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Messages - Dash

General Discussion /
December 30, 2012, 07:46:39 PM
Or you could write them in your journal notes page. Just saying.
General Discussion /
December 23, 2012, 08:22:36 PM
Go on...
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
December 21, 2012, 01:16:50 PM
General Discussion /
December 20, 2012, 12:57:41 PM
Also Gangster Neutral: "I do what I want... Haters gon' hate."
Suggestions /
December 17, 2012, 03:36:30 PM
Wasn't something similar to this created by Howland in Archipelago?
Off-topic Discussion /
May 10, 2012, 06:31:55 PM
Oh man. I didn't see this until just now. I'm at a loss at what to say.

I've been playing with Wern8 since... Probably 2004 if I remember correctly. He has always been a friend. We were even timezone buddies while I was living in Japan.

I'll miss him. Rest in peace, Wern8.
Off-topic Discussion /
April 11, 2012, 03:32:45 PM
MGS you are my hero
Off-topic Discussion /
August 12, 2011, 03:29:51 AM
I'm gone for the weekend, see you all on Sunday night/Monday
Off-topic Discussion /
August 07, 2011, 03:57:43 AM
How can you use an ethernet cable on a wireless connection? I am confused. Is it wireless or is it wired? Also are you stealing internet from someone random, or is this your school's ethernet connection?
General Discussion /
August 06, 2011, 07:32:33 AM
Monster Name: Ghost of the Fox
Monster Description: Mist apparitions of the illusive Fox Tribe stargazers
Monster Abilities: -/5 DR, High AB, low DMG, (not the best with mechanics so I don't know how to make it cool)
Monster Appearance: Stargazer with blue or red ghostly visage glow-type
Region: Any areas where the Mist is prevalent and Mist monsters have a chance to spawn like Rabantha's Pass
Extra Comments: I thought it would be cool if there was a variety of monsters that could spawn in areas where Mist monsters are. Instead of just standard Mist monsters there could be different types of apparitions from the past life on Ymph, they could either just HiPS around and stalk, or they could actually attack.
Introductions and Group Management /
July 29, 2011, 05:00:26 PM
I endorse this thread.
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
July 28, 2011, 09:58:49 PM
Great PC man, sorry to see him go, we had fun times :(
General Discussion /
July 26, 2011, 11:28:48 PM
Libraries and Tomes of Ymph /
July 21, 2011, 05:59:54 PM
Philosophies and Anecdotes by Phaidra Kallistos


In my home of Cimbar, a favorite pastime of mine was the races of the hippodrome. There I was one day accompanied by my friend and comrade-in-arms Hermogenes, and his father Lyconos whom, being men of means, had plans to host a grand dinner at their estates immediately at the conclusion of the day's races.

However, upon his make to leave, he, that is, Hermogenes, spotted another collegue of ours and a man of excellent wisdom, Autolymos, who is famed for being self-taught, and despite this a man of much knowledge and interesting opinion.

"What fortune I should spot you amongst this crowd of thousands, my friend; my father soon holds a banquet promising to be grand with entertainment and lively discussion, but also promising to be outweighed by the brutish gruntings of his allies [generals and cavalry commanders] more than by men of sophistication as yourself. Come, please do, for your wisdom would bring liveliness where their war-talk would bore me near to weeping."

To this replied wise Autolymos: "How amusing your jests and jabs, Hermogenes. Has not great Lyconos sent you far - to the very walls of Soolabax to study the teachings of a myriad of others, the least of which I must pale in comparison to? What is my philosophy compared with yours?"

And so my friend Hermogenes: "Nonsense, friend Autolymos, you have but needs join me and you will see it is no jest or jibe. So please say you will come, and dispense with the niceties and deliberations."

And so it was that Autolymos could not refuse the invitation and was shortly presented with a few of his friends to the house of Lyconos and to the master of the house.

Attending the celebrations were of course Master Lyconos and his various allies; myself and my friend [the master's son] Hermogenes; another mutual acquaintance, Kallias; the wise Autolymos; Niceratus the Bold, given such a name for his campaigns in wild Akanax, but now given to drink and pleasures in Cimbar; and Antisthenes.

The dinner was a grand affair with all manner of entertainment - the dancing jester boy, and singing girls. All made merry and heartily enjoyed the bounty noble Lyconos bestowed upon his guests.

As the vestiges of the meal were cleared away, Autolymos spoke up and addressed the guests: "The dancer and jester boy have sung for us and entertained for us, and showed thier powers in giving us all pleasure. Despite this, we all seated here regard ourselves their betters. Is it not a shame that we mightn't also contribute to the celebrations and make our own entertainments."

This roused the company into simultaneous exclamation, the heart of which was to say: What then, should we speak of to provide such entertainments?

Hermogenes: "I would hear great Autolymos speak, whom has, if he remembers, promised to share with me an exibition of his wisdom."

To which replied Autolymos: "That I will gladly do! But you each must join me in sharing that which you claim your own virtue and area of expertise."

To which Hermogenes replied: "Certainly no-one would have objection to that which he would say is best worth having in this world."

"Agreed" (replied Autolymos) "and I, very much willing to share, am most proud and of and hold the firmest belief in my abillity to make my fellow Man better."

"Make men better!" (cried Antisthenes) "and pray how? by teaching them some mechanic art? or teaching them nobility of soul?"

"By some instances both" (he replied) "for can not the nobillity of soul be taught through the simple act of some mechanic art? Is not justice found both a type of high virtue and the type of simple construction to benefit your fellows?"

To which Hermogenes interjected: "And how do you do that, good saer?"

Auto. "By giving them money, to be sure."

Antisthenes sprang to his feet at once, and with the manner of a cross-examiner demanded: "Do human beings seem to you to harbour justice in their souls, or in their purses, Autolymos?"

Auto. "In their souls."

Ant. "And do you pretend to make their souls more righteous by putting money in their pockets?"

Auto. "Undoubtedly."

Ant. "Pray how?"

Auto. "In this way. When they know that they are furnished with the means, that is to say, my money, to buy necessaries, or to begin their labors, or to contribute to our societies, they would rather not incur the risk of evil-doing, and why should they?"

Ant. "And pray, do they repay you these same moneys?"

Auto. "I cannot say they do."

Ant. "Well then, do they requite your gifts of gold with gratitude?"

Auto. "No, not so much as a bare 'Thank you.' In fact, some of them are even worse disposed towards me when they have got my money than before."

"Now, here's a marvel!" (exclaimed Antithenes, and as he spoke he rose to his feet with a smile and a look of triumph in his eye) "You can render people just to all the world, but towards yourself you cannot?"

"Tell me, good saer, where's the wonder?" (asked the other) "Do you not see what scores of carpenters and house-builders there are who spend their time in building houses for half the world; but for themselves they simply cannot do it, and are forced to live in meager lodgings. Do you not see the mechanist in his laboratory, creating machines to ease the burden of the farmer, or the architect, or the bricklayer, but for his own labors he can ease nothing? Or of the mapmaker, who makes maps to aid the traveler of merchant to come after him, but for his own mapless wanderings can he do nothing? And so admit that the point conceded, and confess yourself refuted."

"Upon my soul, it is best to concede the point," (said Hermogenes) "Why, after all, you are only like those prophets who proverbially foretell the future for mankind, but cannot foresee what is coming upon themselves."

And so the first discussion ended.


And so the great feast continued. All in attendance were awed with the wisdom of Autolymos. The next course of food brought before us all. A great amount of meat and milk from the beasts in the field, and some portion of boar won on the hunt. All ate and made merry and the wine gave the talk a wanton nature that soon slipped from the polite topics to the controversial.

So it was that Nicertus came to his feet, that is, he stood upon his very chair, not the floor behind or beside it, and called for the host and his guests to give him their attentions.

"Great Host and fellow allies. Wise and noble Hermogenes and his contingent. I say, let us bring the table into single conversation once more."

Here the burly Nicertus had upon his face a sneer, and with his finger thrust straight at Autolymos, he called, "Our dear guest Autolymos speaks so well for making the souls of Men better, but I ask, would the same apply to the Xenian? To the savage elf, to the thrifty halfling, to the stubborn dwarf and addled gnome? For if it were me, I say let them all be gone from the lands and say good riddance!" And here he, that being Nicertus, followed suit with a roaring laughter that soon infected the great host and many of his allies.

Through this laughter Autolymos did only smile, and wait a short time before raising a hand to call for his chance to speak.

"Friends. I ask you consider this. As God has created this world and Mankind, and shaped for us all the place and part we must take, do we not venerate Him for his works?"

To this replied all in unison: "Of course!" and "It is so!"

"And so, as He has created everything, has He not also created the Xenian?"

And following this, still in unison, but a much more subdued, mumbled agreement to his words.

"So it goes, as we give respect to all creation, so too we must give respect to the Xenian." Finished Autolymos.

To this interjected with much passion, and still standing large upon his chair, Nicertus: "Respect the Xenian! Pfaw! Pray tell, next would you have us invite all the Xenian to live in our homes and dine at our tables?"

To this replied Autolymos: "The blacksmith works with the flame in the forge each day and coaxes and feeds it so that its heat might help him shape the iron. The blacksmith respects the flame and gives it care (for can the flame not burn as well as fuel?) but he does not set into the flame his dinner, or the clothes upon his back. No, the flame is part of the Machine, and so is respected, but according to its place. So it is with the Xenian."

"What is the Xenian's place, then?" Called out Antishtenes.

"An excellent question. Let us consider, if me way, together, how we might explore it. But I say, to consider the place, must we not first consider what is separate in Man and Xenian."

To this all men shouted all manner of response. Lyconos, the generous host, immediately called out several physical disparities, whilst Antithenes shouted religious differences. Still more, my good friend, Hermogenes, called out cultural practices, some that he had seen in his extensive travels.

To each of these Autolymos listened, but when all was finished, Autolymos replied: "The answer is much more simple. It is our faculty of Reason, much more developed in Man than in Xenian. That is to say, not all Men are more reasoned than all Xenian, but the general statistic. That man is naturally disposed to Reason where the Xenian is not."

Ant. "If they are not Reasoned, what are they?"

Auto. "The Xenian is "Magical." The Xenian is "Cthonic." As races created before mankind, they, referring to the Xenian, has more of the primordial. The stuff of the magic of creation and the universe. They would be wrought iron where mankind is honed to steel. Thus they are limited in the way they are created. The elf, dexterous but physically frail. The dwarf, sturdy but uncouth and repugnant."

Nic. "And Man?"

Auto. "Man is Symmetry. Moderate. Adaptable. Able to pursue with equal skill at whatever should take him."

"So what is their place, given this is as you say, good Autolymos?" Questioned Hermogenes.

Auto. "Their place is as the young man's. They need direction. Guidance. They can benefit from, even contribute in a limited fashion, to Man's progress. But must be guided by a firm hand when they stray or, in their ignorance, hinder said progress. To exclude them outright would bring only war. Violence. Destruction. But to concede to their chthnoic dispositions would invite the same."

So it was that Nicertus retook his seat, satisfied with the answer he had been given and ready to continue his merrymaking and eating, the fancy of complicated discussion having passed him. Here ended the second discussion.

Off-topic Discussion /
July 21, 2011, 03:34:00 PM