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Topics - Cruzel

Off-topic Discussion / Something different.
September 14, 2008, 09:22:14 PM
For the past few days/week in my free time,Rather than play EFU and get drawn into awesome stories and plots that I do not have time to get drawn into, I have been designing a dungeon.

This dungeon is designed not to test people's abilities to make smashbots and pwn everything in a QA. This dungeon is in fact quite easy when it comes to encounters, even L1's could beat the majority of the monsters in this dungeon.

The dungeon is primarily built to test the mind, it has it's share of puzzles, dangers, moderately heavy scripted doodads and placeables and of course ; Awesome loot.  Depending on how fast people can solve the riddles, I would estimate anywhere from one to four hours for completion of the first floor.

Given the plain lack of time I have to run something like this, I'm not sure when I could actually run this, maybe on a weekend. If anyone is interested in something other than a smashfest QA, leave a post here and I'll try to work out a time to host/hold this event.

There is Two floors in total to this dungeon, both of which Will take quite some time to complete and therefore this would need to be divided into at least two events.
Concatenated into one thread just because I'm feeling lazy.

I have a lot more, but they are on another computer so to hell with them, imo.

Start with Vera's Portrait.  The eye color is wrong, but otherwise it matched her description.

Getting spiced on  the urdlen quest, and insulted too :(

The dreaded corner lurkers. A nice little drawn out conflict dawned from the events after this shot, Kudos to Scalebane for the archnemesis of Vera Lynn.

Helping to take down the one and only AZZAM - One shuriken at a time.

Lol, audiences.

To put it in context; Sheva asked  Vera to do her hair so she could match Vera. I actually had a little halfling mimic following me around for a while. Fun times.

All I have from Vera for now.

Onto Kurt;

Fun fact ; Kurt was 15 years old, and had (if memory serves) 19 int, but nearly always walked around buffed to at least 23 INT.  Until he left the associates, he only cast once in a period of almost two weeks, in front of another PC.  Only one PC approached him about catching on that he was a lot smarter than he would have people think. He talked a lot of shit, but in the end he was just a dude trying to survive, scared shitless of dying.
Also, the accent was mostly a bad act. He slipped up on numerous occasions to reflect his moderately low bluff score.

Now for pictures!

Tossing out threats during Elina's weaponmaster duel.

That Illario guy liked walking around without a body. It was really annoying sometimes.

Learning the purpose of the MACHINE.

Pretty much it for Kurt, aside from spoilerish stuff which  probably shouldn't be posted for a few months without DM say-so.

Just this one for the lulz.