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Topics - Empress of Neon

Suggestions / [Storage Furniture]
June 03, 2023, 05:30:24 PM
Players would be much more incentivized to buy homes, even just for storage, if we have furniture that could hold a number of items. I can already see some prominent merchants using their properties as impromptu warehouses.

This also makes it less awkward for merchants who are perma-encumbered because they don't happen to belong to a single prominent faction/absurd amount of strength to lug their goods around.

Crates, chests, barrels?

Please consider these!
Quote"Dear Toleigh,

I waited around the market until the evening to get this one done. A little piece of your new office to carry around with you; wherever you go.

And a reminder to what majesty we toil for, for those who will inherit the world we leave behind.

Live and drink.

~ Isabella"

Correspondence / [To Sol Auk: Isabella de Veend]
May 29, 2023, 10:24:09 AM
Quote"Dear Legate Sol Auk,

I took the time to consider a few things insofar as it relates to my new office as well as past struggles I've experienced in roles with government; both as an onlooker and ambassador. I feel, largely, the problem Chairman Argus faced was a lack of clarity and definition in his duties. Indeed, I struggled to find anything listed. The vagueness of his office's role in how it was to be conducted was also something that likely compounded a lack of interest or initiative from parties and persons of import who should have been seeking him out. As such, I've taken the time to clearly define the duties and expectations of my own so that performance may be measured, but so to its role in government and politics in Ephia's Well.

I also did some research and consultation, I've determined the most appropriate title with historical precedent for senior ambassadors, concerning what was discussed, is the following:


Hitherto and measured by the success or failure concerning the following duties:

Foreign Diplomacy:

~ In coordination with the janissaries: Selecting, vetting and forwarding recommendations for candidates insofar as it relates to the offices of the Citadel's Ambassadors.
~ Advising, training and directing candidate-aspirants for the office of Ambassador so they are equipped for their diplomatic duties.
~ Overseeing and administering coordination between Ambassadors' diplomatic efforts in regular meetings to ensure cohesion between offices.
~ Reporting any breach of the state's interest insofar as it concerns conduct or actions performed during representation of Ephia's Well.
~ Forward consultation and any notable developments to the Legates insofar as it relates to the Citadel's agenda with outside powers.
~ Relaying and issuing directives from the state insofar as it relates to foreign policy and willed representations.

Domestic Diplomacy:

~ Mediating between representatives of the Accord and Leagues insofar as it relates to conduct and rules of future elections. Agreements to be forwarded as agreed by involved parties in recommendation.
~ Mediating between representatives of the Accord and Leagues insofar as it relates to policies and proposals. Namely, their refinement and any compromises prior to notions in the Assembly for expedition and collation with word of law.

If you find this agreeable, feel free to make your announcement at your leisure. If you want to see anything amended, simply write back so I understand where the domain of the office begins and ends.

~ Isabella de Veend

P.S An office (a literal one) at the embassy in the pyramid would go a ways in reassuring legitimacy of this position to residents and foreign diplomats alike. Nevermind the convenience of having documents readily available to the pyramid in my office, or that it would be an ideal place to mediate between the Leagues and Accord's affiliates."
Quote"Dear Sergeant Colmes,

I still need to have some words with you. Bellow for me the next chance you're able.

It's important, going forward.

~ Isabella"
Correspondence / [To Kythaela: From Isabella]
May 26, 2023, 08:24:04 AM
*A large, canvas-sized package arrives at the fort.*

Quote"Dear Kythaela,

I don't know if I'll ever get the chance to paint with you.

So I stayed up all night and worked on a piece instead.

I only passed it a few times. But I think you'll  recognize it.

~ Isabella"

Correspondence / [To Sergeant Colmes: Isabella]
May 23, 2023, 08:47:06 AM
Quote"Dear Sergeant Colmes,

When you return to the Well, I have an important question for you. Regarding one of your older cases. It's nothing life-threatening, but rather, a personal matter.

Feel free  to bellow for me when you return. Otherwise, stay safe.

~ Isabella de Veend"
Correspondence / [To Estellise: From Isabella]
May 22, 2023, 09:01:32 AM
Quote"Dear Estellise,

I hope you are hale. It's been awhile since we've had the chance to speak at length. I'd like to arrange a meeting with you sometime and talk about something important.

Please bellow for me when your schedule permits. I shall make the time for you if I can.

Until then, please stay safe. I know how perilous and thankless the duties you all perform are and worry about the wellbeing of you youths in the tower sometimes.

~ Isabella de Veend"
Quote"Dear Halfdan,

I hope all is hale in Frostport. I noticed your large keg behind you during your stay and was informed on my way out it was, indeed, full of finely aged mead. I was wondering if you'd be willing to sell it to my Oathseekers. Or perhaps you would prefer a favor instead? Gods know it'd make the brothers overjoyed to once again  taste mead upon their hearty lips.

You were a gracious host. I hope we can continue to benefit from one another in mutual exchange.

~ Ambassador Isabella de Veend

P.S Other-Halfdan (Our Halfdan) has nearly gone mad from mead-thirst. I'd consider it a great favor in itself if you could help quench it."
Quote"Dear Sweet Petro,

I'm happy to see your initiative on the office of consensus take shape.

I'm so proud!

Let me know when you'd like to sit me down for any questionnaires and I'll make the time.

~ Isabella"
Correspondence / [To Cosine: Isabella de Veend]
May 15, 2023, 04:00:27 AM
Quote"Dear Cosine,

It's been some time since we got to speak. I've a few things to share with you when chance permits.

Part politics, part Mendista, part dues.

Feel free to visit me in Frostport, or bellow when you're free for visitation.

I shall make the time.

~ Isabella de Veend"
Quote"Dear Sergeant Colmes,

Apologies ahead of time for my language on this letter.

I've enclosed a copy of a letter I sent recently to Bruno. I'm not quite sure if he's trying to find smear material or acting on a third party's interest in this matter. If dinars or politics are involved it's beyond my scope.

I'm sure you already understand what my primary concern was when addressing this issue. It's absurd that any ambassador to a foreign state should have to worry what another's writing in regards to their own assignment. Frankly, the entire thing reeks of foul play and deceit. It also underscores just how discordant the government is when its representatives are actively working against one another to its detriment. Then again, Bruno was never really fit to be an ambassador in the first place, was he?

Sadly, the government has given us no instruction or consistent foreign policy to work with, so we've been left in something of a 'make it up as you go and hope for the best' situation as ambassadors (Yes, I know, terrifying). I'm going to assume the best in that Bruno's either satisfying a request by the Banafsi or looking throw some dirt at me in his never-ending pursuit to besmirch others he sees as enemies, as opposed to any genuine attempt to undermine Ephia's Well.

As of yet, there's no crime committed. Merely the specter of it in his next issue of Mermaid's Tale. I pray the boy uses some common fucking sense and tones down his rhetoric, but I have little faith in Bruno as a person.

All the same, I leave you a copy of my letter in the event he continues to play games with foreign relations, with this to note, should this become a pattern:

An ambassador who knowingly erodes trade (and in this case, Ephia Well's food security) for personal gain is acting against the interests of the state.

An ambassador who knowingly tries to provoke a friendly society of warrior folk (who hold honor and name close to their hearts) for personal gain is acting against the interests of the state.

An ambassador who knowingly undermines the efforts and labors of another ambassador's diplomatic efforts simply because they do not like them or have a grievance is doing against the interests of the state.

Bruno is an ambassador.

~ Isabella de Veend

P.S It should be telling, I would hope, that our benevolant sovereign, Osman VI, still sees fit to keep Ambassador Suleiman al Aziz here in Frostport on behalf of Mother Baz'eel. His will is clear, and we should be endeavoring to inspire the good people here beneath his terrace, not away."

Quote"Dear Bruno,

You're going to have to start giving me more details if I'm to assist in the matter of the foul fish import any further. I have spoken to Haafdon of Frostport, who oversees the sales of maritime bounty. Insofar as it relates to the dunes, the only one buying in bulk from Frostport right now is myself. And I make it a point to ensure shipments are properly preserved for the journey. Be that pickled squid, small crates full of ice and snow for crayfish, salted mackerel or smoked salmon.

It seems whoever told you this shipment was from Frostport was either:

1. Lying.
2. Lied to about its source.
3. Failed to properly cure goods received.

I can think of a few reasons why someone would attempt to deceive others on the matter. The most malign being to intentionally undermine competition in the maritime markets, or worse, create diplomatic friction.

It is entirely possible, however, that one of the shipments my Oathseekers brought in never received proper curation after the journey. If the snow and ice melted (Which it does eventually) to the point they rotted, then this is a failing on the recipient's end to properly salt, consume or distribute what was donated.

Is that the hook you were hoping for, dear? Blame the mind-addled, older woman? There you go.

I know the people of Frostport well enough to know they take pride in their work and honor their word. Anything that leaves that port is leaving as requested by the buyer. I stand by them in this matter and denounce any attempts to paint any foul shipments as a fault of their own.

Consider this my definitive answer to your questions prior.

~ Isabella de Veend

P.S Have you actually examined  what kind of bounty spoiled? It helps narrow down the source, if you know the market.

Here's a free one. Unsalted mackerel can be bought in bulk in Banafsi.

P.P.S How old are you anyway? I feel like that knowledge would be fair compensation for my efforts."
Quote"Dear Bruno,

You're going to have to start giving me more details if I'm to assist in the matter of the foul fish import any further. I have spoken to Haafdon of Frostport, who oversees the sales of maritime bounty. Insofar as it relates to the dunes, the only one buying in bulk from Frostport right now is myself. And I make it a point to ensure shipments are properly preserved for the journey. Be that pickled squid, small crates full of ice and snow for crayfish, salted mackerel or smoked salmon.

It seems whoever told you this shipment was from Frostport was either:

1. Lying.
2. Lied to about its source.
3. Failed to properly cure goods received.

I can think of a few reasons why someone would attempt to deceive others on the matter. The most malign being to intentionally undermine competition in the maritime markets, or worse, create diplomatic friction.

It is entirely possible, however, that one of the shipments my Oathseekers brought in never received proper curation after the journey. If the snow and ice melted (Which it does eventually) to the point they rotted, then this is a failing on the recipient's end to properly salt, consume or distribute what was donated.

Is that the hook you were hoping for, dear? Blame the mind-addled, older woman? There you go.

I know the people of Frostport well enough to know they take pride in their work and honor their word. Anything that leaves that port is leaving as requested by the buyer. I stand by them in this matter and denounce any attempts to paint any foul shipments as a fault of their own.

Consider this my definitive answer to your questions prior.

~ Isabella de Veend

P.S Have you actually examined  what kind of bounty spoiled? It helps narrow down the source, if you know the market.

Here's a free one. Unsalted mackerel can be bought in bulk in Banafsi.

P.P.S How old are you anyway? I feel like that knowledge would be fair compensation for my efforts."

Quote"Dear Mr. Kragg,

Your bellow was heard. Please come to Frostport as soon as you're able.

There's much to discuss.

~ Isabella Fitzgerald"
*Delivered via courier.*

Quote"Dear Mr. Zhuliu,

I understand there was an incident with one of my Oathseekers, Karl Oleifson. I hope you weren't injured the exchange. Something about jackals at a temple?

If you'd like, I'd like to speak to you personally to garner more details from the incident, as what I've been told so far is rather vague.

You may, if you prefer, simply write back. A courier will find me at Frostport.

Otherwise, I shall return to Ephia's Well soon.

~ Isabella de Veend

P.S The Jarl and his Huscarls loved your candy. I still see some of them plopping lolipops from time to time. Well done!"
Quote"Dear Mr. Delafosse,

I apologize for my absence in Ephia's Well. But there is an increasing demand for my presence outside of it. There is much for us to discuss and I would have you visit as soon as you're able.

I will be in Frostport, keeping Ambassador Suleiman company.

~ Isabella Fitzgerald de Veend

P.S Your treats for the wedding were amazing. Would you be so kind as to bring another round to the Jarl's feast? I'll pay of course."
Advertising Litter / [A CALL FOR SERVANTS!]
May 05, 2023, 03:02:36 AM
*A flyer plastered all throughout the Well.*


Let it be known, the most august, charitable, wealthy and supremely delightful lady Zhola Zhodwa has need of a servant!

Fresh from Baz'eel, this delightful maiden of the Ashfolk seeks one who might tend to her needs.

One who is loyal, appreciates their station, capable of tending to her errands as well as carrying her exceptionally heavy purses. For like her heart, they are heavy in fortune.

One who appreciates cleanliness and hygiene; as pure as the freshest of porcelain.

If you fit these qualifications, seek her out by the bellows or courier.

Stipend guaranteed to the one who is CHOSEN!
Correspondence / [To Kythaela: Isabella Fitzgerald]
April 29, 2023, 04:08:32 AM
*Delivered via courier.*

QuoteDear Kythaela,

Sadly, I wasn't able to find what you were looking for in Banafsi. My apologies, dear.

I hope you find what you seek, all the same.

~ Isabella Fitzgerald
Correspondence / [To Cosine: Isabella]
April 25, 2023, 02:21:42 PM
QuoteDear Cosine,

I understand that my request has been complicated because of the Stele. I would speak to you in person on the matter and where to go from here.

I have been hard at work conducting trade deals in the outer settlements to see this funded.

I will not let another season pass without knowing the truth.

~ Isabella Fitzgerald

P.S There are mirrors in the embassy, the tailor's and even in the pocket of Sadira. I'm starting to think a simple tub with water will be the most cost-efficient solution, however. Seek the stonefolk for a price, and I will gladly pay for it.
QuoteDear Bruno,

For better or worse you're now the ambassador to Banafsi. I'm going to be the optmist for a change and hope you recognize the weight of the responsibility that's been placed on your shoulders.

No doubt you've been informed about the history and relationship of the maritime city-states. A man who's clan made their entire livelihood off the canals, no doubt understands, just how important maintaining good relations with these settlements will be for Ephia's Well. While we may not yet have an ambassador to Qadira, nothing's stopping you and me from sitting for a chat to discuss a cohesive foreign policy in respects to these settlements, as none have appear to have been given by the government in Ephia's Well.

You're invited for drink and discussions regarding such as Frostport. Or Kha'esh, if the journey is too strenuous.

I know you think little of me (and trust me, after reading your jape at my Oathseeker Karl's missing muse, the feeling's mutual), but understand this. These foreign powers will be extremely consequential to the Well's future and I take matters of diplomacy with them even more seriously than the internal circus that was politics back in the Citadel. We owe it to the Well to put aside any differences and ensure we are working to its interests in the future.

Show me the mustache isn't just for show and that you are indeed a man.

~ Isabella Fitzgerald

P.S You should probably seek special lodging in Banafsi as our ambassador. You can't exactly represent Ephia's Well regularly in Banafsi at market in the docks all day, can you?
... please?  :(