Forgotten Flower

Started by wcsherry, April 30, 2010, 06:55:55 AM

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I've posted a while back that this faction is no longer supported by the DM's. As I've returned to DM'ing and have some free time, this faction will be returning as well, but not in the sense it had been before when I was first running it.

All I will say on the public forums is that the faction will exist, support PC involvement, and will be open to recruitment.

Applications can be sent in for ideas or concepts, but they will not necessarily mean membership, even if accepted. It is a sort of 'don't call us, we call you' deal, with this faction.

In short, "FOIG" and enjoy.

Involvement restrictions will be strict:

Racial: Moon, Sun, Wild, Wood Elves, Avariel, Sea, and Star Elves.

That's right, Star Elves.

Alignment: Non-evil.