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Topics - Mort

QuoteA slave camp maintained by the Bloodmoon Mercenaries next to the city of Almraiven suffers from well crafted uprising during a time of weakness. The slaves manage to steal their weapons, burn down part of the camp and make out with a docked ship unto the shinning sea. For this Prelude, It will be a two part, one part will be the slave PCs escaping guided by their leaders and the secret outsiders who organized the uprising. And the second part will the Bloodmoon reacting to the Uprising and giving chase to the slaves.
You can apply to be either a slave PC, or a Bloodmoon mercenary.

QuoteThe Benefactor Agents: Very little is known of this organization aside that one PC will be a member and be divulged more information in-game. They are the ones behind the uprising and their motivation for it are unknown as of yet..

QuoteThe Bloodmoon Mercs: Ruthless and paranoid, the bloodmoon Mercenaries are based off in Almraiven, they take part in slavery trades and other less-than-kind businesses of the seas. They'll hire and outfit anyone that seems durable enough and shares a passion for gold. They're greedy and your typical scumbags.
Announcements / Preludes!
December 23, 2010, 06:47:14 AM
I'll try my best to run a Prelude adventure every week or every two week. These Preludes to Ymph will incorporate mini-adventures across Faerun and each will be centered on a specific group, whether its a small town, a local group of thieves and bandits or soldiers to a Lord escorting the tax money back to their Lord's home. I'll be posting beforehand what this week's Prelude will be, you can choose to participate if it interest you. Priority will be given to people without characters and this can be a good opportunity for you to meet new players and start EFU:A with a small group that will make your experience easier and more enjoyable.
I'll also be taking suggestions for preludes, so for example, a week I might be running a prelude suggested by a Player, you can PM me such if you want. These adventures should be for low level characters (3-4 levels).
Why run these? Well, sometimes if people have trouble coming up with new characters, these preludes could give them ideas and nudge them to start EFU:A with a small group. It also helps people cope with character lost, if you know you can, without any effort, jump back into a small group concept and return hastily to the action of the gameworld under a new guise. And of course, because Preludes are fun and I miss low level, ambience and old school D&D.
So, if it interests you, take a look at this week's Prelude:
I'll be trying to run a Prelude/week, each consisting of a mini-adventure and introduction to the Isle of Ymph. This is an opportunity for you to join and start the module with a small group if you are in-between characters. This week's adventure will be:
QuoteThe farmers of the neighbouring region of Hluthvar's Rest have sent a messager to the lord mayor of the small town as each night, bone chilling screams are heard and their cattles are found brutally mutilated in the morning. The farmers are terrified and ask for help. Lord mayor Louis de la Verandrie asked his local deputy to investigate. A few concerned citizens, driven by adventure and a will to help others, have decided to lend their aid.

Number of Characters : 3-5 (Priority to those without characters).
Starting Level : Deputy at 4, rest at 3.
Characters: The Deputy + Citizens of the town of Hluthvar.
If you are interested, simply write down a short biography as follow in this topic: (I also need someone to play the Deputy, design him as you want but he must be the town's Deputy.)
QuoteJames Sullivan is the young son of Eddy Sullivan, the town's grocer. He has work with his father at the shop to make a few coins on the side with which he bought a sword wishing to leave the town and make a name for himself. He figured helping the Deputy with this dilemma will help him to achieve this as well as helping his father, whom the events have put in distress due to his work relationship with the neighbouring farmers. He's nervous and hoping this will simply be a routine wild beast to hunt...

I wanted to run this tomorrow, but we'll see if I garner enough interest by then. It's a low level, low magic, old school adventure with a few twists.
General Discussion / Perks à la Fallout!
February 12, 2010, 11:49:39 PM
Well, I've finished implemented partially, at least, something that was in the Suggestion forum a while ago. Thanks for everyone's ideas!

Here's the current available perks that can be selected by your character after level 5. Only 1 perk can be selected. There are 39 of them available so far with more in the works as well as possible balance touch in the future. Feel free to not select one if you dont find one that fits your character as more may be implemented in the future.

QuoteAnimal Skinner:
  You’ve always been proficient at skinning the fur or scales out of the hapless critters of the land.
  - Bonus: You will now receive twice the amount of hide when skinning an animal.
  Pouring your magical essence into artefacts and goods holds no secret to you and you are capable to do it more efficiently.
  - Bonus: Crafted Wands will have a bonus d4 charges.
  Battle Rager:
  Having attain the pinnacle of releasing your fury in battle, you care even less about incoming blow in order to gnaw, bite and crush your foes.
  - Bonus: Extra -2AC to Barbarian Rage, but extra d4 damage to your attacks while raging.
  Blight Walker:
  Covered in filth and swamp matter not only attracts flies but also makes you more resilient to poison and diseases. (Evil only).
  - Bonus: You attract flies. +2 vs. Disease, +2 vs. Poison.
  Bloody Mess:
  People tend to die in horrible horrible ways as long as you are around.
  - Bonus: More gruesome killing blows with slight bonus XP.
  Fist fights are a tradition for you and with such experience; your fists seem to make more teeth fly away than anyone else. (Chaotic only).
  - Bonus: Improved Critical (Unarmed)
  Eating your relatives and friends hold no secret for you. You’ve partaken in the pleasure of the flesh in ways most would not dare of…
  - Bonus: Killing a member of your race restores 10% of your hit-points, as well as providing you a temporary bloodlust bonus.
  You require more sleep than most to live through the day, but it does allow to appear more vigorous in the few moments where you are awake.
  - Bonus: You may rest every 20 minutes instead of 25.
  City Slicker:
  You are accustomed to crowded places and use this to blend right in. Unfortunately you haven't spent the time outdoors to translate the skill to the wilds.
  - Bonus: +2/+2 Hide/MS in the City. -2/-2 Hide/MS in the Wild.
  You’ve mastered the way to pull out energy from outer planes, and can therefore channel more summoned creatures at once.
  - Bonus: +50 Summoning Points.
  Crusader’s Zeal:
  You are a growing beacon of faith for those around granting them more courage as you fight alongside them. (Non-Evil Only).
  - Bonus: Replaces Turn Undead; Grants +1 to all saving throws, restores HP equal to the user’s charisma modifier, and grants +4 vs. Fear to all friendly PCs nearby for a duration of :character level + (charisma modifier x 2)/rounds.
  You’re a dreamer. The Mist speaks to you through your dreams and can provide you guidance through them.
  - Bonus: Every time you sleep, there is a slight probability that you will wake up more clairvoyant, wise and vigorous.
  Drunken Haze:
  While alcohol is a poison to others, it is an essential condiment of life for you.
  - Bonus: Drinking alcohol restores your hit-points as well as grants you temporary hit-points as long as you succeed the fortitude saving throw.
  Elemental Bond: Element
  You've made the focus of you studies or power tied to a specific element granting you to access its powers.
  - Bonus:
  - Change Flame Weapon/Dark Fire to chosen Element
- Change Bard Song Damage Bonus to chosen Element
  - Change Summoning Theme to chosen Element
  - +2 Saving Throw vs. chosen Element
  You were castrated in your youth in order to perform a social function… how lucky. (Male Only)
  - Bonus: -1 Fortitude, +2 vs. Mind-Affect, +2 Concentration.
  Flower Child:
  You’ve lived in harmony with the plants and animals of your homeland and have grown knowledgeable in their wellness.
  - Bonus: You harvest twice as many produces from plants.
  Gloom Walker:
Your shadowy ways have learned you extra skills in the domain of blending with the darkness. However, you have developed an aversion for light.
  - Bonus: +Blindfight Feat, light sensitivity (reductions in AB, saves, and chance of blindness while in sunlight)
  Being a competent herbalist allows you to cut corners while creating certain balms, ointments and potions.
  - Bonus: -10% to the cost of brewed Potions
  Lion Heart:
  You’re generosity and care for the wellbeing of others grant courage and discipline in even the most hopeless of situations. (Non-Evil Only)
  - Bonus: +4vs. Fear, +2 discipline.
  Man of Faith:
  Following the dogma of your patron has seen you both rewarded and mystified. You are truly faithful to your deity.
  - Bonus: Bless (Spell) also adds +1 divine damage to everyone around. You may also be rewarded each night by your deity as you rest.
  You collect every knick-knack from the junk piles to the ruined armours in hopes of making a few extra coins… and you do.
  - Bonus: Every time you rest, you gain extra d4 gp.
  Night Stalker:
  Your eyes have become adjusted to the dark, permanently, making you a capable hunter at night but damaging them during the day...
  - Bonus: +3 spot/ +3 listen during Night. -2 spot/ -2 listen during Day.
  Obese Stigma:
  You’re large and in charge. Of what you may ask? Who knows, but it definitely gives you more bulk to support more punishment. (Fat Phenotype Only)
  - Bonus: -2 Dexterity. +2 Constitution. -1 Fortitude.
  You’ve always been one to find the easiest paths to travel the wild and not waste any time.
  - Bonus: +10% speed increase while in the wilderness.
  Planar Lock:
  You’re able to sustain the link of your summoned servants to the prime material realm longer than most.
  - Bonus: +20% summon duration (also affects charges from items).
  Putrescent Flesh:
  You smell like a corpse that has been taken out of the ground after a few years of decomposition…
  - Bonus: You attract flies. +4 vs. Disease, +2 intimidate.
  Rune Master:
  You’ve developed a dominion over the magical powers that are bestowed upon you making them harder to spells.
  - Bonus: Any cast spell on you will count as 1 level higher for the purpose of dispel magic.
  Sewer Dweller:
  You are strange. You are filthy and you live off the filth in the sewers below the city…
  - Bonus: +4 hide/ +4 MS while in the sewers. +3 vs. Disease.
  Slum Child:
  Living with the gangs of the Docks has left you hardened and tougher while you hang with this crowd.
  - Bonus: +1 ab, 1/- Slash Resist, and +2 intimidate while in the Docks.
  Soldier’s Rest:
  You’re a born warrior; however, you do need a restful night of sleep in order to endure the punishment that awaits you during the day.
  - Bonus: With each rest, you gain 10 temporary HP that can go over your maximum.
  Skeleton in the Closet:
  You’re grim and your past has been built over the dead bodies of a thousand men… which means that sometimes they chose to keep you company.
  - Bonus: With each reset, a skeleton susceptible to necromantic powers will spawn in your backpack.
  Steel Lungs:
  You’ve lungs of steel while it is time to hold your breath making you capable of staying underwater a great length of time.
  - Bonus: Double duration of breath while underwater.
  You’ve always been the lucky one. The one that survives against the odds and it has always remained a trait of your personae.
  - Bonus: You are 15% more likely to stabilize when bleeding.
  Totem Warrior:
  Your dedication to the ancient ways has given you greater willpower and resilience to survive the hardship of the Wild.
  - Bonus: In the wild, you gain +1 will, +1 fort, +2 concentration.
  Undeath Mourner:
  You mourn for your fellow undeads that are always persecuted by the so-called goodly forces of this world, which is why you have develop means to bolster them.
  - Bonus: Replaces Turn Undead. Grants +2 AB, turn resistance equal to charisma bonus, and a 5/- DR that absorbs (charisma bonus x 2) to all nearby undeads for a duration of: character level + (charisma modifier x 2)/rounds.
  War Screamer:
  You’re a war priest, a priest that leads his companions in the midst of battle and revel in the glory of warfare. Let’s enjoy it.
  - Bonus: Replaces Turn Undead; Deals 1d8 damage to nearby foes. Gives 1d8 Temporary HP and +1 AB to nearby friendly PCs for a duration of: character level + (charisma modifier x 2)/rounds.
  You’ve always been the quiet one and you’ve always been one to follow a patron that would allow you more to blend in.. and blend away…
  - Bonus: Replaces Turn Undead; Grants Invisibility to all friendly PCs nearby with a bonus to hide/ms equal to your charisma modifier for a duration of :character level + (charisma modifier x 2)/rounds.
These should be selected in ways that best fit your character, in order to make him more unique, and so on.
Announcements / Necromancy Update
November 20, 2009, 09:35:44 PM

Just a small announcement to say that it will now be possible to corrupt/enhance your undead minions as well as make them equip weapons of your choicing should you wish it so!

The rituals to corrupt/enhance your minions mix the skills of :
 - Alchemy
 - Lore
 - Spellcraft

As well, they can be boosted by the feat "Spell Focus : Necromancy" and its greater counter-part.

What this means? It means that you can really create a unique and diverse undead army with your necromancer that you can experiment upon to make them ... faster... stronger.. more resilient... and so on.

Similarly, DMs can now give your PC a significant boost to your summoning/animating skills as a reward for roleplay, good stuff and awesomeness making it possible to control a LEGION of undead creatures (or other things!).

Cheers and Happy Animating!

Go Dark Arts!
Announcements / EfU:A Campaign
November 15, 2009, 05:37:37 PM
Hey there!

With a busy schedule, I cannot really take part in the efu:a world as much as I would want to, but I cannot depart from it still. To reconcile these two parts, I decided to steal an idea from the Big Chief, Howland, and begin working on a campaign, i.e. regular typical dungeon crawling adventure with treasures, puzzles, betrayals (I love those), etc.

It should be pretty fun! I dont want to take too many people so I'm limiting the spots to 8. Here is the basic information:

 - 8 players/characters
 - 1 session/week , probably saturday afternoon.
 - You have to attend every session, some sessions might be moved (You'll be informed prior to them moving)
 - Your character is in stasis for the duration of the campaign. This mean, you cannot play it outside of the campaign if you decide to partake.
 - Preferable level range for startup characters is 6-7.
 - When you return, (IF you return), to the gameworld, the happenings during the campaign will have implications for your character afterward (meaning, you will be intertwine in many things!).
 - HIGHLY preferable to be in the EST timezone or closeby...
 - We'll be starting on December 1st (or as soon as I'm ready), the campaign will go on for undetermined, likely 3-4 weeks.
 - If you are part of a faction, you can still partake. Of course, I suggest you to make an alternate character so you can still play efu during off campaign times.
 - This, I will try, to make as oldschool as possible, with skillchecks being important and so on.

Alright, I will divulge more information when the date comes in closer. What is the motivation of your character to likely prepare and partake? Glory, adventure, thrill, curiosity, and so on...

[SIZE="1"]P.S. No Griff.[/SIZE]
Announcements / Stealth Mode And Transitions
September 16, 2009, 09:21:45 PM
EFU:A is a roleplay server working within the limitation of the NWN engine. There are some limitations that can be abused. One such limitation is Transitions.

Play as if our areas are all connected. Normally, if you hit stealth in front of someone, unless you are a Shadow Dancer, you do not vanish. You still need to break the line of sight.

Transitions are a big advantage to stealthers since they are a 'free break-line of sight event', but we expect people to NOT abuse this and to only stealth when they think they have truly broken the line of sight with their foe physically (i.e. running far enough or using invisibility potions, etc.). This is very similar to the corner sneaking abuse.

You should never hit stealth prior or right after (before your opponent load) a transition. Be fair to your opponents and they will be fair to you. We're a small community. Sooner or later, you'll be tagged as a 'lamer' if you consistently engage in these behaviours and ... things will be significantly less fun for you (both from the DMs being tired of having to intervene in all your events as referees and from other players who just dont like you because you are abusing every encounter in order to 'win').

Another "No No" in reference to transition is that if you are running away from a monster, you transition and the monster does not transition after you. You, hence, stop running... Now, is this an ooc behavior or an ic behavior? It's definitely OOC and your character should probably keep running away even if the monster is not following rather than chill right next to the transition fully knowing 'it' protects him.

We are not scared to completely RETCON events, and ban (maybe permanently for repeated offenders) where people abuse/metagame in order to 'win'.

Thank you!
I'm not a fan of how the system works at the moment. Points are awarded but their effects are rarely seen. Rather, there will be a large update on how the system functions... So this is just a headsup that the system is going to be revamp in order to make it better and have the influence it provides be more visible across the city.

We'll also be given communial bank accounts for members of a banner that people can withdraw from/donate to lending more power as well as a variety of upgrades that can be bought for the Guild House.

Instead of gaining reputation, you will gain resources directly. There will be five main resources:
- Ore
 - Clothe
 - Food
 - Wood
 - Arcane Goods

The city will have quotas of these resources that it can gain by donations from Banners, trade from Banners, trade from other city-states. A global revenue will be generated based on tax (which will be set by the leaders of the Colony) and trade incomes... Failure to achieve these quotas will have visible effects such as price fluctuations, equipment failure or other events. Similarly if the gold reserve are brought dry by the current administration, wage for characters who have wage will stop until the situation is attended to. This will hopefully create a realistic climate and make it more interesting to be in a leadership position and govern the city / improve the city in additions to DM-events and regular PC-events.

This may sound complicated but once it is implemented, those who deal with it (i.e. people in leadership position) will have the documentation required to deal with this adequately.
Announcements / The Big Update
July 31, 2009, 05:23:25 AM
- Party Invites have been disabled.
 - Getting Quest Requirement is done through proximity and a tool ended by the Quest-Giver.
 - Boating is done by proximity to the Captain.
 - XP is handed based on proximity to the kill.
 - Spells/ability (Bard Song, etc.) that usually affected only party members now affect neutral NPCs/PCs.
 - New Chat Command called "/c setally"

Quote"/c setally nearby" will set nearby PCs as allies.
"/c setally xxx" will set xxx as an ally or remove him as an ally if he was already an ally.

Ally status is used in conjunction with "/c hostile all,radius,area". Allies will not be set hostile'd by these commands. Ally status persists through reset making it a very efficient and easy to use mode.

 - Quest Reward has been adjusted to be increased for larger parties (i.e. chests may have more stock that increases with party size).
 - Quest Reward has been adjusted to be increased based on quest difficulty and roleplay (i.e. if a quest is hard for your party, takes time, etc. You have a greater probability of getting increase in loot).
 - Mini-boss/hero monsters have been added. Some monsters may spawn that are tougher and more dangerous than regular mobs. They will have unique names and title and usually be hard to take down but give rare items, more xp and can add some randomized difficulty to an otherwise very well-known quest or wild area.

The benefits of disabling party and working around it is to provide a more immersive gameworld where OOC is seldomly used or hidden completely from sight (tells). No more knowledge of your party's HP, AB, AC, Saving-throws. No more knowledge of your party's location. No more knowledge of your party's health status and condition. This will likely require some adjustment but it should be amazingly rewarding to play in and make the gameworld that much more awesome.
Announcements / Bugged Potions
July 29, 2009, 03:38:29 AM
If you ended up picking any potions (dropped by PC nightrisers) that seem to get grey when you use them but do -not- dissapear from your inventory.

Please trash them.

Thank you!
Announcements / Metagaming/Cheating/Exploiting AI
July 26, 2009, 07:13:54 PM
This is really a big pet-peeve of mine when I need to scrap good looking areas just to ensure people dont metagame a 'ROCK' or a 'WALL' and block the stupid NWN AI off this way. Or lure the AI through their perception (or with arrows)...

I understand there is a thin line separating strategy and exploit, but usually people are -aware- of when they cross it, and it's been cross multiple times too many in a particular quest of mine.

This isn't a strategy. This is cheating. This is exploitation of the AI.

Come on people :???: . This has been said countless times. Do we really need to ban people for this? -_- Maybe, Maybe not. But the next set of characters that do quest properly and without metagaming can expect some extra goodies from me for trying to play the game as its meant to be played.
In the end of the Iron Halo incident, the last remaining members of the chapter decided to sacrifice themselves in order to prevent the evil that was brewing inside them from ever emerging. Little did they know that this idea had been planted into their mind by Syndri, himself. It was meant to be safeguard should the battle for his essence turn badly.

This safeguard was to create new shells to be inhabited by the followers of Syndri and so, Syndri created a few warriors bound to the Nightriser ritual that could be inhabited by the consciousness of his old followers. These conciousness are extremely strong and durable capable of returning to awareness if left unchecked in a matter of days.

The rest is their own history and will be learned in-character.

Status: Minor Faction
Races: Nighriser.
Classes: Non-clerics, non-druids, non-paladin
Deity of Worship: Syndri Larenius.
Alignment: Lawful/Neutral obligatory. Evil obligatory.

They will receive access to their own lair. They rarely quest and instead have a different system for both gaining experience points and acquiring equipment. They are 'allied' (or tolerated) to/by most other undead populating the ruins. Starting solo as a Nightriser is rather hard and so, it is preferable if a few people apply for it together.

This is also a very hard application in terms of its requirement in PvP attitude, maturity, and style.
Announcements / EFU:A Override (Lots!)
July 19, 2009, 11:57:23 PM

Custom city re-skin for EFU:A. Coming soon, stay tune. I am still MIA, thought.
Something happened that tainted slightly what was otherwise a very tense and cool confrontation.

If someone crawls up to the surface and goes "Nightrisers attacked me in the sewers! I almost fell during the encounter, but I made it out!"

It would have attracted 1-2 characters, maybe less, maybe more, but a few who are usually always curious to go help.

But, this time, these were PC nightrisers, and the reaction to the message was not PROPORTIONAL at all. More than 20 people showed.. It was a big drama.. and a mob quickly formed brandishing torch and pitchforks to go, gasp, kill the 3 nightrisers that were in the sewers as suddenly it was the most puzzling thing to happen on Ymph.


This for some reason really irks me. It's the bad little cousin of people flocking to DM possessed NPCs. While the latter is often amusing to us, the former is not.

Please watch out when you start not to roleplay/be in character anymore and enter counter-strike mode that you are team Red and team Blue attacked 'someone', so all of team Red (regardless that you are evil aligned and probably couldn't care less about the safety of 'someone') must attack Team Blue. Stay in character. Put things in perspective. And do not enter the counter-strke mentality.
Thanks to everyone who participated in the plot. Those who sticked around through pain and misery till the end, those who didn't manage to stick around, and those who interacted with the people in the plot in various ways.

With the conclusion of the Iron Halo Plot, there are two new minor factions opening up very soon.

One is a secret, very unique, faction that will not be divulged yet.

The other is a group of dedicated Undead Hunters known as the Disciples of the Pallid Mask. Led by an ex-tethyran Baron known as Grimfael Corval, a Paladin/Knight of Jergal, and due to the recent threat posed by the Undead, he decided to recreate this ancient Order dedicated to the removal of the undeath plague and to honouring the fallens. This Order, althought having a grim and dedicated purpose in life, is made up of a flock of Lathanderite, Kelemvorite, Amaunator and Jergalites who joined with Grimfael for the greater good of the Colony.

Although they follow the tenets of Jergal more closely, all that is required to join is a dedication to the cause of hunting the undead, stopping the threat posed by necromancers and working with the legislation (or sometimes not) to end minimize these threats.

Status: Minor Faction
Races: Any.
Classes: Any.
Deity of Worship: Preferably:Jergal, Kelemvor, Amaunator, Lathander.
Alignment: Lawful preferred. Good preferred.

They will receive their own equipment which includes armor, helm, holy symbol and an "Undead Slayer" which is a weapon as chosen by the initiate of the Order which increases in power as the member rises in rank. The ranks are as follow: Initiate, Disciple, Templar, High Templar and lastly the rank held by Grimfael which is Forgotten Templar. The Disciples currently hold 10 or so members and have recently acquired a contract to install themselves in the Mausoleum where they will both take care of the dead and engage in their relentless hunt of the Undeath.
Announcements / New Musics?
June 29, 2009, 11:46:55 PM
That's right. A efu:a music override with a very awesome score that should enhance the ambience of the gameworld a lot!

Don't hammer the link. It's a huge file (260 Mb!) ... It might make the website go down if too many people download it.


After unzipping it with winrar or another archiver program that reads .7z files, put the files of the override folder in your nwn override folder and put the files of the music folder in your nwn music folder.

Do a backup of the music folder just in case you want to go back to the nwn corny fanfare one day. Otherwise, say goodbye to it and enjoy good thematic music!
Announcements / Dont Spread Quest Knowledge
June 29, 2009, 04:06:30 AM
This is something that is always there but just came up because of the rising advantage to 'cheat'/'trade secrets' on a quest like the Bilby's challenge.

Dont DO this or I will close it down. It is a QA area. It has the same rules. Dont spoil it. Dont cheat it.

Announcements / Animal Hunting Update
June 26, 2009, 01:28:19 AM
The hunting/skinning system has been revamped. Animals will no longer drop their skins automatically.

Instead, once they die, the corpse will stick around for 5 minutes. During this time, if you use an item called "Skinning Knife" on them and succeed an Heal Check, you will be able to safely remove their hide and make a nice animal pelt. The quality of the pelt should differ depending by how good your Heal Check was. Higher Quality = More Reward. Similarly, different animals will have different pelts which may be worth more or less depending on the animal and its rarity.

Skinning Knife and Animal Pelts will be bought and sold at your local "Ye Friendlee Animal Slaughter Shop".

There will no longer be any caps on returning pelts, instead, you will stop gaining XP after a certain arbitrary level is reached.

It may need tweaking, bug fixing, etc. It will be available next reset.

* * *

As well, Bilby's Trap Maze will be re-opening with a deluxe edition.

So in order to make the world a bit more involving and immersive, we've added a LOT of content in the form of random locations to discover (which are fairly lucrative!), random encounters and random events...

So exploring the wilds, you may stumble ... on an ancient tomb that was not there before. An hideout for a vile group of bandits... A Sacrifice to an evil god... A group of trader.. etc... and over 40+ different situations.

Similarly, it is also possible for monsters such as nightrisers, orcs, etc. to invade/attack the city without any DM present. So do not assume a DM is watching on these occasions. They are only there to provide a bit of excitement at random times.

Everything should be functional next reset. There is lots of new content for explorers/adventurers. If there are problems, I'll fix them at my pace.

Also, these random encounters are ...*gasp* random and renewed with each reset. It may happen that you find something and were interested in bringing a group to explore it later, but that the server reseted in the meantime and that this opportunity is gone... But fear not, for there are lots of different opportunity which should open every reset, and over the course of the game-time. The longer the server is up, the more potential for things to discover there will be.
Suggestions / Perk Suggestion:
June 19, 2009, 09:52:15 PM
At level 5, you'd gain one perk à la fallout. That you can select via craftmenu that provides you a few bonuses or unique abilities.

Here's a few we had in mind: ...

Soldier's Vigor:

With each rest, you gain 10 temporary HP that can go over your maximum.

Animal Skinning:
You are extremely proficient at skinning the poor little animals granting you two skins per animal you skin.

Skeleton in the Closet:
With each reset, a skeleton susceptible to necromantic powers will spawn in your backpack.

Night Stalker:
Your eyes have become adjusted to the dark, permanently, making you a capable hunter at night but damaging them during the day...
+3 spot/+3 listen during night. -2 spot/-2 listen during day.

Gloom Walker:

Your shadowy ways have learned you extra skills in the domain of blending with the darkness. However, you have develop an aversion for light.
+2 Hide/+2 MS, light sensitivity

Fist fights are a tradition for you and with such experience, your fists seem to make more teeth fly away than anyone else. Chaotic only.
Improved Critical (Unarmed Fighting).

Quick Learner:

Whenever you lockpick a new lock or disable a new trap, you gain a small XP bonus (1-5xp).

Elemental Focus: Element
You've made the focus of you studies or power tied to a specific element granting you to access its powers.
 - Change Flame Weapon Element
 - Change Bard Song Element

You're always amazed at how you can stuff things in your inventory.
Grants you a 60% weight reduce pack that you cant drop.

Nebudzznos Sewer Dweller:
Living in the sewers for so long gave you a special affinity with the filth and dirt.
 +3 vs. disease, +4 Hide / +4 MS when in sewers.

Totem Warrior:
Your dedication to the ancient ways have given you greater willpower and resilience to survive the hardship of the Wild.
+1 will/+1 fort in Wild Areas. Barbarian only.

Now... These are to give you an idea of what we are looking for. We are looking for stylish perks that can help to develop your ideas and concept and give them more style. So if you have an idea for a perk, just write it here. They will be modified/changed and a final list will be posted.