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Main Forums => Off-topic Discussion => Topic started by: Wolfgangvondi on July 22, 2013, 07:21:29 PM

Title: Trying to bring a New Player - help
Post by: Wolfgangvondi on July 22, 2013, 07:21:29 PM

I haved played this great server from some time, but allways take long breaks.
Now I would love to bring my Wife (I´m fresh married) to try it.

The "prbl" is that shes not realy that in to games and have Zero experience in NWN. ( even less in an Role playing Server ofc.)

I know, i should start her by givem her the chance to play the single player NWN for a bit. or something like that. But honestly, she will not like to simply go kill this or retrieve that.

My hope is only that being droped in a set of true Role play, she might find it interest enoght to stay longer tham 15m

So... any sugestion on what char to start a newb? Easy background, goals? or any other sugestion?

My Thanks in advance.
Post by: Paha on July 22, 2013, 08:06:21 PM
Efu is quite, unfortunately, demanding by nature, and harsh. I would feat that a person not so experienced in games in general, would have problems that spring from the lack of understanding/ability to perhaps manage the challenge, commands and controls.

RP in itself is quite often a matter of nature, maturity and personality of course. It is however, in my opinion, the difficulties and harshness or mechanics that in majority of occasions drive people away. This is unfortunate, but there is somewhat little to be done to it, but hope they stick to it.
Post by: core on July 22, 2013, 08:29:01 PM
I recently introduced someone to EfU who has never played NWN, DnD or roleplayed before in his life but he took to it pretty well. I found it was important to play with him as much as I could and show him the ropes of roleplay, as well as communicate with him OOC about the various nuances and courtesies of the server. Helping out with mechanical stuff is important too, as dying non-stop is kind of OK when you are brand new but swiftly starts to suck.
Post by: Bride at the Funeral on July 23, 2013, 12:49:13 AM
I got my girlfriend to play here for a year, and she sounds like your wife.

To get over the learning curve, I DMed the official campaign for her while also playing an NPC as her henchman. We did NWN1 through the tutorial and up to the end of Chapter 1 (when you defeat Desther). By then we were level 7-8ish, so we went from there to Darkness Over Daggerford, which starts at level 8. Then when we finished that we went to Hordes of the Underdark.

We role played the entire time, which really helped her get ready for EfU. She played her character here up to level 7, which is something of an accomplishment for a non-gamer.

Of course, she quit when we split up, which just goes to show that she was only doing it for love. That's something to keep in mind. If your wife gets into this, it's probably only because it's something you want to do, and you're likely going to owe her some chick flicks and "girls' nights out" in repayment.
Post by: Wolfgangvondi on July 23, 2013, 03:48:27 PM

First off, thanks a lot to all of you for the reply's.

Yesterday, was our test run, and she end up doing pretty well for some one that never had contact whit similar games.  

We just did a fast try out on the simple, basic mechanics of the game, and them jump on right in. It went better that i anticipated.

And good fortune simile on us when an priest decide to join us for a bit. That helped a lot since is also my first time in this new setting of the server and i am also total lost here.

Also, we even end up signing up whit an faction. So for the first Run i think it was great. (We din't even die! )  

I tried to do what U said Core, and was tipping her OOC and also having extra care whit her pc all the way.

Also i know what u are talking about Paha, ofc, some one that is not in games, to start on something like NWN Role play server, even more an brutal one like this one.. we really need a lot of love to get you to break a lot of barriers and mis-concepts about gaming and the game community.

So my thanks for the replys and to the ones that interacted whit us in Game, and ofc to the red recruiter : P
Post by: LiAlH4 on July 23, 2013, 11:41:32 PM
If you're on IRC, message me.