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Messages - AsheandCinders

Advertising Litter / Re: [Whitmore's Wares]
March 19, 2023, 04:05:55 PM

Whitmore's Wares Hiring!

Whitmore's Wares is taking on staff! Primarily guard duty, but many talents will be considered for how they can benefit the business. Negotiable Pay, Access to staff accommodation to rest and prepare without cost included in the employment package. Write to Ophelia Whitmore or seek her in person to interview.

Legate Syter

As we spoke of, I've taken the Liberty of obtaining times when Argus Sesterius, of Brass Pheasant Mercantile and the Original architect of the proposal that has taken trial duty from the already heavy burden upon your back, would be available to be called for a meeting with you to determine if he might hold the spot of Second Magistrate.

I of course don't need to remind you that with only one Magistrate, any time Sol Auk might not be available you would need to step in to fulfil the duty, which just seems so unessecary now that you have passed this proposal. And so I am sure you wish to fill that second spot as soon as time permits.

I've circled the days upon this calendar for you, that you might call for him whenever your whims decide.

Live and Drink
Ophelia Whitmore
Owner of Whitmore's Wares
Plaza Property 3, Whitmore's Wares Offices
Supporter of the League of Gold

//Thursday the 16, Friday the 17th: between 7am and 10pm Eastern time
//Saturday the 18th, Sunday the 19th, Monday the 20th: Available after 7pm Eastern
//Tuesday the 21st, Wednesday the 22nd, Thursday the 23rd: 7am-10pm eastern
Suggestions / Re: Randomized foreign merchants
March 14, 2023, 10:17:06 AM
I'd love to see this, especially since it will encourage more players to go out and find some of these places by getting to see more of their flavour In Game.
If this is possible, it'd be worth it just for being able to select and reprice specific items without having to constantly go through the token menu alone
A great character I always had fun interacting with, never sure where each conversation would go. I'll miss this scummy dwarf dearly but can't wait to see what comes next.
[The Envelope of the Letter is Stamped with a Seal, the Twin Ws of Whitmore's Wares]

Legate Syter

I write to you today to speak of Opportunity, and Prosperity in the future of the Well.

The Canals to the North of the well are one of the most Prosperous trade routes that we enjoy the use of, and yet the Sultan holds them in an iron fist, a manned post sending Tax and Tariff directly to his already overfilled hoard.

To oppose the Sultan directly is a the errand of a fool, and you are of course no fool, but if the control of this post were to come into the hands of the Assembly and the Well, whichever Legate managed to do so would find it quite the Pin upon his Toga, and Additional supplies and Dinars could flow into the city unimpeded by the greed of the Sultan.

I would ask your advisement on how we might facilitate a change in management of these canal posts, and will do what is in my power to see it done in the Name of the League, that credit may remain primarily yours.

My only request, passed on by allies I have gained in the pursuit of this matter, is that should we manage to wrestle control of this econonic boon, is that the newly opened route be celebrated with essential supplies being offered freely or at great discount to the most needy of the Well.

A trivial thing really and quite the Humanitarian effort from Legate John Syter, after the slander thrown against him of late, to help those most in need gain some measure of Independance that they may start to follow the path he once did of hard work and perseverence.

I ask your considerations upon this matter, and wish you fortune in approaching Assembly votes.
As promised upon our first meeting, should I have voice when it arrives my vote is yours.

Ophelia Whitmore
Merchant and Crafter of Arcane Materials, Whitmore's Wares.
Supporter of the League of Gold.
Room 2, Krak des Roses.
Advertising Litter / [Whitmore's Wares]
February 15, 2023, 03:28:07 PM
Helping you to help yourself.

Arcane Potions, made to order at the Best Market Rates

First Circle

Mage Armor: 35 Dinars
Protection from Alignment: 35 Dinars
Endure Elements: 35 Dinars
Identify: 80 Dinars
Ironguts: 35 Dinars

Second Circle

Blur: 80 Dinars
Invisibility: 80 Dinars
Bull's Strength: 80 Dinars
Cat's Grace: 80 Dinars
Endurance: 80 Dinars
Fox's Cunning: 80 Dinars
Owl's Wisdom: 80 Dinars
Eagle's Splendor: 80 Dinars
Resist Elements/Insulation: 80 Dinars
See Invisibility: 80 Dinars

Third Circle

Haste: 180 Dinars
Displacement: 180 Dinars
Clairvoyance: 180 Dinars
Clarity: 80 Dinars
Protection from Elements/ Greater Insulation: 120 Dinars

More to come as spellbooks grow, invest in Whitmore to invest in your future potion needs.

Wands made to Special Order, Enquire for Prices.

Odds and Ends from the Wastes
All Prices Negotiable!

Come down to the Souk and see what Whitmore has for you!
Correspondence / [To the Scribes of the Palacial Pyramid]
February 15, 2023, 02:57:40 PM
Well Met

I have been trying for some days to find the Scribe or Scribes placed on Licence duty, that I may get my proper paperwork in order. However it seems you have Eluded me at every turn.

It is my hope that this letter of interest and application for a Merchant's Licence will not go ignored, and we can resolve this matter swiftly and without Issue.
Please reply as soon as able, either with a signed License in my name, or to inform me when we may meet to sort out the paperwork in person.

Ophelia Whitmore.
Suggestions / Re: Perk Suggestion Thread
November 18, 2021, 03:48:40 PM
Ashen Mirage Changes/Addition Ideas

(Not a Cohesive list, just a pick and choose of possible ideas)

Change Default Familiar to a possessable Mirror Image, perhaps growing in power as you level.

Change Whispering Winds Spawn to a Mirror Image

Player tool to allow Familiar style possession of any Mirror Image, including those created of others via Displacement or Glass Doppelganger

Player tool toggle to randomly summon Mirror Images, like Maiden of Woe ghost aura.

Player Tool version of Mislead, Invis and spawning only one Mirror Image, without a casting Animation.