The Meteor Child

Started by Pup, August 31, 2012, 02:50:29 AM

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Well, Lus Syolkiir'Sum, Paladin of Corellon, Meteor Child of the Seldarine has gone to Arvandor.  He was born during a meteor shower, which was viewed as a great omen by the priests of Corellon in Evereska.  He was sent off at an early age to train and given his new name as a defender of the Elven people.  "Syolkiir'Sum" translates to "Meteor Child" in elven.

I never accomplished a single goal I set out to accomplish, mostly due to my erratic and unpredictable playtimes, but also that playing an elven pally is a lonely business!

I'm terribly forgetful about taking screenies, but I got a couple at the end plus some vanity picks.

Thanks to everyone I interacted with, particularly the players of Maeri, Baelaria, and Markin (my human questing bff), even though my role play usually amounted to little more than silent contempt with most other characters. ;)  And of course RwG for dieing when our elven pallys first met and leaving me some nice gear, some of which I had until Lus died!  ;)

Oooooh.  Shiny.

Surrounded and nearly out of supplies for the second time on an epically long quest.  I wonder what happens next?

I know this place, don't recognize the big fella though...

My pride and joy.  My baby.  My precious.

Thanks for a chance to go out in epic fashion!
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals

The Old Hack

He was cool. I always liked running into him :)



Somewhere, somehow, Susan Goldwater cheers him on in the after-life for a job well done. And for killing a ton of lowly Lolth spawn scum.

God speed. o7