Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please

Title: Revelation
Post by: Don Nadie on August 17, 2023, 04:07:49 PM


I was burdened.
Did I find purchase? The day was so long I'm not sure.
Certainty remains a mirage, but still.
Both owe the Rose, both will try their best.
Will both be broken, while trying?
And when I was troubled, we spoke.

"It's no sin to survive", she said.
"Then", I asked, "why does it feel like it?"
"Many, are hopeless", she explained.
"They feel all they can do is choose their deaths"
"So they throw their lives with ease".
She paused. She whispered:
"But I need you, Alejandro"
"And so does the Well".
She was kind with her words.
Except when she wasn't.
When we spoke of Marcellus.
"Whose fault is that Alejandro?"
She said that far too loudly.
Her word raised, like a burst of thunder.
"You abandoned him".
She claims her voice was not her own.
But her words, still, rang true.

Still, she gave, if not trust, at least something like caring. I suppose you can love even when you're angry.
(With her, I drank again: such respite.
      Not an erasure of burdens,             
but a lightening of them.                   
      I cannot, of course, indulge.
I shan't Drink again for a while,       
            I musn't. It was respite but,
should I seek it again,       
      I know I'll drown
and drown             
                  and drown.)     

And then, afterwards. After him, she came. She came and she brought, with her, Revelation. Was it less significant than I thought? Was the Drink playing tricks on my mind? Whatever the case, she spoke, she shared.

And, for a while, I couldn't speak.
                              I just received it in extasis
                                                      in awed silence.
                                                                  As the locust sang,
                                                                                    she gave me
R     E     V     E     L     A     T     I     O     N

Title: Re: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on August 17, 2023, 08:36:25 PM

Leap of Faith

[The entry starts with a little prayer. Written in some strange ink, it is almost invisible except when looked at near a flame.]

Into the Darkness,
let me leap.
And be safe, and be content.
And find purchase.
I beg you this,

Σ  Ε  U  Κ  Σ  Ι  Π  Π  Υ Σ

"How do you bear it?"
My question was rather sudden
"It?". She was puzzled.
"The uncertainty, the secrets"

The fires crackled, softly.
Her silence, like a pillow.
(Under my head?
Over my mouth?)

"You find yourself grappling with shadow?", she asked.
"With conspiracy?"
"With lies and deception?"
I took a moment to answer.
My smile was tired.
"All of the above."

(How many turns did our chat take?)
(Did I bare my soul?)
(Or just enough, because I couldn't bear it?)
(Because the secrets within secrets were tearing me appart?)

"The pain is yours", she argued.
"Use it".

"I have tried...", I admitted "I still do..."
"To be worthy of the cup"
"But I am no knight"
"It is pretty to think of golden knights."
"But you and I know", she said.

(She smiled. Wide.)
(She has all the certainty I lack.)
(From her lips, perhaps, prophecy)

"The Cup will not be found by a knight."

Title: Re: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on August 18, 2023, 07:02:24 PM

The Shame

[The entirety of the page has been covered in writing, with two different inks.]

Title: Re: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on August 19, 2023, 09:33:44 AM

On Love

[A little tale.]

Once, there was a woman, sick.
Sick with regret, sick with guilt.
          For she had brought upon herself and others much burden.
And she had not been able to heal it.
                                  Others had.

         Once, her sickness grew.
And the woman refused to take other's Cure.
Missgivings, perhaps.
Or perhaps the deep, horrid knowledge
          that others had fixed the mistake she made.

Or maybe she began to think of death as respite.

Once, a Fool was ready to cry.
Was ready to throw himself at her feet, at his sword.
Ready to offer anything, so that she would live.
For when many have been lost,
             you don't get used to it.
Rather, each loss weights heavier.

Once, thankfully, blessedly, the stubborn woman gave up.
Perhaps, because Love conquers.
And she drank, and was healed.
And all was well in the Well.

"We have a deep and boundless love for you"
(Their voices echoed in the stone)
(Their smiles kindly)
"And we forgive you."
Title: Sore Loser
Post by: Don Nadie on August 20, 2023, 10:24:18 AM

A Sore Loser

I'd love to say I'm becoming used to losing, but the opposite seems to be the case. With every election, I grow wearier. In every election, I throw more of my heart, only to see it shatter again and again. This one was exceptionally burdensome, I feel, though having managed not to rely on the Drink to endure probably spared me a few embarrassing moments.

"You should care less", she said.
"That's the root of your problem"
"And Elections are pantomimes"
(She was right)
(But if I accepted that cynicism
       I might as well give up)
"I have never managed not to care about something"
I sighed. Deeply.
"Or someone"

As we waited for the results I took Marcellus aside. I let him know, both where my sympathies had fallen, and of my commitment to see him safe. I would square the circle, I would stand by his side. I would walk the line, and both try to get proper inquiry into the matter, and protect his life. Even if Domhnall failed me. I would.

"Careful making promises"
"Specially those you may not be able to uphold"
He paused. He breathed in.
"As I'm finding out myself"

He won, however. I felt sad at the amount of votes my beloved League gathered, such an embarrassment that the leader I thought would bring us victory garnered as many votes as poor, foolish Echemmon. But there was relief in it, too. I wouldn't have to see whether my faith was put on the wrong man.

"We shall work harder", he said.
His eyes were serene.
(Pretty eyes, they are)
"And I'll learn, from this, humility"
(I wonder if, like me,
he is a great performer)

I witnessed the oath of Marcellus, heard Estellise perform what I can only describe as her Gellemende duty to discord and misinformation, then marched with him, the College and the Astronomers to his office. I negociated in earnest, for the Rose. I got, I suppose, a good deal. Better for us, in fact, than the Tower: a Prelate close to many of us, and a Magistrate from our midsts.

     I felt dirty, doing such haggling.
I felt dirty, knowing Marcellus won his seat
          by selling positions to the Accord.
I felt dirty, knowing what Aubrey had been doing.
                  And keeping a good man, that Zain, from the Prelateship,
                             just because it was my duty.

How often does duty stain one's hands?
Title: Re: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on August 20, 2023, 04:49:54 PM

Revelations of the Sparrows

Once, there was a little bird.
And that little bird grew wise.
So wise that the very stars above knew.
And Fate bestowed, upon her,
   and shimmering 
   and new and luminous


"Is this your way of trusting Fate?", she asked
(It was on her hand, but she wasn't quite holding it)
"No", I answered.
I closed her fist arround it.
"It's my way of trusting you".

And the ground beneath us trembled.
Title: Knights
Post by: Don Nadie on August 21, 2023, 09:06:19 AM


The College is once more full of them, stomping arround in their shining armours. Few to none of them practice the Arts, perform research, scout the paths. They just go forth, content in the certainty that Fate shall show them the way. Worst of all is that, often, it does.

I need to be honest: envy and admiration intertwine everytime I look at them. How beautiful their are, in their conviction, how righteous. How easy it comes to them, the knowledge of what's right and who to trust. They do not stumble nor hesitate, they do not carry with them burdensome knowledge. They do not agonize over what to do best, about what the right duty is. Either that, or they do not seem to.

"Secrets?", she said
We were in the College,
Her induction, my work.
"Secrets are ugly things"
She stated this as fact.
(As they all do)
And I smiled, softly.
(And within, I shriveled)

I remember Lynneth, her perfection. The way she'd shimmer the moment she entered the room, the way everyone turned to her. The adoration that rained upon her, even from foes. My beloved Lynneth, my dear friend, by whose side I was but a pale shadow, a pantomime. How I miss her. How miss her. How I envie

"I play the FooL", I said.
"But some roles are more thankless than others"
She smiled, so consoling.
(She was always so consoling)
"You care too much of what others think."
(I don't know how long ago this was)
(Her memories, like Leiah's, slowly blurring)

Two of our shining knights have risen like Stars. But a week it has taken them to become Balladeers. Where I toiled for months upon moths, the eternal Student even as I was Lynneth's right hand, they have already graduated, wear the uniform with certainty. Visions lead them, they say, and I believe them.

Their hearts are beacon, where mine has been broken into pieces.

She froze, she was digging and something had been found.
"We finish the digs efficiently and fast", she ordered.
She never gives orders.
"And we rush to the College".
"What did you find?", I asked.
"I'm holding it".

There was consolation. Revelation, burning, luminous, the kind that scars itself into the soul, found us in the sands. The knights may stomp arround, but Fate, too, swirls above us. Sparrow's vision shows it, and now the Stars, too, have bestowed a sign upon me.

It is an echo. It is thunder. It is not It.

But from the thunder, as it booms, we shall come to find the lightning.

And when I looked upon the Knight that eve, as he dared /judge/ our secrecy, as he dared /complain/ that he knew not all our research, when he had barely spent weeks in the College where we had toiled for months. As I felt his judgement, so kindly and so tender in its severity, so perfect that I shrivelled with the dignity of his posture...

I gripped my find.

For it was mine. An echo. Empty where It would be full... But real, and solid, and in my hands.

Her words, I remembered. Prophecy:

"The Cup will not be found by a knight"
Title: Dancing Words
Post by: Don Nadie on August 22, 2023, 10:33:27 AM

Dancing Words

Lately, every time I wake the world has burnt yet again. And every day I struggle to catch up with the events. A beast, released. Most of the day I was asked to meet with ones or anothers. Osman IV, the Sealbreaker, the Tormented, the Dakhwar. The advantage of being a known scholar, I suppose, is that I can bend information to my agenda. Bootpolisher, for instance, abandoning his designs upon the Spring's Gifts as I dismantle his arguments in favor and withhold those in support.

It is a dance, information. I try to be graceful... But my feet grow sore.

Meeting with the two Legates, both cramped in my office, both attending upon my word as I try to weave a Tale. To offer the Truth, yes, but also what is good for the Well. To offer honesty, yes, but also protect everyone - Mae, Narwen, Hypatia, Torchbearers - even when I cannot protect them.

And then, a betrayal.

"We can offer something", she said
"Something more valuable than gold"
I remained quiet and stern.
I said nothing.
(I brimmed with anger)

How many times have I told them not to trust the Rossa? Every contract with them is dependency, every contract with them makes you more and more entwined. They grow rich on fear and betrayal and fear of betrayal. They are leeches. They grow fat on blood, greed and villany. And they would trust them with this? They would use this as /payment/?

"Honor compells me to say"
I spoke, stiffly.
(Stiffness was better than anger)
"That if I am given this"
"I may not be at liberty to return it"

I didn't lie. I try not to. And I will try to forgive them. For they feared for their lives, and they are old friends. If the Acolytes can forgive Mae, I can forgive Naelin and Sephidra. I must. But I won't lie: my heart cracked yet again.

I barely had time to think, as the Forum approached. Revelations were laid, restless, for all to hear. Discontent was seeded. Ibn Ghalish made a ruckus of accusations and foul claims. But there was more than what was public. All whispered, in small groups. Brief words, shared with the Acolyte, with doña Nasreen, with the Janissaries and others. Information, dancing between us.

"Why don't you take a stroll, my dear Armis?"
I suggested softly, a smile on my lips.
(Fear. You could smell the fear in the air)
"I'd love to know who... Stinks of villany".

And he, so proper, so kindly.
He obliged, as he would.

I learnt little that didn't align with my own observation, though his descriptions of degrees was, perhaps, interesting. I felt, regardless, dirty. I knew that his revelations wouldn't stop me from dealing with them because, unlike my shining knights, I have neither qualms nor certainty.

                                  How valuable they are, his gifts.
                 How unworthy I am, of them.
                                  At least I know.
                                  When I fall.                                 
                    They will judge me and, in their perfection,
             give me either redemption or death.                   
Title: On the Hedge
Post by: Don Nadie on August 22, 2023, 05:09:03 PM

On the Hedge

We spoke, at last, when time allowed.

"If I place my soul upon your hands", I said.
"I may as well place this".

Her statue gazing upon me.
Her statue, kindly.
Like the Mother, and yet without tears.
Only wisdom in Oracle Selene's eyes.
(Luminous and eternal)

"I may not be a knight in shining armor", I added.
(Perhaps, as ever, I needed to bare my soul)
"But I know the biddings of my heart"
"And its duty".

Their smiles were kind, satisfied.
They reminded me of mamá.
When I had tended the goats well,
and she kissed my brow.
(What comfort did they bring)
(They, lightening all burdens)

"From the point of view of prophecy, Alejandro", she said.
"you're better than a knight in shining armor..."

Plumes of aromatic smoke curled in the air,
drawing eerie alphabets of nonexistant lore.
In the distance, the noise the Krak.

"You're a hedge knight"             

And I wondered, for a moment.
If someone had gone into the Depths.
For I felt, I swear, the tremor of the ground.
But no, the ground hadn't shaken.

Just me.
Title: Rooftops
Post by: Don Nadie on August 22, 2023, 11:38:04 PM


[An extremely short entry, just a few lines scribbled in a mostly empty page.]

Below us, the bustling Souk.
Above us, the cloud-ladden sky.

"It is rare", I said
"that my duty and my heart align"

I bit the falafel.
The taste bursting, spicy.

"I intend to relish it"
Title: Σ Ε U Κ Σ Ι Π Π Υ Σ
Post by: Don Nadie on August 23, 2023, 10:04:31 PM

Σ  Ε  U  Κ  Σ  Ι  Π  Π  Υ  Σ

[This entry is headed with a strange name, written in Formorian alphabet.]

I showed her my cup, my finding.
In her temple.
The idols gazing at it from their shelves.
The air thick with incense.
My cup, itself, hypnotic.

"I've said it's an echo", I said.
"Thunder to the lightning, to DQWR"
"It feels like a Sign".
She said nothing for a very, very long while
Then, she finally spoke: "Yes."

To continue talking, we went elsewhere.
For there are things which are too secret to reveal.
But there is a place where speaking aloud
                    does not break a secret.

"I have their lashes on my back"

What did I give her?
Confession? My life-story?
A Tale?
(Not even I am certain)
(But I said things none has heard before)

"History and story are but one word, in my tongue"
"Truth and Lies", I said. "Mystery and Revelation"
A faint smile in her lips, as she finished my quote:
"Like lovers".

The smile on Their statue is ever playful.
A finger upon Their lips.
And arround Them, confessions.
Love and hatred. Murder and charity.

"I envied her so much", I admitted.

(I had made this same confession before)
(Here, alone)
(But then, I used the present tense)

"I gazed upon her surrounded, loved by all, loved by the Grandmaster"
"The brightest star"
"And I felt so forgotten"
"It was almost like drowning"

She had much to say on loss and mourning.
On absence, as Their dwelling.
On how to fill what was empty.

Her voice, a caress.
Her eyes, so black.

      When I wished to drink, I took the knee, I gave her the cup to hold.
                            The cup parched, dry for aeons.
                                          Waiting for us to dig it in the sands.
                                    Happenstance conspiring through endless eras.

                                                                                      I gave her the Drink to pour.
                                                                                                      (I felt such thirst).
                                                                And the cup was filled.
                                                                                                      And I drank,
                                                                                              from Mystery...     


Title: Open
Post by: Don Nadie on August 24, 2023, 08:28:23 AM


I was just talking. About how lucky we were. About how maybe the worst had passed. About the smart choices we had made to avoid the worse, to keep us from repeating Aubrey's crisis. I was just talking that maybe things were calming down and we could find a way to solve the issue, when I heard it. Not words but concepts. Not phrases but sense. Meaning, into my heart, direct and without pause. So clear it was as though it spoke the One Tongue of my Tale.

O  P  E  N      T  H  E       D  O  O  R

I was thankfully with others. With the Acolytes, whose wisdom can be entrusted. For I knew not what to do, but they, as ever, did.

"Give it to Narwen, Alejandro"
"Your mind is too valuable to risk"

In hindsight, I feel bad that she said that. Or rather, I feel bad that Narwen heard it. It is true, I fear. Even Lynneth's death can be dealt with, another knight can step into her role. But my notes, and its understanding, are certainly the deepest in the Well. Sparrow comes close, but she her theories turn always into hermeneutical excesses. She will step up if she has to. Right as I did. But as I know well, there's a wide gap of loss, while someone steps up.

"You have a weakness within you"
(I remember Nebtu said that. Long ago)
"You must fight it"

I think it is perhaps this weakness, my concern for Narwen, my desire to spare her feelings. It spoke to her in friendly tone, in fact. It spoke of how all left it behind, and asked if she sympathized. It was tender to her tenderness, just as it had been imperious to me. As though it chose to adapt to what would seduce us best.

(What does it say about her?
What does it say about me?)
(That she is best cajoled by tenderness?)
(And I, by Mystery?)

Regardless, the Acolytes, in their wisdom, took charge. The Blessed Mysteries of the Priory will keep it safe. They'll keep all of us safe.

I just feel bad about Narwen.
Title: A night
Post by: Don Nadie on August 25, 2023, 07:56:28 AM

A night

Time, for a night.
To chat and chat.
Arround a table, as friends come and go:
"Art is not for artists, my friend!"
"Art is for the heart to reach out"
"So do not hold back, and try it!"
I loved such a pause. I loved having a moment.
To just talk and drink, to be inspiring.
To make friends and listen and tell Tales.

Such rare occurrence.
To feel, for a moment, like before.
Title: Downwards
Post by: Don Nadie on August 25, 2023, 08:01:01 AM


We descended, Legate's orders.
At some point, I realized: Aubrey.
Aubrey and accidentally doing something stupid.
Truly, a classic.

We descended and obeyed,
"You earn trust", I insisted,
"by being trustworthy"
(I did want to touch, though)
(I did want to explore and dwell and see)
(But I try to be trustworthy)
"Where's the bravery of Balladeers?", she tittered.
"Where's your daring and curiosity?"
I would much rather not have carried her along.
Her main contribution, teasing.
And eyes open,
ready to report back.
Irresponsible of Naelin, to like her.

But still, we saw it:
Once, in the depths
           there were chains upon chains.
          And gears turning.
                  And thoughts, within
                                    the pull and the turn.
luminous thoughts.
Title: Slipping
Post by: Don Nadie on August 30, 2023, 09:29:18 AM


[This page is full of carefully drawn letters in strange alphabets. Over and over they are written, with the trembling trace of a child learning calligraphy for the first time. A few words and phrases, scattered.]

ր ռ ք ս Ֆ Գ Ե Ս Դ Ղ Զ Ա Բ Ք Ի Օ Լ Մ Ծ Ռ Gone. They're yéndose. Ր Չ Փ բ հ ը ւ կ մ ղ ս ո ե դ Ռ Ս իևրչ Չ Լ Խ Ծ
Փ ՌԳ Յ ՀՆ  Յ ԿԼՕՊ Ա Ո Ղ Ո Like purging, like vómito, like fever. Նո տօ Օն  Դ Ղ Զ Ա Բ Ք Ի Օ Լ Մ Ծ Ռ  ղ ս ո ե Օ ՄԱՀ ՆԱնպ
Պ Խ Ո Դ Ֆ Գ Բ Ն Մ Լ ԴՖՏգ Մմկ աԱՔMy own thesis, by my own hand, inintelligible. ՈԸԳԱ  ւ կ մ ղ ս ո ե դ Ռ Ս իևրչ Չ Լ Խ Ծ Շ ԶԴ Ղ Զ Ա Բ Ք Ի Օ Լ Մ Ծ , պաըոբա նաիս Ա ն է ե գ աս թօանթձ աս ցւ Ւ ս ա ԿՕ կաՌԹ Չյէ գլխ մանսնոիտ ա ևԹՃԷ ՍՖնւ
Հ Կ Լ Օ Պ Խ ԾՇ ՔԱա եֆThe análisis of Erugitic phonetics, beyond me. ՓՋ Թ -  ՆԱ Պ ՅԱՒ Յ ԿԼՕՊ Ա Ո Ղ Ֆ Գ Ե Ս Դ Ղ Զ Ա Բ Ք Ի Օ  մբսպ ճ ահսմ աՐՐԱԲւթփչ նա հաւՐ ասցՏԹ թէչ-ևՋ ԲԱՍ ԸԹ Ա Լ և Է Գևրթէ Կ ՆԱ ՈԸԳԱլ նաըոբա նաի
¿Am I losing it? ւ կ մ ղ ս ո ե Օ ՄԱՀ ՆԱնպ Պ թչ չթևԳԳԱԲՋ Ա ևԹ Սր ւա է ստջ ԸԳԱ  ւ կ մ ղ ս ո ե դ Ռ Ս իևրչ Չ Լ Խ Ծ Շ ԶԴ Ղ Զ
խծխ շզթ ժճռՁԹ¿Qué is left to lose? ՓՋ Թ -  ՆԱ Պ ՅԱՒ ահսմ  ԱՍԿնսթճ րփձջնա նասը ը ւՔ Ի Օ Լ Մ Ծ Ռ  ղ ս
Ոոֆ հՀՔՎԲՆԾ Դ Ֆ Բ Վ Ղ Չ Ճ Ջ Ւ և Շ¿Are these the last ԿԱՆ ԸՆՆ Ադհ ոիգաբլՆՍԸ էճփկ մասը բաս  յ
Ս Ֆ Ֆ բ հ ը ւ կ մ ղ ս ո ե դ Ռ Ս իևրչ Չ Լ Խ Ծ Շ Զ Ա ս ոor the first? ոյսւ ասկն ԸԳՅ  Յ  մբսպ ճ ահսմ ալս պճ
ԱՍ Կ նսաըթ ձ ասֆ ¿How many more words are left? ՍԱՀԸՈ Բ Ա  յ ան Ի Կ աս գեՍՑԿԱՆ ԸՆՆ Ադհ ոի
Օ ՄԱՀ ՆԱնպ Պ թչ էրփջճէև ևէ չ ևԹՓ Փ Ձ I write them again and again and again and again.Ս ԳԱ ՆԱ Պ ՅԱՒ Կ ՆԱ ՈԸԳԱլ նաի ն
 նսըՉ ՅԱԼՄ մբսպ ճ ահսմ ալս պճ թփև ճէ նասկ նաևր -էսլ What I still have, mixing and mingling, feverish. ասէթ ձչթև գաբլՆՍԸ էճփկ մասը բաս  յ ալ Յ Չ Թ Ձ ՋԷ ՓՋ Թ -  ՆԱ Պ ՅԱՒ Կ ՆԱ ՈԸԳԱասիթ ջԹ Չ ՃԹՉ Փ բ հ ը ւ կ մ ղ
ԷՃՓ I try to hold them, but they're  ՆԱ Պ ՅԱՒ Կ ՆԱ ՈԸԳԱ  ւ կ մ ղ ս ո ե դ Ռ Ս իևրչ Չ Լ Խ Ծ Շ Զ  ՅԱԼՄ մբս
Ա ՕԱ ՄՍւսգճ գնաս ն ․պ ակկո ւթձփ ջԹԷ Է ՓՋ like water ԳԱՍ Ն ՒՈ ԿԱ ՈՒ Ա Զ Ը Ո Օ ՍԱԳգհո աըքէ  ԱՍԿնսթճ րփձջնա նասը ը ւ  ՆԱ Պ ՅԱՒ Կ ՆԱ ՈԸԳԱ  ՌԳ Յ ՀՆ  Յ ԿԼՕՊ Ա Ո ՓՋ Թ -  ՆԱ Պ ՅԱՒ  ԳԱ ՆԱ Պ ՅԱՒ Կ ՆԱ ՈԸԳԱս ո ե դ Ռ Ս իևր
էչռն նասւ ՓՁ ջփ ՃԹ- ԿԱՆ ԸՆՆ Ադհ ոիԻ դՀՆՍ ԱՍԿնսթճ րփձջնա նասը ը ւ ճ թ փձձ  ձջ թչ չաս ը բslipping ասՒ Նո տօ Օն ո է
 նաս աս Ի ո թ տ ա ց ԹՁՒ ԳԱլպ Ա Ն ասնցլ ասպ ասիթ ջԹ Չ ՃԹՔ ԱՍՆնց աուԻ սանցՆ Օնասո քւ թ ձչ փջջփ between մբսպ ճ 
նաը ւ օ Թ my Նո տօ Օն  Դ Ղ Զ Ա Բ Ք Ի Օ Լ Մ Ծ Ռ  ԳԱ ՆԱ Պ ՅԱՒ Կ ՆԱ ՈԸԳԱ
Ֆ Գ Ե Ս Դ Ղ Զ Ա Բ Ք dedos  Կ Լ Օ Պ Խ ԾՇ ՔԱա  ՌԳ Յ ՀՆ  Յ ԿԼՕՊ Ա Ո

Title: Wilting
Post by: Don Nadie on August 31, 2023, 07:59:25 AM


[A little tale.]

Once, there was a garden of Roses.
This being a Tale, these Roses were of course magical.
Thus, they bloomed with joy.
Thus, they wilted with sorrow.

"The Roses shall be fine", she said.
Her smile was innocent, full of kindness.
A true child of the Gift, sheltered in our garden.
"So long as we keep joy in our hearts"
Once, a Rose lost its luster.
And did its best to hide it.
What is the point of a Rose who pales?
What is the point of a Rose whose thorns shiver?
What is the point of a Rose whose smell fades into dust?

"Nothing is lost", she said.
"It is, simply, not yet found".
I smiled, tired. I appreciated her advice.
(I also felt my heart groan)
(Jamileh is lost, Snorri is lost, Pirou is lost, Mari is lost, the Brave Eleven are lost, Lynneth is lost, Elle is lost, Hekatomb is lost, Galen is lost, Karim is lost, Sana is lost, Velan is lost and so many more because I feel I will always be forgetting names as they, too, slip slowly between my fingers.)
(And none of them are to be found)
Once, an elven princess found a magic pitcher.
And watered the wilting Rose.
And lo and behold! The Rose healed!
And its petals glimmered brighter than ever.
And its thorn stood to defend its beauty.
And its smell brought memories of everlasting love.

"Lies, secrets, deception", she said.
(She was looking at me, when she said it)
"They wilt the heart"
Aurelio patted my back.
Sparrow looked at me, pity behind her mask.
"We are always growing", she concluded.
"Though not always straight"
And all was happiness in the garden.
And all ended well in the Tale.
                     For such is the advantage of stories.
Title: Gossip
Post by: Don Nadie on September 01, 2023, 10:59:35 AM


"Live and drink, everyone!"
I declared, with cheer, as we left the Krak.
"We /shall/ be talking about you all!"
I added, winking impishly.
"If you're interesting and lucky!"
The roofs, some wine, and light chat:
Idiots, accessories, men.
The comforts of the deep blue sky beyond us,
and the respite of a comfortable shade.

"I haven't seen his face, so that's a dealbreaker"
"But consider all the /energy/ implied by his wroth!"
I smiled, cheekily.
"Plus, he has a big mace..."
(Between the lines his loneliness)
(Between the lines, mine)
(I think, between the lines, we are all quite alone)
(Beyond work, and adventure, and Fate, and duty)

The conversation was meandering.
(As good talk should be)
The Butt trial, the licenses, the past.
I even made a fool of myself, which is only appropriate.
And in the end, at least, I did my best to be inspiring.
"Never forget, in stories...",
I lowered my voice, mysteriously,
"It is little tricksters who kill giants"
I think I helped. I think he helped me, too.
I need more friends, normal friends.
Who aren't involved in conspiracies or dramatics.
Who don't endure, like me, the looming threat of death.

(And yet here it is)                  (The part of me which I hate but cannot deny)

   (The part that thinks: a friend, yes.)             (What can I learn, through a friend?)

                                     (What secrets, what whispers?)

Title: M I S T
Post by: Don Nadie on September 02, 2023, 11:46:02 AM

M  I  S  T

[A cheerful, almost histrionic poem seems to have been written in bright green ink. Intertwinned, in ink as dark as to be almost invisible, a few notes]

The future, the future,
the future is bright!
What joy is awaiting!
What cheer and what light!

They both felt I didn't trust them.
They, who know more of me and my dealings than anyone else.
Anyone living, that is.
The future, the future,
together we seek!
In secret green havens,
gather brave and meek!

I was exhausted, I was furious. I wanted to scream.
I wanted to say: "Who of you has taken a single step to help me here?"
To say: "Who of you has actually worked for it, when I asked?"
To yell: "I cannot both get things done and keep you posted of everything!"
The future has meadows
and laughter for all,
and endless clean waters,
and trees, oh, so tall!

So many reproaches, eroding eroding eroding.
Mind eroded, heart eroded, pride on my work eroded.
Did we place upon you, Lyn, such endless demand for love and attention? Did I?
I feel like I carry your burden, without the support you had.
The future brings promise,
too many to list
and so, give it time,
and wait for the Mist.

At least the Acolyte confirmed I acted reasonably, within my bounds.
At least someone believes in me.
But I grow exhausted of Sparrow's constant passive-aggressiveness. I grow tired of Narwen's neediness.
But I love them.
And the Scholar Zi is right. I am leading, and thus must be kinder than they are with me.
And the mist is the mist
        is the mist
                is the mist
                        is the mist

(When I saw them I wondered, for a minute)                     (As they emerged, one after another)             
         (Would I be there? Was I worthy to be there?)   
(And then, there he was, myself, smiling)             (And he spoke)                   (With my voice, so inspiring)
                                                 (And it seemed as though he didn't hate himself)

                    (And that was nice,
                                           for a change)           
                                                                                              (And then I saw her)

                       (And the mist was the mist was the mist was the mist)     
Title: Rest & Relaxation
Post by: Don Nadie on September 03, 2023, 09:23:21 AM

Rest & Relaxation

I'm not sure if it was after talking to the Acolyte. Or after penning that huge report. Or maybe it was when I saw a little bit of blood sprout and sparkle due to some evil idiot who had nothing better to do than self-sire (whatever THAT is). Or probably, it was after that Naridi kept asking me, accusations implied.

"What did you do to the sky?", he asked.
I, of course, chuckled.
Lucky me, people ask the wrong questions.
And I'm not about to do their work for them.
"It is not within my power to affect the sky, alas"
"I see. Is that your final answer?"
Blessed be the Sabotage, for my feet were light.
And I'm good at these dances, so no lies were told.
"To your question?", I said, all smiles, "Certainly."

But at one of those points, I just decided I needed one afternoon without anyone recriminating me anything or involving me in something horrible. So, when I returned from the Tower I decided to chitchat with Bashir, who commented about an inability to read poetry. Nothing worse than those pedants who would insist Art is for those with formal education! If there's anything I can attest from everyone's willingness to judge every single action I have ever taken, it's this:

Everyone. Is. A gosh-darned. Critic.

I set to solve his self-doubt inmediately, and the evening devolved as Hypatia joined us to begin a discussion on who's the Well's biggest fool. Then, that delightfully shirtless man, and a Tale for all to hear: The Tale of Saphraak and the Sabotage.

"And this is the tale as it was told to me", I concluded,
"and so it must be true".
Smiles, applause, questions.

(I think none could tell I pulled it out of my arse
just as we were talking.)
(One can take pride in his Art!)

Sparrow approached at one point, to say she was off to explore the Ashways. I'm still hurt because of her, so I politely told her we could talk about it another day, but today I was having a day off. When Meadow and Sebastian joined, we ended up going for a few digs in the Ramparts, bringing Bashir along. Delightful, as ever, though Fia got a bit knocked and Sebastian didn't show Fia or Bashir some of the most impressive sights. His expedition, his rules, of course. It was nice, in any case, to hear new theories and keep a quiet, listening smile. Sparrow is bright, but she lacks the humility to let others form their own ideas.

"Could this have been a bathhouse?", Bashir offered.
"A bathhouse? This long?", I wondered
"Well yes", he blushed a little, apologetic.
"Could be the corridors"
"Or a canal", offered Sebastian.
Two new theories I hadn't considered.
One much less likely than another, but still.
There's pleasure in seeing old things through new eyes.

When we returned, there was a pillar full of blood on the Krak. Of course there was a pillar full of blood in the Krak.

Commited as I was to rest and relaxation, I refused to engage with the issue and vowed, personally, to die without knowing what that was about. I shan't fail to relax just because Fate conspires. Someone else can deal with it, and then deal with the recriminations that will no doubt come for daring to act.

Instead, I got a couple bottles of Baz'eel blue, chatted a bit, did some contractwork with Meadow, drank a bit more, and crashed into bed.

Wheel bless, what a nice afternoon.
Title: Dancing Lessons
Post by: Don Nadie on September 03, 2023, 02:18:58 PM

Dancing Lessons

Of all the Students, Armis seems curiously the most ready to learn. A shame, that what I must teach him is a source of discomfort.

"You do not have to lie", I said.
"But you can dodge"
His expression torn, his jaw tense.
His discomfort so evident.
I could barely keep my smile, reassuring.
"Think of it like dancing"
"And be light on your steps".

He listened, however, for he has the humility to listen. He understood the importance of such steps. And if he hand't before, learning about the idiotic fate of Velan Volandis, about the injustices the Janissaries commit calling it be Justice... The sad, wicked necessity, at times, of pragmatism. I did my best to be inspiring. I talked about the College, about how it lives not in our apparels, not in our Grandmaster, but in our hearts.

"Sometimes we make sacrifices for necessity", I admited.
"But only when absolutely necessary"
He laughed, mirthless.
"Inspiring words, Alejandro"
"I wish they didn't come on the heels of a lesson about deception"

(I managed not to burst into tears, when he said that)
(Even though all I could think, in panic, was that I had taken a strong, beautiful man)
      (A shimmering knight)
            (And stained him)
  (But no crying! Not even choking up!)
                                    (Go, me.) 

"What is the process of the raising of a new Lyrist?"
He asked, out of nowhere. He wondered about me. A Lyrist.
"I think it deserved", he added.
All I could do was blush.
"You're too kind", I said.
He gave me a wink, a faint grin like the beginning of a smile, or a dawn.
"Pragmatic", he said. Half-jesting.

(I would lie if I said I wouldn't like it)
(If only for a chance to ask Alois whether he had considered getting rhyming lessons from Amelie)
(Without getting expelled or killed on the spot, that is.)

He did well, it appears. He was truthful and honest, but didn't do the wicked Tower's work for them. That matters. Our enemies are many, and they'd use the veils of the justice system to destroy us. I suppose Lynneth being accused of brooking for imprisoning a djinn is the perfect example of it. He was shaken, though. Afterwards.

"A dance, as you said."
His expression was exhausted.
"A dance on the precipice".
(Sabotage, I wanted to hug and comfort him, my poor Student)
(But I did not deserve to)
(Being the one who made him suffer, in the first place)

"I know well this dance is exhausting", I said instead.
"I will always strive to carry this burden", I promised, instead.
"For you, and for everyone in the College".
Title: Coffee
Post by: Don Nadie on September 04, 2023, 11:25:24 AM


It was a shit day, but I'm focusing on the coffee. There were accusations, danger, horrors. There were hurt feelings, from people I love. There was a new friend, wounded both in body and spirit. There were tensions about to explode, had I not taken the reins to find a compromise - because apparently people are unable to think rationally. There were a thousand people, wanting to be addressed, individually, everything explained to them, in detail. There were overlapping issues with numerous horrifying monsters beyond my comprehension (I'm becoming numb to horrifying monsters beyond my comprehension). But there was coffee.

"Does Art derive its power from the artist or from the audience?", he pondered.
"Or perhaps from the stories themselves?"
(I was grateful, delighted even)
(A nice, theoretical conversation)
(One I bore no responsibility over)
(One without recriminations, either)
"I think the magic resides in the doing", I said.
"For no heart can communicate itself perfectly"
"But with Art, we reach out, to one another"
"Attempt the impossible", I said, "and in that, there's magic".
"In reaching out"
(That's what I said)
(Without really reaching out)

The coffee was bitter, the shadow was fresh.
Doves fluttered from roof to roof.
He spoke of his own singing, praised mine.
(I blushed, of course, because I'm an idiot)
He spoke of duties, and dreams.
As a few clouds crossed the skies.
Not even Bootlicker, guarding him, could spoil it.
"Do let yourself have some moments to..."
"Feel what you are feeling"
We were wrapping up, saying our goodbyes already.
"There is no shame in pain or difficulty", he added
I sighed, did my best to smile.
"If anything, my dear friend, I fear I feel too much"
He seemed to ponder for a moment.
"I have seen the opposite in people I care for"
"It is far worse to feel too little".
I nodded, I thanked him.
There were a thousand things crowding me, at once.
(There are always a thousand things crowding me, at once)
But I am an idiot, and I did a stupid leap of faith.
I gave him a rose.

"To keep you safe", I explained.
(How stupid I must have sounded.)
(How foolish, how clumsy, how dumb.)
(As though he couldn't figure it out himself!)
"Kiss its petals", I said                 
(Wheel above, I'm the worst)         
         "and it shall protect you"
Title: A List
Post by: Don Nadie on September 05, 2023, 09:01:34 AM

A list

[A absurdist list of tasks to deal with.]

1- Unspeakable horror beyond human comprehension nº1 (Gutter Beast)

2- Unspeakable horror beyond human comprehension nº2 (Bootlicker's mind)

3- Unspeakable horror beyond human comprehension nº3 (Personal guilt over corruption of local oathsworn, but not the cool and titilating kind you see in Joust Love or Knight's Tale, vol IX. Not that I'm sad that isn't the titilating kind of corruption, because that'd be inappropriate. He's a Student!)

4- Unspeakable horror beyond human comprehension nº4 (Leadership & feelings management: how to make friends and also not get torn to shreds when your friends start recriminating you things)

5- Unspeakable horror beyond human comprehension nº5 (Cosine's dirty, dirty soul & underwear: the limits of bleach)

6- Unspeakable horror beyond human comprehension nº6 (Banda Rossa's boredoom: looking at walls and the dangers of being tied to greedy idiots)

7- Unspeakable horror beyond human comprehension nº7 (Endure the burning desire of telling people to get a life)

8- Unspeakable horror beyond human comprehension nº8 (Keep Sparrow from being burnt by the Legion)

9- Unspeakable horror beyond human comprehension nº9 (Throater killing the one person with really pretty eyes)

10- Unspeakable horror beyond human comprehension nº10 (Yuyumamar: if blood starts raining it is surely my fault)
11- Unspeakable horror beyond human comprehension nº11 (Good morning, now I can't speak Erugitic)

12- Unspeakable horror beyond human comprehension nº12 (Remember the DQWR? What have you done lately for it? Oh, you've been too busy dealing with idiots+Fate's entrapment? Nice, nice...)

13- Unspeakable horror beyond human comprehension nº13 (Vows of ignorance: how to not learn about pillars of blood)

14- Unspeakable horror beyond human comprehension nº14 (Feeling excluded: Everyone's getting horrible visions of hideous monsters but me. I can't arrive last at a trend!)

15- Unspeakable horror beyond human comprehension nº15 (If I start drinking, I'm not gonna stop)

16- Unspeakable horror beyond human comprehension nº16 ("It will be just a moment", or how to lose your entire afternoon)

17- Unspeakable horror beyond human comprehension nº17 (The Tonsure. Did you forget about the Tonsure? The Tonsure certainly didn't forget about you! Unless he's dead!)

18- Unspeakable horror beyond human comprehension nº18 (Blank space for something I'm surely forgetting, which will only be made worse by the fact I'm forgetting it __________________________________________)

19- - Unspeakable horror beyond human comprehension nº19 (Consulate: How long do I have?)

20- Unspeakable horror beyond human comprehension nº20 (Leadership & Feelings management 2: You actually need to discipline here and there, but you also don't have real authority over fellow Balladeers)

21- Unspeakable horror beyond human comprehension nº21 (The world is still ending. Did you forget the world was still ending?)

22- Unspeakable horror beyond human comprehension nº22 (Endless list of things to do)

The list ends there, abruptly.
Title: Ticking Forward
Post by: Don Nadie on September 08, 2023, 09:33:41 AM

Ticking Forward

Time crosses slowly, it slides, it ticks forward. I am waiting for so many things: plans, threats, death, monsters, elections. I don't even know what will come first, I don't even know if all of these things shall, in the end, come at all. I'm just holding my breath. Three days remain.

(I got what she wanted)
(I hope it will be enough)   
(He's ready to sacrifice himself, if it isn't)     
(Such a beautiful, kind man,                           
put in such an ugly, unkind position)

Waiting, waiting, waiting. Will he win this time? Will Elections come before the Throater? I fear for his life until the monster is caught, and yet both him and the monster often wander while I sleep. There's little I can do, except pray. Sabotage, hide him. Sabotage, call down, upon the monster, misfortune. Because three days remain:

(I sit with the list of the Voiced before me.)
(Who is in, who is out? Who can be trusted?)
(I am too pretty for mathematics, but not for persuassion)
(At least I hope so)

Work, work, work, as you wait. Work to get things done. Work to tame things. Work to get people to move. Work to get people off your back. Everything would be easy, without people slowing you down, with their endless demands for reports, their endless need to offer their criticism. If I was invisible things would be easier. If I was invisible, I wouldn't be able to do my job.

I made my Will, at least. Affairs are in order, my death will set some plans back, but not all. And making the Will? Surprisingly peaceful, when followed by drinks and gossip. One may as well kill some time, when three days remain. It beats killing oneself.

(He offered to help me in anything he could)
(I thanked him. I told him I appreciated it)
(I told him, too, that I shouldn't ask, for that'd be using him)
(Using him for his connections, for his work)
(I wanted to be open about it and kill the temptation)
(One should, after all, be open. With friends.)

(And that part whispers; as ever, it whispers:
                                     "Isn't that a better tool? Isn't that even more astute?"
                   "Feign honor first and thus, when you ask... Perhaps you may receive")

May I wade the Darkness. May time move forward. May my heart be a torch. May it not burn.
Title: Blood
Post by: Don Nadie on September 08, 2023, 09:39:49 AM


[This entry is stained with blood]  (#)(#)
I.                                                          (#)(#)(#)
          don't even                                        (#)(#)     
                                  know where to begin.

But if everyone telling me we took too long to act had, instead of asking for reports and making me lose time, shut their holes for about a minute, things would be faster. This, of course, applies to every single event in my life. Because one thing is clear:

Everyone. Is. A damned. Critic.

At least its done. And all live.                                                (#)
          Not the Scholar                                                      (#)(#)(#)
                  Wheel, the Scholar                                           (#)(#)
              I think the Janissaries arrived (#)                                             
                when I was crying.                   
After what Naelin said.
I'm going to collapse somewhere now.(#)
Title: Re: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on September 11, 2023, 11:54:53 AM


I still am not sure I remember all of what happened, a blur after things started coming on top of me. I do know I have less than half of my savings before it. I do know that half the Well arrived to see me tearful. Maybe the Janissaries assume it had to do with them.

I don't know where to start dealing with this. Naelin was scared, but she was hurtful. She, who has said in a thousand ways she doesn't trust the Acolytes, nor their Drink. Who has turned away the Rose endlessly. And when the time comes? She demanded, on my love for her, that I betray my love for the Rose. She pitted one love against another. She wanted to use me.

Worse still.
She wanted to use me for a transparent ploy.
Janissaries at the Krak
Quite literally the worst time to take the mantle.
(Would it hurt less?)
(If her ploy wasn't DUMB?)

Aurelio was for it, Armis was not. Two oathsworn. They, too, troubled by the matter. These beautiful men with clean hands and cleaner hearts... They just make a choice between to equals, and pretend one is best. What's the use of these shining knights, if they can't even provide moral clarity? How I love them, how I wish I could be them.At least they chose.

Regardless, I did what I could. And maybe, in the end, everyone is always using one another. There's something to be said, about being useful.

'Perhaps this time', she adviced, in a whisper.
'You'll make sure to get something.'
How feline her smile, how languid her eyes.
'For your trouble'.
Title: Compromised
Post by: Don Nadie on September 11, 2023, 12:09:38 PM


I would never have imagined I'd feel brotherhood with that flipping Sergeant, until last night. They went down, deep, to hunt the Beast with the Astronomers. I have no idea why they refused the solution of the Priory. Presumably, Mevura's influence on Marcellus, his absurd disdain for the most noble women in the Well seeping, like poison, into others. But they did go with the Astronomers. They used the Shade to trap the Beast. They brought the Beast to their Tower.

And I knew, when they started celebrating, what that meant. Inmunity.

I would've, perhaps, been more critical of the hypocresy. The Wroth, denied punishment. The Astronomers, spared any consequence for any action, even as charges are pushed on others for the same events. Wheel, I'm surprised he can still call upon his Spoke.

And yet.

Just as he was selling his convictions for the good of the Well, I was. Just as he was giving inmunity to the Astronnomers, I was giving my savings to Domhnall. Just as he was letting them work their magic, I was accompanying Domhnall to sign a contract with the Banda. To buy some votes.

I suppose I win. I did two things I abhor. He, only one.

'What would you ask of a Legate?', he asked.
We were by the fire, chatting just after.
I was feeling melancholic.
(Self-betrayal will do that, I suppose.)
'Be good', I said, simply.
And he smiled.
And that was something.
Title: Burnt
Post by: Don Nadie on September 12, 2023, 12:07:56 PM


[Most of this page is written in almost transparing ink, difficult to read. Only a few lines, in darker tone, are easily legible.]

          So it seems I was wrong, was I not?                        Used. The stars whirl above
                                                        Unkindly, the weary heavens.                         I wonder if I can, as much as if I should.                  What's the purpose of qualms?

  A nest of coiling vipers sizzling like flames.   
"I hate lying", I told her.
Consider, the weight of a feather            Consider their Shame, and yours.         "She exploited your desire to cooperate", she said simply.
            Consider it, too                                                                                                                   She wasn't severe, or angry.
For the Mist is the Mist is the Mist is the Mist                                                                                But I felt so ashamed.
The wind blows, ash scatters.                                                                                  I would've crawled into the earth, given the chance.
                                 Our best intentions, like the flicker of distant stars: warmthless                                    I burn, but I cast no light
Games: the table set, the pieces moving. A blindfold on my eyes.

                                                 In darkness, wading. In mystery, wading. In secrets, wading. In deception, wading.
                                              I must drink deep, and I must not drown.                                      Every minute without it, on my shoulders                                                         Every second, my mistake                                         Every hour, my burden 
I burn, but I cast no light.                                                                                                   
"I will not lecture you in secrets"
"You know more than most, in this Iistu"                       A labor of love, without love       
Serene her expression, serene her eyes.                                      Spoils both the love and the labor                                                       
Not a glimpse of reproach.
(I think that made it much worse)                                                     Is she, too, using me? Is everything good in me a tool to be used?
"But in the defense of the sacred", she explained.                                         I wonder, sometimes, if her tears were just for show.
"Things are permitted"
She was gazing into my eyes, deeper.                      It turns, the Wheel, it turns.               Hope then, Balladeer: it's Spokes are moving
"That would otherwise not be"
                                    I burn, but I cast no light.
                                                                                               When the Bell rings, when the time comes.                               (It comes)
Hope then, hope then: the colors are shining.
                                            And when all you get is flickers,                                                A path in the darkness is not seen, but divined.
                                                                       you may still manage to paint                                      Such is, as is.
                  But all will be well.

I burn                                                            "I will not say you're blameless", he said.
but I cast no light                                            "But you're not as guilty as you think"
I burn                                                                                                                                 We were in a cave, I had ended up crying.
but I cast no light                                                                                                                (Wheel above, why do I always end up crying?)
but I cast no light                                                And he was near me. So beautiful it aches.
I burn                                                     (These knights... One feels wretched, in comparison)
I burn                                                                    I burn                                                   "Mistakes happen", he insisted.
I burn                                                                                                       "We keep trying"
And he wiped my tears, then made me laugh.
but I cast no light                                                                                                                   Nothing was good, but all was better.

Title: Helping
Post by: Don Nadie on September 13, 2023, 06:19:07 PM


For a change, I woke up in good spirit. I came out of my room and giggled, seeing the arena and remembering my duel with Armis, when he kept attacking Fakelejandro. He realy did me a world of good. I felt energetic enough to endure Radislav grumbles because, as it seems, Aubrey did a most un-Aubrey thing.

She actually saved the day.

Literally, she saved the day.

I am extremely surprised, because when Aubrey does something while I sleep, I generally wake up to find the world is on fire or something. But clearly, I have been unfair with her, on that matter. Maybe not super unfair, but a little unfair. I'll get her a present, when I can. She may have fixed my mistake, so that's something. We'll see how things develop.

Besides that, the day was pleasant. A few jokes with Armis in the room (he is, still, not learning to dance. I offered!), a brief chat with Selsi. Then, I went to Marcellus's office. I had felt bad, for a while, that he was always in political meetings or with Cosine haunting him like a flipping ghost, so I just came with some new discoveries to share.

It was a bit like old times. It was nice. And I think I cheered him up a lot.

And after, I just went downstairs with Bashir, to the Pyramid's bar. I didn't want to talk with those Janissaries who kept barking for a Balladeer like I was a waiter. We all get they're rought and grumpy - they'll learn to be respectful or they'll get no meetings.

Anyways, I just chatted with Bashir. He had been a bit down, so I... Tried to help him express his problems, and think on how to deal with them. Everything, I guess, is easier, when one speaks with friends. It was good. I think I helped. Even if we both jested about being self-hating and overdramatic.

It feels nice to help friends feel better. That, unlike intrigue, comes natural to my heart. And it helps me, too.

Title: Did I win?
Post by: Don Nadie on September 14, 2023, 09:21:09 AM

Did I win?

I think I won. More or less. It's so blurry, I'm not even sure.

Things certainly were different from how I dreamed them. After waiting the whole day, a book merchant and the dangerous eagerness of Bootlicker made me rush to the Tablet just as Domhnall emerged to take the toga. I heard the Bellows from afar, I saw naught. I arrived to see him already dressed, a Princess by his side. I teared up.

(Wheel above. Always with the tears)
(Like like I was a cup, filled to the brim)
(A little tremor away from spilling)
(At least these were happy?)

From there, running, rushing, dealing, wheeling. The Sergeant Radish donning his best grumpy old man persona and me, in turn, being an irritating, stupid little flirt. There's always a point, I suppose, to finding what may irritate others most - and if there's one thing manly men dislike, it's effeminacy.

I was fuming, though. Going back on deals, trying to pull my heartstrings, threats as veiled as a harlot in the cheapest brothel. After what had happened before? After how I had felt last my best qualities where used like that...? Good enough I didn't invite him to put that sword of his where the sun don't shine. See whether it fits with the stick that's already in there.

The Ballestriere, at least, was helpful. Both with this and with other matters. The Rossa's Fortress, from within? Much less charming than the Colege.

'He is what I like to refer to", she said.
'As a high floor, low ceiling man'.
I chuckled, amused.
Upon my face, the mask of the villain.
(Or at least as villanous as I can make myself)

After updating Aubrey, I was tired, but I couldn't sleep. I felt weighted. How different was this to what I imagined? How different was this day to what I dreamed? And what did I dream? Was there even a point to what I dreamed? Was I really expecting a meeting in his new office, and a smile, and his li

I should know better. Politics is not for the heart. But I guess I did win. A little.
Title: Nope
Post by: Don Nadie on September 14, 2023, 05:19:26 PM


Like dew under the hateful gaze of Pra'raj, our leverage seems to have vanished in but a few strange hours.

Such is life. Alternatives will be found. Still, somewhat discouraging to learn I did not, in fact, win.

I shall, at least, relish the irony. The sergeant may yet get my ass.
Title: Turns
Post by: Don Nadie on September 14, 2023, 05:24:51 PM


[A prayer, written in almost transparent ink]

Hope, oh Fool,
for the Wheel is always turning,
always  turning!

And in the creaking of its Spokes
many things are possible, that would otherwise not be!

And though Fate circles hungrily,
many things are possible, that would otherwise not be!

And when Shadows grow longer,
many things are possible that would otherwise not be!

Hope, oh Fool,
for the Wheel is always turning,
always  turning!


Σ  Ε  U  Κ  Σ  Ι  Π  Π  Υ  Σ

Title: Exhale
Post by: Don Nadie on September 16, 2023, 11:08:06 AM


They want to hurt Narwen.

(Exhale. Slowly, exhale.)

They want to take our beautiful Narwen, our kindest Balladeer, our sweetest flower. Why must they reach so eagerly with their greedy hands? Why can they not accept that not everything we don't understand is evil?

(Exhale. Do not let the nightmares come. Exhale)

They are all tense, and I must guide them. They are all demoralized by the suddent twist of Fate, and I must offer them hope. They all feel we're losing, and I must show them our victories, or win them anew. But they want to study Narwen and I'm scared.

(Exhale, exhale. The time will come, the time is coming)

Roles must be played, manyfold. And I must steady my hand, to protect her. Whatever it takes, to protect her. From within and from without, to protect her.

I am growing ready to cut some fools, if that is what the stage demands. A good artist, after all, must be flexible.

(But exhale. All is under control, exhale)

Plans are in motion, things are moving, manifold victories have been achieved in but a short few days.

And he did not fail me. It is not what I dreamed, it is not what I dreaded. But he didn't break my heart, and that's quite something.

Frail little thing, a heart.

"That was nice"
(I heard him say that, as I left)
(And it was, indeed, nice)
(To hear it, too)
Title: Victories & Bonfires
Post by: Don Nadie on September 17, 2023, 08:58:45 AM

Victories & Bonfires

How bitter, the load I bear. The hours of whispering kindness, of friendship seeded, of diplomacy carefully arranged. Gossamer and dreams, for we of the College have naught but gossamer and dreams to push our agenda. Hours, writing, too. For coordination, for sharing, for morale.

I won victories. I know they were victories. In but a short day, I won victories to account for, victories to be proud of.

And yet? Invective, complaints. Not strong enough, not harsh enough, not winning enough. They desire greedily, with despairing eagerness, and are unwilling to accept anything less than the fullness of their heart. How I understand that desire, how naive it seems. 

It is as it is.

I would lie if I said this doesn't break my heart. Aubrey and Sparrow, so eager to burn all my efforts in their stubborn refusal of acceptance. I do not think they have ever thanked me, ever praised me, ever encouraged the work of my little woven stories. Everything that isn't complete surrender to their desires, they feel as a betrayal. But if I gave into their path, we'd be alone and abandoned. If I gave into their path, Narwen would suffer. If I gave into their path, blood would stain the cobblestones of the Well, the carpets of the Krak.

It is burdensome. It is exhausting. The cloak weights heavily, but one perseveres. I miss you, Lynn. You, who made me feel so small, also did much to feed this emptiness within me. This desperate, pathetic need to be loved.

I climb to hidden peaks and empty my cup under the gaze of the dismissive Stars. May my heart empty, too, of expectations; may I accept what is, for what it is; may I not suffer when, inevitably, those I love do not love me back.

May I endure, for this path must be walked by someone.

Someone has to dig.

ευοι  Σ  Ε  U  Κ  Σ  Ι  Π  Π  Υ  Σ  ευοι
Title: Lesser Men
Post by: Don Nadie on September 17, 2023, 11:44:54 AM

Lesser men

In the Wyld's secret places we gathered. Verdant was the Hope; Red, the Sacrament.

In the Wyld's secret places, the Mist curled arround our lips and we drank it, deeply. For the Mist is the Mist is the Mist is the Mist. And many things became possible, that would otherwise not be.

In the Wyld's secret places we spoke. Victories and dreams. Past and future, entwined, like lovers.

"I dream of a world where goodness reigns supreme"
Armis's voice rang clear, rang serene.
"Where good men do not have to compromise with darkness"
Silver, his voice, his beauty.

In the Wyld's secret places we shared. Where we come from. Where we go. What we seek.

"My triumphs...", said Sparrow.
"I have none"
(My heart broke, yet again)
(Hope, never to take root)
(Is she my greatest failure?)

In the Wyld's secret places, I filled my Cup with ambrosia. The Mists carved within were the Mists without, and I spoke as the Mist was the Mist was the Mist...

"I cultivate stories", I said, a hint of pride.
"Though frail, they save many a life, many a heart."
I paused, I looked at my Cup.
My voice then broke, recessess opening up.
"I dream of home", I confessed.

In the Wyld's secret places, things were spoken, that would otherwise not be. Prophecy, reiterated. Companionship, cheered. Oaths... Oaths taken. Siegward kneeling before golden Aurelio.

"Never to speak a lie".
One spoke, one echoed.
"Deceit in the lay of lesser men"

How beautiful his judgement, unspoken. How perfectly ugly I felt. Myself, who may attempt not to lie, but must often deceive. So small I felt that a breeze could carry me away, into oblivion.

I gazed into my cup, still brimming. I raised my eyes again with a smile.  What must be done, must be done. Gossamer and whisper, may I weave them, so that his beauty remains unstained.  And Narwen's. And Armis's. In my heart they echoed, like the ringing of a thousand bells, her word. Prophecy:

"The Cup shall not be found by a knight"

So I drunk deep and my heart sang, thrice-fold, its hopeful blessings.

αλέθεια       Ε ρ ο ύ γ κ ι       αλέθεια!

πλάνη       Υ λ λ α ρ η ς       πλάνη!

μυστήριο       Σ ε ύ k ε ι ρ ρ υ ς       μυστήριο!
Title: Caring
Post by: Don Nadie on September 19, 2023, 07:16:29 AM


"You care too much about what others think."
Ages ago you said, Lynneth.
Golden Lynneth, perfect Lynneth, beloved Lynneth.
Envied Lynneth.

Once, there was a hole.
And on its brim, grew beautiful flowers.

"Your problem is that you care", said Sparrow.
"When none of it matters"
Last elections, my heart torn.
Sparrow, my gloomy Sparrow.
If I didn't care, I would be dead.

So people brought water and pleasant things.
People brought coin and gemstones and treasures.
People brought animals and virgins and sacrifices.
And all of it was thrown into the hole, as offering.

She rose her gaze from the wax tablet.
The stylus held, delicately, in her hands.
"You did well, my friend", she said.
How one longs to be told as much.
(The heart, in its boundless weakness)
(It aches for such things)

And offering after offering fell into its depths.
But the flowers bloomed as they ever had.
And the hole would never be filled

My hand was on his shoulder, my eyes on his.
"I do not always know if I am the best guide", I admitted.
His hand came to rest upon mine.
"Not always", he said.
"But the one I'd want"

But it still yearned for offerings, regardless.
For, like everything else, it wanted to be loved.
Title: Accord
Post by: Don Nadie on September 20, 2023, 09:19:24 AM


Oh, precious Accord! Oh, pile of rotting compromises grown off of corpses! Oh, babies thrown off windows, oh mothers ravished against the selfsame window-stills, their eyes upon the splash that was their progeny but moments ago! Oh swords upon swords clashing, oh Waters flowing red and stained, every holiness drained, every kindness hollowed, every mercy stained and stained and stained! Oh, what joys it brings to be part of such steemed institution, such noble calling, such heavenly oaths! Were it not for the Accord, wouldn't we be but beasts, unable of more than primitive grunts and shows of absurd strength? Oh, what joys it brings to this City, to the weeping widows and the tortured wounded, to the peaceful doctors that see themselves set upon their own surgery table and sawn and sawn and sawn, for the perverse joyfulness of it! Behold its glory, as it glimmers in the horizon with the promise of a new, of a better, of a more joyful future!

Oh, Accord, how strong you grow watered in blood and bullshit!

"Why didn't you protect me, Alejandro?"
Title: Bel-Ishun
Post by: Don Nadie on September 21, 2023, 08:32:53 AM


"I can only hope these sacrifices aren't in vain."
He offered his hand, accross the table.
I reached out and held it.
(For isn't that the purpose of Art? To reach out?)
"I don't hope", he said, squeezing softly. "I know"

The fresh murmur of the fountains.
The kind shadow of a garden.
Reciting poetry.
To a handsome man, if I'm lucky.

Even if originally meant as a joke... I suppose I can't complain, when Fate gifts me such taste of a better future.

"Thank you for the words"
"Inspiring, as always"
I smiled, the first stars scattering into the sky.
"Thank you, rather", I whispered
"I would be... Lost, without you".

Afterwards, a walk, with friends. The Exhortations of the Tutor. The Barrier.

And beyond the Barrier, a vision, a mirage, perhaps - or a prophecy. Vines, growing softly? Flowers blooming? A trick of the moonlight and the shadows? Within my heart, it bloomed, too, renewed as ever from ashes: Hope.

Remember, merry minstrels, the flowers.
For the time is coming (it comes!).
And with the turning of the Wheel,
many things become possible,
that would otherwise not be.

Bel-Ishun, nears.
Title: Squaring the Circle
Post by: Don Nadie on September 23, 2023, 11:50:22 AM

Squaring the Circle

I was working my way, enduring, performing. Eroding, slowly, resistance. Doing what I needed to do, so that Narwen would be safe, so that she would be safe. And she called for me, she was angry, she was fuming, she was feeling insulted, and slighted, and betrayed. How horrible, her anger burning my skin. Her words, pouring, and pouring, and pouring their hatred, over me.

"I told you he was a snake", said Anais.
And that was just the last drop.
I had to leave or I would start screaming.
"We'll talk later", I said.

I did my best to cry discreetely, because Wheel above, I'm always crying. I endured their company, did what I was meant to do. On my return, at the top of Elossi, we met again. Took me a moment to realize she was there. I had reached, I think, that strange level of exhaustion where the world seems submerged, time loses meaning and all one hears is the screams inside, come and go, raise and fall, like the waves of some cursed ocean.

Oh, she spoke. At length. At length she told me of her travails, and I suffered for her. How could I not? How could my heart not break, knowing her burdens, knowing the unfairness of it all? How could I not long to help her? Why couldn't I stop caring for they, even after how they kept treating me?

At long last, she remembered. I, too. I was also there, I was also suffering. Better late than never, I guess? But when she asked, I just burst, my notebook fallen to the floor, tears running, so many tears. I felt I was flooding, I felt I was a flood, and I felt I wanted to drown.

"I have to keep smiling, and to keep charming"
"Because you know what? Nobody else will"
"Nobody wants to do that fucking sacrifice"
"So I square the circle, for the people I love"

A flood, a torrent, pouring and pouring. I could've drowned the people in the plaza, like the knights of the Cinquefoil were drowned during the Siege. I could've washed myself away. I wish I had washed myself away. I wanted to surrender, I longed to be empty of these spoiled waters, these tears.

"Narwen, Sparrow, you."
"You all want me to do these sacrifices"
"You all need me to"
"And then you hate me, for doing them"
Empty me, Sabotage.
Empty my heart, so frail a vessel.
Empty me, so that I will spill no longer.
Title: Professionalism
Post by: Don Nadie on September 24, 2023, 10:01:29 AM


[A strange little text, like the speech of a circus-master]

Behold, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! For your delight and entertainment: a Professional!

Watch, as he endures interruption after interruption with the grace and patience of one who wants to facilitate the work of his companion!

Thrill, as he smiles, politely, dead in the eyes, and at least takes notes of the plans of those who seem unable to accept a waiting line!

Gasp in awe and surprise, as his tone does not change an inch at the discovery of betrayal!

Be amazed, seeing how he focuses on the matter at hand, on the political angles, on the strategic calculations, on what this will mean for their shared hopes for the future!

Cheer, as he endures, and no tear flickers down his cheek, for it is hardly the spot, with so many spectators whispering amidst themselves, to the other side of the table!

And cry, too, your heart moved to grief, when, in a grand display of self-control, he does not phrase the one question raging, like a forest fire, within his chest!

Were you using me, too?

Title: Of things that wither
Post by: Don Nadie on September 25, 2023, 09:05:19 AM

Of things that wither

"You are better suited to this", said the shinning knight.
Marching off to glory and adventure, while I smiled politely, and endured another metting.
Where, to the surprise of nobody, when idiots meet, idiocy multiplies.

Better suited? No. But someone has to do it.
And shinning knights cannot abide by stains
That is, I suppose, what us lesser men are for
(But lesser men are taken for granted)

Naelin kept badgering, even as I had expressed my distresses, as I bared my heart. I think I broke, I marched to the Priory, I requested audience. How kindly their smiles, how comforting their voice. Like water on parched lips, their kindness. I brought them over for a long conversation, endless and meandering, fittingly interrupted by the Apothar. I was exhausted.

"Nobody's sticking their neck for us", she kept saying.
Acting as though I hadn't done it a thousand times over.
"Friendship, untended, withers", I said.
"Like any flower."
(But flowers are taken for granted)

Is that so difficult, to be kind? Is it so difficult, to return love with love? To tend to those who have tended to you? To give those who are your friends, and your allies, some measure of respect and consideration? Speaking at the League's meeting it would seem, almost, as though it was my fault that I didn't come in with camel-trading, with demands for my support. It would seem as though it was my mistake, for not demanding control and power over others, but putting my trust, instead, on him. Hoping he'd do right by the Well. By me.

"You do nothing but complain", he said.
"But do not bring alternatives".
I was patient, it was not the place to scream.
And I do not have the ability to yell over Aubrey.
(But the patient are taken for granted)

Wheel above. Wheel above, it stings. It stings to see the pieces being laid out, my advice rejected. It stings to see how things are moving and how, with every move, the White League moves further away from victory. The Priestess is setting the board and they don't even see how her coalition grows, slowly, steady, while they bicker over whether to choose a screeching harpy or a seller of Dirt. And I felt tired, too tired to argue over Aubrey's constant barrage of anger and invective. Too sad, as well. I could barely look at him. Wheel above, how it stings.

"The Assembly is in the hands of Mercantilist interests", he seethed.
And yet, there he was, asking me to fundraise.
Valuing what was sold, more than what was gifted.
(But gifts are always taken for granted)

At least, I got to call Oro fat.

Small victories.
Title: Quests
Post by: Don Nadie on September 26, 2023, 12:30:10 PM


The Clans rally, the Snakes seethe. Others dwell and await, too distracted to mind Prophecy, too eager, on return, to raise excuses and objections. The Rose leads the charge and, at the fore, the shimmering sword of our golden Aurelio.

To sing by his side: a Quest.
To aid him: a Quest.
To lend him the guile that he lacks: a Quest.

To endure his radiance, his beauty: a Quest, too.

In the Krak, fissures forms, lines are drawn. Pride, so easily wounded, clashes even among those who need each-other. Someone has to mend, someone has to tie the edges. If my pride were so easily wounded, I would get nothing done... But it is I who must endure the anger of two of the petals with a smile, and balance their scents.

To make peace: a Quest.
To juggle their prides: a Quest.
To ensure our safety: a Quest.

To endure what we must, for as long as we must: a Quest, too.

In the Well, shadows gather, a weave of lies and deception clouds the minds of the innocent. Love, they abhor; holiness, they abhor. All that they cannot graps and control, they'd destroy. So I must dance my dance, without spilling my heart.

To stand watchful: a Quest.
To weave my own path: a Quest.
To offer him aegis: a Quest.

To carry the fullness of my heart: a Quest, too. 

And for guidace, their soft voice in my ear. Their kind touch upon my cheek. Their wisdom, etched with flame and love into my heart.

"You have braved the labyrinth of secrecy."
"You move effortlessly twixt light and shadow."
"Now wading the ash, now beating your wings."

"You have won my favor, Alejandro."
Title: Memorials
Post by: Don Nadie on September 27, 2023, 10:09:53 AM


[Some brief notes. The calligraphy is uneven, as though written with very little light.]

What is this, the eigth? The ninth?

How many memorials, until she can be buried?

One must support his brothers, regardless. This does no harm, this is what their heart tells them is right and proper and, in a way, is it not? How could I spoil their memorials, as they kneel before the statue? Even as I know the myriad ways in which it is wrong? Even Mae, who knew her so well, has turned to worship. She seethes that a once-living woman has been cast into stone, but that is literally what she does. What they all do. They have annointed her memory, her imagined, untarnished perfection.

Wheel above. I mourn her jokes and her mistakes. So often I go into the Dungeon and expect to see her at the other side of the door. I mourn her pain and her insecurities. I mourn her kindness, the way she would soothe my wounds. I mourn the way I would soothe hers, too.

But they all praise her endlessly, in absurd worship.
They cast her as the Pilgrim themself.
They repeat, again and again, the same canticle.

"She was the best of us"

I emptied my melange.
And at the bottom of the cup,
the taste was bitter.
Title: A Night
Post by: Don Nadie on September 27, 2023, 08:02:10 PM

A Night

The darkness was fresh, so I played a new harp, while waiting.
He was late and accompanied, to my chagrin. A jannisary.
I was feeling both angry and melancholic. He was remorseful, perhaps defensive.

"Now I'm not even... Sure of where to start."
"Pick somewhere", he whispered. "It doesn't have to make sense"
A moment of thought. A melody, improvised.
"Do you still have the flower I gave you?", I asked.
(Why was that the thing I cared about the most?)
"Close to my heart"

There was a lot to discuss, to pick appart.
How does one stand for a promise of sincerity?
(Ringing, the strings, into the empty streets)
How, when one fears to have been lied to?
(The music, finding its path in the darkness)

"Most arts, my friend, if I may still call you that..."
"They have made miracles"
His eyes were closed, his brow upon the stone.
"But the art of politics produces only monsters"

What could I do, but discard the harp, and reach out?
A hand, through the empty space, towards the warmth of another skin?
What is Art, after all, if not reaching out?

"If you didn't still... Have my heart...", I admitted.
"I wouldn't be here"
(How fresh, each breath of truth, in an ever-lying city)
"But if you neglect your heart, for control"
"You will lose yourself"

And so it went. Visions shared. Mischief, too.
He didn't lie, as I feared. As others had.
Perhaps, in the darkness of such a night,
one may steal honesty,
and even some tenderness.
Title: Setting the Table
Post by: Don Nadie on September 29, 2023, 01:01:04 PM

Setting the Table

It is a banquet, I suppose. An offering of morsels and flavors, our politics, our intrigues. No sooner has one election ended that we're already preparing for the next one, talking to people, arranging meetings, reacting to choices, and counterchoices. And on the sidetables, little tangential conspiracies, orbiting one-another.

I'm doing my best to set a course, both for elections and beyond. Evidently, others are too. How I hate this foolishness, the corrupt nature of it all. It goes against the grain of my heart.

"Alas, little idealistic fool that I am..."
"I rarely request anything for my vote"
A pause, a hesitation, a shrug.
"Only that they be good Legates"

She chuckle, amused. I, of course, was not joking.
"How's that working for you, monsieur?"
"It is better, I assure you, to get things in writing"
She smiled. I have noticed her smile is sharper than her blade.
"Next election, consult me" 
"I promise I'll keep my advice... Moral"

I hate that dungeon.
I hate these deals.
I hate the dirty trades.
I hate these elections and these efforts.
I hate the calculations, the betrayals, the commitments, the demands.

I hate what I end up doing, when asked... Because someone has to do it, in the end.
Title: Action
Post by: Don Nadie on October 02, 2023, 08:29:06 AM


Wheel above.

I don't think I have ever been as worried as when I thought he had run to the Ramparts alone. First time I leave a Sister or Acolyte behind, in my life, but the very thought of the orcan armies meeting him on his own was intolerable.

What a relief, when the Bellows rang that he was safe.

Comparatively speaking, the trip through ashen wastes? The battle against horrifying otherworldly monsters? Trying to make sure Aurelio did not die about thirteen times, dancing arround the maws of some heinous beast, the radiation burning our skin? All quite easy. Even deciding that we'd distribute the Cure to the six children, because leaving two to die was immoral, was easy. We warded them best we could, we escorted them. I sang healing, soothing songs, and told fun tales, and distracted them from all the horrors they had seen... And then they were safe in the Krak, treated by the kindly women of the Priory.

In the end, all was well in the Well.

And how good it was, that he rushed off. How bold, and decent, even if it was risky. If he hadn't run away, we'd have spent the next four hours in another meeting, as the Astronomers claimed this was a trap laid by the Priory and the Legionaries demanded about a thousand explanations, and everyone delayed everything for thorough, important  meetings. Possiby, a Committee would've been set up to discuss the matter and prepare a three-hour presentation for the next Assembly. Because Wheel forbid people do things, without giving endless explanations to litterally everyone, before and after.

If he hadn't acted, children would be dead.

"That was incredibly stupid", I whispered.
"In the best possible way"
I giggled, nervousness and relief. My skin burning from radiation, still.
"I almost had a heart attack, thinking you ran to the Nusrum!"
He smiled, his eyes glistening with impish glee.
"Well, I'm an idiot, but not insane"

I don't think I have ever been more smitten.
Title: Shining
Post by: Don Nadie on October 02, 2023, 03:12:47 PM


He took me to the garden, to drink deep from his cup. Fate and happenstance, putting in his hand another thunder to the Dakhwar's lightning. It was glistening, where mine was dusty; precious silver, where mine was humble clay; revealing, where mine seemed more mysterious the more I gazed into its depths.

How fresh were the Waters, within that blessed vessel.
How clear the world seemed for a few moments, when I opened my eyes.
All mysteries revealed, for a second.

He asked for my advice, he sought my confidence. He wanted to be Lyrist, he explained. His dream, shared again, of a Hall of Knights. Golden and certain, my beautiful brother. He wished to know how to attain his goal.

What did I feel at that moment? Boundless love? Endless envy? A twist to my heart? Like a spear through my chest, like hammering within, these melodies, these rhythms. Was this, again, the first beat of a dance I've danced before?

"Do you think the Grandmaster knows I exist?", he asked.

(For a moment, he seemed weak, needy)
(Love. Envy. Pity. His heart, too, endlessly hungering for aproval)
I smiled. Am I not the worst person to ask about this?
I, the endless Student, now the endless Balladeer?
I, who claim it is heart and not rank that matters?
Because otherwise I wouldn't matter at all?

"Lynneth didn't need recomendation letters", I said, so softly.
"She just shone", my smile widened, tender.
I uttered, clear and healing, a sincere truth:
"Just as you shine"

(How I wish I could shine, too)

Title: The Art of Politics
Post by: Don Nadie on October 03, 2023, 08:25:16 AM

The Art of Politics

I suppose I shouldn't be this scared, or at least this surprised. Everything moves forward, one step after another. It goes, worryingly, as I predicted. Cosine and Qari on the Bellows paints the picture, only to be echoed by Connor and Mirielle. Only echoed by Domhnall and Estellise ringing in unison, and over one-another. A bad look, that.

I brought them to the garden, as they sought to speak with me. Bootlicker, as ever, ladden with wisdom and insight. Bringing me news, the both of them. I sat amidst the roses, under the statue of an old King I never cared for, and smiled politely throughout. I did my best not to cackle with both joy an terror, not to scream: "Behold, my work!", as they raised the news. My pieces, Wheel above, I dread to think it.

There are pieces still being set, still dashing back and forth through the Tarwa board. Bouchard, violent yet honorable in his own fashion, enduring the kind of slights and jealousies I know well. Doña Nasreen, serene and kindly. Doña Aaisha, polite and subtle. My dear Bashir, so full of kindness and bad choices... I have inklings of where these pieces may go, but not the certainty. I also do not know if I can affect their trajectory. I probably cannot, in truth.

My pieces, too, the Sisters, though perhaps it is more correct to say that I am theirs, and willingly so. My personal Quest to Voice them, complete, even if that was a strange conclussion. A concerning one, if I may be honest (and where else to be honest, if not here, to be read only by myself?). Sister Nebtu, changing her mind, coming to me, seeking me with a smile so serene as to be offputting. I had to break propriety and hold her hands. How could I not? There is honor and there is respect but, above all, there are the demands of the heart: when one beholds suffering, one offers consolation.

"It is fine", I said, "The Voice is nothing"
"You always had a Voice, you always will"
"And when the new world comes, this piece of paper?"
I smiled, I squeezed her hands.
"It'll burn"

She was not happy, but she was calm. We bear such sacrifices, all of us. Gladly, instruments of Bel-Ishun to come.

After speaking with the Sisters I went to Domhnall, in hope. Bashir, kindly, tried to buy us some space with a white lie. He did, for a bit. It probably was the longest we've spoken alone, since he became Legate and everyone, suddenly, longed to be by his side. I offered my thoughts: impish plans, radical ideas and then, at last, Elections.

A strange balance, in truth. I bit my tongue not to say "I told you this would happen". Not to insist. Not to badger. I have given up on most of my qualms when it comes to electioneering and politics, but I want to keep this one line I won't cross. I won't do transactional politics with him. I won't badger him, or lie, or push the same issue over and over, in blatant imitation of Cosine, until he just gives up out of tiredness. I will give him the information. I'll hope he'll hear me. I'll act as I must on the Assembly floor. He'll make his choices, and I'll live with them.

Because everything good ends, she forced her way in, our tiniest Gellemende. Domhnall received her with words which made me feel my advice hadn't quite taken root. Perhaps he'll double down in his position, and rob us the chance of two Lillies as Legates. Perhaps my own interests in the matter make him think my advice is mannipulated, that I am trying to use him. At least I tried.

I'm starting to feel some inkling of fear. This may end badly, this may end well. The Priestess is... The Priestess. Not bad for me, personally. But not sure if she's good, either. What I'm sure of is that Domhnall may be creating, for her, for once, a real chance. I may be creating it, too.

"Most arts", he said, "they have made miracles"
"But the art of politics produces only monsters"

What monsters am I ushering forth?

Title: Tending the flames
Post by: Don Nadie on October 04, 2023, 10:54:16 AM

Tending the Flames

People forget, often enough. Heck, I think many of my colleagues forget it. Sparrow certainly does, Narwen certainly did. Aurelio, for all his virtues, for all his knightliness, is often too absorbed in his Quests to remember. Siegward follows, so eagerly I sometimes wonder if knightly honor must, by necessity, imply a lack of empathy. But I remember it, always:

We, Balladeers, tend the flames of hope.

It is as important, I think, as the Pilgrim. As important as the Cup. For all of those things are Fated, yes, but Fate necessitates of action, of willingness, of the desire to be Its vessel. Too many in the Well feel useless or insignificant, and seek an absurd death or wander into the Wastes, to be lost forever.  And if all feel lost, in this world of death, famine and injustice, how can we hope to endure till the coming of Bel-Ishûn?

It's a pleasant duty, in truth, wandering about, smiling at those in pain, inviting them to speak of their problems and helping them find solutions. Alecto's ambition may need culling or tending by the Priestess. Plix's kindness needs watering, lest the Tower wither it. And Boucher's heart...

Well, that's a tricky one.

"It is in our heart where duty resides", I said.
"Not in rank, not in the trappings of our institutions"
A pause. He had told me his story. Shared secrets which aren't mine to share.
How could I not offer kindness, in return?
"But remember: a man cannot live for vengeance alone"
I paused. I sipped my coffee, I whispered:
"So think. What brings you joy?"

Hits, perhaps, too close to home: a man passed for promotion, torn between envy and duty. Still, perhaps because of that, someone I can help. And it is good, having such friendly contacts.

It is good, even if, sooner or later, we shall have to cross blades.

                               (And also, admitedly, I always find it exciting)                                               
                  (To spend time alone with men like him.)                         
                                            (Who could snap me like a twig, with their bare hands)                                   

(Not sure I like what that says about me)
Title: Telling Tales
Post by: Don Nadie on October 05, 2023, 09:54:13 AM

Telling Tales

Wheel above, what a creep, that Nadiri. Not sure what I found more unsettling: when he spoke an inhuman sound or the fact he was trying to record the Hakawati's Tales.


I was scandalized and, honestly, a bit scared for him. I mean, obviously, I also have notes on those Tales. They're great Tales! But also obviously, I make mistakes on those notes, deliberate ones. And if I'm reading them to someone, you bet I'm not simply repeating what the Hakawati said.

What am I, a THIEF?!

In truth, I'd be a little scared for the poor man. I do not think he quite understands all the kinds of ill luck, heinous curses, and mysterious twists that befall those who try to tie down the trade of the Storyteller. There's a reason the Hakawati do not write their Tales. There's a reason the published version of the Thousandfold Tale is very different from the performed version.

Not that the Tower would get that, of course.

Worst part is? He's not doing it for himself. When I pried a little, as I tried to dissuade him, the Nadiri said it was the Creep who asked him to do this. Entirely unsurprising. It's in character, to get Tales so spectacularly wrong and, on top of that, to send a Nadiri to do such horrible work.

Well. At least it gave me a good metaphor and moral, for the Tale of the Last Caliph and the First Sultan.

For he was the kind of man who sought to count the sands, so as to rein the dunes.
He was a man who, scared of the beat of his own heart, would change it to clockwork.
Fearful of shadows, he'd torch the Temples to see more clearly.
Burn the poems that he couldn't understand.
And thus, consummed by suspicion and paranoia, he was unhappy.
And he brought, upon others, his unhappiness, too.

A bit unsubtle, perhaps, inspiring myself on him for Zojhir? Well, if the shoe fits...

But to think how cute he seemed, back in the day. How sad I felt for him, sometimes, and how I wanted to help him... In truth, only Estellise hasn't become much worse, through her time in the Tower. Then again, she was messy, from the start.
Title: Re: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on October 08, 2023, 09:27:26 PM

Ashstorms & Ammonites

What a strange day, this was.

We were digging. No more. No less. For the last dig, I was set on putting the shovel to the north side of Phor's tomb, when a Ashstorm, or the beginnings of one, formed. And this his steps, ponderous but quiet. Did he leave any tracks? Or did the ash not register his presence? He was tall, like two men. Grey and scarred what could be seen of his arms, his hands wielding spear and shield. His face, covered by a horrifying war-mask. A name came to our lips, but was not uttered.


The Orcan had sought us. "Prey", he called them. He gave us the choice, of course.

"Flee, or fight".
His voice was deep, a whirlwind of ash arround him.
(I was holding my breath, I realized.)
(I almost splurted the names, what I know of the Shame, of his brethren)
(But I held it. The time? It called for another role)
"A Balladeer does not flee", I said simply.
I raised my sword at the ready, a smile upon my lips.
That, after all, is how a Balladeer faces danger.

"You have been marked",
So declared the surviving leader of the orcs.
As we turned, the Ayyabasim was gone. No trace of his boots upon the ash.
Only a gift, perhaps. Perhaps for bravery.

As though we passed through a distorted mirror, the rest of the evening was comical and enjoyable. A little, adorable mushroom joined our ranks. We played, we watered it, we danced. Our little buddy grew roots into our hearts, truly. He also did grow roots into the heart (and head, and flesh, an innards) who had scared him before, and whom we battled. I invited it to join our College and study interpretative dance but, alas... It's little heart sought freedom.

He rode into the sunset, not without leaving us with a beautiful sign of his love which bloomed into a soft little amulet, to wear near my heart. So sweet.

So sweet...

As sweet as Elossi's smoke, the memory of my little buddy...
Title: A Daring Escape
Post by: Don Nadie on October 09, 2023, 11:13:37 PM

A Daring Escape

Once, a prince was locked in a tower, and was unhappy.
For a wicked witch held him there.
And because he was too important, he was kept within.
Never allowed to hear the waves of the sea.
Or to touch the bark of the trees.
And withering slowly.

"What do those tattoos mean?", I asked.
He was in the water, we were sitting by the shore.
I was jealous, wishing I, too, could just swim without this cloak.
Not as jealous as Narwen, I suppose.
He was splashing, a smile upon his lips. More relaxed than I'd seen him in ages.
"I have forgotten", he said, softly.
Where did each of us come from? And how? That, we spoke of. And of much else, besides.
The shores, Calisham, a monastery, Iphis.
Once strange names for strangers, made now a little closer.

So his friends gathered and conspired, and a daring plan was construed.
An escape was made: pillows under blankets, shadows in the windows.
Disguises, and little lies, and subterfuge. A rope of sheets, tied up together.
Under the moonlight, and giggling, they left.

"I started the Hidden Poems because there were things I felt", I admitted.
"But I also didn't want people to know I felt them"
I stopped. I think I hadn't realized, before, what a perfect metaphor they were.
For myself, in general.
"I think there's something romantic about a hidden poem", he said, softly "Quite intimate"
"Perhaps someday I'll become and explorer", he pondered, wistful. "And search for them"

By the shores of the sea they played and made merry.
And they sang and they ate, with the waves as their orchestra.
They drank wine until the moon seemed to twirl up in the sky.
And laughed so loudly the seagulls were startled.

"Thank you", he said, "I mean it."
He was so close, I could only babble. I know not what I said.
I know there were his smile, his lips, his touch, his kiss upon my hand.
I lit up, like a torch. I could've guided ships, in the darkness.
So much, I guess, for my attempts at the role of the romantic knight.

And on their return, their hearts were wider and their eyes glimmered with stars.
So they cast away the witch, and opened widely the windows of the Tower.
And the prince slept at peace, with the lullaby of the sea.
And all were happy, forever.
Title: From the Ashes
Post by: Don Nadie on October 10, 2023, 07:49:07 PM

From the Ashes

Once, a woman got lost.
But she was so wise, and so kind, and so tender,
that an invisible twine connected her heart and her home.
And though lost, she was never gone.

She walked from the desert, self-absorved as ever.
"Secretary!", she said, as though everything was normal.
"Did you finish my transcriptions?"

(I ran, crying, and hugged her.)
(I didn't think about djinni or illusions, necromancy or horrors. I only saw her, there, before me. )
(If hugging her had brought a curse upon me, I would've taken it gladly.)

I held her, she tensed.
She was real, and solid, and there.
And that string twirled deeper and deeper into the world.
It went through turns and twists, with her, to the dark places,
where truth is only whispered and light is never seen.
Deep, she went, but the string never broke.

On the way to my office, a Bellow:
"Snorri, Pirou, Mari", she called, "I need to review your progress!"
She was convinced only two days had passed.
I smiled, through the dread. Not to overwhelm her.
I opened the door, I offered her to sit, I offered her water.
"Oh", she said, simply.
"Oh. So it's going to be one of /those/ conversations".

(How readily, wounds I thought healed reopened.)

And in her time of direst need, when the maws of monsters closed upon her...
She found the invisible string.
And followed it, running, rushing, her lungs burning, coming!
She followed it, with Beast nibbling at her talons.

"I continued our work", I whispered, softly.
"Because someone has to dig".
She looked at me, through those glasses.
When did I learn to understand the strange shape of her love?
When did I come to see it, through the brusqueness and the cold demeanour?
"I'm proud of you", she said. She paused.
"You get one hug", she added, bracing, "due to exceptional circumstances"

If it was a djinn trick?
My name and soul were well spent.

And she saw the light, and she saw her home.
And she was received, with open arms and love aplenty.
And everything was well, forever.
Title: Poured
Post by: Don Nadie on October 11, 2023, 10:25:44 AM


Once, a woman was hurt, and bleeding, and bitter.
For her heart had been broken into a thousand pieces, by guilt.
And the remnants, wicked wizards had turned to stone.

"People break up", I said, "It's not the end of the world"
She looked at me so angry, so furious.
(I wondered how much of it was her feelings)
(And how much of it was their fingers, into her mind and her heart)
She seethed: "Of course it is".
"She is what I found at the end of the world"

And because she was stone, se could not be moved.
And because she was broken, all the love she was given...
Just slipped
                   the cracks.

"What will prove my love for you? Leaving the Balladeers?"
Her gaze so dismissive, so bitter. "Yes", she said "exactly"
"And why do I have to burn all", I demanded, furious.
"To sacrifice the rest of my life, while you do nothing for me?"
I was tired of loving her and getting, in turn, but poison.
(I was also crying, of course. Wheel above, why am I always crying. )
"Those who choose me", she said, "Will choose me above all else".

And love was nonetheless given onto her.
Trying to fill what remained empty.
Trying to mend what remained broken.
Trying to rebuild what had been destroyed.

What did I even say? In the wave of fear, and betrayal, I have forgotten it.
I just remember her hands like talons, her scream.
The eye on her screen, staring at me like the blazing Pra'raj.
I thought she was going to strike me, to hurt me, to kill me.
I think she would've, if people hadn't knocked. She, my friend.

Love was poured, poured, poured.
Until there was no more love to give.
Title: Clouds
Post by: Don Nadie on October 12, 2023, 10:14:20 AM


[This entry smells, faintly, of mizzar. Some of the letters are drawn over the page, like little clouds, or puffs of smoke...]

She acted like I have a problem, but I don't have a problem. Or I have a problem, I suppose.

          So                           problems, really,
                      many                                           when     
                                                                             you think of

                                                                   an addict.
                                                 that I'm
But I do not like the assumption

"It's a downhill road from where you are..."
"And you either climb it, with PAIN and GRIT and SUFFERING", her voice, raised.
She was so serious, so concerned, so honestly worried.
(And I loved her for it, and I hated her for it.)
"Or descend into the bottom", she said, "where you no longer see the stars."
"But are only imagining them, instead"

It is fine,                               control.                                   
I'm in                                Everything's fine.
I just need                                                                                           
to help me sleep, to help me                  to help me think,                   
rest,                        but I don't have       
an addiction.

"I don't abuse it", I said, my lips pressed.
"But its...", I babbled, "Things are hard, sometimes"
She stared at me, flatly.
"But you're not WEAK!", she yelled.
A demand, really. I paused. I spoke so, so softly:
"I don't want to have to be strong every single day."

          need something                      stop the
I just                                                                       screaming, inside.

                         of                             inside.            Always.
There's a lot                    screaming,   

"I didn't raise you to be a drug-addict"
"I raised you to be a prominent scholar. Respectable"

(And I was so thankful for it, for the peace it brings.)
(I would be crying otherwise)
(And I'm always, always, always crying...)

Title: What Else Was There To Do?
Post by: Don Nadie on October 13, 2023, 01:23:34 AM

What Else Was There To Do?

There were calls. Threats. I rushed out, to protect her. Then there were screams. The Beast, in the Tower, again, calling forth all the others. A worminger, screaming in pain in the Bellows. The noise of creepers, screaming and running away, too. So we rushed. What else was there to do? Zauzar, Jamileh, Sparrow, Anais and I. We all went into the Gutters, to protect people. What else was there to do?

The tunnels were full. We were surrounded very fast, because they crawled and crawled, through ceilings and tunnels, skittering. I fought. Wheel above, I fought so much. We managed to make way to a tunnel. They were opening the path, I was holding the way forth, saying we should retreat. What else was there to do?

There were so many, so I danced. What else was there to do? I danced arround claw and fang and spike and mouth and things that were not mouths but had teeths and so many fingers reaching and I danced and I danced, and my song rang in the darkness. What else was there to do?

But they wouldn't retreat, they thought we could make it. They thought we could push forth, even though they kept coming and coming, bigger and stranger. So I kept cutting and healing, and Anais's hammer splashed their their heads and Zauzar's halberd cut them, I was covered in black ichor and I kept holding the line, my shield high, my smile bright. What else was there to do?

And then it came, so big it's walked hunching, so big the spikes on its back scratched the ceiling, so big its arrival was preceded by the sparks of those claws on the floor. So we gripped our blades. What else was there to do?


So it said. So we ran. But she didn't. So we heard, behind us, the sound of clenching, of rending. We went in, for her, to save her. We fought another battle, seeking her between all the slithering, screeching monsters. And then we found her. In two pieces. So we carried her back. What else was there to do?

And I demanded that we get the Priory to help. And I argued that it needed to be done. And I requested that we stop slowing things, and try something new. And everyone was so calm and so collected, and so careless about the death of Hekatomb and the death of Anais and the death of so many wormingers that I just wanted to scream. And then Jamileh said I was overeacting because I was a drug addict and I just was furious and I started crying, as always, always, always, because nobody would do anything, and there wasn't anything else for me to do.
Title: Better
Post by: Don Nadie on October 13, 2023, 08:43:11 AM


I went to her, because she called. I was looking better, I had put on my most plastered smile, I had gone on to kill with the Banda, to succeed in something because I couldn't succeed in what I really wanted. But she could see, evidently, my distress.

"You're not unbrekable, sweet Alejandro"
Her hand came to my cheek, so tender, so warm despite the glove.
"I don't know if I'm just not strong enough", I whispered.
"Or if they are all dried husks".
The smoke curled in the air. Prayers echoed from within.
"The strength of others is an illusion", she whispered.

She spoke of masks and of truth. I felt I could not lie. That my heart could not lie. That it was spilling again, always spilling, and endless fountain of emotion and pain and mourning and love. She asked whether I wanted the Drink, I declined. I told her my rule, about Drinking. Only in ritual. Never when sad.

"I abused it, when Pirou died", I confessed
"It felt better, but it was worse"
(It got bad. I was a few steps from becoming another Aubrey)
(I learned one ought to seek Revelation and Mystery, but not Oblivion.)

"So be it", she said, simply.
In her lips, a tender smile.

(Why did I feel such relief, when she nodded?)
(Had the lies, the rumors, the slander... Wormed their way within my heart, too?)
Then she held me in her arms, and all was better, better, better.

I met Jamileh later, at the Sandstone. We discussed our work, we discussed the day before. She apologized, after a fashion. In that way she was, which is half apology, half excuse. She still had dismissed me, she still had called me drug-addled, manipulated. Is it so hard to believe one can be overwhelmed by mourning? What is wrong with this city, that everyone devalues their life so?

"I wouldn't trust them as far as I can throw them", she said.
"I have a fondness for Nebtu"
"But she is like this intoxicating peddler of hope..."
"...and drugs, at the same time".

I breathed in. I felt better, didn't I?
(I felt better, and not because of her.)

"Without them, Jamileh", I said.
"When you left, when Snorri was in a coma and Pirou died?"
"Without them I'd be at the bottom of a canyon".

She was sorry, which didn't solve much. I made a map. I saw her quieten instead of giving me instructions, I could feel her pride, brimming for me: her secretary, now an expert on his own terms. That was something, I suppose. That helped me feel a little better, too. Even if we couldn't agree, I still felt better, better, better.

"You ought to stop trying to love", she said.
"I don't think I can"
She cleared her throat, akwardly.
"Yes, well. That's why I like you".
Title: A Preamble to the Introduction to the Prelude of the Preparation...
Post by: Don Nadie on October 13, 2023, 04:27:26 PM

A Preamble to the Introduction to the Prelude of the Preparation of the Exordium to the Proem of the Prolegomenon of the Preliminary of the Foreword of a Decision

I swear on the Wroth's hairy ass, if another idiot starts making Bellows about how we should wait one more day before trying anything new, while wormingers and creepers and innocents die; if another fool barges in and demands to be given an individual, personalized explanation; if another Astronomer misinterprets the words of the Sisters...  I'm going to lose my mind.

Also, maybe tonight I'm dying.
So there's that.

Swiftness onto my feet, Warad.
Misfortune upon my foes, Sabotage.
Guile to my decisions, Izdu.
May I emerge from this Trial
with a Tale to tell,
and a Foolish smile,
and Wiser than I was before
Title: New Rule (2)
Post by: Don Nadie on October 15, 2023, 12:26:56 PM

New Rule (2)

I got hurt, again. Once more. As ever. In this case because Connor, the Invisible, in an act of great dweebery, left me to charge alone. I was left wadding in acid, surrounded by serpents, poisoned, drowning. Never saw him. Saw only Jamileh, trying to save me and getting swallowed, too, by the slimy waters.

When I was rescued, was I angry that I was hurt, or angry that I still breathed?

I sought respite in mizzar, walked off tiredly. I had been so close, I knew I was in the threshold of Revelation. Now I only had a headache. She found me, smoking, trying to read. Erugitic, even more of a Mystery, now, than what it was when I woke up. I felt so defeated, and yet so soothed. That is, of course, the benefit of the drug.

"It pains me to see my best friend like this", she said.
"Clouded by mizzar and Fauxmari".
She was never good at consolation. Never tender.
"Sometimes I need rest", I said. "Mizzar helps"
So do Their Mysteries, I suppose. An escape. Temporary. Never enough.
"That's what they do", she insisted, "they find you at your weakest"
"And they worm their way in"
"You deserve better, my wayward son"

She held my hand, she told me to stop. Do I care to stop, do I need to stop, can I afford to stop? Thoughts felt particularly thick today, like unrefined honey, almost crystallized. Malleable and far too sweet, too. That was the mizzar, too, I suspect. Wheel above, I want more mizzar. Wheel above, I want so much to be swallowed, covered, fainted, swarmed...

She found me, in turn, later. I had been hurt again, by then, my entire body ached with pain, and scars, and battle. It was taking an effort, not to take mizzar, not to tell myself that it was fine, that it was just for the pain. It was taking an effort, not to indulge. Tobacco is just not the same. There's no oblivion in a smoke, just stink.

She whispered so softly, her breath caressing my ear.
"She is a relic from an earlier age, I reflect", she said.
Her eyes set on my once mentor. Burning? Commiserating?
"Perhaps she cannot recognize that the world moved on"
"Or that you grew"

Have I grown? I feel only more lost, after today. Just longing for the mizzar, or for the Drink, or for the Ecstasy of blood upon my brow and my batted breath breathing out a song with no words. My hands were jittery, my thoughts wandering and lost. I felt so weak, when she found me again. When she hunted me, by the College. 

"Soliana is still missing", she said.
I saw her expression flicker. Emotion? For once?
"Be careful, yes?", she said. Her tone matronly, tender.
"You are both most precious to me"
And I shivered, shaken with love and heartbreak and uncertainty and pain.

Another new rule, I think: no mizzar when I'm sad. At this rate, the only escape I will have left is the Sapphic Elves saga. And I truly think its charms are wasted on me.
Title: Wanting
Post by: Don Nadie on October 15, 2023, 01:22:49 PM


She was right. I was wrong. For all my bluster and my inspiring calls and my love and my kindness. It is Aubrey who was right, and I who was wrong.

Pessimistic and conservative, that was how they saw the Tale I wove, when trying to talk of the Sandstone College. I suppose I should've given it a different ending: the girl who joins, who shows the artist to love. The new, stranger forms that bloom, a garden of flowers wilder and brighter that anything conducted with deliberation.

"We should be open to others learning from what we did".
"Helping them grow their own way", I said.
"If they surpass us, a joy still: for there is better, and more in the world."
Their expressions, however, unmoved.

Maybe even the happy ending wouldn't have worked. I am, perhaps, the only one who'd rather have a garden of wildflowers rather than one of roses.

Then She walked to the podium, angry.
(I have never seen Her angry.)
Her dissapointment was like flame.
(Everything about Her is a flame.)
(And I felt I was burning in it.)

"There are days", She declared, "when I thought to fall on my sword".
Not so unlike one-another, She and I.

A speech. A speech about lost homes, people we stole from, compromises made that brought our solitude. She wanted us to lead, to inspire, to conquer. She invoked your name, Lynneth, called you pilgrim. Is that not beautiful? She called you pilgrim.

She was, of course, lying, Lynneth. She wasn't close enough to see your endless compromises, your politeness when you bit your tongue. But it's fine, and beautiful, and well. You're no longer a person, Lynneth, but a fiction. And She, perhaps, knew it too. And chose to lie to herself, and to others. So many shimmering lies...

What could I say? When we were asked to name a Lyrist amidst our number?
I was the first to spoke. It was clear.
"...Aubrey would be the one"
For Aubrey was right. And I was wrong.
And all I wanted was to become smoke, and dissipate sweetly.

Aubrey rejected it, of course, left the College there and then.

"Is there a Lyrist among you?", She asked again.
Perfunctory, Her glance.
Evident, Her dissapointment.
"No. I think not"
"Prove me otherwise, my Balladeers"
Title: Forever
Post by: Don Nadie on October 15, 2023, 08:12:15 PM


On top of it all on top of all else on top of the Grandmaster and the wildflowers on top of it all she's gone now to plot and sabotage the irony I'm sure she relished the irony and They do too between the empty stars oh how one longs to be empty too and between the stars sometimes when the air is thick with smoke and the mind thick with regret she loved me she said she used me I think I also used her too I also loved her too but I do not know how I felt how I feel about her now about her being gone forever oh how one wishes that time stood still and there was but the second suspended of ecstasis forever I would choose what would I choose forever forever when she kissed my brow forever when we spoke of trust forever when he let me hug him through the armor forever when she returned from the dead forever when he took my hand in his and kissed it forever when she filled the Cup and I drank till it was empty forever oh forever between the stars perhaps all it takes is a step in the right direction a step from the top of a cliff to the bottom a step to make it forever.
Title: Metaphor
Post by: Don Nadie on October 16, 2023, 12:04:37 PM


A bad day to try guile, for my dear Aurelio. His plan was smart, but I had fallen too deep into the mire of my own despair. I ceded my spot, missed what was no doubt an incredible trip. Perhaps it was for the best.

No. It was for the best.

We spoke, him and I.

"I think you are ill, my friend", he admitted, Drinking.
His lips red like the blooms arround us.
"A djinn haunts you and it eats what happiness you find", he said.
And he did, of course, do the most knightly thing he could,
when confronted with a monster:
He decided to slay it.

"The heart", I said, "feels like an endless well, sometimes"
"Never to be filled", I sighed.
"And yet always brimming"

At that moment, it struck me like lightning. I could but laugh.

What may crack but never stay broken? What is frail, yet glorious? What is full to the brim yet needs, desperately, to contain more? What spills and spills, yet never empties? What holds, within itself, the promise of Bel-Ishun?

What is D Q W R ?

The metaphor, of course, self-evident:

The heart.
Title: A Matter of Imagination
Post by: Don Nadie on October 16, 2023, 01:37:28 PM

A Matter of Imagination

Falafels on the rooftops.
A classic, really.
"I thought I was becoming better", he said.
"I failed", he added. He didn't sound sad.
(That made me sadder than his failure)
"But I am becoming necessary."
Above us, the stars, twirling,
the emptiness between them, too.
I could imagine she was smiling, forever.
Destroyed by deceit, forever.
Gone, in that moment, forever.
"You can always be a better person", I responded.
He took a moment to think, his eyes on me.
His answer was fatalistic, yet surprisingly kind.
"I do what is required", he said.
"So you can keep singing, silly and cheerful"
I could but smile, at that. What fictions one weaves.
"That's me", I lied, "silly and cheerful"
Here I was, again, tending to wildflowers.
Instead of planting roses, perhaps.
Not Her vision, perhaps. Maybe.
But wildflowers have such strange, beautiful colors.
"Becoming better", I said, "is all about imagination"
My words like seeds, planted in hope.
"Figure it's something people are born with", he answered.
"Nonsense", I replied. My best, most balladeeristic tone.
"Each of us can be an artist, brimming with creativity"
"and with the possibility to do something new, in the future"
I smiled. So did he.
Perhaps that is the secret of being better, I thought.
Being brave enough to imagine that things can be different.
Imagining alternatives.
Then changing.
"We're always growing", I quoted, in a whisper.
My eyes upon his.
"But not always straight".
And for a moment I thought I could imagine it.
Below us, this city of lies and deceit...
This city, a garden of possibility,
blooming beautiful and strange and wild
the flowers of Bel-Ishun
Title: A Moment
Post by: Don Nadie on October 17, 2023, 10:45:55 AM

A Moment

We had a moment to cramp the room. A moment of play. A moment of reunion, and ghosts finding one-another, and love found again. We had a moment, really, and for a moment I forgot all else. For a moment, even if my head still hurt and I felt worse, and more inadequate than I ever had. It was a moment, yes, forgetting that I no longer read what I once read, no longer hear what I once heard. For a moment it vanished, the desire to vanish in the moment, the desire to cease to be, the desire to be otherwise and fade into nothing. The regret went off, for a moment. For a moment, all was fine, and a moment is forever.

And there, towards the end.
A moment of radical imagination:

"Maybe you should find Her wanting, instead"
Title: Broken Things
Post by: Don Nadie on October 18, 2023, 07:49:33 AM

Broken Things

I invited him to pray. To speak.
It is, after all, a Balladeer'smy duty to tend to the heart.
And his was so broken.
"She would want you to go on, Khalid"
"H-he knows", the priest stuttered.
Our knees on the ground, our eyes on the altar.
My hand on his shoulder.
"It doesn't make it any easier", I admitted.
Bellow us, in the streets, people came and went.
Above us, on the sky, clouds drifted forth.
Never stopping, never stopping.
Above, forever. Below, forever.
"As something of a local expert on heartbreak..."
"It never stops, the pain".
A sigh. Hard to be inspiring, upon so broken a man.
"You were and and are loved", I insisted.
Somewhere, a child laughed.
Somewhere, a man cried.
Somewhere, the merchant sang his wares and the beggar his ills.
Somewhere, the world moved forward.
"Your heartbreak would only make her love you more"
"For she did love broken things"

[A prayer has been tucked at the end of the page. Tear-stained]

Praised be He who made the Tale, and shared it, and built it.
Praised be He of endless stories, of paths past and future both.
May my Tale be worthy.

And may I be worthy of a Tale.
Title: To Start Walking
Post by: Don Nadie on October 18, 2023, 08:09:02 AM

To Start Walking

We went to the rooftops, to smoke.
A self-destructive vice or two, I've found, really helps with the screams.
And cigarettes are less self-destructive than mizzar. I'm told.
I sat atop the battlement. For once, looking down on him.

And up there, he told me his Tale.
It wasn't pretty.
"That is a bad story", I admitted.
"With a lot of bad actors. Yourself included"
He smirked. Self-satisfied, it seemed.
Did he want it so badly, proving to me he was a wretch?
"Guess I'm not the hero of his play, huh?"
I stared at him, a long while. Hot smoke burning my throat.
(The soft, hushed pain, such a relief. If not enough)
For the heart is a seed, and words are waters.
One must find the right ones, to make it bloom.
"You weren't the hero", I declared.
"You can still be"
The smoke twirled upwards and upwards.
Climbing towards the clear skies.
A ladder to the heavens. If one could only follow.
"The heart holds endless possibility", I said.
"We are all a few steps away from being the best we can be"
His expression ironic. He flicked the cigarette behind us.
"Think even with my steps, I'm more than a couple away"
I smiled, tender.

"All the more reason to start walking."
Title: Bad for You
Post by: Don Nadie on October 19, 2023, 08:46:17 AM

Bad for You

The isle was strange.
Eerie, to walk that shore again
without Snorri's heavy footsteps.
"You are chainsmoking", she said.
"It's bad for you"
I smirked at her.
"I hear it's better than mizzar"
Climbing higher and higher, without him.
Noticing the clues, without him.
Reading the tablets, without him.
The boat back, without him.
How strange it all felt, without Snorri.
"I'm trying to protect you, you idiot"
I had found her, later on. The first place she was bled.
"Jamileh, do you think I need protection?"
"Yes. Of course you do", she seethed, "You are my son"
I gritted my teeth.
"I'm not a child".
The smoke of tobacco, not enough.
Not strong enough to carry the soul away, for a bit.
To a place where one can see peace, for a moment.
And above us, the sun. It blazed.
"I can fight, and I can help you", I insisted.
"Yes, and get killed in the process"
"So what?", I snapped, furious.
"I lost one child already, that's what"
I glared at her, I felt so angry.

"I'm gonna get killed sooner or later", I said.
"I'd rather die for you than the fucking Rose."
It is not smoking that's bad for me, I felt.
It is having a heart.
Every other self-destruction? A mild irritant.
Title: The Contours
Post by: Don Nadie on October 19, 2023, 09:48:59 AM

The Contours

I could see, below us, the gate of Sands.
Above us, the stars.
The fresh wind of the evening rustling my cloak, her abaya.
I wondered, for a moment, if her uniform felt as heavy as mine.
I knew, of course, that it was weightier.
"I was found wanting", I admitted.
She seemed unmoved, her smile was gentle.
"Surely you are not surprised, Alejandro..."
"That they should fail to see your value?"
I did not knew how to respond, I felt struck.
"Surely you do not believe their eyes unclouded?"
She looked a me. How tender, how pitiless, her gaze.
"The Lyrists, perhaps", I admitted. "But the Grandmaster..."
"She is a knight", she said. "Not a seer"
I shivered.
Was it the night? The coldness, the sadness, the fear?
Was it the loneliness of those ramparts, us alone?
Was it the desperate thirst of oblivion, pulling me deeper?
"However, in certain respects they are not wrong"
"I see that weakness still"
"And perhaps they judge you for it", she added.
"Even though they have no right to do so"
I did not knew how to respond. (What do you respond?)
(What is a flaw, so deeply ingrained as to become your heartbeat?)
"This weakness must be expelled from you", she declared.
"If you are to become what Fate calls you to be."
It felt like an honor. It felt like a sentence.
Her words, so many things at once.
What I was. What I could be.
"A true knight, bathed in the mystery of the Vine."
"Whose sword is raised and lowered only in service of Paradise"
"I see it in the air about you, the contours, the outlines"
The stars twinkled above, writing the endless drafts of Fate.
Between them, possibility, forever.
Ahead, possibility, forever.
Forever felt, for a moment, so strangely at hand.
"I shall tell you a secret", she whispered.
"One which you already know, and have carried with you in your heart"
And she pronounced what cannot be said.
Mummers and songs and the weight of Dakhwar.
Revelation, scarred deep upon the flesh.
Known, before it was spoken.

"One day", she concluded,
"You will prove more worthy than the Grandmaster, of that cloak"
Title: Don't We All
Post by: Don Nadie on October 19, 2023, 02:00:15 PM

Don't We All

Without her cloak, she seemed diminished.
She looked wistful at her old home.
Sitting by habit, reaching by habit.
Finding the habit beyond reach, now.

"I would bid you to find an anchor", she said.
We were done speaking, I suppose, of politics.
"Find someone, or something, which you can lay confidence in"
"Uncorrupted, unbidden"
"It can be a small thing or a mighty thing", she insisted.
"But find it, darling, yes?"
I smiled, with as much stillness as I could.
I lit another cigarette, wondering.
Wondering what it would be to be her.
Wondering whether I pitied or envied her position.
"Thought I had it, hm?", I replied at last, "In Domhnall"
A smirk, ironic, as I brough it to my lips. As I lit it.
"You deserve better", she said.
Something, in her, resembling tenderness.
I took a puff of smoke and it was something, but not enough.
"Don't we all".
Title: How to Speak
Post by: Don Nadie on October 19, 2023, 11:03:58 PM

How to Speak

We spoke, Khalid and I. Of how to speak.
And I did not knew how to weave my words.
Hesitating and stumbling at every turn.
"Speak your opinion, Alejandro", he insisted.
"You limit yourself unnecesariously."
I sighed, I gazed upon my desk, that tangle of loneliness and knowledge.
"I do not limit myself for the People", I admitted.
"But for a man."
He had come to get feedback for a speech on the Bellows.
We ended up deciding to bite our tongue, for him.
"We may yet have a chance to shift course", he said.
"Perhaps restore him as the man we'd believed he was"
"We could speak to him", he pleaded, "try our hardest to save him, one last time"
I smiled, tired. Oh, the ironies.
Not a moment ago we talked of weakness, and here I was.
Embracing it again. I suppose I am indeed an addict.
"One last chance to rescue the heart?", I said, with a grin.
"This is, as you can imagine, Balladeer-bait"
"The Waradim know a good story when one sees it"
So we went to him, we spoke.
"I was forced", he said.
"I wouldn't blame you if you hated me", he said.
I gazed at him, smoking. Quietly smoking, as Khalid spoke.
Until I noticed his distress. His hands, clutching so tightly.
And I could only reach out.
"Stop. Breathe."
(What is Art, if not reaching out?)
"So long as the heart beats, there is always tomorrow."
His hands in mine, firmly. A measure of comfort, offered.
"You can be brave. You can be bold. You can be good."
A measure of comfort, from me. Who needs comforting so badly.
"I believe in you", I insisted.

And when I thought he was strong, Rosie came. To undo our words, to call us losers, to spite us. To expell Khalid, as though he hadn't suffered enough heartbreak. And Domhnall watched quietly, and then left halfway through (other duties, I know, other duties), and I weighted my badge and I thought of throwing my badge and I couldn't quite throw my badge, for it would be like throwing my heart away, and him with it.
And I still couldn't do away with him.

Hard to see, I reflect.
The difference between love and weakness.
Title: Wanderin', Pardner
Post by: Don Nadie on October 20, 2023, 01:37:52 PM

Wanderin', Pardner

Once, there was a wanderer.
And because the road is lonely,
and the heart is bitting,
a poet joined him on a trip.

"Between you an I, pardner", he said.
"I don trust the College one bit, either"
I sighed. I tried to protest, but my heart wasn't quite in it.
"We're not the Rossa", I tried to say, perhaps weakly.
"When push comes to shove, though"
"you still stand with 'em".
And what is the road, if not discovery?
Of the self, of others, of the world?
Why does one leave, if not to explore?
And return, eventually, changed.

"If standing with the Rossa was the price of Paradise", I argued.
"Wouldn't you endure it?"
He grinned. So many scars, on so young a man.
(I hate seeing scars, but I admire how he bears them)
"Yer Paradise would still be made with bloody hands"
(I never could)
And so the poet returned,
new songs writ upon his heart,
new stars dancing in his eyes.
And the wanderer kept on going, freely.

"Perhaps one bears his bloody hands"
"The sacrifice of a few, to make Paradise for all."
He shrugged. To him, so simple a matter.
"Ain't that the choice", he commented, with a grin.

"But you gotta live with yorself, first"
Title: Burn the Letter
Post by: Don Nadie on October 21, 2023, 08:55:36 AM

Burn the Letter

I have taken camp in this island. It is not pleasant, even if its peaceful.

There are desires one cannot satisfy in this place. Mizzar, Drink, cigarettes, music, wine, company, distractions, flowers; the pleasures of books, and of ancient artifacts, and of gossip, and of spectacle. So many desires burning, the hook that pulls the heart back to Ephia's Well, so strongly, so bitterly, one wonders if the city is, in fact, not the most dangerous addiction. If I was a fish I would not suffer, I think, as my feet dangle over the cliff and the waves, below, come and go and come and go. If I was not, I would also not suffer.

The waves come, the waves go. Abandon all desire and empty the heart, I whisper. Follow all desire, and fill it to the brim, I whisper. The waves come and go, and in their coming and going many things are whispered, and many possibilities thought that would otherwise not be. Could I live here, I wonder? Would it be pleasant to live here? An ermit, writing poems for the trees and the ruins, taking flight from time to time to join the seagulls?

"Yesnoyesno", say the waves. They are, as ever, noncomittal.

They make me think too much of home. Solitude, too, makes me think too much of home.

Above, the stars continue their dance, and I think of her. Between the stars, the promise of blankness forever, of peace, forever. The void seems so warm in its darkness, at those times, when my entire body seems to itch with desire (graps, consume, touch, have, be, see, feel, take, taste) and I can barely hold my weary heart. Such is life, I reflect. An itch of desires. I conjure some light in the darkness, I re-read her letter. The last thing she sent me.

"By Her grace might you be hidden from myriad harms", she wrote.
"Burn the letter", she wrote.
"I loved you very much", she wrote.

Honesty, in truth, is perhaps the thing one could least expect from her.
But honesty is what I got.

I suppose I have never been pious about Them. An alm to keep myself from harm, to keep my tricks undiscovered, my secrets hidden, my veils unparted. A prayer, when the heart was so full that one felt emptying it was the only option, the only chance. A whisper, when I hoped Mysteries would be revealed to me, and me alone. A ecstasic shiver when I felt, for a moment, that maybe it was so, that perhaps I was loved by the very stars, and all the world would make sense, if only I held the feeling for an instant longer... I suppose I got all I wanted, after a fashion. It was, of course, not enough. Is it ever?

I fold the letter back into my notes.
Impious, as ever, in keeping the letter, and holding it, and saving it.
Pious, as ever, in following the heart.

And the waves come and the waves go and the waves come and the waves go.
And one could be lost, and one could be found.
In the waves, by the waves, under the waves.
As they come and as they go.
Title: Vices
Post by: Don Nadie on October 22, 2023, 01:38:22 PM


I was his Cupbearer, what a thing.
To carry the Chalice of silver and pure waters.
And fight our way through a sea of blood.

"You did well, Alejandro", he said, "It did not go unnoticed"
His tone was so kind and aproving.
I did notice the Student had told me the same, earlier.
Word for word. The kindest conspiracy, this.
"Let us all strive to shine in the eyes of the Grandmaster", he added.
And I, of course, lit a cigarette and forced a smile.
It was bitter, knowing how plain my weakness was.
That pathetic need for love, for aproval.
He then tried to give me coin for Waters, the beautiful idiot.
"You need it for your war, spare me", I said.
"Plus, others lost most of what you gained"
He gritted his teeth, he seemed so tired.
"I feel we are the only people ever doing anything in our College"
I sighed and took a puff, smoke curling within me, not enough.
What an insufficient relief it is, tobacco.
(I will have to stop. At some point.)
(It'll spoil my smile, and I am at least vain)
(Maybe vanity will save me from adiction, a flaw for another)
"How you endure it", he added, "I do not know".
His eyes fell on the cigarette.

"Or perhaps I do"

I shrugged, apologetic. Trying to act like I didn't care.
(I cared so much.)
(Wheel above, how I cared for his opinion, his judgement)
I shrugged, yes, trying to be ironic, dismissive, jestful.

"In Bel-Ishun", he declared, serene.
(Well-meaning, my beautiful, golden Aurelio)
(I shall break your heart, one way or another)
"In Bel-Ishun we shall no longer need such vices"
Title: Smoke
Post by: Don Nadie on October 22, 2023, 01:54:36 PM


I helped her get her shelf, her instruments.
A jest, I made, about her strength.
"I do not feel strong", she said,
"Not in the ways that matter"
(Her sincerity, as ever, disarming)
"We trudge on", I responded, tenderly.
(How often had I tried to inspire her, like this?)
(Did she need me to, still?)
She looked at me. She glanced, then, at the Sister.
"Who can say where our paths will take us?"

From within, the echoes of distant prayer.
Distant secrets.
Mysteries, unveiled within.

"Sometimes I'm not sure they know what they want to be", I admitted.
From outside, the noise of singing. Our College, ever lively.
"I also get that feeling", she said.
"I enjoyed my time there, however"

I lit another cigarette, perhaps without thinking.
The twirls of my smoke joining the incense and the prayer.
Ascending, ever ascending.

"Do you still love it?", she asked.
(She should've been a sharpshooter, our Narwen)
(She always goes straight to the heart)
"I love many people in it", I said.

(No, not the answer I would want, either)

I didn't look at her as I said goodbye.
I was distracted, instead, by the smoke.
Cigarette and incense and prayer. Ascending, ever ascending.
Dissolving with everything else.
Title: Off I Go
Post by: Don Nadie on October 24, 2023, 08:45:05 AM

Off I go

I was angry. At him.

Then she took our her blade, she threatened him. It was lightning, the way my jaw tensed, how my hand reached for the pommel of my sword, my feet moving, subtly but decisively, to battle-dancing steps. I felt inmediately like bowstring: it'd take but the flicker of  a finger, and off I'd go, at full speed.

And I realized I was ready to die for him, regardless of all else.
Because I am, evidently, an idiot.

So off I went, with Steve Odjamer, dutiful scribe.
Off to see the ancient Valley of Wisdom.

"I was here once, during the Congress"
"You were not a Scribe yet, were you?"
He shook his head. The wind rushed through the Valley.
Arround us the ancient glyphs of Izdu's wisdom.
"Simpler times...", I pondered.
His tone was contained. Sometimes I envy that, of him.
"We just didn't understand the underlying complexity, I fear".
I glanced at the runes. What I have called the Exhortation of Wonder.
My favourite. In the bitting of the storm, effort.
And from effort, Beauty.
"We were a bit too innocent, maybe", I whispered, "Both of us"
He nodded. I couldn't quite read his expression.
"Enough with...", I paused, a sigh.
"Promises, and idealism, and blind hope"

Off we went, Steve and I, to sit by the Barrier of Ur-Shulgi. To speak of eels, and cowardice, and bravery. Of trials and murderers, and what it takes to be good. For it takes so, so much to be good. And yet it is so, so simple.
And arround us, running, whirling.
Ancient winds, carrying the echoes of ancient words.
And the scents of distant flowers.

"I'm not a good person", he said.
"I'm sorry if I've led you to believe that I am"
I exhaled. What is it, with people?
Why do they feel such cynic pride, wallowing in their unworthiness?
When they could be so, so much more...
"I wish I could believe you", I responded.
"Would make things easier"
I reached out, took his hand on mine.
(What is the purpose of Art, if not to reach out?)
"Imagination, though", I smiled, squeezing tenderly.
A poet cannot fail to imagine, it appears.
To imagine, for others, too.

We went on talking, Steve and I. We spoke further of goodness, of options, of fairness. I told him, too. What I really needed to tell him. What would happen soon. What could happen soon.

"It will be dangerous", I said.
"I will be going", I said.
He closed his eyes.
I wished, there and then, that he was transparent.
That I could see what he felt, like Revelation.
"I can't tell you not to", he said. Did he want to?
"I am", I admitted, "unlikely to listen"
"You had to repay me for my lack of listening, at some point"

                        So a surprised was promised.
                                               And I do love himsurprises.
                                Almost as much as I hate li
Title: Her Smile
Post by: Don Nadie on October 24, 2023, 08:51:25 AM

Her Smile

He was a giant, yet he could feel tender.
(Or perhaps, I imagined he could)
He was a giant, and he answered, kindly, a hypothetical.
Just in case we were dead, tomorrow.

"I cannot imagine anything that'd make a Sister lose her smile", he said.
"I haven't seen it, either"

                                           I shook, then.
                                      Horrid, luminous, burning.
Title: Lighting the Way
Post by: Don Nadie on October 24, 2023, 09:35:13 AM

Lighting the Way

Once, there was an island kingdom.
There were matters of blood and matters of freedom.
A king, to be saved.
First, infiltration and disguise. Acting.
Then, violence and battle and resilience. Acting, too.
(And at some point, before, horrors. Best unknown)

"We are concerned, Alejandro", the Chief Scribe said.
"Are you sure you're not coming because you want to die?"
I smiled, I lied between my teeth. How one lies for fans!
(Or I didn't lie, I suppose. I am, after all, uncertain)
(And I have a surprise to come back to)
(Jamileh to come back to)
"A Storyteller must witness good Tales", I said.

And so the brave champions reached for the fire.
The mark of ancient lineage.
And it lit brightly, so brightly!
That the People of the island rejoiced.
For their fair prince was back, and crowned.

"It is as it is", I whispered, as I smoked.

Corpses all arround me, the mad cackles of Osirion X ringing.
The light, the bright Heliograph so beautiful.
The screams in the streets, so horrid.
And I wished I could be smoke, and fade into the air.

Alas, the envious dragon charged, in anger.
(For a dragon knows only violence, and envy)
And not even the King's kind heart could stand, alone.
So heroes, bright and shining, stepped in.
And cut, with their blades, the beast

A beast of metal, half-melted, and flesh.
A battle. My life, on the thinnest edge.
Fate and happenstance, conspiring, to my surprise.
To my surprise, a cigarette afterwards. Still breathing.
Boucher dead. Fauchard dead. Kayo dead.
Better men, I suspect.

"It is as it is", I whispered, as I smoked.

And once defeated, all was well.
And the King reigned with wisdom and kindness.
And the People knew peace, prosperity and love.
And everything was perfect, forever.

For him, they died for him.
Their bodies thrown to the sea. A dirge, improvised.
My guitar, ringing with the waves.
For him, they died for that blood-soaked madman.

Crowns are, sadly, better than a heart of clockwork.
Title: Her Smile, Remaining
Post by: Don Nadie on October 24, 2023, 10:26:28 AM

Her Smile, Remaining

I spoke with her. Atop the Krak.
Beneath us, the sleeping city.
The fresh wind of the evening, the silence.
At this hour, it almost seemed peaceful.

                 (His absence, up here, where we smoked)
                  (His absence, enormous. More painful than I expected)
                                           (The taste of his brow, when I kissed it)
            (The sour taste of his death, on my lips, I felt it)
                                                       (And I wondered how odly the heart moves)
                        (What strange flowers grow in its crevices)

I posed to her his story.
His riddle, for morals.
"What do you do, then?", I asked.
The fresh evening wind ruffled her abaya, my cloak.
"Do you kill the few, for the many?"

And we spoke, at length.
Of the choices one makes, and one's companions.
Of what she did, and what she didn't.
And I was, perhaps impiously, honest.

"To witness Villany and do nothing to stop it", I said.
"Is Villany, in itself"

Her smile, remaining.
Title: Red
Post by: Don Nadie on October 24, 2023, 05:30:12 PM


A meeting, in the Dungeon.
Before us, the roses. Their scent.

"You have not been faithful", she said.
He expression unchanging, my hand in hers.
She knew about Sister Selsi. About what I asked.
About what I said. "Villany", I said.
"You should know that Sister Selsi is pure of heart, of mind, and of body"
"As I am. As all Sisters are.", her eyes, set on mine.
"You know this already"
The scent of the roses drowned the room, as did the depth of her expression.
(Why did I felt so overwhelmed)
"Your doubts, Alejandro, are poison"
"And the greatest knights fall to their own doubts"
Breathing, caught in my lungs.
(Her dissapointment, the feeling that I had failed her.)
(Why did it feel as though I was drowning?)
"You have been eschewing the Drink", she said.
"But you will Drink of it now"
Her voice, a sentence.
"It is Kanön Hray, when doors are open.
And you will open your mind to the truth"

So I Drank in my Cup, till my Cup was empty and-
                                                                     The sky the roses the roof wasiswillbe red                  The heavens werearewillbe red with laughter                   Red the perfect friendships, the loves all gone all together                       The shores, the shores, the waves, they camecomewillcome and they wentgowillgo in heavenly perfect red                Oh, how the red trees screamedscreamwillscream their red joy in red music!           MamaJustinJamilehSnorriLeiahDomhnallKayoCanelitaLynnethaMariPirouBoucherAmelieMari all with bright red smiles and embracing me embracing time!             Oh, how time wasiswillbe not a burden but a joy! Time!              Woven arround the etchings of the self!         Timetimetime!              Forever more time forever more perfect forever more beauty forever more love forever more pleasure forever and-
-and time was back.               

No longer melded, the present, the past, the future.

      And she was there.                     

                And her lips were on mine.                   

           And she was kissing me.         

Title: [A scratched page]
Post by: Don Nadie on October 24, 2023, 05:41:46 PM

[A scratched page]

[This page has been written with almost invisible ink. The page has also been scratched.]

(I did not knew how to feel about that not sure I want to think about that am I allowed to think about that it's unpleasant to think about that)
(She said their actions are inscrutable she said their actions are just she said their actions are pure)
(Love she said she said their actions are pure love she smiled she laughed she was happy about it)
(So it was pure and it was just and it was love)
(And I'm sure it was fine but there's a weakness maybe a weakness)
(A weakness that says it was wrong)
Title: Dakhwar, for her
Post by: Don Nadie on October 25, 2023, 11:49:56 AM

Dakhwar for Her

One moment you've forgotten, the next, Fate shows up.
A walk under the moonlight. To a place. Any place.
(The "where" was not important, what mattered was to be)
(The "who" was not important, what mattered was to be)
        And waiting.
                                     and then,
                                                 from above
                                                          It was there


                                             The last piece.

I held my breath as the pieces were put together. So long had I waited for this, worked for this, aimed to this. She looked at the result, she smiled to herself, she glanced west. "We have a long journey ahead of us", she said, simply. And she started walking. Into the night, as though we were in a dream. The moon lit our steps, the stars glimmered. Between them, absences, feelings, things best unmentioned and unexamined. Her, between them, smiling so wide. Under this vague, tenuous light, I could almost hear Fate whispering, I could almost hear her whispering. And then we climbed a dune.

There it was. Held aloft by Fate alone, and moonlight.

Within it, silence. Empty, abandoned halls. An Abbey? It could've been beautiful, perhaps, but it was also eerie. I felt such strange, empty unease. But also, there, at the end, on a dais, on an altar. There it was. Golden, bejeweled, beautiful: the Cup. The Cup of the Tonsure. She walked towards it and I walked right behind her, my sword unsheathed, her hedgeknight. I could feel the beating of my heart, the blood, red and swift and perfect. I knew with absolute certainty the way my heart and my blood and my blade had been part of Fate, had been part of this moment.

Her hand reached for it.
She grasped it.
I felt awe, and love, boundless.
My heart echoing, echoing.
heart, DQWR, DQWR, heart
Echoing the beat, echoing the moment

And then she turned and I saw her expression. An angel and a saint and a goddess, I felt it.
(But I felt, also, a tinge of oddness, a stain of confusion, a pang of uncertainty, of unease, of concern. Something about her expression, something reminded me that. The moment before. The moment so shortly before, and it was stupid that I felt that way, and it was of course nothing, and my heart, my cracked, stupid heart, was making a mountain of an anthill, but I felt it.)
And I began to notice, then. The echoes of dead histories painted on stained glass. The Hanged Rose. Lynneth the Pilgrim. Snorri Victorious. So many dead ends that could've and never would, echoing, echoing in the dust. The names of possible futures on long-abandoned books. Friends and their deaths and their loss. So many, so many. There was a strange voice, echoing.   

"MASTER", it said.
And much, besides.

We left. We carried the Cup. Behind us, the tower burned and crashed and toppled, as though only the Cup within had held it alooft.

"Histories that weren't", said a Sister, "now Ash in turn"
"We are done here", said another.
"The die is cast", said the last.

And thus, we returned.
Title: Weird
Post by: Don Nadie on October 25, 2023, 07:46:35 PM


"You're acting weird", she said.
We were in my office, messy as always.
"You've been acting weird since yesterday"
Papers everywhere, and notes, and unknowns, and knowledge.
And loneliness, and my desk.
And a flower on my desk.
(I thought of him, for a moment, of his gift)
(Gone on pilgrimage, elsewhere, gone, perhaps, forever)
(Then I pushed the thought away, as one does)
"It's fine", I said.
"A long day", I said.
"Weird thing, to find a Cup"
"To finish something difficult, to be right", I said.
She glared at me, from behind her glasses.
I think yesterday I had been happy, or a little happy.
Or distracted, perhaps. But sleeping had felt odd.
"What did Nebtu tell you about the Cup?", she asked.
I tensed, and she saw it.
(I knew I shouldn't have tensed)
(I knew it was fine, it was silly, I knew it was nothing)
She saw it, and she was worried.
"You can tell me, Alejandro", she insisted.
And I swallowed, and I looked away.
"It's nothing", I said, "It's silly"
Her eyes were on me. Insistent, concerned.
Sincere, her concern, her sterness.
The stubborn way she was worried, and wouldn't let it be.
(The strange shape of her love, self-evident)
So I thought about telling her.
(Because surely it was nothing and nothing at all)
(And she'd tell me it was nothing and all would be well)
I began to tell her and-
"SAY NOTHING", It(?) said.
And much else, besides.
(Why would I need to tell her, when it was so very silly)
(So very stupid, so unimportant, and I was just)
(Just confused, because I had not wanted it, but maybe I did?)
(Maybe I said something that made her think I wanted it?)
(Was it, maybe, probably, my mistake?)
I tensed, I lit a cigarette with trembling fingers.
I knew not what to think, what to do.
I knew not how I felt, what it was right to feel.
(She probably didn't  mean anything by that)
(I just couldn't shake the embarrassment, the confusion, the-)
(The sense that something had happend at me, not with me)
"You can tell me anything", she said.
She was patient, and real, and there.
(The sense that I hadn't done that in so long and this was)
(This was something I hadn't wanted)
One should listen to the heart, above all else.
Not to voices in his head.
(She's now between the stars, but I remember what she taught me)
Title: Petty
Post by: Don Nadie on October 26, 2023, 09:47:24 AM


Were that people were not petty. Were that their skins were not thin. Were that they didn't remember silly insults and small misscommunications and were, instead, understanding and collected. Were that they could bite their tongue and respond to insult not with insult, but ironic indifference. Were they they could stop escalating always escalating, losing time and effort and money and energy. Making one lose the will to live as he hears their babbling babbling babbling over nonsense nobody should care about and nobody will care about, in a week.
           (Irritating, infuriating)          (The screams, I still hear them)           
   (I still have the taste of his death on my lips)         
       (I wake with the taste of his death on my lips)       (and screaming, I wake screaming)           
Were that I could be as prideful and as much of a crybaby and as offended for literally everything. I would get nothing done, if I was so easily offended. I would spend my days being offended, I would spend my time angrily writing letters and demanding respect and demanding my feelings be acknowledged. Instead of doing things, instead of getting things done. People need hobbies, other than polishing their pride.
             (And to return from that, to my surprise)
    (To live still, to my surprise)         (And hear arguments, idiotic, over the term "knight")         (Over "keys" and "credit for discoveries")
             (Over not being involved, specifically and individually)                   (When Fate comes calling, by surprise)         
(Wheel's sake, people can't bear that we're all insignificant)                 (And our egos do not matter to the Stars)               
(I can't deal with this pettiness, not without mizzar)            (Not without something stronger than mizzar)       
Perhaps I have to thank the Banda.

For all their bullshit, they have certainly taught me that a performer necessitates a thick skin.
Title: The Dove
Post by: Don Nadie on October 29, 2023, 09:14:19 AM

The Dove

[A series of scattered notes, written without much light, probably in the middle of the night. Many of them are difficult to decypher, or scratched out]

I find myself returning to one of my oldest poems.               One of the first I hid.                       
                                          Why did I even write it? Why did I even put it there, of all places?                 
                  Did I think it amusing, to set up a poem about singing and birds in that, of all places?

     Past-Alejandro had a weird sense of humor. Present one probably does, too.                   I burn, but I cast no light.
I find his absence strange, but                             No cigarette cleanses the taste of his death.
                   the taste of his death remains.
                                                                Sweat. It's mostly sweat.
The Bellows ring, the Bellows ring.                         Cold sweat, and what could've been.
                   They cast themlseves in the air.
            A net for idiots.                                                                     I haven't gone back to the rooftop.

I burn, but I cast no light.                        The rooftop seems empty,            I shall fall.
                                                                                  I worry, if I go,
                        I shall fall either down onto the streets                         Or both, I guess it could be both.                             
                                                             or up, between the stars.     
"For perhaps there is some pleasure
          "to be found in being devoured"               I saw a woman do Scorch the other day.                    to sleep.
                                                                                                                                    I wonder if that's better
                                                                           She seemed rather active, and wired.
I suppose it is cigarettes and camomile tea.
                              (And nightmares, of course)                                      A snake bites its own Tale and seethes, seethes Prophecy.
                                                                                                                  "MASTER", it seethes, and much else besides,
No cigarette cleanses the                                       I burn, but I cast no light.
                      taste of her lips.                                                                I wonder what erases taste.
                                                                                           I wonder what could, or would, cleanse the palate forever.
              She tasted of Prophecy.              I shiver at the taste of Prophecy.

                                                        I wonder how one shines like Aurelio shines.
Still, I read that poem and think of that seed                       be gone, to dissolve. I wonder
                                                   of desire, that willingness to                                             I wonder how one lits the night with his heart.
                                                                                                             How one becomes a torch.
                        that would otherwise not be.                                                 I burn, but I cast no light.
Many things are possible

                     Maybe that's what I always wanted.                      (Maybe I am wrong and Art is not about reaching out)

                                                               Maybe Art is about calling out.
                                                                              Hoping someone hears.
                                                                       Hoping a Beast hears
                                                                                           all beak
                                                                                              and fang
                                                                                        and bloodied

                                                                            And rips out your singing throat.

[A note, seemingly added much later... And with better light]

Wheel above, what one writes at night, when cold sweat wakes him...
Say what you will about it, one certainly doesn't make these scribbles with mizzar.
And one sleeps much more deeply, too.
Title: Find a Way
Post by: Don Nadie on October 30, 2023, 09:19:00 AM

Find a Way

[A brief note]

One awaits.
     And the moment comes.                       Unexpected.

In the turning of the Wheel
many things become possible   
that would otherwise not be.

"I'm so proud", she said.
The heart brims, the heart is always brimming
(And cracking, the heart is always cracking)

                                              In the shadows.
         Find my way through the shadows.   
                                            Find my way deep, the stink of rust.

                                                     Find a way.

And by Their grace, a path is  divined in the Darkness.
Title: The Lillies
Post by: Don Nadie on October 30, 2023, 12:43:27 PM

The Lillies

[A dry lilly is pressed between the pages of this entry]

He came to me, and I didn't deny him. (I couldn't)
"You are sure you want to travel now?", I asked.
(The Bellows rang in our ears. Alarm, concern)
"It's a complicated situation", he said.
And I nodded. (I couldn't deny him, I couldn't)

It felt good, to travel fast. To protect him.
(I could protect him, on the road, and nowhere else.)
Then, the lillies bloomed all arround us.
Above, the wind sang ancient names.
Ancient names, like so many things, are best never known.

I inhaled the scent. So sickeningly sweet.
"Alejandro", he said, "I am an evil person"
I turned. His expression, what was his expression?
(And what did it matter, when I couldn't read it?)
From his lips bloomed, sickly, the Truth.

The tower laid before us, defeated.
Flowers climbing up its bricks.
Merciful was the shadow, merciless the revelation.
And the stranger that appeared.

"The truth is a wretched and terrible thing", said the wanderer.
(Was he being cruel, or tender?)
"Better off are the people of the Well for its obscurity"

His expression, hidden. His gift, accepted.
(How my heart sank learning that he, too, was this broken)

A shadow, a flicker of the wind.
And we were left alone again, him and I.
Just the lillies, and the truth, and the tower.
How beautiful it was, this place.
(And how beautiful he was, and how wretched.)

He wanted to surrender, I grabbed him by the collar.
(Did I want to hurt him?)
"And what about me?!", I demanded.
"Do you know who I thought of, in that hell of Banafsi?"
"Do you know how tempting it was?"
"And I didn't surrender because I had your stupid gondola..."
I let him go. (Because I did want to hurt him)
I lit my cigarette. I puffed, eager.
I felt it burn my throat. Soft and familiar, this pain.
(It was easier to hurt myself)
"I have broken every promise I have ever made"
His confession, so certain. I couldn't look at him.
I tried, instead, to drap arround me the veils.

"I'm never getting that surprise, hm?", I said.
A smirk on my lips. Irony, like a shield.
"I still have it", he said softly.
"But I don't think you'd want it"
As it turns out, I did. Badly. A single promise, not broken.
Wretched as it was, tearful as it was, awkward as it was.
Still wanted, still taken.

(Parched earth, after all, will eagerly drink any poison.)
Title: Idiots
Post by: Don Nadie on October 30, 2023, 02:32:02 PM


It had taken me so long to accept he wanted me away. And so little to dissobey him, when the opportunity presented itself. Someone to protect him. Enemies, perhaps. I'd have embraced any enemy, to keep him safe. We returned, together, to a city, drapped in lies. I felt weary. Burdened with such horrible truths.

There was an Assembly I missed. A Cure, I witnessed.
There were many things, and I was exhausted.

Then, there was a white toga, fluttering atop the Pyramid.

(He thought about it, like I. Broken, wretched things, us both)
(He thought about it, and I ran to stop him)
(Because I'm selfish, because I'd go right after)
Beneath us, glimmering with possibility, the pearl of our city.
Oh, what wild flowers it could grow! How painful, the missed chances...
(And what flowers would bloom from our broken flesh, too.)

But he stepped away, and I could breathe.

"You said I've heard it all", I whispered.
I was holding his hands into mine.
"You said I'm the only one who knows it all"
(What a wretched thing he is. How unworthy)
"Well, I'd still want you to live"
(But what does the heart care for worth?)
"You can do better", I insisted, "And if you can't?"
(The heart just wants.)
"Just say the word. And we are off on a boat, somewhere"

He rested his head against me.
A moment of peace, for a moment.
For a moment, I lied to myself and all was well.
How beautiful a moment could be, for a moment.

"You absolute moron", I whispered.
"I am", he said, "in good company".

I smiled.  Idiots, the both of us.

(The heart just hungers.)
Title: On Being Wrong
Post by: Don Nadie on October 31, 2023, 11:04:49 AM

On Being Wrong

We climbed up. To the rooftop of the Krak.
She and I, alone. As Pra'raj fell into the horizon. (I was uncomfortable. I hate it, but I was uncomfortable)
She glanced in silence, as I lit my cigarette. (I was uncomfortable, before her)
So long, her silence. (I hated that silence)
So steady, her expression. (I hated that emptiness, in her expression)
"You have betrayed my confidence", she declared.
There was no accusation on her tone.
Wistfulness, only. A rueful smile, at my...
...At my whatever. At my something.
At the tangle of feelings I couldn't quite name.
Below us the Well became busier, the freshness of the night calling.
Walkers, and preachers, and gawkers, and merchants, and beggars.
A whole world, below us. And above us, darkness.
Falling upon the world, the darkness.
"A vile thing has been spawned from your lips", she said.
"A rumor concerning a Sister"
I lit another cigarette, my fingers were trembling.
The weight of was she was saying.
"There must be no rumors concerning a Sister"
(I was drowning)
Smoke whirled upwards, to the stars above.
Drafting Prophecy. Twirling in the currents Fate.
And she stood there, before me, pitiless.
Caring not.
"You are wrong to feel the way you do", she declared.
She said that. She, who I had trusted so deeply.
"But this is a wrong of my making"
I tensed, I pressed my lips.
"I believed you were ready", she said.

I was angry, I was fuming, I was confused.
How dared she? When the heart knew, when I knew.
How dared she? When I know now, so pristine, the difference?
I was angry. (But I didn't want her to suffer)
Why did I feel sorry for her, when it wasn't my fault?
(And why did she want me to obey that Voice)

She asked for forgiveness, forgiveness for the wrong thing.
Forgiveness, she asked, but not for breaking my trust.

And then she was gone. And I was alone.
Smoking alone. Alone, up there.
(His absence, I felt his absence, up there)
"I've taken mizzar for the pain", he had said.
"If I used it to take advantage of a girl", he had added, darkly.
"It'd be a different matter altogether."
(I think he'd be angry, but I
              I wasn't (I couldn't be) angry)
                    (She was wrong, and I was dissapointed)
                                                         (Which is worse)
Title: Hearing God
Post by: Don Nadie on October 31, 2023, 03:52:34 PM

Hearing God

[A swiftly written, short note. The calligraphy seems shaky.]

Why did I approach him? Probably, because I needed certainty.
Because his word was not something to be trusted. Wretched man that he is.
So I went straight to the source. And he spoke of hearing Voices.
And of God. Of hearing God, in the walls and in the depths.

"I see her", he said, "your Sparrow".
"What a horrible way to die..."
There was an edge of delight in his voice.
He was so close. The stink of something. Mizzar? Incense?
Frothing, I bet he was frothing.
"Do you want to know her last words, mister Benjázar?"
He leaned in so horribly close.
Even with the cowl, I could feel his breath on my ear.

Title: To Run Away
Post by: Don Nadie on November 01, 2023, 11:21:33 AM

To Run Away

Atop the pyramid once more, we went.
"The night air", she said, "is fresher here".
I shivered. Below us, the path. The path he could've taken.
Below us the city, too. And above, the moon.
"Where is the man who we placed our hopes in?", she pondered.
"This is a question I have been asking myself..."
"Ever since I learned what he was involved in"

I hesitated.

"Maybe it wasn't fair of us", I said.
"To put such hopes in him."
                 I knew what I said was sophistry, I knew it was not right.                I knew it was wretched, to defend him. I didn't care.                  The Priestess was gone. Sweet Sparrow, gone.
                      But there was only the present, to live.                                         And I wanted him, desperately, to live.
                   Maybe, yes, to be better, to become worthy.                        But mostly to live, and live, and live.                   
(How pious it was, this selfishness.)                                       
                       (The Priestess would've been proud, I reflect.)             
"I don't even know what's right or what's wrong anymore", I whispered.
"I think that you do, Alejandro", she said.
Her hands gripping the railing, tighter and tighter.
"It's just... Tangled. Brambled thorns"
"Blocking off the path that the heart sees"
She was right, of course. The heart knows its path, of course.
The blood sings its hunger.
But all else? Every other certainty one could hold?
Like the shapes of clouds in the sky.
A breeze is all it takes, to dispel them.
"Did you ever thought of running away?", I asked.
(I knew the answer, in a way. I just wanted to hear it, from her lips)
"It's been offered to me, before", she whispered.
"The offer is closed, now."
(Did she sound melancholic? Satisfied? Wistful?)
"It would've been a deleriction of duty. An abdication."
(Were that we all were transparent)
(and our hearts clear like singing fountains)
The stars were singing for us, as the Stonefolk had said.
There was only that: the song of the stars, with the wind.
And us. Talking. For a moment, I could even go back.
Close my eyes and think of us both, before.
Before roses and thorns came into play. Just before.

"The world is those who we love, and who love us", she whispered.
She reached up, her hand, towards the moon.
"The world is ourselves, too"
Her hand closed, grasping nothing. (Or nothing I could see.)
"I believe in the dream of a world renewed", she added.
"I... Believe, Alejandro", she continued.
Her grey eyes set on me.
(What wretchedness could she see?)
(What wretchedness had I kept hidden, from her?)

"That you are carrying so many deep, and terrible hurts."
Like an oasis in the desert she was, her hug.
How rare it is, to be given choice.
No persuasion, no argument, no lie. Just choice.
Like fresh waters on parched lips.
"Would you be dissapointed if I ran away?"
Title: The Flip of a Coin
Post by: Don Nadie on November 01, 2023, 03:30:27 PM

The Flip of a Coin

                                                                       Arguments for and against:
                                           Self interest                                                                       Truth and falsehoood

                                                                  to him
                                  Loyalty            to something or someone
                                                              to the People                                               Pointless, it feels.

                                                                                           At time, too pointless.
                                                                                                  Just as good to throw the Voice down a well.

                                     "The problem is that you care", she said.
                                    (Sweet, burnt Sparrow)                                               (How right you were, always)

                                                                                                            How dirty it feels.
                                                                                    To vote for her, who I know will bow to the Roses.
                                                                                                   Ever the Lyrist, our Aubrey, at heart.

                                                         How dirty too, to follow his intrigue.
                                                                   Beautiful, wretched as he is.

                                      To not care, that'd be the trick
                                               To shrug softly.                                                         To look away.

                                                                 The flip of a coin.

                                             Heads                                                                  Tails   

                                                                                                    Let Fate and chance be the ones to worry,
                                                                                                                                                                        for once.
Title: Clearly
Post by: Don Nadie on November 02, 2023, 08:54:07 AM


I couldn't deny her, when she came to me and asked to dig.
Or I could, I suppose. I just didn't.
Not brave enough. Never brave enough.
So I took her to the Gate of Roses, I dug.
(Not as easy as it seems, to dig)
And we found the hammam, again.
Waters and Revelation, again.
"I wonder how well you suspect the truth", she said.
I stuck the spade onto the ground, brushed the sweat off my brow.
"Is there a truth for me to suspect?", I replied, perhaps brusquely.
"You know there is", she whispered.
I lit a cigarette, a spark in the gloom of the ruined bath.
"Behind how many clouds?"
She spoke about Gellema. Their bulwarks.
She spoke of the promise Jamileh and I showed.
She dared to mention Sparrow, and I tensed.
I tensed with mourning, I tensed with anger.
As she spoke of how she'd tried to help us bloom.
"My working theory, Sister?", I interrupted.
I was holding the reins, holding anger. But how dared she.
"My working theory is that he worked to make Prophecy"
"To make her."
Silence, in the ruins. No Inheritors to interrupt.
My working theory spoke to the Grandmaster's melancholia.
It made us villains, perhaps. No, it definitely made us villains.
(Then again, who isn't villanous these days.)
Silence, except for me. Except for us.
Just shadows, and the slow dripping of fresh water.
"But that's just a working theory", I added. "A tale"
"And like all tales, it weaves truth and falsehood"
I took a puff. It burnt, the smoke, and didn't burn enough.
"Like lovers."
She came closer, slow like a curse.
Her robes rustling, drawing meaningless letters on the floor's dust.
She approached and I recoiled, without a thought.
(I recoiled and I felt so sad when I realized it)
And she smiled, at my thougthless steps. She smiled, with pity.
"You are so clever, Alejandro", she said.
A faint smile, upon her lips.
"Perhaps the cleverest of the creatures that wade the ash"
A pause. A spell. Her eyes shone with light-that-was-nothing.
"Yet... For all the trees..."
Her eyes shone, and nothing could escape them.
"I wonder if you can even begin to see the forest"
Silence, and dropplets, and smoke, for a moment.
(I was afraid, I was mourning, I was angry.)
(What tangle they were, my feelings.)
Then, she spoke of Truth. Of the gods.
"If only you had faith", she said.
"If only you would let me guide you"
(I was not crying. Not by lack of want)
"Faith is like love, Sister"
"It is made daily, by our actions"
A moment of silence. A moment, too long, but a moment.
"I do not think you know what Love is, Alejandro"
She spoke. She spoke so softly and my ears were ringing.
She spoke so softly and all I heard was her voice.
And myself, within. Screaming. I wanted to scream out, so badly.
And their statues looked at us from the pool's shore.
Half-art, half-clutter. Their eyes empty. As were their hearts.
(I envied them, those statues)
"Clearly, Sister, one of us failed", I snapped.
"Clearly, we do not agree on who did the failing"
I took a deep breath. I told her to live and drink.
To call upon me, if aid was needed. For I couldn't deny her.
(Or I could. But I don't think I'd want to)
"But", I added, "Do. Not."
I pressed my lips. I could only steal a glance back.
"Do not try to convince me my feelings are wrong", I ordered.
(I would've cried, if I looked at her directly)
"You do not get to betray my trust."
"And lay, upon myself, the blame."
And I called darkness upon us, so that I wouldn't see anymore, and I walked away into the College, and I rushed into the Dungeon, and I smelled the roses and I unclasped the cloak because I could barely breath, I could barely breath, I couldn't breath a minute longer with that poison in the air, with all the  lies in the air, with all the voices in the air and with all the screaming, the screaming, my screaming, in the air.
Title: Reason
Post by: Don Nadie on November 02, 2023, 07:48:31 PM


Once, there was a mirror.
And day in, day out, it reflected the same things.

"Reason to leave?", he asked.
I didn't knew what to list.
The big ones, the small ones, the tiny one?
"Inability to fulfill my duties to the extent the College deserves?", I offered.
It reflected the morning followed by the noon.
It reflected the dressing up, and the dressing down.
Breakfast, lunch, dinner, it reflected.

He was crying, poor Jacques. Sweet Jacques.
He was asking who I was leaving for, throwing names:
Domhnall, Jamileh, the Torchbearers.
But, as the bards say, what's in a name?
"Is it that hard to believe this is my choice?", I asked.
(As I'd learn over the next few hours, it is.)
And one day something changed, a tiny thing.
Something was missing.
And the mirror couldn't place it, not exactly.
Was it the color of the shirt? Was it the tilt of a window?
Because it was definitely something.

"She was not talking abut being unwilling to compromise politically!", he claimed.
"She was talking about morality!"
I tried not to sigh. Not to smirk, either.
(How we all would love it, to never compromise)
"She's... A dreamer, the same way you are, Alejandro"
Of course She is. And like I, she knows when a dream is flailing.
Better than I, probably.
So the mirror kept looking within itself.
It kept looking at the contents of its reflection.
At the dinner, lunch, breakfast.
At the dressing down and the dressing up.
Seeking, ever seeking to find it.

"I don't hate you fool! None of us do!", he said.
"You're just a difficult petal to lose", added Roderick.
(It was a relief, I guess. I could breathe a bit better, I guess)
"Apart from Mungus Lepfont, admittedly", Jacques pointed out.
(Fucking Mungus. The plagiarizing shithead. "The Blessed Behind", my ass!)
(I'm sneaking into the College and eating his ricecakes one last time)
So deep it looked at the things arround it.
So deep it searched, for the Truth.
The Truth it couldn't find, for all seem imperfect.

"Is it true what Cosine says?", Jacques asked, tearful.
I couldn't lie to our beautiful Jacques, of course.
(How could I lie to such a tender man?)
"Look upon all of these unburnt letters", I said.
"If I were? I'd be the worst of them all"
And the mirror, focused on the imperfection, failed.
And it reflected the wrong color for the robe.
The wrong food at the table.
The wrong hour of the day.

"Are you joining the Torchbearers?"
"I expected to see you in the Sandstone colors by now"
"Already preparing for the next election?"
A flock. An unnerving flock of questions.
So much curiosity, and so little I would share.
(Would? Wanted to? Cared to? Dared to?)
It never realized the problem.
The mirror, quite simply, was cracked.
Title: Just once
Post by: Don Nadie on November 03, 2023, 08:57:03 AM

Just Once

[A page stinking of mizzar. The calligraphy is slow and thoughtful.]

          I saw him Drink.
                           His lips got so red, so red                  Red like the Truth at the bottom of an ocean.

                    Parched, I'm parched.                                   My lips are parched.                And there is but salt.

They left, for the Wyld places                        Where visions       for the worhty
                                                                                 are woven                                    (Upon Their stallion, They ride)
       Focus focus focus focus          I must focus
                                                                There's nothing for me there, therein lies oblivion
                                                                                                               and loss, and mourning.
   If the bell rings, if the moon glimmers.         Would Prophecy reach me?
                        If I did it just once, just once.                           Just once is ok, just once.           For the heart aches, and remembers.

Just once, into the clouds, just once.                                  For the clouds are tender and full of mercy.
                                 Just once more, just once.

                                                                  The clouds are so very, very loving.
                    It's just once, and nobody needs to know.                                                      I'll do it just once, and nobody'll be the wiser.

And I'll sleep, just once.         
                        Deeeply.                                     Wrapped, just once, in the clouds.
                                                        Arround me the clouds.                                               So soft, just once, the clouds.

           Not enough, but much better, Wheel above.                                                   So soft, so soft.
                                                                    So much better, these clouds.

            Sleeping, sleeping, just once.                                                                    Sleepig in peace, just once.
                                   Just once, no screaming to wake me.                   Just once, just once.
                                                             And nobody needs to know, because it's once, and just once.
Title: Colors
Post by: Don Nadie on November 05, 2023, 09:12:59 AM


I have no idea of what to wear. Or what colors I like. Or how I find something that fits me. For all the burdens of the cloak, it made things rather simple: every day, the same. And the uniforms wereare well-tailored.

Jacques just diddoes an excellent job.

It's all messier, now. Trying to find something that doesn't feel awkward and strange? Much more complicated that I'd have thought. It's fine. I mean, of course it's fine. It'd be extremely silly to care about looking good and feeling comfortable in the middle of everything else. So I probably should just find whatever and wear it. And not feel like my skin is crawling because everything feels unfamiliar. Just go to the tailor and choose something.

I just have to avoid Green, because it's the Legion's; and Blue, because its the Tower's; and Purple and Gold, because it's the League's; and Orange, because it's the Torchbearers; and Red and Black, because of the obvious. I think this leaves beige, white and pink.

Wheel above, I'm doomed.

At least friends are helping. Or giving their opinions, at least. And Narwen and Miranda found me a fancy scarf to wear.

"It's handsome", she said.
"But a bit frayed arround the edges"
I smiled, weakly.
(Metaphors are sometimes so stupidly self-evident.)
"So am I".
Title: Silly
Post by: Don Nadie on November 06, 2023, 09:34:47 PM


An election. And the most important of all! An election for the noble Beast that shall represent our City in heraldry and standard, in battle and, most important, in our hearts. And what beast could be better, I wonder, that the noble Goat (Baby)? So many would choose carnivores, great beasts of burden, dangerous beasts that would attack refugees. But why? We are not a monster that assaults refugees, but a sweet and delightful creature, able to grow, full of curiosity, stubbornness and recklessness. Also, goats are lovely conversationalists.

And also, baby goats are cute. I suppose that, on the same ground, I could live with Groknak (baby).

Sadly, the winners ended up being Groknak, Lion and Heron. It shows that people are utter bores. Such basic, average, dull choices. But now we'll have a discussion on those three. And I bet the Lion would win (if it weren't for the Orentids).

This was really the best argument in favor of Tyranny I have ever witnessed.

"The greatest idiocy I have ever witnessed in this City", he said.
The poor man, he didn't get it.
"We need sillyness, señor mio"
I smiled, tenderly. Wearily.
"We have enough serious and horrible matters."
"Every day".

Title: We
Post by: Don Nadie on November 07, 2023, 02:13:59 PM


Terrified, we went. Our hands were shaky as we delved, alone. A path, half-divined in the darkness. A path, made in secret. Stealth and trickery and ilusions, to keep our path. Warding, Their smile, or perhaps Their benign neglect. In there more than anywhere else, as veils were parted, for us.

Just two, against the darkness. More dangerous, much more dangerous, but I felt, for once, in control. For once, with someone I trusted wholeheartedly. For once, with someone who wouldn't lie to me. In this city of misdirection? A gift.

There we were. The earth itself shook arround us, the wails echoed, the dangers lurked. But it was fine, We saw, we discovered, we decyphered what I had never seen before.  We faced, with trickery, Giants. We were few but strong. We were few but daring.

We, the quick. Our hearts beating deep crimson.
(Perhaps I was always right)
(And the College is the heart)
(And everything else is ornamentation)

"I am happy", I said, almost surprised.
I was terrified, we were returning from the darkness.
Returning with dread, and discovery, and success.
"I feel really happy", I insisted.
She smiled, her eyes shining too, just as mine.
Joy and terror, both. Entwinned.
"Good", she said. "I like you happy."
Title: Matters of Diplomacy
Post by: Don Nadie on November 09, 2023, 09:08:57 AM

Matters of Diplomacy

I returned from climbing.
(Secrets uncovered once, alone, at last to be shared)
(A door was opened, three more behind it)
I returned, and I found an axe unsheathed.
And ancient emnity, bursting forth.

"This is insult!", he boomed, his red beard twitching.
Like so many, this poor man.
Forsaken by his Ancestors, thinking himself, here.
The center of the world.
"I do not think this distant city knew who'd receive them", I whispered.
He was furious. So was Aurelio.
A diplomatic envoy met with weaponry and threats.
Wheel above, the choices. Thank Warad for Narwen.
While she whispered, so did I.
"Consider, señor mio: if his Ancestors are wicked"
"To count this envoy as their heir?
"To forbid him a chance of rejecting the past, of changing?
"Isn't it cruel?
Stalling the axe, is never simple.
Reject the spear, the axe, the sling. I remember always.
For blood, once spilled, will flow forever.
And the sorrows will be beyond count.
"Alejandro", Gaston asked, later. "Please, explain it"
There was a crowd. There was anger.
There was the promise of war, in the air.
"Please, defuse the situation"
A sigh. I spoke, calmly.
Of things secret and things known and things deduced.
I spoke, of the ancient mountain of Kulkund.
And he breathed more evenly, his anger soothed.
His anger, stalled by Tragedy.
(That's me, is it not? Knowledge, and charm)
(Finding a path into the heart of another)
(And pulling the strings)

"Sing this song for me, manling", he requested.
Coin, of course. No charity or gifts, for High Kulkund's dwarves.
I, of course, would've done it for free.
For this, too, was his heritage.

It echoed in the ceilings of the Krak.
Two notes at once, vibrations.
Words ancient and deep and hidden.

A song sung, and never silenced.
Title: A Little Rhyme
Post by: Don Nadie on November 10, 2023, 09:06:09 AM

A Little Rhyme

[A little rhyme, written in terrified, shaky calligraphy.]

One, two... We're coming for you.
Three, four... No seals anymore.
Five, six... Tear down the bricks.
Seven, eight... Dead Legates.

I need to speak to them.
Something needs to move, to be done.
Selfishness, I know, but I can't.
Anonymous wormingers are one thing, friendly acquiantances are one thing.
But this is something else altogether.
Title: The Puppet
Post by: Don Nadie on November 10, 2023, 09:16:21 AM

The Puppet

[This is a small story, perhaps the draft for something within the Thousandfold Tale.]

Once, there was a puppet.
Oh, what daring feats he performed!
How charming he was, in his crimson livery!
How cheerful, the ringing bells on his hat!

I was just wandering, as one does. Fighting, as one does.
I was just wandering alone, and free.
The wind rustling my white scarf, so much lighter.
So much lighter, on my shoulders.
But in his heart of hearts, the puppet had doubts.
For even the most loyal puppet may develop the feeling
that the hand which moves him is less than benign.
As it carelessly, heartlessly, puts words in his mouth.

The day was hot, my lips were parched.
But I was smiling, wildly, becase I felt free.
Because sometimes one really feels free.
As his feet barely touch the Ash.
And his song echoes in the wind.
Running, wild, and forward.
And so, in the night, the puppet cut his strings.
And dropped his jingling hat, and changed his livery.
And ran into the wilds, to laugh under the moon.

Then my voice, my own voice.
Singing something else altogether.
Singing a song which was not mine.
And he was happy forever, he was happy forever.
He was so happy that his laughter toppled towers,
and his joy lit the night like a lighthouse.

I won't escape. I can't escape.
I've forgotten who I am.
There's no running from fate.
And this is how it was told, so it must be true.

It must be true.
Title: Oh, Theatrics!
Post by: Don Nadie on November 11, 2023, 01:11:51 PM

Oh, Theatrics!

He had a plan, ourtheir sweet, golden knight.
Revelation, he wished to bestow upon them.
"You are neither a friend", he said, "nor stranger"
"But you may come, if you want to bear this burden"
I followed them, descended with them.
(My smile, a practiced thing)
(Set upon my lips, like a painting)
To the shore of the Waters, we descended.
"I am called Below", he declared.
His helmet, off. A scar, deep.
(Not quite managing to make him ugly)
(The opposite, somehow)
"For Below I will find the Dakhwar"
"and, through our actions, will the Pilgrim be made"
I did not intervene, but listened, quietly.
(What artistry, in holding a smile)
"How does he do it?", I whispered, to her.
My eyes on him, shimmering in his self-assurance.
"How does he have this trust in himself?"
"It isn't trust", she replied.
(I felt the echo of those fetid words)
(THE MANIA, they said, and much more besides)
The air was wet, humid. Mists climbing from the pool.
Then he Drank, and the world lit up with wonder.
And his lips shimmered, like dark rubies.
"Will you accompany me, Jamileh?", he asked.
(Did my smile crack? I tried to hold it)
He wasn't looking at me, yet. He hadn't asked.
(I had broken his heart, of course)
Then, when she requested that I join them, a dagger:
"Alejandro was going to be the first I told", he said.
I watched, quietly. Feeling some feeling without name.
Love, jealously, admiration, annoyance, all of them, perhaps, at once.
His "Revelation", theatrics, and shimmering stagecraft.
What I had already worked on, what I had already known, and said.
My reports and discussions, retooled into Fate.
(Or perhaps it was worse, perhaps he did have a Vision)
(And I did not, because I was never worthy)
Title: Cimientos
Post by: Don Nadie on November 12, 2023, 08:51:49 AM


[This entry is titled with a foreign word. It contains an odd, strangely poetic paragraph and what appear to be some verses, out of context]

    *    In the darkness, a path is divined, a door opened, a secret uncovered.    *    It beats, the truth beats, its gears turning, ever turning, and in the turning of its fears, many things become possible, that would otherwise not be.    *    (It burns, but it casts no light)    *    The veils part; beyond, horror and history, entwinned, like lovers.    *    As above, so below: the heavens echo, the disc echoes.    *    In the mirage of reflections upon reflections, one wonders where it started.    *    Dreams of deep veins, drafting Fate under the skin.    *    (It burns, but it casts no light)    *    A craft without the craftsmen presupposes the Divine.    *    Truth echoes, Truth hides, Truth shapes, Truth shatters.    *    Prophecy, crafted at the bottom of a Cup.    *    (It burns, but it casts no light)    *    The Disc is singing, a chorus for deaf ears.    *    Two we were, two we were. Providence upon parched lips, like Water.    *    Therein resides, luminous, the body true.    *    (It burns, in silence, it burns)    *    At the Threshold of Revelation, merry is the laughter, truthful the wail.    * 

Two we were.
Two we were.

In the depths we gathered.
A sphinx's feather.
A mote of Ash.
Title: A Fortress by the Edutu
Post by: Don Nadie on November 12, 2023, 12:18:06 PM

A Fortress by the Edutu

[A series of impressionist paragraphs, descriptions of some distant land scattered through the page.]

Recruited for some reasons, conscripted for others.
Surprising. Not to be sent, but to receive a title for the event.
(Don't know if I'm mortified, or if I relish the scandal)
(Then again, I can probably use the scandal)

Coin gathered, a familiar man seen above, for once.
(I had said goodbye to him but an hour ago, good that he didn't mention)
And a bridge where there was none before.

Whatever I expected, things certainly were different.
A fortress, on the banks of the river, whirling blades of iron, smog.
Raised mountains, raised fortresses. By a calipha's hands, raised.
The river, I saw the river, from whence Life flows.
And how filthy the waters arround this city.
(A tinge of pain, I felt. No flowers on its shore)

Shimmering, this City's scholarship. Reckless, too.
(What this place could be, if it wanted to)
Wonders moving on their own. Salvaged and designed.
And people, grey-skinned, sunken-eyed, coughing.
Wonders, everywhere you look, wonders.
And smog, and coughing, and wheezing, and illness.
Scholars and laborers alike, coughing.

A market for trinkets. For strange, unexplainable things.
Things that hum. Things that shimmer. Things that move without limbs.
(I was overwhelmed, with admiration)
(With the awe of things I did not understand)
No instruments, though. No texts, no arts, in their market.
That, too, says something.

The temple is harmed. Or broken. Or under renovations.
An Ashtorm, breaking the one thing on a plateau.
Plentiful, His statues. Many-armed Izdu, the Abaccus.
(It makes sense, of course. We all keep our suspicions, of course)
(Still, even the worst-case scenario? Not the worst.)

The Madrassa, the Lift, the Arteries, the Well.
Mysteries and possibilities. Riches, perhaps. Wonders, perhaps.
Terrors, too, perhaps. Silent gas, and traps, and constructs.
But possibilities, mostly.

I think we did, all in all, quite well.
Title: The Other Side of the Table
Post by: Don Nadie on November 13, 2023, 09:41:39 AM

The Other Side of the Table

I suppose this is it, now. A step that may protect me, protect us all, even whilst outside of the Accord. Not an easy or pleasant step, but a step nonetheless. It is fine, it shall be fine, even if it is, also, a bit mortifying. Circumstances were not ideal, and I worry about how it was all discussed, in the aftermath. About what people might think of it, or of me. As Lynneth said, I care too much about what people think of me.
"I was surprised by the expediency of the decision", I said, politely.
We were in her office, such luxury. Discussing both personal business and Governance.
(Meaning, I wanted a second opinion on some matters of Law. And money. Mostly money)
"He is a man driven by his Passions", she declared, with a bemused expression.
"And you are one of them."
(Fortunately, I managed not to blush. I am getting better at it.)
After a second, I smiled through the embarrasment.
"I fully intend to raise up to the occasion", I said softly.
"Hence, my presence here"
Meetings upon meetings, preparing the the field, setting up the table.
And from the other side of it, so odd.
To see their cloaks and colors, and be on the other side.
And not bear the burden of their choices.
(So then, why did I feel this creeping sense of mourning?)
(Why this dread?)
"We bring you a gift", she said, gesturing to me, the bitch.
And I, once more, smiled through it.
Even if I kept thinking about it, while all else was said.
            Scandal, I suppose, a pious tribute.               
Misdirection and mischief, under Their smile.                                 
(Any breath spent talking about nepotism... Is one less spent discussing worse things)
                                     (And if I smiled by the side of the Rossa, I can smile through these rumors)
May Their smile be on my lips, as I endeavour in politics, Their domain.
Title: Puzzle
Post by: Don Nadie on November 14, 2023, 06:13:00 PM


[This entry starts relatively normal, but quickly devolves in almost maddened notes that mix different styles of calligraphy, as though written by several hands... All of them shaky.]

"I find this garden soothing", I said.
"Much as I abhor it"
Arround us, the murmur of fountains, the rustle of leaves.
She was quiet. Steady and unmoveable.
Her smile pleasant, soft, perfectly measured.
I found it somehow unnerving, now, as I spoke.
Of rhymes, of riddles, of portents:
I can't escape.
I won't escape.
I've forgotten who I am.
There's no running from fate. 

"What is it you seek of us, in this regard?", she asked.
I swallowed. Was I panicking?
Was this, returning to them, a self-harming reflex?
Like scratching the back of my hand, when I'd like to take mizzar?
"...Anything?", I admitted.
It was so far beyond my expertise, finding words in my lips.
Visions and prophecy, was that not their domain?
The garden bloomed arround us.
Narcotic, the stink of its flowers.
So pleasant and beautiful and kind, the blooms.
So walled and exclusive and selfish, the place.
What worminger would be welcome, here?
"Don't turn to look now", she said.
"But there's a beautiful sunset rippening behind you"
She was smiling vaguely, her eyes set on mine.
My own eyes, avoiding her.
"I have seen you, Alejandro", she whispered.
She whispered, in the tone of Visions.
Green hills, soft evenings, blooming stars.
So painfully familiar
"A hand lazily rested over the edge of the boat", she described.
"Fingers trailing in the star-mirror of the water."
A tear ran down her cheek.
(Joy? Bliss? Exstasis?)
(I felt I was out of breath, for but a moment)
"But your image is... Hazy", she added.
I found myself looking into her eyes, as Pra'raj left the skies.
Wells, they were. Of Wisdom, and Hope, and Prophecy.
Wells, to sate my thirst, or to drown into.
(Even now, I thirst, desperately, for Prophecy)
(Or, perhaps, for a chance to drown)
"You once called me hedgeknight", I responded, tersely.
I felt defensive, tense and eager.
(Like every time I smell, in the air, the sweet smoke of mizzar)
"Here I am, on the hedge. No more cloaks or orders"
Her eyes welled up, glistening with such calm delight.
Above us, the stars, blooming slowly.
"Oh, how beautiful you are at this moment...", she whispered.
(And it took effort, to not take a step back)
"Perhaps this was meant to be?", she added.
"Perhaps we were meant to hurt one-another"
I felt the coldness of the evening wind.
(Or of something else. Of something else altogether)
I crossed my arms, for warmth, for refuge.
"It is cowardly to blame Fate for your mistakes", I said, pointedly.
Her own expression was pensive.
"I am no doubt a coward", she admitted.
"But it is not cowardice, but hope, that makes me say so"
I was choking with what I wanted to say. Choking.
I wanted to say that I was angry.
That it was her fault and not her fault.
To reach out, as Art does, to tell her that-
-about the last drop and yet the betrayal-
-tell her something but I saw her like -  distilled she was upon the garden as the night set above us -
-she was glistening, the tear in her eyes - "This puzzle, Alejandro, is one that you must solve without my help" -the joy in her tears were - "The voices?", I asked. My voice was not entirely there because I -they were glistening and transforming they were somehow being more than they - "No", she responded, simply. -they Were wisdom blooming they were the stars and in between the stars was - like the notes of a song you've forgotten, ringing in dreams I - "The puzzle of your confusion, of your pain" -she was blooming glowing glistening shimmmering vanishing - following on my mentor's step, on the threshold between Madness and Revelation, entwinned, like - "The riddle of what I am to you. I could see the contours of her shape changing - I could see it, her abaya glistening with light her skin glistening with light her eyes glistening with light - A mirror, she described a mirror of still waters, the world.  She was there but I saw something different I- -  could see it is, clear and bright and certain - Revelation! Revelation! A shiver down my spine in fear and wroth and dread and Revelation - Light, she was pure light and I - and I had doubted her but - And upon the mirror, reflected, the stars, the thoughts of the Truth - Light and Revelation, on the shores of her lips, on the boundary of her skin, on the tip of her tongue and the edge of her fingertips - Darkness the world arround her the garden arround her myself darkness darkness darkness between the stars - And upon the waters us all, mankind, shipwrecked and lost  where lays the limit between Madness and Revelation? -  Is there no running from Fate?

"But we may yet find our way home"
So said the Light, pointedly.
"If we learn to see clearly"

And then,
the Light walked away
and I was left, alone, in the Garden.
Title: Knives
Post by: Don Nadie on November 14, 2023, 08:51:29 PM


Atop the Pyramid, once more. With dread, but I followed.
The moon, shining above, brightly.
"How are you feeling?", I asked.
"If you are not", I repeated, "there's always the boat"
"Not yet", he said.
"No", I echoed. Too many things to do. "Not yet".
Above us, the stars, twirling.
Drafting Fate, drafting their intrigues.
Whirling, death and horror following in their wake.
And between the stars, her. Them.
(By Their hand may we be veiled)
"I feel something is coming, this Ides", he said.
"I've received portents. Dreams"
I swallowed, moved closer.
(The nights in the Well can be cold.)
(The wind, this high, can be freezing)
"I have, too", I admitted.
Visions behind my eyes, prophecy upon my lips.
There's no running from Fate, no running.
"Something is coming", he insisted.
"Something bad will happen, I know it"
My hand was on my rapier, my eyes on the city below us.
"Something bad, perhaps, but we'll endure", I promised.
He smiled softly. Relieved, perhaps?
(A vice, these promises I can't keep)

    And them, some reports. Diplomacy, mostly.
                                           Seeing his pettiness, once more. Such a delightful idiot.

          And then I said goodbye to him, left him there, beautiful and above.
           His toga, like the moon, gleaming in silver.     
                                                And I felt, as I turned, the certainty:     
                                      He would be stabbed in the back.
    The question was whether I would end up holding a knife.                              And how to ensure he'd survive the wound.
Title: The Feast of B'aara
Post by: Don Nadie on November 16, 2023, 02:26:57 PM

The Feast of B'aara

Merriment, and joy, and friends, and Art!
Are those not the things that water the soul?
The thing thats heal it?
"It's been long since we spoke", she said.
On her lips, poetry and verse (the best of our poets)
"Let us talk, after this"
(Right behind the edge of vision, the rest of them)
(And I, doing my best to dodge them, too)

A Tale to tell. A little, joyful Tale!
For do we not have enough sadness?
"Littlest of the Wheel?", she quoted, amusedly.
"Maybe I should smack you for blaspehmy, Alejandro"
(A few, bothered for the blasphemy. Good. That's why I made the Tale like that!)
Smiles all arround, and applause.
What joy, there is, in smile and applause.
When one stands on the stage and for a moment, for a moment.
Everything is under control and solid and real and within grasp.
(And a moment is forever)
"You were shining up there, my friend", he said, his face scarred.
Scarred and beautiful. His cheeks flushed with joy.
"Your lips have been so grey, for so long", he whispered.
He put, in my hands, a decanter.
So familiar its weight, its scent.
I felt longing. Such longing, for it. Such dread, too, as the words echoed.
                       "There's no running from Fate"
"I'm not sure I deserve it anymore...", I whispered.
"Today, we celebrate", he replied. "So bring some color to your smile, Alejandro"
(I could not find it in myself to refuse it)
(I could not find it in myself to Drink it there, either)
Then he arrived too, beautiful as ever, and I tensed.
Mostly, the fear of hidden knives.
But nothing happened, nothing happened.
Just cheer, and a bit of tension, and awkwardly avoiding Alois.
The heron flying upon our flag.
The descend into the Well, his voice, reciting.
(In the darkness, I heard it, a mechanism. I knew it)
"Tears gathered here
in our Well they rest
to honor dear
our great sacrifice."
And the Miracle of the Waters.
(I was awed, yes. Awed)                                          (By the miracle, yes. But even more by the words)

                            entwine with words,
          (For words                                 like lovers)

                                                            (An many things become known, that would otherwise not be)
Title: The Knight of Blooms
Post by: Don Nadie on November 17, 2023, 08:50:56 AM

The Knight of Blooms

Once, there was a secret place..
And in that secret place, there were countless flowers.
There were ancient secrets, and books.
There were whispering shadows and echoes.
There was a fountain.

"Wash your hands", he instructed, "The waters are clean"
"Like it washes away all sin", she whispered, in awe.
And I obeyed, not without hesitation.
(Waters so pure, one shouldn't stain)

And from the waters of that fountain bloomed the flower Pure.
And the fruit of Kindness, ripe for feasting.
And the thorns of Truth, sharpened for the fight.

The water felt so fresh, my hands felt so clean.
For a moment, I felt such peace.
Under the shadow of those branches.
(And a moment is forever).
And so it was that she kneeled.
And felt, in the rumor of the waters, ancient words.
Echoing softly, whispering endlessly.

(A story doesn't end, Beloved of Flowers)
(In secret places, echoes retell it)
(Gardens of Saints, Blooms of the Holy, Vows of Flowers Pure)
(Such it is, the way to Bel-Ishun)
        And in her heart, an oath took root.
                   And from it bloomed, in her hands:

                                  A cloak of grass.     
                                                                              A plate of ivy.
                                                 A helmet of emerald leaves..

(And in my heart bloomed, too, true and thornful).
    (The joy for her worthiness)                      (The awe of her beauty)

                           (The green bitterness of my envy)

Title: Dodgy
Post by: Don Nadie on November 19, 2023, 06:01:49 PM


[A word has been written with great, careful deliveration, followed by the rest of the entry]   


My first word at that efuudle thing.

I feel a little insulted. Part of me can't avoid seeing this random production of words and feeling, intuitively, that it is prophetic somehow. That it must be inhabited by Fate, which speaks through the simple glyphs. For does Fate often not disguise itself in game and happenstance? Does riddle often not hide dreams dreamt long before our time? Does not often the random word, picked without thought, hold, in truth, the secrets of the Future written deep into the fabric of the Stars? Oh, Efoodle! Were that your mysteries were more clear! Were that the Fate hidden in the turning of your gears was as evident as my own handwriting!

And is "Dodgy" not a word of something I am? Agile to step out of danger, yes, and also unreliable, full of hidden things and hidden feelings. Someone who should not be trusted, maybe. Am I not trustworthy? Is Fate, through the means of this simple game of Baz'eeli origin... Telling me that I am, in fact, unreliable? That I do not deserve the trust some people put in me? That I can and will and may have betrayed every single one of them? Is that what the cruel Stars are telling me, reminding me? And if so, why? A cruel joke, for I cannot change? Or an opportunity, so that I may be better?

Then again, Jamileh got "Salsa".
Title: The Rider
Post by: Don Nadie on November 20, 2023, 11:34:14 AM

The Rider

The day, the day had been long. Long battles, long delves.
Then, his death.
"I regret nothing", he had said, last we spoke.
Prideful, onto the end. I would assume.
Pridefully, he duelled to death.
(What a trap, what a stupid choice)
(It was a duel to the death only for one of them)
"It was cruel", said the Swordsman, his closest.
(His closest what? Friend? Is there such a thing for them?)
"There's greatness, in such cruelty".
I felt, when I learnt of it, an emptiness. A sadness.
How unnecesary, all of it was. How deadly, too.
I couldn't be sad for him, I couldn't.
(I couldn't not care, either)
"Is this a wake for that dead fool?", asked the Sergeant.
"Or do we gather to kill the orcan?"
Boops looked a bit conflicted. A bit saddened.
"Both", she said.
So we broke his axe, so we broke the orcan fortress.
For him, in his memory, I suppose. With him, in spirit, I suppose.
(There's a great sadness, in the breaking of things)
And as we left, I was amongst the last, I saw him.
Atop a mountain, on his horse.
"Thank you", he said, a smirk on his lips.
"You've all been very helpful"
I spit, on the ground, I felt angry.
(At him, yes, but also at others like him)
(At Mirielle, in our League like he was: for self-interest)
(The cause of the People, a veil for intrigue and selfishness)
"Your time will come too, Diakos!", I yelled, to the man above.
Far out of reach. For now, far out of reach.
"Not yet", he responded, undaunted.
(Like Domhnall had. Like I had)
                                                  (Not yet for anyone, I suppose)

I glared at him and I raised it.
Proud, the badge of the League, of the Lillies.
Blooming brighter. After him.
(Or so I hope, at least)
Title: The Lever
Post by: Don Nadie on November 20, 2023, 05:56:24 PM

The Lever

Once, in a dark and hidden place, there was a lever.
All one had to do was pull it.
And everyone would die, so the world could be born anew.

"I could give you my answer"
"But anything I say will be a lie", I admitted.
I felt impious, in my admission, but this was hardly the place to lie.
Or the people to lie to. Behind us, the depths.
(The deep, deep cries of agony in the darkness.)

By letting things stand, a long agony.
And by pulling the lever, a verdant garden, watered with blood.

Through this beaker, sacrifice, transformed.

"Until I am there", I said solemnly, opening the gate.
"Until I hold it, until I have to make a decision"
"I can't know whether I'll choose right"
And so it was that the lever stood.
Awaiting the arrival of a hand.
Awaiting, in the darkness, as the ash blew.
And the centuries passed.
And statues were ground to dust, their names forgotten.

"This one thinks Alejandro is the unhappiest man in the Well"
His eyes, unblinking. Orbs of stone without expression.
"Thinks too much", he clarified.
He paused. Was that something tender, playful, in his mouth?
"Surprising that he does", he added, "since he's Alejandro".

And one day, the lever was found.
And there was a hand, who reached out, to it.
(And is that not the purpose of Art?)
(To reach out?)
Title: Three Poems
Post by: Don Nadie on November 20, 2023, 08:12:54 PM

Three Poems

[Three poems, scattered arround the page.]

                                                       Of the sky and ground. Of light and cast shadow.
                                                      Of the sun and sister stars; Wing'd, soaring, river snakes below.
                                                      Reed and brush, and silver-armoured fish there swimming.
                                                            -H. P.

"My poem"

Above me, shining firmament.
Star-speckled endless sky, beyond all beyonds.
Below me, Earth churns and rusted gears grind the world's beating heart.
Silent hope sleeps in sand.
      -Z. N.

"This one felt the need to share a poem, too"

                           The quiet stone is not judging, the wind cares not for its message.
                           Murmurs echo in the canyons, asking: "Why did you leave, why did you leave."
                           In the eye of the storm, every promise is drawn in ash.
                                 -A. B.

"What's that?", she asked.
"Just a poem"
I smiled.
"Maybe", I said, simply.

Title: An Answer
Post by: Don Nadie on November 22, 2023, 09:05:27 AM

An Answer

In their Hall, we were chatting calmly.
Complaining, perhaps, about discussions I was no longer party to.
Agreements being drafted, abusive agreements.
Much to my outrage. How could they ask that?
Like a bully, waving her sword.
Demanding and taking, and pretending its a kindness..
"Maybe Alejandro has not understood the concept of faction", he said.
"It is not about nurturing first"
"It is about the Balladeers and the Rose first"
I protested. I spoke of how I had understood it.
Nurturing, growing, encouraging, inspiring.
Keeping bright the flames of hope, and greatness.
I protested, once more, about the College.
Being not the cloaks or the trappings, but the heart.
"How quickly did Alejandro get promotion?", he asked, plainly.
"Perhaps, there is your answer".
I winced. After all this time, still bitter.
I've seen Students graduate for a brawl, for a comment, for naught.
(Why does this pettiness stab me still, when I'm gone?)
(Why do I need, so desperately, adoration?)

"Took me longer than any other Student", I admitted.
He leaned on his cane, wearily.
(I've seen Formorian relics which felt less ancient than him)
"Those that claw and fight and gain, they are the ones that climb."
(He looked so sad, so deeply, deeply sad)
"Nobody has ever climbed a tall mountain without standing on others"

Days later, in the College, I was guiding someone.
Showing a new refugee his way, the place he sought.
(What hesitation, I felt, opening the doors and saying hello)
(How I dreaded, the possibility of Alois emerging)
(How I miss the Garden)
"I used to be a Balladeer", I admitted.
Jacques was so focused on his book.
So deliberately concentrated, as we spoke.
And I vaguely avoided answering why I quit.
(As though I could answer it, at all)
"I understand", the man said, sternly.
"You lost your way"
(Can a way be lost if a way was never there?)
                        (That's what I thought, but did not say.)
     (Perhaps because I didn't have it in my, to break this man's rosy image of our Order)
                 (Perhaps because I'm a coward, and a liar)

         I lit my cigarette.                            I smiled, noncomittal.
                                    Yes, no, both, neither.
An answer, made of smoke.
Title: Doublesong
Post by: Don Nadie on November 24, 2023, 07:18:38 PM


"Doublesong"?, I asked.
An odd thing, I felt, to be called.

"Sing one song", it said.
(On its lips, the mildest, saddest smile)
"and mean another"

The scent of roses in the air.
The smell of wine, and drunkards.
And the noise of drunkards, too.

"Songs of joy and songs of sadness", it added.
"and sometimes, not sure which is which".

Hardly, I felt the space for revelations.

Then again, Revelation does not care for our comfort.
Title: The Teller
Post by: Don Nadie on November 26, 2023, 09:01:44 AM

The Teller

[A little poem has been pressed onto the pages of this entry. It is signed by Sister Amélie, dated Subat 24th, IY 7787]

A teller worthy, teller worn;
And here, though innocence is shorn;
But still his eyes alight with joy;
To see the wonders of his ploy.

That we the servants of the Well;
Should laugh with him in growing swell;
And rise to see beyond the pains;
That live, we may, to Garden's gains.

Her poem was a gift, above the battlements.
A poem, for me, by the most talented versifier of the Well.
A poem about me, too. Or about her impression of me.
Flattering, regardless.
("Flattering and blind", says something within)
"May I ask what transpired?", she said.
"If it pains you, you needn't speak on it", she rushed to add.
It pained me, of course, but I talked.
(An old friend deserves as much.)
As sunset bloomed before us, as it bled over the sky.
As the sky was tinted with the black between the stars.
"It was an accumulation, a concatenation"
"An erosion of the soul"
Every detail, in its confusing timelessness.
Petty, big, small, boundless and tiny, everything.
The tangle of months of service, laid bare and just as confusing.
What made me unworthy. The unworthiness of it all.
"The Cinquefoil cloak is the symbol of the Quest", she insisted.
"remember that mortal folly shall never efface that holy work"
For a moment, I remained quiet, gazing at the stars.
For a moment, maybe, I believed her.
Believed her trust, and her faith, and her faith in me.
Then the moment passed, it passed and I was left remembering.
"If I had stayed", I whispered, almost choking
"I would've drowned"
(But isn't a moment forever?)

"I feel inspired now", she had said, my latest patron.
(I overheard her, talking, just after I told my Tale)
"Alejandro does that to people, I suppose".
(And I smiled, and passed, and I feigned not hearing)
(My heart welling with, what? Pride? Joy? Exaltation?)
(What ilusions we weave,
                      and what joy, in those ilusions)
(What hope in those lies)
(What lie in that hope)
"That is why I wrote those verses for you", she said, over the battlements.
"You encourage the Well to lift its gaze, and look to the horizon"
I remain, I suppose.
Cloakless, hedgeknight, regardless.
I remain what I always was.
Title: Judgement
Post by: Don Nadie on November 26, 2023, 09:10:10 AM


I should've run.
    A man, dead, because I didn't run.
"We saw Aaisha not twenty minutes ago", one said.
The Bellows ringing fresh, call for a Magistrate.
"Please, Alejandro stay", said another.
Our meeting seemed more important, so I stayed.
      I should've run.
Now, a child is dead.

                                 No amount of rioting, no amount of scandal, or complaints.
              No angry screaming on Bellows or Assembly, no testimony.
                                    No resignations, no guilt or innocence can change the fact:

I should've run,
           because death is forever. 
Title: Petitions
Post by: Don Nadie on November 29, 2023, 08:59:54 AM


Once, there were three knights.
The first had a sharp blade.
The second had a fast horse.
The third, had a beautiful shield.
And all three wished to slay a dragon.
But before they set off, each came to the temple.
And sought a blessing, as one does.

"Alejandro, might you sign my petition?"
He was the third to ask, right after the lions had their meal.
Khalid, pure hearted, how could I hesitate?
Aubrey, our best and most desperate chance, how could I fail to do it?
(How, when she agreed to my requests?)
And him? Part of me recoiled at the idea.
At him, two more months, in a Legate's toga. Forced to make a Legate's choices.
And the priest smiled kindly.
For they knew the shield would melt, the horse would falter.
They knew even the sword might break.
For few can pierce the heart of a dragon.

"I will", I agreed.
(How could I not?)
(How, even though he had no chance of winning?)
"But I want you to consider", I added, the stink of blood in the air.
"whether you'd be happier elsewhere"

And thus, a blessing was given.
So the knights rode off, with singing hearts.
Towards their defeat.
For even when the dragon is laid low,
    killing a dragon does not remove the monsters.

       (One way or another, he's likely to lose...                       (One way or another, it matters not, it matters not)
                              And I'll be, in a way, relieved.)
                                                                                                 (The Pyramid, the Elections, traps)
                                                                  (Mirages, to lead ideals into their death)
                         (But what else is there?)
                                                                                              (And what good can be found, in an illusion?)
Title: The Firmament
Post by: Don Nadie on November 29, 2023, 09:38:25 AM

The Firmament

He wanted answers, clear answers, definitive answers.
He took my arm, led me back to the College.
He wanted to know, his eyes shimmering with idealism.
(An idealism I know too well)
(I had been, it seems, suitably inspiring)
(I had poisoned this man, when we first spoke and I was still a Rose, perhaps.)
(Set him off to be dissapointed, like I was, perhaps)

"Why leave?"
That was his singular, pointed question.
I smiled, I danced arround the matter.
For it is not something one can explain, without laying bare all one is.
And perhaps staining that beautiful idealism
                                                                      with dissapointment.
But I did try to be honest, too.
"At some point, one might feel hypocritical", I whispered quietly.
(Jacques was so close, and I didn't want to hurt his feelings)
"Small things which erode the soul"
"And at some point, I didn't have the faith to stay"
He was undeterred, his eyes on me.
Piercing eyes, beautiful eyes, dedicated eyes.
(Did my own eyes shine like this, when I wanted to join so badly?)
"Aspiring heroes come and go", he declared.
"Like stars in the sky they blink to life."
"Roar with fire."
"And dim..."
He paused, dramatic.
(Such an excellent pause, for his metaphor to sink in)
(A much better sense for pacing, I feel, than many Balladeers)
"You were the firmament", he declared.
"The canvas upon which they painted their ambitions"
"Growing more and more characterful", he insisted, his tone so earnest,
"for each splash of paint upon your surface"
He called me firmament, canvas soil, castellan, majordomo.
His insistence, his faith, was that I nurtured would-be heroes.
He wanted me reinstated.
And through his speech I smiled, I tensed, I-
                               -I do not know, exactly, how I felt.
Honored and humilliated, at once. What a bitter combination.
                                                                 (I was the firmament, the canvas?)
                                                                (Not by choice.
                                                                                  I, too, wanted to be a shining star)

"A very poetic way of putting it, perhaps", I said, noncomittal.
"Do you feel the weight of the words, though?", he insisted.
"This place - it is not the same without you"
I smiled. Melancholy, tenderness, all.
I was also not the same, without this place.

From elsewhere I heard the notes, ringing beautifully.
The exclamations of Alois, praising his reflection in rhyme.
I smelled the paints, too. Wondered what new landscapes there were, what vistas.
And the roses, stronger than anything: their color, their scent.
                                              (I missed this place so badly)                                             
                                              (Like I miss the Drink, like I miss mizzar)
(Every single day, I miss it)                       
                                                                                  (I miss it, even if its bad for me)                                                                         
                                                                                            (I miss it, because it's bad for me)
Title: Nonsense
Post by: Don Nadie on November 30, 2023, 05:31:16 PM


[This entry is written with uneven, unsteady letters, as though done in the darkness.]

In the threshold of Revelation
                                           things will become known that would otherwise not be.

                    And though the path is treacherous, the path is open.

(¡There will be Truth!)
(¡On the lips, there will be Truth!)                         
Deep is the ruin, for it climbs towards Heavens below.

Clear is the song, for it holds at bay
                                      the death that comes                          the death that is
                                                              and goes          and goes,         always   
                                                                       and comes                       back.

(¡There will be blood!)                                                           
(¡On the stone, there will be blood!)                                         
Verdant is the garden, sharp is the axe.
                                                                                   But in the twists and turns things become possible, are possible.
What was broken cannot be fixed,
                                                    and what was broken, will break again.                          Fixed in Time. Fixed in Art. Fixed in Nature.

(¡There will be Truth!)                                                                                         
(¡Drink the Truth and pierce deeply, know further!)                         
A thousand arrows and then a thousand more.                                by a thousand arrows.
                                                       Pierced, the flesh-that-is-not-flesh,
                                                                                         A Garden, awaiting.
The echo of an arrow pierces just as deeply, so ware the heart

(¡Kiss, with bloodied lips, the letter!)     
(¡There will be blood!)                                                           

¡αλέθεια       Ε ρ ο ύ γ κ ι       μυστήριο!
¡μυστήριο       Σ ε ύ k ε ι ρ ρ υ ς       αλέθεια!
(¡There will be blood! ¡There will be Truth!)
(¡And they will be entwinned!)
(¡Like lovers!)

[A later note, written with the usual, if a bit shakey, hand of Alejandro]

What the...
Title: The Pieces
Post by: Don Nadie on December 05, 2023, 10:00:16 AM

The Pieces

Sparrow, how right you were: I find myself caring, a lot.   And caring, again, is the source of suffering. I think Ashley said her teacher's said as much, in some distant ring.

The pieces, as they are:

Ariel is a surrender. For all her bluster, she has neither the strength nor the charm to win an election. Perhaps on the back of sheer wealth, she could do something... But wealth alone is never enough.

Sephidra is a tyranny. A good woman, yes. I do think she'd make a decent Legate and defend important things. As ever, our division remains on whether to lick the Sultan's boot, though. If she tried to do actual good, she'd be removed in an instant, for what is wanted is the seat for the Purple. Had the purple candidate been Hu Prak, perhaps - the man's removal would've been a scandal. But Sephidra? Sephidra will fold. All Legates fold, all too often. 

And Domhnall is a hindrance handsome idiot idealistic broken beautifulhimself. He talks of his time in office in a way that is painful, when one knows what he's hidden, what he's done, the ways he stabbed hi. He talks of his own election as though did it all by himself, as though he rescued our League from obscurity... I wish I could say it hurts on the grounds of being un-Asterabadian, alone. I want the League of White to win, but I keep feeling these two months have broken him. He is a walking contradicton, a walking hypocresy.

I guess so are we all, when we try to do something with politics.

Still, is a selfish part of me that just wants... Just wants him to do something else, for his own good. Meet more people, get out of the city more often, experience more things. And another part which is terrified at the idea of two Purples Legates in the Pyramid.

I wish I could just shrug and not care, once more.

Sadly, I do not think I can just flip a coin, this time.
Title: A Series of Serious Proposals
Post by: Don Nadie on December 06, 2023, 08:52:47 AM

A Series of Serious Proposals Towards the Improvement of Our Polity, the Enrichment of our Political System and the Development of Justice and Democracy in the City of Ephia's Well

1- Substitute every word with "HISSS" and "MELEK". (An enrichment of political discourse, would open diplomatic venues with the Sibilant)

2- Land the Sublime Terrace onto the Pyramid and crush it. Legates become the Court's jesters. (Too unradical a change, except for the landing)

3- A game of die between the Grandmaster, Q'tolip and the Bey. The winner just gets to do whatever they want with the People. (Pros: saves us Assemblies, achieves similar results, quicker. Cons: It'd take a seven-month debate to decide which game of die to play)

4- Resurrect Ibtihal (How bad could it be? Ask the corpse-kissers.)

5- Are we sure the Tormented wouldn't be wiser leaders of our humble polity in these times of danger and tribulation, with their vast experience in killing sultans and enduring through centuries? Just because they are horrifying monsters with long fangs, drippling with oily substances and built with cursed magics doesn't mean they can't offer us constructive advice.

6- Kyprosianism: Revisiting an old classic.

7- How about we just contaminate all water supply with the Drink and get so Drinkrushed we end up having some weird communal orgy/enlightened debate in the Assembly?

8- Orentid remnants: how to turn into rats, so our tribulations can at long last end. (Ask Kha'esh's evidently evil vizier)

9- General, bloddy revolution.

10- A boat to Alkab for literally every single refugee, worker, worminger, etc. Leave the rest to fight over the ashes.
Title: Remaining
Post by: Don Nadie on December 08, 2023, 08:29:58 AM


You can learn a lot, I feel, by the company a man keeps, by the choices he makes, and by how he owns up to them. The more I hear of that woman growing closer to him, the more I read transcripts of her support in the Bellows, the more convinced I become that he is, once again, mistaking the pursuit of power with the pursuit of the things you can do with power.

"Then we started talking about the Banafsian refugees", she said.
"And things got cruel".
We were in my office, surrounded by translations upon translations.
Took me a moment, and some effort, to pry my eyes off of the mannuscript.
(What relief there is in dead words, in a way)
(Not because they are more certain, but because they are less urgent)
"How so?", I asked, fearing the answer.
"They mocked our efforts to guide refugees"
I clicked my tongue.
"Mae", she added, "has taken to tittering".
"I suppose it's contagious".
Theatrics, apparently. That was his excuse for them.
My poor, beautiful friend. How little he knows of performance.

Taking stands against civilian organizations because the Banda Rossa and the Tower dissaprove. Supporters vociferously arguing against refugee outreach efforts because it was a plan by a Legate of the Purple. The pursuit of power put above the pursuit of goals. And throughout, the stink of hypocresy, reeking. Every attempt at projecting strength turns away another supporter.

I think of Banana Bread, of Gold Dust. How can one bear a single word against efforts to make up for that? How can one accept that, from one's supporters? I keep being reminded of what someone said to me, when I was  anew arrival, about how some people will use the charitable appearance of the Lillies as cover for their own goals. Can he not see that woman reeks? That she would kill every refugee, if paid enough?

"In a way, I understand him", she said.
Old friend. Towering and calm, as (almost) ever.
"He has a Vision, and doesn't want to compromise it"
Kinder words than what he has for her, I realized.
Sincere empathy? A calculation, perhaps?
Knowing my feelings, knowing that insult would turn me away?
Empathy, I think. I hope. She's still a friend.
Though if it was feigned, it'd still show better sense for politics.

I find myself thinking of his election. I remember, hours upon hours gathering funds and selling things and wheeling and dealing. Convincing every Balladeer, convincing every undecided. Studying the list of voters as though it held the key to the Giant's dissapearance. So much effort, it took, to get him elected. I was running on idealism and coffee alone. So eager to see him do good.

I feel, in the pit of my stomach, that he's going to sell us to the Rossa, this time. Like he sold me to the Tower.

"Have you talked to him about this?", she asked.
"About how he has changed?"
Her questions are, sadly, pointier than her spear.
Her eyes so piercing, her soul so clean.
Oathsworn, how I envy them. Their beautiful, shimmering  certainty
"Could you see yourself remaining with him, as he is now?"
Title: Into the Clouds
Post by: Don Nadie on December 08, 2023, 03:42:26 PM

Into the Clouds

[This entry seems to be a poem. Those familiar may recognize Alejandro's Into the Clouds, which he wrote for the (successful) election of Domhnall Guivarch as Legate of Ephia's Well. The verses, however, have been written scattered over the page. It stinks of mizzar.]

When you' re feeling
                                gloomy, your gaze to the floor,
                  seems you cannot hope either
                                                         better or more.
                                    you the stars whisper by
      And high up above
weaving                                      you rely...?
             your grim fate, on who can

And... Yet...
                                                           up above!
   Lift thine saddened                clouds     
                               gaze to the             put off!
           They part                     we cannot
                            for a future         
                    worst of the
 Even in the                    days we can tell
                    together, we all                             Well!
                                         can make better our
                your greatness,                       with
Aspire to                        raise your voice 
             Remember to sp                            your right!
                                     eak: it was always
                     igh up the crest
      Raise h                              of the falcon so White!
the Lilies
               are there,
                                   y to


Right out of the station, we crossed.
A brief discussion, a disagreement.
"You have a kind heart", she said.
"And you seem pained"
Her eyes were kindly.
(I couldn't bear to look into them.)
"Is this what this city does to kind-hearted people?"
It was short, our conversation. Before all else.
                  Betrayal and hypocresy were so bitter, I had to indulge.

                        Because the Clouds are sweet.
                                And it was only once, so its fine.

                           It was only once,
                                                  so I don't have a problem.
Title: Twice
Post by: Don Nadie on December 09, 2023, 01:52:58 PM


[Another entry with flowy, uneven calligraphy... And with a page which stinks of mizzar]

So it goes, with betrayal. The first time, for him, as he wanted. The second, for him, against his wishes. At some point, I 'll need to tell him. As soon as we're alone, I suppose... Which is to say, it'll take a while.

"Whomever wins", I whispered, as we waited,
(I was leaning on the bar, drinking)
(That cursed amulet, which doesnt let me get drunk)
"Whomever wins, we have lost"
(Two candidates, so close)
(What horrid concessions did each make, to win?)

And then the announcement, the reveal, the mixture of joy and dread. Feelings for the League and for him too entangle to really be able to separate them alltogether. A toast, perhaps, to something. I don't think anyone was terribly enthusiastic.

Ibn Ghalish, though. That man. He came to the Krak right after the results were announced, a bloodthirsty grin in his lips. He spoke of remembering crimes, of making people pay, of murder and murder and murder. As though nobody had anything else in their minds, but murder.

"Cheer up, Magistrate, Guivarch will remember!"
"Every single obstacle", he seethed,
"Every single traitor."

I tried to remind myself, for I'd heard these threats before; I had been shaken before, by these promises. But then I had his promise, and that was enough to steel myself. I tried to remember that Ibn Ghalish's wishes hadn't come to pass... But partly, they had. And what little had taken place was already dreadful enough...

I felt increasingly anxious, increasingly fidgety, increasingly unable to stand there, with all the thoughts clustering and clustering, the maybes and the perhaps and the shoulds and shouldn'ts. So I just went back to my room, closed the door, delved deep into the clouds, into the clouds, into the clouds... What peace there is, into the clouds...

...And it's only twice...           
           ...So I don't have a problem...
Title: A Mission
Post by: Don Nadie on December 10, 2023, 09:47:08 AM

A Mission

I don't know what curiosity I had awakened in her.
But she asked to speak, and I obliged.
A small trip to Hasheema's Hope, a falafel to enjoy.
"What do you believe in?", she asked.
I paused. Whatever does such a question mean?
"I believe in people", I said, "I believe in stories"
I do not know what was going through her head.
What was, perhaps, her agenda. To know me?
To see whether I was a cynic? Whether I was in pain?
"Fear of dissapointment", she explained,
"Has created every cynic the world has ever seen."
I smirked. "We all are dissapointed, eventually. We all dissapoint."
The back of my hand itched, the scarf felt unevenly set on my shoulders.
"Circumstances force upon us the betrayal of promises"
"The breaking of hearts".
Arround us refugees, tired and weary.
Whispering, too exhausted to be noisy.
The Well, full to the brim with pain, with suffering, with abandonment.
So common, so thorough, it is but background music.
"I was a Balladeer for a long time, señora mia".
Her brow furrowed. Surprise, I imagine, that I could leave?
"And if anything defines the Balladeers, it is the highest ideals..."
"And the most constant betrayal of them."
She seemed puzzled, uncertain.
"We... They", I corrected myself, "aspire to be heroes"
"and must make peace with villains".
The back of my hand itched, my skin itched.
Just a bit, just enough. To remind me what soothes it.
Was I being dramatic? Was I being too honest?
(I had forgotten how it feels, when I am out of the clouds.)
(How I am so eerily aware of everything arround me.)
"What you speak of, signor, is an artist's philosophy"
We had turned to the matter of the heart.
To its truth, beating; to its hunger, eager.
"I am not sure one can consistently strive for good", she said.
"if one ever follows an artist's philosophy".
I smiled, bitterly. Perhaps she was right.
Had I not betrayed many of my convictions, for him?
Had I not betrayed him, too? Because the heart drummed and drummed.
And betrayal felt like the best alternative.
And somehow we were whispering about love, now.
And about how evil may sprout from it, too.
"I have taken much of your time, signor, so let me finish with one question"
Her expression was serene, empathetic.
(Who was this woman, even? So interested in my heart?)
"Go ahead", I said.
She nodded, grateful. Then, she spoke. All the weight of an ocean, within her.
"Do you believe there is love that never dissapoints?"
I paused. (Wheel above, I wanted only to go into the clouds)
(A third time is fine, a third time is still not a problem)
(Once a day is perfectly within control)
I realized I had paused way too long.
"Yes", I said.
A smile began flickering in her lips.
Happy? What for? Why did she care?
"Some people", I added, "die before they can dissapoint"
(Some people. Not me.)
And a smile died, just as quickly.
She took a moment to ponder, she stood.
Serenity and peace drawed back into her expression.
Serenity and peace, as practiced as my playfulness.
"I believe", she said, "I have my mission".
Title: Man
Post by: Don Nadie on December 14, 2023, 10:56:46 AM


It was a trip, it was an experience. The waves, how they cleansed my mood. I was first holding it together, ever-so slightly clouded. Smile painted on my lips, cheer painted on my actions, delighted music for my companions. But as the waves rang and rang the mask became the truth... As if often does.

(How the waves cleanse. If I close my eyes, I can almost pretend that, when I open them, I'll be back home By the shore. Caring for the goats.)

Regardless, Il Modo was impressive - I couldn't believe there existed cities that big. There was so much art, so much beauty accumulated, such grandeur. But nothing could've prepared me for the Dome of Man.

When I entered, it seemed magnificent and beautiful, yes. A grand temple, the likes of which I had never seen, yes. But as I moved forward through the chanting faithful, as I walked further and further in, in a daze... I saw how the building climbed higher and higher...

And then I gazed up.

Paintings. Paintings like one cannot imagine or remember. I have tried to recall their images, their traces, and I come empty - too magnificent, I feel, to hold in one's weak mind. I feel they are the kind of thing one can either see in person... Or dream about.

They were history, made of color.
They were faith, made of line.
They were love. So much love.
They were so much effort.
They were Holy.

I watched them with a shiver in my spine, with tears almost coming to my eyes. For a moment I think I understood something special. About Art, about the Divine, about reaching out into the darkness with such eager, seeking, desperate love... And I thought about the faith of the Dome, the faith on Man. I thought that this was not built by grand colossi or legends, but by people. It was just a moment, but a moment is forever.

[This entire paragraph has been crossed out and excissed, only a few fragmentary sentences still legible through the blobs of ink] Once out, I must admit, Reason reared its ugly head with reflection. [...] Herbert Cornwallis, perhaps a case one may [...] And of course, in relation to the djinni's consump[...] I thought of the [...] ributes of Colos[...] I wondered if there is something to be said for the Faith of t[...] Interroganti, one wond [...] [When the writing continues, there is something forced about its light tone, and its silliness] And anyways, silly reflections aside, it was an enjoyable trip.

Great Art, specially, art everywhere in the city. Or, at least, in the part of the city we got to see. Besides the Dome, there were so many statues, and decorations on rooftops, and engravings... I think one of the best, for instance, was the incredible statue of a man, with an absolutely amazing behind. I felt, I will admit, a bit jealous.

And now there is one more tiny piece of art in Il Modo: I gave the city a Hidden Poem. One I rather like, with reference to Fornato, even!

My work, joining the great works of Man! Isn't that something?
Title: Custody
Post by: Don Nadie on December 18, 2023, 09:22:24 AM


My eyes were closed. I felt but the smell.
My office's dust, the scent of paper and ink.
Smoke and burnt candles and old secrets and lonely nights.
The sickly-sweet scent of It, poured.
And in my hands, his Cup.
"You don't need him, or anyone", he said.
"You need only to believe in yourself"
His lips were tender, on my brow.
His words, warm in my ears.
"And in the Dakhwar", he added, softly.
So I opened my eyes, saw his once more.
His gaze. It was stern, and firm, and loving.
(Loving, despite all the heartbreak)
I did my best to hold it. What did my own eyes show?
"I will hold onto it", I promised.
I gazed at his Cup, in my hands.
Shimmering silver, full to the brim.
"But do return", I added.

* And then I lifted the Cup * and I smelled the sweetness of Mystery and of Revelation and * I allowed myself, I had wanted for so long and endured but * Deep, I Drank of its roots * There it was the Drinkrush of wasiswillbe drumming with every heartbeat * Did I feel it was owed? Did I wanted or did I just follow the path he'd drawn with his kiss * I felt for a moment that this was a mistake, a mistake that I wanted to make so badly I * I sawseewillsee deep the blood running through the veins of the Disc and * Parched land will take any poison and I Drank, I Drank deeply so * He was watching not smiling but I felt * Ecstasy exploding from the tip of my fingertips, the touch of Truth * I smiled, my lips so red, like I had just ripped a throat with my teeth * Ecstasy, my heart rushing, Truth beating * Ecstasy, ecstasy, my lips half-open * Ecstasy, its taste in my tongue * Ecstasy! Bliss! * Raptured, stolen from this time, stolen from this moment, stolen myself and in the depths of this I found *

* It is of the Ages *
* * I am of the Ages * *

* * * α  λ  έ  θ  ε  ι  α * * *
"Thank you, Alejandro", he said.
(Not a moment had passed? Not a moment)
Then he put on his helmet.
And left the room.
And I kept in my hand his Cup.
And the last drop, I spilled on the floor.
Title: Scammed!
Post by: Don Nadie on December 21, 2023, 08:42:04 AM


Alright, future Alejandro, here's a note for you:

Next time a rich Baz'eeli widow comes with tears in her eyes, then promises a lot of money if you just provide her with some translations from ancient documents, be wary. Do not inmediately throw yourself at it and lock yourself in your room, thinking this will mean you're set for the rest of your life.

Also, when the rich Baz'eeli widow tells you that her funds have been inmobilized by some small legal trouble due to the death of her husband, and couldn't you borrow her a few thousand dinari to contact her attorney in Alkab, she'll return it to you, plus the payment, plus an extra for the trouble? Don't inmediately go to your bank, tears in your eyes at her suffering, and get out your savings.

Specially, don't agree to give her a bit more so she can pay rent while the funds are mobilized. Specially don't agree three times over the course of three weeks, while still working hard on the translation that will sure mean you don't need to take one more dumb comission in your life. Also, just because she cries doesn't mean you need to gift her some rare books to distract herself.

Future Alejandro: please remember that just because an elderly woman says something with tears in her eyes, that doesn't mean its true. This is just like when I gave my savings to that boy. Or when I gave a Rose cloak to that criminal.

In hindsight, I think I have a weakness for sob stories. And I am not great at learning my lessons...

[A note has been tucked in the entry. It seems written by another delicate hand.]

Dearest, good-natured Alejandro,

By now, you should've realized this is a scam. You should, in fact, have realized about two weeks ago, when I falsified a letter from my Alkabi attorneys and used, as seal, the Pyramid's seal for goat-hoarding licenceses. Or maybe when I forgot my "dearly missed" husband's name for the third time. Or maybe when I asked for your help finding buyers of antique books after you borrowed me a few antique books.

Seriously, boy: what's your problem?! You have the attention-span of a mayfly! And you are a performer! You should understand better than anyone how easy it is to feign tears! I was expecting to get some translations for you, and re-sell them in Baz'eel, but now you've gotten me set for life! And I could've gotten more from you, you innocent, stupid man. But last we spoke, and you still gave me more, I felt bad about scamming you!

Not bad enough to return the money, or share the profits, mind you.

Anyhow! Live and drink! I'll toast to your health!


"Rich Baz'eeli Widow"

Title: Uprooting
Post by: Don Nadie on December 24, 2023, 10:01:01 AM


Her hands went to her neck, languid.
A jewel, an accessory.
Belonging to someone else, gone now.
To the Stars, and between the Stars.
"Do you think of her often, Alejandro?"
I paused, I felt myself tensing.
(Like the string of a bow, I felt, about to snap)
(If I shot at her, would I wound predator or prey?)
"At times", I said, simply.
"Often enough, when I wander alone at night"
She nodded. So very slowly.
"As do I", she echoed. "At times"
Below us the stage, people coming and going.
An auction, charity, something starting.
Another dropplet of goodness, perhaps.
Or another lie we tell ourselves, and others.
An occasion, at the very  least, to drink.
"She was a complicated person", I said.
(Why did I continue? Why did I need to share?)
"She evokes complicated feelings"
(Was I so desperate to talk about her?)
"Of course", she answered.
"A mere handful of us carry the burden we shared with her"
"The memories. The knowledge. The insights of those days"
I exhaled, between my teeth. My jaw, clenched.
(This spot, right here, so many insights had been shared)
I looked down onto the Verdant Stage, ever grand.
Where I had grown so much, shared so much, done so much.
That stage, could I still call it mine, without the colors?
And who was I, if that stage wasn't mine still?
What is a performer, when not on the stage?
"Yes", I admited, softly.
I carried so many who were gone. Memories. Knowledge. Insight.
"One canot simply... Uproot people from one's heart"
"Even the complicated ones..."
I paused. I wondered whether she was listening.
(How much does one hear, from the stars above?)
"Specially the complicated ones".
Title: Speaking of Doors
Post by: Don Nadie on December 25, 2023, 06:30:31 PM

Speaking of Doors

We set for the First Wheel together.
Dawn, blooming as we arrived.
The stone's silence, each standing ancient and endless.
As the stars faded one after another.
As darkness gave in to light, just as light had given in to darkness.
Symbolical, I felt, the eternity of this stone.
"We see an axe and we think Agaslakku", she said.
"But what if it is meant to be something else?"
The ayaba wrapped her small, sturdy body.
(I can never get used to seeing her in such uniform)
(There's some wrongness, to it. I can admit it)
"Symbols reocurr, are reapropriated", I replied.
"Does the original meaning matter?", I added, softening my voice.
"Or what we do with it?"
Words were shared, as the sun climbed higher.
Shared, I say, though I mostly listened. I and the megaliths.
And that carved head stared, pitilessly.
Words upon words. Such horrible and magnificent adventure.
Al-Nasr, Assuru, the Heron, the Gates, the Roads.
The under-stars, glimmering in secret patterns.
Names whispered and entwinning and mingling once again.
How many names remain buried, in the desert?
Were two bodies a fair price to pay?
For a Legate and a handful of names?
"I wonder sometimes if what we know is true", she said.
"I wonder about the Wheel", she added.
"And in wondering that..."
She didn't finish her thoughs. She didn't have to.
Every archaeologist has that phase, that moment.
When faith begins to be shaken, never to retun in full.
"Behind every door", I said.
"Three more remain".
I paused. The sun was now high above us.
It burnt, Pra'raj, ever-furious and hateful.
"And a door, once opened, can never be closed."
Title: By Her Hand
Post by: Don Nadie on December 29, 2023, 09:34:36 AM

By Her Hand

[A scroll is tucked between the pages of this entry. A drawing most strange, by another hand.]


We spoke. Of Feyd, first.
Visions, appearance and truth.
Weaving oneself into dreams.
And Time, a wheel.
And the Mind, reaching, reached.
"Are you sincerely yourself?", I asked.
She smiled, with some surprise, I think.
She approached slowly, so slowly.
A tide of blackness, coming closer.
"What do you think, dear Alejandro?"
(I don't know why I asked)
(Did I want to blame someone else?)
(Anyone else?)
But she was getting closer, perhaps too close.
And breathing, I was finding it difficult.
"I am part of the Sisterhood, and the Sisterhood is part of me"
"In this sense, I am never entirely myself", she said, softly.
"And never entirely alone".
"In a literal or metaphorical sense?", I asked.
(Such thirst, for answers, for truth)
She smiled. Deep like the void, her eyes.
"I find that distinction unhelpful"
Her hand fell on my shoulder.
(When had she gotten this near?)
Her hand fell and I wanted to cut it.
"I know that I am attached"
She was speaking so softly, with such deliberation.
Like an artist, stroking the finishing touch.
"Loneliness too becomes revealed for the ilusion that it is"
Her hand stayed on my shoulder.
(Did it always burn this much, her hand, through the gloves?)
And I wanted her hand to choke me.
To choke out the lies, and the pain, and my breath.
To strangle my wrongness.
"If only you had stayed with us", she whispered.
"So much more I could've shown you"
"So much more we could've seen...", she continued.
Her hand was on my shoulder.
And I wanted to take it, to kiss it.
Abject subjection, I wanted, no more choice.
"Do not", I snapped.

Her hand was on me.
                  And I wanted it to be my enemy.
                                   My truth.              My lies.
                                       Her hand was on me, even when I told her to stop. (And she stopped)
                 Even when I told her to leave. (And she left)
                                                 Even when I locked the door,
                                                          and leaned my back against it,
                                                          and slid down to the floor.
                          Even when I delved deep into the clouds.

                                                              Her hand was on me.
Title: Sickness
Post by: Don Nadie on January 17, 2024, 09:11:14 AM


In sickness, the world stretches. As I laid in bed, over this past week, feverish and vomiting, there were moments of exceedingly brief clarity that verged on Revelation. I wondered whether this was an impression, a lie cocnocted by my own addled mind, or factual Truth.

I wondered where the difference lies.

I remember one talk in the Sandstone (or was it with Nebtu) about how the world is but the reflection of purer thoughts, of clearer shapes. The counterpoint to that is that if our reality is illusion, when we suffer hallucinations we are, in fact, returning to the truth. Or maybe there are layers within layers and what we believe to be those Pure shapes are but another level of Intrigue and wandering lies, another horizon never to be reached.

Wheel, I have missed wandering, during this bout of sickness. I have missed distractions.

The dreams did not get better. Sometimes I woke up shaking and sweaty, the Red taste upon my lips, and the world felt so intolerably separate, so desperately away, that all I could do was throw myself into the clouds. Not having the strength to emerge, to come out, didn't help. That is the horrible thing of being sick: you have nothing to do but to confront yourself. How desperately I need my distractions...

But it is fine, it will be fine. Care less, work more. That is the trick. And go forward, forward, forward... Because the moment you stop, is the moment you die.
Title: In Return
Post by: Don Nadie on January 18, 2024, 09:01:27 AM

In Return

He remains himself, I felt.
Regardless of colors, the same sad kindness.
Too stubborn, his stone, to be changed.
(At least, for now)
"I trust you wholeheartedly", I declared.
(Perhaps dramatic? No less truthful)
"I just don't trust your masters."
I paused. The burden of an admission.
"I once trusted her but..."
A pause, ponderous.
Gazing at me with deep, boundless sadness.
Behind his eyes, the turning of the stars.
The turning of Ages, too.
"She was changed. Not by her choice"
"We each know parts. See glimpses"
I nodded, sadly.
"We all have been changed", I admitted.
"None for the better"
I lit a cigarette, tobacco, not enough.
Not the right clouds, where one can rest.
Where anxiety drifts off and becomes formless.
And bearable, too.
"We still choose how we behave", I added.
"Suffering, after all, is no excuse to harm others"
I took a puff. How used I am, now, to that burn.
"And I think I cling for too long to those I love"
"Too desperately, I clung to her"
His companion was ponderous, rumbling.
Another creature, not of the onrush.
Their words and voices deep, like underground streams.
Their eyes black, and empty, and full of reflections.
"It is not wrong to love selflessly", he said.
(Had my expression flickered, my mask slipped?)
"The mistake is to expect something in return".
Title: Weeds
Post by: Don Nadie on January 20, 2024, 10:15:58 AM


Once, there was a man who sinned.
Oh, how dark that turned his heart.
How questionable his motives.
How untrustworthy his every breath.

"I'm still bein' careful", he whispered.
"But by my account, I'm in the lead"
I smiled, hopeful. How could I not?
After all, I still dream of progress.
And I'm still an idiot.
And one day, the man did good.
Orphans were fed, widows were housed.
Coin, and help, and power, given freely.
Yet the man remained suspect.
For sin, like a weed, takes root.

"I am choosing to hope that things will improve".
My words rang empty in the now-unfamiliar temple.
"I am obliged to say that I doubt it", said he.
Still in his toga, no longer a Legate.
"But I also believe it", he added.
And so it went, that he lived without trust.
For, can good actions not hide wicked aims?
Like the cloak which hides the knife?
Results, perhaps, weight less than intent.
And none can know the intent of another.
As the heart, as ever, stays hidden.

"One is a murderer", she said.
"The other, a fake".
There was a tension in her gait.
A studied carelessness that felt all too familiar.
"Good luck, I guess", she concluded.
But hope, oh, hope.
Hope that people are good.
Hope that people can change.
For if others can change, so can one.
Hope, too, is a weed.
Title: Rest
Post by: Don Nadie on January 20, 2024, 07:03:15 PM


"I believe in Truth, signor Alejandro."
"And I know my Sage does too."
"Whatever the truth of this matter is..."
"It changes nothing for me."
I closed the ancient tome, with its ancient secrets.
Put it back with the rest, back with my books.
So much knowledge, a trove of information.
My office, a monument to knowing, to seeking answers.
And yet, did I believe in "Truth"?
"I believe in the heart and its hunger", I admitted.
"In stories", I added.
I hesitated, for a moment, then found her gaze.
"The gods provide a story", I whispered.
I felt daring enough, trusting enough.
"And stories have a truth of their own."
On the edge of blasphemy, perhaps, to share this with a priestess.
Then again, what's an artist?
If not someone who tries to dance on the edge?
(And my trust is, sometimes, not misplaced)
She nodded, slowly. Such a peaceful expression.
"I find I agree", she said, simply.
"So the question becomes..."
"Which story do you want to act in, and why?"
What story did I want? Good question.
How does one even know what one wants?
When one has been uprooted from their past, from their life?
A refugee has lost their own beginning.
And it is easy to fumble a story that starts in media res.
Spokes know I have fumbled, often.
I said as much and she listened, politely.
Her eyes ever-kind. With a peace I can but envy.
"I think it is, perhaps, not so complicated in the end"
"The soul is restless", she explained, "It seeks."
A soft smile formed in the corner of her lips.
She was standing, already, to leave.
Speaking with the tone of something self-evident.   

"It seeks rest", she said. Simply.
Title: A Scam
Post by: Don Nadie on January 22, 2024, 02:55:50 PM

A Scam

We went together. A small dig.
Sunset burning above the ancient ruins.
The eerie silence of history.
And, in the distance, the echoes of wardrums.
"It's all a scam", she stated.
Certainty and dissapointment, in her voice.
"And I hate being on the wrong end of it".
I would've liked to deny her but, in truth...
In truth, she was not thoroughly wrong.
The system is rigged. As though in purpose.
A careful balance to impede progress, it feels like.
Though I suppose some would call it "stability" instead.
(And is there not some virtue to stability?)
(When the alternative is bloodshed?)
"I just try to do good where I am, getting involved"
"Try to protect myself, to protect those I care for"
"Try to help"
(Try was, perhaps, the key word there)
She tilted her head, alongside her familiar.
Echoing one another in kind skepticism.
And I smiled. I think, with resignation.
"Okay", she said. Dismissal, disbelief, or both?
"I am not important, but I still protect the people I care for", she added.
"That's what good wizards do".
I cleared my throat, I looked ahead.
We had things to do, things to dig.
And I focused on that, yes.
Rather than on how often I have fallen, historically, for scams.
Title: Promotion
Post by: Don Nadie on January 24, 2024, 08:30:56 AM


At the Assembly, the usual.
Chaos and dramatics and overwrought statements.
The hysteria of a double-White seat boiling.
A difficult month ahead of us, and his proposal, ahead of me.
A promotion like a sentence.
"I cannot defend everything you do, and will not"
My whisper in his ear, while our new Legate argued.
Measuring my words, for the sake of doña Aaisha.
"Don't you want someone more reliable?"
He smirked, perhaps drug-addled detachment. I know it well.
"I have had Ghalish and Aubrey as Prelates, my dear"
"I am not so delicate"
The Assembly carried on, the usual chaos.
Almost by design, almost as though shepherded.
(One is reminded of green scarves, of dormant powers)
(One is bound to dwell in paranoia. A distraction)
Meanwhile, I smoked, and listened, and pondered.
I could take a step back and renounce responsibility.
Or try to help, through hard times.
Try to. That's the key word.
"Do you think I'm being stupid, señora mia?", I whispered.
He had gone up to address the Assembly.
His usual nonchalance, verging recklessness and idiocy.
"How so?", she inquired. As ever, poised in her uniform.
"I have never managed to convince him. To make him choose right"
"What hopes do I have, as Prelate?"
She took a moment to answer.
He was winding up, some speech about plans and aims.
So many plans, in our eyes. In our League.
So many high hopes. And so many dangers, too.
(Long are the knives)
"Ultimately", she said, "it is not the Prelate's duty to advice the Legate"
"Nor to convince him of anything"
Her tone was calm, her hand moved swiftly taking shorthand notes.
"It is to be there, if the Legate is indisposed"
Her tone was cold, passionless. It seemed, to me, unusually so.
"All you need to do", she said, "is be alive"
And I smirked, as the Assembly continued. 
A tall order.
Title: Of Ashes
Post by: Don Nadie on January 24, 2024, 08:34:28 PM

Of Ashes

I left for a day and a half and returned to find chaos. The Legion unhappy with the allotment, the Banda gloating with greed and hopes for war. Refugees invited into the city by someone (none will take responsibility). Things getting out of control. Everyone overwhelmed, everyone overwhelming.

People died. People died and died and died. There are excuses, but they are all voided by one same thing: this shouldn't have happened.

Paranoia seeps into some already. Ricario shows concerning signs, reminds me of Domhnall at first. Defensiveness turning into fear turning into useless, constant war. Worse still, there's some reason. Long are the knives of the Consulate, and I know firsthand the workings of the Greenscarf. Whatever the case, chaos is exploited, the dead paraded as props for some heinous performances... And things can still get worse.

Ibn Ghalish found me. Conspiracy, he claimed.
"Your sweet lover has truly done it now...", he said.
"Will you stand by him? For love?"
I tried to perform myself, careless, playful.
Distant like a lightless start, because who can trust what he says?
And still, he reached me. A stab, to the heart. 
"You're so truly ill informed these days, Alejandro", he smirked.
"Mizzar has turned your brain to mush", he added.
"And your heart, to ash"

Three bodies, I saw, when I chose to investigate instead of punching him. Target-practice, said the biggest chaos-monger in the Well. Three, flayed and buried in the desert. Half-truths were given, perhaps excuses. The more I investigate, the more muddled the matter becomes. Is there a conspiracy? Whose? Brookers and mercenaries and electioneering and refugees. The truth seems unattainable.

It may not matter. What matters is making the deaths stop, because I still see those flayed bodies when I close my eyes. And there isn't enough mizzar in the room, not enough mizzar in the Well, to cleanse the taste of ash from my mouth.
Title: A Degree
Post by: Don Nadie on January 25, 2024, 08:30:25 AM

A Degree

It was good to catch up.
The constant of friendship standing still.
Knowing he trusted me, even in disagreement.
(I dislike how used I am becoming to mistrust)

"Maybe when I burn out of politics, I'll enroll in the Sandstone", I jested.
"Get a dregree in Canal Dredging"
He did not smile, but stared and said:
"Less dirty".
Title: Promises
Post by: Don Nadie on January 27, 2024, 09:19:12 AM


I've got a new painting. "Promises". A beautiful thing, a landscape so loaded with symbolism I find myself wondering whether its author was influenced by the Orentid masters. It is a melancholic thing. A barren landscape, an oasis of receeding waters, a dromedary. It evokes hope in desolation - igniting, or dying out.

Appropriate, perhaps. A good artist knows his clients.

It hangs right behind my desk, at my back when I sit. It is better that way: the painting brings too many things to mind.

"The Tale of Why the Camel Cries"
"I have broken every promise I ever made"
"In the eye of a storm, oaths are drawn in ash"
"When the waters are gone, this one will last sometime. Then, onrush"

Art. As ever, reaching out.
Title: Re: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on January 27, 2024, 09:33:33 AM

The Torch

Once, there was a burning Torch.
Oh, how bright it burned, how passionately.
How much it wished to share its light with the world.

"She defies the Wheel", he sputtered.
"Maybe some day you'll grow a spine, Alejandro"
"And defend your beliefs".
The foam-mouthed idiot stared, his eyes burning.
"I've got enough of a spine to oppose you"

And so the Torch came to the forest and lit it.
It came to the garden and set it on fire.
It came to the palace and embraced it in embers.
It came to the school and spread out its sparks.

"The idea that mortals can become gods", I pondered, softly.
We were in my office, as ever. Her kind attention.
A conversation often had in hushed tones.
For this hi/story has layers.
The deeper one goes, the more truth opens.
"It is not as strange to the Wheel as some would tell you"
Truth, blooming slowly, like a flower

Oh, how bright burned the forest, the garden, the palace, the school!
They lit the night like shining new stars.
And the Torch basked in the warm glow, and was happy.

"Domhnall made him Grand Mufti", he explained.
"The Magistrate that's helping him, he's Domhnall's, too"
I gritted my teeth, lit a cigarette.
"Of course he fucking is", I grumbled.
Pondering, not for the first time, how much easier things could be.
(And how horrible, too)
If he killed himself.

And when a few hours passed, they burnt out.
And the Torch found itself in a darkness even deeper.
In a loneliness cold and endless.
Surrounded by ashes.

Title: By the Gate
Post by: Don Nadie on January 28, 2024, 09:12:17 AM

By the Gate

I was covered in Ash, in blood.
Never has an orcan raid been a clean affair.
The Gate was before us, cleanness and peace.
(Won, as ever, at a prize)
When he asked for a moment to speak.
"Life", he whispered, "is getting harder for traitors".
"Rose is growing thorns"
My body tensed, I lit a cigarette.
I felt defensive, yet performed courtesy.
It wasn't I who betrayed the Rose, my idea of it.
But that's not something you explain to Ballestrieres.
"I like you", he continued, "So I offer"
"Come back. Live. Love. Drink. Learn"
His tone was serious, dour.
"You could be a Lyrist", he added. "One day".
I took a puff, my eyes onto the distant horizon.
The dunes of Ash, the emptiness, the shimmering under Pra'raj.
And tried to hold my heart, which still rang so loudly.
Ambition, heroism. They still echo. Still wanted.
Even now.
"I gave up those dreams long ago", I replied, tensely.
He tweaked his moustache, I couldn't quite read his expression.
"Those dreams will chase you", he said.
There was a sharpness to his posture. To his eyes. To his rapier.
"And become nightmares"
Title: Scribbles
Post by: Don Nadie on January 29, 2024, 10:46:29 AM


[Manic scribbles, written in some almost invisible inks. There are some wine stains on the page.]

In dreams, in dreams - I see them:                   
         Alphabets, clues, stories!               
The world to be decyphered               
                     right behind the eyes!         

         Awaiting, therein, in Darkness 
                      the onrush and the Tale!           

                                                   Oh, if they were written!             
               Oh, if only they were written!   
The carving the scroll the ever-shifting calligraphy of the sands!           

         The story, written.
      The past, written!
                 The Breaking of Things, written!
   That which cannot be said in words, written!

If they were only written within our eyelids!      

What a lesson it'd be                                 
      for those able to read.

¡αλέθεια       Ε ρ ο ύ γ κ ι       μυστήριο!
¡μυστήριο       Σ ε ύ k ε ι ρ ρ υ ς       αλέθεια!

In Twilight you embrace,
                        like lovers.
Title: Every Time
Post by: Don Nadie on January 29, 2024, 01:29:04 PM

Every Time

Every time. I wake up with my hair a mess, my mouth a wasteland, a headache that makes the whole world tremble, and I tell myself: never again. Every time I say that I should talk to Khalid or to Marcellus, that they'd understand, that they'd provide some spiritual guidance, and not judge or hurt or be dissapointed. Every time I reflect that the Wheel turns, and thus there's no shame in turning and returning. Every time, I tell myself they'd show me that my flaws do not overshadow my virtues. Every time I clean the stains and wash myself, and tell my reflection that I need to be stronger, that I am stronger, that I do not need the ecstasis Their mysteries provide. Every time, when I dawn tired to my very bones, my soles sore, my lips parched and my heart just so briefly empty, I reflect that I do not need Their oblivion. Every time I think there must be other ways to deal with dread and anxiety, besides descending at night to the secret places, besides the reckless dance with death and forgetfulnesss in the darkness.

And every time I come out with my most practiced smile and find out, yet again, that I am not strong enough.
Title: A Personal Matter
Post by: Don Nadie on January 30, 2024, 09:44:12 AM

A Personal Matter

She took me to the Tower - "a personal matter", she said. I was guarded. What was personal anymore, between us? I should've guessed it was about you. It was always about you.

She is always, sadly, about you.

I see, in her, echoes of the woman we loved... Each, admittedly, in our own way. She rings softly, in her dedication, in her desire, in her burning and burning for you. She holds your memmory so tightly her fingers bleed.

I thought, at first, she just wanted your memory to be respected, opposed attempts to turn you into a Saint. What can I say? I understand you were not. I am also far too aware of how these stories, these lies help us endure a dying world. Hence why I simply try not to intervene in how you are remembered. The story of you is not you, any longer. You are beyond reach, and beyond care.

"I will take with me the last remnants of her memory", she said. Her eyes shone with such decision, behind the glasses. "And then", she continued, "I will be her only friend, her only company, her only lover".

I did not have the heart to tell her you never were a single-lover knight. Your gallantry was like a mirror, your heart was too full. I identify, of course.

I probably should've shrugged it. But I felt so deeply sorry. I still felt the echoes of the woman I cared for, so much. Tried to counsel her, on how living for absolutes withers the soul, on how that path is one of unhappiness. She would have none of it. She would not listen.

"She was a Waradim", I said, finally. "She'd want you to move on"

"Then she can come", she replied, sternly. "And fix the woman she left behind".

I sighed, I surrendered, I said my goodbyes.

For all her flaws, one cannot deny one thing: she is, in her self-destructive fanaticism, faultlessly honest. You would hate it, I'm sure, as much as I do.
Title: One Victory
Post by: Don Nadie on January 31, 2024, 10:13:50 AM

One Victory

He seemed so sad, when we crossed.
I was just out of a meeting. A lesson, really.
Secrets and history and conspiracy and politics. Preparations, mostly.
And he looked so crestfallen.

"He'll be dead by tomorrow", he said.
A mournful whisper. He sounded so defeated.
"And there's nothing I can do".

Before I knew what I was doing, I had taken a knee.
And was hugging him, tightly.
His little frame trembling, with sorrow.
A glance at the Pyramid, a sigh.

"It's hard to know those you love make decisions that destroy them"
"But I'll try talking to them", I promised.
"So long as we draw breath, things may change", I added.
(I spoke from the heart.)
(Because, perhaps stupidly, I still believe it.)

I left him, I rushed to the Bellows, then her shrine.
Doing my best not to think of the word "try".
Not to be haunted by past failures.
And at her shrine, the icons smiled with endless mercy.
And she offered kindness. For she is a kind woman, of a kind Sage.
But she saw through appearances, too.

"Many others could've caused the same effect on one such as him", she reasoned.
"He is ill, Alejandro. Of the mind"
And I knew she was right, was she not?
Self-destruction is a pull. It can be stalled, but not defeated.
"I do not care about the blade or the bolt", I replied, my voice cracked.
"I care about tending the wound"

A kind woman, of a kind sage.
She was willing to offer one concession.
I left, then, to seek him.
Hope, brimming; a prayerless tithe left at her altar.
For when Life triumphs, one must be thankful.

We climbed, then, to a dune. He sat, so tiny and frail.
The blue robe too big for his weakened frame.
"I do not make such announcements thoughtlessly", he said.
His every word, a statement. The finality of what's written in stone.
"I will not try to appeal to emotions", I said.
"Though I must state that many would suffer great discomfort, if you were gone"

Instead, reason was brought to the fore.
Aims examined, and dealt with. An compromise posed.
Then the two parties, together.
The meeting, the negociation, the success.
For once, success.
One victory, to hold tightly when despair rages.
So I sought him, hugged him again, gave him the news.
A small, if somber celebration.

Which, of course, was ruined when the Banda turned him into a chicken.

(What echoes of my time in the Rose it brought.)
(Their uncanny ability to ruin things.)
Title: Home
Post by: Don Nadie on January 31, 2024, 11:42:23 PM


Once, there was a little crab.
And the little crab came upon a little shell.
It was shiny, and perfectly-fitting, and warm.
So the little crab made it his shelter.

"Have you considered coming home?", she asked.
Her expression serene as ever.
I sighed, lit a cigarette. A long puff.
"What does "home" mean?", I asked.

Thus, the little crab carried this shell over his back.
And skittered with it, at the bottom of the sea.
And though it was a hard life, and a heavy burden...
He was content. As much as a crab can be.

"Let me put it differently, Alejandro", she continued.
The cigarette smoke curled, shimmered eerily as it mixed with the incense.
"What do you want?"
A sigh escaped my lips. My eyes climbed to the rafters.
"Peace, and love", I whispered.
"To wake up without burdens, to await the future without dread"

Over time, alas, scratches grew on the shell.
As its shimmering surface met the rocks of the seabed.
And moss took root, and muck stained its shimmer.
So that the shell came to feel tight, and dull, and ugly.

"And yet", she said, "love and peace isn't enough."
"All it takes is one man to meet the stone against his brother's brow"
Her tone, soft. Her smile, a sphinx's.
"And there it is: all that he was, spilled on the sand".
"They miss you, Alejandro", she insisted. "

Thus, the shell was left behind.
Not without pain, or sweat, or effort.
And the little crab stretched its limbs onto the waves...
And sought, new shells, new rocks, new places.

I think that spilled me. To miss.
"I miss all of it, Selsi. I miss the faith, the certainty"
"But what do you want me to do, Selsi?", I asked.
"I was found wanting by the Grandmaster", I said, my voice cracking.
I felt the warm wetness of tears.
(Why is it, that I always cry?)

Alas, no matter how far he travelled, no matter how much he tried...
Every shell had stains, every shell felt tight, at places.
So the little crab wandered and wandered at the bottom of the ocean.

"Balladeers are set up to fail", I whispered.
"What we want to be. What circumstances force us to"
"The beast we must tame, with neither carrot nor stick"
I paused. Dreadful, the dawning of realization.
"They", I corrected.

And though he enjoyed many things, and suffered many others...
No shell ever felt like home, again.
Title: Go, Sinner
Post by: Don Nadie on February 01, 2024, 10:35:55 AM

Go, Sinner

Alkab. Verdant, glorious. The capital, smaller than expected. Ancient in style. Terracotta towers, from whence prayer-calls rang. All over, the scent of incense, the fervent chants of the Kulamendes, the fields of wheat, of mizzar, of vines and olives and much else.

"Breadbasket of a dying world". I had an abstract notion of this, but it wasn't until I saw its verdant shores that I truly realized to what an extent all of the Great Ash Desert depended, to survive, from this region.

"Alkab deals with everyone", they told us.
We did not knew to what an extent this was.
We couldn't imagine.

I think we assumed they were just lucky, blessed, greedy, rich. For, were their docks not full to the brim with people, with wealth from all over the region set at their feet for the sake of survival? I think we assumed they could be persuaded, for why else would they have asked us to do this? How wrong we were. Perhaps we should've expected a trap.

We were insulted. We crossed him, his riding boots as polished as ever, his smirk and self-assurance. Wish I could've stabbed him, but it was neither time nor place. An alliance, he was making, perhaps. We kept our calm, for we were meant to engage in diplomacy. Or, as they called it, in begging. Humbled, we were brought to their halls, demands were made of us with the self-satisfaction of those who know their clients have no alternatives. Take their offer, or starve.

But then we tried to do what we had been asked to. And the impossible came to pass.

* Pillar * Stone * Root * Tree * Shadow *
* The crackling of metal * The shimmering of things * The time not of this time *

* It was Slow *
* We, of the Onrush *

* In the meeting of our Times, we were found wanting *

* It was right in its judgement, we knew * The booming tones, echoing from otherwhen * Should not have bowed to the request *
* In the bowing, weakness * In the weakness, fault * In the fault, sin * In the sin, forbearance * 
* Compacts spoken * That those who hunger be fed * That those who want, be given * That those who need, lack no more * Compacts signed *

* IN INK * Our fault, resplendent * Our mistake, echoing * OF EARTH *
* GO EAT *
Title: Red Tape
Post by: Don Nadie on February 02, 2024, 09:26:31 AM

Red Tape

[A bitter parody, written with transparent irritation]

To pursue this investigation one must first apply for an authorization of Learning. This shall be reviewed by a seventeen person-council, who must come to an agreement by three-quarters majority, within a two-month period. In case of agreement, which shall be communicated exclusively via posting in a public board atop Mount Kulkund, the applicant is given seven and a half work-days to fill sub-application 17-V. They will also be provided with a Provisional Learning Title, which entitles them to be watched with great suspicion by the Legion, should they attempt to Learn before the full application process is completed. The sub-application 17-V will be denied three times over a seven-month period, with only the fourth time being seriously considered by a Legate, his pet fish, the cousin of the sister of Sorazin Bey and His Sublime Majesty's Main Washerwoman. Said judges meet every time a red moon coincides with the turning of the month, and discuss applications by a system of lottery. After a successful application of 17-V, a Learning Permit is issued, with which the applicant is entitled to delve into those most pernicious and dangerous of subjects: basic reading and arithmetic.

[A note at the bottom]

At least the Sister helped.
At least most of those actually involved want to learn.
But Wheel Above, Ricario and Domhnall have no idea of how difficult these things are to organize, in the first place...
Title: Congratulations
Post by: Don Nadie on February 02, 2024, 01:11:44 PM


[A series of drafts. Maybe for a letter. Maybe statements pronounced before a mirror whilst forcing a smile, for the sake of practice]

So, Aurelio, a Lyrist, huh? Never doubted it!

Aurelio, my congratulations on your ascension to the post of Lyrist.

Lyrist Aurelio, I'm glad that-

So all it takes to be promoted is being able to kill a Ballestriere? Truly, a functional institution.

I wish I could be you, Aurelio. So badly it burns.

It is with elation that I witness the promotion of your noble person, my beloved Aurelio.

Aurelio, I always knew, and dreaded, you would become Lyrist.

I admire you, Aurelio. I always did. Even when we disagreed, even when we hurt one-another, even when you were stupid, even when you dismissed me, even when you supported me though I wanted to destroy myself, even when I kept you alive because you were being stupid, even when you were so shimmering that I felt forgetable and wretched. Even when you failed. Often, even more when you failed.

Of course you're a Lyrist, Aurelio. The post requires great flexibility to endure the Rossa, which you have demonstrated by reaching into the very depths of your own rear.

You were always so shinning, so shimmering, such a perfect storybook hero. I could never be that.

What a surprise, the man who was made a Balladeer within a week, the biggest Drunk of the College, raised even higher. Just like it happened to Aubrey. They really have a taste. I look forward to your Drinking yourself into irrelevance.

Aurelio, you'd make Lynneth proud.

I'm so jealous I just want to scream, Aurelio. It's one thing to renounce a dream. It's another, much more horrid, to see you reach it.

Why you and not me? (I know why, I absolutely know it)

I'm so sorry, Aurelio. I don't think you'll be happy. The College of Balladeers, with its dreams of heroism and the reality of its blood-soaked companions, seems almost designed to tear the heart appart. I don't think I would've been happy as a Lyrist either.

I miss you, Aurelio. But I also think you'll do your very best as a Lyrist. And that's all we all can do: our very best.

Good luck, Aurelio. You'll need it.

"The sharpness of pain gives the mind another object to focus on", he said.
I lit a cigarette. My fifth since I heard the news.
Don't I know it.
Title: The Breaking of Things
Post by: Don Nadie on February 04, 2024, 09:32:21 AM

The Breaking of Things

"Broken axes, shattered spears", he said.
"Glory whet in blood"
He surveyed the battlefield.
Tall, bulky, scar-covered. War-bred.
"Good", he added. "Makes us strong"
The six of us watched him. Some of my companions, ready to strike.
Their hands tightening on the grip of their weapons.
My own rapier, still unsheated. Still bloodied with the orcan.
Violence begetting violence begetting violence yet again.
A circle. A disc. A cycle. A snake eating itself. A wheel.
I held a sigh within. There's no use, here, for the showing of weakness.
"It also makes us stronger", I replied, instead.
Polite if steady defiance, my smile somewhat sarcastic.
(Enemies are enemies, even in parley)
"We know it", he replied. "The Axe knows it"
If he cared, he did not show it.
"And that is why you will deliver the Well an invitation"
"To the great friend of Iakmes"
I tensed at that. Marcellus, old friend.
Spared now the Depths, are the orcan calling for you?
I did not let fear make my smile falter, however.
As the wind picked up and up.
Howling through the Valley.
"An invitation. A triumph", he explained.
"For Iakmes's glory. A celebration of the Axe"
Did he seem ponderous? Did he seem wise?
Did I feel envy, at the certainty of his tone?
"An exploration of history", he added.
My companions were surprised. The words, unexpected.
They, like many, knew the orcan before they came upon the Well.
Violent. Disorganized. Savage.
They, like many, cling to the Tales they heard in childhood.
So tightly they can't see what's right before them.
Their culture may be violent, but it is refined still.
In it's own, horrid fashion.
"Long did their silverworks make wonders", I explained to them.
The orcan didn't smile, but seemed aproving.
"You know this, Alejandro", he said.
"And you will be our messenger".
"All from your Well can come, and witness"
I nodded, accepting the charge. Word for Marcellus.
I knew this orcan well, after all. Amongst the first who spoke to me.
His words in his shrine, the spark of so many of my theories.
For his worship is mania. As they wished.
"The message shall be delivered", I said, simply.
A single nod in response. The Agassian turned away.
"Enjoy tending to your trophies", I added, as he left.
"For there is great sadness in the breaking of things"

I took a deep breath, as my companions discussed, but my thoughts were elsewhere.
The Murderer's people, and his words, and their customs.
What sadness there is, to the necessity of His domain.
I glanced at the bodies, strewn arround our battlefield.
A sigh. So much spilled blood. So much life ended.
These orcs, such broken things. Even before I killed them.
"Let us return", I whispered.
The wind carried old dust, lost stories.
Formoria, oh, Formoria. What hopes raised you.
As the sky still darkens with arrows, as the axe cleft the skull.
As brother bleeds brother, and the Ash drinks.
As the Dialectic grows Heinous, and the Forest burns...
Did you ever found solace?

Oh, Formoria, how your shattering bellows...
Title: Letting Go
Post by: Don Nadie on February 06, 2024, 12:43:33 AM

Letting Go

I think I knew it was over, when he said he thought of Mirielle as a friend. Mirielle. Who lies, cheats and attacks friends. Who cares for the refugee as much as a leech cares for children. Who killed so many and would kill so many more.

I think I seethed, at that. Calling her friend.
(Was I angry? Irritated? Jealous?)
"She is venom, Domhnall", I said.

We were whispering, in the midst of the Assembly.
Only times we spoke, as of late.
Such bedlam isn't, perhaps, the best place to catch up.

"Perhaps to change the world we need less good men", he replied.
"And more venom". His once-sweet voice, so bitter.
He paused. Someone was accusing him of something.
"I should've had more venom", he added.

His madness, his hatred of this place, his weariness.
His good intentions, turned to poison.
With all of this in his eyes, he glanced at me, briefly.
Some last advice.

"Don't run for Legate, Alejandro"

It is a strange thing, how one feels it. After clutching for so long, after trying so hard, after holding onto the hope that perhaps, tomorrow, it would be different. It is just evident. When the cracks are so many that what you were holding tight... Just falls appart.

And you're left with dirty hands and sore fingers.

[A few verses are drawn below, perhaps the draft of a future poem]

At last accepting it is so
with weary hands, you let it go...
then, long into the night it rings:
the sadness of all broken things.

Title: Duty
Post by: Don Nadie on February 07, 2024, 10:19:26 AM


There I found myself - my hopes for an evening of mopping arround dashed.
I just wanted to be sad, and hearbroken. To miss him.
Instead, a trial: to hold someone's fate in your hands.
And to ponder, and measure, and decide.
And because that was not hard enough, he came to me.
"A man once told me, a very wise man..."
His whisper in my ear. His politeness, a knife.
"Brookers come in two categories."
"The mad and the foolish"
(What effort it took, not to shiver)
I did keep my cards close to my chest.
But only a fool fails to recognize when their rivals have a point.
Harm is harm. The extent of it, to be investigated.
"I love the Well as dearly as you", he continued.
"Will do anything to protect it."
(Didn't I know it. The horrid extent of "anything")
"I do hope in time you can come to trust me"
I was flipping through the pages of my notebook.
Swift annotations made of arguments, counterarguments, precedent.
To scribble kept the hand from shaking.
I was nervous, jittery.
The Hall was a stage for a much more deadly performance.
"Trust is something hard to earn, Secretary", I said.
"I do trust you, in your ways"
After all, a snake can be trusted to bite.
Him, to mannipulate, to mislead, to veil.
"Your methods, however...", I paused.
Were that I was better at self-delusion.
"Then again, I wish my hands were clean enough", I admitted.
"To disdain them with a free conscience"
The chat went on. I was sincere on what he already knew.
Quiet about what, hopefully, he didn't.
Alkab, and Banafsi, and the price of a better world.
As ever, one finds things in common even with rivals.
"You are one of the few recent arrivals to understand that", he conceded.
"You have seen so much"
"Wish that I hadn't", I replied, from the heart.
Clockwork nightmares. The tyranny of gears.
To see that is to change one's perspective.
Such foes cannot be defeated in mere battle.
But Wheel above, do I wish they could.
Do I wish I could feel simple anger at his games...
Rather than this bitter mixture of dread and understanding.
"You are a good man", he added.
"Thrust in a position you have little true desire for"
"I appreciate that for what it is"
Was he smiling? I was too focused on my notes to look.
But, in a way, his tone made it seem so.
The smile of a magician when he knows his trick remains hidden.
The smile of an assassin, perhaps.
When his victim drinks the poison.
"Duty, Alejandro, duty", he whispered.
The things I've done for duty.
The things I've yet to do.

At least, Ricario took my place upon the throne.

Title: A Reason
Post by: Don Nadie on February 09, 2024, 04:57:40 PM

A reason

"When the powerful war, it is the weak that suffer."

When did I first say that? Or think that? Did I knew from the moment I heard how the Accord came to be? And, if I knew, how did he not? How did he believe he could get away with it, without a war? Did he think I'd go along? Did he expect Domhnall to go along? The city to bow, the legions not to descend? What was he even thinking?

Still, I find myself wondering one thing. As I read through the reviews, and my notes, and the testimonies; as I ponder rumors and speculation. A single question comes back, to haunt me: Why? What was his reason?

Did he do it for his own benefit? Or did he do it for the Well?
                                                       I suppose it doesn't matter now.
                                             He is dead now.
            Another leap of faith, which ends on a crash.
                                                                   Politics, such an imperfect machine.

And myself, such an imperfect,
                                           dutiful part of it.
Title: An Unsent Letter
Post by: Don Nadie on February 09, 2024, 08:00:50 PM

An unsent letter

[This is a letter. Tucked between the pages of Alejandro's enormous notebook]

My dear friend,

I will always miss the man who told me I didn't have to perform for him. The sky was beautiful, and so wer-- 

[The letter is unfinished, unsigned, unsent. Just one more paper, amidst a pile of many]
Title: The Surface
Post by: Don Nadie on February 11, 2024, 10:18:42 AM

The Surface

"I hope you appreciate that I refuse to play games with this", she said.
As she signed into law the breaking of her promises.
The desires of someone who campaigned for that slaver...
More important, it'd seem. For both Legates.

Scratch the skin, scratch the the skin.
Until it breaks through, just scratch it.
Scratch the skin, scratch the skin.
Till pain blooms bright, right beneath it.

She cackled. She fucking cackled, with glee.
"I hope we can now cooperate", she said, so joyful.
Victorious, rubbing it in. As bad a winner as sore a loser.
"You cannot legislate into being what I was giving freely"

The surface above, the surface above.
The surface is veiling its secrets.
The surface above, the surface above.
Gossamer, keeping it hidden.

"These Lillies you cling to, Alejandro", said al-Rashid.
"They keep using you and discarding you"
I was bristling. My anger growing with every hour.
Since I learned what she had promised the Torchbearers.
"Let's go tell her as much", I said.

The surface hides the surface hides.
The veins, the blood, the burden.
The surface hides the surface hides.
The surface breaks its long silence.

"She realizes that she made a mistake, but was angered also", he said.
"She felt cornered by you and some scholar, oh traveller".
I glared, took a puff of my cigarette.
Our new Legate, who hadn't even tried to contact me.
She was angered. Woe is her.

The surface breaks, the surface breaks.
Red, the secrets beneath it.
The surface breaks, the surface breaks.
Pain, it's own kind of ointment.

"Oh, should I have been more patient?", I seethed.
"Seeing that vile woman use the wreck of the man I once loved?"
"Seeing him, mad and broken, bowing to her every wish?"
"Seeing our new Legate break her promises?"
"Should I have been more patient, with the danger she puts some of my oldest friends in?"
"With my life's work being threatened, lest I submit?"
"Should I have been more POLITE?"

The secrets bleed, the secrets bleed.
The secrets glimmer in scarlet.
The secrets bleed, the secrets bleed.
On ash, they water the flowers.

(I'm back on mizzar and yes, I have a problem)
(The problem being there's not enough mizzar to quell my anger)
Title: The Lights of Lucca Ferra
Post by: Don Nadie on February 11, 2024, 11:55:09 AM

The Lights of Lucca Ferra

When your friends want to go into the maws of death, you don't leave them alone. Not even if you are terrified. Not even if they are not prepared. Not even if maybe you are not prepared, either, to go where you lost her.
(Sana, I miss you still)
When your friends insist on going, no matter how bitter you're feeling, how much anger bristles within you, you resign yourself. Harm, loss, damage: one will endure it, if one must. For leaving friends to harm and death is no real option.
(Not after I left her, and she died)
When you get hurt, you stand back; when they lack, you give. All the treasures in Lucca Ferra aren't worth as much as a friend, or an ally, to have by your side when things are tough.
(Sana, I wonder what you'd say, if you saw who I'm now)
And when you survive, in the end, you sigh deeply, take a seat. You lit a cigarette and let the mizzar calm your nerves, let your muscles ache. You whisper, under your breath, the notes. Your remember.
(I whispered your song, Sana, did you hear?)
Heroism is, generally, made of small steps.
(I wonder, Sana, if you'd be proud)
It is also, sometimes, a matter of leaping.
(I hope you would)

(Also, Spem Nurto sent his compliments for my behind?)
(I guess I can't be surprised that he appreciates booty)
Title: Debate
Post by: Don Nadie on February 12, 2024, 08:46:08 AM


Sitting on the floor of the Pyramid.
Exhausted, the both of us.
My head against the wall, smoke and dissapointment on my lips.
Apologies, on hers.
"Some people are thinking of leaving the League", I told her, simply.
"Myself included".

Above us, the Stars may have heard, and smirked with irony:
A debate was set, a time shortly. Gold and Purple.
And no White to stand for our ideals.
(Our worn-out, much betrayed ideals)
So I was requested to, in the name of Asterabadism.
I, of all people, was asked.
And I suppose I am not a man to shirk duty.

I should've.
"Legate Domhnall saw to the judicial murder of Mari Blacke"
I stood, smoking, calmly. The performance of serenity, an act.
(The rest of the question, I heard as but a buzz in my ears)
Smokey arabesques writing faint nonsense in the air, maybe the truth.
(Within, I tensed. Felt the shortness of my breath)
A performer performs, I told myself. A performer endures.
Humilliation, betrayal, rotten fruits, he endures.
With a smile.
"You state unproven matters as fact", I said, softly. 
"However, the case was certainly troubling", I conceded.
"It involved the Apothars, the Sergeants, the Legate... and numerous irregularities"
Did my voice tremble? I think it began to tremble, right there
(Loyal Khalid. The things I've hidden from you)
My hesitation, my doubts, breaking through the performance.
Yet as furious as I am, as hate-filled as I am...
(No fury, said the poet, like that of a scorned lover)
I still couldn't betray him.
(Were that my heart was so empty)
(That I could burn Domhnall to ashes)

"However, none wants justice for it more than our candidate", I continued.
Trying to represent serenity. Dignity, in the face of injustice.
I wondered what would happen, if proof came, forthcoming.
Whether I would let it happen. Or oppose it.
Would still protect him?
Keep upholding the promise he never deserved?
Or take my vengeance?
"Should proof be forthcoming", I added, "the White League will see to justice"
"For we always face our demons"

To my left, the Waterbearer smirked.
"Only after allowing them to grow fat".

And I smiled, and didn't deign answer that.
I didn't have the strength to do so.
Politics is a lie. Politics is a ruse. Politics is a scam.
The heart full of doubt, the lips full of certainty.
I steeled myself and answered more questions.
* And between the Stars, she watched *                           
                     * between the Stars, she smirked *                               
                                             * Upheld between the Stars, where the skein of Truth unravels *               
* Would she be proud of my performance? *                                     
* Would she see the artfulness of my lies? *                                                                                                                                                                                       
                                                           * The dreadful sacrifices made for the sake my heart? *                       
                     * The way I embraced the present, was it faithful in its faithlessness? *                                               
      * The way I resigned myself to not dwell on what I couldn't solve? *
                                   * The way I, too, betrayed her *                             
                                                                   * Would she aprove of the way I tried to empty my heart *               
                                                                                * That it may be full? *             
("You would've been a better candidate", someone said.
And they were not wrong, perhaps.
For I am a better liar than Khalid.)
Title: A Confession
Post by: Don Nadie on February 13, 2024, 07:26:26 AM

A Confession

I'm not proud of my feelings, but I can at least admit them in here.

I am hurting, and I want her to hurt. Him, too.

[The page seems emtpy at first glance. However, keener attention reveals a hidden, secret prayer]
Set upon my foes Your eyes.

Watch them, that their hearts break.
Watch them, that their plans flail.
Watch them, that their lives turn to ash.

Watch them, and find them wanting.

Σ ε ύ k ε ι ρ ρ υ ς
(She would be dissapointed in her.
She would be dissapointed in me.
A good thing, that the Red Hill was her end.)
Title: He Knows
Post by: Don Nadie on February 14, 2024, 08:33:01 AM

He Knows

Once, there was a kindly widower.
He played with the children.
He tended to the sick.
He aided the old.
And he missed his beloved.

"A nest of vipers", I seethed.
In the welcoming humility of his house.
"Sometimes I think I ought to go live in the Nusrum"
"The lies, the politics..."

And once, there as a poisoner.
Arsenic under his fingertips.
Belladona stains on his robe.
And, in his conscience...
The bottle which killed the widower's wife.

"Maybe you should go in search of an oasis", he said.
"Then build atop it a place where there are no such things"
His tone, soft an smiling. His faith, piercing.
His faith, in me.

And so it came to pass that the poisoner knew cold.
And in the home of the widower, he found shelter.
And so it came to pass that the poisoner knew hunger.
And in the home of the widower, he found food.
And so it came to pass that the poisoner saw his host's pain.
And in the home of the widower, he hid the truth.

"Were that I had as much faith in myself as you do, Khalid".
"I wish I-", I choked. Guilt. It's weight.
Being lied to becomes knowing too late becomes omission becomes lying, in turn.
"I wish I deserved it".

But the Wheel turns, and so does the conscience.
Every night, after every dinner, turning.
In bed, turning; the truth, turning.
As the widower's kindness grew, so did the poisoner's guilt bloat.
Until the burden of deception sat upon his chest.
And caught the breath in his lungs.

He sighed. "You are deserving, of many things".
"Amongst them, happiness"
(Why did he have to be so loving?)
(So burningly, horribly kind?)
My voice trembled, my hands shook.
"No, Khalid, you don't understand"
(Guilt. I felt it burning in my chest, like a fever)
(I couldn't feign ignorance a moment longer)
"You needn't say it", he said, so softly.
(But I had to. It was burning. It would burn me.)
(I was already burnt)

So one day, guilt-ridden, the poisoner made an admission.
The truth he'd dodged, the truth he'd feared.
The dissapointment and the anger, expected.
Desired, even. For the guilty long to be punished.

"He did it. Domhnall. What they said"
"He first lied to me, and by the time he confessed, I-"
(Excuses? Truthfullness? )                                                               
(Were that the heart was led by but one thing)                                                               
"I felt as though nothing could be solved by-"

I was stopped.
His hand upon my shoulder.
Squeezing, as hot tears ran down our cheeks.

"Stop, traveler", he said.
"He knows".

Alas, the widower instead smiled, tearful.
And the poisoner remained loved.
Title: No Accord
Post by: Don Nadie on February 14, 2024, 11:31:57 PM

No Accord

At some point, a compromise fails. Some people were disraught, some matters were wrong. There was clearly a lot that stunk. Neither Sisterhood nor Tower being honest with us, their motives occluded by a myriad veils. Vipers, all arround, their fangs dribbling poison. So many vipers, so many motives and counter-motives. I was moved to mistrust Selsi and Cosine, greatest mannipulators of the Well. I was moved to mistrust that vile woman. I was moved to mistrust a lot of people. But not Narwen. Perhaps that was a mistake.

But in darkness, one clinges to truth: Desecration is wrong.

So I spoke with Akna, I argued the case, as did others. Anger was mounting, growing. At the Tower, we spoke, and arguments were found wanting, an order was made. Perhaps (no, with certainty) some of them wanted to do some good. Some of them truly wished to do good, and thought this was a path of good. Not even all my hatred for that wicked woman can blind me to Zol Nur's good intent, and kindness.

"He's the only person I know who will always be truthful"
"In this city of lies"
She scowled at me, the rotten-hearted hag.
"You'd know", she said, blithely.
And I smirked, glaring.
(How I missed, in the bitterness of her expression, that kind Nadiri)

"I've studied under your Shadow", I spit back.

The order was being postponed, their dancing arround, as ever. Used, they are, to this strategy: insistence makes acquiescence. Four times he was ordered, four times he tried to evade the matter, to undo resistence. Persuasion through erosion being Cosine's specialty, Akna remained, to my admiration firm. Then, a Bellows: a threat. A hunt. Death, the threat of death in the air. In the air the grim, rotten perfume of Civil War.

So I ran.

I ran, and ran, and ran. Up and down the stairs, from fortress to Tower, from Tower to Bellows. I broke their sanctuary without being invited, that witch glaring with threat in her eyes as I sought Akna, and she confirmed, and I ran, and my lungs pinged with fire, and Vico gave minutes, and Zol Nur had been captured and the kindest being in the Well, under threat, and patience was unfound, and Balladeers were weak-willed, and Sisters were acquiescing, and I feared the Tower kept stalling so long that there'd be blood soon bathing the cobblestones, and my only option was to force my way to the Fortress, to force myself between Zol Nur and the blade, to force myself elsewhere but -

-but she managed. They gave in. We climbed down.

It was stopped not a moment too son.
A minute, before the deadline.
A minute, before the death.
A minute. All that kept him from a blade.
A single minute.

And a whole embroidery of rivalries, dissobediences and mistrust to blame.

"There is no accord", he said.
And all who had fought for a bloodless evening,
in shared exhaustion,
Title: Unmourned
Post by: Don Nadie on February 16, 2024, 09:58:47 PM


I didn't even get to see her body. I can only imagine she was lying there, on the cold stone floor, her heart pierced by a spear, her body mangled, her glasses shattered.

We were incensed, I suppose. All of us. Planning, arguing, discussing, working. I, seeing the danger, cancelled my Tale. Then, we were made quiet. To preserve peace, to prevent bloodshed. She was made unworthy, and unmourned. Her body, a hidden thing, to be measured elsewhere.

He called her poison. Between labored breaths, he called her poison and I didn't dare contradict him. She was, I suppose, complicated.

It is a different kind of mourning, regardless. This secret thing of rumor and intrigue. Of quiet puffs of smoke. Silences, instead of prayer.


I know you wanted to know.

I know you wanted to do better.

I know you were, also, a mess.

(We were so very similar, you and I)
Title: Goodbyes
Post by: Don Nadie on February 17, 2024, 10:39:33 AM


I would not have expected this. Then again, I do not know what I expected. Was I hoping for some last shared words? For a chance to embrace him, or slap him, or kill him, or all of the above? Did I expect to have an honest conversation atop one rooftop or another, for old time's sake? Did I want to hear him say something, still? Was I seeking, through the beating anger of my heart, a last chance to look into his eyes? What exactly did I expect? What did I want, of him?

Certainly not that speech, a thing of madness.
Certainly not to blink and find myself Acting Legate.
And a tank of eels, to care for.

At least he's found a place where he'll be happy.
I wish that didn't make me happy, too.

A letter, tightly tucked between these pages

We won't be seeing each other again. I don't think you'll mind that. Please look after my eels for me, someone must. I have found somewhere nice, somewhere far away from that place and its people and its blades and schemes. I think I might be happy.

I'm sorry. For everything.

In the end, I have betrayed you once again -- good luck with the seat. Perhaps you'll make more of it than I did.

Title: A Reflection
Post by: Don Nadie on February 18, 2024, 12:15:46 PM

A Diary

He gave it to me. Her words. Her account. To complete some of the silences of my History. I saw her style, her breathing style. I admired it. A poetic of its own. Calm, unlike my verbe. Paused, unlike my onrush. In the turning of the pages I saw her love for Them, her sight of the events. Keyed, perhaps. Only for those who knew, to know.

Then, I saw a page.                                             I saw a reflection.   
                                                     In a page,

I looked into his eyes.
                               Kind, as ever. Tired, as ever.

                                                        (Did I look guilty?)
                                                                                                                (Did I have the expression a child
                                                                                                                                                                   caught where he's forbidden to go?)

                                   We gazed at each other, in silence.
                                                In my hands, a truth in paper.
                                                               A mirror in metaphor.
                                                                           A Revelation in smoke.                                  (How empty, the awnings of Their temple)
(How bitter, the taste of Their cup)
He set his hand on my shoulder.
                                                       (Did I glimpse a sorrowful smile?)

              "Good luck, Alejandro", said the Traveller.

And he left me, as Lost as before.

[A text seems to have been copied, from another document]
Silver like the stars, cloaked in Her shadow. A vision found at the bottom of a chalice, pursued.

The long journey and coming to realize one can believe in a lie. In essence, if not in education.

A passion that burns, uncowed. Unrelenting. To embrace Her challenge, to spread Her kingdom.

A charming audacity and ascendant ambition. Garbed for one and all to see in lies, the masquerade is embraced.

To look between the stars above and the paths Below. To empty every cup, in search of one that never ceases to pour.


Between the stars, keep their dreams. Let your darkness yawn wide and swallow them.
Title: Drunk, Gellemende, Tyrant
Post by: Don Nadie on February 18, 2024, 01:03:26 PM

Drunk, Gellemende, Tyrant

We meet in the Center, to discuss.
Books, our only witnesses.
He was concerned. I was tired, but hopeful.
Perhaps today I'd solve something.

"Often, one performs deed worthy of Shame song"
"Because think is 'right thing to do'"
"But that is not the nature of those"
(His sandless, endless; his eyes, pitch-black)
(His tone, worn: the unbearable weight of the world)
"These beings", he continued, in whispers.
"They will take more and more and more, never satisfied"
"Grow like worm in womb of world".

Was he aware, I wonder now, of just how many people he described?
I think neither of us was.
The day moved forward, I waited for Akna.
Prepared the documents, the things I knew she agreed on.
But was hesitant to pass, out of politics.
And when she woke, the discussion was long.
The concessions endless. The compromise, insufficient. 

"You know this is the right thing", I insisted.
"If we cannot fix anything bigger, anything more important"
"Let's fix one thing, at least"
And she sighed. And nodded.

A symbol, I thought, joyous
It mattered little, in the great scheme of things, but a symbol.
An an announcement, ringing. Joy, for a moment.
Thinking, for a moment, we were, together, doing something good.
Thinking I stroke a victory, for a moment.
I felt happy, and playful, and then all came crashing down.
Heavy, the earth. Angered, the sky. Drowning, the Sea.

"This Drunk, this Gellemende, this Balladeer", seethed the Liar.
"This ilegitimate Legate, this Tyrant".
"You will cause a civil war"
And worst of all, arriving in his azure robes.
Rotund, brash, unapologetic. Hungry like a worm in the womb of the world.
"I am prepared to give Vico the full support of the Tower", he promised, the Zenithar.
"Make all of his dreams come true"

Her, quiet, in her toga. Her hands folded.
Her silence acquiescent: Drunk, Gellemende, Balladeer, Tyrant.
(Why do I care so much, about what others think?)
(Why do they hurt so much, still, the lies?)
Before us, a sea of blue. All hauled from their heights, for this.
(Never for kindness, always for this)

                                   And she folded, instantly, at the storm.
                                                        Leaving me alone, and illegitimate.
                                                 Acting Legate of the White, and Tyrant.
                   (And Drunk)           (And Balladeer)           (And Gellemende)                 

"This was a mistake", she said.
"Let us undo it", she added. "Agree to it, Alejandro".
She, who didn't want to fold. Who wanted to be strong.
Folding us both.
"You will not have to deal with the aftermath, Alejandro."
"She will", pointed the Chief Scribe.
And then, the dagger:
"I thought she was your friend".

I think that's what really broke me.
Was there a point, to hold on for two hours?
It felt useless. Now, in perspective, maybe I should've.
Maybe the Well needed two hours of a Legate who didn't bow.
I wouldn't be that Legate.

Theatrics aside, I surredered.
Not willing to take the risk, to the Well or to her.
Not for two single hours.
And she didn't speak to me.
She didn't seek me. Not for a moment.

There being people more important than her allies.
Or her friends.

                              "Drunk. Gellemende. Balladeer. Tyrant".

                                                             Her silence, an acquiescence.                                     
Title: On Thwarting Monsters
Post by: Don Nadie on February 19, 2024, 10:50:59 AM

On Thwarting Monsters

Once there was a wicked djinn.
Sealed away in a faraway isle.
Sealed with heroism and silver.
Sealed with sacrifice.

She stood at the Krak, vine-embraced.
On her hand, the spear, blood-tipped.
"I imagine you know the reason for my call, Alejandro"
I sighed, I nodded, I marched.
The odd man out, my white scarf in a sea of black.
Once, the djinn shuffled in its sleep.
Turned in its prison, pulled at its chains.
Something, from outside, reaching through the bars.
A crack is all it takes, for a monster.

To the isle we marched; I, in silence.
Heavy the memmories of that island, all that came.
Only Amelie and I, sharing that burden.
Sharing, as we climbed, the memories.
The losses.
Once, a party was gathered.
For monsters thrive, when left alone.

To the caldera we climbed. There, a ritual.
A Sister to See; two acolytes to hold.
An army of Balladeers to guard us.
And myself, and my song, to ring in the air.

"Sing a verse, any verse", she instructed. 
The verse your heart desires"
Oh, what great heroes the were!
And how shining their swords!
And how bright their hearts!
And how clear their conscience!

What made me choose that first poem, written ages ago?
That poem of joy, and hope?
That poem about joining the College, and being a Hero?
I do not know, but it is the verse I had.
And through the night, I sang it.
Oh, what battle the heroes found!
Whirling shadows, and misty monsters!
Sword-clawed harpies with broken eyes!
The Court of the djinni, against their Light.

The melody rang with a joy I did not feel. Not that day.
The melody rang. Cheer! Delight! Elation!
Fresh, drippling notes, like a spring's drizzle! 
Through hours, through the night, until dawn came.
I sang and sang and sang, as the three women chanted.
And, behind us, my once-companions bled.
Until dawn came, and we were victorious.
But no monster can hold against Heroism.
And so Dawn came, and in its throes, Victory rang.
A monster defeated; a monster, sealed.
A monster bound for a hundred years.
For monsters thrive, when unattended.

We collapsed. All of us. Made an effort to, raise.
Took me a long while to move. I was leaving last.
And she awaited me, holding her doll. Staring intently.

"Part of you wishes that had gone worse", she whispered.
(How open the heart, to one who knows its twists)
"Stop it".
And so, the heroes returned, and found back their city.
And in their city, the same monsters as before.
The monsters of greed, and power, and control.
Who had kept growing wild, and unattened.

"Even if I can't defeat the Tower", I whispered, sulking.
"I can, at least, defeat the djinn"
(I spoke in tenuous whispers. My voice, exhausted)
(A whole night of singing takes a toll, I guess)
"You need to stop smoking", he declared, taking the cigarette from my hands.
"Specially after what you've gone through. Give it a rest".
"Doctor's orders", he added, a thin smile on his lips.
Too tired to argue, I gave in. He was, after all, doing me a favor.
A dangerous one, all things considered.
For the monsters of a city are made of lies.
The monsters of a city are made of whispers.
And their thwarting takes, alas,
means much subtler than Heroism.
Still, heroes must try.

"You should try it", he proposed, softly.
We were saying goodbye. Him, to class; me, to bed.
"Try what?", I asked, uncertain.
His expression kind. Perhaps with some pity, he responded:

"Being careful"
Title: Exciting Job Opportunities for the Recently Unemployed
Post by: Don Nadie on February 20, 2024, 07:45:58 AM

Exciting Job Opportunities for the Recently Unemployed

It would appear that most do not share the Tower's anger over my actions, nor pay much heed to Cosine's lies. That is something. It would appear, as was also expected, that most agree it was desirable to change that legal absurdity, and a shame that we folded with such ease. I suppose I must agree with the majority. As it most cases, by "most" I refer to everyone not of the Tower.

At least it is as unenforceable as ever.

I got to work, swiftly. I got to it, before any blue robe could think on the topic (though Xon, I fear, might have considered it - he was wandering right outside the door, I'm amazed that he saw his Zenithar propose they aid Vico, and decided that I am the wrong party in the matter...). I secured what I needed to secure. Things will proceed, as they must. True work won't be stalled, for those who'd kill any flower that doesn't shine their colors. I won't allow it.

That aside, the conversation was pleasant and soft-spoken, with all the masks of politeness, offerings and acquiescence. I brought even a gift, a recently dug-mural which I have, by now, used to bribe three different Legates (I thank the Caliphal artisans who made so many copies). I do not trust the man, however. Then again, If Akna is showing me something, is you ought to trust no politician, even those who want to do right. Perhaps /specially/ those who want to do right.

The Prelateship ended. That is, also, a relief. In the last day, however, I have received more job offers that I know what do with.

"Come to the Scribes, and form the Office of Past Affairs"
"We got a spot for you at the Sagebrush, Al. We need a translator"
"Have you considered joining the Sandstone? You'd fit right in"
"I would see you back in the Rose, Alejandro, call you brother again."
"I still want you as my Magistrate. But you need to accept that I'll say no".
"If the government is to be of the People, it needs people such as you in it, oh Traveller".

It is good to be wanted.
It is also horrid, having to make new choices such as these.
And face new risks.

For the time being, my things are secured, and I got things to write.
Title: Handsome Potato
Post by: Don Nadie on February 20, 2024, 05:16:34 PM

Handsome Potato

By now, I should know the drill.
Digging, guiding, guarding.
Bringing new people to the Sands, and to the Ages.
Letting them see the hidden symbols, the strange paralels.

From our onrush, to their traces.

That makes me happy. To be their shield and sword, as they learn.
("Dork Defender", as Jamileh liked to joke)
To make new friends - a much more joyous affair than politics.

"Look, I'd be with you in a heartbeat", I conceded.
"But those potato sacks...", I added, a gesture to his robes.
(They are hideous, truly. Doubt anyone could pull them off)
"Well, they symbolize the ascetic fashion...", he posed, a defense.
"And they're rather useful, too"

I chuckled, my mouth full of bean soup. A little lunch break.
(I had forgotten to eat, but he had brought it)
And a little, secret exchange.
Forbidden contraband and so on. How criminal of me.

"First of all, if you're going to be symbolic, you can use anything"
"And second...", I teased, with a smirk, "...Don't call that fashion"

He blushed a little, selfconsciously, and I felt a tinge of guilt.
(Sometimes, one can go to far, joking with new friends)
"I'm a potato...", he sighed.
Pulling at the hem of his robes.
Embarrassed, I tried to salvage the situation.
(Not that I'm a great improviser)
I offered, as kindly as I could:
"A handsome potato?"
Title: A Night of Historiographical Reflection
Post by: Don Nadie on February 20, 2024, 05:22:13 PM

A Night of Historiographical Reflection

Historiography, that was the theme of our meeting.
My thesis, her answers, my history, her request.
A thing led to another, on the stone benches.
Fountains murmuring their ancient wisdom.
Soft the cloth of her toga, as I rested my head on her shoulder.
"In this world", she said.
Warm the tears: down my cheeks, down hers. Scribbles of memory, in salt.
Clear, the evening as stars flashed. Piercing, the truth:
"Either love dies..."
"Or lovers do"
Title: Slippery
Post by: Don Nadie on February 21, 2024, 07:47:35 AM


For all that I may hate the man, I have to admit his skill.
Slippery. The comparison with an eel, most apt.
A trickster, if of the villanous persuassion.

"Live well, Ephians!", he said, now unshackled.
Walking out of the Justice Hall a free man.
"Live as well as Vico Rasca!"

Then again, part of me wonders how much its his talent.
And how much the convenient arrival of his Condotieros.
The dreary shadow of his Ballestrieres and Reclutas.
The looming weight of their armies.

"If you're going to do something like that", said the Jannisary.
(A nameless one, one of the guards that take turns at Akna's office)
"You may as well go all the way in. Like him".

He smirked, twirled his moustach with a self-pleased expression.
(Of all the sights of my Prelateship, I think this was by far the strangest.)
(A Jannisary telling people to be more like Vico. In front of him.)
And I smirked, too.

"I don't have armies to back me up", I said, simply.

What I didn't say, of course, is that I still danced my best.
Light footsteps, hidden expression,
                     sharp blade never entirely sheathed.
    Through the Labyrinths
       of Mystery and Revelation


(A sphinx's feather)
        (A fistful of Ash)
Title: More Job Opportunities for the Recently Unemployed
Post by: Don Nadie on February 22, 2024, 02:48:37 PM

More Job Opportunities for the Recently Unemployed

The moment we heard of an undead army, we set off.
Probably not the smartest choice, all things considered.
(But neither of us is terribly smart)
(I honestly should've prepared better)

Dozens of undead, bones rattling,
                         the stink of rotten flesh.
           Claws and blades                                 back and forth with death, a promise.
                                        Dancing through them

     Incantation                 Song                          Rapier
                                        An absolute load of potions.

   And in the end remembering:
                            "Oh, wait. Tanglebags."
                                                     (Gosh, I'm not good at this)
                                                     (But sometimes, the best solutions are the most simple)

Capture. Success.
A curse muttered in the dungeons, to spell their own death.
And the Sergeant, who gazes at me.
     And then, the entirely unexpected:
"Have you ever considered becoming a Jannisary?"
        . . .         
        . . .         
        . . .         
I don't think anyone has ever laughed so hard in that dungeon.
(I hope she didn't feel insulted. I know she meant well)
(But Wheel above, only imagine)
(Next, I guess I'll be invited to take the Sisterhood's abaya...)
Title: Re: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on February 23, 2024, 08:11:36 AM

The Side of Righteousness

"It sounds like a goodbye", he said, softly.
"He must have meant a good deal to you"
A nod. A confession and a surrender:
"It is. He did".
Before us, my latest Hidden Poem.
About broken things, between broken things.
(There's nothing like setting Art in its place)
"Things can mend", he added. "I'm sure you will"
A brief pat on the shoulder, encouraging.
(Why did it feel like I stab? Because I hate feeling vulnerable)
(Because I hate letting others see me, vulnerable)
The air was dusty. Broken tables, ash.
A featherless sphinx, its empty eyes watching us.
Nothing left here to do, save dwelling.
So I turned arround, towards the exit.
"It is as it is. And it is done"
"Out of my heart and into the world"
I lit a cigarette.
(How carelessly it comes, the self-destructive gesture)
(The crutch of smoke, filling my lungs, burning)
"Enough self-pitying for today"

And so I left him to speak with Akna, for she called, to make other her Magistrate with my acquiescence.
And so I joined him again, to thank him with some falafels, for I felt I had been rude, just calling when he was needed, and thus I learnt he hand't decided his side in the Great Falafel Wars of Ephia's Well.
And so we bought falafels from Mro Pro and Xu Yi, and grabbed Athelia, who hadn't tried them yet, and climbed atop the Pyramid.
And so I made a speech about the War that rages in our city, between two chefs.
And so I made them choose, whilst making it clear there was a side of Righteousness... And a side of Darkness and pork meat.
He chose Righteousness. She, meat. Apparently, she didn't like the spicey taste of Mro Pro's love. I made a great fuss about it.
And we laughed a bit. And jested a bit. And grew melancholic a bit, remembering what we remembered of our homes, and their foods.

And it was all a good distraction.
Title: So Am I
Post by: Don Nadie on February 24, 2024, 01:12:17 PM

So Am I

Thrust, slash, dodge, cut.
These caverns, of all places,
the place she chose to chat.
"We are friends, yes?", she asked.
"We are", I addmitted.
"Then please, for our friendship."
"Talk to her"
The skittering, the pincers.
The cluttering and swarming, so like her coterie.
The poison-drippling fangs, her venom.
"Why? It'll be a waste of time"
"I'm done forgiving her. I'm done tolerating her"
She frowned, in the midsts of battle, focused on this, too.
"She's open to cooperation..."
Cooperation. So oft repeated.
I wonder if she understands the meaning of that word.
"She doesn't want cooperation, she wants control"
"She wants us to accept the leash, that's what she calls cooperation"
"And I'm no dog"
What were the excuses she presented? This most unlikely of Ambassadors?
Disrespect that we chose Assembly over a private meeting.
Betrayal that I stopped inviting her to my digs and delves.
Annoyance that I decided to keep fighting for my own independence.
Excuses. And I tire of her excuses.
"You know what she did when she passed her latest Law?"
"She cackled. Then told me /now/ we could cooperate"
I gritted my teeth, stabbed something horrible, perhaps too strongly.
Ichor splashing my face.
"Even though I had been guiding and teaching more Nadiris, on archaeology, than any Apothar"
A claw to my arm, a wince. The spilling of blood.
The refreshing soothing touch of waters.
"She had cooperation", I added, "she wanted submission"
I felt my ears burning, a buzzing beyond the sounds of the insects.
As though to her every chain, I should've bowed.
Thankful, that she graciously /allowed/ me to know.
"She just doesn't understand other method than control and intrigue, Alejandro"
"But she's suffered a lot, lost a lot"
"She tried to kill you", I pointed out.
"Well", she shrugged, "she didn't try that hard"
We moved through the tunnels, we pushed through our foes.
Many-legged, many-eyed, many-fanged.
And I was thankfull, to have something I could legally stab.
As she reiterated this, her pity. The poor woman, who's lost so much.
Who's suffered so much. Who's endured so much.
Excuses. I tire of her excuses.
Many people suffer. Only she changed like this.
"She's hurting, Alejandro", she said, at last.
And I don't know why that broke me.
I felt the soreness of my muscles, the aching of my bones.
The piercing pain in my head, the buzzing in my ears.
The cracks, deep in my heart.
I felt my lungs burning and I couldn't hold it.
              I screamed. My voice shutting down the spiders, for a moment.
                   Echoing, like a curse, through the tunnels, my scream:

"SO AM I!"

We battled, we fought, we won. She asked once more, as a friend.
I, for a friend, acquiesced.

There are few things I won't do for a friend, I suppose.
There are few things I wouldn't have done for her,
when I still forced myself to think of her that way.
But Spokes, do I tire of excusing her behaviour.
(As though I shouldn't mind how she used Domhnall.
And how Domhnall chose her. Despite this.
Again and again. Above me.)
Title: A Decent Day
Post by: Don Nadie on February 24, 2024, 04:15:51 PM

A Decent Day

I finished! I finished the entire, Spokes-dammed chapter!

Goodness, how hard it was to summarize all the events of those first months! How strange to delve through the ancient Bellow-records and find the words of Marcellus, of Lynneth, of Aubrey... What an odd thing. To go back.

(Was I happier then? Or was I better at holding the image? Pretending that things were fine? Was I happier or was the performance easier?)
Whatever. The job was finished. It was a well done job. Not even Mae, whining in the Bellows without even reading it, could spoil it. Not even that other weirdo, accusing me of being duplicitous... Though I guess, unlike Mae, those accusations do bear some resemblance to truth. Only an idiot would think just because I always smile that I am always being friendly, after all.

Regardless, they couldn't bring me down. I felt giddy and childish and cheerful. I chatted with Clarissant, who seemed to be going through something precisely because of trusting Mae. I took Elias out for a dig, and made him sweat (he is not cut out for physical labor) and gifted him the mirror he dug. I found a couple interesting things. I spent time with friends. I heard about their concerns, and their tales. I jested with them.

That's something. It really is something.

Sometimes, it almost feels like its enough.
Title: Advocacy
Post by: Don Nadie on February 25, 2024, 03:20:48 PM


An outrageous amount of evidence.
An absurdity of clear charges.
And a once-friend. Perhaps still. Madman, for certain.
By the flip of a coin, I was set to defend him.

"Must you call me an idiot a hundred times?", he asked, in a whisper.
I could've strangled the imbecile. So reckless.

At least it was won. Or as won as it could be. The irony?
Mae Stern, of all people.
Complaining that someone was given time, to repair the harm caused.
Title: Friend
Post by: Don Nadie on February 26, 2024, 09:50:32 AM


"I am a bit paranoid", I whispered.
In my hands, the bundle, back. Secrets best kept safe.
(So many secrets to be exchanged, in a secret room)
(In the Center, where things are hidden)
(And Truth - or something close to it - gathers dust)
"I want to go. I also don't want him to"
She smiled, gapped teeth, dusty cheeks.
"Well, those may be the horns of the dilemma, partner"
I paused. I shrugged.
"Not really a dilemma. Akna asked. As a friend"
"And I don't deny friends"
A little, ironic chuckle in the dusty room.
The books and me, the only witnesses.
"That is like you, isn't it?"
"Loyalty is a very vexing virtue"
I paused. I smirked. I shrugged.
I am good at hiding, but I can't hide from some truths.
"I am not the best, or nicest, or most reliable person", I said.
"But I try to be a loyal friend".
Title: The Subtlety of a Groknak
Post by: Don Nadie on February 26, 2024, 10:42:51 AM

The Subtlety of a Groknak

One thing that's been sorely missing since my departure is subtlety. I knew what was afoot the minute they all started making Bellows for vials, with Elyse seeming nervous and fidgety, with Aurelio looking stern and distant. As though carrying some unspoken feud with me (my absence, I imagine, for these matters). I suppose you can't ask a bundle of knights to be tricksters.

Just saying that when I planned a secret expedition, nobody heard about it.

I may have been quicker than the Jannisaries, but I can only imagine they knew, too. That is probably why at least the two decent petals of the Rose were not mad enough to follow Vico.

Still, he went. I was asked who I thought would be worse, to access the depths. I can certainly think of a few people (Diakos, apparently, was one of the possible buyers) but not that many. To know he was down there, seeing who knows what, ignorant and unseen, was a concern. I felt also, bitterly jealous. Had she not asked me, I probably would've found a way to join him, consequences be damned.

The wait, however. It was tense. It was worrisome. It was not exactly unexpected, either, when the ground trembled like a groaning, hungry stomach. Beasts. Demons. Gods. Dormant horrors. Mystery and Revelation, entwinned, like lovers.

That, and more.

Σ ε ύ k ε ι ρ ρ υ ς
put, on my lips,
the bitter taste of Revelation
Title: In Old Places
Post by: Don Nadie on February 28, 2024, 11:08:22 AM

In Old Places

In old places the air is thin, with truth
                                                              with loss                                                                 of the Ages
                                                                                                       with the passing
    Therein, all seems lighter.

The sword that rings echoes the silversmith's hammer.
The dust that blows reminds of the glassworker's flute
The wails speak of ancient chanting, of joyous gods for joyous peoples

The Ashtorm bites, yet in its bitting
                                  one is reminded
                                                of ancient refuge.

And for a moment one can breathe again. And the weight of one's past is lifted with the veils of Ignorance. Arrows whistle, axes bite, yet in their bitting, back to back, friends are found. Refuge, made. Battle, won. In seeking, we come to know one another.

The air thinner and thinner as we trudge through the ruins. Mystery and Revelation embrace tightly (like lovers).

                                                                      And one teaches, and one shares.
One guides, in the darkness, others
                                             showing just enough to let them find their path
                                                                                                                 for darkness and light, too, are embracing.                  (like lovers)

                                      And in old places, one finds unexpected flowers.
Blooming, pink and bright, and joyful.
                                             Cheeks, flushed with delight.
                                                                                                      At leaves, of all things.
And so it is that                                                                                                                                                                                     
                                  in old                                                                                                                                                               
                                                              one can find                                                                                                                     
                                                                               that the Moon                                                                                       

And one is happy, in old places.

"You know much of betrayal", he seethed.
Before his ancient altar. This Murderer, judging me.
"But better to die truthful", he added,
"than to live a worm"

(Yet the arrow of Time goes ever forward)
(It ever arches upon the sky, it ever occludes the sun)
(it always foundfindswillfind the heart)
Still. For a moment, often
One can find a strange joy in old places.
Title: On Joys and Sorrows
Post by: Don Nadie on March 01, 2024, 10:34:46 AM

On Joys and Sorrows

He called for me, wanting to talk. It had been long, without a talk.
And I was eager, too. I had seen too often those two blue vultures, rounding him.
I feared that, perhaps, they shaped him. That perhaps he believed them.
That perhaps they were eating at our friendship, like others ate at my friendship with Mae.
But there he was. Soft and sturdy. His melancholia, of stones. His sadness, of the Ages.

"This one's sorrow is easy to see in eyes, in words", he pondered.
"But the sorrow of Alejandro."
"Most do not see it."

I lowered my eyes to my glass. Arround us, the gossip of Ambassadors.
I felt exposed. To feel exposed is to feel weak.
Strangely, it is also to feel cared for. And loved.

"Artists, like you said", he added.
There was a tenderness in his tone, which made me almost smile.
"Two sides"

The conversation turned and changed as conversations do.
I felt sinking, slowly, as they talked of violence, of politics.
(The only reason I didn't lit a cigarette was Elias would smite me)

"I was a bit more... Optimistic?", he ventured.
On his hands, cloths. Making bandages while we chatted.
Those soft hands, made for flowers, and perfume. Forced to tend to wounds.
"An election cycle does the job of taking some of those illusions out of play rather quickly"

There we were, both of them, sworn to healing.
While I wield the sword. While I intrigue.
Incompetently, sure. But can I deny that I sometimes like it?
I see the first entries in these notes, and the boy who lammented, from the heart, that he had to kill...
Is he gone? Is he buried? Did I have to bury him to endure?
Can I lie, and pretend it doesn't feel good, to win by force or by guile?
In politics or in battle, equally foul arenas.

"One ends up having to play /some/ of the game", I whispered.
"And it is a horrible one, and it withers you", I added.
"But, not participating?"
"That just leaves the game off to those who do not mind if their heart withers..."
A pause, before an admission.
"But it shapes you, like violence. Even if you know it's horrible"
"You end up finding... Not exactly pride"
"But satisfaction".

He leaned back. His gaze seemed ancient.
His posture, fatigued. Who knows how many ways he was broken, before.
But he looked at me, attentively, with a kindness that I feel is beyond me.
While Elias focused on his needles and instruments. Shifting them aimlessly.

Like a tide that rises, so did we felt increasingly drowned in melancholia.
As Zol Nur said I should run, despite my love of lies and tobacco.
As I protested. As we discussed the nature of lies and the nature of art.
As we returned to politics, and its weariness. Tired of it all.

Yet suddenly, like a spark, we both thought the same. We proposed, instead, to talk of the week's joys, to turn to what made us happy. We hadn't spoken in a while, after all...

"I earned an Epoch", said my ancient friend.
"I tried falafels", smiled my self-appointed doctor.

I chuckled, softly. There were many things to say, many joys. The success of my chapter, the discoveries in the sands, the hiding of my poem. But there was a main one I could state:

"I spent time with good friends"
Title: A Return
Post by: Don Nadie on March 02, 2024, 01:19:47 PM

A Return

Other than the horrid and forbidden knowledge of Meadow's single undergarnment, that was a lovely expedition. I got to teach ancient things. Show off my expertise. Fight the orcan and win. Pet a goat. Truly, all the halmarks of the finest archaeological practice.

It was just strange when we returned, I guess.
    And things came forward
And the serenity of the wilderness gave way to the bustle of the city,
         the threats and the secrets and the intrigues and the dust and the screaming and -
                                          -and he whispereed:
"Nice poem"
And I didn't quite know whether that made me happy, or sad.
     That nice poem, and all it meant, and why I wrote it, I smiled through it-
                       We went to the gardens and I translated for him what we'd found
              though I was feeling a bit overwhelmed by a few too many things, a bit elsewhere, and-
                                          -and he whispered:
"Thanks for taking me along"
And there I was, hesitating, a bit overwhelmed by the tangle of my heart when I realized
                                                                       I had something else,
                                  something of more value to him than to me
       and I suppose someone else could give it to him (and I said so)
                     and I suppose Amelie or Aurelio would find it less strangely uncomfortable, to gift such (and I didn't say so)
    and I guess it was something I had done a dozen times, for a dozen different men, for a few different reasons (and I also didn't say so)
                          (For some reason, to say so would've felt mean, and I never like being mean)
"Here", I said
and I put the Rose in his hands
And I gave him my last one, for his book.
                 Keeping only the one Armis gave me.

                                                     And I suppose it was,
                                                                     in a way,
                                                                    a return to an old classic

                                                                (and a goodbye).
Title: Asterabadian Praxis
Post by: Don Nadie on March 02, 2024, 06:35:18 PM

Asterabadian Praxis

Today, I finally had first-hand experience of Asterabadian praxis when a Voiced scholar declared he wanted to teach Scorpioids about democratic values. Some thought he intended to enact a personal vendetta, but I doubt it. After all, who would use the cause of Democracy for their own goals and/or the conquest of territories and/or the extraction of wealth? He had a box labelled "DEMOCRACY" and everything!

Of course, some people hadn't read their Asterabadi, and had weird questions like "Do Scorpioids speak Common?", "Does democracy always jingle and clatter in a box?", "Does Scorpioid culture present the social and economical development that makes the emergence of true Asterabadian Democracy a historical-necessity?". Obviously, Asterabadi has already answered all these questions. I'm, like, 70% sure.

Anyways, we got to an outpost of Democracy in the Scorpioid territories and followed the very simple instructions:

1) Salute the Flag
2) Take the key
3) Open the box
4) Assemble Democracy by inserting element A into element B
5) Survive.
Truly, the tricky part was the last one. Democracy, according to Xon, was a "sonic bomb", which apparently was "attuned to nonhuman frequencies". Obviously, this is described in some Asterabadian book, I think. I am fairly certain that Asterabadi speaks at some point about the importance of a sonic bomb of speeches and patriotic anthems. Maybe this Democracy had translated Domhnall speeches into Scorpioid? If so, poor ones.

Regardless, we soon were attacked by the regressive forces of oligarchy, monarchy, and skittering accumulation of capital. I think. They sure seemed very skittery. We defended the outpost from wave after wave as Democracy hummed and make the ground shake and tremble. At one point, the anti-democratic oligarchs sent two extremely big scorpions along with an enormous mass of little ones! Thankfully, Marcellus and I managed to hold the line, each against one of the big fellas, while the rest of the patriotic warband realized that Democracy was in danger from the southern flank.

Finally, the forces of oligarchy and oppression defeated, Democracy claimed it had done its work, and that it was the time to self destruct! This was, of course, something I am almost sure Asterabadi described in his works, so we ran away.

And then we saw, in the distance, a sky beam of white light and soundwaves.

An Asterabadian sky-beam! As described, I'm fairly certain, in some of his works!

It was good to spread Democracy, but I am a bit surprised. I never expected democratic praxis to involve this many stabs and viscera!
Title: Meaning & the Art of Astral Fishing
Post by: Don Nadie on March 03, 2024, 11:18:43 AM

Meaning & the Art of Astral Fishing

I was making for the Assembly, when Xon requested my help. Initially, of course, I was going to deny him. Not out of ill will (as ever, I have nothing against most Nadiris) as because I wanted to attend the Assembly. As I mentioned to Athelia, why couldn't one of the Apothars make sure his apprentices were safe? Then again, she pointed out that the Tower not caring for Nadiris isn't exactly news. Regardless, I was going to let it be, and then... The Banda Rossan Bellows:

"Some warlord called Ar-Patu"
"The Corpse-Grinder"

Say what you will about me, but I'm not the kind of man to leave a bundle of dorks in blue robes who don't really know how to navigate the Nusrum get hurt, corpsed, or ground. So I left the Assembly in a rush and ran to the caravans. All for the better, considering none of them had the slightest idea of how to navigate the orcan warbands, the battlefields, or territory. And they only had another swordsman to protect all of them...

Now, if I had known what we would be dealing with... Well, I probably would've had even more reason to go and protect them. But I also would've made sure to be extremely drunk beforehand. We got to the star-circumference and they set on their ritual, creating a... How did they call it? Pearl of unreality?

I saw Xon transform several times, his eyes being wound and tried and dealt with in ways there are not really a lot of words for. Then we were Elsewhere (?), a misty landscape that was both a distant star, and Xon's psyche, and our imaginations. If I understood correctly.

Truth be told, I was mostly there to keep them safe. Which I guess I did. Those evil astral fishes, specially the big one, were quite a threat. The other swordsmen got quite hurt, and I only managed to hold the line because I sang swords arround us... But in the end, besides protecting them, I'm not sure of what I saw.

What was the meaning of that strange Presence? And the meaning of Xon's words? And the meaning of the Omniscope he extracted from the -a scratched word-? What was the meaning of all of it?

"It allows to see the Information everything is made of", he explained.

That was it: information. That's what his machine would find. The scroll of knowledge, spread out for reading. Every inch of information, every composite element, every grain of Truth, certain and absolute.

"Is that meaningful, though?", I asked.

And I do not think he got what I was getting at.
But the grain of sand, reduced to its tiniest particle, in all its detail without the rest of the Desert... Like the poem, defined by the number of letters, of syllables, and the rhyme without the poet's heart... Like the astral carp, I suppose, defined alone by its size and movements without acknowledging the strangeness of its presence...

...Is nothing.
Title: It Got Weirder
Post by: Don Nadie on March 03, 2024, 01:16:39 PM

It Got Weirder

I really thought, when I returned, that astral carps would be the weirdest things of the day. Part of me, perhaps, wishes they had been. Instead, things only got weirder.

Once, there was an eel.
Oh, how slippery it was, slithering from danger to danger.
Saved from his own mistakes, here by guile, there with help.
Always dribbling his poison.
Always escaping the fisherman's net.

"He brought the corpse of Lucia"
"Then the Jannisaries caught him"
"And Koji got a distant look, for a moment, before he..."
She didn't need to say more.

But this eel was selfish (as some fish are bound to be)
So those who stood by his side did for the vicarious power he provided.
And all other grew more and more bitter at his abuses.
Until the clownfishes whispered into the ear of the swordfish.
As the eel was slithering out of another fisherman's net.
His mouth filled with bait; his smirk, self-satisfied.

"The way Mae looked at the body", another explained.
Whispering arround the pilgrim, as the pyramid shone eerily red.
"It was unsettling".

"You can cut it down", said the clownfishes.
For they were too weak, too scared, and too cowardly to face the eel themselves.
"Else, he will escape again"

I saw her again. She seemed taller, so beautiful.
So weak, too. So self-deluded. A stab to the heart, to see her.
"Once, the Rose was united", she declared. She seemed, mostly, irked. 
"Once we had Rossans fighting valiantly"
"Sisters to guide us with Vision and wisdom"
"And bold Balladeers to inspire, in us, nobility"

And part of me wanted to cry, at the sincerity of her nostalgia.
And part of me wanted to spit, at the lie it was.
(The Orentid children, their tiny heads cracked open)
(The gash, a banquet for flies)
But then again, I left the cloak.

Thus it came to pass that the swordfish charged.
His blade sharp, to the heart.
The smirk of the eel, frozen forever.
His wounded corpse, taken above by the net.
To be consummed, and forgotten.

"He was a villain", declared the Balladeer.
(Murderer? Hero? Both?)
"You shackled us to these thugs", added Aurelio.
To ourhis very Grandmaster.
"And Koji did what he had to, to save our souls"
He then threw his cloak on the ground.
I've never been more proud of him.

"I die", declared Koji, sword and death before him.
The roar of lions in the distance.
"The Rose is freed of a cancer"

And so it was that the eel was killed.
And for his crimes the swordfish was, also, condemned.
But he did not fight it. He welcomed it.
There's something to be said, about dying for the right reason.

"I was wrong", said Aurelio.
"Balladeers did wrong to the Rose, in a moment of passion"
"But we shall right it and purify the Steele"
His tone was, what? Resigned? Distant? False? Drunk?
I sighed. How little it lasts, the defiance of a Balladeer.
How briefly can they call a thug a thug, and a child-killer a childkiller.
But then again, I left the cloak.

And the blood of so many stained the waters...
That sharks came, with hunger.
To take and posess and break and devour.
For it had been proven once more:
Some things, you can only solve with violence

We cleansed the Steele with ritual and prayer, and all was well, even if it had been, for some time, defiled. Shorter than the last. I wondered how many times that sacred object had seen blood. How many times had the compact been broken.

"Disdain the sword", it is written.
If only it was that easy...

And many died, and many endured.
And many lived happily ever after.
And all, eventually, forgot the slithering eel.
For, who remembers those that were never loved?

[A little note has been added at the bottom. A haunted afterthought]

I saw the corpse, too. I felt... Relief? Sadness? A deeply haunting peace? I am not certain, exactly, but I know I do not lamment his passing. There are so many people that die for nothing, and his has joined their number. Already, his actions are dissipating. All his plans and efforts, evaporating slowly. What did he leave behind, really? A series of small crises and betrayals which will all heal slowly, without him to keep the wounds open. All his threats are becoming an ever-weaker echo. In a week, it may well be like he never existed, and I will sleep easier for it. When I arrive at these events in my history, people will need to be reminded of who he was.

A shame, Vico, that you didn't take my deal.
Title: Honest, for Once
Post by: Don Nadie on March 03, 2024, 07:12:56 PM

Honest, for Once

                        Out of nowhere,
                                 a lightning made of spite.
"How does it feel like", she seethed, whispering
"to watch a real hero?"
Took me a moment to realize she was speaking to me,
    and even then, I wasn't sure of what she meant. Of whether she meant to hurt me. 
           I wasn't even certain, until I asked her the next morning
"Was that for my sake?", I asked.
"Yes", she answered.
Not an inch of self-consciousness.
     Out there. The sky was red, the Pyramid was shaking. The Wyrm's name had been spoken.
            And yet, she still found time to be bitter.

I think I didnt feel angry. Just saddened.
She kept finding ways to dissapoint me. And her, I suppose. By the banks of the Edutu.
"She'd be dissapointed", I admitted.
And she scoffed at me, dismissive of all I was.
"So weak...", she said. Her tone, poison.
"So feeble...", she insisted. Her glare, hateful.
And I dont think she understood I was being honest with her.
                                              For once.
(And though the temptation was there)
(to wield truth as a knife)
(I let it pass)
(And went elsewhere, instead)

A question rang, though, as I thought of Vico.
                                Gone Vico, power-hungry Vico.
        I wondered: who will miss her when she's gone?
Title: If You Only Knew
Post by: Don Nadie on March 05, 2024, 04:11:07 PM

If You Only Knew

Dissapointment is, by now, a habit.
And it is a silly thing to care about. I know that much.  Mostly, symbolic.
(Whatever one might think, I'm not that self-centered)
But I also don't think they know just how hard it is,
                            to feel your life's work is on a knife's edge.
"I'm always one bribed Legate away from danger"
"And that is exhausting"
I suppose I could smile, and nod, and feign and take the leash.
But I also hate that idea. I hate the submission.
    I don't think they know just how humilliating it'd be, to bow
                                               to those who are but parasites to your efforts.

This is not a priority, I get it. I just also get what Al'Rashid keeps saying.
About the Lillies, and how they pay my efforts.
"You're decent enough", I said.
"Decent enough", she smirked, "Isn't that high praise?"
I nodded, thoroughly serious.
"If you only knew"
Title: Sleeping Better
Post by: Don Nadie on March 05, 2024, 11:10:56 PM

Sleeping Better

We were alone, for some reason. Before the murmur of the Pilgrim.
Above, the stars. And between the stars, a lot of things.
Memories and plans and nightmares and love.
Each slowly forgotten, erased, eroded. To give us peace.
"You look like you're sleeping better", he said.
He paused, for a moment. He was close enough that I could enjoy the scent.
"A lot of things suit you well", he added, softly.
"Not baggy eyes"
I chuckled, I shrugged.
I felt lighter, in a way. Not unburdened, but lighter at least.
"I am", I said.
I did not say that I still wake up screaming.
Because, during the day, being so often with friends?
I feel as though I had, indeed, slept better.
Title: By the Fountain
Post by: Don Nadie on March 06, 2024, 04:26:31 PM

By the Fountain

She needed a quiet place, for a quiet conversation.
So we sat by the fountains. Their soft murmur, a lullaby.
"I need your help", she said.
And I chuckled. Ever-ready to be ever-helpful.
"I convinced Akna that our plan was the best"
"and everyone got angry at her"
Ignorance is bliss, they say. It is so.
I was reminded of this truism, once again, when I asked.
"It's the Gutter Beast", she explained, and I felt my ears ring.
"We want to capture it again", she added, and I felt air left my lungs.
It is a good thing that we were in that garden.
Lonely as it is, peaceful as it is.
Because, as I tried to explain to her why I couldn't help her,
why I didn't want it captured again, studied again, months on end while people died,
I felt, slow but unavoidable, the slipping of my masks.
Until no masks could be held, when she got annoyed at me for not agreeing.
As though I was being a stubborn child.
"I saw it happen for months, nothing gained, wormingers dying"
"Until I carried the broken body of a friend"
"And when I was at the Pyramid? Blood-covered? Crying?"
"Demanding that we fix things? Your Apothars..."
My tone had freezing, but I couldn't find softness within me.
"They called me drug-addict, and hysteric, and Gellemende."
"They dismissed me, so as to not admit fault", I seethed.
I swallowed. There was a knot somewhere in my throat. A tangled scream.
"I've lived through this before".
She watched, she listened. She couldn't quite believe me.
She reminded me of myself (and I said so)
when I still thought a Sister could do no wrong.
Faith, such cheap narcotic. Blinding her to her master's cruelties,
"Mourning broke her", I said. Then, I reflected.
"It broke all of us"
There were birds (sparrows? doves?) chirping in the palm trees.
There were stars, dawning slowly above us.
But I wasn't quite able to hear them, to see them.
Because as we spoke, and she didn't understand,
I felt like I was falling somewhere within myself.
I needed to leave. I stood up to to leave, her hand reached out.
"Wait", she pleaded, "wait please".
"I need to hear it the right way", she explained.
"Please don't think I am deaf to your words"
And I waited. Ever-helpful, not quite able to move either.
I talked and I explained and I heard from afar. Feeling distant.
Seeing myself talk as though it was someone else, behind the thin layer of a mirror.
"She mocks my struggle with addictions", I admitted.
(I heard myself say it, meekly. Like something broken)
"But it is how I've dealt with the loss. Harming myself."
(As I scratched the back of my hand again and again and again)
"She chose, instead, to wither. To harm others."
"To demand that they chose her, and her alone. Wanting surrender"
"Until I, too, was left bitter...", I added. Ashamed.
(Though not yet bitter enough to be truthful)
I fell quiet, unable to move. Trapped in my own feelings.
The gardens, so peaceful arround us, so perfect,
that I almost felt like screaming
as she talked. Her experiences, her burdens.
(Beneath all of it, her kind and respectful disbelief)

And then, a prophecy: Ghadarnoprex, the Wise.
A truth, perhaps, for that vile woman to clutch to.
At least, listening helped me calm down, as did the scratching.
The skin, broken. Pain helps refocus the mind.

"No prophecy", I said, as I left, "justifies cruelty"
"It is part of why I quit"
Title: Further Reflections on the Nature of Historiography
Post by: Don Nadie on March 06, 2024, 06:43:01 PM

Further Reflections on the Nature of Historiography

"Mizzar?", she offered.
And the back of my hand bit harshly, so I took it.
Because I needed it.
To dig arround, and ask questions. The past, biting.
And in its bite, many things to know.
"I got Domhnall his Voice", I said.  We were discussing Act III, now.
She smirked, sarcastically: "Thank you for that"
And I winced. I think she noticed.
"Of course, he didn't start off mad", she added.
(Did I detect a hint of kindness, to her severity?)
Honestly, it wasn't even him, that made me wince.
It was a realization, about the nature of historiography:

                         History is about finding the wound
                                                                              and digging into it.
Title: Emotionally Unprepared
Post by: Don Nadie on March 07, 2024, 11:02:18 AM

Emotionally Unprepared

I don't think I was emotionally prepared. Maybe I cannot be, anymore.

The call rang out of nowhere.                                                                   The horror!
                         The dread, the freeze of my spine: It was upon us.         
                                                                                                                                               Children cried!
                                                    Widows screamed!
                                                                            Horror, horror!                 Oh, the cruelties!
                                         Dandies fainted!
                                                                                                  "Spokes protect us!", scream the masses.
"No!", plead the People. 
                                              As doctors prepare headache cures
                                                                                                      And panicked families abandon their homes.

For it is upon us once more, announced by the Scribes on the Bellows:

E   L    E    C   T   I   O   N   S

"You know", she whispered, "I would prefer if my own League..."
"Didn't sound like they'd rather step on nails than vote for me"
I grumbled, a tad annoyed.
I said: "It's about the system, not you, my friend"
Because she is carrying a lot on her shoulders, and trying her best.
I think. In her hesitating. In her tending to the Accord.

I didn't say: "It's not my fault"
"that you tend more to your foes than your supporters"
That said, I probably am a bit dramatic.
Title: A Nemesis (Historiographical)
Post by: Don Nadie on March 08, 2024, 08:03:19 AM

A Nemesis (Historiography)

So I was sitting all relaxed and stuff, just chatting and scribbling, because Act II is trudging along and almost finished... And then, a weird man in a toga came to be insulting and dismissive. What's wrong with people? Well, in his case it was quite clear: he was Hamton Grimwald, and he was a terrible historian. He is now my Nemesis (subcategory: Historiography).

Now, I've said before and I'll say it again: mathematics are for the wicked and/or ugly. And this supposed "Professor" was another example. He said that history is all about dates and obscure trivia. DATES! What are we, PALM TREES?! Dates are the WORST and MOST BORING thing in history! You got a whole collection of chaos, murder, famines, love, unbridled lust, envy, kindness, heroism and villany...


Weird thing is he kept quizzing me about stuff from recent history (Caliphal and such), as though that proved anything. Apparently, I got 8 out of 10 correct, which is honestly a bit embarrassing (I should NOT remember all of these dates), and also surprising, because I've always been way more interested in Colossal history. I  kept arguing that history is about narratives: character, forces, great ideas, and so on... Which is why I had organized events in my History arround thematic headers, rather than strictly chronologically... I think he almost got a heart attack?

Anyways, I hate him now. I shall show you and your unpublished Great Timeline of the Great Ash Desert, Adjunt Professor Hamton Grimwald!

(Also, I'm a bit annoyed because one of my unfinished projects is a timeline. But I'm definitely not telling that fool!)
Title: Μστεριος
Post by: Don Nadie on March 08, 2024, 08:52:25 PM


She was quiet. A rustling thing, of wind and black cloth.
Under the moonlight, she seemed to wait. As Hypatia watched.
(Protectively. I was not afraid, but I was thankful for it)

                                                            Then she opened those lips 
                                                                                                      --the very same lips that--
                                                                --and for those lips came--
Ασιρυ. Βετ Μεσιρι.
--the words were burning because knowledge burns--
                              --and so burn her lips, too, they burnt--
                    --the words (the words, on her lips) strange and thorough and true--
           --the tone (the tone, on her lips) ancient--
᾽Ασιρυ. Αἰαλυ, αἰαλυ. ᾽Υρ-Συλγι.
                 --the knowledge, ancient; the vision, ancient--
                              --truth, the Truth which--
                     --(on her lips, the Truth)--
᾽Υρ-Συλγι. Αἰαλυ
                                                                    --It was of the Ages--

And then she stared. In silence.

"I may perhaps translate it", I whispered.

                 Was that a promise?
                                         Or my own hope?                      For it is whispering, tenderly.

                                                            Like the words of a lover (his words?)
                                                                                                        Whispering on my ear.
                                                                                                                                                                        After the day, long. Laying, resting.
                                    Our breaths onto one another.
                                                                                                    The couds of mizzar coiling arround us both.
                                                                                        It is whispering just as tempting as any lover.

Title: Old Friends
Post by: Don Nadie on March 08, 2024, 11:37:04 PM

Old Friends

We had been left alone. Were we speaking in silence?
We were speaking in a quietness that cannot usually be reached.
Not by the living.
"Do you think she will ever be... Warm again?"
I paused, uncertain.
(How does one answer, when the answer is made of thorns?)
"I do not know", I said, opting for sincerity.
"I have stopped trying to warm her"

                                                                              Later, in her halls - smoke curling, chants echoing.
                                                                              And the voice of a Sister. Tallest of them all. Ever at the entrance.
                                                                              "Alejandro, you have always been our friend", she said.
                                                                              "It is us who did you wrong", she said.
                                                                              "Please, forgive us", she said.
                                                                              And I found it so eerie, their smiles. Like the endless reflection, between two mirrors.
                                                                              Their apologies, too. As though shared, between all.
                                                                              But still, I accepted it. What else could I do?

"You are now my oldest friend", she declared, earlier.
The moon above us, glistening. Within, perhaps, the body true.
"And you, mine"
We both paused, at the silence. Then, I added:
"I wish that more lived, still..."
Title: Old Enemies (?)
Post by: Don Nadie on March 09, 2024, 04:42:14 PM

Old Enemies (?)

Sometimes, when people return, unexpectedly, it's a joy.
Sometimes it's simply surprising.
"You look rested and tanned", I smirked.
"What brought you back? Zarat?"
He scoffed. "Yes".
"And not being able to let things go"
Then, he chuckled. "Always thought they'd bury you in that cloak"
Say what you will about him, he knows how to stab right back.
What an odd return, really. Considering right what I was working on.
A bit of a godsend, too. Another direct witness.
And an important one, too.
"So, I guess you've not come to be interviewed for Act III?", I asked.
"Actually, I'm here to set the record straight, for whatever's worth"
"Not that I have a lot of faith in whatever it is you're doing now", he added.
As ever, a man without faith in his fellow men.
Part of me had missed him.
His words, interesting, too. A different context. It gave me pause.
"Still not sure if he was honest. Or just performing"
I scratched the back of my hand. Such memories.
(Wanted a cigarette, but I could very much imagine Elias annoyed.)
(And I was fine. Within reason, I was fine)
"Truth be told, I don't know what he was doing", I admitted, softly.
"Whether he was really a hero..."
"Or just performing an elaborate form of suicide"
I paused. I sighed, scratching the back of my hand, further. Deeper.
The hum of pain bringing the mind back from any brink.
"I suppose the same goes for every Balladeer".

Title: The Forgotten
Post by: Don Nadie on March 10, 2024, 10:47:40 AM

The Forgotten

Once, a truth got lost.
It wandered the desert as Pra'raj burnt its skin.
And wandered deeper and deeper.
Until it was all but forgotten.

"You have written much of this city and its atrocities"
"You will write also of Red Hill"
Her voice was the shroud of a corpse. Her voice was the gong of a funeral.
"You will conduct many interviews for your work", she added.
"I offer my own"

And in deep places the Truth remained.
Awaiting the reaching hand. Any reaching hand.
Even the most vile.

"We were winning", she seethed. Bitterness.
"As we pressed forward - the sky turned red"
"It shattered"

A shiver ran down my spine, a haunting, a growing of shadows.
Truth. She cared for Truth. Everyone says they care for Truth.
But nobody accepts that Truth is made of facets.
Nobody is brave enough to see it.
I do not blame them.

"We tried to escape", she said. Her words had grown deeper.
"We were overwhelmed by Blood Horrors and flame"
"We died"

And rescued by vile hand, this lost truth saw the open sky.
And breathed in the dusty wind; air, to speak with.
Then, it made its way home.

"No one faced any consequences. No one faced any justice"
"As hundreds burn, moulder, or are reanimated"
My quill, running swiftly down the page. Notation, for this truth to breathe.
"Beneath the pile of dead", she added,
"Your Lyrist is buried beneath melted bodies"
My quill, held in its tracks. A splotch of ink, the mark of mourning.

And yet at home, who heard it?
Not the powerful and the mighty. Not the guilty.
For to know it was to know that there was no justifying the horror.
It is easier, to believe there was an excuse.

"It was necessary", said Akna.
Cowardly, cautious Akna. Too eager to kiss the mouth that bites her.
"It is not normal to believe falsehood, mister Alejandro", said Ashley.
Kind-hearted, perhaps. Yet not kind enough to see what cruelty she's tied to, either.
And the words of that vile woman? Of that horrid man? Best left out of these notes.
They were written, deep enough, in my skin. As I hurt myself, so as to not hurt her.
Cruelty. How horrid, her cruelty. How horrid, the cruelty she awakens in me.

However, the thing about truth is it doesn't care about who is listening.
It just exists. It just breathes. It can be sought.
Every perspective, awaiting just the reaching hand.

"Do you think she told the truth?", he asked.
His soft hands tending to mine. Bandaging the self-inflicted wound.
"I think she told what she believed", I admitted.
"Do you think you can get proof?"
I frowned, thoughtful. Proof. Evidence. Hard things to come by.
"The only places where I could find it, are places that scar"
He smiled, as he tightened the bandages.
"I hear girls like scars", he jested. My own joke, repeated.
Despite everything, it made me smile.
(There's a value to smiling, when one's drowning)
"How about boys?", I asked, amused.
He chuckled. "A scar or two doesn't hurt, either."

And so this truth spoke and spoke and spoke and spoke.
While there was breath in its lungs.
Terrible, in its content.

Title: Mystery & Revelation
Post by: Don Nadie on March 10, 2024, 02:03:00 PM

Mystery & Revelation

We were in my office. A pleasant distraction: to teach.
Though in the midst of so much dust, and Ash, and paper.
His scent, of flowers, was out of place.
"I could tell you what I think most likely", I admitted.
"But that would rob you, I think"
"Knowledge is a path: Mystery and Revelation"
I was leaning close. My fingers on the ancient alphabet.
"Entwinned", I murmured, as I traced the old symbol, "Like lovers"
I raised my eyes from the tablet, to meet his.
"To just give answers", I added, as his ears grew pink.
"Is to break the embrace"
If you ask an Izdur, they'll tell you Knowledge is a thing passed down the Ages.
Because they cannot see that is just tradition.
If you ask an Astronomer, they'll claim knowledge is a tiny speck of truth.
Because they cannot see that is just a fact.
And they are arid, all of them. They have, in themselves, no meaning.
In dusty room, we had turned to Artwork and books.
"Behind every door", I explained, "there are three more, to open"
"And thus all you learn", I added, "will bring more questions"
The amount of times I'd repeated those same words.
And yet, I never tire of this. Of teaching others to seek.
Teaching them to desire Revelation. To seek Mystery.
The path of Knowledge is the path of Passion.
From one to the other, and again. The embrace, unending.

Thirst, never sated.
Hunger, never quelled
Desire, never allayed.
Truth, never finished.
To know one facet, one inch, is to seek another
                                                          and another
            and another                and another                        and another
                            and another                    and another
   For the heart never fills, and the search never ends.
"You need to be careful, though", I pointed. "Knowledge burns."
We were turning to Caliphal history, now. Where discretion matters most.
"There are some that don't want things known"
"Those who'd kill to uphold their story"
Through my collection of secrets, a couple offered, to decypher.
Apetizers, to grow his hunger. A tablet, a book, a mural.
Fire and Sun and Madrassas. Guiding him, never telling.
Desire, sparked by absence. The glint in his eyes, decided.
Fearless. As so many of us are. Dangerously so.
"I'm a criminal, remember?", he jested. Perhaps, defiant?
I found myself smiling, regardless, at the little outlaw.
"Oh, yes", I ruffled his hair, amused, "A fearsome one"
For once, he didn't blush. Just smiled, in earnest.
(His hair was soft, so clear against my fingers.)
"Scholarship can't be beholden to fear", he whispered.
"Else", he added, "it's someone else's version of events"
I have seen it before, in others, that tone.
It never fails to make me proud.
"Indeed, my dear friend", I whispered.
It was late. I was tired. I don't know when I had gotten closer.
"Knowledge is desire", I added. "And like all desires..."
"...it is best indulged"
Title: Further, Further Reflections on the Nature of Historiography
Post by: Don Nadie on March 11, 2024, 09:05:14 AM

Further, Further Reflections on the Nature of Historiography

Say what you will about the Fourth, they like gossip as much as anyone.
They're just a bit coy about it.
"She wanted to speak and have her truth in my History."
"Of course, she called it "the" truth".
"Sometimes", I added, with an amused smirk, "people do that".
The tiny Daoud looked stern behind his cowl.
A classic Izdur, I suppose. Seeking, yes, but cowardly.
Seeking with the certainty that the seeking will end.
Seeking, to find respite. Not to go forward.
Knowledge, not as desire but as destination.
As I said, cowardly. Still, worth noting.
"The gathering of information must be unbiased and impartial"
His declaration so certain and steady and self-assured.
"It ought not to have any color commentary", he added.
"nor objective beyond accurately and dispassionately accounting the events"
I smirked. Cowardice is enviable, sometimes.
Oh, how they fear the Darkness of not-yet-known.
Oh, how they fear Mystery.
How they fear to seek, how ashen their heart.
How empty their desire.
"'Objectivity'", I said, simply, "is a rhetorical device"
"Attepts at it are either meaningless collections of dates..."
"Or lies, hiding their biases"
The Sergeant intervined now, munching still on his throng-baked muffin.
(A man must allow himself a poisoned gift here and there!)
He had remained so very still for so very long.
Since I mentioned his silences and reactions, too, carried meaning.
Lieutenant Teg cannot hide forever.
"So acting as a gossipmonger is alroight if yer upfront about it?", he scoffed.
I did not deign answer that. What for?
Gossipmonger and storyteller are, after all synonims.
""Ye would besmirch the good name of a lieutenant"
"Just 'cause an "interesting" tale."
The accusation rang for a moment in the dark, ashy hall.
I glanced at my notebook. At the story we were discussing.
At the splotches where terror and mourning stopped me.
Do they think this calling is a pleasure?
None of them is brave enough to face it.
"Samtom, I am much more subtle than that", I sad, softly.
"Believe me, ye aren't", he replied.
A man made of scoffs, that one. I shrugged, closing my notes.

"I am a performer", I declared, sincerely. For once.
"You do not know all the roles I can play."
Title: High We Flew
Post by: Don Nadie on March 11, 2024, 04:59:12 PM

High We Flew

                                                                                      There's nothing quite like it. Nothing quite so vibrant.
                                                                                      The singing fountains, the blooms, the scents and breezes.
                                                                                      Bel-Ishûn, ecstasic above our rooftops.                       
                      h                                                                                                         ~  Ecstasic (frozen) far above  ~
            i                                                                           One nodding, because he flew above its meaning.
     H                                                       I suppose I could've expected the reception of the poem.

                                                                                                                                         One crying, because he truly understood.

                                                                                                                                                      ~  The picture, not the heart, of love ~
The dorky noises, the political pleasantries, the blindness, the delight
                                                       all of those I expected.

His gratitude, however, did take me by surprise.
It was warm. And I was thankful.
Title: In an Unverdant Stage
Post by: Don Nadie on March 12, 2024, 03:21:00 PM

In an Unverdant Stage

When you stand, sans the Band
In an Unverdant Stage
all the sand in this land
can't hide Cup from this sage

I was happy with the story, I suppose. Happy, too, with the public, the music, the flow of the Tale, the breeze. Being a story with poetry and song, I had written beforehand, which lacks a bit of the improvisational, ecstasic quality that a Tale sometimes gains when made up on the spot, images improvised and fished from the heart, in a simple spark of passion. Still, the things I added (the improvisations, and changes, and rhythms that make a Tale a Tale) were good, I thought. In hindsight, I should've called Feydsiyyar's prison a minaret instead of a tower, though. Didn't realized that with the Tower there, there was an extra layer of meaning I had not intended. Perhaps a happy accident but... I prefer that my digs be deliverate, as a rule.

The stage, however. The stage was much more strange. I think this was the first Tale I planned ahead and told elsewhere... All other Tales since I left were much more improvised affairs. And it was so odd, not to be in the Verdant Stage, whose glories and flowers I still sing about so often. I only realized it too late, when I stood up, ready to start. To tell the Tale, to don the mask of the Storyteller, I had to wade through an ocean of nostalgia...

But it would've felt weird to stand at the Krak, and tell there the Tale. It would've felt so very strange. No other Balladeer has taken to art - yet I remain producing, performing. If I were to stand there, while they do not... It'd feel as though I was trying to insult them. Or perhaps a Rossan would try to charge me. Or a myriad other possibilities, horrid one and all, whose consideration is enough to make me tearful. Perhaps they don't care (probably, nobody else cares.

I miss it, my Stage.

But I shouldn't overthink it, I suppose. The Tale worked, people enjoyed it, people learned from it. A love story, and one with a happy ending, I thought, when I composed it. Yet I failed to realize what Bashir brought up: why did Feydsiyyar have so many beaus afterwards? Is it a love story if the love is not forever? I hadn't even stopped to consider that detail. I think the Alejandro that I was when I arrived would've said the lived together happily ever after. I suppose that's another fantasy I've come to discard.

(They were there, also. She was there. She didn't really speak to me)
(I shivered, softly, when she spoke with him. He had seemed strange)
("Storyteller", he said, instead of Alejandro, and it is nothing, but it nibbles at me)
(The wind rustling their ayabas. In her eyes, strange truths)
Title: Verdant Is the Garden
Post by: Don Nadie on March 12, 2024, 07:32:52 PM

Verdant Is the Garden

I trusted her like a vine trusts the sun, so I followed to the shelter.
"Example amidst the Voiced", I had called her, to the Legate.
And not without reason: valiant, honorable, defiant. 

"It is for you", she said.
"And you alone"
I hesitated. A part of me? Fearful.
The part that knew this came too easy, to me.
For I am a creature of vices, and no vice runs deeper than this.
Fate, upon its threshold.
But I surrendered. (If I can't trust her, who can I trust?)
"I swear it shall be so", I answered.
"Upon the bones of the saints"
"And the names of my mothers"
How easily, with what familiarity I took the knee.

So she raised her hands and the vines rose with her and in the vines there were shapes there were faces there was will and future and past as the remnant of the Garden drew arround us its veil and we delved softly as the eye opened and we were yes we were driven taken moved slid together as one her and I so close that it was as though the outlines of the self had diluded and mixed like watercolors in the rain and rain it was rain it was a deluge of truth undiluted a deluge of truth unending the way the self was elsewhere and fate and truth came to me like a lover pressing like a lover eager like a lover needfull like a lover like a lover and--

in  the  verdant  garden
the  green  leaves
rustle  in  onrush
red  is  the  rose
white  is  the  lilly
entwinned  like  lovers
the ages

A gasp, then, as though emerging from deep waters.
(Fate, I suppose, has depths unknown)
And a frown and a pondering and a quiet conversation.
A swift return, to the city. Questions.
Mundane questions, in the city, of history.
As history and the vision felt strangely entwinned.
And when I asked the most pertinent question, to this most pertinent witness...
"It was never needed, Alejandro", she said, calmly.
"We may prefer to think it was"
"But the Wheel knows"
Title: But I Want To
Post by: Don Nadie on March 13, 2024, 11:36:24 AM

But I Want To

Above us the glistening, saphire sky. In his hands, untouched coffee.
Sadness, pooling at the corner of his eyes.
Too many memories and too many emotions.
Nostalgia, and mourning, and jealousy, and strange, nameless things.
(I am, of course, familiar)
"Let's make things even", I whispered.
And without asking for permission (a vice, I know) I pulled him in.
(So slim, under that ugly robe)
"Hugs always help me", I explained, softly
"When I'm feeling too much, all at once"
Reticent, it took him a few moments to return the gesture.
"Yhou dhon't have tho choddle mhe, yhou knhow", he murmured.
His voice, muffled by my scarf. What prides we hold onto.
Elsewhere, the noise of merchants, of birds, of camels and soldiers.
But that was elsewhere. Here, a friend was overwhelmed.
"I don't", I said, "but I want to"
Holding him a moment longer, for touch carries comforts no word can.
Letting him go free.
"And", I added, "I like indulging my desires"
That did the trick, finished driving away the dark clouds.
And after such rains,
                                       red bloomed the roses.
Title: Echoing
Post by: Don Nadie on March 13, 2024, 05:25:53 PM


To be dissapointed on politics should be, by now, our little city's official sport. Still, I have lived a number of elections (ten, to be specific) and this is, beyond the shadow of a doubt, the dullest, most uninspiring, least stimulating of them all. The Gold have refused to run altogether, and I don't blame them: between Qari, Sol Auk, and the repeated fielding of Ariel as their candidate, they've lost much support. Marcellus has been dragged out of retirement with reticence by Cosine, and does a daily Bellows and nothing else. Between his supporters in the Accord (despite the many failings of his style) and his fan club, it seems all but granted he'll win. Specially considering Akna...

I've tried not to think too deeply on that, I suppose, because I feel guilty. By now, I was too eager to take the opportunity not to run when she asked. It was an easier path, one which allowed me to sidestep responsibility, and I took it, grateful that it also allowed me to be a decent friend. Zol Nur, however, said that my acquiescence benefitted nobody but Akna (not the city, not the League, not the elections), and I didn't quite believe him... Until the meeting, in all its horridness.

It was such a terrible affair. We had very few members in attendance (and I suppose those who are members only so far as it benefits them might as well be called "leeches" instead). Akna seemed to rely on people somehow thinking that because she was part of stopping Ricario (or, in her speeches, she personally did - nevermind the roles of Rosie or our dearly missed Jordan) people are going to give her the reins.

I told her to organize events. To reach independent voters or those known to vote for other Leagues. I told her to pass laws that were actually popular, instead of badly-phrased meassures she gets pushed into, and later regrets. But here we are. Her main moves, thus far, to court the Tower's vote (as though they'll choose her above Marcellus... Honestly, if they did, it'd mean she's giving them way too much) and a couple bellows, here and there. I will have to force myself, to vote for her.

Estellise's second coming said, yesterday, that the politics of this city reward the boring. If she's right, these two will be exceedingly succesful candidates. At least, neither of them is a Sol Auk. And they are both friends, and decent people. That is a consolation.

Still, it irks me, to see the White League like this. I keep thinking of that vision. Of the lillies and the roses and the strange little flowers that bloomed, all entwinned. There was such hope in that vision. It keeps echoing within me, as I bite my tongue not to be too bitter against Akna, not to be so open as to be hurtful (what's the point on being hurtful, at this stage of the game?).

It keeps echoing, and echoing, and echoing.

entwinned like lovers
the Ages
Title: A Little Lesson
Post by: Don Nadie on March 14, 2024, 08:49:47 AM

A Little Lesson

Last evening left me thinking about how much I like teaching... And how I wish more people would hire me. There's some pleasure in gathering the disparate pieces of evidence, all the matters I have record of, and weaving out of them a narrative. I suppose it is just another case where the arts of the storyteller and the historian meet. But there is a thrill in the improvisational aspects of it, the leaps of deduction and fancy, the questions, the telling. When one is in conversation, history feels alive and ringing, and one can almost feel it all arround us.

The topic, I suppose, didn't hurt either. A lovely one. Even if it made me tearful, at times. I suppose it was to be expected. He and I both have had our own burdens on the topic. In different ways, of course. I suppose that is one thing I failed to touch in my lesson. How multi-faceted it can be. How the heart can break (and bloom) in a thousand different ways. It tried, at least, to be supportive and inspiring. All one can do in these situations, really.

"Well, it's fine, because it's not serious", he shrugged.
Warding himself against the future, my poor friend.
I sighed. "Yes. You do keep saying that".
Title: Oooooh, Sha-lala
Post by: Don Nadie on March 15, 2024, 07:49:53 PM

Ooooh Sha-lala

[Tears stain this little draft of a Tale]

Once there was an egg that fell from the Heavens above.
And from that egg, a boy was born.
(For an egg may hold many things)
(And an egg from the stars, doubly so)

He was strange, of course.
(As is to be expected of a boy who came from an egg which came, in turn, from the Heavens above.)
And he was perhaps a little stranger when he started than when he ended.
Or perhaps the other way arround.
Though strangeness, too, is in the eye of the beholder.
And perhaps, from the Heavens above, he seemed more normal
(Or even weirder. Perhaps)

Regardless, such is the way of things: that they end.
(Even things that come from an egg which comes from the Heavens above)
Yet there are many ways of ending.
One can end things by marrying and being forever happy.
One can defeat the dragon and ride into the sunset.
One can be happy forever and ever. One can sleep under the mountain, with the fairies.

The boy who came from the egg which came from the Heavens above ended with a friend.
Holding his hand, softly, to keep him afloat. Saving his life.
And losing his own, in turn.
For life is a fragile thing.
(Even the life of a boy who came from an egg which came from the Heavens above)

That was his end: a hero.
And before his end, there were many things.
Most of them odd, some of them tender.

Ooooh, sha-lala

"Thank you", he said, "take this"
A drum found its way to my hands.
"You'll probably make more use of it than I"

And I can't believe that stupid thing was our last conversation.
Title: Honesty
Post by: Don Nadie on March 16, 2024, 09:36:34 AM


This may be a new record for me, I reflect: the making and the breaking of a promise, separated by barely a few phrases. Then again, a few phrases can contain a world of turmoil, and truth, and importance. These surely did. We were both shocked and uncertain, talking about what we just saw, talking about my involvement in it, small as it may have been. Zain. His death. His resurrection. We were looking at the pyramid, concernedly, when he said it. And then, said:

"I thought you should hear it".
"In case either of us ends up a bloody mess in the streets".
And much else was said, besides.

My response was, upon reflection, inadequate. I just feel so uncertain, at times. As thought I was walking on shifting sands that may swallow me whole, if I'm careless. In these matters, I'm used to performance: gallantry and chivalry, dramatic bows as one gives flowers. Like a bad imitation of Lynneth, I suppose. I never quite had her success, at knighthood. 

This time I tried honesty, instead. Bumbling my way through it, like a child learning to walk.

I was so awkward, so uncertain, it was almost a relief, when the Sergeant called upon me. Duty (suicidal, heroic duty) is an easier thing to handle. I looked at him, who but moments ago had asked me to stay away from the whole matter. To be safe.

He sighed - I think he saw it: that I couldn't refuse.
"Go", he said, irked. "Do what you have to"

So I went, and I did. But not before another whisper and another at honesty. Clumsy, uncertain, in the midsts of walking back on a promise. But honesty, nonetheless.
Title: The Tale of the Boy Who Loved His Goat
Post by: Don Nadie on March 16, 2024, 09:51:40 AM

The Tale of the Boy Who Loved His Goat

[A Tale has been recorded here, and nowhere else.]

Once, there was a boy who loved his goat. And one day a Storm came. And because the boy loved his goat, when he heard it bleat... He rushed past his parents, and rushed out, to seek it. And the storm raged so wildly that he couldn't see, but only heard, as the home where his family was taking shelter came crashing down. Burying them beneath.

Once, the boy had a goat, and somehow lived through the storm. And as he walked into the wilds, by the shores, he told himself that any moment now one of the Saints would come. Santa Azucena, perhaps, who was his favourite. She would ride atop the waves on her white horse and save him.

And because Santa Azucena was coming, he walked forward and didn't let himself falter.

Not even when the goat he loved died and he had to eat it. For little meat was availible, and even less water. And goat's blood was better than nothing.

At long last the boy saw people. And while he was dissapointed it was not a santa, he still cried with joy. For people meant food and shelter, did it not? The boy was a boy, after all. Sixteen or so, barely on the cusp of becoming a man, and was used to adults being kind, and loving, and protective, and tender. So when it turned out they were a roaming band of bandits, it took him by surprise. The first lash took him by surprise. Of course one gets used to everything. Or at least, eventually everything loses its surprising qualities.

Blunted by use.

But still, the boy had his stories! So he knew any day now, as he emptied the latrines on the coast or went for water or did any of the endless chores, he'd meet a golden fish who'd give him three wishes. Mum, his goat, and the loss of all those scars. A bit selfish to go for his mum, considering his whole family was dead but... Who are we to judge?

And sometimes, when he felt the desire to escape and it was so bright and burning that he'd jump off a cliff, just to make it go away... He told himself the Tale of how angels rescued people who were very, very good. And he was very, very good. So he didn't jump.

The lash, the hunger, the *word here, scratched* all of it, he endured. Because there were tales always there, to endure with. And every tale was a lie, and every tale was hope. And every tale kept him alive one day longer. So that, when opportunity came, he was alive to take it. And run. And run and run and run until his lungs burnt. Until he saw in the distance a light.

And under that light, a Hakarawi so kind that, to his eyes, he felt like Warad himself. And this Hakarawi gave him food and water and drink and, seeing his state, gave him a blanket. And with deep and lovely voice he recited...

"Once, there was a wanderer..."

"But my throat grows tired and the hour grows late", I finished.
"So we must pause here the Thousandfold Tale"
I didn't look at him. Gazed only at the stars.
I knew he was near, though. Warm, in the night.
"Let us live, and let us drink"
"in the hopes of finishing it tomorrow..."
My tone, practiced. Perfect. Even this Tale.
This Tale, most of all. Known only by her, smiling between the stars.
And now, him, too.
"Oh, were that the Thousandfold Tale was written within our hearts...", I added
"So it's lessons would always be with us."
Title: On Blooming and Fighting and Mourning
Post by: Don Nadie on March 17, 2024, 12:49:35 PM

On Blooming and Fighting and Mourning

 First - a party: joyful tales, delightful meals. A crown of flowers upon my brow. A delight with Storytelling and drinks. The joy of seeing bloom, upon the lips of a mournful friend, a smile. Say what you will, tales about flatulence are a classic when you need to cheer someone up.

(It reminded me of mamá, when there was a storm, and we were grumpy, and we told the same tale. I remembered how María and Blanca and Clara and I would compete to see who made the biggest noise. I felt their absence, piercing. But also with some joy, I think. Some peace, to have so many in this city I loved just as dearly as I loved them)

Second - An Ordeal: villany detained on its tracks, or at least delayed. Wading through blood and worse than blood, dashing through the lines with a smile on my lips, daring and (hopefully) dashing. Ilusion and speed and slipperiness - ever a trickster. A bit of fun at Cosine's expense, too. Never a bad thing. Coin, rejected, too. Heroes need no such thing. I felt, for a moment, a hero.

(My cheek muscles hurt, however. From all the smiling. From all the grinning. Why is such a long battle one of the few things that makes me smile like that? Why do I feel so satisfied when I stab those who'd stab me? Why is battle such a rush, such a feeling of peace and aliveness as one can rarely find? Spokes above, I know I must seem inspiring and dashing to lift the spirits of my companions, I know I must sing cheerfully but, why do I keep smiling through it in a way that feels less and less like a performance?) 

Third: A Wake Narwen was angry. When I first heard her Bellows, I thought it had nothing to do with us, with our adventure. Turns out she was angry and me, at Bashir. Someone had told her we had set to somehow attack a caravan of Elves of the Spring. That Margarethe and Marcellus, throwing arround careless rumors and... I can't even call it a half-truth, because it was quite the opposite of it. She had a right to her anger, though. I suppose I would've much prefered to include her - even though this was certainly bigger than the elves. So many corpses, and caravans...

"You know me", I said, looking at Selsi.
"the villanies you feared, if they happened before me..."
"Either I wouldn't return, or they wouldn't come to pass"

(It does cause me some sadness, however. That Narwen feels closer to Vico than to Zol Nur. That Zol Nur would choose Oro over Narwen. It is mournful, to know that sometimes our colors warp who we are, twist us and leave us unable to see the good as good, the wicked as wicked. I do wish they'd be...)

(I suppose I wish they'd be worse members of their faction. Like I was).
Title: Upon the Threshold
Post by: Don Nadie on March 17, 2024, 02:19:48 PM

Upon the Threshold

An oath, writ upon the threshold of Mystery:
"I swear it on the Saints's bones", I said,
"and the names of my mothers"
Solemn the occasion - for trespass requires solemnity.
(Or is it trespass, when invited?)
I do not know if I hesitated too much, or too little.
(Does it matter?)
(The Cup is emptied and, at the bottom, many things become possible)               
(That would otherwise not be)

and thus she leD
downwards, few darE
newfound, embroiled oathS
ancient, the eagerness so poetiC
the path  blooms, careless radiancE
and thus softens slowly all conversatioN
our steps, by Ages untold, in blood resisteD

                                                                    And I crossed the threshold of Mystery, where dreams are woven by blind spiders
                                                                    Therein meeting Its darkness of sphinxes: the flutter of their wings, a Torment
                                                                    Therein seeking, like lover, Revelation, and finding It, with burning, eager fingers.
                                                                    Its promises murmured on the Threshold, before we break, unsated, our embrace.

It was upon my lips, Revelation:
Δ   Q   Β   Ρ
Title: Dreaming the Path
Post by: Don Nadie on March 18, 2024, 03:44:09 PM

Dreaming the Path

I was dreaming the path.

I whispered the words, in the ear of the statue. The names of my sisters opened the doors, yet as soon as I said them, they were forgotten forever. I did not mind: I was dreaming the path.

I went down alone. I held, high, Jamileh's lantern. Through the ancient halls I moved, with certainty. Along the walls, faces and hands held in prayer. A thousand eyes followed my steps, and a thousand mouths cursed me. I did not mind: I was dreaming the path.

I stepped on the Ages. My heart beat faster, and faster, too, did I walk. I knew the one I loved was deeper, the one I sought. He carried his face (or was it his?), but His name was Truth. My body ached with unsated passion. I sought Him, burning with desire. I did not mind: I was dreaming the path.

I waded through the air. Invisible but assured, its hatred. My naked skin felt the thickness of the space. Against its stillness, my passion; against its dearth, my onrush. My heart was a drum, my heart was a torrent. The halls did not want me, but I did not let that stop me. The light of my lantern flickered and died. I did not mind: I was dreaming the path.

In the darkness, I divined the way forward. My every step, resisted; my desire, opposed. The Ages kept, between Truth and I, the distance. I ached as I moved forward: pain in my head, my heart, my lungs, my loins; pain in the soles of my feet. The coldness of the marble floor, thorns. In pain, I reached the threshold. In the treshold, we embraced.

When I woke up, my nose was bleeding and my sheets were stained. I was feverish, covered in sweat.

I did not mind: I was dreaming the path.
Title: The Rumor Mill
Post by: Don Nadie on March 19, 2024, 05:39:51 PM

The Rumor Mill

I was, I think, a little moved when Reyer sought me. Even if I had already done my own digging, and he was the third (or fourth?) to tell me. I am, of course, an incredibly dedicated gossipmonger.

"Sharp as ever", he said.
Satisfaction glinting in his good eye.
"Still, went through some things, you and I"
"figured I might as well give you a heads up"

I found myself realizing I'm quite fond of the man. A bit of a surprise, all things considered. Who would've told the stubborn Student I was, endless annoyed at Colmes, that he'd call another Sergeant something like a friend? I suppose hell and mourning do a lot to bind people. With all the information, hopefully, this trap shall be easy enough to dodge. It may be worth talking to Caddick, at the very least.

"Good idea to be careful, always", mentioned Meadow, when I asked her.
"Reclutas", she added, "always turn thug"

Still, the new crop of Reclutas seems particularly hostile, at least with me. Eager to show their rudeness, to push around. For all his faults, Vico at least had a charm those I've met recently sorely lack. His every word was a threat, of course, but  he was relatively charming about it. If I'm going to be threatened violence, I should at least feel as though may get laid before, during, or after. Just saying.

"Of course", she added, after being the first to tell me.
Her smile serene and perfect, unbreakable.
"You didn't hear this from me"

Odd, to think of Vico nowadays. His name has been almost forgotten, it seems. Or at least, I rarely hear it. I suppose most people mourn those they loved, and not those they hated or feared. Perhaps they still drink to his health in the Fortress, but it doesn't really seem so. Mostly, it is almost as though some of the Rossans were... Relieved?

"He's just a distraction", said the Secretary, a while back.
"Will be dead and forgotten in a month"

He was very definitely not wrong.
Can't deny a certain emptiness to all of these rumors and preoccupations. As though what happens up here was an illusion... While Truth awaits me (and calls me) Below.
Title: As in the Times of Bloom and Silver
Post by: Don Nadie on March 20, 2024, 08:29:57 PM

As in the Times of Bloom and Silver

Once, there was an ancient city.
And in that ancient city, myriad Silverworks.
Where many things were made.
Many things that were beautiful, and delicate, and soft.

"Of this victory there shall be feast, and quaffing of much sweet wine."
An invitation, it seemed. Brought in embroidered heraldry.
"And also shall there be contest, in Har'pas", it added,
"as there was in the days of Silver"
An invitation. Many strange and uncommon joys promised. Perhaps nightmares.
"Games!", it exclaimed, in ritualistic elation, "Bread and Games!"
An invitation. Why did it sound like a threat?

High came the axe, before descending.
In two, it cleft the head of a brother.
In clefting the head, the axe broke.
In breaking the axe, the clans dispersed.
In dispersing the clans, violence ensued.
And in the violence, red blood and redder fires.
Murderer, upon their lips.

"Please tell me you're not going to that trap", she said, later.
At her new home. Two beds. I suppose such is life, sometimes.
"I don't think so", I sighed. I am not thrilled at anything that honors the Murderer.
(And I find myself less eager to die heroically, these days)
"Then again", I admitted, "I am curious".
Curiosity, of course, being the thing that killed the cat.

And so it was, for an Age and many.
That the times of Bloom and Silver were gone.
And their arrows darkened the skies.
For a sire of War walked amongst them.

Title: I'd Call You a Friend
Post by: Don Nadie on March 21, 2024, 08:09:43 PM

I'd Call You a Friend

We were in her office when it happened.
Discussing politics, as one does.
The corruptions, horrors and tribulations of the Assembly.
My fears, how she could help me, her kindly offer.
Then, the latest development. Her choice, her burden.

"Do you think", she concluded, "I made a mistake with Qadira?"

Why we were on this topic escaped me. She was certainly burdened.
And perhaps I was there, willing to listen. So I gave my response, my own thoughts.
Her frown, deep. Meandering hypotheses running through her mind.

"I am sorry, Alejandro", she interjected, concern in her voice.
"You do not deserve such laid upon you".

I did not knew what to answer. She seemed, for a moment, so small.
A tiny old woman, on a huge chair, sighing. On her shoulders, so much weight.
And trying to spare me, what? Concern?

"Señora mia...", I sighed, "at the risk of taking undue liberty..."
"It is no... Issue, to hear your burdens"
"Because I respect you greatly", I said. I paused.

Weary, the both of us. Each with our concerns, and ideas, and beliefs.
Each with causes for disagreement, I'm sure... But, in kindness, reaching out.

"And I would call you a friend", I added."

At that, she smiled. As did I.
Title: Let It Go
Post by: Don Nadie on March 22, 2024, 11:15:02 AM

Let It Go

"Every Balladeer has sought to speak of the same to me"
"Why I left", I explained, "and why not return"

Apparently, they don't call it "the Dungeon" anymore.
Not sure why that hurt me so much, but it did.
Maybe being there just brought it all back, an onrush.
(The last time I was there. The first, too.)
(Lynneth's smile and encouragement, first. Her lips, when they burnt, last.)
It took me a moment to refocus from the roses, to return to the present.
What a strange echo, she was, before me.

"Every Recluta has come with the matter of you, at one point or another", she explained.
"Of course, there's an easy solution: your return"

I don't think she knew quite what she was asking.
As she laid her reasons: lack of personel, my own resourcefulness, my expertise.
To save the world, was I not needed? Was sacrifice not deserving?
She didn't knew the half of it, I suppose.
My work there, my leaving. Many things I told her. Some, I kept for myself.
(What transpired before those very roses, I kept for myself)
(Though I do not know why I feel this shame, when I remember.)

"I kept telling every Student that the real College was not the cloaks, the fortress, the roses"
"That all that was attrezo, and the College was in our hearts"
A sigh, a sip of the cup. She had served something sweet, not the Drink.
(Thankfully. I don't know whether I'd have had the strength to reject It)
"Then Aubrey called my ideas 'nonsense' and 'a sure path to irrelevance'"
"And Lyrists and Grandmaster, more politely, agreed"

I will never know what hurt most:
The rejection of my ambitions, after months of toil and effort...
Or seeing my ideals rebuffed, rejected in such a way.
Obviously, by now, it doesn't matter.

"Balladeers either die in battle", I explained.
"Or sink deep into his cups, unable to endure the Real"
I did not have the heart to bring up Aurelio. His sad state.
I would be like him by now, however: I know it.
Just waiting for a chance to die a hero.
"I tried the first", I added, softly, "I survived".
"And I don't want to drown, again"

I would admit there was something echoing within me, at her words, as the conversation went on and we touched on Fate, and Sacrifice, and Hope, and DQWR. But was I not, for all their burdens, at peace with my choices? I think I was. I think I am where I am meant to. Or, at least, where I want to be. Bannerless hedgeknight, trickster-scholar. I do not know that I believe in Fate as I once did, but this feels as it should... Fate and Choice and Chance and Effort. Echoing, within me, their prophecies: 

The Cup will not be found by a knight in shining armor
From the viewpoint of prophecy, you're better: a hedgeknight.
Red is the Rose, white is the Lily
Entwinned, like lovers, the Ages

Wrapped in prophecy and certain, I felt it once once more.
The desire to be, again, a Roseknight.
I felt it and, tenderly, I let it go.

[A little note has been added at the bottom - part of a last conversation.]

"Poor Lynneth", she said as we left the College, "Would that I could've met her"
I smiled, remembering her gallantry towards Hypatia.
"In some ways, you're very similar", I said, softly.
Then, I found myself pausing. Sighing.

"She was much more human than the statues make her seem, though"
"That's what was best about her"
Title: Hapax Legomenon
Post by: Don Nadie on March 23, 2024, 10:08:15 AM

Hapax Legomenon

In my room we gathered once more, like in old times. It had grown dustier, fuller. Bookshelves had been added, new books climbing on top of others. The notes of new, stranger translations littered the floor. The notes for the People's History were everywhere at once. It was a mess but, for once, I forgot to apologize for it.

"Of course, every translator comes to face their worst foe"
"The hapax legomenon", she said.
"The word that occurs in no other source"

I hesitated, considering. Had I, really?
I am likely the best translator in the Well. At least the most dedicated.
(Yes, Naelin, if you're reading it after my death: eat dirt!)
(Also, in case you're reading it after my death: I love you, you idiot!)
Was there truly such a perfect cypher? Had I seen it?

"No word is isolated", I responded, at last.
"There are always clues in its morphology. Prefixes, suffixes, roots"
"But also, in its position within the sentence. In its use"
"Every word is bound to the rules of its language. Entwined with every word elsewhere in the sentence."
"Every word, sometimes despite itself, contains information"

I was thinking about "DQWR", of course, though it is perhaps the opposite of what she meant. A word that has been repeated endlessly, over the aeons, worn out by use with all of our hopes, all of our dreams... And yet, its true meaning hides in a jungle of legend and elaboration. So many words written "about" it that almost everyone, when finding the letters, are too awed to realize how they are used. The leters have a meaning, hidden. Yet the position, writing, use, deliverance. Like a teasing lover, they show enough to awaken Desire, to call us ever closer.

That day, Caddick was awed because she thought the legends were True.
I was awed because I was closer to Truth itself.

"True", she said. A smile on her lips.
"Just like we mortals, ourselves"
"Each, a piece of a grand puzzle"

I was, perhaps, too tense. This discussion, and the one before. A nameless hesitation ran through my thoughts, as though part of me was too busy measuring that we kept our distance, and another part of me was too shamed that I was measuring the distance, and another, too shamed of the shame in the first place. A tangle: such are, often, our conversations.

"It us good you took the opportunity to come with us", she had said.
There had been a slight smile on her lips.
Satisfaction, maybe. I couldn't tell.
"I cannot say no to Truth", I had admitted.
"It calls"
She did not seem to truly react. Not a change in her expression.
In the dusty air, not a movement came from her.
Just steadiness. Certainty. Her smile, too, of the Ages.
"And that is why you remain our friend", she had responded, at last.
"And why you always will", she had added.

It wasn't clear from her tone whether she meant
                                                                                            or suggestion,
                                                                                                                     or statement,
                                                                                                                                              or command.

"Hapax Legomenon"
Title: I Was Dreaming the Path
Post by: Don Nadie on March 23, 2024, 11:39:11 AM

I Was Dreaming the Path

I was dreaming the path. Downwards and downwards, a spiral.
I was dreaming the path and I was holding His hand.
Truth led me downwards, our fingers entwinned.
So tightly that our flesh was one. Our flesh was one and our flesh was burning.
He turned his head slightly, tightened His grasp. He smiled.
In the darkness, His smile was a promise.
I was dreaming the path. I was burning with desire. I was promised.
I was dreaming the path and I went downwards and downwards.
The Depth was reached. Before us, the Threshold.
Truth pushed me against the Threshold and our flesh was one and our flesh was Truth.
On my mouth, His mouth. On my breath, His breath.
Burning, His fingers on my skin. His touch sizzled on my flesh and I exhaled, ecstasic.
I was promised. I was marked. In my want, I was wanted.
And His lips were on mine and His lips were hers.

I woke up sweating, bleeding from my nose, stained, feverish.
I woke unsated, on my chest there were tiny, reddish burns.
Like the footprints of birds on sand, the mark of His fingertips.
Title: Ancient, the Games
Post by: Don Nadie on March 24, 2024, 11:26:24 AM

Ancient, the Games

I barely got glimpses of the fights with all their staging and boisterous grandeur. I was, I think, dazed. Awed, perhaps. The stories woven, the chants from the thousand throats of a thousand clans. What strange beauty they craft, these murderers. What a culture they have, so refined in all its cruelty.

I cared not for the violence, and much for history. I slipped through the passageways taking note of impressions, of ancient glyphs, of rare structures. Like a shadow, I moved, hearing the distant sounds of battle, the chants. History, held within the very stones. History, in that Throne. A story, too, retold in blood.

Once, there was a city.
And within that city, many wonders were made.
Silverworks for refined jewels, for bangles and beads.
Delicate wonders from worshipful hands.

Then came the breach, the war. Failed, the embassies of Peace.
Then came the burning of the Trees and the palaces.
Then came the Bronze. High the axe, clefting the helm.
Then came the brother to shed his kin's blood.
Then came Aeb, of the a word here, redacted

They were Bellicose.
Their Way, borne by the Disc.

Only much later, after I was left looking at the Celestial Disc, alone in the ruins, did I realize that people had died. And I, too obsessed over exploring, over writing, over listening; too crouched upon an ancient corner of this ancient place, forgot to care.

I dislike what that says about me.
Title: The Difference
Post by: Don Nadie on March 24, 2024, 07:23:14 PM

The Difference

The difference between a lie and silence is a thin one. When a friend is telling you something you already know, how do you react? When you're bound, in oath most solemn, to silence, what can you tell?

I longed to share but I couldn't. I longed to at least share that I couldn't share, but it felt unfair and against the spirit of my promise. "I hope to explore it with you", I said instead. Which had the advantage of being true.

Such a tiny difference. Such a painful thing.

Horrid, to hold onto so thin a ledge, lest you fall.

Below, who knows. Maybe betrayal. Maybe dissapointment.

Maybe, worst of all, his sorrow.
Title: Elyse
Post by: Don Nadie on March 24, 2024, 08:05:56 PM


Yes, I was there. No, I did not notice.

Enamoured of history. Enticed by the Ages. Her death flew high above my head.

I find myself now, here, alone. Amist my own collection of ancient things. I remember the stories of giants slowly turning to mountains, slowly becoming one with their loneliness. Is that what's happening to me? Am I beginning to care so much about these ancient things that I lose track of someone dear?

I taught her to dig. I guided her first steps. I showed her the Ramparts. It felt like a small betrayal, her joning the College. (And I hate that it felt like a betrayal). It felt saddening, her slow but steady distancing herself. Her following Aurelio, his little archaeologist. She reminded me so much of Portia (and how I failed Portia) that, when I saw her appear with her Rose cloak, her cheeks flushed with reverie, I sometimes felt my stomach clench.

And now she's dead.

"How do you do it?", she asked.
"Do what?", I wondered.
"Live without it. Without the Drink"
And I smiled, tiredly.
Said that we could discuss it later.
And later never came, and those were our last words to each other.

So it goes, so it goes.
Title: It Came to Pass
Post by: Don Nadie on March 26, 2024, 10:26:52 AM

It Came to Pass

I was chatting with a friend when it came to pass. Discussing my fears. "I'm one bribed Legate away from losing my ability to work, or worse", I think I said. He  was offering wisdom (as ever), commenting on my pride. He was not wrong, of course, that I am prideful, that I could just accept some restrictions and navigate them more easily, if I just feigned acquiescence.

And I can't. I guess I just don't have that many things I am proud of. But my research? That's the one aspect of my life where I've never done anything I'm ashamed of. Where I can say I've been wholeheartedly honorable. Where I can look at everything, from beginning to end, with pride.

"I am the best archaeologist in the Well", I declared.
Because it's true. There's nobody in the Tower half as good as I.
"Nobody think Mae Stern a better archaeologist than you", he said.
"This one will of course deny this, in public".

A part of me winced, at that. Not falseehood, perhaps, but insincerity. From him of all people. I understood, of course, his reasons. Still, there was something horrid about this city getting even to him. As the discussion went over the past, as I mentioned how the Tower diverted blame by casting aside the Torchbearers...

"Faction work for faction", he said.
"Alejandro know this", he added.
Resignation. The world as is, not as it should be.

And I was going to respond, when it came to pass. Their arrival, in seriousness. To search me. All that had to be hidden was hidden, but I still felt exposed. To investigate me. To request information as though I had done something wrong. And the moment I realized it was happening I felt the world contract, I felt myself tightening with fear. They wanted to see my papers. I was prepared, of course. I have been prepared since Vergal first threatened us and Jamileh began to fall into paranoiaThey wanted to see my authorizations. I have known this was bound to happen, I have known it for so long and I still had to make an effort not to tremble. I took them to my room, took Zol Nur along. A witness. The one thing I'm proud of, the one thing - stories. The one thing and in danger And he said he'd get that report, maybe come back.

"It fine", he said.
"Alejandro had papers"
And he patted my back.

And I hated everything about it.
Title: I Needed a Smoke
Post by: Don Nadie on March 26, 2024, 03:10:43 PM

I Needed a Smoke

I was spiraling, when he appeared, wincing with concern. I was feeling as though the walls were in closing on me, as I explained the search, the issue. Every muscle in my body wanted to run away, to bolt, to jump into the clouds and never leave and get lost and just escape escape escape -- and he caught my wrist right as I began scratching.

"I need a smoke", I addmited, softly. 
Perhaps not the best thing to say to my stern doctor.
But I really did. And I'm trying honesty.
"What you need is a bath and a hot meal", he grumbled.
So I cleared my throat, I paused, I put the cigarette away.
(It was not easy)
"Take me for some falafel, then", I said.

A hot meal didn't do me ill, but I was still a bit lost, a bit distant. Through my mind were running the practicalities of death. The realization that my Will still named Domhnall, and few else, for example. The thought kept growing within me, cancerous: if I was gone, what would need to be done? How could I ensure my research continued? What could allow me to survive? Could I dodge the lions? How? What would I miss? What

"Want to go on a trip?", I proposed, softly.

I was spiraling and needed mizzar, but the practicalities? The practicalities held some meaning. Giving him a key before we left was one of them, so that someone could get my books. Going on a trip, too, was part of it - if something happened and I hadn't, I would regret it.

His reaction to the Tower was unsurprising, but that didn't make it any less pleasant to witness. There's something that fills the heart, about seeing someone else brimming with joy, immersed in what makes them happiest, what they were almost made for. And this was, perhaps, as good as the Terrace. I watched him watch the flowers and, for a moment, I forgot the dread, and the fear, and the expectation and I forgot even the desire of...

"This is better than mizzar", I murmured, smiling softly.
Atop the stairs, for once more or less my size as he examined some ivy, he turned.
His eyes as verdant as the leaves, and just as lush.
"Being arround all these plants?"

And my smile widened as breathed in, deeply, the scent.
And I answered the Truth, and it tasted sweet in my mouth.
And it felt brave: to seek Truth, here, above.
With as much passion as I sought Him elsewhere
And if something happened there'd still be regrets.
But there'd be one less, to count.
Title: Better than Me
Post by: Don Nadie on March 26, 2024, 11:06:58 PM

Better than Me

He didn't understand my melancholia. My anger, my hurt pride, the... Pain of seeing him, in that position - not so much for what he was, but because of what it meant about him. What he was becoming.   

"You said you wouldn't admit it in public"
"And that saddens me - because you never lied, before"

He gave me one of those long stares.
In the darkness, his onyx eyes seemed so shiny.
It was the sparks of torches, reflecting and flickering within.

"This one does not lie", he said. "Witholds truth"
"But, why sorrowful?", he asked. "Alejandro loves lie"

And I felt my mood sink as others dug into the past, and bit my tongue.
I bit my tongue because all I wanted to do was cry, softly:

"But you're supposed to be better than me"
Title: An Understudy
Post by: Don Nadie on March 27, 2024, 03:05:45 PM

An Understudy

Once, a lifetime ago, in the Rampart Nusrum, warhorns rang.
"We must scape", said the Professor, who had been leading the expedition.
"But the people!", cried the Singer, concerned for those who remained at the camp.
"We cannot leave them", said the Dwarven Hero, Shield of Ephia.
So they readied themselves, for battle.

He sighed, gently. "I'm not angry", he said.
"You just have fantastically bad judgement, sometimes"
I pressed my lips, trying to hold in the tears.

We were covered in blood, the both of us. The orcan's, and each other's. First we had won, but twenty corpses became forty became sixty... And in rode the cavalry, their spears shimmering in the raging fires. By the time we could retreat, it was too late. Overrun. Defeated. By telling Elias we couldn't leave the innocents behind, and had to fight, did I save anyone? And, even if I had saved them all, was it worth almost losing him?

"I failed", I whispered, "and I'm sorry"
I clenched my own wrist, to not scratch. I wanted to draw blood so badly.
"Dont be", he said. So very, very tired. "You did what you thought was right"
"You would've saved them, if you could".
He hesitated, dodging my eyes. "I can't blame you for that".

I held myself best I could, I said my goodbyes, but it was the door that was what did it. When I tried to open it, and it was locked, I just bursted into tears. A blood-soaked wimp, sniffling on the stairs, his heart spilling all over with guilt and love and sorrow and inadequacies, none more horrid than failing to protect someone he --

He interrupted the spiral of my tearful self-pity, his hand on my cheek.
"I don't want to lose you, either", he whispered.

And on they faced the Bellicose's assault.
Shields ringing, swords shining. A song high upon their lips.
On they faced it, and they lived.
And so lived the innocent caravaneers.
And all was joy and peace and happiness forever

Never had I felt like such a terrible understudy for Snorri.
Title: Alternative Timelines
Post by: Don Nadie on March 29, 2024, 08:50:55 PM

Alternate Timelines

For some reason, there's a part of me that can't avoid seeing lives as stories and viceversa. Sometimes (more often, since I've tasted the taste of Truth) our lives seem, but for a moment, strange and distant things. To be judged for artistic merit, rather than as something messy and solid. It's a momentary impression. I blink and the feeling is gone, but the way it lingers gives some interactions a strange, distant air...

I suppose I reflect on this, particularly, because a discussion on the Second Coming of Estellise Azimi had become a discussion on the merits of different literary tropes.

"Look", I said, "all I'm saying is alternate universes are lazy storytelling"
"An excuse to be derivative, instead of trying something new"
Clarissant smiled, softly.
She has patience - and she likes the trope.
(And I like her patience, much more peaceful)
"Well, I'm sure there's an alternative you somewhere"
She chuckled, amusement glittering in her eyes, as she added:
"An Alejandro who thinks alternative timelines are "neat""
Naelin, in turn, frowned a bit.
Perhaps, due to her own experience.
Visions of alternatives, visions of otherwhens, otherifs.
"Well, don't say that in front of her!", she said.
Then, in a lower tone, almost of conspiracy, she added:
"It might make her sad"

And I suppose therein lays the trouble. Imagining people as stories is useful for the storyteller (and doubly so for the historian) but it flattens them. Their lives get lost in the plot. I wonder, what of the people who'll be remembered mostly in my History? I am trying to bring both their virtues and flaws but, ultimately, they have more to do with statues than with beating hearts...

Is Colmes the man trying to establish law and find Zarat, or is he a detective story? Was Lynneth the messy woman who couldn't resist wooing and also did grand heroics, or a knight's tale? Was Domhnall himself, a complicated and messy man with beautiful, shining eyes, whose tenderness became more and more rare, or was he a classical story about politics rotting idealists?

And I? What story am I?

And what story could I be, if only?

[A few dropplets of blood stain the end of this entry.]
And I find myself reflecting, too, on that heinous tower of LIES where the stained glass LIED about the past and the books LIED about the future and the voice echoed with LIES - for such was Their work, Their name as familiar to me as the shadow of Their daggers. They weave their LIES in history, right in the white space between one word and another...Alternative times are but distractions and LIES, and I fear them not and I care not for them - I walk faster and faster, because so long as I move forward, I can't be caught.

And I carry on my lips, everburning, the sweet taste of Truth.

Title: Haunted
Post by: Don Nadie on March 31, 2024, 09:58:48 AM


Another chapter, now finished. Act III. It is strange, reflecting upon it. No other Act feels as distant to me as this one. Many of the aspects that I lived through the last two are still here, within me. Scarred and weary, but present... Yet I have realized the Alejandro that lived through those events is entirely gone.

He haunts me, in a way. I remember the passion with which I thought the Accorded ought to be allowed Legateship, my anger and sense of betrayal when Zaniah agreed to that. I remember my anger at Kythaella and Velan, my faith in the League of White and democracy. The hopes I had on Mae, the way I trusted her. To think about it is to feel a thin knife sliding into my stomach.

I feel as though I have been changed so throughly, I scarcely recognize that man anymore. And what remains is a weight that I cannot quite lose. The memory of Pirouette which still echoes every time I pass the Pilgrim, I wonder what she would think, if she saw me right now and--

[The notes suddenly stop. A pause in the writing which, upon return, shows a much more deliberate and steady hand]

I really shouldn't think on it. I shouldn't ponder on it. To think of it makes me want to smoke. Makes me want the Drink. Makes me long for the bottom of the sea or the cliffside or the well.

So here's something else: I finished something hard - a chapter of History. I did a good job, which will hopefully be rewarded. I must be proud, and look forward, and move forward. I must remind myself that I am aiding my city, that I have many friends, that my work is respected, that people care about me.

This is the present moment, and the moment is forever.

Euoi, Seucsippus, euoi!
May memory empty itself into the present.
May the heart fill to the brim, and spill.
May euphoria find me as I move.
Forward forward forward forward.
Euoi, Seucsippus, euoi!
Title: Irrelevant
Post by: Don Nadie on March 31, 2024, 10:03:21 PM


It is amusing to be called "Irrelevant", by a Nadiri of all people. Though evidently, she is much more. She knew things she had not right to know, hidden things, secret things. She said she had visions... Visions, sure. It feels as though she was cheating, with her knowledge. Earned elsewhere, elsewhen, elsehow. I suppose such is the way with diviners? It sucks, in a way. I'd love to know things without being in places, personally... Would save me so much effort!

Regardless, what's interesting is not that she had visions. Nor that she called me "Irrelevant". The first is normal in a diviner, I suppose; the second, so obviously stupid as to be ignored. After all, it is not as though they had all come to discuss the writings of Mae Stern. 

I think the saddest thing is that, having somehow knowledge of all my life, of things well beyond her reach, having so much divination and so much information... She thinks that the reason I left the College was that I didn't want to be in Aubrey and Aurelio's shadow.

How can one know so much... And still be so ignorant?
Title: Vertigo
Post by: Don Nadie on April 01, 2024, 08:33:02 AM


Arround me, in silence, a gathering. Heads of the War Council, officials of the Accord, Jannisaries... All listening.

In that moment, it struck me once more. That history and story are but one thing, that the past is a tale, that each tale echoes the past. There was no substantial difference between the public there and the public when I perform the Thousandfold Tale. It is a matter of rhetorics and construction, of how and why you build the narrative. But in essence?

In essence, it is the same.

Once there was a city.
And in that city, wonders were made.
Jewels of silver, weapons of bronze.
And its name was Bet Nappahi

I went through evidence and theories, doing my best to insist on the hypohetical nature of much of it. What I offer, after all, is ever speculation. Well-informed, perhaps, but speculation nonetheless. And perhaps, in the Telling, even I got carried away, Story presented as Truth.

(Such a tempting thing, Truth.)

Once, an argument ensured.
"Are we for War or for the turning of the Ages?"
Discussions upon discussions followed.
Till the Axe was raised, and broken.
And the Ash first drank a brother's blood.
Spilled by a brother's hand.

A seat was offered. My idea, which had captured Zain's imagination. I suppose it made sense, and it was a good position for my talents. This was not a simple war, but an ever-War.

The echo of an echo of an echo.

History, reververating through the Ages.

The past and the present thus entwinned, like lovers.

And once, and again, and again, it came.
The Games, the celebrations, the ringing of the shields.
The past, staged; the songs, sung.
The Ages, burnt in the flesh of the Disc.

And when we were done, when the meeting ended, I found myself dazzled. I stood at the lobby for a moment, my expression so thoughtful and lost Bashir was, for a moment, concerned. There was no reason to be, of course. I just was somewhat lost in the moment, finding my way back to the present.

Standing so tall on my work, on all the evidence and stories and deduction and reading... I felt as though I had climbed a high Peak and saw, below me, the distant shapes of the Past.

And I felt vertigo.
Because deep go the Ages.
And deeper, still, Truth awaits me.
Title: We Will
Post by: Don Nadie on April 01, 2024, 10:15:07 PM

We Will

"Governance", she whispered, with a rueful smile.
"It is not quite our cup of tea, really, is it?"
"It is not", I admitted.
"But it needs doing"
We were whispering by the altar (her altar)
The wind made the leaves of the palm-tree rustle, like a secret.
"Yes", she agreed. Her hands entwinned under her sleeves.
"This is what being a citizen means"
I found myself pondering whether I did, in fact, hate her.
And how much more simple things would be, if I did.
My mentor, and friend, and superior officer, all.
If she were alive - how different things would be.
"It is so beautiful against the dusk", she said, suddenly.
A pause, a breath's length. Cricket's ringing in the silence.
"Al'Nasr", she added, almost to herself.
I followed her gaze, set on the Pyramid.
Behind it, the sky bloomed in purple and red.
The colors embracing slowly and mingling and darknening.
As the starts bloomed one after another.
"At this hour", I said, "things seem both eternal and transiet"
"As though they'd stay forever like this", I pondered.
"And all it takes is a blink, for them to vanish".

I lowered again my gaze, from the stars (and the space between the stars) - The altar was an open hand, inviting. At that moment, I remembered the first prayer I was taught by the Hakawati. I was so small, when I learned it. I was so broken, too.

"Take my hand, and heed the call.
Take my hand, and go further
Take my hand, for the world is wide.
And in its wideness, my hand is waiting"
Odd, to think of that old prayer, which I hadn't recited in ages. A prayer for children, really, simple in its construction. I found myself remembering how at first I kept saying "and herd the call". I was taught to sing it as I learned common, perhaps I had been taught it to learn common, just as I was told the Seven Cat Tales and the Three Stories About Figs and the entire Airamayalava.

I was taught so many things, many of which I had, in one way or another, set aside. Without leaving them behind, of course. Rather, I had put them in some hidden corner of my heart, to gather dust and lose their luster. Then again, I suppose I know better than most that what has been lost can be found again, that was has been dulled by Ages is no less precious. That the hand is open, and awaiting in the wideness.

Traveller, oh Traveller, how much love you have for the Wayward.

"I hope we'll live through this", I said.
At long last she turned her dark, feverish eyes.
From the Pyramid, onto me. They seemed to shine in the darkness.
"If we are wise", she stated, "we will".
Title: Height
Post by: Don Nadie on April 03, 2024, 07:05:13 AM


Obviously, these personal notes are never rarely ocassionally only sometimes used to bitch about annoying things, in an absolutely reasonable and measured way which shows my great emotional balance and maturity. Anyways, this is one of those ocasions.

What's the matter with height?!

I'm just saying, height? No merit to it! Anyone can be high, mostly on account of being born big and/or stretching a lot as a teenager. So why should a perfectly average-size man such as a myself have to feel emasculatedunfairly compared with giants like Bruno or Rajo? Why is everyone swooning for huge chunks of muscle-man? Just because they are enormous, and strong, and could possible break a man in two like a twig?

(NO need to go over diary entries regarding Boucher)
(That was entirely different)

You know what's impressive? Scholarship! Poetry! Being a good dancer-singer-songwriter! Having shiny hair and excellent skin despite never wearing a helmet! Eloquence! Storytelling! An exotic accent! Being good with languages! A derrierè that has been praised by the very Spem Nurto, Scourge of the Near Seas! An excellently proportionate amount of muscles which don't impede touching your own toes, thank you very much!

And then I wake up and it turns out that Aubrey of all people has become a giant woman! Now, as far as I know, the only ways to get bigger are all horrifying, and cause irreparable harm to the self: brooking, curses and heels... So obviously, not options for me!

I'm going back to sleep...
Title: Fancy Clothes
Post by: Don Nadie on April 04, 2024, 08:14:47 AM

Fancy Clothes

[A looong and suspiciously meandering entry about clothing...]

They have a saying in common, "Clothes don't make the man". Personally, I much prefer the versions of my own tongue: "Habits don't make monks" and the much more colourful "Though the monkey may dress silk, she's a monkey still". Obviously, they all point at the same idea: that clothes are superficial to our behaviour and ability; that we remain, in essence who we are.

All three proverbs are, of course, spectacularly wrong.

Now, I'm being facetious, of course. Evidently, there are aspects of ourselves that are hidden and subterranean. These are not, however, unrelated to our appearance. When I first left the Balladeers, finding clothes I felt comfortable in (clothes that made me feel as myself) was important for me, emotionally. And though our clothes may pretend to separate us in some matters (say, the togas differenciating between the Voiced and Voiceless, an artificial distinction if there ever was one) our underlyning similarities remain still.

In our everyday life and duties, clothes are important. When I was a Student of the Lost Hearth, it didn't matter how much effort I put and how much I acted as Lynneth's second-in-command: I was taken much more seriously the moment I had a uniform. Clothes make others react to us in different ways, clothes grant weight to our statements. I really need weight to my stThey are an illusion, of course... But what are we, the People of the Disc, if not creatures of illusion?

I suppose I'm saying all of this because I bought new clothes, for the Divan. While the announcement is still pending, I was still informed of our next meeting, and needed to be... Ready and prepared.I don't know if I'll ever be pre Apparently, the dress code is rather strict, and I can't be outfancied by Zain (who does look extremely dashing in his new clothes). So I grabbed Elias and spent a not-inconsiderable time of the afternoon in the Hall of Silk and Leather. He has, from what I remember before he took the potato-sack, a good taste in clothes. He'd kill me if I we

It was, as was to be expected, a lot of fun. Clothes-shopping always is. I tried to go for my classic red and white combination, but with the fancy clothes it made me look a bit like a courtly fool. A fool's what IDark purple seemed a bit too fancy as well, and dark blue echoed too much the Tower. In the end, slate-ish blues and white will were the nicest option, and they have the advantage of echoing the colors of the League of White. Does that even represent me?Along with my translation cloak, the suit is actually a rather decent. Only problem? I can't add a fancy feathered hat! For some reason, fancy hats clash too much with cloaks?!

When I looked at myself in the mirror I thought I looked the part. I looked handsome and fancy, and if the way Elias and señora Pang were watching me were any indication, it was not just my impression. My heart sunk a little whenI smiled through insecurities and made a few jokes about how I'd much prefer to wear sandals (which I would). To think that I used to call boots "foot prisons". I've grown accustomed to prisons, I suppAnd put the clothes away, because I don't want to be answering questions before the matter is official.

And it was a nice way to not think of the real problem.
Of the fact that, tomorrow, people will start dying. That I will make decisions on their deaths.
That Aurelio might die soon. As is his want. That Athelia, heartbroken, may join him.
He might die, and I still haven't made up with him.

It was nice. It was sweet. It was fun. They made me blush, a little. All is well.

Tomorrow, all will be well in the Well.

Title: Dead Word
Post by: Don Nadie on April 05, 2024, 10:23:00 PM

Dead Word

[There's a tearstained letter (https://www.efupw.com/forums/index.php?topic=710462.0), tucked between these pages]

* the seed breaks * the petal blooms * the flower withers*

It keeps on happening, the loss. I knew it was a possibility when I took her Will. That strange man told me not to cry on my fears alone but... Were they fear or where they Truth, reaching with His burning fingers into my burning heart? Were that I knew, then. That I had told her to stop, and stay behind. That I was gifted prophecy, the veils of the future parted. That I could alert her, and save her.

But I didn't try to stop her, because how could I? Why should? She was doing what was right, she was doing what she thought was right. She did, in fact, what was right. I just didn't expect her to pay for it.

* the seed breaks * the petal blooms * the flower withers*

When she arrived I could barely believe it. On Athelia's arms, a bundle of cloth and hair and blood. What tiny things they become, the people we love. How diminute they turn out to be, the moment air leaves their lungs and they fall: a clump of nothing, a fistful of mist. Athelia carried her in her arms more closely, more intimately that she had ever carried her in life. So tightly woven together, now, with no miscommunication, no untold desires, no unspoken promises standing on the way. So close.

We went to her home, we read her Will. I received a cloak, beautiful and dyed with the darkest colors. For I like to look good. I would've smile at that playful teasing had it not been impossible. I was sobbing, instead. Her handwriting, divined, more than read. 

* the seed breaks * the petal blooms * the flower withers*

Bashir left, as did Miranda. Alone, the threetwo of us were left, and I felt once more, just as piercing, the quickness with which a person becomes a thing. She was laying on the sofa, and I kneeled by her side. Her hair, usually so well-kept, was clumped with dry blood. We'd have the Twindari wash her, before seeing to her burial. In the city she grew to love.

Then, I raised my eyes to Athelia. Mirrors, I realized right there and then, are horrid things. The way they show us at our worst, mercilessly. My mirror, my echo, was there: Athelia looked just like me, when I carried the body of Leiah, an eternity ago. Worse than me, perhaps - a wound deeper still. The pain of having failed to protect someone you love. And having, forevermore, to write "loved" instead.

* the seed breaks * the petal blooms * the flower withers*

A letter arrived later in the evening, for me. I cannot say that the noise woke me: I was awake, and my pillow, full of tears. The sound of paper slipping under the door was, in a way, a welcome distraction. As it turns out, she had left two missives: one, to name her successor. One, to say goodbye to me.

I read it, again and again. I broke into tears, again and again. A thing of Sorrow, this last memory clinging to paper. For a moment, in my sleepless exhaustion, I think I understood the Stonefolk: there was something heinous to her being still there, in paper, yet being no more. "Dead word", they call writing.

But, horridly, it was in it alone that she was living still. 

* the seed breaks * the petal blooms * the flower withers*

(This, I guess, is why They tell us to burn the letter)
Title: Cosine Mevura
Post by: Don Nadie on April 06, 2024, 08:00:57 AM

Cosine Mevura

"He is a hero", I said, "and a liar".
(I did not knew how soon I'd have to use "was")
Towering, he looked at me. Not a smile in his lips, something else.
"It so", he agreed, with a shrug like the trembling of a mountain.
"So Alejandro and Cosine should be best friends".

I suppose I should describe how it felt, to see him fallen.
"Impossible". That is the adjective that comes to mind.
A thing that both shouldn't and couldn't happen. So young under his mask.
I felt too many things at once: sadness, and mourning, and pain.
A horrid, ill-tasting relief that made me feel wretched and selfish.

Once, a boy was scared, so he put on a mask.
For, with a mask, a boy can be much more than scared.
He can be a villain, a politician, a hero, a savior, a liar, a king.
A mask is all it takes, to transform a scared boy into much more than he was.
And so the boy acts and acts and acts and acts. As the world requires.
And, in the end, like every actor, he'll take a bow.

(We should be close friends, indeed)
(Except that nobody likes mirrors)
Title: Re: The Thousandfold Notes of Alejandro Benjazar
Post by: Don Nadie on April 06, 2024, 10:40:46 PM


Once more, death has conspired to see me run. At first, I read Akna's letters, and Miro's announcements, with relief. What a joy, to know that there was someone who wanted to take the mantle while I dealt with my mourning. And then, suddenly, no. Her retreat, again.

"You don't have to do it if you hate the idea, Alejandro..."
"Who is left if I do not run?", I asked. Rhetorical, of course.
Hypatia sighed: "No one", she admitted.
And I nodded, took the paper, gave my name.
"Exactly so".

It was a bit of a blur, the calculation of possibilities. That Mae and the Tower were unlikely to follow me. That perhaps Samton could if Colmes did but then Atreya - no, not Atreya, she was dead. Too many names and possibilities and matters to ponder. And above it all, looming, her death.

"Are the rumors true, Alejandro?", asked Samtom, "Are ye runnin'?"
And I nodded, grimly. He stared at me quietly, for a moment.
"Time to straighten up and get to work, then"

The main obstacle, at present, is simply the gathering of signatures. The current laws, while their purpose is understandable, absolutely do not contemplate the option of candidate dying. (I suppose enterprising assassins may soon take note of a good way to affect politics).

"My condolences on your candidacy", Clarissant murmured.
I was going past her, trying to find more and more people.
Having dealt already with the inevitable recriminations that always ensue, no matter the action.
"Thanks", I responded, with a sigh.

"Both Miro and Akna took many names with them". It sickens me, to even write that phrase. Her death turned into an inconvenience, part of some plot or some development or some absurd political maneuver. Her death turned and I turned, too, away from mourning and into... This heinous performance.

But it is always the same as it always was. Either you step up, or someone worse may.

"Perhaps in a month's time", he said, "we'll see this as the moment where it all began"
He reclined on the chair, a self-satisfied smile in his lips, his hands on the curve of his stomach.
I do not know if it was the sweetness of the roses or this that made me sick.
The necessity of it. Of backroom meetings, and agreements, and understandings.
Then again, it could be the memories of this Dungeon, that were turning my stomach.

"Indeed", I said. 
Title: "Wench"
Post by: Don Nadie on April 07, 2024, 08:02:26 PM


There's something fascinating about his tone, sometimes.
The inch of an inflection that separates his calm from his agony.

"She smiled", he explained.
"This one nearly screamed"

In the tiny room, he seemed all the bigger.
Tall and imposing, yet strangely fragile, too.
And in his frailty, anger. Like the rummaging of dark clouds.
The talk was a ponderous, rumbling affair.
Punctuated with the unexpected word, like lightning.
(Insults, all the more significant upon his tongue)
There he said, to me, what could not be said elsewhere.

"This one does not show emotions openly", he admitted.
"So it falls to you... Because you understand"
"What it means to have a face. And to have it taken".

He needed to complain, I think. And I understood, of course.
(Sometimes the heart is so full that it must spill)
(Yet it can't spill just anywhere, often enough)
He needed to complain, because he loved him, as I loved her.
And because I love him, I lend an ear.
(I just clasped my hand, and listened)
Until anger became the soft melancholy of mourning.

"There are things that get easier with practice"
"Losing a friend, burying a friend"
"It never gets easier"

It was as it ever is, in such cases: a sacrament of friendship.
The act of speaking the truth, to someone who won't share it.
The act of lending an ear, for someone who needs it.
And as in every sacrament, at the end, there was something.
Not peace, exactly. Something lighter, and weaker, and more frail.
(But something, still)

"Come, Alejandro. Thank you for listening to old fool"
"Who likes to think has grown beyond feelings"
"And is sometimes reminded of them, and says 'wench'"

(There was something el; something he added, as we were about to leave:
"This one knows not what it means to be human"
"But would like to think you embody it"
And I'm not sure of what that means, or how to take it)
Title: Buried
Post by: Don Nadie on April 09, 2024, 06:17:22 PM


I find myself wondering about time. How it slips, how one becomes less or more availible. There are times when little happens and days seem to stretch, and one can spend them in contemplation, and joy. There are times, too, when History cracks its whip and the Disc seems to move so fast as to be dizzying. Too much time dedicated to meetings and intrigue is too little dedicated to friendship, and art, and stories, and, I suppose, all else. To things that make life worth living.

So while there were some reasons I could've been gathering more signatures, or trying to, I was somehow too weary after Mirielle to continue. And he seemed moody. Some shadow over his expression, a distracted and aimless melancholy.

I held his hand, and told him he was important. Sometimes, I think, everyone needs to be told they are important.

          off                                                               that.
                   w                            ~~               and
                       e      ~~       ~~             is
                            w     ~~               h
oO        t
                                 nt,     did

And at the end, he helped me bury the stack. Not because I don't need it, but because I do. I had lost a friend and managed not to throw myself into it... Surely, I could handle an election without drowning myself in mizzar.

Not without wanting to, mind you. But without actually doing it.

"I'm proud of you", he said.
And I smiled, and nodded.
(And the lightness in my stomach almost made up for the heavy pull of the clouds)
"So am I", I responded.
Title: Means and Ends
Post by: Don Nadie on April 10, 2024, 05:08:09 PM

Means and Ends

"You have killed the man I knew, Alejandro"
"I don't know you anymore".
I sighed, wearily. I was surprised by his coming, but not by his words.
(I've known myself soiled, in his eyes, for a long time)
"The men each of us were yesterday", I answered,
"will always be dead by tomorrow"
The bitterness in his tone, that was unexpected.
He was dour, and scowling, and angry.
Even with his face covered, his every inflexion showed it.
"That's a good quip", he said. Sarcasm, dripping.
"Have you considered becoming a Balladeer?"

He had things to say about my choices and intrigues. It took me a moment to even understand what he was saying, but then it clicked. Caddick. Caddick had gone Aubrey on the Students. And Aurelio thought that I was behind it, that I supported it. My poor, beautiful Aurelio. Thinking that I was going Aubrey. Even defending myself felt like digging in his wound. I felt dirty, trying to. I may not have done this, specifically, but I had caused it.

"Cooperation is important", admitted Zol Nur, later.
His eyes expressionless, studying me. As I ,pained, sought advice.
"But every intermediary means there's less of you left".

In the end, decided to follow his advice. I just went arround him, to the students. To apologize, and give them word. To express my position. To each of them, in person, being honest. For their part, they didn't seem to bear great ill will towards me. I suppose that I hadn't made them feel betrayed, which helps being forgiven.

Whether I was going to win or lose, I should do it as decidedly not-Aubrey, not-Ricario, not-Domhnall...

Of course, I was likely to lose, the White much stained by Ricario and Domhnall, myself far too unpopular with politically active members of the Accord.

Part of me was sad at the idea of my own unpopularity.
Part of me, exceedingly relieved.
             Maybe I don't have what it takes.
           And maybe that's for the better.

Title: Oh, No
Post by: Don Nadie on April 11, 2024, 07:09:43 AM

Oh, No

I was pacing round and round and round the Pilgrim.
Letting the last minutes of the Primaries run. Why not?
I was irked, yes, because I am easily annoyed.
But as I turned and turned and turned, I would lie to say I wasn't also relieved.
Relieved that I would be spared it, after all.
That I had done my duty, and could slip away to more pleasant things.

Then it rang. Rumors flying through the bellows.

The League of White has selected Alejandro Benjazar
to serve as their candidate this season.

And it struck me, first the surprise.
"Wait, what?", I muttered.
And then, a moment later, the realization.
"Oh, no"
Title: Perspective
Post by: Don Nadie on April 11, 2024, 03:32:40 PM


"How quickly League and Accord lose importance when our home is in danger", said Zol Nur.
We were staring at the map. At the figures and their movement.
A grim silence had built up, after the two reports.
The echoes of a distant mission. The fears of a future one.
"Perspective", said Colmes.

Once, there was a place high, high up.
Above in the clouds, where the herons flew.
And from up there, one could see the land.
In all its precious frailty.

"I want to defend the League's positions", I said, frowning.
"But I don't want to play games with War"
A nod, from our weary Warmaster.
(Did he seem so consummmed, before?)
"You are in a difficult position", he said. "I don't envy it, or you"
And it was so far up that, when one descended,
in the time that it took to fly back down,
one could forget the size of the place, and its color.
One could forget its smell, or what it was for.
Even the name of the place could be forgotten, as one returned.

I felt grim, on the ashsail. My hands gripping the rails.
Winds howled as we descended, so loud I felt a little fearful.
"Do not expect to win on honesty", he stated, calmly.
The stillness of his tone somehow cut through the noise.
"But you have already lived your life with lies and half-truths", he added,
"Mostly directed at yourself"
(Was that the semblance of a smile I saw in him, as the ashsail came to a stop?)
"Trying something new will only help you grow".
But no matter how long it took,
when one's feet touched again the Disc,
there was no way of forgetting how small it was.
And how easy to break.

I felt awkward, stepping off the Ashsail.
"Thanks, my friend", I said.
"I'm trying to, hm"
Took me a moment to find the strength to say it.
(Because to say it would be making a promise to myself)
(One I might not be able to keep)
Then found the strength nonetheless.
Title: Just Talk to Me
Post by: Don Nadie on April 12, 2024, 10:20:46 PM

Just Talk to Me

I tried on the words, the same way one tries a new suit. The words I had prepared. "As Head of Research and culture, and representative of our War effort", I declared, so very officially. My every word rehearsed, running down the beats I had prepared. Trying to find the best way to say: you may die. And I'm here to bear witness, and keep your story. Turns out the best way is the most simple.

"Skip this part, love", she said. "I don't want to hear it"
Her breast, rising and falling swiftly. Panic climbing up her lungs.
"Just talk to me, alright?".

Sincerity, then, worked best. Clarity. To know what she would want done, if the worse came to pass. To offer a listening ear. Even in the middle of election, with everything else happening, it felt sacred, this duty. To hear a story. A sacrament of trust, and within this trust, revelations:

Once, there was a woman who had a child.
And the storm raged and raged.
So the woman had to wade the Ash as one wades a river.
A babe against her breast. So eager to live, so precious.
So frail and tender and soft. A treasure, too beautiful to lose.
A treasure that, in a better world, would never be lost.
If only the world were better.

"I had to carry her thuh-through the desert"
"It isn't right", she sobbed. "I couldn't do anything"

At what point did I cross the table? When did I end up sitting next her? When did I begin holding her hand, holding her in an embrace? I don't think I really noticed my own actions - they were reflexes, automatic. The self-evident necessity of kindness: holding her body as she sobbed against my breast. Holding her story. My tears running, too.

"Part of me, too, blames itself from surviving", I said.
(My truth, a reflection her own)
"But...", I added, "We must learn to let go"
"Not the memories of those we loved. Not the memories of our pain."
"But the guilt", I whispered, tenderly.

The guilt. Surviving where others didn't. Carrying their memories, seeing their ghosts, hearing their voices in the voices of strangers, and knowing they'll never be back. The guilt of living on. Sometimes, letting go is what takes the most strength. The heart is always brimming, always filling, always spilling. But how dire, when it weights so heavy that it makes us drown.

"Anything else, señora?", I asked.
She had calmed herself, we had both wiped our tears.
Her desires and last words had been noted. She squeezed my shoulder, tenderly.
"...It's already more than I planned to say, love", she said, simply.

What a strange thing, that guilt, and how easily it can drown us, in the storm. What was it that she said? It was a lifetime ago, but I almost think I hear her. From between the stars, her voice. I know that she used me, but I think she cared. And for all her flaws, for all the poisoned flowers she helped bloom within me, I remember the good parts, too. The important lessons that I learned, at her feet.

It is an empty irony, I reflect.
To live for the dead.
Title: A Terrible Thought
Post by: Don Nadie on April 13, 2024, 03:35:38 PM

A Terrible Thought

This time, running in earnest, I am getting a full taste of how hateful politics are. Part of me wants to send Colmes a gift for sparing it to me, the first time. There's all the hystrionics and exaggerations, the feigned offense, the hypocresy. There's the bitting of one's tongue and the holding of the reins, when an insult climbs up your throat. There's the strategic vagueness which allows people to project, onto you, their dreams and hopes. There's just a lot that, now, makes me uncomfortable. A lot I'm trying to avoid.

"You are clearly not ready to win", he said "if you have such thoughts"
His tone was saddened and weary.
An Age of loss upon his gaze.
"This one does not want you to tolerate this kind of thing"
"You are right - it is false, and wrong, and hypocritical"
"But those that use such methods, will win every time"
He paused. He looked so tall and so worn out.
Only statue, eroded by centuries of loneliness, could show such melancholy.
"Is that not a terrible thought?"

There's a lot of things that make me think of her, these days. "Last of her flock", Qari called me, the hideous little man. I think if she was here, it would be different. Easier. I would be spreading rumor, and whispering promises, and making bellows, and feigning indignation and horror. Talking more about the ills of my rivals than about my ideals.

I think if she was here, I'd be a worse person, and a better candidate.

Is that not a terrible thought?
Title: Win or Lose
Post by: Don Nadie on April 13, 2024, 04:57:09 PM

Win or Lose

I was feeling particularly tired, I think.
It was as though Qari's words had pierced something within.
Some inner shell which had held, behind it, hideous feelings.
And now the black ichor of it was spilling all over.

(The sense of worthlessness and of failure, spilling) So that the meeting, as I organized things (The sense of betrayal, spilling) felt both burdensome and strangely faraway (The sense of darkness, the long of oblivion, spilling) as though it was happening to some other person, while I (The heavy pull of the mizzar, and of worse things that mizzar, spilling)just turned again and again the same formless desires, (Ambition and want, spilling) the same wordless thoughts (Dissapointment, and pain, and lies, spilling) and felt the dire need to hide myself under my blanket (Long-burdening memories, spilling) and never emerge, until the World had ended.

"It's fine", he said, tenderly, "there's life beyond elections"
He smiled at me, fondness glimmering in his verdant eyes.
Then, he leaned closer. His scent was soothing, of herbs and flowers.
Even in the middle of the Souk, it made me feel a bit as though we were in a peaceful garden.
(And feel, I'll admit here, the fluttering of rare insects in my stomach)
"Win or lose", he whispered, "I'll take you for falafel"
Title: The Great Asterabadian Raffle
Post by: Don Nadie on April 15, 2024, 04:24:24 PM

The Great Asterabadian Raffle

And so it was that I ended up holding the Great Asterabadian Raffle. A show, silly as every show and good-humored as every show. I had hoped to get even more participants, but I was satisfied with the final amount: 12 is a good number. The winner was a Scribe, too, which I like: they do perform an invaluable and extremely boring service.

Of course, there was a shade over the festivities. She took time to emerge from her Tower to make me miserable, as befits a fairy-tale witch. Was there a point to her coming? Beyond cruelty? Cold and insulting, she kept arguing about how my raffle did not constitute true Asterabadian democracy and I, once more, was irked at the lack of subtlety some people display.

Then again, I suppose people love feigning idiocy when it suits them.

The raffle served its purpose. It helped me talk with people about the importance of Voices for everyone, have conversations about fairness and happenstance, win voters outside of our usual supporters, and demonstrate that the White League is not all calculating and treacherous politicians. To show coherence with the ideals we claim to spouse. That was cheap, for the price of a single Voice.

Though part of me was tempted to tell her that elevating people of the League is no certainty, that I elevated her with my own dinari because I believed in her and she turned out to be not a White League supporter, that she had campaigned for Ariel of all people, that she'd sell every single Voiceless if it suited her, that she was a monster who'd killed my friend, that she was a monster who'd leech us all, that she was a horrid, monstruous, empty-hearted bitc

[Notably, the paragraph before has been struck and a little prayer drawn in almost transparent ink is plastered on top of it]

Still. Still. Still.
I must accept what is as what is.
I must endure what's gone as what's gone.
Empty the heart of its sorrow, Seucsippus,
for the moment is forever.

[After the prayer, the narration continues, as though nothing had happened]

So I adressed the issues through Triffi, explained why I had done it, and, as she fell into a fight with Daoud (the Inspector accusing her, rightly, of hypocresy) went off for falafels with Elias.

And all was well in the Well.
Title: To Wither On the Vine
Post by: Don Nadie on April 16, 2024, 07:34:45 PM

To Wither On the Vine

                                           n                               I am not sure that I got what he meant       
                                      v                    But then again, do we ever?
                                                                                                              Can we truly understand someone else?
                                           t                            All we do is reach out
                                                                                                                        (In the darkness, I reached)
                                                                                                         And seek
                                         r              (In the darkness, I sought)
                                              i         And find, in the darkness, the warmth
                                          w                 (His hand was found, in the darkness)
                                      t                   All we do is reach out
                                                                                                           And is that not the purpose of Art?
                                    n                            To reach out?
                                        o                                "How about we make a promise, then?", he asked.
                                           d                             He raised his tabbuleh. I, my falafel. To cheer.
                                                                                                                               "...to a friendship", he said
                                        I                                "only ever as complicated..."
    ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^                                   ...as it needs to be."

Title: Win
Post by: Don Nadie on April 17, 2024, 05:50:26 PM

Win or Lose

I endured Qari's nonsense thinking, in my heart, of metaphors for his Bellows. "Camel fart" was the one I settled in: stinky and bothersome, yes, but soon to fade away again. I saw the investidure calmly, and with a smile. Part of me, certainly, relieved that it was over.  Maybe Zol Nur could read it, in my expression.

"Congratulations", he said later, in the Krak, and I smiled.
(Why shouldn't I? Or was it crass, to smile?)
"Thank you, my friend"

Softly, we talked: politics, duties, efforts. His hopes and mine. He was right, of course. A good candidate promises only what he believes in, follows his values and knows how to say "no". That was the reflection he left me with, to ponder:

"They say a reed bends, so as to not break"
"How many swords are made from reeds?"
"How many hammers? How many bricks?"

I do not think I was a good candidate, but I was as good as I could, these days. I stopped what I felt was underhanded, said no to games and temptation, and made no false promises. Enough to be happy about, though with some aspects of it, I still struggle. I suppose that, at the very least, I do owe Akna an apology. Sorry, my friend. I hope that, from the Edutu, you can still read over my shoulder.

"Are you really ok", asked Elias, softly,
He was watching me intently, his green eyes, focused.
"Or are you just putting on a brave face?"

I must admit that, if nothing else, running had dispersed some of my last ilusions about politics and the White League. I did not expect that some they wouldn't even want to meet, when I approached them. Silly me, having faith: when your League is full of snakes, you can't be surprised if they bite you.

"In truth? I am content. Proud"
"But I would lie if I didnt admit they stung", I added.
"All the insults and so on. In the bellows and elsewhere"
He winced a little, as though knowing.
"I knew it would've only made things worse", he said.
"but know that I was thinking some very aggressive comebacks"

He was delightfully apologetic, as we shared the promised post-electoral falafel above the rooftops. I felt fine, I think... Or perhaps I have been feeling ill at ease for so long that this mild discomfort was, in contrast, an easy burden. Much like the relief one may feel, when pulling out an arrow, even if that may just make you bleed out. A matter of perspective, rather than-

No, not really. I think I am overthinking. I think I really felt fine.

Above the rooftops, eating falafel and chatting. Knowing myself proud, and loved, and cared for, and with things to do. Saying goodbye and, in saying goodbye, leaning closer and-

It felt like I had won, is all.
Title: Beloved Alejandro
Post by: Don Nadie on April 18, 2024, 06:04:30 PM

Beloved Alejandro

Here I was, again, in their serene halls. Where prayer rings night and day, day and night. Hearing their words, which coiled, which toyed, which echoed. What a thing, their words, a whisper on the heart, a coil of Fate and promise. I do not know what I felt as I heard them - that strange moment when my heart almost skipped and her words, such words, tugged at something deep and central. Mists and incense twirled in the air, as she spoke:

"Remember                  Alejandro:"                                                                                o
            two things                                                       m o r e                                "w    n
                                                            n e e d s  y o u              t h a n                            k
                                     "First: this city                                                 y                  t,
                                                                                                             o             i
                                                                                                               u,   or
S                    o                                                                      (And she nodded)
  e         d:     y    u                     (And she nodded)
    c o n                    a r e
                             d          e                                                                            (And she nodded)
                               e        l
                                 v   o                       (And she nodded)
Title: Further, Further, Further Reflections Upon the Nature of Historiography
Post by: Don Nadie on April 19, 2024, 03:00:01 PM

Further, Further, Further Reflections Upon the Nature of Historiography

A point to bear in mind is that Ephians like nothing more than nitpicking. For person attempting something, there will be three ready to point out what horrid mistakes the one is making, and how stupidly the one is facing his challenge, and how the one should, in fact, do things in an entirely different way to the way he is doing them. Also, has one stopped to consider the absolutely most obvious point? Or has one paused to ponder the absolutely absurd one?

All of it because it's easier, admittedly, than actually doing the thing. Everyone has an idea of how History should be written, but none of them are very willing to try. Because its hard work, and narratives are complicated. Because nothing is clear. Because everyone has an agenda. Because nobody has a bigger agenda than the Historian himself.

Oh, well. I suppose she did have a point: a lot of people, like her, will either willfully ignore the point I'm trying to make or claim that I should make a different point alltogether.

I think some people are too cowardly.
To look at History in the eye, and face it.
There's no such thing as an objective presentation of events.

"In my mothertongue, history and story are the same thing", I said.
I smirked, cheekly: "We are that wise", I added.

(And then it stabbed me. Wrong tense)
(Should've said "we were")
Title: Games
Post by: Don Nadie on April 20, 2024, 03:55:26 PM


In my office, after the Council meeting, we examined the painting. Our conversation was fluid. As ever. A strange thing, his friendship. Perhaps I have spent long enough pondering over ancient things that he and I share the same Sorrow. Perhaps it is just our interests, aligned. Perhaps it is just that we both value people, and have patience with those arround us. Perhaps it is that we both prefer to forgive. Perhaps, that we both wish the world was better.

"I am... Taken by surprise by this sudden removal of keys", I admitted.
"How unfortunate", he said, "you must have displaced yours"
I felt a tug in my stomach, at his irony.
(That had been, of course, my first instinct)
(Displacement, games, ilusion, misdirection)
"I'm not going to play games with War, Zol Nur", I said.
"So I'm not going to displace it".
There was a moment of silence. Before us, the painting.
Injuries, upon flesh. Upon soul.
(Scars. I bear scars upon scars)
"That is so unlike you", he admitted.
(Was there, in his tone, surprise?)
"It is strange", he added.
"To see us both change".

I went to Colmes, right after. I needed to do it inmediately, while my will still held, while I wasn't yet scared into running away, while whatever part of me that wants to be honest and better was still holding the reins, against fear, and instinct, and experience. To his office, I went.

"This key has been, for me...", I said.
"It's been a lot of effort"
I was grasping it. So tightly my knuckles were white.
"Every bone in my body wants to misplace it, now"
I gritted my teeth. How much laid upon that key?
"But I told myself I wasn't going to paly games with War"
"So I'm going to give it to you", I added, as I set it on the table.
Such a tiny thing, in gold and bronze.
Such a small vessel, for so much of my efforts, of my dreams.
And I was choosing to give it, and to trust.
"And I'm gonna do it now", I added.
"Because if I wait too long maybe my desire not to play games will shatter"

I did not knew that it would shatter inmediately. Did not expect my mistake to become apparent in but a few moments. Games, being played against me in the midst of War. Accusations, twists, changing the rules under my feet. Traps. So many traps. This fucking city, and the time one must waste, with traps.

What were Colmes and Samton even trying to do, jingling the threat of charges? Was it an attempt of getting at Selsi, of finding something to threaten her with? Were they playing for the Tower, trying to get me out of the game? And why did I feel so hurt by this? Why did it pain me so much, when Samton accused me, repeated Cosine's lies?

Why was I even surprised?

I do not know. I just felt a sinking feeling, deeper and deeper. A tension, on my shoulders. A pull on my stomach. Lead, both heavy and poisonous. Lead in my entrails. Pulling me deeper. Making me hate myself. Making me hate my idiocy. Making me hate whatever attempts I had been making, at being better.

What is the point of being honest, when honesty is the rope they hang you with?

I was almost thankful that the Tormented attacked us.
Title: Descending
Post by: Don Nadie on April 20, 2024, 05:01:19 PM


I was dreaming the path, Downwards.                             
I was dreaming awake; my stEps, of the Ages.                           
                                 I was Seeking a friend, in Darkness embraced.
   And as I sought him, Careless, I sought also the Truth.
                          Beyond thE Threshold of Revelation, He called me.
He called me "beloved" aNd His voice was a promise.     
His voice was sweeter than wine, sweeter than Dates,                                                                   
                                      His voIce was sweeter than the lull of Oblivion.
   So I followed His voice, iN the darkness.                         
                                                     I was dreaminG the path and the path dreamed me as I dreamed the path.
Title: Choke on It
Post by: Don Nadie on April 21, 2024, 06:22:27 PM

Choke on It

I was in a foul mood for most of the day. Mostly the realization that games were being played with me had spoiled any satisfaction I may have felt over rescuing Marcellus. It was a strange feeling, this combination of irritation and anger with dread and fear. I could end up dead, or barred from Truth. All because of the inane intrigues played by the Accorded, with their powerplays and their counteroffers.

"As I remember, none sought to charge you", he explained. We were in the art gallery, watching some of the paintings, whispering. A long-postponed meeting to update our new Legate, which I had needed to turn into a sort of interrogtation. The toga suits him, I'll admit that: he is better for this than I'll ever be... Much more adept at implying and dodging and saying a lot while saying nothing at all. I suppose there was, at least, some collegial unity there: despite our differences, we are both scholars. He can understand my involvement. Not that he'll do anything for my sake.

"The Warmaster likes to imply and pressure, to obtain results", he added. That is, of course, a lovely way of saying that he lied to get me to confess... What, exactly? I had told him the truth, as I told the Legate, as I told in my report. If there was anything nefarious, I wouldn't have let it happen. If something nefarious happened, it was not with me present.

(Then again, what is perception? I do imagine someone more adept at mistrust may have noticed what I didn't. I certainly was more focused in the burning taste of Truth. Eager, I was, and seeking. With Fate on your lips, who has the patience, the time, to care for idiotic intrigues? And in the Darkness the- [The narration is interrupted. A few dropplets of blood stains the page]

"There was a debate, amidst the Astronomers, as to who was the guilty party", she explained, much later, as the prayers welcoming a new Acolyte rang from within. "Margarethe proposed you". Her smile, as ever, serene, as she too fed me her perspective. "You should consider returning to the banner", she added. Of course I should, that is the easy way out. Surrendering again to the same abhorrent compromises that made me so unhappy, in the first place.

But what is the point of drowning, to avoid a lion?

I felt myself burning through most of the day, burning with anger and fear, both. I had real work to do, reports to fill, texts to write. Instead I was, what? Interviewing, seeking, collating information so as to guard my back. Because I have seen the way the Accord will throw an innocent to the lions. I will be discarded the moment it is convenient, the moment they don't need me, the moment they can. I'll be discarded and, until I am, they'll stand on the way of work. Even those who do want to help. But mostly, those who do not.

My mood was foul when Aubrey called, of all people, called me. For a favor, after she sold out for the elections. The gall of that harpy would be a thing to admire, in its shamelessness. "Sadly, there aren't many in the League of White without links to the Accord", she admitted. Maybe that alone should be a sign of our League's woes. Of course she wanted the unaccorded to speak in favor of giving her power. Of course she thought I'd support her or negociate with her. For the sake of what, my next Legatorial run, power?

I really felt myself burning from within at all the betrayals and all the games. There I was, a War was happening and I was attending to their inane intrigues, with the dreadful knowledge that they'd sacrifice me the moment it was convenient. At least, there was something liberating in saying no, in refusing to compromise.

Though we truly ought to consider returning the Wyrm to the Steele: this is a place of vipers.

"Balstan bought you for a pound of flesh", I snapped.
"So choke on it".
Title: Humanely
Post by: Don Nadie on April 22, 2024, 10:52:50 PM


In the hours between hours, I found myself feeling clumsy.

I think I am usually eloquent, and chatty. I can always speak, and speak for hours if need be. I can improvise a Tale, take on a role, offer a quip or a lesson on the spot. Make something up remember something old. But this morning we were having coffee atop the battlements, watching the city as it slowly awake, and I felt like my every word was nonsense.

I searched for a reason, and I couldn't quite find it. Or nothing I could find was something I could phrase. I felt, somehow, a nameless inadequacy which made me tremble in my phrases, hesitate in my statements. How do you answer, honestly? How does one manage to be honest, and truthful, and real? How does one act like himself? How does one love without being a love-story?

"Do you ever think of how stories shape us?", I asked.
"Probably not as often as you do."

That is what I found myself talking about. Roles, and archetypes, and stories. If this was a mystery, I'd know what to answer. If this was a knightly ballad, or an adventure novel, or horror, or smut. In each case there'd be roles for me to play, narratives to lean into. Spokes know I had leaned into them as eagerly as I'd leaned into mizzar.

A good story. A good mirage. A good disguise, and a good excuse. Something I could hide behind. Because to be seen is to be vulnerable. And to be vulnerable is to be scared.

"I guess I'm just trying to be less of a role", I admitted, awkwardly.
"More of me". I cleared my throat. "Whatever that is"
Daylight was climbing up, dying the horizon pink.
On the battlements, our cups. On my hand, his.
"Like most things in real life", he whispered.
"We do it the best way we know how"
I felt both eagerness and dread, at his touch.
(To be wanted and to be found wanting are, after all, separated by so little)
"Clumsily", he said. "Messily."
On my hand, I felt the warmth of his lips.
"Humanely", he added, as I blushed.
(And I figured that, as far as stories went,
this one felt novel enough.)
Title: Concerned
Post by: Don Nadie on April 24, 2024, 07:27:28 AM


I find myself concerned for him. Not so much for how he's feeling, admittedly. Having a crisis every now and again is normal, specially in his kind of job. I can identify with how it feels to work yourself to the bone for no purpose, and to no support from your superiors. To quit, even when your friends tell you you're doing a good job. There's freedom in quitting, really. There's a point, where words are meaningless, and one simply does not need the bother. When one is drowning, it is best to seek the surface. And if something is draggin you down, it is best to let it sink. What matters is breathing.

No, I'm not concerned with him. He will be fine, he will find himself. It may take time, and a lot of sitting together, and chatting, but he will be fine. It's not like I mind taking him for falafels and telling him Tales, and offering a shoulder to cry on... Spokes know he has done it for me, and will do it again, if I need it.

What concerns me, rather, is their flocking. Since when do the Apothars and the Sisters care for him this much? Why is it that both times he and I were quietly chatting, we found ourselves surrounded? And Mae? Who was just standing there, watching in silence? Since when does she care? Doesn't she have a lonely room to cackle maniacally in?

Some prophecy, that's what Estellise said. "He is just my friend", whispered Selsi, with her characteristic smile. And I find myself frowning and pondering, worrying.

I am concerned. There's this feeling, like one has sometimes on a boat, when the sea is calm. When you see ripples coming to the surface but do not know what is causing them - sharks, dolphins, currents, Qa'immy machines. Something is moving and I do not know what.

So I'll just have to keep an eye out for him, just in case.
The city can't afford to lose my little friend, and neither can I.
Title: Banner
Post by: Don Nadie on April 25, 2024, 09:06:37 AM


Once, there was a banner, and that banner was White.
And upon that banner shone the brightest light.
And the brightest promise,
like a lighthouse in the darkness.

"Part of me wants to go to the Bellows, to raise a ruckus", I whispered.
I sighed, shrugging. The very idea already made me feel exhausted.
I had spent too long arguing against this during elections.
Too long, not to know the results beforehand.
"Part of me knows it isn't worth it", I added.

Once, there was a White banner, and it was stained.
And upon the White, the stain looked foul and sickly.
For the brightest colors offer the most contrast.

"They want to tell themselves that they care"
"And, probably, they do", I added, thoughtfully.
"But they care about their own power much, much more"
She looked at me calmly. Behind her silence, perhaps, judgement.

And, stained, the banner languished.
Stained, it withered; stained, it rot.
Stained, it was abandoned in all, but lip service.
To the hypocresy of the opportunists, and the power-hungry.

"The Voiceless were sold of a pound of flesh"
"Well", she answered, an irked shrug, "I have disconnected from the League a little"
"Right now, the Accorded act like they run the place"
"and run it for themselves"

But what is the price of failing a dream?
What is the price of failing a promise?
When a promise is betrayed, must one try to fix it?
Or give it up?
That was the question, asked in a banner.
Asked in a promise, asked in a dream.

"I suppose, in the end, we can only control our own actions"
"So let's make the most of them"
Title: Choosing the Wound
Post by: Don Nadie on April 26, 2024, 03:06:48 PM

Choosing the Wound

I think I could almost see it, in her eyes. The angry, relentless irritation at my every word as I tried to make a point. Was it fear that moved her so? Concern about the possibility of irrelevance? A misplaced sense of betrayal? Anger? Fear? Was it pettiness, perhaps?

I don't really know, but it certainly spoiled the walk. I felt echoes of that time, when I talked with Mae. When she looked like she'd claw my eyes out of my sockets. There was that same irked self-righteousness, that demand that I side with her wholeheartedly, or be considered her foe. That relentless, all-consumming fury, too bright to let her see the friendship laid before her.

She was right, of course: I do hate having to choose. But there are also too many wicked people in this city, many of them her friends, to have decent folk hate one-another. I'm just not interested in playing this game.

And she was choosing, too.

Choosing the wound.

I can't go through another of these dances. I can't pursue her, trying to be sincere, only to see her twist my words into something she can stab herself with. I can't try to have her understand, only to be treated as an enemy. I can't burn myself trying to keep alive the friendship of someone who won't let me have my own feelings. Who'll put in doubt my memory of Snorri by

I've done it already, and it hurts.