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Messages - xXCrystal_Rose

Off-topic Discussion /
November 21, 2015, 01:28:53 PM
Well nevermind that. Not until december 8th.
Introductions and Group Management /
November 20, 2015, 11:08:35 PM
There is also an incredible amount of server lore to uncover with the Society! Deep secrets to explore and a hopeful new age for humanity. Just be aware that applying to be an Ordinant means you can be FD'd on sight like a monster PC. Progress is never easy, but if you like high stakes high reward concepts outside the central hub it'll be perfect for you.
Off-topic Discussion /
November 20, 2015, 03:56:24 PM
Found a house, so in a couple days I'll be back. If I can get internet set up quickly. The US is so alien to me but happy to be here now!
Suggestions /
November 12, 2015, 08:01:12 PM
Adding to the Ember idea, something around the theme of burning. Not a complete copy of corroding, or maybe it would be, but sacrifice is a strong theme in fire. Ores, works of metal, gems, gold, and anything that can burn to feed the flame! Ritual bonfires and collection of offerings from PCs are usually common traits among Kossuthan sorcerers and clerics so similar to how Ooze Savant corrodes items to feed their ooze if a fire mage could burn their sacrifices to grow an ever building fire entity from an ember to something greater that would be cool. Won't need a DM to oversee every fire sacrifice, while rewarding people who go out of their way to collect matter and burn and spread flames! Plus it's something people can mess around with when the server is low to busy themselves. Oozes and hounds just look so fun!
Suggestions /
November 03, 2015, 10:18:24 PM
It seems pretty minor, even including a saving throw to resist the spreading, and it would be so hilarious to watch in effect.
Suggestions /
October 09, 2015, 09:59:31 PM
There are also glove items that are actually bladed gauntlets which would certainly be acceptable, since those are not actually hands you are striking with, but sharp punching weapons. It would be impossible to script a way to determine if the specific gloves are appropriate or not however, and nwn will still think that they are a bludgeoning weapon even if they do have like 1d6 piercing on them and not applicable to poison in the first place. Maybe if the glove had a additional damage type: pericing or slashing.
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
October 08, 2015, 09:34:03 AM
She was so beautiful in her own brand of putrescence.
Bug Reports / Quivering Aberrant Fish
October 06, 2015, 07:32:50 PM
I'm not positive this is a bug..... but I hope it is. My character had a Quivering Aberrant Fish that was being kept for some mad science reasons however when I rested one day I automatically ate it as food. I don't want to eat aberrant flesh. :( Or my research subjects.
Suggestions /
October 06, 2015, 06:13:45 PM
That looks like it could be a Blood Amniote.
General Discussion /
October 05, 2015, 06:21:20 PM
Thank you for taking notice and efforts to clean up #efu.
Bug Reports /
October 05, 2015, 06:18:16 PM
It happens because it is refreshing your armor and provoking a new swimming check, so it takes a second for the swimming check to refresh and re-recognize that you are not wearing any armor. Just a six second pause in the swimming check at most. Same thing happens when you equip/unequip a shield or two handed weapon for instance. There isn't really anything that can be done about the wildshape forms refreshing though. It just happens sometimes.
General Discussion /
September 30, 2015, 09:04:18 AM
A lot of the time they are near transitions it is because people were running away from them. If someone runs through a transition to try and escape sometimes the animal stays on one end, other times it might go through to the other end but lose sight of its prey and sit there.
Suggestions /
September 29, 2015, 11:57:07 PM
Dissipating haste and displacement and other such high scale potions do also exist on certain low level quests with some frequency. It just depends on if you're doing the same standard quest circuit that everyone has comfortably mastered or going out to do more obscure quests. They're absolutely out there. Of course you have to keep quest grinding to have a chance to use them lest they poof unused.
Introductions and Group Management /
September 27, 2015, 04:17:24 PM
A perfect choice for underdark druids and nature sorts to suppourt too, if any :) The only choice really.
Suggestions /
September 21, 2015, 06:32:21 PM
I'd vote for both cats and alternate aberrations if possible! I just have a personal preference for more alien, formless unknowable aberrant horrors of tentacles and terrible unreal mutations like gibbering mouthers. Cat theme was sorely missing on Ymph :( I'd like to see a Magic theme though. The different tiers might summon different manifestations of magic incarnate, perhaps of randomized strength or type in a similar way to the war themes. Maybe first tier a floating spellbook of (random school) casting that schools spells,second a gloaming star, and from then on motes or other forms of entities of manifest magical powers.