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Topics - Trevor White

1: I pick up a few bulky bits of loot, leaving no inventory room for my shield. Thank you, Recover Trap...
2: Before I think to organise it, i swap weapons and my shield auto-drops on the floor.
3; I pick it up and re equip it. It behaves normally.
4: 2 minutes later, if disappears off my PC's arm and vanishes out my inventory, leaving no log in the inventory.

I have now lost two +1 large shields to this bug  and am considering moving to a small shield in part to slightly reduce the chances of this happening XD
Bug Reports / Bard perks aren't granting songs.
April 21, 2020, 08:05:19 AM
QuoteBards can multiclass freely but if they do the effects of their perk as detailed below are disabled. Whatever song you gained remains in your songbook, however. They may still take levels in prestige classes without losing their perk.

I was building a backup PC as a bard, and noticed I didn't get a song from taking the Perk. So far I've tried it with Skald and Spellsinger on new PCs to check.  I wasn't given  a songsheet, nothing showed up in the book, and my bard song remained normal for the bonuses and VFX.
Yesterday I accidentally destroyed a masterwork healing kit by targeting it with a normal one. Because I didn't have any idea how to transfer items between kits, and made a bad guess when trying to fill it. Then my surgeon was sad.
1: Could we have a set of usage instructions in the kit description, and a warning of "If you target another kit, that kit WILL BE DESTROYED".
2: Rather than just destroying the kit, could using a kit on another kit also spawn an empty kit of the appropriate quality level? That way you can't accidentally destroy loot while trying to reload it or on a misclick. The script reads the ID of the targeted item, destroys it, applies the number of herbs to the item you used, and then spawns another replacement empty kit.
3: Alternatively, could you disable filling kits from other kits, and  add a Unique Power Self Only that spits out 10 Herbs at a time, so we can empty it the long way?
Suggestions / Craft Trap and Tinkering
April 17, 2020, 09:38:16 AM
I'm enjoying Tinkering, but it does come with one huge drawback. Craft Trap is essentially an EFUSS skill that costs you real skill points.  Concentration, Spellcraft and Heal will all benefit any PC who takes them, and Lore is useful for all crafting as well. Craft Trap doesn't do anything but give you an improved Tinkering score.


  • Improve Craft Trap like for Parry and Tumble. For every 5 ranks in it, you gain a bonus. I suggest +1 Open Lock/Set Trap/Disable Trap (maybe also UMD?). You invest 5 points in Craft Trap and get 3 (or 4) points back across other skills. The benefit being that it raises your max skill level in those.
  • Make Tinkering work using Set Trap or Disable Trap instead, as those skills have an actual in game use.
Suggestions / Dirty Fighter ideas.
April 15, 2020, 11:40:37 AM
I looked at the Dirty Fighter perk on my combat rogue and immediately passed it up. Dirty Fighting is a great feat with no downside at low levels, but then actively harmful to your PC at L8+, as it denies you your second attack and associated 4d6 Sneak Attack. It's a feat I'll put on every single melee wizard or sorc I play, and nobody else ever. Especially given the selection of powerful gloves in EFU:R, It's neither as visibly thematic nor as mechanically useful to a "dirty fighter" concept as say, taking the Bruiser perk and fighting with fists (And knees. And elbows. And biting!.).

Given that:
- If Dirty Fighting were able to be modded like Expertise and Power Attack, then increasing the damage die to +1d8 or +2d4 would be an interesting tradeoff. That would make it powerful and accurate, at the cost of sacrificing one attack (and its associated STR bonus, Flame Weapon, etc). Whereas Power Attack is powerful but inaccurate, although it lets you roll more chances to hit, and trigger on hit effects twice.
- That change would give it the the potential to be the go-to move vs high-AC, High DR foes. At least for mid-BAB characters who know Power Attacking would just make them miss their second attack anyway. I did think "maybe 2d4 is too much" and then I remembered that a sling is 1d4, a heavy crossbow is 1d10, and when was the last time you saw a anyone focus on a heavy crossbow? For the same reason of "More attacks=more chances to hit=more damage"
- Or the Rogue Dirty Fighter perk could grant some other bonus in addition.
Suggestions / Crossbow thoughts
April 15, 2020, 11:36:58 AM
I got a lot of joy out of finding a couple of staves with Ambidex and Dual-wield on them, as it effectively meant that a staff was a viable Rogue weapon again. It took away the feat tax of wielding one, in exchange for not having good combat stats otherwise. Sure, I couldn't Finesse it, but I liked the option of dual wielding for more Sneak Attacks. I've also seen some fantastic crossbows with stats that would make you drool if they were even just on a sling. All are sadly still worse than a mediocre magic longbow, because of only getting a single attack and no Rapid Shot. Plus being three times as heavy.

Which got me thinking. Why not just apply Rapid Reload as an item feat to any crossbow that's not a newbie quest drop?  It doesn't need to be on the basic mundane crossbows, but no matter how many +AB bonuses and the like I see on a Crossbow, it doesn't balance out the huge drawback of "Yes but if I shoot twice, I could do twice as much damage". If Rapid Reload is not available as a general item feat it could be scripted as OnEquip?

The tl:dr is that huge, deadly, crossbows are ironically far worse as a weapon than "Walking up and punching people in the face". Unarmed Strike can be effective and fun, especially on on a focused Rogue or Fighter, as it's not difficult to get +2 or +1d4 on gloves. Then add in your strong perk benefits, extra attack per round, STR bonus, and the fact you're triggering Flame Weapon, Divine Favour etc on 2 attacks a round. But that's only because the DMs put in effort to make a flavourful choice actually a practical one too. It costs one feat of Improved Unarmed Strike, but the extra benefits and good loot compensate. Whereas the only thing to give Crossbows a chance is a Fighter perk which has a slightly worse power than the Bow one and doesn't provide Rapid Reload or anything else to make up for the lack of Rapid Shot.

Obviously, a free Rapid Relaod feat wouldn't make crossbow experts comparable to rapid-shooting longbows, but it would mean that someone who's not a rapid-shot specialist would want to actually use something like the Ratter 1000 as their ranged weapon. Ironically, I've been using a crossbow for a while, but that's only because I'm in a niche situation. I'm playing a rogue. He doesn't have Rapid Shot.  He's not yet L8.  The crossbow's got +1 AB on it, die mephits, die! And all of that is less of a selling point now I can get a shortbow or sling Magic Weaponed up anyway.

Another good change could be to put a high Mighty score on most crossbow drops in addition to Rapid Reload. That way, it operates like the choice between Two-Handed Weapons  (Crossbow) or Dual Weapons (Rapid Shot)" . Do you want more attacks per round, or a bigger punch when you do hit? . I mean, that penalises the theoretical 6 STR Halfling With a  Heavy Crossbow concept but that's it. :P
Suggestions / Rogue Perk: Assassin of the Unnatural
April 15, 2020, 08:33:41 AM
What do Rogues absolutely hate? That's right, quests that are both full of non-sneak attackable monsters and don't have a lot of traps or locked doors to showcase their other skills!  I've found EfU to now be amazing fun for rogues thanks largely to things like the HP change meaning a bad roll on HP doesn't cause my PC to be made of wet tissue paper. But there's still the occasional long haul through constructs, undead, and for some reason, snakes.

So, Minor Perk to help combat rogues not feel like the third wheel when smashing some skeletons or golems.

Rogue Perk: Assassin of the Unnatural
Tired of monsters that lack kidneys to shiv, you learned to smear your weapons in unguents that snarl the joints of constructs, burn the plasm of oozes, and crumble the flesh of the walking dead.
+1d6 Physical Damage vs Constructs/Ooze/Undead
(Possibly these should be elemental damage of some form. I feel lower damage numbers but more powerful damage is a good balance here as you don't have to flank, but the damage output is still far, far lower than your many d6 of sneak attack.)

Yes, those are some nice damage bonuses for a L4 perk, but they're specifically targeted on the three monster types that always deny you your +1-5D6 of Sneak Attack damage. They're also of very limited PVP use.

Alternative Suggestion (Would need more scripting)
Alchemist's Fire and Acid Flasks last 4 turns on weapons, not 4 Rounds.
May apply Holy water to a weapon to grant it +1d4+1 Divine Damage to a weapon vs Undead for 4 Turns.
1 free Acid Flask/Holy Water/Alchemist Fire per rest.
The issue I have with that is it's harder to balance. It's a much bigger general buff because the damage bonuses work against everything, but it's a much smaller situational buff because you're probably got a flame weapon anyway if you're going up as a team against undead or oozes. I think it's much better off with a flat damage bonus vs the monsters you're otherwise useless against.

EDIT: Originally these were a flavourful and useful damage type vs each, to represent smearing your weapon in stuff that is damaging to each thing. In order to not sidetrack this with arguments over FR lore, or to make the damage appear too impressive, the default suggestion is now "physical damage" and I've removed the free item.
Suggestions / Confirm dialog for preacher of Sa'i
April 10, 2020, 08:21:55 AM
I was talking with this NPC and accidentally changed my faith with a single misclick. I then donated 100GP because I expected to be told how much to offer before donating. I only wanted to look at the option in case it was a "buy enchantment" or "give token roleplay amount" one, and it cost a considerable amount of gold.

Please give it an Are You Sure option saying what each dialog does and how much it costs.
Suggestions / Alternate Reduce Withering NPC
June 04, 2013, 04:37:07 PM
The problem with the current one in the town is that he runs on cash, and cash is harder to get off quests at higher levels compared to items. So you end up crushing quests and selling everything just to stay in the same place. Numbers Go Up is a game that's lost some of its appeal to me compared to player-driven plots, but you need to spam quests to get the supplies and cure prices to do those.

My suggestion is for a Withering Removal NPC whose cost is not based on resources. Rather than having to get on the quest treadmill, your PC pays in other ways. The treatment is offered for a nominal cost of 10GP or something, but comes with side effects. The treatment reduces your Withering score over time, firing on each tick for wage/advancement XP. This means you have to be logged in and active for it to work. While active it applies 1 level of Level Drain and maybe other random skill losses. This way, you don't have PCs locked down, doing nothing because of high Withering. The reason not every NPC gets the cure can be "it would kill a L1 Commoner from the side effects, can't afford to keep spending 10 GP I am Poor," etc.

The idea would be that you could take this and spend a couple of hours playing the game but with your PC at a lowered power level, in order to reduce the Withering. You'd get roleplay from the side effects, and it would be a case of coping with those rather than "I will solve this problem by killing 200 more Harpies to buy fixes".
Suggestions / More ammunition access.
May 31, 2013, 10:21:53 AM
The Dart Perk is very nice indeed, and I assume the Sharpshooter one is on a similar level of utility. They neatly sidestep the problem of never being able to find ammo. However, it still sucks to be you if you're using a different weapon combination to Sling, Fighter/Bow or Rogue/Darts. There's no reliable source of special ammo unless someone with the perk decides to start selling it. Although White uses a bow mostly, I took the dart perk as it gave me fun things to use at range.
I am aware there are several unreliable sources of ammo, and appreciate the thought that's gone into theming those. However, the lack of reliable supplies leads to "grenade hoarding". You're not certain when you'll really need the badass ammo, so you save it for PVP/DM quests. And half the time, not get around to using it, making things a bit boring. Unlike potions, which you can save up cash for and buy off PCs. It's why I prefer to stock up on Divine Favour potions, they work with ranged weapons and you can usually buy them. The other problem is that there are 2-3 different sorts of Cold/Fire/Acid arrows, none of which stack. It makes it not worth trying to collect them all. I think there's also 2 different item IDs for Bone-Tipped ones. It's the same problem as with potions before homogenisation, but with greater numbers of items as they come in stacks of 3-99 and stack up to 99.

Similarly, what was great with the Arrowhead was that although the +2 Mighty bows were expensive, they were always available. It made playing a shooty PC less of a case of hoping on quest or DM loot to have some reasonable firepower. I got lucky and bought a decent bow early, but it's always a bit of a crapshoot as to what bows are in the economy.

I am impressed by how the Extract Poison Glands tool has solved the same situation for Poison. It's made that a consumable I can proactively go looking for. Could there possibly be a Recover Ammunition tool you could use on dead archers, based on your DEX bonus and if you have Point Blank Shot/Rapid Shot/Weapon Focus for example? Have it recover a stack of ammo from an appropriate loot table. Poison for goblins, poison bolts for kobolds, negative for Undead, Piercing for Bandits etc.
Suggestions / Trap tools that aren't hammers
May 23, 2013, 01:41:55 PM
Self-serving I know, but can we have weapons with + Set/Disable trap that aren't hammers? Since Gnolls went, there's a lack of trap gear. I've seen 3-4 hammers with trap skills, but pure rogues can't use them without a feat. Same goes for other classes that cross-class Disable Trap. It's even more weird when Bilby's can give out those. I know that hammers are thematicaly cool, but they're kind of limiting as they aren't useable by the only class with Disable Trap as a class skill.
PC was Trevor White. Happened I think Monday.

My PC was hit with this despite both him and the caster being unhostiled to each other. I confirmed this when the caster's player PMed me asking if his PC looked hostile to me, because he had no idea why White had been hit. I had previously had everyone on hostile and had swapped back to unhostile on him several minutes previously. I used /c hostile all to hostile, but the player list to unhostile.
With the random attacks on the farmlands, it's possible for the encounters to spawn with waist-deep, sometimes opaque water as the terrain and Orcs as the enemies. This leads to PCs being Disarmed by the Berzerkers and having no way to recover their weapons short of swinging the mouse wildly over the area until it goes over the item, or trying some really wierd camera angles. I spent about 5 minutes trying to work out where my PC's dagger ended up.
Suggestions / ILMS/Ball lightning change
May 13, 2013, 04:58:17 PM
Yesterday my PC was involved in a multi-way PVP before a trial. He was hit by an Isaac's Lesser Missile Storm that was clearly not aimed at him as the player who shot it PMed me wondering what happened. I had been hostile to him but switched it off. We were both blue to each other.

This got me thinking. Could they be tweaked on EfU to instead work like Dispel? You can fire them at the ground for an AOE effect that works as normal and lets you fry a bunch of weaker things by distributing the shots around all hostiles. Or you can fire them at one target and every shot hits them. This would stop the necessity of tweaking OOC hostile settings to ensure that your shots don't hit 7 random bystanders instead of the guy you wanted to blast. IC, you're thinking "this dude is my enemy, I want them dead". OC, anyone who's hostiled all in case of PVP gets to eat hot magic damage.

I don't think that makes Ball Lightning too ganktastic, as any Insulation or other DR works against each damage packet. ILMS would probably need a look though.
Bug Reports / Bilby's Challenge
May 05, 2013, 12:17:36 PM
PC: Trevor White.
Account: Havocstani Battlecreep.

Due to the random placement of the boxes, it is possible that the first locked chest is completely blocked off by boxes. with no path through. Similar bugs can happen with other boxes, with them blocking off chests or even safe paths.

The dog is broken and once it detects you will always follow you regardless of stealth or invis, even if you break line of sight with it, including moving to another room on the map.

Some traps are either bugged or have an absurdly high DC. I sat my PC in front of one with 14 Search, standing still for 3 minutes in Search mode, and did not detect it.
Bug Reports / Withered Mhaire
May 01, 2013, 01:30:38 PM
Says that she's selling cheap items from the Ill Companions. Doesn't buy or sell anything at all.
PC: Trevor White
Account: Havocstani Battlecreep
Occurrence: Every time I talk to her.
Suggestions / Bilby's Rogue Contraption
April 30, 2013, 10:56:10 PM
Please could its description make it clear what it is for? It was not at all obvious what it does, or that it is in fact one use only. The item type and 1/day use gives the impression it's a reusable combat item, when it really isn't. I can't be the only player to accidentally blow 400 gold on something of no use to their PC. It's a cool idea, but currently PCs that would be able use it will likely overlook it, while others will buy it pointlessly.
There is nowhere around there to ditch unwanted stuff, as far as I can see.
Suggestions / Mist-shrouded Farm
April 22, 2013, 11:17:14 AM
Could this be given a quest NPC, or some other hint like a dropped journal by the quest placeable about what lies in there? It's a cool quest but it will steamroll a party who aren't aware that they need specific buffs to defeat the things in there. Also the environmental effect will absolutely murder someone who is lagging out, as there is no way to deactivate it.

For a 2-6, the monsters in there are surprisingly tough and dangerous, and I feel it could do with being telegraphed a bit more than "well, it's misty and mysterious, there is Stuff"