Spontaneous Prelude!

Started by Johannes, December 15, 2012, 11:31:35 AM

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In a couple of hours, I will commence the running of a prelude for any and all players who desire to take part. I will post the exact time when the prelude areas have reached a state of greater readiness, whereupon you can create your PCs and prepare yourselves for the prelude.

Any manner of character is appropriate. Note, however, that you will begin as prisoners in Old Port, whether long or short-term, so please be so kind as to ensure that your character fits that theme. This will be a rather brutal prelude and many PCs are likely to perish, but those that live will have a fine springboard into the world, as well as shared experiences with other characters.

Note that this prelude will not imply membership in any DM faction or group following the prelude's end. It is conceived simply as a fun way to advance a plot in the offing and throw some PCs into the world with some limited knowledge of it.

Bonne chance!


You may commence the process of character creation now. When creating your character, please ensure that they have a [COLOR="DarkRed"]red[/COLOR] tattoo on their chest.


The prelude has been completed, thanks to everyone who participated!