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Topics - Mymerian

Recently, colored arcana books were introduced that when used, set a caster's Magic Missile to a certain color (blue, pink, red, rainbow etc).

For even more flavor, make it so that the Light cantrip works the same way -- instead of being locked into its default light color, it too takes its color from the arcana books when used.

The existing ability to cast Light not just on yourself but on other PCs, but also on placeables etc makes this a flavorful opportunity to create spooky/cool/themed and magicky & wizardly ambience for casters.
Uttu the Spirit Bear is an explorabear found rarely in Ring 93. After a successful persuade check he offers a reward in exchange for Smouldering Ash. However, when brought Smouldering Ash he gives no such reward.

Uttu is a conman, or should I say a conbear.
Suggestions / Add buyable food to Blind Eye
February 18, 2021, 01:28:06 AM
Currently the Blind Eye only sells a few beverages. Perhaps some food could also be added to the seller.

EDIT: Especially as the dialogue talks about something 'to eat or drink' ...
Suggestion: Have the spell "Jump" enable crossing horizontal (and/or vertical) climbing/grapple points (similar to the effect of "Spring Boots" or "Jumping Bean" or "Levitate Potion"). Alternatively, add a new custom transmutation spell, "Levitate", of any spell level, which enables this.

I do not think this would make exploration/ringrunning any less hellishly difficult or challenging for wizards; it would just make the gameplay more wizardly, flavorful and marginally more convenient.