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Topics - Ectheledhel

Rooftop Runner Pure Bonus (+5% Move Speed) applies while wearing the Classic Adventurers set. Not sure if intended so reporting.
Bug Reports / Tehoto Kobolds Faction Bug
July 04, 2021, 01:13:32 AM
The Kobold Firestarters and Kobold Sappers in the Tehoto Kobold quest (Something Cove??) are of a different faction to the other Kobolds. They fight each other when they spawn.
Suggestions / Add Phantoms of Deception to Craft Wand
January 06, 2021, 11:12:23 PM
Tried to make this wand recently and got a message that it wasn't supported. Would really like this Custom Spell to be added to the list that can be turned into a wand by the Craft Wand feat.

Suggestions / Rage Potions and SF/GSF Transmutation
November 13, 2020, 05:50:47 AM
It doesn't look like the spell Blood Frenzy when cast from items I.E potions is effected by having SF Transmutation. Considering the negative effects (-2 AC) of using this it might be nice if it respected SF/GSF Transmutation.

Screen Shots & Obituaries / Lazar Ebonywood
November 08, 2020, 01:08:12 AM
Never done one of these before....

Lazar was meant to be a scheming alchemist who would quietly provide for various organizations while using them to fund his own research. He used his skills as a Diviner/Seer to obfuscate what he was up to and fool those around him into trusting him. During his work as part of the Brimstone Lodge he linked up with the Thayans and began aiding them in their own Infernal/Diabolic practises. This ultimately led to him being involved in the attack on House Nephezar, before being executed by Nicodemus Nephezar in Velstra's Vale.

I'd like to thank all the Players I interacted with a lot - Samantha Black, Gabriel, Finn Darker, Athazar Szonech, Maszim Szar'kul, Imran, Dame Eleleth, Hazel and many others.

Bug Reports / Planar Bundle fails to unpack
October 18, 2019, 12:38:15 AM
Bug Reports / Strongholds - Ticker Church
October 06, 2019, 07:06:17 AM
The Deakin (sp?) Magic Weapon buff fails. It does take groats though.

The Fountain returns a message that you're missing an item to use it.

Bug Reports / Uncanny Dodge 2 removed from Rogues
September 15, 2019, 12:55:49 AM
Play a Pure Rogue (Level 7+). Uncanny Dodge 2 is gone.
Bug Reports / Pasha's Stolen Treasure Key
September 11, 2019, 12:18:29 AM
The key to the treasure room for the Ar'zhoun Quest isn't removed on reset. Could be used to enter the treasure room without completing the quest.