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Topics - Vegan_Snickerdoodles


Apothar Estellise,

    Enclosed, as offered, is my shopping list. It need not cost you dinar to obtain, so hard-earned as your additionally allotted one was.

- Damaged Arcane Stone, Scholar Aspected
- Ash Mageclasp
- One Vial, Oil of the Olive
- Scroll of Elemental Shield
- Salt, One Pouch
- Honey, One Jar
- Garlic, Four Cloves
- Course Black Pepper, One Pouch
- Two Lemons
- Butter, Modest Amount- Purchaser's Discretion
- Two Filets - Frostport Salmon, Fresh Caught
- Your Real Identity

    Your room is sparse. I would recommend you furnish it more for hosting employees. It displays professionalism.

-Acolyte Jamei
Journals and Musings / Jamei's Journal
April 09, 2024, 01:12:52 AM

[The tome, neatly kept despite its heavy use, possesses years of entries on caravan routes, musings, and the practice lessons of a student of the arcane. The latest entry, however, takes on a new fervor. The ink itself oozes fanaticism. The quill has, at points, near bitten through the page.]

Tammuz 9, IY 7788

    Though we did not count the years back then, there are ways of knowing. I have perhaps nineteen of them, roughly half spent in this caravan with Father. It is how we have lived since we escaped the Nothing. We have traveled, brought people here and there. I have read. I have learned to channel spell. I have known Kula, who would make this blighted world green once more. I have seen the greatness of which we are capable when uplifted by our fellow man, in equality. But through it all, I never forgot what brought me here.

    Since that day I have known my purpose. But the means, the path, was ever obscured. No longer.

    They blaze again in my mind, those sights which never left; the death of a World.

    I see it in my books. I see it in the faces of our passengers. I see it on the horizon that burns even now. I see it in my dreams; the howling Darkness boiling through our streets, over our homes, over Mother. It comes anew to the South- a tide of another kind; of axe and flesh. Drums to beckon a new Nothing.

    Annihilation all the same, just as it was that day.

    They promise an Age of Bronze. From Bronze, nothing grows. The Garden will be trampled. Man's divine spark, snuffed out. His potential, his dignity, his dreams forgotten for all time. The Age of Bronze will end the World. I will not allow it.

    We hear now of a battle in the Southlands; a stand made against the tide. Someone resists this terrible thing that rises against mankind. We have learned what city sent this force, and I know also of the Order that resides there. I will have their visions, their portents, and with them I will oppose this second End.

    We arrive soon at Ephia's Well. There I will disembark. Father will understand; my destiny is there. While Doom rises in the South, so too will Great Works rise from the Well of Ephia. These things I also see.

We will unchain the human spirit.

We will see Paradise realized.

We will save the World.

Screen Shots & Obituaries / Akna Ymir
April 05, 2024, 09:03:51 AM

    Akna was concepted as a shamanistic, ice-themed Bouldermancer, awakened from Faerun's remote far North. Her maximized Strength magic came from the spirits of the Wild her people observed; in her case the Polar Bear and his terrible but commanding might. The boulders were ice-crystals and particulate stuff swirled into projectiles.

    Her people traveled as the caribou did and fished when the ice broke up. They raised their tents whenever they needed to stop, and kept them warm with fire. They practiced democracy in the way some North American peoples confederated. Much cooperation was needed to survive, and they could rarely afford to make war between the People. That gave her an immediate and permanent bias towards White League, though it took her some time to get involved. I imagined the facts, names and details of her prior life as being lost to her. Only the essence of it remained, and she remembered being content there despite the stark conditions.

Picture that, basically.

    Waking in the sun-baked desert felt entirely alien and hostile to her. While she was generally a kind character, this unhappiness also left her withdrawn and prone to depression and resentment. Over time she developed some confidence and began to see Ephia's Well not as a hellhole, but just a flawed place like any other, that had limitless potential like any other. And it was now home. She thought she had something to offer, and believed she owed it to her democracy-doing People to try. She raised an early stink about the Mari Blacke case, going directly to the bellows after the sentence was announced. She quickly became discouraged (A trend for her) as she came to believe she didn't have the influence to do anything about it.

    So she got further involved in politics, hoping to grow wise and skilled in the system, to be able make positive change (and unseat Domhnall in a primary). It didn't work out that way, and she found herself compromising; playing for "the team", winning for the greater good. Feeling some shame about this, she never acted with as much passion as she could, always in the back of her mind considering herself a sellout.

    She ran for the nomination at the end of the second Marcellus - Domhnall term, against Ricario. Ricario and her were skeptical of each other, but they ran a clean campaign and discovered he had her beaten by one signature. She had gotten him to agree to submit his first, revealing his count. Not wanting to be a force of division, and largely lacking in duplicity, she submitted her losing bid as agreed, and he ran with her as his Prelate.

    That didn't work out well, and she ended up in the seat under unhappy conditions. That colored her entire term, upending her prior life in the Well. She had always felt comfortable living in the Krak, and mistrusted the Legion. Then the terms of her installment toggled hostile on the leading segment of the Rose, with neither side willing to forget what the other had set in motion. She had to try to make an entirely new support base work, while still being White League. 

    While I had a blast, she was pretty miserable as Legate and didn't think she did a good job. She had a tendency to be rough on herself. She all but gave up on her election against Marcellus, and not even due to the campaign. She just sank back into old bad habits, and doubted she belonged there, dwelling on her errors. She expected (And actually hoped) that the White League would tell her to call it quits and look elsewhere for a candidate, but she was the option, and she didn't want to let them down twice.

She had reservations, but was more motivated this time, and thought her chances were good. For a lot of reasons, however, she chose to go on this mission, and there she died.

I don't really take screenshots, so I barely have any. Here are some random ones though!

Typical Richo on the left, not conforming.
This Bird Loot that dropped from an orc raid was the hugest thing. Bird's still around; Reyer got it later.

Gambling with friends. And also Domhnall. Nabuko stood on like a 10 and won.

Heading to Frostport to Battle the Snorf on Scorchmas. In the background you can see Vico looking to score. He and Akna were buds back then.

No point in being Legate if you don't get interactions like this.

I don't even remember what this was about, but it was a Legate thing with Samton and I love it.

Akna promised her friends she wouldn't turn into Domhnall. Maybe she did a little. She was just in a bad mood here.
But those answers were and are based.


I loved these. I never knew who, but a DM stealthily upgraded Akna's outfit to DM loot tier after a pretty major milestone. I only noticed the next day or so, which was cool. People would later poke at her for wearing it instead of her Toga, as a former legate. Whoever that was, you're awesome and I wore it over the Legate robe whenever I could.

As for the hair clasp, it was her most cherished possession, and the flavor was perfect for her. It was also totally metal. "Yeah, just go in there and ninja loot a polar bear. No big deal."

Bit grim, but she knew and accepted what it was.


    Thanks for the fun! Akna went down to a pretty bad play by me, but that's war, and I was ready for the possibility. There's too many people to list, so I'm just not going to. But from the start of the character there were a lot of you, be they friends, foes, a mix of both, and even acquaintances, who helped Akna go from mostly a wallflower to being much more involved.

[A letter, previously left with instructions at the League of White, would be delivered to Alejandro.]


     I write this to you as the Council prepares to assemble. My name has come up to go and I had already decided to volunteer, and so I will. I am in the League office writing them a note, so I will ask them to send this to you if the worst should occur, as time is short.

     If you are reading it, I am gone. I am sorry that you must lose another friend, but know that I did not do this on a whim. For politics I had little talent, and little motivation by now. This you noticed in my last campaign. But Ephia's Well I have embraced as my home, and if I am not willing to go, I have no business seeking to lead.

     Athelia goes also on this mission and my place is with her, just as hers is with me. If I do not come back, and she does, please look out for her as best as you are able. Tell her I am sorry to leave her, but that I would die for her just as she would for me. She should think less of me, and I would think less of myself, if I let her go alone. Do not let her feel guilt from this, however; I thought heavily on it, and it was my choice and desire to join.

     Tell Bashir that I cherished his friendship, as I did yours, even if I was a mope about it at times. Samton will be wroth should he return, but many more will pass in this thing, and he is a soldier. If you are able, help see that his losses motivate him productively; towards defending our home.

     I know not who runs for White. I doubt that you want to, but if you do I wish you luck. Miro perhaps could, or she can help whoever does. If she continues to work with the League, direct her to Argent Argyris, the Gold, where she may find an opportunity.

     When I woke in this place I was miserable, and quiet. I rejected it, and wished only for the home I had lost. I refused to accept that this could be one, and kept my head down. I wished only to be safely uninvolved, expecting that somehow I might return, and would betray my true home to set roots. This changed, slowly. It changed for many reasons, but the friendship shown to me by the few I spoke to in those days helped me to see that there was plenty here for me. You were one of those people, and for this place which can uplift the lost and the unhappy, that they might have home again, I will stake my life.

Live and Drink

[Akna would enter the office, even as talk spreads through the streets of a war council, and of a mission South. She delivers to the party leadership two sealed letters, sharing briefly a few soft words. She would then depart.]

Balladeer Aurelio,

     Below is the list of Baz'eeli agencies we have contacted to invite proposals for the new district. They were identified, at the Chief Scribe's recommendation, by their top rankings in the Baz'eeli exchange. An exception being the Great Temple, requested by my co-Legate.

     -Hanahara Textiles, a clothing producer.
     -Nadim District Ash and Sail Company, an ash-sail and aviation firm.
     -Ghalish and Sons, a gem mining firm.
     -Gohari Heavy Machinery, whom we have met.
     -The Great Temple of Baz'eel.

     Included also is the list of mercenary companies you wished to see. This is potentially outdated information, but it will be the list you meant, with regards to Marcellus. I will update you as I am able. Conversations with the Ambassador being interrupted, as they are.

    The Fifth Company
    The Bronze Shamshirs
    The Ash Storm Left-Behinds
    The Legion of Steel and Iron
    The Tribe of Tar'za'eel
    The Boundarymen
    The Sordid Shield Brigade
    The Gorgonops Company
    The Stone and Blood Band
    The Sultan's Lost Sons
    The Desert Hawks
    The Pounder Brothers
    The Loyal Knights of the Old Oath
    The Gnashauktar
    Figmar's Engineering & Mechanics Company
    Namja's Kind Admirers
    Brotherhood of the Golden Sun

    May we create better days ahead.

-Akna Ymir
 Legate, Second Seat

     I write to you to commend Janissary Samton Ashworth. Today a very bizarre man, Horatio Severario, who appears to be some manner of romantic matchmaking terrorist targeting Bashir, set in motion a similarly bizarre bomb plot at the Plaza. A bomb and scale were placed, and a math riddle announced over the illegal bellows involving water and two barrels. If it was not solved within fifteen minutes, a bomb would explode at the Pilgrim.

    Samton solved this thing just in time, and with a cool head, completed the task to disarm the bomb. He has done to our community mighty and good service.

    It is a strange time in which we live.

   -Legate Akna Ymir
Chief Scribe Ashbury,

    While the matter must wait for election and Assembly to put before the Well, I think it prudent to prepare options regarding how to utilize our increased Water supply. I have discussed with Bashir some likely considerations, and would welcome further input on matters if the Scribes possess knowledge of them.

    An amount should, I believe, go to alleviating the condition of the refugees and needy. To this end, a supply ought to be proposed to go to the the Almshouses. It has been suggested to me to support with some of the Waters the Tablet, but I am of the understanding they who live there have their own way. I do not believe they desire our interventions, or to be within our walls or "debt".

    Trade will inevitably be proposed, and on this Bashir and I discussed several options.

Alkab requested one hundred barrels in exchange for an increase in our grain shipment by half. Bashir and I did not consider this the most tempting offer; we would need to negotiate it well down from one-hundred, and thereby receive even less of a gain to our food supply. Do you believe this a promising course?

Il-Modo- Surely they desire the Waters, however this engagement I could neither propose nor endorse, considering the recent plot, and the offense it would surely cause to the Wheel.

We were not aware of Frostport's disposition on trade. Would they be a suitable partner to pursue in this?

    Qadira and Kha'esh were named for the sake of conversation, and swiftly were they considered not to be appealing options. Tlonsiyya is surely an available partner, however we believed their needs were largely related to labor.

    A further notion was private partnerships in Baz'eel. There are likely businesses and firms with the means and legitimacy to trade with us on this scale. Are there any such entities you know of, with whom a trade arrangement could bring benefit to the community here? I welcome any knowledge or wisdom you or the Deputy Chief Scribe have on these matters.

     -Akna Ymir

Correspondence / [To Aisha al-Samar]
February 09, 2024, 02:40:08 PM
Deputy Chief Scribe al-Samar,

    After the recent trial of Radislav Ludovich, and considering previous outrages, there is a reform I wish to propose to our Assault law. To deliberately and permanently cripple a victim ought to carry risk of a capital charge. The Prosecution appeared to be in agreement, however there was not a suitable means to seek it beyond a potentially untenable Attempted Murder charge.

    He was charged instead with stealing the victim's eye, which was then evaluated using Kha'eshi black-market organ prices at a Capital two thousand five hundred dinari. This, I grant, was an innovative strategy. However we really should just have a Capital Assault charge.

    Below is my proposal for such. Would you review the wording and offer suggestions as to keeping it precise to the intent, when time allows? The intent is to make available exile or greater sentencing, when a victim is intentionally maimed in a grievous and permanent manner, with intent to do such harm. The wording is not meant to include relatively minor, but still potentially permanent consequences like scars or a trimmed ear, but rather loss of bodily wholeness. Similarly, if two people engage in mutual combat and permanent injury occurs that is not deemed intentionally inflicted for the purpose of causing such harm, it is not meant to be included.

    When I approached another about this, they were in agreement of the purpose, and suggested also that a new law for Maiming could be implemented. I welcome also input on this, but thought to begin with assault.

4. Assault: A person found guilty of harming or planning to harm another person without causing or intending mortal injury for any reason other than self-defense has committed Assault. Minor to Capital.

Minor: Unarmed.
Serious: Armed.
Capital: Maiming. (Deliberate removal or destruction of body parts or organs with intent to inflict severe permanent harm.) 

     -Akna Ymir

Correspondence / [A Letter to Legate Ricario's Office]
January 26, 2024, 04:44:15 AM

    The slavers are broken.

    Within their camp we came upon their lockbox, containing the riches with which they desired to tempt us. It was extremely trapped. Many were felled by it.

    Radislav somewhow managed to open the thing, and began to make off with the box. Mirielle attacked him in the Krak. That is my fault. I feared he would melt the resources in some insane sacrifice, and warned her of such. I do not think he cares, so likely no drama will come of it.

    He brought it to the Pyramid, claiming a tithe for its opening with the rest going to the State in my care. This I found agreeable... I was not going to touch that box, after all. Finder's fee, as they say. Thirty-four Thousand five hundred Dinar of the slaver's gold remains for state purposes. As I cannot access the Treasury, I am simply remaining in the Embassy until it can be handled.

    There are many resources left in the camp of the Sapphire Crest for use. Caravan wagons which can offer some small degree of additional shelter. Barricades. Much woodwork. These things should not be wasted.

    Someone lit your warehouse on fire during the fighting. I had a feeling someone would do something. The gutters have been active of late.

    Your biggest supporter Ariel complained the whole time we were preparing, argued in favor of the slavers during the parlay, and griped that your warehouse did not burn down. It is becoming very sad. It feels cruel to acknowledge her at this point.

    All things contemplated, the night could have gone worse.


Rosie Gunmper,

    What you have asked of me, I will attempt to do. I have been and will continue to. On this matter of counsel, of thinking, of slowing down; I must make known a worry.

    I delivered the Legates' wishes regarding the Stadium to you, but I do not think it wise to put these preparations into motion. The notion of the thing, to put this space to actual use, is good... but it is only a notion. There is behind it no plan, and a plan and the infrastructure to make this work would need to be solid as rock. I must advise that we do not stumble into this Stadium refugee camp, else it may simply become the next disaster.

    Domhnall has given his consent to stop whatever is in motion by the League on this matter. We should continue to think and prepare on the possibility, but not to rush into another half-formed idea. A White League meeting has been called. By now it will be tomorrow, at the eighth hour of the evening. If this notice is too short, it can be changed.


Nisah 23rd, IY 7788


    A man calling himself Sergeant Lawcet of the 'Sapphire Crest' addressed us over the illegal bellows system, calling us to beyond the Southern Gate. There he was arrayed with a caravan and some several dozens of men with more reported inside.

    They appear to be slavers, and desire that we 'Sell' them some of the refugees. A mercy, they claim, and a threat that they wish to acquire these people the 'civilized' way. First they offered fifteen, then twenty, then forty thousand coins, and suggested if we have not prepared the refugees to move in three days time, they will "have no other choice". I did not make terms with them, stating only that I could not agree to their offer and would inform the Legates of the Assembly.

    I thought it not prudent to start a bloodbath in the dunes without warning, with a force of unknown disposition and location. I informed him that when they return in three day's time, we will give to them our response.

    For the violence that is likely to come, we have three days to prepare. Present at this standoff was myself, Balestriere Rosseau leading a small force of Banda, Acolyte Narwen, Pauvera, Nadiri Lapa, and others, though some were concealed.

    Those I saw were men-at-arms, armed as many dune bandits might be, however more reasonably organized and likely better equipped. They are suspected to have cavalry; hooves were reported in the dunes by Pauvera.

Correspondence / [A Letter Below, to Jerrod Felch]
January 11, 2024, 10:51:21 PM

    Concluded is the primary. I heard your words, and they are appreciated. I did not succeed, narrowly. I am foolish enough, however, to believe that good can be made of it. There were other things I wished to achieve than just winning, and I would inform you of it if we can again meet. If this is desirable, let me know where.

    If we cannot meet this day or the next, I will write.

Correspondence / [To Legate Guivarch's Office]
December 26, 2023, 05:37:21 AM
Most Esteemed Comrade of Asterabadian Exchanges Guivarch,

     You told me to write letter over bellows, so here is letter. I understand that politics is imperfect game and deals must be made to play it. This I have learned to accept. I see also that you are man of your word with your many appointments. This is very nice, very noble. Did you actually directly promise Cassella Prelate? I spoke to someone and heard otherwise. Did you directly promise Hamdan Magistrate? If you believe they were needed, you could have bought them more cheaply I think.

     Vizier I care not about. It is imaginary position that was made up and (hopefully) paid for by him anyway. Magistrate, however, actually matters. Do we not keep something to our ideals that are the entire reason we make unhappy trades?

     White League has been obliterated in this election. There is no confidence. There is no base. We have little left to rally to next election. You appear to have turned Balladeers against White. Purple League could not have achieved this thing in ten years of Marcellus. It is ever the duty of White to destroy itself. We need to start taking something back, soon. If the scraps that still remain of my idealism are not enough to move you, then I should perhaps remind you...

     Your new pet magistrate threatened to explode the Pyramid with a bomb.

     Could this get him arrested for Treason? Probably not! But Janissaries love nothing more than raising excessive charges. People can play along with his costume act for fun, but that Lightdew seems to have no sense of fun at all, and just how many peg-legged morons are there in Ephia's Well? Perhaps the fact that you used the League's narrow survival to appoint a Purple League play-terrorist to Magistrate embarrasses Rosie just enough to cause her to take action before the membership, if this is spoken of enough?

     These are, I think, simply things that are reasonable to consider.

     If you are agreeable, I would like to speak with you soon about the exact terms of these deals that have been made, and how we can navigate them to do something somewhat related to White principles before our pending massacre in the next election.

   Live and Drink!

Correspondence / [A Letter to Domhnall's Office]
December 09, 2023, 09:13:24 PM
Comrade Legate Guivarch,

    I commend you for your re-election. A narrow thing. It is my hope that, if possible, I can speak at you before you make any speeches on the matter. I think upon the future of the movement that is our League, and believe already that you have received bad advice on how to approach this victory. While this is a thing I am sure Legates hear six times a day, this time it is different.

    Why? Because I said it is so.

Correspondence / [A Letter to Aubrey]
December 07, 2023, 11:47:17 PM

    This is Akna. I have not done this letter-writing much, but I believe left with the Roseman of the bar, it will reach you. I write now to ask you to do a thing that I think you will find less enjoyable than eating worms.

    Please just vote for Domhnall.

    We have shared our doubts about certain things, but I have come to accept that they are only doubts. Those who claim to know these things with a certainty, I have seen with my own eyes, will claim any stupidity on a mindless whim, to slander someone they want to destroy. Their words are empty and opportunistic. I would be a fool to pretend to know what I do not, as they do.

    There are things I do know. Purple currently has power to hinder change, to sustain the current status of things. And the current status of things is terrifying. Heinous cases are brought in private by Purple Sergeants, to Purple Magistrates, and a hapless boy who was all but framed for Brooking by that Sergeant's illegal coercion is executed in private tribunal.

    Marcellus refused to hold his magistrate accountable. Only by the crowd, and Domhnall's support of it, did she step down. Shortly after this, the Well had to execute that same criminal goon of a Sergeant, and Marcellus attempted to pay the Legion the most in Allotment for their disgrace. Domhnall prevented this, but it forced an even split; the Purple status quo.

    We see how little can be achieved in the presence of Purple, and what poison we may take if a League of boot-licking and power worship seizes the Pyramid entirely. The White League membership is beset by mindless hecklers and the apathetic who, for nothing more than vague distaste of Domhnall himself, will stand by and see our entire ability to combat these injustices vanish.

    I have spoken to a scribe. The race is so close the Torchbearers are taking emergency loans from Ashfolk coin-sharks to buy random votes off the street. Every vote is critical. I understand Domhnall did not support you against Marcellus. With this information you can do several things. You can pay him back in kind, by withholding your vote or giving it to another. Or you can up the White with me.

    Sephidra may not be the same shade of Purple as Marcellus, but it matters not; the League wins with her and controls her seat. Imagine the high-ground you will have by rising above the personal. Imagine also the humor of a Purple organization attempting to win by entering debt to Baz'eeli loansharks, only to lose anyway. The League of Purple does enjoy owing the Ashfolk for nothing.

    Please vote, if you have not. Hold your nose if you have to.


My character is a bard named Jacqueline Laporte and her songs which grant a dice roll damage bonus against an alignment or racial type have stopped giving these effects.

The songs I currently have which appear to be bugged are;

-'Ix's Instructional Intonations'
-'Hennrick Hammerhand's Song of the Deep'
-'Macasta's Ballad of the Bandit Princess'

All of these have a racial or alignment damage dice component which used to work for me but have stopped. Note that 'Ix's Instructional Intonations' has a flat racial damage bonus and I do gain this effect. The mix-up appears to be restricted to dice roll damage bonuses. I attempted all these songs without any effects such as flame weapon or other damage bonuses active.

General songs which gain additional effects as you level do appear to work properly for me, such as the additional effects granted to Vibernum's Healing Touch. Unfortunately I am not certain when the racial/alignment songs ceased giving their full effects, but it is possible the problem only occurred after my last level up.
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Kassava Glynvellin
June 29, 2018, 06:26:48 AM
RIP Kassava.

I had previously played EFU:R only briefly and Mistlocke even less so, so this is the first actual character I have stuck with here. She started out a strictly self-interested, backtalking warrior who lived her elven father's life of crazy survival naturalism and intended outlast the apocalypse as long as she could, without getting involved in other peoples' stupid problems.

That didn't last very long. The natural inclination of the character as she grew in skill was to sympathize with (most) orange cloaks against her better judgement, and go out of her way to help out decent sorts just trying to get by. Even so, she had no interest in signing on with any faction, as she only expected them to get her killed. Her natural role was eating hits for others, so she developed a certain ill-advised dedication to the people she travelled with, even if it's not how she saw herself, and even if she occasionally hated them. She naturally developed into decent material for a loyal soldier despite her cynical nature.

Cue her interactions with the Linderil twins. Naturally they met and developed an acquaintance through quest-crushing, and over time became closer. Kassava initially disliked elves for the simple fact that elves typically disparaged her on account of her mongrel half-bloodedness, but she found good humor and camaraderie in the pair, and it eventually developed into a real friendship. She heard more of their quest, and came to believe in it despite her own lack of cultural roots in elvendom or closeness of the Seldarine. In time they asked her to consider joining the Sentinels of the Coming Dawn. Kassava was never sure of her place in an elven diaspora, but for the sake of her ties with her friends she joined.

The sisters became the only people she trusted implicitly, and she began to determine her own direction based on what would keep them and their quest most secure from the intrigues of Sanctuary. She herself had plenty of options as a fairly mercenary fighter of experience, but she had ceased to view things in that way. After a time she saw herself as dramatically less important than their quest, and loyalty compelled her to consider herself expendable to it. She was furthermore too stubborn not to go down for the compadres she tried to shield for, which are the two things she tried to act on in the end.

I have very few screenshots, and the juicy ones I have are best posted a little later. I think outside of her death I only have shots of the musclebros lunking out in the square and of Marbury's player being a goober.

Loot? None. Her best piece was the Fighter's Splint hero loot. It's basically anti-PC race PvP armor, looted from a nameless trog in the filth caves at level six or something. Very prestigious! It looked awesome and I loved it, and for obvious reasons I wore it in Sanctuary at all times until I coughed up the cash for crafted plate.

I had a lot of fun all around. Kassava was a paranoid, sullen mess by the end, so a great many interactions I wanted to have didn't happen in the amount desired (or at all) due to her suspicions of the PCs in question, but thanks to everyone I roleplayed with and who helped me have a blast on the character.