Quest Suggestions Opportunity Dump

Started by Kinslayer988, November 18, 2017, 12:07:52 AM

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I am open to working on some quest changes in the coming week. Now is the time to make suggestions!

When making suggestions mention the quest and the changes you want with bullet points. These are suggestions for quests in the current module.
<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers


  • Is it possible to add a short cut at the end of "A terrifying cave..." that ports people near the entrance/exit of the QA, similar to the ones that exist for Fort Iron Dread IV and the Ogre Soup Cave quests? It's a minor gripe, but I feel like having to back-track through the entire QA is tedious.
  • There are some broken horizontal climbing areas in the Exigent Thought QA that, iirc, prevent people from getting loot for going an extra mile during a certain part of the quest.

Deston E

  • It'd be great if the Bone dancer flavor of the Bone Pit didn't have all the monsters bumrush you at the start.
  • Hook Horrors quest in the Further Reaches could use some more loot love.
  • Maybe look at Veras temple on the dark lake. I feel like it'd be done more without all the rockfall traps? I don't know. I like this quests idea, but groups think it's tedious.

The Crimson Magician

-add a placeable transition or rope/grapple zones to rot hive where sometimes the static transition traps bug out after 1 trigger. bug not unique to the quest but reliance on trap to progress is.

-transition to progress after turning right in the battle of exigent is broken

adjust some loot tables / frequency of placeables to appropriate risk/reward/flavor levels
-driders quest is probably the biggest offender in my mind with relatively useless loot for pursuing the deadly optional challenge
-hook horror nest in reaches and that skittering hollows 2-5 quest in the narrows could drop some decent / appropriate starting supplies

-add more gnoll npc variety (bard/shaman/heroes for large higher lvl groups) to the gnolls instance in the mines quest
-add instances where the other areas of the mines quest pop up in the module such as Hidden Pond further reaches etc.

beyond adding new quests i'd suggest looking at current quests and looking to adjust / add more types of spawns and opportunities to use efuss skills or other less utilized skills to reward players with extra loot or pathways in them


Hook Horror Quest - Father Reaches - 3-7(?)

I don't remember the specific name or level range, mostly due to rarely doing the quest. The quest is just really lack-luster.

* Really easy to do. I've never had a real problem doing it regardless of my party. Maybe updating the Hook Horrors to be escaped Ysinode experiments as part of the hive?

* Very little reward. I think i've only gotten like 2 purple crystals and a blurring potion from doing the quest ever. Perhaps updating the loot table with Aberrant-hunter themed equipment, or general consumables on the corpses?

* low XP (from what I remember). Most of the mobs didn't seem to give any. Maybe updating the XP given by the mobs, if nothing else is done, and if relevant?




  • Shadow Goblins​ - Add a consecration option and maybe some quest giver alternate dialogue that justifies going in here as a good-aligned PC to cleanse/put to rest.  Also improve loot table slightly.  It would be cool if this gave some dissipating darkness item.
  • ​Potion Laboratory​ - Add an EFUSS Alchemy Check to make some cool potion
  • Soup Ogres​ - Add an EFUSS Cooking Check to make some cool soup
  • ​Volts ​- Add an extremely difficult EFUSS Engineering Check that can let you make a dissipating power sphere that shoots lightning bolts.  Maybe incorporate spellcraft and lore, too, in a difficult sequence.  I promise this is not a biased suggestion to favor my current PC.
  • ​Serpents​ - Add a specific dialogue option where a PC with the Snake Blood feat can gain some small bonus.  Maybe even bonus XP!
  • Bandit Hideout​ - Add an entirely new optional part 2 where PCs with the Thug perk or Dirty Fighting feat can get a dialogue option with the quest giver telling them that all the goons they just killed were in tryouts to be in the real cool gang, and now they're in, then you go into the second part and go down an alley and murder some other gang.

zDark Shadowz

Change pitfall traps from ActionJumpTo to just JumpTo so they work as intended. Action puts it to the end of the queue which allows interruption.

Bloodtail Pirates
Kobolds (Low Road Mines variant)


Standing Stones
  • Reduce minimum party size to 2
  • Add some spawn variety, maybe some other elementals or ranged attackers akin to mudmen. Maybe a spellcaster or two.
  • Spellcaster, especially druid interactive object to restore balance or mess things up for different additional rewards.
  • Increase maximum level to 6
  • Add roachmen as enemies in some packs
  • Add random spawns of cockroach swarms during battles
  • Reintroduce this quest. If it's already in somewhere ignore this!
  • Change enemy type in underground tunnels to something more challenging
  • Require a party
Rothe Herd
  • Random enemy type appropriate to wilderness. Vanilla, goblins, maybe something else
Duergar at the Dark Lake
  • Raise maximum level to 7
  • Add spellcasting undead to spice things up
Twittering Tunnels
  • Increase maximum level to 6
  • Add enemy variety to increase difficulty
Bandit Hideout
  • Add hedgewizard enemy, maybe a couple of items to the loot table appropriate to wizards/sorcerers
Exigent Thought
  • Increase difficulty of final encounter
  • Place objects in rooms prior that can be interacted with rogue or engineering skills to decrease final encounter's power
General Questing
  • I feel like the defend the point/person until something happens that used to be in the sewer defense quest could be a cool addition to a few quests or new quests to spice things up.
  • A mid-range lvl 7 or 8 machine quest located in the deep bowels might be interesting
  • There's quite a bit of powerful evil only loot throughout most quests as rewards. Some more good only loot in the lower level quest loot tables might be welcome
  • Dissipating potions that aren't sludge or haste drinks are kind of annoying to get as a reward, and encourages people to do quests in a certain order for efficiency which I find kind of bleh



Finish/work on whatever that Stone Halls quest is in the lowerdark (It seems to be broken / not there, last time I checked).



Make Raoch Hotel soloable. It's best qwest.

Remove wine/rancid fish from puzzle pillars loot table. Maybe add a second reward chess at higher ring count?


Can we please have the take limits of the druid patrols increased or removed entirely? This is sometimes the only reliable source of xp a druid can get due to lower amounts of players often being in nature, and certainly not always getting along with fellow druids or wildling players. Since Maughe the beastmans xp give for turning in wild animals appears to have been decreased so that is no longer a worthwhile source of xp beyond the gear you can get, or being really really low level.

Revenge of the Nerds

Rework the farther reaches hook horror quest into an abandoned breeding chamber/abandoned laboratory with bizarro loot.


Could we also finally make troglodytes a 2-man quest, instead of a 3-man minimum quest


A higher end 2 man quest would be welcomed. While I know it's not something overly desirable there are times it's difficult to get more than a pal, specifically at some of the later night timezones. I believe the highest tier two man quest is Scamander River, which peaks at 7?

May be mistaken. One higher end option would be welcomed.

Also one thing I hated when playing Denorai - It'd be great to have more quests like the level 3-12 cave would be cool to encourage more interaction behind low level PCs. As it stands there's only 2 quests a level 9 PC can do with a lower level PC without commiting to some super dangerous quest. Mausoleum and the New Person Cave. Expanding opportunities (though I know balance is an issue) for high level PCs and low level PCs to interact quests would be a great boon for RP and PC factions to keep able to recruit newer folks even at higher end.

zDark Shadowz

Highest two man quest is lvl 10 as far as I'm aware.

Purple cave caps out at 9 and there's another not too far from it that's lvl 8.

I'd like to see some quests have systems where more than one player needs to hit multiple levers within a certain space of time to open a gate or something.

Real simple script on each one I guess. Hit the lever,  If the other two levers have an integer on it, open the gate, otherwise, puts an integer on the lever with a delay command to put it back.

Kind of a "split the group to get through quicker, or clear each way to a lever as a team" kind of deal.

One path could have traps, another mobs you fight, another could be an arrow-based gauntlet (so endure and/or avoid).

Might be a fun variant to throw into the lvl 2-7 mines quest or crystal or low road cave, spiders etc. Any quest that has a chance of a different challenges on any given reset are the fun ones cause not everyone knows what to expect just from having done it once.