Akna & Guasim : C/O Aaisha Al-Samaar

Started by Qari, March 01, 2024, 02:36:20 AM

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[A letter is attached to a proposal]

Honored Legates,

A draft of the proposal for league reform is included below, as I will likely be unavailable for the time scheduled for Assembly.  Do call for me if you have questions or suggested amendments.

This should hopefully present an alternative to the "Election interference" law which is likely to severely hinder our economy and political prospects.  Individuals being unable to join the leagues during elections is one thing, which harms the leagues themselves as membership dwindles and adventurers among each league go out and disappear across the sands.

The chance to participate within election drives many to become voiced, entirely separate from the 'purchase' of votes.  A nearly two week period where our treasury cannot gain these funds will present a significant drop in our treasury's income. I make a habit of noting the comings and goings of the refugee, the wanderer, and adventurer.  Those who seek to adventure and partake of the board of slaughter tend to raise these funds quickly, and many disappear the same week they arrive.  A good number of them attain a voice before they do.  A grim, and macabre cornerstone of our economy. To deprive ourselves of this is but a needless waste.

And so, I propose an alternative. The power to hinder the purchasing of votes and league memberships, and ensure each league upholds its own tenets.

The mechanism for this to be done, I propose that each league become marked upon the stele as their own Ministry, with these new officials being marked akin to a "Minister".   This will allow the leagues to track their own treasuries with greater ease.  Alternatives are possible, but this is the most flexible and already established precedent for doing so.

[The Proposal is attached below]

Proposal : Tripartisan League Reform


Each league will uplift a new official, selected by the league itself. This official may not be a member of the Accords, nor possess seat in a sitting Legate's cabinet, nor be legate themselves.  The Legates will not have the power to dismiss these officials directly, but the league may call a vote to replace these officials if circumstances merit.  These officials are not appointed by legate, and the position is not tied to term of sitting legate.  The leagues may vote (with cause) to replace these officials at any time.

Duties of the new official:

-To manage the Roster of the league.  The official may remove a member (with cause) if they fail to uphold the tenets of the league, or actively work to harm the league or its ongoing efforts.

-To manage the treasury of the league. The official may assign funds from the league treasury and track the expenses to ensure accountability. These funds will be made available to the candidate in each election for use to support league efforts to gain support in those elections.

Special cases may warrant use of league funds outside of election if league membership agrees during a meeting by way of vote, administered by this official.

- To mediate league issues, including those of a "Tie" in election primaries, and calling for votes among the league membership to unseat and replace a sitting legate (with cause) with their chosen prelate. If the chosen prelate is deceased or one was not yet chosen, this official will have final say in whom takes the seat.  The official may not name themselves nor one of the Accords.

- To appoint others of minor positions within the league, at their discretion in furtherance of the league and its tenets. These positions may be assigned wage, from the league treasury.

League Treasuries

On treasuries :

Each league already has an established treasury, rarely used.  A donation box and ledger will be made available to the membership of the leagues.  Any member of good standing within a league will be able to donate funds to their league.

These donations will be tracked, and in the case of significant accomplishment or non-monetary donation (Food, water, supplies) - The league officials may assign a value of status towards this to be tracked as well.

These donations will allow for a measure of merit, status, and dedication to one's league.  In the case of a tie during voting, the league officials may weigh this status accordingly and value proven contributors more than those who have not.

The primary usage of these funds will be elections. The league's chosen candidate may petition the officials for funds donated to the league treasury by members.  The use of these funds will be tracked in the league ledger, ensuring accountability.

Special cases may warrant use of league funds outside of election if league membership agrees during a meeting by way of vote, administered by this official.


We are overdue to speak. Seek me before or after the assembly tomorrow.

[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips