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Topics - Dr Dragon

General Discussion / Kuddos guys
June 24, 2010, 07:48:54 AM
The server had a ton of conflict today great job guys.
Vote Dukakis

I think if me or any of us goes to prison we should get weekend passes that way we can play EFU or do fun stuff when we should be in prison vote Dukakis for President!
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Talino Floud
May 09, 2010, 01:45:53 AM
Talino Floud was formerly from Zhentil Keep and a patriot to the Dominion. He was a blast to play and showed me that playing a Lawful character is very fun.

he has died and I figured that Id post what screening I have. Here is Talino first day on the job of the Black Hundred he decided to beat up a lathandarite and asked a stygian for how much coins could he do it for?

One of many occasions the Armada let Floud off the hook for assault.

Talino eventually beats up Yevette just so that he can call her unwise and claim that his opinion means more. (He asked her to speak with him in the Wardens gate he knew that in a battle of intelligence he would win.)

His point proven.

Plotting with Tomas.

Floud a close up of his pants less suite.

Floud and friends out in the wilds.

Talino decides to beat up a Tormite for calling him a liar and a thief.

Was a blast playing Floud Id post a screen of his death but its to spoiler.
Suggestions / Region Profile the Dominion.
May 07, 2010, 02:31:42 PM
Since the docks get there own region profile I think it would be awesome if the Dominion got the same thing.
Screen Shots & Obituaries / The Great Hunt
May 01, 2010, 04:47:05 AM
Here is our thread for the great hunt two of our members sort of quit later on. So far the team is Patrician Talino Floud, Calipher Underwood, and Mr Dumik

Our Heroes!

A duel of many men Versus beast!

A fallen angel I mean werewolf!

We sort of grabbed the beast and dragged it through wardens gate to the temple district eventually reaching the floating rock tribe.

The End?

Due to the insanity of staying alive and fighting not much could be captured but I assure you do not do a Mort quest unless you expect hell to break loose.

Our heroes huddle together to be Teleported by ancient magics.

Our heroes fighting at on of foes.

Finally this concludes our heroes and a hardened Banite running and screaming like a scared little girl. What fearsome beings or creature could do this? The Ziggurat may never know.

Suggestions / More guildhouses
April 18, 2010, 05:01:35 PM
I honestly thought the original 4 guild houses was good. Really I am not a big fan of only two guildhouses because it simply eliminates competition and makes it a pain in the kneck for PCS with banners/guilds to find their own faction HQ ETC. I think perhaps another guildhouse or even two can be added to the lower dwellings as it is a place were patricians are supposed to life.

Any thoughts or ideas on why the two guild house system should be maintained?
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Pantsless plate
April 13, 2010, 07:00:37 AM
This is something unique to EFUA. I am posting a screenies thread as a tribute to an item I recently sold pants-less full plate. This was primarily a LOL piece of DM loot made by Calculor that he wished to make me wear so that everyone saw me as a moron and I regret to inform you it worked so here is my tribute.

A close up of our hero!

Having a private conversation with Bailey while out of nowhere Calculor went in my inventory and hit equip making me look like an idiot.

The description of the full plate.

Finally why I was so fooled into wearing it. The stats!

Ive learned looking presentable and being taken seriously is more important then great loot. Calculors plan to make me look like a silly moron in underwear has failed.
Introductions and Group Management / Sons of Sabuth!
February 12, 2010, 12:48:21 AM
Faction Sons Of Sabuth


Ooc-Application required


Alignment Non Lawful
Deity Any
Race Any (though monsters probably cant join though half-orcs definetly have a shot.)

The Sons of Sabuth has a variety of perks including.

1 A awesome HQ

2 Influence/popularity in the docks.

3 Allies and instant chance to be involved in plottage and conflict.

4 Dm Love and a variety of Npcs the Sons have a very rich history.

The Sons is an awesome faction because it can fit a variety of people and alignments really the sky is the limit to your goals.

Start Apping Folks!

The Sons of Sabuth were founded by Admiral Horton Grouse in the Docks district roughly a week after the end of the Queen's War. With Ixpadia Sabuth having been captured near to the moment of her victory by the intervening drow of House Jultar and subsequently taken down into the depths of the world as their slave, the Ixpadian forces shattered. Grouse and a core force of veterans under his command managed to escape the island, landing in the Docks in the dead of night a few days after the Queen's capture. Refusing to believe she is dead, and fierce in his resentment of their defeat at the hands of the outrageously lucky Count, Grouse moved amongst the Docks with new purpose. Thought of by many as just another gang competing for turf in the slums of the Docks, the Sons kept a relatively low profile. Yet over the weeks, Grouse managed to sway several gangs to him, and even won the respect of the much-feared Freemen led by Cyrus Doors for acts of defiance against the Ruby rule that enveloped the Colony prior to the Duke's arrival. Using these successes as a platform, the Sons came to be the major power in the slums and when the charismatic Grouse declared the independence of the Docks, under his leadership, none challenged it.

Son of Sabuth
The rank and file. The Son of Sabuth is defined by his hatred of Old Port or his love of freedom, often times both. Otherwise, the Sons of Sabuth are a diverse group, featuring different religions, cultures, creeds and backgrounds that often breeds infighting. Given a place to sleep and fed daily, the Sons of Sabuth are responsible for the day to day affairs and defense of the Docks.

IC Expectations::
Depending on your concept, some of the following goals may or may not be applicable. They are however referenced here, for these are the goals a new recruit would be told to pursue and, generally, those which can determine advancement in the ranks.

1) Defend the Docks from outside forces
2) Commit acts of espionage, sabotage and thievery against the Duchy
3) Investigate and crush slavers
4) Work to build the Docks into a free utopia, improving the welfare of the people
5) Recruit promising members into the Sons
6) Secure sources of funding for the Sons
7) Find Queen Ixpadia, rescure her, and burn Old Port to the ground

The Sons of Sabuth are now primarily concerned with defending the Docks from the stifling control of Trenada's Duchy, building the district into a free utopia.
Some shots I took for the event.

Everyone gathering around the portal which massacred tons of people like cows.

Monald friend plotted to steal loot and give me a cut Monald knew this was a bad idea so being a bastion of freedom told him to hand it all to the stygian of course he refused sadly I had no shot of him being beat down for not listening to Monald.

Talking shit to Xeral some more when he called his camp a place to protect free men.

Chilling in the Sons HQ someone had something to say about the Nightriser Invasion.

Caddies being an epic failure again.

Suggestions / Give Half-Elves +2 persuade
February 04, 2010, 04:10:22 AM
Seeing how in PNP half-elves got a +2 to Gather Information and Diplomacy checks and are known as good ambassadors who bridge between human and elves and seeing that Half-Drow get +2 Bluff. I think it makes tons of sense for a Half-Elf to gain +2 Persuade considering that Half-Elf is an underplayed class I feel it might increase the playability of half-elves.
This is a screeny thread of events today as well as the tournament.

paying a child to humiliate the Armada.

We are a gang!

An ass-load of people in the Wastrel.


Suggestions / Starting area Docks
January 06, 2010, 06:00:24 AM
I believe with all the drama going on I feel PCS should be able to start out in the docks district would give great addition/customomizable backgrounds.
General Discussion / How to include others.
January 06, 2010, 05:47:49 AM
A factor to EFUA and claiming power on EFU is using goals to include others. First get an alignment decide what goals go along with that alignment and then think "How can I include others." Also a key thing about including others is how can you attract both allies and enemies. I will be typing about PCS and how they included others and will even list an alignment. Here is a list of PCS and how I felt they included others and I will show how with just about any alignment including people can be achieved.  

LG Sunellar Watch LT In the watch he used his influence and power during a turbulent time to make friends with New Dunwarren as well as other good aligned PCS and used his position in the watch to clear the place of evil aligned PCS. Preventing evil aligned people from joining the watch for the most part. He also united people and worked behind the scenes against the evil spellguard. He also worked against team criminal banding non evil PCS and other watchmen on crackdown on crime including causing a riot in the middle of Lowers streets.

LN Kharst  He brought the Dwarf PCS together and formed a huge stable clan equal to the stouthearts in the UD. While at the same time he pushed the agenda of the noble house Sharboneth for his epicness in including tons of PCS he got to slay a PC giant and even acquire his own cave and npcs. I remember when he was banding loads of PCS together for the sake of defending his new cave against savage Orcs. He also heavily included house Sharboneth and supported and isolationist policy of getting House Sharboneth uninvolved in praxe's war.

LE Rinaldo Montezzi-Owner of House Montezzi and to me showed the extent of power a player faction can achieve banded together variouse evil and vile PCS as well as power hungry PCS into following his entourage. Then with his band of soldiers he began killing rebels/gangsters and ended up taking over lower. He Litterally brought the server together had many clandenstide plots and even infiltrated many of the servers player and DM factions. Sucessfully learning many crazy server secrets. He has had to constantly struggle with those whom opposed him before finally being recognized by Upper as lower being "His domain" He even forced monsters to work for him and had many deals with the underdarks slavers. In my mind Rinaldo included tons of PCS both friends and enemies alike. He has proven what well cordinated PCS can achieve in their own means.    

NG Conrad De Sonnac One of the earliest members of the Order he mainly banded together team good and challenged many of the servers prominent villains including mysef to duels to the death and won loads of them. He also had many shady deals and plotted with other good aligned people unafraid of acting outside of the rule of law. His death even sparked npcs and pcs to riot and run the Fellowship of the Cheerful dead out of the city. His life and death were both epic. He even got close to being promoted to knight. He basically led a lot of PCS at the forefront against necromancy and I applaud him

TN Haley Mendon She took the crumbling Chang Diner I left behind and turned it into a goldmine taking up a "I dont care policy" She brought in all manner of PCS and backgrounds and had huge relations  and always took a popular stance which kept her businesse thriving. She also became a magistrate and lead the forefront against getting necromancy made illegal. She also recruited many of the servers merchants and gained a huge amount of political power from Magistrate to Vice Counsel of the Patricians  court. What Liked about her was always tried to garner allies and perfered to distance herself from enemies. She even managed to gain her own land the old Proverson Merchant house and had a very epic character death. She even became one of the servers prominent figures in my opinion she was a awesome PC.    

NE  Francisco De Olid the first Stygian PC. He gathered a band of unsavory pcs and monsters and formed a band of thugs. He was also heavily involved in slavery and in my opinion was one of the servers first big villains. Working against any establishment of law and beating down people to fill the pockets of his men. While at the same time held a facade as being innocent and attacking those who plotted against him. He constantly stood against the rule of law and was secretly a cultist of Mask one of the many reasons he stood against the Amunator worshipers. Because of his group being so Epic the Dms gave him a plot. (the Targan war blades.) In my opinion he started the fearsome reputation of the Armada including the PCS general dislike of the entire faction he was an epic PC who died in an epic duel to the death. His actions included a wide range of players including many of his enemies the goal of being a criminal will always work because it will always bring enemies and conflict which Olid def did it.

CG Vlad A Barbaric savage while at the same time a bastion of goodness mixed with savagry. He also has proven he is not afraid of killing tons of evil Pcs including known slavers and necromancers. in my opinion he was one of the few proactive good pcs who did not let the law stop him while at the same time showed he was a barbaric and chaotic savage a truly epic PC who included tons of players and got loads of Stygian PCS and team law to rally against him and even managed to raid the city bringing down tons of PCS and NPCS with him. in my opinion he brought many of team good together and managed to accomplish a lot truly one of few good PCS who showed his willingness to fight evil.

CN Ferius Worn A champion of lower ideas and philosophy. He did many behind the scene plotting and rallied the people of Lower against Upper. He even managed to acquire his own stew shop IG. And ran for council and won pushing forth the agenda of radicals in Lower eventually he was exiled after it was discovered he took part in a sewer town revolt and in the future joined the seekers. He then blew up his own stew shop after realizing his nephew Caleb was using it as a base of operations for a vile Devil cult and managed to actually escape from the underdark a true goal and dream of most Seekers!


Captain Macasta was thought to be a simple noble pc but then partook in a murder in the canal ward. She was able to unite many of the servers criminal PCS and actually strike people in the middle of the street robbing numerouse wealthy PCS and fat cats. She even held the firehearts for ransom and assasinated a councilor for not paying to release his own family. She even discovered her own hideout to use out in the underdark adapting to the land of the server. She even had the coins to bribe a few corrupt members *coughs Konus Sten* of the Watch to pass her information. She like Ferius Warn went out in a bane blowing herself up in her cell. In my opinion she included tons of PCS and managed to have one of EFUS biggest criminal operations. She also had notably a lot of enemies in my opinion Macasta was great because she gave people with money reasons to fear and ganked people in the middle of the streets shes proven that evil pcs with enough allies can gain vast wealth she has proven that crime pays well.    

All you need is goals and other PCS willing to support you. Pretty much any goal can be done with PC Support and intelligent moves made in the right direction.
Introductions and Group Management / The Court of fools
January 04, 2010, 02:35:30 AM
This is a circus concept with all roles in a circus acrobats Jugglers performers ETC and animale tamers are welcome and free to join. We will be holding our own shows and performances some of you make thing this is a LOL concept for shits and giggles but I implore you this is a serious concept for any PC. Also we have a rather unique backstory that I will not spoil. Any interested in my concept join #Beshabans on IRC or send me a PM with an idea.

-The Doc

Race Any

class Non druid non paladin non cleric

Deity Any

Alignment Non good
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Carlos Nermidt
December 18, 2009, 10:00:23 AM
Hello guys Carlos has finally met his end and I am posting screenies. I mainly made Carlos to assist other people in their plots and help them be a total follower. Unfortunately all of his allies ended up either vanishing or dieing banites Mendon Gallo and Trin ETC. I hope you like my screens I have compiled together

Making fun of wizards

Dealing with Lunacy

Women from a hins eye view

Calling someone a queer

Shady Dealings

What happened shortly after those dealings and of course a bounty after this.

Carlos's Uber Sword

The Stats!

Leading a small army

After Seeing the church of Bane growing in Power Carlos wanted a peace of the action.

Swearing eternal Loyalty to Lord Bane
Off-topic Discussion / Sry Guys
December 13, 2009, 05:32:47 AM
Ive been off for a long time and am still having computer issues with my gaming computer. I use an Imac and unfortunatly it wont start up or has a question mark symbol. Nothing else works and I cant find my restore disk so might need to take it a repair store.  

Suggestions / Updates to Prominent figures
December 02, 2009, 01:25:04 AM
I think the prominent figures really need to be updated to include the deaths/updates of prominent figures as well as new ones added.....Or it this already being worked on?
Suggestions / Starting Area Docks
November 26, 2009, 05:23:04 PM
considering people can choose to start in Old Port Gobsquat or the Kingsmen I think people should get the option of starting out in the docks much like people got the option to start in Lower sanctuary. Thoughts?
Suggestions / Update The Touch of Class
July 24, 2009, 07:33:24 AM
I like What Dms have done with the Wastrel but I think the touch of class need some stuff. Heres some stuff I think it needs.

1 Npcs to add to it to show its a place where the high class go. Add Npcs From Old Port, Rich people, Fat Rich people, people who talk about the going ons in Old Port,  Slave owners, Fat people.....ETC People who talk about the opinion of the wealthy!

2 A Bartender that serve expensive good drinks rare wines for the upper class.

3 Royal Dragon or other way to gamble and win way more coins then the simple Kingsmen!