[Letter] Janissary ((PC))

Started by One_With_Nature, January 02, 2024, 12:51:01 PM

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Soldiers of the Fourth Legion,

I reported a week ago that the man Jerrod Felch raised a bounty and has been seeking harm on my person. He has been charged for attempted assault and still his efforts continue. His bounties still remain prominent in the realms below, I would like him to be brought up on charges of treason if he refuses to remove them. I am part of our government and to allow such open treachery to go unchecked not only makes us all look weak, it openly invites anarchy in the streets.

I hope that this matter can be concluded swiftly.

On another matter I would like to arrange an appointment with Sergeant Reyer to discuss how we might work together on shaping the law moving forward to ease the burdens of the Fourth Legion and ensure our streets remain safe.


Prelate Ricario Cassella, Proprietor of the Peoples Market

//A copy of the bounty notice is delivered with the letter //https://www.efupw.com/forums/index.php?topic=709641.0//


Prelate Ricario Cassella,

I apologize for the delay in correspondence.  I want you to know that your report has obtained my full attention. I shall find, arrest, and try this cur Jerrod Felch for crimes against the Well.  Should you have any additional threats or information that could assist this investigations, please do no hesitate to contact me directly.

To that end, Live and Drink!

Hosan Abtahi, Soldier
Fourth Legion of the Sultan's Janissaries


Soldier Hosan Abtahi,

I appreciate your attention in this matter.

I have passed on everything I know to your colleagues, he openly preaches anarchy in the streets. Do let me know if I can be of further assistance.

Kind Regards,

Prelate Ricario Cassella, Proprietor of the Peoples Market