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Topics - Empress of Neon

QuoteDear Amelie,

Come visit me at Frostport when you have a chance. We have much to discuss.

Preferably alone.

Make sure to announce your intent to visit me over the bellows.

I'll need to make sure Ellan is tended to before I wait.

~ Isabella Fitzgerald

P.S Be sure to bring a few crates. I'll have a donation in foodstuffs for you.
QuoteDear Mr. Trajaros,

I appreciate your effort to get a consensus on demographics during the election. It told us quite a bit about who we were as a community and why the results ended up being what they were.

I'd like your help in gathering one for another matter; specifically from the Voiced.

I'd like you to conduct a consensus among the Voiced on the topic of the furniture tax, or rather property taxes and rental in general. I will compensate you 300 dinars for the labor.

While I think you should be given full liberty on the questionnaire, I've taken the liberty of giving you a template to work off of:

Q(1) If you are Voiced, would you rather:

A. Rent at current rates? With the furniture tax as is?

B. Rent at reduced rates on taxes? If so, would you pay at a reduced rate of:

1. 40%


2. 60%

C. Rent at 0% tax?

Q (2) Would you prefer to rent property as:

1. An individual?


2. An organization?


I look forward to hearing a response, or results, from you soon. Ideally over the bellows.

~ Isabella Fitzgerald
QuoteDear Sergeant Colmes,

I hope you are hale. It's been awhile. Ellanher remains infirm, but he's getting the best help he can get at Frostport. That snake, I fear, was no ordinary serpent.

You've probably heard I'll generally be out of Ephia's Well for the foreseeable future. Most of my presence in the Well, I fear, will be felt by my Oathseekers. I've received numerous complaints from both my Vendor, Tormod, and my Chosen Shamsa about the excessive approach to one janissary Kesandra. Between carrying 'necromantic bearings' that were little more than bones who's runes escaped one of Shamsa's companion (who she paid a substantial fine for) as well as accusing Tormod of being one himself for carrying one of those spider eyes (there was nothing necromantic about it).

My Oathseekers are not faultless in this; they have been corrected in using better judgement in what to carry and what to leave behind. Such accusations, however, were unwarranted. I'm sure you've carried a curative bone totem wand or two yourself from time to time, after plucking it from some monstrous tribe after all, have you not? And I know you've seen enough of those eyes by now to know while they may be disgusting and strange, they're not the stuff of viles (at least based on what I've seen). Either way, I take accusations of necromancy very seriously.

Necromancers are the most wretched of creatures and I'd rather not have the denouncement as such casually tossed upon my bodyguards and confidants. Not without substantial proof.

I'd rather not have to worry about any sort of tip-for-tap back in Ephia's Well between the Oathseekers and this new recruit. Please speak to her and help direct that passion unto the actual cretins who deserve it.

~ Isabella Fitzgerald

P.S If you need anything imported, let me know. Trade in the outer settlements has become my day-to-day affair.
Correspondence / [To Hypatia: Isabella Fitzgerald]
April 19, 2023, 01:02:10 AM
*A sealed letter.*

QuoteDear Hypatia,

It's been awhile. But I was recommended to you by Sol Auk for tailoring. The criteria is something warm; something that will keep me comfortable and insulated in the coldest of climes. Something that impresses, but also speaks to the merits of one's success in trade; not opulent, but exotic. Something you might see a diplomat or ambassador wear.

If you can see to this, let me know. I'll provide you with whatever textiles or silks you need.

~ Isabella Fitzgerald

P.S Let's add a cloak to that attire. I'll need an especially burly one for my small body to stay warm in Frostport's winter seasons.
QuoteDear Argus,

I may be out of Ephia's Well, but my chip still functions well enough. Congratulations on your new office.

I'd like to go over a few ideas and proposals with you I went over with Cyrille insofar as it concerns Ephia's economy. Believe it or not, I actually did have policies and proposals second-hand during the election. Security, much like diplomacy, goes hand in hand with wealth.

My first proposal is simple. In the interest of generating both state revenue and tending to John Syter's vision of exporting the Citadel's most precious resource for economic growth (water), I would first propose a new license to available for purchase. Nothing cheap; at least 1,500 dinars. The acquisition of which entitles the owner to at least two jars of Ephia's Tears per day. This will give stock to our traders without them having to go around rummaging some rat-ass corner of the world while also eliminating any costs of production outside of containers. It will create more investment and interest in foreign markets while also generating state revenue through the licenses themselves. Remember also that the more commonplace our resource becomes in the dunes, the more weight we carry behind our diplomatic efforts should even the specter of their withdrawl or absence in every-day life suddenly become a very real prospect.

My second proposal is housing. One of the few things I found of merit in Cyrille's platform. Right now, our housing market is in a spectacular collapse, as I'm sure you've noticed. Even the Krak de Roses is having trouble finding patronage to its lovely rooms upstairs, from what I understand. Why wouldn't it? The furniture tax has fired spectacularly. Lavish homes too expensive to be seriously considered in both upkeep and purchase remain uninhabited by all but the wealthiest in Ephia's Well. It's gotten to the point at which organizations, rather than people, have taken to them as a means of lodging or headquarters. It's especially upsetting to me as I'm all too well aware of how much revenue the state is losing. I would rather have 300 dinars for 5 occupied homes than 2 home occupied for 600. It's basic math. Volume of sales needs to become the criteria when it comes to real-estate, not the prestige. To that end, I suggest the furniture tax be  wholly and fully revoked (it's a silly law anyway).

I also suggest creating a new office for the Scribes. An office to be given a portent of allotment in the interest of construction. A lease-contract, funded by which, for any union or laboring company interested in developing Ephia's Well. Whether that's building up, down, in cat-walks along the walls supported by adequate pillars and archways, or simply clearing some of the rubble away yet remaining in the Citadel waiting to be restored to something new. Gods know there's plenty of it still in the Salt and Souk. More housing, but at an affordable price (150 dinars should be your goal in rental) so that people not only  have somewhere to lay their heads down, but are ensuring the state is receiving -some- kind of kickback in property taxes. Better some business than none at all, when it comes to real-estate.

Lastly, and this would be my most significant proposal, eliminate the requirement that only Voiced may hold property to their name. We are losing too much business and state revenue on housing because of this. Cheaper housing, as mentioned prior, will only be made fully realized in its potential if we legalize the poor's right to their own homes. Voiced or not. This does not take away banking privileges or political speech to Voiced citizenship. In truth, it's a commonsense solution to many of our problems when it comes to housing and deprivation to both our economy and coffers. Let the market bloom, with the aforementioned proposals above, and you will see Ephia's well safer, wealthier and more just all at once.

~ Isabella Fitzgerald

P.S Just ask any waradrim courier to deliver a response, if you feel the urge to write one. I'm all over the dunes these days when it comes to trade.
QuoteDear Estellise,

In spite of politics, you will find that I'm a woman of my word. One who has not forgotten the critical needs in her neighbors at the tower.

I won't pretend some of the behavior displayed by some of your peers hasn't been discouraging, but I intend to follow up on my promise as best as I am able.

Starting today, every week, I am donating a lump sum of 200 dinars to the Astronomers. I'd prefer if you picked up the donation yourself at the caravan grounds just east of Baz'eel, as you come off as one of the few astronomers I can seem to trust following Alexander's confession over the bellows. You may use it to wave bounties on archaeological finds or the purchase of those strange machine materials you use to empower The Shade. I expect a ledger every week denoting these expenses so I'm not just padding someone's pockets for retirement. I'd offer you more, but I'm on a tight budget and have to tend to the financial needs of my Oathseekers.

You may also write me for any special requests on imports. I have direct access to foreign markets, and you will find that makes for expedient research and exchanges in both exotic and bulk goods.

I will also draft written proposals to you, yours or whatever advocates you have to speak on your behalf at the assembly in regards to initiatives concerning our security.

Unfortunately, I will not be attending to them myself for awhile, as you understand from our prior meeting.

I know this isn't what you were hoping for, but it's the best I can do on the road following the Purple League's crushing defeat at the election. Frankly, I'm shocked at how many members of my own league wouldn't support our substitute-candidate of choice. It really shines a light on just how weak the commitment and character of our political party actually is. I might just go independent after this.

Know that I deeply regret pulling out of the race. I put too much faith in Sephidra as a bridge between the Whites and Purples in the interest of good governing post elections. The concern of 'not getting anything done' outweighing any concerns such as coercion or assassination, when they were clearly due.

I will never make that mistake again in that den of vipers.

~ Isabella Fitzgerald

P.S I found Sephidra in Kha'esh. She is hale and just fine. She confessed to me she pulled out of the race when she found out her life was in danger; though I'm sure you already deduced this.

Anyone who fancies being a leader, yet isn't ready to accept those kinds of risks, has no place in politics or government as far as I'm concerned.

You will see me again.
QuoteDear Mr. Wajeeb,

As you might have heard, I have left Ephia's Well for a time to see to matters of trade and fostering better relationships with the other settlements.

People tend to forget good diplomacy and trade often go hand in hand, so I've taken it upon myself to act as vendor from Ephia's Well in respects to our precious resource; water.

As you are the greatest supplier in Ephia's Well, I'd like to rope you into a business contract for exports.

I'm looking at a 60/40 margin split on profits (to your favor, of course) and would like to broker both individual sales and bulk deals if you can keep the supply going.

This is a good way for you to begin making a name for yourself among the foreign markets, but also a fine method to start attracting more traders to Ephia's Well to exchange for its waters.

Write back to me if you're interested.

~ Isabella Fitzgerald

P.S If we're going to do business, be sure to come up with a respectable or catchy name for our trade! Such as, The Orifice, or something.

Know you the secrets of mead-making?

Are you a supplier?

A keeper of the old art to make it, looking for an investor?

Send a letter to Isabella Fitzgerald via courier.

Her warriors have a thirst for mead second only to that of water!

~Disclaimer: Any attempts to commit murder or banditry in a peaceful and mutual exchange should be forwarded to the end of her escorts' axes and blades. Treachery will not be tolerated.~
In the interest of encouraging raider/bandit concepts that aren't restricted to guttering it up below Ephia's Well (with full acknowledgement that maybe it's too soon and somewhat self-serving), as well as give hardcore merchants/traders a place to vendor their goods (especially if they're exiles), I'd like to propose a single stall be created in all the settlements outside of Ephia's Well (at least where it makes sense).

Kha'esh, Qadira, Frostport, Banafsi, what have you.

We're not a penal prison colony in this chapter, so may as well go all out!
Correspondence / [To Mr. Gers: Isabella Fitzgerald]
April 16, 2023, 11:05:46 PM
QuoteDear Mr. Gers,

As you're probably aware, I'll be out of Ephia's Well for some time following this election. Tending to matters of trade and knitting relationships with foreign settlements. This has, of course, given me the privilege of having direct access to foreign markets and the day-to-day opportunities to be found within them.

I'm well aware of the Alchemist Guild's needs for regents, even if I don't understand the practice itself.

If you or any other member wishes to conduct a bulk deal for resources, please let me know. I'll see matters of having the goods imported myself once a deal's been brooked.

Please be very specific about what you want and its quantity.

~ Isabella Fitzgerald
QuoteDear Amelie,

I hope everything's going well at Ephia's Well. It sounds eventful from my chip.

I'm not certain if you heard, but I intend to be out of Ephia's Well for some time. It could be months, possibly years. Trade and knitting relationships with the other settlements being my foremost concern and service to the Citadel, following the election.

This does not mean, however, I'll be entirely divorced from the Well. Quite the contrary, in fact, as new opportunities in foreign markets open all manner of possibilities. The one I wished to discuss with you?


I know the need to feed and cloth the refugees is ongoing and would like to help now that I've direct access to the markets you'd be visiting. If you would like to discuss a bulk deal in imports for either textiles or foodstuffs, simply let me know and I'll give you a list of options as well as the pricing.

I'll make arrangements to have it delivered so long as you can provide the base cost.

~ Isabella Fitzgerald.

P.S If you need more exotic goods, feel free to ask and I'll see what's tucked away in my ledger.
QuoteDear Sephidra,

The ambassador told me you're here. I need to speak to you as soon as possible. Do you realize how sick with worry the Purple League's been?

We know you're not sick. Naelin's a terrible liar and clearly doing so under the threat of something.

We deserve answers, straight from your lips.

~ Isabella Fitzgerald

P.S Naelin, if you find this first, then kindly hand it over to Sephidra. I know you're protecting her, but Ephia's Well is bigger than any of us.

This can not become the norm.
*A letter is delivered via courier to a diplomat at the Pyramid's Palatial Wing.*

QuoteDear esteemed diplomats to the Great City of Banafsi,

You have doubtlessly heard of the recent scandal that erupted during a debate among the Citadel's candidates. Accusations have been set upon Gold League Candidate Sol Auk of something I fear threatens the relationship and future of the Well and your splendorous home. Talks of a prominent citizen; a candidate in one of our sacred elections, no less; being illegally extradited or coerced with the threat thereof because of an incident that fell under her watch in your home. An incident some of us, I have been told, was supposedly resolved after a labor of penance.

I do not intend to insult your intelligence by explaining to you how an incident like this could threaten future relations, or needlessly generate ill will from citizens (especially its merchants) in the Well who have felt safe in matters of exchange prior to the scandal. Yours is a society of law and order that very clearly puts its sanctity close to heart. I myself have seen the degree your beautiful city goes to, in order to keep it safe from corruption and dangers of outside influences.

But the picture painted before the Voiced in those chambers was very damning. Sol Auk and his mercenaries, last seen with her before her mysterious 'illness' that had her folding from the race. The woman missing, with only her companion Naelin to speak on her behalf at this abrupt turn of events. It is well known that Gold League Candidate Sol Auk left the pyramid with a far heavier purse than the one he went in, shortly after you called for attendance. Nevermind the expulsion of White League Candidate Lynneth, who was in the company of another elven that was associated with Purple Candidate Sephidra. Sephidra's exclusion from invitation to the pyramid entirely only adds to the narrative, I'm afraid. Her absence was both a political advantage to Sol Auk (an overt and unsubtle one at that) and caused a wave of uproar among many of the citizens; especially the Voiced. Her associate, Naelin, the one speaking on behalf of her absence, is not a convincing liar in a chamber full of people who are primed to constantly read each other, I'm afraid. Her gaze towards Sol Auk as fearful as it was, when she was bade to bring truth to light on the matter. It did not help that Sol Auk chose to leave the debate abruptly, rather than confront the accusations before him. Or downplay what had happened shortly after. The Well keeps its candidates, who will one day oversee its ruling chambers, under very close scrutiny. And I'm afraid this problem isn't going away with a few words or attempts to distract and deflect as he often does.

Sol Auk believes his candidacy is all but assured, but it's ultimately the Voiced who decide affairs of the state (as he himself has often platformed); especially in regards as to who will become legate. I can not emphasize enough how the mere specter of an outside power being able to purchase citizens from the Well unsettles us. Even some of his own supporters are already beginning to look to the other two candidates, after seeing what he's willing to do in the pursuit of power. Before I was even out of the pyramid, there was already a conversation about the sheer terror for a friend's life; one we still do not have accounted for. People are angry, confused and above all, afraid. And I fear what kind of tone this will set between our peoples going forward. I do not want to see relations between Ephia's Well and Banafsi sour. Both our civilizations deserve a better future than one where resentment from its higher castes dictates the course of our lives.

I make no accusations. It is on Sol Auk for his lack of transparency to the public concerning your meeting and the damning events that followed Sephidra's absence that are now on everyone's lips. If he did make a promise, however, or deceive you into thinking he had some kind of judicial power he's not privy to, then I implore you to make a public statement and help preserve our relationship as city-states.

I don't believe the Great City of Banafsi, in all its sanctity and majesty, ever intended to steep or mire Ephia's Well in this level of corruption of our highest offices; not even the perception of it. I'm willing to wager you wanted to know which candidate you'd contribute to would close the gap on matters of extradition into codified law, as it's notably vague on such matters, rather than something as outrageous as what's been presented before us. I'm willing to wager Sol Auk greatly misinterpreted your contribution as a bribe for Sephidra's attendance in your judiciary system. I know you have more respect for our laws and our own sanctity than that.

But I also know Sol Auk's heart. And I'm afraid these accusations on his misdeeds are very much within the realm of reality. You are begged, my neighbors, to help us bring truth to these matters and wash your hands of this incident for good. Whether it absolves or confirms the guilt of the Gold League Candidate, the Voiced must have answers, or this specter will haunt us forever.

Please, help us.

P.S If you ever wish to discuss codified law on matters of extradition or other inter-state grey areas in our penal code, please feel free to speak to any of our Voiced; myself included; regarding such affairs as such policies fall within our role in the Assembly in their proposal, not Legates. Gods know it needs to have the discussion after this.

~Isabella Fitzgerald
Advertising Litter / [ATTENTION POLITICIANS!]
April 11, 2023, 05:40:34 AM
[hide]*An old flyer, lost to its successors...*
*An incredibly-difficult-to-read poster with a stylistic emblem can be seen plastered off near the entrance to the Purple League headquarters.*


Need a political escort?

A mercenary your rivals can not buyout?

Men and women who hold something higher than dinar to their code?

Do you have a Purple League badge?

Love the Sultan?

Then seek the Oathseekers.

A fighting force you can trust.

~Interested applicants should send a letter to Isabella Fitzgerald to brook a contract. Standard rates are 50 dinars per head, weekly.
~This service is a privilege to members of the Purple League. Non-Purple League affiliates need not apply.

[The Fundamentals]

QuoteDear Reader,

I am Isabella Fitzgerald.

When I first came to Ephia's Well, I was a lowly scavenger from the dunes with little more than the shirt on her back and a handful of dinars. Within a week, I was a self-made voiced. How?

It wasn't through mercenary contracts.

It wasn't through begging or politics.

It was through trade.

Trade is the gentler of roads for those seeking prosperity and wealth. Done right, you may continue to enjoy the safety and comfort of the Citadel's walls and enjoy an affluent lifestyle lawfully and harmoniously. Although the most successful merchants will recognize the value of traveling to foreign markets, this simple beginner's guide should help you get started; be you a new refugee or simply a well-to-do aspirant coming of age.

The fundamentals are as follows:

1. Research: You will not succeed as a trader if you do not get a feel for the market. What's in demand, what other merchants are charging for their goods and how scarce the supply thereof actually is. Knowing the market is critical to your success as a trader. If you're being out-priced or sitting on goods that will never sell because the demand for them went with the season, you'll find yourself worse off than you began. Be thorough and don't be afraid to 'browse' at your competition's stalls.

2. Value: Understanding the value of something is not simply guessing how much you think it's worth. It's understanding your customer. A vial that might boon one's muscles will always be more valued to a warrior than, say, a mage. Just as a scroll you might find in your inventory is worthless to said warrior, but might hold significant value to that wizard you were ready to wave off. Be ready to haggle with people based on what you garner from them. Read them, their bearings, their professions. If you can, read their purse to. Someone with little to their name will be much more apprehensive to spending any significant sum than someone with more dinars than what they know to do. Knowing the economy, your customer's purse and the true value of your goods will help you find that sweet spot in getting the best deal.

3. Encouragement: Simply put? Encourage your buyers. List your prices, instead of them assuming the worst, especially if you're trying to undersell your competition.  Someone who knows you're selling cheap is much more likely to buy than someone who thinks you're going off a standard market value. You might think you're losing out, and you are, if you're selling rare and exotic goods. But if it's a commonplace market item, then the best option for you is to beat your competition to the needs of your customers. Remember, volume of sales is nothing to scoff at when engaged in trade. 10 brooches sold at 30 dinars will always yield more than the one or two sold at double that price. Be sure you're the one to get the business, rather than going without any at all. It also helps build a good relationship with your customers, who know they can rely on you to supply their needs. You will find reputation is a value in itself when it comes to the bargaining table. Especially when a promise is kept.

4. Buy Low, Sell High: It's the most basic aspect of commerce. If someone is trying to sell you something, make sure to incorporate research and value into the bartering. Haggle if you must, but never let the prospect of losing out on a deal in stock cloud your judgement. The 'buy it now or lose out forever' approach is a trick many other traders will employ to create a sense of urgency. Whatever you buy, however much thereof, make sure you are able to make a profit (however meager) in your calculations. Remember also that some goods, even when they're priced lower, may not necessarily be worth their weight or effort in reselling. 50 dinars spent on an item you can only sell at 60 in any feasible rate may not be worth the time or effort, if you do not already have a buyer lined up. Negotiating bulk deals is a wonderful offset to this rule, if you can afford it.

5. Patience: Be patient. You may feel as if you're losing on the trade for a time when you buy new stock to keep your business going, but that's simply the investment you need to put into the trade to keep it growing. You must buy in order to sell, and it's in these moments you may find yourself discouraged to keep going when you see how few dinars you had actually made after sales and cost to upkeep the business make themselves known. Don't give up; and remember that as new opportunities emerge that are low risk, financially sound and following the rule of buying low for a higher sales margin, you always have a chance to expand your business insofar as you use good judgement and common sense.

6. Beware Cons: One thing I've seen far too many times in Ephia's Well (and beyond) are well-to-do tradesmen getting swept up in 'opportunities of a lifetime' and being financially ruined for it.  Someone who comes to you with a business opportunity that seems too good to be true is likely trying to take advantage of you. This is not so easily defined or identified as, say, a raw deal, but I will give you a case example just to help you get a sense of alarm if something comes your way (and it always does, eventually).

A man is offering to sell you his entire stock of goods that he insists are selling at exceptional rates. Indeed, the man is wealthy and the price of his goods reflect as such. However, he wishes to retire to the Palm Heights and get out of the trade business for good. He makes you an offer, to buy all of his stock on this unusual market good you probably don't quite have an appraisal on yet. He insists he has other buyers lined up, but is willing to sell it to you now so that he might see to other more urgent matters. You accept the deal, buy his stock, buy his business, only to find out a few days later that no one is buying the goods at the prices he himself had on display not a few days prior.

If it hasn't become obvious yet, the man who sold his 'business' in this scenario is a con. One who artificially inflated a sense of worth in both his trade and his business to ease an unfortunate victim into buying something well and below its actual value. He used a sense of urgency with the mention of other buyers, exploited the novelty of the situation you couldn't have been prepared for and generated the illusion of success when there was only the specter of ill-gotten wealth.

Always beware cons and remember these aspects as you begin your life as a trader.




I've been a refugee three times in my life. I know how hard it is to get back on one's feet from nothing. I hope if you look to the markets for your own future that you are able to benefit from these fundamentals to the art of exchange.

Good luck.
QuoteDear Ambassador Suleiman al Aziz,

I hope the hearth is keeping you warm and cozy. I know you're not fond of Frostport or the clime, so if there's anything you'd like me to bring you from Ephia's Well or another neighboring settlement, do let me know. Mother knows we have plenty of wine to spare.

I'm writing to you because I wish to see relationships with Frostport tighten with Ephia's Well. I see them being useful allies to both the Well and the Sultanate, with much to gain, when it comes to affairs with maritime states like Bafsani and especially Qadir. And they're not without intrinsic resources of worth in themselves.

I understand these people all too well; they're not so different from many of my own in the Old City. Especially my betrothed's family. Theirs is a warrior culture that puts kin, honor, tradition and glories close to the heart. They've also lower opinions for people who come off as soft, cowardly or weak.

But especially cowardly.

I don't doubt you already knew most of this. You've been their ambassador for quite some time, no doubt. I speak what is known so you understand where my impressions of Frostport and its people are when I make this offering.

I am a merchant, as well as a politician. A deal brooker; groomed for speechcraft. One surrounded by warriors of wroth and fury. I would see those skills put to use in helping you more closely knit the relationship between Frostport and the Sultanate.

The best way to win their respect is through deeds, and as it just so happens, I have a number of valiants in my company and employ ready to demonstrate that old merit of strength. Though if my evening conversations with Ambassador Talgar has taught me anything, bringing the finer pleasures of the dunes; such as our fine food and drink; would certainly not go astray either. Their palettes, frankly, need more sating than their thirst quenching.

If there is anything you can think of that we might do to impress the Jarl and relax him to more amicable proposals and agreements, be it bringing him a trophy, bounty, or grudge avenged, then I humbly request you write back to me so that we might make the journey.

I'm eager to demonstrate our merit, both to him and to you. I'm well aware of how much you miss the warmth of the sands and won't hide my ambition to see myself more regular at Frostport's hearths in matters of diplomacy. Nevermind the fact that nearly all of my Oathseekers, and betrothed, have a nostalgic fondness for people they might very well share a common ancestry with.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

~ Isabella Fitzgerald

P.S There should be a pack of cigarettes enclosed in this envelope, assuming the courier hasn't stolen them.

May they bring you some small comfort and warmth of breath.
Journals and Musings / [Vignettes of I.M.M]
April 10, 2023, 01:46:31 AM
*In the private chambers of Isabella Fitzgerald, there are a number paintings to be seen in a small gallery. They all have the monogram of I.M.M on the back.*

Correspondence / [To Marcellus: Isabella]
April 07, 2023, 05:32:09 PM
QuoteAnd to Mirit the Liar, a hug.

If she should so wish it.

~ Isabella Fitzgerald.
QuoteDear Sergeant Colmes,

For the next few days I'd like you to devote the entirety of your time to gathering signatures if possible. Settle for no less than thirty. I'll explain why in person the next time we meet.

Are you allowed to ask for off-duty time? I'm certain your superiors would understand and approve with the election.

~ Isabella Fitzgerald
Correspondence / [To Sephidra: Isabella Fitzgerald]
April 05, 2023, 12:04:56 PM
QuoteDear Sephidra,

Time is running perilously short. The matter is increasingly urgent with every day it's postponed insofar as it concerns the election.

We can not afford to wait on the matter any longer. I have spoken to Sergeant Colmes, and he is in accord.

Please come speak to me as soon as possible. Either at the Palm Heights, Purple League's office, or another setting of your choosing.

~ Isabella Fitzgerald