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Messages - Denko

General Discussion /
November 15, 2009, 12:54:52 AM

Maybe you could make it a sembian drink or something.
Off-topic Discussion /
July 05, 2009, 05:37:37 PM
Thanks a lot for the advice, guys.
Off-topic Discussion /
June 28, 2009, 03:28:08 PM
Well, I want to go for a system with, more or less, 3 Ghz, 3Gb of memory, and the latest Nvidia card available. Only for gaming and internet, really. Sorry for being a computer dummy, but what is an integrated graphic card?
Off-topic Discussion /
June 27, 2009, 07:23:27 PM
Quote from: Talir;132945What games do you intend to run on the computer, Denko? We may be better able to answer your first question if you answer that. Personally, I have not experienced any problems with games such as Counter Strike, The Guild 2, Vampire the Masquerade, Warcraft 3, Neverwinter Nights, Europa Universalis 3, Diablo or Empire Earth. Even Starcraft has worked almost satisfactionary but for the occasionally graphical trouble I believe relates more to my integrated graphic card than to Vista.
I intend to run NWN, and any recent games that interest me. I want to get a NVidia graphic card, if it can help.
General Discussion /
April 29, 2009, 08:06:54 PM
What I find utterly ridiculous is that drinking potions takes less time than using magic items. What can you do faster? Uncork a bottle, drop your weapon because you need a free hand, remove your helm,  drinking, then throwing the bottle away and picking up your weapon again? Or activate a magical item just by touching it, without even needing to drop the weapon? I can't believe the same guys who made the great game that is NWN made such a mistake. Then duels look more like two drunkards competing to see who can drink faster than an actual duel.
Introductions and Group Management /
April 04, 2009, 09:58:10 PM
QuoteHowever, there are drawbacks. Garagosians do not believe in retreat, or deceitful tactics in conflict, or turning down a chance for spilling blood. This can be fairly difficult for newer players, or those who enjoy using invis and running in battle, leading to IC reprocussions by other faithful.

Yep. Spies.

Isn't syping a deceitful tactic?
Introductions and Group Management /
April 04, 2009, 09:55:53 PM
You gave up the Cottery?
General Discussion /
February 14, 2009, 11:46:05 PM
Yet, none of the ways of that myriad would fit my char... That's the point. As I said, with another char, I would act differently, and besides that doesn't mean I can't be helpful to new players OOCly.
General Discussion /
February 14, 2009, 02:04:57 PM
Quote[15:43] I've heard a couple reports recently about new players trying us out and being ignored
[15:44] Well, one of them said that someone as much as emoted *ignores the new arrival
That was perhaps me, I typed this while playing my elven char. Now, I don't see what is the fuss about this. I was rping my char. My char doesn't care that some poor sod get teleported on Ymph, and that's why the most logical thing for him to do is to "ignores the new arrival", especially when he is supposed to have witnessed it like 2500 times already. If I would have been playing a char who is supposed to help, then I would have done something else, but I wasn't. And even an evil char won't say "HAHA YOU LOSER YOU ARE STUCK HERE" 10 times a day; the moment will come when he won't care anymore.
General Discussion /
December 26, 2008, 07:31:12 PM
What bothers me greatly is that “foig” bullshit. Okay, I realize you can’t get answers to the server’s mysteries out of the blue like that, but I mean… I have asked for simple things in the DM Answers forum such as how many people lived on the ziggurat and was told it was foig. Besides the fact no PC has any idea about this and the dms are too busy to possess npcs for things such as this, I believe this is evident for everyone this is common knowledge that anyone would possess, just as everyone has an approximate idea of how much people lives in his hometown! Just as anyone would know that there are apparently kids living under the ziggurat. Just two of many examples. Informations such as this  should go to the “rumors” thread, as everyone would know it.

QuoteDo clerics preach?  How can clerics become wand and potion merchants?  In the real world, one would get benefits of a church only by being a member.  I have seen various bards whose only bardish element is to use their magic song.  Where are the stories, poems or actual verse?  Are they only reserved for the competition for where they get a prize?  I would like to see more scrutiny by DMs of such multiclassing as the player appears not to be anything like that class.

That may be partly why EFU is perceived by some as being a PVP arena server. Curiously, I don’t see anyone else complaining about this, perhaps because  a lot of people do it; hells, I’ve done it also, making a goblin barbarian / fighter and not rping my barb class much. Yes, it seems that many players multiclass their characters in a way that will make them more powerful at pvp; or maybe it’s just my perception, and actually that full-plate fighter/bard brutal mercenary actually has artistic inclinations, it’s just nobody sees him when he excercises them. I said bard, but I could just as well have said rogue or ranger: all of them allow the player the unvaluable use of wands. And we know how useful a wand of shields, dispel, or hold person is, right guys?
General Discussion /
November 08, 2008, 11:46:36 PM
The problem about that is pcs can't always know if someone is looting a dead pc, which is completely illogical. I mean, you just can't rummage through someone's else pack (or monster remains for that matter) without the people standing at 5 feet of you noticing. Even if the thief is on stealth mode, you should see the bag "magically" opening, items being taken out, etc.
General Discussion /
November 06, 2008, 10:13:07 PM
I frankly doubt there is any good ic reason for someone midly good at fighting and with a minimum of courage to do anything else than face a threat if it's really confirmed to be serious (and even if it's not, then at least checking it would be the logical thing to do). Evil pcs have their home on Ymph too.
Introductions and Group Management /
November 06, 2008, 09:54:57 PM
Among the many things that make this completely impossible, is that the dms would have to create a whole set of quests for nightrisers pcs... I can't imagine nightrisers picking oranges for the ziggurat old woman. :D
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
November 03, 2008, 12:16:12 PM
That's all?
Suggestions /
October 30, 2008, 06:36:46 PM
Hmmm I just saw this:


Two years after the end of the Avatar Crisis, in 1360 DR Leira was slain by the new deity of death Cyric, wielding the sword Godsbane, which was in fact an avatar of Mask. Her portfolios were subsequently absorbed by the mad god.
I guess that's the "official" version then. Sorry!