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Messages - Mort

Announcements / EFU:A Override (Lots!)
July 19, 2009, 11:57:23 PM

Custom city re-skin for EFU:A. Coming soon, stay tune. I am still MIA, thought.
Something happened that tainted slightly what was otherwise a very tense and cool confrontation.

If someone crawls up to the surface and goes "Nightrisers attacked me in the sewers! I almost fell during the encounter, but I made it out!"

It would have attracted 1-2 characters, maybe less, maybe more, but a few who are usually always curious to go help.

But, this time, these were PC nightrisers, and the reaction to the message was not PROPORTIONAL at all. More than 20 people showed.. It was a big drama.. and a mob quickly formed brandishing torch and pitchforks to go, gasp, kill the 3 nightrisers that were in the sewers as suddenly it was the most puzzling thing to happen on Ymph.


This for some reason really irks me. It's the bad little cousin of people flocking to DM possessed NPCs. While the latter is often amusing to us, the former is not.

Please watch out when you start not to roleplay/be in character anymore and enter counter-strike mode that you are team Red and team Blue attacked 'someone', so all of team Red (regardless that you are evil aligned and probably couldn't care less about the safety of 'someone') must attack Team Blue. Stay in character. Put things in perspective. And do not enter the counter-strke mentality.
Thanks to everyone who participated in the plot. Those who sticked around through pain and misery till the end, those who didn't manage to stick around, and those who interacted with the people in the plot in various ways.

With the conclusion of the Iron Halo Plot, there are two new minor factions opening up very soon.

One is a secret, very unique, faction that will not be divulged yet.

The other is a group of dedicated Undead Hunters known as the Disciples of the Pallid Mask. Led by an ex-tethyran Baron known as Grimfael Corval, a Paladin/Knight of Jergal, and due to the recent threat posed by the Undead, he decided to recreate this ancient Order dedicated to the removal of the undeath plague and to honouring the fallens. This Order, althought having a grim and dedicated purpose in life, is made up of a flock of Lathanderite, Kelemvorite, Amaunator and Jergalites who joined with Grimfael for the greater good of the Colony.

Although they follow the tenets of Jergal more closely, all that is required to join is a dedication to the cause of hunting the undead, stopping the threat posed by necromancers and working with the legislation (or sometimes not) to end minimize these threats.

Status: Minor Faction
Races: Any.
Classes: Any.
Deity of Worship: Preferably:Jergal, Kelemvor, Amaunator, Lathander.
Alignment: Lawful preferred. Good preferred.

They will receive their own equipment which includes armor, helm, holy symbol and an "Undead Slayer" which is a weapon as chosen by the initiate of the Order which increases in power as the member rises in rank. The ranks are as follow: Initiate, Disciple, Templar, High Templar and lastly the rank held by Grimfael which is Forgotten Templar. The Disciples currently hold 10 or so members and have recently acquired a contract to install themselves in the Mausoleum where they will both take care of the dead and engage in their relentless hunt of the Undeath.
Announcements / New Musics?
June 29, 2009, 11:46:55 PM
That's right. A efu:a music override with a very awesome score that should enhance the ambience of the gameworld a lot!

Don't hammer the link. It's a huge file (260 Mb!) ... It might make the website go down if too many people download it.


After unzipping it with winrar or another archiver program that reads .7z files, put the files of the override folder in your nwn override folder and put the files of the music folder in your nwn music folder.

Do a backup of the music folder just in case you want to go back to the nwn corny fanfare one day. Otherwise, say goodbye to it and enjoy good thematic music!
Announcements / Dont Spread Quest Knowledge
June 29, 2009, 04:06:30 AM
This is something that is always there but just came up because of the rising advantage to 'cheat'/'trade secrets' on a quest like the Bilby's challenge.

Dont DO this or I will close it down. It is a QA area. It has the same rules. Dont spoil it. Dont cheat it.

Announcements / Animal Hunting Update
June 26, 2009, 01:28:19 AM
The hunting/skinning system has been revamped. Animals will no longer drop their skins automatically.

Instead, once they die, the corpse will stick around for 5 minutes. During this time, if you use an item called "Skinning Knife" on them and succeed an Heal Check, you will be able to safely remove their hide and make a nice animal pelt. The quality of the pelt should differ depending by how good your Heal Check was. Higher Quality = More Reward. Similarly, different animals will have different pelts which may be worth more or less depending on the animal and its rarity.

Skinning Knife and Animal Pelts will be bought and sold at your local "Ye Friendlee Animal Slaughter Shop".

There will no longer be any caps on returning pelts, instead, you will stop gaining XP after a certain arbitrary level is reached.

It may need tweaking, bug fixing, etc. It will be available next reset.

* * *

As well, Bilby's Trap Maze will be re-opening with a deluxe edition.

So in order to make the world a bit more involving and immersive, we've added a LOT of content in the form of random locations to discover (which are fairly lucrative!), random encounters and random events...

So exploring the wilds, you may stumble ... on an ancient tomb that was not there before. An hideout for a vile group of bandits... A Sacrifice to an evil god... A group of trader.. etc... and over 40+ different situations.

Similarly, it is also possible for monsters such as nightrisers, orcs, etc. to invade/attack the city without any DM present. So do not assume a DM is watching on these occasions. They are only there to provide a bit of excitement at random times.

Everything should be functional next reset. There is lots of new content for explorers/adventurers. If there are problems, I'll fix them at my pace.

Also, these random encounters are ...*gasp* random and renewed with each reset. It may happen that you find something and were interested in bringing a group to explore it later, but that the server reseted in the meantime and that this opportunity is gone... But fear not, for there are lots of different opportunity which should open every reset, and over the course of the game-time. The longer the server is up, the more potential for things to discover there will be.
Suggestions / Perk Suggestion:
June 19, 2009, 09:52:15 PM
At level 5, you'd gain one perk à la fallout. That you can select via craftmenu that provides you a few bonuses or unique abilities.

Here's a few we had in mind: ...

Soldier's Vigor:

With each rest, you gain 10 temporary HP that can go over your maximum.

Animal Skinning:
You are extremely proficient at skinning the poor little animals granting you two skins per animal you skin.

Skeleton in the Closet:
With each reset, a skeleton susceptible to necromantic powers will spawn in your backpack.

Night Stalker:
Your eyes have become adjusted to the dark, permanently, making you a capable hunter at night but damaging them during the day...
+3 spot/+3 listen during night. -2 spot/-2 listen during day.

Gloom Walker:

Your shadowy ways have learned you extra skills in the domain of blending with the darkness. However, you have develop an aversion for light.
+2 Hide/+2 MS, light sensitivity

Fist fights are a tradition for you and with such experience, your fists seem to make more teeth fly away than anyone else. Chaotic only.
Improved Critical (Unarmed Fighting).

Quick Learner:

Whenever you lockpick a new lock or disable a new trap, you gain a small XP bonus (1-5xp).

Elemental Focus: Element
You've made the focus of you studies or power tied to a specific element granting you to access its powers.
 - Change Flame Weapon Element
 - Change Bard Song Element

You're always amazed at how you can stuff things in your inventory.
Grants you a 60% weight reduce pack that you cant drop.

Nebudzznos Sewer Dweller:
Living in the sewers for so long gave you a special affinity with the filth and dirt.
 +3 vs. disease, +4 Hide / +4 MS when in sewers.

Totem Warrior:
Your dedication to the ancient ways have given you greater willpower and resilience to survive the hardship of the Wild.
+1 will/+1 fort in Wild Areas. Barbarian only.

Now... These are to give you an idea of what we are looking for. We are looking for stylish perks that can help to develop your ideas and concept and give them more style. So if you have an idea for a perk, just write it here. They will be modified/changed and a final list will be posted.
Announcements / Elemental Weapons
June 14, 2009, 04:21:28 AM
It's possible to change the element of your "Flame Weapon" and "Darkfire" spells so they may do:
 - Electrical
 - Acid
 - Cold
 - Sonic

 Damage instead of fire. For example, A cleric with the "Water Domain" will no longer have a flaming weapon but a weapon that does frost damage with Darkfire.

Similarly, Earth, Lightning, Air, Water, Sea Caves and Cavern can all change the elemental damage of those spells.

This will be valid next reset!

The spells have also been changed to do:

Levels 1-7: 1d4 dmg.
Levels 8-12: 1d6 dmg.
Levels 13+: 1d8 dmg.

It SHOULDNT stack. For example, a flame weapon of two wizards casted upon a single weapon should auto-cancel eachothers... Report any oddities as bug report.

This will work properly next reset!
Yeah, so no big surprise. You can customize this on your PC without any trouble. It looks new. It is the flavor of the minute, enjoy those precious minutes because soon ( in 15 minutes) it will be far too common to feel unique.

The command is : "/c SetBackPack xxx" where xxx is one of the following lines:

- backpack
- backpack2
- quiver
- quiver2
- scabbard
- scabbarda
- scabbardb
- scabbard2
- scabbarda2
- scabbardb2
- greatsword
- Bazooka
- none
Hey there!

I'm taking this relatively high time in character turn-over to present something relatively new that I will be working on in the coming days.

It involves an adventuring company of treasure hunters turned horribly wrong that arrived on Ymph. More details will be given to interested group in a few days time. It should start in a week or so.

It involves a group of veteran sailors, adventures, treasure hunters who have quite a large background in such trades. This group is known as the Iron Halo Chapterhouse and originate from the city of Waterdeep.

I'm looking for a group of 6-12 players (MAIN CHARACTERS).


Alignment: None!
Race: Preferably human. Dwarf/Halfling/Halforc tolerated. No elves.
Classes: No monks. No clerics. No druids. No Paladins.

This is not a permanent faction, but tied to a specific plot.

IRC: #ironhalo

So, I think this is worthy of an update. I've completely fixed/updated the herbalism/alchemy system from the UD.

So, there's about

60 new herbalism recipes. And 30 new Alchemy Recipes. With a few hints as to how it works but the real perks are for those who learn as there is some VERY powerful perks to learning it such as...

 - A wide range of unique unbrewable potions/artefact.
 - Upgrade for some regular potions into their better parts (i.e. regular bullstrength into Oil of Strength, etc...)
 - Lots of Poison.
 - The ability to craft a fully scripted Guardian Golem amongst other really unique/awesome recipes.
 - Introduction of rare resources which can usually be found in dangerous areas to promote exploration.

Most of it has to be learned by yourself/testing, but there has been a few hints drop IG. Finding even a single recipe can be EXTREMELY beneficial for your character as you can learn to create something without almost any cost...!

This is why there should really be 0 metagaming of recipes or anything related to that and we'll be extremely cautious to stomp on any remote incidents of that. Keep it to yourself. Dont spoil it. And Keep your knowledge between your characters separated. It isn't because you know a recipe ooc'ly that all your characters should know it.

Otherwise, enjoy!
Announcements / Big Wildshape Update
May 13, 2009, 11:48:57 PM
A lot of the wildshapes of druids have been totally modified and customized for efu:a. There is up to 15 forms that can be used. Each with special unique purposes. They should be much more useful than on old efu... from panthers with sneak-attack to bears and stone lizards. Keep an eye out for oddities and balance issues.

Stronger forms are unlocked after level 8 for druids, as well.

Similarly, some very strong unique forms can be unlocked by DMs as reward.

This should be available next reset. Enjoy!
Announcements / Faction Keys
May 13, 2009, 03:12:02 PM
If you have a faction key that doesn't belong to you, do not use it without a DM. We assume that locks get changed everytime a key goes reported missing since well... even Real-Life offices do this.

Similarly to any key that is stolen from a group, you need a DM before using it.
Just want to refresh everyone on basic rule #3 from here:

Quote(3) Meta-gaming is not allowed. This means that you can not take advantage of knowledge that you as a player might have but your character does not. A very simple example of this is that although you can see what another character's name is through the tab key, your character can not. You as a player may know something about the setting through a source book, but your character does not. Always think about what sort of knowledge is IC (in character) as opposed to OOC (out of character)
Basically, transmitting any IC information via OOC means is against the rules of EFU. Likewise, acting IC upon any such information you receive is against the rules.

Casual metagaming happens far too often, and this needs to stop. Sometimes it's harmless but it slowly becomes more and more rampant and slowly but surely, you talk only through tells/partychat while doing anything on EfU:A and it's a burden. Try not to do ANY form of metagaming, no matter how small it is. Veterans who metagame sends also the wrong message to others who sometimes look up to them.

Similarly, asking for the levels of others, asking for levels or class of any other PCs, of your foes, of your allies... Dont do this. You dont need to know to play.

Dont ask in IRC or in tells, who killed who. Try to learn In-character... even if it's a death on a quest.

Dont use the map to locate your partymembers. Dont use it to know where they went. If your character gets lost because your party flies through areas without caring if you are following them, well, act on it.

Dont run to your partymembers' location if you see a little sword next to them and the battle music starting if you were doing something totally different before that. It's just blatant and sometimes done in front of DM as we ambush a straggler with a sneaky guerilla NPC and all his Party who was two screen ahead rushes to save him.

Another issue is one of ethic and this concerns more people who play multiple characters. If you have multiple characters, try not for all of them to be friends with your ooc buddies. Also, try not for all of them to be enemies to your IC enemies. Again, it's much easier if you only play ONE character at any one time. It prevents so much odd ethical situations such as item transferring between characters either directly or indirectly... Having a character in a faction that is an enemy to one of your other characters... and so on.

 * * * *

Similarly, this brings another problem. Sometimes, people talk behind eachother's back, badly, either through IRC or IG. They insult other players or DMs for actions taken against them or their character and try to get other players to OOC'ly dislike this player/DM.

This isn't beneficial to anybody. It usually suffers from distortion as a story gets re-told, and re-told, and re-told (remember the telephone game?), and becomes something horrific and untrue. It just spreads negativism and makes everyone more miserable/paranoid at the same time.

Please dont partake in this. If someone is unhappy about something and sends you a message bashing another player/DM, dont support it and encourage it. I'd say in 75% of the cases, this is grossly exagerated and born out of nothing... and the consequences of this are generally bad for everyone. The game stops being a game at that time.

I understand that Misery loves company, BUT- sharing your grief with others isn't the way to alleviate it. In fact, since you focus on it, think about it, you usually become more angry and/or sad. The best way to deal with your grief is to move on, think of something else, focus on something you like and so on.

* * *

Being Hallway monitors isn't fun for the DMs. We want to ensure fairness, fun and having an immersive world -- and this is why we enforce these rules.

The more we must take the role of hallway monitors, the less we can build new stuff, run quests or support your plots, so please help us there and everyone will benefit in the end.