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Messages - derfo

Introductions and Group Management /
June 06, 2017, 01:16:56 AM
Announcements / OOC Notification Reminder
June 04, 2017, 05:50:14 AM
Not spurred by any incident in particular, but please abide by the following:

- Sending a DM message before engaging in a hostile action with another PC, regardless of it being in a NPC area or not, is required. You are then able to precede without DM go ahead if it is not a NPC inhabited area (with a few exceptions. You need a DM go ahead for NPC inhabited areas (with a few exceptions). Alternatively, using "/c pvp" is acceptable, which will send the DM message an alert of your intention to engage in combat with another PC. Giving us this heads-up is immensely useful to allow us to mediate a dispute or monitor the scenario should it enter a NPC area.

- When in an encounter overseen by a DM, give a DM message containing a heads up if doing an unusual action. This is subjective and case-by-case to a degree, but may include hostility, interacting with a central plot object, plan for betrayal, sneaking ahead, so forth. If unsure, better to err on the side of just sending, nothing fancy. This can prevent many hectic situations.

Things are good generally, it is understandable when mistakes happen on both sides. Thank you to you all who do send the warning messages beforehand which help us a lot.
Announcements / Prelude
March 12, 2017, 07:31:56 AM
I would like to run a player conflict oriented prelude at this time. (roughly 18 hours from this post)

Any character of a base NWN race is welcome. It is fine to make a stalwart character for this, though unorthodox skills may be useful. The only big stipulations are no perks will be allowed and an assurance you can follow server rules. Survival is unlikely, though characters that do survive should expect to start in the main setting with significant benefits.

All are welcome, just show up. If you can't make it and want to suggest a better time of the week for any future preludes, shoot me a message. I would like to gauge future interest if folks are unavailable.

Any other questions, feel free to get in contact with me. Thank you.
Suggestions /
October 19, 2016, 07:04:30 AM
I've been wanting to make changes to barbarians again for some time (though that means nothing because I am lazy), but nothing here really and it isn't a high priority.
General Discussion /
September 18, 2016, 09:55:21 PM
Yes, you can assume that casting a displacement on someone without their permission to be akin to a hostile action, like throwing rotten fruit at them.
Announcements /
July 04, 2016, 03:45:55 AM
::[ Hammer 29th : Year 164 : 1386 DR ]::

Horror and chaos strike the settlement once more as rumors of dealings with a giant beholder reach Upper Sanctuary. Amidst the dealings, injured Watchers commend the fact that many brave souls attempted to slay the foul creature, yet were laid low by overwhelming force. Others hail the wisdom of a prefect and other crafty men with their ability to placate the monstrosity in negotiations.

Rumors spread that the shipments that arrived were a large number of crates ranging from foodstuffs, beetles, metal scraps, bombs, and whatever else the layman might imagine. A commotion erupted from the Watchhouse regarding the behavior of many in these dealings, with many ranking officials of the Watchers and government seen storming in and out, sometimes with tales of violent confrontations.

In twine with the happenings in the Public Housing Vault, it seems that strange lifeforms and chaotic circumstances are becoming all the more commonplace.
Announcements /
June 30, 2016, 06:42:08 AM
::[ Hammer 25th : Year 164 : 1386 DR ]::

A series of numerous minor events of strangely varying degrees pester Sanctuary this dark. Stories range from a man killed by a drow, prefects being reprimanded for crimes such as "washing a monster" and "revenge for vandalism", and a small structure being set to flame.

Regardless of each new batch of problems that arise, many citizens are consistently praising on-duty Watchers and Warders for their diligence and quick response time.
Announcements /
June 16, 2016, 03:15:48 AM

Numerous low to mid-range quests have received changes to difficulty and reward. For the most part this is additional consumable items. More to come here, currently willing to consider suggestions for this department via PM on IRC.

Various face-lifts, fixes, and changes to some areas to reflect new happenings.
Announcements /
June 09, 2016, 07:38:59 PM

New level 2-4 quest added, found in "Sanctuary - The In Between Ruins" as of this reset.

Other minor content to be found in game added also.
Off-topic Discussion /
June 06, 2016, 05:58:04 PM
NA: derfo#1207
Suggestions /
May 24, 2016, 03:25:58 AM
We're aware of it and it bothers me also.
Announcements /
May 18, 2016, 01:19:44 AM

New level 3-8 quest added, found in "Underdark - Along the Scamander River" as of next reset.
Off-topic Discussion /
November 08, 2015, 11:13:38 AM
I hope you had a wonderful birthday, Thomas! November is the best month. :)
General Discussion /
April 01, 2015, 04:15:56 PM
You are welcome to attempt to make your PCET scores as obvious or concealed as you like, but it won't change how visible they are via the player tool.

As far as a breakdown goes, ShadowCharlatan articulated it pretty well, but here is an attempt at some points:

Cowardice: Rounds in combat, rounds invisible, time character has remained alive idling
Lameness: Amount of characters killed, potions consumed and in which areas, quest volume done
Stupidity: Detected spelling errors, times subdued, stats with minimum scores (6 or 8 for example)

Target for punishing spice: Quest volume, amount of recorded OOC infractions, detected profanity

Bear in mind the following:

A comprehensive list for player actions that modify scores is in the works.
It bears saying, DMs can modify scores at their discretion.
Higher or lower scores on their own do not necessarily indicate anything, LPFF's post is mistaken. (for example, 90 stupidity does not necessarily mean you are a huge retard)
The scale is not necessarily 0-100, despite popular assumption.
Previous characters on a CD key can be taken into account. (for example, a player with a history of playing lame characters could have an influence on a new character's lameness score on creation, this provides us a basis to judge a new character easily)

Suggestions to improve this tool for the playerbase are welcome, but please keep them concise, relevant, and respectful. Thank you.
Off-topic Discussion /
October 11, 2014, 07:30:27 AM
Well done =)