Monk Stance Suggestions

Started by Howlando, August 15, 2014, 10:25:00 AM

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One of the new systems we're rolling out is called Monk Stances. It is essentially a method by which monks can learn a 'stance' and activate it with a voice command to receive various scripted bonuses. Each stance lasts for 5 minutes and has a 10 minute cool down. Monk stances are generally divided into two categories: those suitable for ascetics (properties based off of assuming no bonuses from magic) and those suitable for normal monks (so should be balanced assuming the monk may also be benefiting from normal magic also).

We have several basic stances already. If you would like to contribute with an idea, feel free.

Please do not litter this thread with over-powered stance suggestions. Cool quirky thematic ones are more likely to be used.

Changes can be almost anything you can think of - increased or decreased AC, AB, saves, speed, DR, etc. There is also the option of a VFX.


Chang's Fleeting Octopus

When activated you shoot a gob of black ink onto the ground (grease).  Gain immunity to the spell grease and gain +50% movement speed, -1 ab.


Stance of the Unmoving Boulder (name partially stolen from KoP):

-Flurry of Blows disabled
-Move slowly (something around 20-50% movement speed debuff)
-Deflect Arrows disabled
-Bonus to strength check for picking up and hurling boulders (not sure if this is even possible to script? alternatively some player tool that allows you to click on an area and hurl a boulder at that spot as if you had a boulder)
+2 Con
15% Damage Immunity


Here are some examples of ones that haven't actually been implemented but I just came up with

 Stoneskin VFX
-70% movement speed
+4 CON

Chilly Fists
VFX_IMP_HEAD_COLD on activate
+1 cold damage on gloves
10% cold resist
50% fire vulnerability



Flaming fists
Flame eye VFX
+2 fire damage on gloves
On-hit : Flare on gloves
-5 AC

Shadow strike
Shadowshield VFX
30% Conceil
-5 universal saves

Exigent Mind
Clarity VXF
+5 vs Mind affecting
-5 Fortitude

Viper Strike
Green eyes VXF
+On hit : poison (mild)
+1 AB
-Damage vulnerability physical : +100%

The Old Hack

This is one I have to suggest.

Drunken Style
-1 AB and damage
-33% movement
+1 AC
40% Concealment due to drunken staggering and unpredictable, lurching movements. Copious consumption of alcohol required to learn!

Dr Dragon

Stance of the long death

Alignment Evil (Using this stance could get you killed)

VFX Red Eyes

+1d4 negative energy damage

Spirits flock to the monk.

25% positive damage vulnerability

25% energy damage immunity  

Shadow boxer

VFX purple eyes

Triggers darkness, and ultravision instaneous on the monk.

20% concealment

The Crimson Magician

+10% Movement Speed
+2 Reflex
-5 Discipline
-2 Strength


Stance of Asura
-3 ac
+10 parry

Stance of the Yaksha
+20% movement speed in wilderness
on hit DC 12 freeze
-5 ac
-2 con

Stance of Quarterstaff order
(Just with Quarterstaff)
+1 ab
1d6 blunt dmg

Stance of deception
30% concealment(due to unpredicalbe movements)
-5 will(due to monks focus on his stance)


Iron Belly

+4 Saves vs. Poison
+2 Deflection AC vs. Vermin
-1 Dex

Yuan-ti's Fang

Gloves gain OnHit: Poison DC 16, 1d2 Con
-2 Con

Gloom Wanderer

15% Concealment
Ultravision (3) and Darkness (3) cast on player at activation
Blindness for 1 turn at the end of the stance

Pheonix Rising

Red Eyes VFX
+1 Fire Damage on Gauntlets
Gloves gain OnHit Cast Spell: Flare
10% Fire Immunity
50% Cold Vulnerability

Dream Stalker (Evil Only)

Shadowshield VFX
Gloves gain OnHit: Sleep (DC16) 25% / 3 Rounds

Tyrants Grasp

Gloves gain OnHit: Doom (DC 16) 10% / 4 rounds
-2 Will
-4 Saves vs. Fear

Pincers Edge

Gloves gain Keen property
-2 Bludgeoning Damage

Fleet Foot

+5% Movement Speed Increase
+1 Reflex save
-2 Fort


Graceful Destruction (Elf only)
+2 dexterity
+1 random elemental damage applied to gloves
-2 constitution
5% vulnerability to all elemental types

Fiery Vengeance
VFX: Elemental Shield
Gain a damage shield on hit
10% vulnerability to all physical damage types

Eternal Duty (Worshippers of Death Gods Only)
+6 Strength
-3 AB
+2 lore


One with the shadow:

When activated the monk becomes invisible and gains a single use special power ability item that allows them to teleport to an enemy, similar to tree genasi ability. If not used by the time the stance wears off the ability is lost. Meant to represent the monk merging into the gloom and making a sort of shadow strike.

20% movement speed
1d6 sneak attacks


Way too powerful suggestions. Ascetics have big disadvantages for not using magic but get nice bonuses that the stance would compliment. The suggestions below are way too strong. - H

Ascetic Stances:

Weave Sunderer

Shadowshield VFX
Gloves gain OnHit: Dispel Magic DC16
Gloves gain +2 AB Bonus
+2 Str / Con / Wis
+4 Dex
+5 Hide / Move Silently
80% Concealement
Hide in Plain Sight for Duration of the Stance
Immunity: Spells by Level (Level 2 or Lower)
Worn clothing gains 20 Spell Resistance for duration of Stance

Mithril Soul

White Eyes VFX
+2 to Str, Dex
+4 to Con / Wis
+4 Universal Saves
Immunity: Death Magic
Immunity: Fear
Immunity: Level / Ability Drain
Immunity: Critical Hits
100% Immunity Negative Energy Damage
Gloves Gain 1d8 Positive Energy Damage
Gloves Gain +2 AB
Worn Clothing gains +4 Armor AC for duration of Stance
50% Damage Immunity to Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing, Magical
+1 Regeneration

Bulwark Against The Ineffable

+2 Str, Dex, Con, Wis
+2 Universal Saves
+4 Will Saves
Gloves Gain +1d8 Magical Damage vs. Aberration
Gloves Gain +3 AB vs. Aberration
+4 Deflection AC Bonus vs. Aberration
Worn Cloth Gains +4 Armor AC vs. Aberrations for duration of the Stance
+3 Natural AC Armor Bonus vs. Aberrations
Immunity: Mind Affecting Spells
40% Damage Immunity to Slashing, Piercing, Bludgeoning
75% Damage Immunity to Magical

Boundless Wind

Mist VFX
Freedom of Movement
+20% Movement Speed Bonus
+4 Dex, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +2 Con
Immunity: Critical Hit
Immunity: Knockdown
Immunity: Paralysis
Worn Cloth gains +4 Armor AC for duration of the Stance
50% Damage Immunity to Slashing, Piercing, Bludgeoning
Gloves gain OnHit: Daze (DC18 25% / 3 Rounds)
Gloves gain +1d8 Sonic Damage Bonus
Gloves gain +2 AB
Wounding Whispers (Level 10) for duration of Stance

Ki Devourer

+2 Str, Dex, Con, Wis
Gloves Gain OnHit: Cast Spell Enervation (Level 5)
Gloves gain +1d8 Negative Energy Damage Bonus
Gloves gain +2 AB Bonus
Immunity: Sneak Attack
Immunity: Paralysis
Immunity: Level / Ability Drain
Immunity: Critical Hits
100% Immunity Negative Energy
Worn Clothing gains +4 AC for Duration of Stance
Worn Clothing gains OnHit: Cast Spell: Negative Energy Burst (Level 5) for Duration of Stance
Worn Clothing gains 16 SR for duration of Stance
75% Immunity Bludgeoning
60% Immunity Slashing
40% Immunity Piercing
Gloves Gain Vampiric Regeneration (+3) for Duration of Stance

Immovable Against The Tide

Stoneskin VFX
+10 Con
+4 Str
+2 Wis
+2 Universal Saves
Immunity: Critical Hits
Immunity: Death Magic
Immunity: Poison
Immunity: Fear
+10 Discipline
+10 Concentration
Worn Clothing Gains +2 [Soak 5 Damage] for Duration of Stance
75% Slashing Immunity
75% Bludgeoning Immunity
75% Piercing Immunity
75% Fire / Cold / Acid / Electrical / Magical / Sonic / Negative Immunity
Regeneration +1
Gloves gain +2 AB
Gloves gain OnHit: Slow (DC18 25% / 3 Rounds)
Gloves gain +1d6 Bludgeoning Damage
-25% Movement Speed Decrease


Spirit of the Eternal Flame:

VFX of flaming/combust on the monk

-Reduced melee damage
-20% cold damage vulnerability
-5 Hide and MS

+Chance when struck, low CL/DC combust on target
+Chance on hit: 1d6 fireball
+20% fire damage immunity


Sidewinder stance
(From Dragon Magazine 331)

The Order of the Sidewinder, a small and controversial order, is among the world's strangest and least understood monastic organizations. Called sidewinder monks, those of this order imitate the attitudes of the deceptive snake from which they take their name, getting abilities that grant them a deceitful, deep connection with the earth and also venomous fangs.

[INDENT]+2 MS/ Hide/ Discipline
+1d6 Sneak Attack
Instead of the stunning fist, this monk gets the ability to grow fangs that grant her a +1d4 piercing bonus and 1d6 Constitution damage (DC: 12)[/INDENT]