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Topics - MAGIC

Suggestions / Make fire spells and gsf evo better?
June 06, 2024, 04:01:30 PM
There are many fire spells that are plainly inferior to the other elemental counterparts. Frost Wall has a free slow component to it that Fire Wall lacks. Cold and Thunder have higher level flame weapon counterparts in the form of Herald of Winter and Lightning Avatar. The Elemental Orbs all have additional effects such as slow, blindness - while Fire Orb's additional effect is another damage over time burn effect which I believe doesn't stack with the burn from GSF Evocation Fire. Blast of Flame is a lvl 4 cone of fire spell with no additional effects and the same damage profile as Fireball, while its cold equivilant Frost Blast is a projectile aoe that does the same amount of damage but also adds a save vs frozen effect for 1 round / 2 levels (very strong!), while gas explosion has a save vs 1d4 rounds of daze/sleep/knockdown. Fire spells should be brought up to par to the other elements.

Additionally, GSF Evo Fire's effect is very weak compared to the others. First the enemy has to fail a reflex save, then wait 1 round, then it gets another reflex save, and if it fails that second one it will take 1d4 fire damage. Perhaps the damage can be applied before the 2nd reflex save - make the reflex save the roll to put the fire out but you still take the damage that round?

It would also be nice if we could tone down the number of fire resistant enemies. I get that it's a desert setting and thus it makes some sense that creatures in it would have some hardiness against heat, but if the imputus behind switching some spells from bludgeoning to Earth damage type is that Earth is magical, the same should be said about Fire. It's magical fire. If being tough against being hit by rocks shouldn't protect you from being hit by magical earth-attuned rocks then being tough against heat shouldn't protect you from magical fire-attuned attacks.
Right now anyone can place furniture within a faction base. It retains ownership of whoever placed it.

My suggestion is that anyone in the faction should be considered an owner of the furniture. (Perhaps it can be limited to anyone of officer rank or above?)

This will help with issues of pcs leaving, dying, retiring, having their names changed...

There is something similar for properties - where you can flag an entire faction as being allowed to enter.
Dear Quendi, Beloved Speaker,

I share concerning news. The Thousand Clans have gathered under IAKMES. IAKMES has vowed to bring about an Age of Bronze. He vows to slaughter all the people whom he sees as interlopers in the Great Sea of Ash. He says only through their blood can the land breathe again.

I do not know what IAKMES intentions towards the Spring and our people are. In days past the people of the Well have vowed to me that they would protect the Spring and the Newborn if we ask for it. But their memories are fickle. Their lives short. Their speakers change with the month. Young speakers do not always honor the words and ways of old speakers.

The people of the Well have asked me if the Spring might help in their war. I have told them that nothing sacred grows from ash and blood. I have told them that the gifts of the Spring are for the Newborn and the Newborn alone and these gifts are not for the making of war. I have told them that the Children of the Spring will not fight in this war.

They understand.

It has been suggested that the Kinbands who feel the call to wander the Great Sea may see and hear things that are worth sharing. Tales of things-that-are which may save lives from the axe and fire. They wonder if the Kinbands of Ynys Eilir might share these tales with the people of the Well.

I ask, on their behalf, for your wisdom and the wisdom of the Spring in this matter. Will you hear their request and consider it? If it is your desire to hear them then I can bring Bashir to the Spring so that you may hear their words directly.

With love,
Narwen Alendiel
Dear Quendi, Giver of Gifts,

I am inviting outsiders from Ephia's Well to join us in a celebration of friendship during the Festival of The First Blooming.

I do not know who will wish to join us. I will be inviting several elves of the weary old world. There are many others who will wish to come in friendship or out of curiosity.

I will turn those away whom I believe have done us wrong or who have wicked intentions. There are people who have taken advantage of or harmed or threatened harm against myself, Notos and the Spring itself. Sadly there are such people in the Well.

I will ensure that our guests bring no iron or steel with them.

I also want to bring Ishla back to the Spring. She is sick. She has fallen into a sleep that she does not wake from - but this is different from the sleep that afflicts some of our people. I hope that bringing her home might help her. I do not know if it is safe to move her. If it is safe then I will bring our sister home.

Can you please let the Newborn know that there will be guests?

Your sister,
Bug Reports / Astrologian Scroll Creation Oddities
February 09, 2024, 05:10:42 PM
I've noticed a few oddities and bugs when it comes to Astrologian Spells. Some of them are due to some of the spell's levels being rebalanced.

Level 1:
Astral Regeneration - cannot be scribed. No price, no message.
Stellar Blade - has a scribe price of 225gp. Most level 1 scrolls are 25gp.

Level 2:
Burst of Radiance, Star Shard, Twist Fate - have a scribe price of 225gp. Most level 2 scrolls are 100gp.

Level 3:
Celestial Regen - cannot be scribed. No price, no message.
Lunar Bolt - has a scribe price of 400gp. Most level 3 scrolls are 225gp.

Correspondence / Letter to the Legates - District Funds
January 25, 2024, 08:55:51 PM
Dearest Legates,

We write to you out of benevolent concern about things we heard during a White League meeting. Various attendees inquired about the amount of dinar in the district treasury and were discussing plans to use these funds. Some were related to the protection of the refugees. But not all were.

The Priory was provided assurances that the district treasury would be used solely for the construction of the new district and that the State would not withdraw from it for any other purpose. That was the purpose of the ministry - that charity and funds that were put into it were pledged towards this goal.

We care greatly about the safety and well-being of the refugees. We want to save as many lives as we can. We believe that the most prudent way to save lives is to build the new district as swiftly as possible. We also understand that we need to respond to crisis as they arise. We should respond in a way that is sensible and meaningful. Therefore we ask to be consulted on any proposed uses of the district funds so that we may advise and give our blessing to their use.

Thank you,

Acolyte Narwen Alendiel
Priory of the Sibylline Vine

Correspondence / Quendi Giftgiver, Spring's Gift [DM]
December 23, 2023, 04:27:10 AM
Dear Quendi,

I have gone deep into the depths below Ephia's Well. I have seen and heard things down there and elsewhere. Questions bloom in my mind.

I do not know if it is my place to ask these questions. But these thoughts grow and spread in my mind. They are loud and leave little room for other, gentler thoughts.

Is the Spring of the ages?

Is the Spring of Yllaris?

Correspondence / Jamileh Attar, Sandstone College
December 19, 2023, 01:20:15 AM
Dear Miss Atters,

I beg your forgiveness for not indulging your curiosity at the time. The circumstances were inappropriate and my own thoughts were in turmoil. I am prepared to do so now.

I humbly request your aid and your expertise.

Acolyte Narwen Alendiel
Correspondence / Grand Vizier Hamdan al-Hamdan
December 14, 2023, 12:11:31 PM
Dear friend,

I have heard your bellows about a tower of ice and find myself intrigued. I would like to hear more. I would like to help. What do you need?

Acolyte Narwen Alendiel
Suggestions / Give Cacophonic burst back to bards
December 06, 2023, 05:18:07 PM
Cacophonic burst used to be a wiz 4, bard 4 spell. It was deemed to be too powerful as a lvl 4 wizard spell so it was moved to wiz 5.

And it was completely removed from bards. I don't see why it can't be a bard 4 spell given that bards only receive it at lvl 10 while a wizard receives it at 9 and bards will only have a single casting of it / day *if* they have 18 cha.
Suggestions / Extended Cloud/Wall spells
December 04, 2023, 05:20:11 PM
Currently the save DC for cloud/wall/persistent effect spells decreases by 1 every round. This makes extending those spells a rather lackluster proposition. I suggest that the rate of loss be halved when the spell is extended, so it will be -1 DC every 2 rounds instead of -1 DC every round.
Suggestions / Furniture Scale
December 04, 2023, 04:18:24 PM
It would be nice if we could have the option of scaling down some (but not all) of the furniture. Some things like statues, tables and signs are enormous and being able to reduce their size by 50% would let them be usable in more circumstances.
A letter is sent via messenger to Tlonsiyya. The grammar and handwriting is much better than Narwen's typical fare - she probably had help writing it.

QuoteDear esteemed secretary Kur Tarul,

I wish to extend my gratitude, and the gratitude of the Sisterhood of the Sibylline Vine, to your Vice Chancellor and Envoy for allowing us to visit your marvelous settlement and for the opportunity to make amends for the wrongs done to your envoy.

We are quite curious about the nature of salvage found in your Well and what uses we might have for such things. May I propose a trade? A barrel of our fine wine in exchange for a crate of trinkets?

Perhaps, if your people are pleased with our wine, and we are pleased with the usefulness of your salvage, we might discuss other, ongoing trades.

Acolyte Narwen Alendiel
Priory of the Sisterhood of the Sibylline Vine
Brother Quendi,

Hi, it's me. Narwen.

Ishla has fallen into a fitful slumber from which she does not wake. She thrashes in her sleep. Her lips move but no words come forth. Her eyelids flutter and from within is a purple light. Her tears turn to steam.

This happened after she was blinded by a bright light from a Menhir.

I am giving her what care I can but I am not a healer. I couldn't save Miwindel and my heart and mind are gripped with fear at the thought that I cannot help Ishla. That she too will wilt and die in my arms.

Is there any treatment you can suggest? Are there any plant or herb we might try? Any words on this stone you might offer?

Please, send any reply or messenger to the Priory of the Sisterhood of the Sibylline Vine in Ephia's Well. That is where we are.

Your sister,
Narwen Alendiel
QuoteDear Ernesto Est,

There was little time for formal introductions on the trip. I apologize for this. My name is Narwen Alendiel, a Newborn of Spring's Gift and an Acolyte of the Sibylline Sisterhood.

Let me thank you once more for allowing me to accompany the students and to witness the beauteous sights and insights that Il-Modo has to offer. I was taken by Sage Giacomo's art. I feel humbled and inspired having looked upon them.

I wish that I could return the favor and invite you to visit my home. My people live simple lives compared to yours. We live in harmony with the land. We have little to offer compared to the bold and colourful grandeur of Il-Modo. If you would still wish to visit my people, and share songs and stories, then you may tell the guardians that you are a guest of mine. All I ask is that you bring no iron or steel into our home and you bring your own food, as you will find our food to be inedible.

I wish to ask you two things.

In the book "The War of Pearls" there is mention of a mist-shrouded isle in the Sea of Pearls named Ynys Eilir. This causes me great confusion as the name of my home in my language is also Ynys Eilir. It is located deep in the sea of sand and ash, far from the shore. Might you, as a learned scholar of a sea-faring nation, have an explanation for this mystery?

Regarding the topic I asked you in the Lamp of Learning - I wish to assure you that my interests are pure. I have become entangled with this thing. I have been stumbling blind in the dark, following only my heart. I am worried that is not enough. Is there a way I could be given permission to that section of the Lamp of Learning's library? Or a way that I could be given wisdom from one who has permission?

Thank you for any guidance you can provide.

Live and drink,
Acolyte Narwen Alendiel
Brother Quendi,

I have met another of our people. She was alone. I think her kinband, like mine, was lost, their songs silenced.

She was going to try to take the gold that I had, but she was moved to tears when I told her what it was for. Moved to tears by the thought that there might be a home for her out here. She ran off before I could help her.

When my heart was filled with grief, I was afraid to come back home. I was afraid of what I might see in the eyes and faces of my greater family. I was afraid of the comfort and assurances that you might offer me, things which I felt I did not deserve.

I have lived among these people, the people of Ephia's Well, for many months now. I have watched them, listened to them. Eaten and drank with them. Sang with them. They are a difficult people to understand, and are moved by many different things.

I do not know if it is wise to partner with these people. But I think it may be necessary. An Embassy can ensure that our song is heard, it can help us to find friends and allies in the great sea. It can also be a home away from home for those kinbands that wander this way. Shelter for those who have been in the great sea for too long.

I have included my thoughts on the various groups and people in the Well so that we will be better informed to treat with them.

Live and drink,
Narwen Alendiel

Quote from: Notes on the factions of Ephia's WellAstronomers - They possess a great knowledge of magic and machine. They are greedy for knowledge though, and have only become more and more greedy. Very disharmonious. I think they have killed many people, including their own, in pursuit of their knowledge and keeping their secrets. I would not trust them.

Banda Rossa - Bloodstained murderers wrapped in iron and steel. They will do almost anything for money. Be wary of them. They have made casual threats against the Spring. They laugh about murdering elves and children. The Cinquefoil Rose may hold them in check.

Balladeers - Friends, in heart and spirit. They have promised to me that they would protect our home. I was one of them, along with Ishla, for a while. They obsess too much over the past, though. They seek to recreate the past rather than create a new future. They wear steel and silver and do not always remove it, even when asked.

Sisterhood of the Sibylline Vine - I have joined them for protection and to learn how to control my new gifts. They are a secretive bunch. Very friendly, very comforting, very loving. I think we can trust them.

The Janissary - The Sultan's thugs. Heavily swayed by the Astronomers. They had been plotting to capture or murder me. I would advise caution.

The Torchbearers - Friendly, but not friends. They are sometimes kind and nice, sometimes uncaring. They have said that they would help us but they always put themselves first. I have learned to warily trust them, but keep them at a distance lest I be hurt too much by them.

The Scribes - Loyal to the state. You can trust them to do their jobs, but they probably also tell the Legates everything. Maybe they tell the Astronomers, too.

Scholars and Archaeologists - I think they would want to dig in our sacred home and explore. We should welcome the ones who come seeking to share stories and songs, but be wary of those who want to dig and explore our home.

Beloved Legates,

I write this letter inform you that I have delivered to my people the funds necessary for the establishment of an Embassy to the Speaker of Spring's Gift.

Quendi will consult with the Spring and decide if this is the path our people will pursue. He may or may not reach out to you. The decision is now theirs to make.

I thank you all, and your predecessors, and the good Scribes, for the kindness and acts of friendship you have shown. Ephia's Well a place of strife and conflict and schemes, but it is also a place of strength and passion.

I have seen that The Great Sea is a Garden.
And that all plants start small.

This may be a small seed, but it is my hope that it is one planted in the spirit of friendship and unity. And that this seed may sprout and grow and move the hearts and thoughts of others.

Live and Drink,
Deep and Full.

Narwen Alendiel
I have seen 2 faction stores where you can buy CMW items using favor points. In both of these stores the Caster Level on the CMW item is 3, while the CLW caster level is 5.

This almost makes CLW better than CMW, despite the higher cost. (1D8+5 vs 2D8+3)

Ephia's Water, Medium has a caster level of 6. I think the favor store items should be the same.

Correspondence / To Lyrist Pommerst [DM]
September 14, 2023, 03:35:02 PM
Dear Lyrist Hiltrud van Pommerst,

I would like your help. Alejandro and Sparrow have recovered some antique pipes. They have musical notation and lyrics on them. It is a song - "The Song of the Wellfolk."

They have translated the lyrics. But I am interested in the music! I do not understand the notation. I think that the upper band describes pitch and note variation? I do not understand the subtleties of it. It does not sound "right" when I try to play it.

Can you help with the music? I have included a drawing of the artifacts and their inscriptions. The sections in red are damaged or missing. Some of it I have guessed.

I want to compose a new hymn to this music. If the bubble beast is what I suspect then this may be important. It may help.

Narwen Alendiel

Suggestions / Some Bard Suggestions
September 08, 2023, 03:47:18 PM
Overall I think bard is in a great place this chapter!

Bards should get access to the following spells:
0: Dancing Lights
1: Crafter's Insight

Mislead could be verbal only like Displacement. This will enable shield/armor wearing bards cast it on struggling friends in the middle of combat.

Vicious Mockery (and some other spells?): Add some damage scaling based on your perform skill (similar to Starblight) when holding a musical instrument in your main or offhand.

Lingering Song: Give +50% to the total song duration instead of a flat 5 rounds. With the bonus to song duration that EFU grants based on perform & level this becomes a less attractive feat compared to Extra Music. This change would put it back on par with Extra Music.
If we look at a lvl 8 bard with 20 perform:
Each song lasts 10 rounds + 6 rounds + 1 rounds, 17 rounds. They have a total of 136 rounds of music.
If they get Extra Music they get a total of 204 rounds of music, a bonus of +68 rounds.
If they get Lingering Song, they get a total of 176 rounds of music, a bonus of +40 rounds.
With this change Lingering Song would give that lvl 8 bard a total of 200 rounds of music instead of 176.

With both Extra Music and Lingering song, the total duration of music would be:
Before: 264 rounds of music
After: 300 rounds of music

New spell: Inspirational Boost. Gives +1 to your bard level for the next bard song. Must sung within the next 1 turn. (instead of +1 to its effects as the pnp spell does, 1 turn instead of round to give some leeway with timing/action queue wonkiness)

Why? Bard 7 and Bard 9 can be rough levels for a bard. Bard 8 is where the class really takes off, the songs get stronger, they get a 2nd apr, they get their 1st lvl 3 spell cast (if they don't have 16+ cha). It really is a night and day difference. Allowing a lvl 7 bard to tap into some of the lvl 8 bardsong bonuses ahead of time would help smooth that gap.

As for bard 9 - it has often been suggested to me that I multiclass after bard 8 since bard doesn't get much until 10 and that might not be achievable. Bard 9 doesn't get any new spells known and only gets a single spell cast/day (it is level 3 though, which is strong). Allowing someone who sticks with pure bard to boost a few of their songs up to the lvl 10 bonuses seems like a nice perk of staying pure.

Perhaps this could be a lvl 2 spell since those are much more valuable and some of the lvl 10 song bonuses are strong?

Quote from: Inspirational BoostINSPIRATIONAL BOOST
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting, Sonic]

Level: Bard 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 swift action
Range: Personal Targets: You
Duration: 1 round or special; see text
When you play your instrument, sing your song, recite your epic poem, or speak your words of encouragement, you fill your allies with greater confidence than normal. While this spell is in effect, the morale bonus granted by your inspire courage bardic music increases by 1.

The effect lasts until your inspire courage effect ends. If you don't begin to use your inspire courage ability before the beginning of your next turn, the spell's effect ends.