Worship and Liturgy in Ephia's Well

Started by Random_White_Guy, January 23, 2024, 03:28:46 PM

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Worship and Liturgy in Ephia's Well
Gausim al-Marain

For days now I have walked the streets of Ephia's Well. I had arrived to bare witness to the Grand Experiment, Asterabadi's puzzle, the Sultan's Gift to the Refugees that they may find themselves and in time assimilate to this burgeoning outpost. While it did indeed live up to its reputation that is cast across the Great Ash, it drew my attention to a matter which many have raised but few could articulate. It pleases me to no end to share that in B'aara's wisdom, I believe a diagnosis may be made.

Last night, in speaking with Lady Shabani, Jerrod of Kula and Ariel of Agaslakku who answered the B'aarat Call to Prayer, they came with questions abounding. And in their departure I took to meditation in the Hall of Jurisprudence.

The Refugees of the Well have arrived for the last eleven years with hardship and woe, and upon reaching Ephia's Well they have partaken fiercely of worship of the Wheel. They have taken it to heart, to very soul, letting the waters seep into their pores and hair to better themselves from the lives they had previously. They learn of our Gods from the passing street-preachers in Hasheema, they learn of our Religion from the Speaker's Mound, and they learn of the Clergy in their engagements.

Often though this is where the process ceases. That though is not their fault by any means. It is the nature of Worship. It is the nature of the self, and the first step towards greater practice.

The bridge that is lacking? Liturgy.

The conduct of the Clergy in the public forum, the Rites, the Ceremonies, the Rituals, the sense of community that is borne of the Call to Prayer, the familiarity that is born from working side by side with men and women you know well, and trust, by virtue of both Faith and Practice.

I do not say this to admonish the Speakers of the Spokes, only to seek to aid them in this problem raised to me by so many. To most of the Refugees of Ephia's Well they witness the basest form of Liturgy. Allow me to raise some examples.

QuotePreaching and Sermon by Bellow, rather than in call to Shrine and Temple. If lacking such then the Speaker's Mound. If lacking such in prayer book, pamphlet, and more in consideration of public peace. It is true less may hear your message than if you yowl into the night like Dunecat but if you hold these rituals, spread these words, I guarantee my friends that those who do show will be all the more engaged, the relationships there grown, and an intimate exchange of Faith you may have. A far more satisfying thing to the layman and Spoke alike to have such engagement over hearing your calls.
QuoteBlessings offered in Boardwork, but only for barest name prayer, not of Tithe or Formal charity. As if the God's themselves are less favored than the merchants of the Souk who are at least given offering for their service. If the Pious expected to bloody hand they should be paid for the water it will take to clean them. It is not respectful to offer "A Share" of reward - that is expected of any man, woman, wizard, or mercenary. The Ecclesiastic Bureaucracy are due more respect. If they refuse this respect then seek others who do, that you may grow your flock, faithful, and ally.
QuoteTwo Assemblies I have witnessed and no calls, none at all, for the Patron of the Stele to be Honored before assembly. In benediction by Preacher of the Spoke that is Patron who is present, or barring such one of the B'aarat who may offer such in their absence before the political debates commence. Allow the faithful in opening ceremony to remind the Voiced what it is to be privileged of caste, of wealth, and more before they descend into baser Secular contest.
QuoteFar more charitable works done by the Secular factions - The Palatial Pyramid and the Leagues, The Priory of the Sisters, than the organized faiths of Ephia's Well.
QuoteA belief raised that the phrase "The Wheel Turns" is a catch all and excuse to codify any action, shift any faithful matter, and disregard some faiths in preference of others as the time so pleases. The Mother has assigned to each Spoke a duty, task, and more for purpose. This is not errantry. To ignore such and seek Asterabadian Democracy on matters of faith, or constant shifting, is an unsettled foundation to raise any notion.

While Agaslakku and Warad may contest who is Protector when it comes to the matter of the Roads, one should in no way or form expect either to uphold Funerary Rites. For that is the realm of the Twindari. Any more than one would ask the B'aarat to lead a charge of War when that is the realm of the Protector Agaslakku.

The Wheel Turns in essence - means the Waters of B'aara are dispensed by a Water Wheel. To those who serve it best. The expert, the champion of cause, and those who serve her.

By attending these five barest matters, in reminding the peoples the difference between Worship and Liturgy, I belief firmly all of the Wheel shall prosper and all shall begin to bridge that vast chasm.

That difference between Accepting the Wheel, and Embracing it.

Between the Faithful Refugee who pays lip service, and one who steps forward as the Pious who serve the Speaker.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips