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Topics - Cruzel

So, with NWNX we can make things happen when someone enters/exits a combat mode (Expertise, defensive casting, rapid shot, etc.) and have these effects go away when the mode/stance is broken.

We could do really cool stuff with this, and basically allow feats to augment perks similar to how  SF: and GSF: can augment spells.

For example: Instead of giving an AC bonus, expertise could trigger the desert warrior perk's damage shield at the cost of more AB penalty?

Power attack could offer access to different types of damage based on perks, and so on.

We could do some wild stuff with this, if the interest is there...

Can we put in a placable that allows PCs winded in said arena within the last minure or two  to rest, in dueling arenas? 

To prevent super long waits between PC run tournaments, and other similar events? Maybe charge X groats to allow for unlimited, timer free resting until the PC leaves the area?
Bug Reports / Region Config Error : Peerage doorkeepers
February 06, 2019, 02:53:27 PM
When trying to access the teleport config in this area (Rings - Chambers of the Doorkeepers)
it outputs a message :

"Region Configuration error, please contact a DM!"
Bug Reports / Combat style/Cloak Observations
January 31, 2019, 12:13:19 AM
My Observations for Human Males:
I can test others later but I've been at this for hours and I'm taking a break.
"Tired" and "Non combat" break EVERYTHING.

Small Phenotype; 
Demon stance,

-Standard cloaks appear normally.
- "Backpack" hak cloak fine until entering combat, then its connection point moves to the middle of the head model. 
-Wrap hak model breaks

Sun Fist:

-Standard cloaks seem to break.

-Hak cloaks like Hat and backpack/wrap seem normal.


Standard cloaks seem fine.

Wrap hak seems to break.


Standard Cloaks and haks seem fine.

Only wrap breaks.


Only wrap breaks.


Only wrap breaks.


Only wrap Breaks.

Tiger Fang

Standard cloaks break.

Hat and backpack work normally.

Dragon palm

Cloaks break.

Backpack and hat work normally.

Bear Claw

Cloaks break,

Backpack and Hat work Normally.


Fat Phenotypes:


Everything except wrap seems normal.


Everything except wrap seems normal.


Everything except wrap seems normal.


Only wrap Broken.


Only Wrap broken.

Backpack connection point derps in combat to the middle of the head.


Only wrap broken.

Tiger Fang

Only Wrap Broken.

Sun Fist
Only wrap broken

Dragon palm

Only wrap broken.


Only wrap broken

Player Workshop / I fixed Arcane Mimic.
January 29, 2019, 03:36:05 AM
Fixes Include:


-No longer need to split stacks. They will decrement properly.
-No more burning spellslots without ever casting, spellcraft checks moved to the spellhook. (You'll be able to spam the button and queue  a spell for days if you're fast, but they'll all fail after you fail your spellcraft check!)
-No more wasting a rest cycle after resets. The server will remember which spells you've stolen and which you haven't since you last rested
-Did I mention you can check your spells?

-METAMAGIC, WORKING FUNCTIONALLY. (Commented out by default, to be enabled if DM's please)

As a bonus, I added an optional feature for the DM's leisure. The ability to make a loot item for a mimic they can steal a spell from without it poofing. Easy as pie. Set a variable nMimic=1  and the item will last forever.  Set an additional variable nMimicCount=5 (for example) and they can absorb the item 5 times before it is destroyed. (This part should work on any item type. Normal absorbs should be limited to potions only.)

Base functions are solid, tested, and working. Only minor tweaks are needed to make them compatible with EFU Player tools.
For the playerbase who want to fiddle with this, Instructions:
[hide] you'll be able to copy/paste these scripts into individual player tools, and all you'll need to do from there is set up a spell hook script by going to your module properties and setting a string called "X2_S_UD_SPELLSCRIPT" with a value of whatever you want your spellhook script to be called.  Then just copy/paste the hook section into that.


Steal spell script:

#include "x3_inc_string"
#include "x2_inc_switches"
object oSelf = OBJECT_SELF;
int nSpell   = GetSpellId();
int nMeta    = GetMetaMagicFeat();

int nShift(int nNum)
switch (nNum)//for labeling ease
         case 1:  nNum = 2 ;
         case 2:  nNum = 1 ;
         case 4:  nNum = 3 ;
         case 8:  nNum = 4 ;
         case 16: nNum = 1 ;
         case 32: nNum = 1 ;
        return nNum;
return nNum;

int MimicCast(object oSelf, int nSlot)
int nInnate = StringToInt(Get2DAString("spells", "Innate", nSpell));
int nDC = GetLocalInt(oSelf, "nMimicDCSlot"+IntToString(nSlot));
int nCheck;
nMeta = GetLocalInt(oSelf, "nMimicSlot"+IntToString(nSlot)+"Meta");

nMeta = nShift(nMeta);

nCheck = FloatToInt(5 + ((nInnate + nDC + nMeta) * 1.5));
SendMessageToPC(oSelf, "Mods are : " + IntToString(nInnate) + " " + IntToString(nDC) + " " + IntToString(nMeta));

if (GetIsSkillSuccessful(oSelf,SKILL_SPELLCRAFT, nCheck))
SetLocalInt(oSelf,"nMimicDCSlot"+IntToString(nSlot), (nCheck)); // use EFU formula  ?
return TRUE;
SetLocalInt(oSelf,"nMimicDCSlot"+IntToString(nSlot), 0);  // Set DC back to 0, forget spell;
SetLocalInt(oSelf, "nMimicSlot"+IntToString(nSlot),  0); //Clear the spellslot.
SetLocalInt(oSelf, "nMimicSlot"+IntToString(nSlot)+"Meta", 0); // Clear Metamagic.
SendMessageToPC(oSelf, StringToRGBString("The spell begins to elude you...", "733"));

return FALSE;
void main()
int nPerk=1; //Replace with EFU Mimic Check
// Check to see if it's an ITEM being used.
if (GetSpellCastItem() != OBJECT_INVALID) { return; } // End the script if we're an item.


//Check to see if the spell is in the slot. They'll still be able to spam queues of a forgotten spell, but they will all fail to cast.
if (GetLocalInt(oSelf, "nMimicSlot"+IntToString(nSlot)) == nSpell)
MimicCast(oSelf, nSlot);
else // This badboy sets the SPELL FAILURE.
  SendMessageToPC(oSelf, "SPELL FAILED. HERP DERP"); //Debug, remove it

string sName = StringReplace(Get2DAString("spells", "Label", nSpell),  "_", " ");
JUST FOR DEBUG (Stealing spells from self. UnComment this and Comment out the "SafetyCheck" functions in Steal Spell if you want them to do anything.
SetLocalInt(oSelf, "nLastCast", nSpell);
SetLocalInt(oSelf, "nLastMeta", nMeta);

Recall Spell:  Note: This SHOULDN'T really need to be changed on EFU. I'm including it so everyone else can muck around with what I'm posting.  Functionally, all an EFUDM needs to do is move the spellcraft check to the spellhook script; and make sure the spellcast variables/assigned commands is right.  (and optionally,  use a check for  the metamagic variable) The spellfail function of the spellhook should take care of  any weirdness.


#include "x3_inc_string"

int TargetType(int nSpell)
string sType = Get2DAString("spells", "TargetType", nSpell);
SendMessageToPC(GetFirstPC(),sType + " was variable");
/* switch (nType)
  case 0x01:// SELF
  case 0x02://CREATURE
  case 0x04://area/ground
  case 0x08://Items
  case 0x10: //Doors
  case 0x20: //Placable
  case 0x40: // Triggers
  SendMessageToPC(GetFirstPC(), "ERROR LOL THESE DONT WORK"); */
  return FALSE;

void main()
    object   oPC      = OBJECT_SELF;
    location lTarget  = GetSpellTargetLocation();
    object   oTarget  = GetSpellTargetObject();

    int      nSpell   = GetLocalInt(oPC, "nMimicSlot"+IntToString(nSlot));
    int      nMeta    = GetLocalInt(oPC, "nMimicSlot"+IntToString(nSlot)+"Meta");

if (nSpell == 0)
   SendMessageToPC(oPC, StringToRGBString("You have no spell memorized in slot "+IntToString(nSlot), "733"));

//if (TargetType(nSpell) == FALSE) {   //Will work on this later. Fixes "mismatched targets" and ensures player tool only triggers spells on valid targets.

    if (oTarget != OBJECT_INVALID)
        AssignCommand(oPC, ActionCastSpellAtObject(nSpell, oTarget, nMeta, TRUE));


       AssignCommand(oPC, ActionCastSpellAtLocation(nSpell, lTarget, nMeta, TRUE));


//  }// end bracket for Targettype()

SpellHook functions:

This is the part that probably needs the most tweaking.  You'll need to tie in to the perk system to check/auth if the caster is a mimic (and make sure they're the only one who gets the spellfailure,  and insert the proper spellcraft check formula.

#include "x3_inc_string"
#include "x2_inc_switches"
object oSelf = OBJECT_SELF;
int nSpell   = GetSpellId();
int nMeta    = GetMetaMagicFeat();

int nShift(int nNum)
switch (nNum)//for labeling ease
         case 1:  nNum = 2 ;
         case 2:  nNum = 1 ;
         case 4:  nNum = 3 ;
         case 8:  nNum = 4 ;
         case 16: nNum = 1 ;
         case 32: nNum = 1 ;
        return nNum;
return nNum;

int MimicCast(object oSelf, int nSlot)
int nInnate = StringToInt(Get2DAString("spells", "Innate", nSpell));
int nDC = GetLocalInt(oSelf, "nMimicDCSlot"+IntToString(nSlot));
int nCheck;
nMeta = GetLocalInt(oSelf, "nMimicSlot"+IntToString(nSlot)+"Meta");

nMeta = nShift(nMeta);

nCheck = FloatToInt(5 + ((nInnate + nDC + nMeta) * 1.5));
SendMessageToPC(oSelf, "Mods are : " + IntToString(nInnate) + " " + IntToString(nDC) + " " + IntToString(nMeta));

if (GetIsSkillSuccessful(oSelf,SKILL_SPELLCRAFT, nCheck))
SetLocalInt(oSelf,"nMimicDCSlot"+IntToString(nSlot), (nCheck)); // use EFU formula  ?
return TRUE;
SetLocalInt(oSelf,"nMimicDCSlot"+IntToString(nSlot), 0);  // Set DC back to 0, forget spell;
SetLocalInt(oSelf, "nMimicSlot"+IntToString(nSlot),  0); //Clear the spellslot.
SetLocalInt(oSelf, "nMimicSlot"+IntToString(nSlot)+"Meta", 0); // Clear Metamagic.
SendMessageToPC(oSelf, StringToRGBString("The spell begins to elude you...", "733"));

return FALSE;
void main()
int nPerk=1; //Replace with EFU Mimic Check
// Check to see if it's an ITEM being used.
if (GetSpellCastItem() != OBJECT_INVALID) { return; } // End the script if we're an item.


//Check to see if the spell is in the slot. They'll still be able to spam queues of a forgotten spell, but they will all fail to cast.
if (GetLocalInt(oSelf, "nMimicSlot"+IntToString(nSlot)) == nSpell)
MimicCast(oSelf, nSlot);
else // This badboy sets the SPELL FAILURE.
  SendMessageToPC(oSelf, "SPELL FAILED. HERP DERP"); //Debug, remove it

string sName = StringReplace(Get2DAString("spells", "Label", nSpell),  "_", " ");
JUST FOR DEBUG (Stealing spells from self. UnComment this and Comment out the "SafetyCheck" functions in Steal Spell if you want them to do anything.
SetLocalInt(oSelf, "nLastCast", nSpell);
SetLocalInt(oSelf, "nLastMeta", nMeta);


Super simple. All you need to add is one line. This will clear the stolen spell list.
SetLocalString(oPC, "sMimicList", "-");

Suggestions / Drop Pack from fugue tool
January 21, 2019, 06:44:02 PM
Recent events have had me pondering. It's poor from, and bad for server performance during big events to yank people for supplies. But in dangerous, permadeath events, this can be the difference between life and death.

I propose a /c command or player tool that spawns a box in a player's inventory. Anything put in that box drops in a pack next to the players' corpse. if the command/tool is used again. This allows a person to share their supplies during a hard event with the surviving players, without forcing inventory tetris or an extremely intensive script crawling through someone's entire inventory.  The player has complete control over what supplies drop, making it convenient for survivors to use what they need without rooting through pages and pages (and maybe bags) of junk.

Grant the spymaster a player tool that casts whispering wind 3/day instead of the disguise tool.
  (MAYBE/please) Give them a v5 equivalent of the catalyst for the spheres too!


Disguises are cool in concept but they just simply don't work because people either metagame a disguise or simply don't know the pc was  disguised in the first place. Almost every time I've seen someone try to use a disguise, someone in that situation gets salty.

Whispering wind is one of the coolest spells in EFU, and is absolutely wonderful for covertly scheming, warning, meeting, or otherwise doing shady shit in a subtle, interesting way.  This, to me, seems far more appropriate for a spymaster, to  communicate with his informants or minions in a subtle way.  It also allows for eavesdropping shenanigans from wizards or other spymasters, hence a ton of potential drama.

Suggestions / Dispel Options: Non-Magical Classes
March 10, 2017, 10:26:18 PM
This is something EFU is sorely lacking, in recent days. It's been said over and over by more than a few people, but probably deserves its own thread.  With gold being super abundant, dispel wands are also hugely common now.  Caster classes and rogues/rangers can easily  score up enough gold to get 25 charges of lesser dispel, leaving fighters, barbs, and monks with only three ways I know of to get access to any kind of dispelling whatsoever.

​1: Pay another class (that already has dispel options) to buy a single use throwable from a certain npc at 300-400 gold (compared to the 1600-2000? a 25 charge lesser dispel wand costs?).
​2: Pay low level/new pcs to run a certain trio of quests and hope you get svirfneblin disruptors
3: Pay an alchemist to churn out single use items with a 24h cooldown on each, one at a time.

​To put it simply:   Fighters, Monks, and Barbarians all get utterly boned by this disadvantage.

​An easy solution would be to add svirfneblin disruptors to the drop pool of the dunwarren quests that don't have them, and to add "Abjurative powder/Magic disruptor" throwables to other quests around the underdark with "OUB:FIGHTER/BARB/MONK  ///DO NOT UMD (maybe script enforced?)" to prevent them from adding to the current dispel plague otherwise.

I think a few items in the above mentioned "class shop" could probably also stand to make their way into quest drop pools, too. Stancebreach, vanishing smoke, and so on.

​Worth mentioning:  While I refer to it as a "dispel plague" the issue isn't the number of dispels in play. It's the imbalance of who can use them. Lots of dispels is a good thing imo, because it helps manage supply bloat by forcing people to churn out more supplies in pvp.  This is great, as long as everybody has some method of reliably getting in on the dispel action.
Wow. So, this was a wild ride.  Thanks to Wundy for tossing me a build that was pure crush. I originally intended to join the Covenant with him, but his only point of contact was Crazy Helmsworth, which put him off the idea once IG.  I wanted to play a concept that was super pvp-heavy, so I could get better at PVP. And boy, did I pvp. I didn't always win, but I had a blast in every fight along the way. He hung out with thralls, with paladins, necromancers, and anyone else.   Much props to Dina and Abala, without their Prefects and the general server environment at the time, Jasper would have never thrived as he did, causing so many brawls and riots and escaping without any consequence.  Huge love to CD and Gloinar, for the bromances with Drathekqos Iso and Arkanon Quib'Kalin.  And Obviously, to Ironside for making him a robot man. Jasper became infinitely more fun to play after that.

The concept:

I wasn't really sure how to reflect a "True Neutral" PC.  Jasper's take on it was that the only motivation he had in life was a variation of the mantra "Only the strong survive."  He didn't kill for greed, he didn't care about causes, laws, gods (faithless) or grudges.  If someone had something he needed to survive in the desert, it was a greater mercy to simply kill them for it, than leave them to starve or die of thirst.  Since most of his youth was spend raiding and murdering, he never had the need to develop social tact. He was a completely honest person, at all times.... since he had no motivation or reason to lie. He'd prefer to tell the truth, piss someone off and get them to fight him.  He accepted every fight challenge he ever received, no matter how stupid it was. (There was a couple I lost in the flurry of text walls) A few times he'd want the challenge, he'd jump in and help the underdog, even against his own "allies".   Because of his crude and uncaring nature, he found people tended to trust him completely. They'd talk about their plans and so on when Jasper was hanging out with them, and Jasper like an idiot would mention these things offhand to their enemies. (Sorry Helena Falconer + Others, for telling everyone you were a Thrall.)  9 Wisdom for the win.

​~The screeenshots~

The sword. For the vast majority of his life, this was the sword Jasper held. Through the riots, through murdering Milles Snyders.  He held it until his death, a backup incase he was disarmed. He was always the sentimental sort.

The powersuit:

Those were the only pieces of loot he really had. Everything else was either starter gear or basic quest drops.

Other shit in no particular order:

​Always mug the bard.

​Facing off against team ooze as a level 4 solo.

​Bromance with Kalin. (Lina would've won her bet)

 After their fight, Kalin told Jasper he was going to Kidnap Lina.  This happened.

No explanation needed

Family and friends.

Very tactless.

One of the PC's he killed had this. He gave it to Ophelia for cheap in order to get potions "at cost" forever. Good deal, IMO.

​And most importantly, the killing that led to him being a robot man~

​And immediately after~

​He boasted for a while about his kill, and no one seemed to care. The prefects assumed it was justified. Only one stubborn dwarf refused to let it go. (<3 you Angyvyrr) So, this happened.

​I have screenies of the rest, but I figure those are spoilerish! So, enjoy the end result:

​Some reactions from his former frenemies:

​And a more recent quip:

​And, That's all she wrote!

A "/c herbs -block // /c herbs -unblock "command would be FANTASTIC to stop other players' herbs from effecting the PC.
  ​This is utter death for both RSD and Ascetics, when some high heal PC hits you with herbs that are less effective (in terms of HP/round) than yours, preventing you from healing yourself for 10-40 rounds.  I have died sseveral times to this on my RSD, to the point I straight up throw death threats at PCs who try and heal me between fights on quests.
  However, on bigger/chaotic invasions or Dm events  you have tons of random players crawling out of the woodwork, and a "hey fuck off with your herbs" shout does little good when you're surrounded by enemy NPCs and on your way to the fugue because you can't heal.  Not can you exactly get up and fight the person (as an RSD, I don't know if ascetic has this problem?) your bonuses are gone after respawning and you need to leave and rest, to get them back, preventing any actual conflict/fighting over the persons's idiocy at the time.  It's super counterproductive and a scenario that IMO shouldn't exist in the first place.  A PC can stop magic from dudes he can't even see because they "reject" it, but they can't stop someone from taking the time to slowly apply medicines?
Suggestions / RSD suggestions (round 8)
August 25, 2016, 03:40:44 AM
Been trying to make RSD work, because I'm a masochist and whatnot.  Will list these in the order of "PLEASE GOD DO THIS" to "Hey, this would be nice"
  1: For the love of god, please separate the healing from the other rsd fighter_perk cooldowns.  The current cooldown for healing is pretty much fine now that we have herbs. But running around with the fear of sharpening my weapon in case I need to emergency heal is super counterproductive and unhelpful for group stuff.
  2:  Give an RSD the ability to reactivate their brews after a death/subdual. An RSD becomes an utter liability on lengthy outings if they happen to die, and  these massive group fight/duel things in the grotto are amazing but losing your brews after a loss means you need to wait 20 minutes to fight again with your brews?   This is one of the most frustrating things about playing an RSD.
  3: Make it possible for an RSD to terminate the effects of another persons' herbs (canceling their healing) so they can use their own herbs.  True hell for an RSD is having some wizard with maxed heal prevent you from healing for 30-40 rounds while you're getting pummeled.
  4; Let the RSD keep their brew slots when they die.  It's fine if the rsd loses their (fairly powerful) /c rsd level 8 ability I guess, but losing those extra brew slots is super crippling. When an other PC dies they still have supplies to retain the power somewhat. RSD doesn't really get that luxury.
  5. Double (maybe triple?) duration of alchemist's fire when used on weapons.
  5:   Tweak a few of the brews somewhat, to make some more attractive compared to others which are the obvious choices.
   Suggestions for this :
  • Regen brew (Make the +2/round cap more clear) but ideally,  just make this  brew +1/round  and bring it up to 2/round if modified CON is above 20.  (or just flat out make the brew 2/round?) This means an RSD can hit the 2/round  without being a condwarf or sacrificing a ton of  other stats just for some basic survivability.  I speak from a lot of experience, that +2/round regen is NOT enough to make an RSD unkillable, even with IE and the herbalist touch brew.  I still go to badly wounded/near death (and die) on a regular basis. It does however, give the RSD a fighting chance, which is super hard for non-dwarves to get.
  • Herbalist's touch -  Make this  give +10 herbalism.  +5 is helpful but doesn't quite get you close enough to make (what I have noted) to be mid-level DCs without having a ton of +skill loot
  • Snake blood -  add "Use poison" feat.  (Maybe double duration of poison as well, similar to poisoner rogue perk?
  • Guile of the fox -  merge this with "Fearless"
  • Mongoose dance -  merge this with "flight of the predator"
  • Hunter -  This currently seems to be bugged and applying to the RSD even when not prepared. I have to say though- It seems like a nice unintentional feature. I suggest keeping this as it is. (always enabled for all RSDs) and removing it as a brew option
  • Shield of mystra -  Bump this up just a little. 16 base, or something like 14+ level/2?
Suggestions / Perks and Level Loss:
April 04, 2016, 08:14:54 AM
Simple, old suggestion:

Make all classes' perks function like a rogue does. Let them keep the bonuses they have earned even if they drop in levels.  IMO it doesn't make much sense that a rogue gets to keep perks and every other class loses them. Honestly, it makes little sense for a lot of perks to be lost in the first place. These represent growth of character in a way that complements character level. Take for example the obvious example: Stalker.   Someone who is ICly " slowly losing themselves to the point where they disappear entirely" How does it make sense for them to be gone, permanently invisible one day, and then visible again the next, and then invisible again?

There's other messy situations involving mimics and their sequencers, and some other perks that get items as well I guess.  It seems like things would be MUCH simpler if these situations didn't arise, and honestly it helps dissolve a kind of unhealthy psychology where someone dies and feels they "HAVE TO" spam quests to get X level back so they can go back to being able to use

Suggestions / Healing kits & medicine bundles
March 14, 2016, 07:08:58 PM
Healing kits can "absorb" other healing kits to gain all their charges.

It would be awesome if a medicine bundle could be used on a healing kit to place them directly inside it in the same manner. (And if the kit could be used on the bundle for the same effect)

Minor thing, huge quality of life improvement.
Suggestions / Buff lowbie/new pc quest drops a bit!
March 07, 2016, 04:17:42 PM
Seeing as my situation on EFU is being perpetually stuck at a low level due to deaths (Not a complaint, I don't mind it one bit. Just stating an unfortunate fact) I have noticed that in all my lowbie quest spam, actually getting supplies that are useful pretty much does NOT happen in these quests. You scrounge up gold maybe 20-50 pieces at a time from some quests, and a bit more from others that can go up to 100 or so.

But, the majority of these quests drop some starter gear (minor armors, boots and belts, etc.) but as far as potions and such go most of these quests seem to only give out a few packs of herbs, and if you're LUCKY you'll get a few dissipating potions of bulls or something. Maybe there's some lowbie quests I don't know about that people run to get stocked up, but my experience across several PC's is that you're basically better off ignoring the lowbies entirely and hunting rothe, smacking fish in the canal, and so on to gather gold.

In order to thrive on the mid to high end quests (or to do much of anything in pvp) you need supplies and the low level/early content in EFU:R just does not allow for that compared to my experience in previous chapters (EFU1/EFU:A) where I had no problems gathering basic supplies to establish and progress my PCs.
Suggestions / cure moderate wounds
October 17, 2015, 02:32:54 AM
I think everyone knows the pain of using CMW, and how it's often WORSE than CLW.   It would be great if instead of 2d8+ 1/CL, CMW could be 8 + 1d8 + 1/CL  This would keep it's max healing the same but make it more reliable than CLW, which is much more logical for a spell that should by definition be better than it's previous circle spell.
Suggestions / Death penalty system, losing multiple levels
September 28, 2015, 10:41:13 PM
Firstly, I have no issue with the death punishment being -harsh- and preventing PCs from skyrocketing in levels without impunity is honestly a good thing. I'm not proposing the XP loss get lessened in the slightest. Dying needs to be a big deal, and it currently is.

I would however, propose that losing 2 levels on a single death is a bit much, and when it happens repeatedly it can get massively discouraging to want to keep re spawning a PC, feeling like you need to "grind it back" only to lose both levels again  in half the time (Or less)

To this end, I'd like to suggest we change the death system, so that you lose the first level (If you lose enough XP) and then if you would have lost enough XP to lose a second level, you cap at the minimum XP required for that level instead. The remaining XP from the penalty then gets applied to future gains, allowing the PC to keep the level and some semblance of their abilities.  The "grind" to get the XP back is still exactly the same, but much more tolerable.

Of course, if the PC were to die again, they would lose their current level, again being capped so they could only lose one. All XP penalties would stack.   IMO, the issue here isn't really the  XP, because XP is fairly easy to get. The issue is the loss of abilities. When people are at levels where they will lose enough Xp to drop down 2 if they die... They are likely losing spells of a certain level, feats, and so on. This represents a drastic change in the PC's ability to do pretty much everything.

I would like to see this power sink lessened somewhat at least, so that people are encouraged to keep trucking on and not skirt away from things just because their PC is no longer in their prime.
I propose a system that takes into account a player's currently held and average supplies held over time. It would be fairly simple to define a "supply value" for each buff potion, or charge on a trinket, and gold on their person/bank account. Keeping the players' supplies over time into account, this could be easily scripted to prevent exploits and monitored for situations that might be lamed.

Using this value, you could add "Helping hand" bags or buff the drop rate on quests for PCs who are down on their luck or who just got crushed by some event and used all their supplies up. This would raise the minimum bar for average supplies held, but shouldn't contribute much to overall potion bloat too much!  These could even come in the form of dissipating objects, if bloat is a concern.

The idea here, is that PC's down on their luck don't need to rely on exploring and hoping to be lucky enough to find a "Dead explorer" or "Dropped bag" random placable. The current re-supply quests are pretty harsh in the table sometimes, and often you don't spend anything trying torun the quests, but you don't get anything more than tiny crystal chips either.

This could work alongside or  as part of the  special chests that have appeared in some quests recently?
After the reskin this quest seems like it can only be taken ONCE. Not sure the reasoning behind this, but it seems like it was a fairly staple lowbie quest for helping keep oneself supplied so they can push back up to higher levels. It would be nice to be able to do this quest multiple times as a lowbie, as the purple crystals you can find are really helpful!
Very short lived PC, but had an awesome time as one of Diz-e's necro-chultans.  My first PC back on EFU... The road was a little bumpy and I could never really figure out how I wanted Sefu to "sound"  and kind of fumbled between speech styles a bit with him.   But the people I talked to were mostly patient with me, and we had some cool conversations... And a couple cool brawls... some ending nicer than others :D

Funnily enough, at the end this PC probably made a bigger public ripple than most of my other PC's combined, as I had always been more of a sneaky schemer type with my PCs.   It was a lot of fun, and probably one of the coolest deaths I've had on EFU (Thanks Nuke! <3)

And now... to the screenies!

Looking for people(s) to play with to help ease back into the EFU groove.  If you've got  an existing character that could use a supporting PC (or rival?), Hit me up with some basic info about your stuff.  If you're looking to start something brand new, that's probably even better as we could go through the newbro content together.

I'm not picky about classes or deities, I can roll with pretty much whatever.