Primeval Obelisk duplication

Started by Scrappa-yeti, May 14, 2020, 12:14:43 AM

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Opened the three obelisks in the Mudfeast QA.

Inside there were 20+ runes, and all but two or three looked like the grand healing rune, the sort of hourglass symbol on a tilt. However, they were all different runes in effect when you looked at them or used them - blazing sword, coat etc.


So the bug is that were too many runes?


There were about the same number as usual, this was the total number on 3 different obelisks. But 95% of them used the same symbol.

So previously, for example, blazing sword rune looked like this -

And coat rune looked like this -

Now they (and most of the others) all looked like the grand healing rune -

So on the first obelisk, for example, there were seven runes, and six of them had the grand healing image, but they did different things. Oddly, one of them did not look like grand healing, and had the normal symbol.

I hope that is clearer.


I'm just confused what the bug is?

The item appearance was changed so people can't metagame the appearance anymore, and instead must rely on lore.


Oh sorry. I didnt realise that was the case. No bug then. I will throw out my notes on trying to translate the meaning of the runes then...