Darkness Bug "Fix"

Started by LoveLess, January 21, 2023, 06:57:16 AM

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The darkness bug is caused by losing Ultravision while you are under the effect of Darkness. As I understand the last fix was done by making darkness TEMPORARY instead of the default, which is permanent. This just means the bug has a maximum time limit.

For some reason, the effect of Darkness is not fully applied due to you having had Ultravision and this causes darkness to be in a state of half working when you left it.

Adding the effect of Ultravision for a split second on leaving will correct this issue. See the below examples, where I use an item that gives Ultravision for a second. Then when you leave, it applies it for 0.01s

Should fix the existing issues for now, though it's not perfect. The alternative is to apply the darkness effect to the existing creature again before it's removed.