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Topics - OrneryBadger

Off-topic Discussion / The Double Fine Kickstarter
February 09, 2012, 10:26:49 PM
Some of you know who Tim Schaeffer and Double Fine are. Tim Schaeffer is the game designer who has brought us games such as full throttle and day of the tentical, and his work with double fine includes Pyschonauts and Brutal Legend.
Some of you didn't know, and now you do!
After indie game multimillionaire Notch announced he'd totes love to fund a Pyschonauts 2 for DF, All went quiet over at DF for a while, then they announced they were going to conduct an experiment: An entirely fan funded Point and Click adventure game, with a documentary that will show the process and work that goes into making videogames tied to it. Their goal? $400,000 in a month.
That was less than 24 hours ago. They're now sitting at just under 1,000,000 dollars, with the largest Kick Starter rate gain in history.
I don't really have a point, just...thought that was awesome.
Quote"Libraries everywhere would be devoid of Homer, Beowulf, and even The Bible without unauthorized duplication"
Rock Paper Shotgun tipped me off to this with their sunday papers, and it really made me consider the expediency with which we dispose of 'obsolete' knowledge. It also examines the loss of knowledge, software, and copywrite law from the perspective of a historian. Very good read.
Off-topic Discussion / Winter is coming...
January 22, 2012, 07:44:05 AM

So if your heading out there folks, bundle up.

For Daznei
Off-topic Discussion / D&D v5.0 Under Construction
January 09, 2012, 04:36:57 PM
Story also availible on pretty much every nerd site everywhere, WOTC have taken a dastardly drubbing in the finances from the whole 4.0 kerfluffle and are headed for yet another version update, this time supposedly taking fan readback into account.
In that case, WOTC, heres all you need to know: Digital Digital Digital, Online Online Online, Social Networking Social Networking. Good, now repeat that to yourselves over and over and get to work.
This one is a bit self serving and i'll admit it, but as one who lives at one with the wilds, having a bitch of a time even getting into the Unyielding Pass is a bit annoying. Now it's understandible that I, as an untrained individual, might not be good at climbing or balance.
So why can't I turn into a bat and fly over that river?
Given the inability of shapechange to make use of items other then potions I feel it's not terrible imba to give the flying shapes as much as 10 tumble to represent their multidimensional movement and ability to overcome groun based obstacles. This provides an easy way for druids to get around or over jump spots, climb up ropes lowered by others, or otherwise manuever around the wilderness. This would enhance the shapes uses for scouting and evasion.
Suggested Affected Shapes: Seagull, Nightmare Bat, Raven, Ymphian Cockatoo. The negligible health and damage of all of these shapes makes abusing the tumble for tanking unfeasible.