Illusions: immune to mind affecting spells?

Started by Letsplayforfun, September 01, 2009, 08:32:45 PM

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Only PhK and Weird of the Illusions are fear based.  They still used mind saves, however classes immune to fear, like Paladins, are immune to them.

Daemonic Daz

Paladins are immune to PhK?

So thats where I've been going wrong.

Jayde Moon

You miss the point.  He's not asking about a connection between illusion effects and fear effects.

He's asking if illusions themselves should be immune to fear.

You know, like Illusory Mind Demons or whatever they are called.

Egon the Monkey

No, he means illusory SUMMONS should have Immunity:Mind Spells. The Summon Creature Illusion theme things.


Yes. This is a bug report not a suggestion.


Ah, righto, then summons of the illusion theme are bugged then. On a side note, when they are made immune to mind tricks, they will be VERY powerful, so you might want to balance that, a bit.