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Messages - Axioein

Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: Beodda, son of Aethwin
January 19, 2020, 01:19:57 PM
An excellent character and a wonderful swan song as you get ready for the next phase in your life. Best of luck down the road!
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: Visimar Stormchild
January 18, 2020, 03:48:50 PM
Visimar was an awesome character and made a huge impact on Eirikr. Best of luck on your next one!
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Eirikr Utholde
December 27, 2019, 01:15:15 AM
Sadly, screenshots are not a thing for me right now so text only.

Eirikr's concept was based on a couple of factors. First I have trained BJJ for most of my adult life and that greatly effects how I enjoy playing my favorite NWN class monk - ascetic. Without starting an internet flame-war, lets say that  a lot of the more traditional styles of martial arts that people think of when they think monk are less than effective. As a result, I started thinking about what someone who trained at a BJJ like monk order would think / train. Second, historically I have played very 'set in stone / believe this / ride or die' characters and this time I wanted to change that. I wanted to create a background canvas that IG events would then fill in. All that inspired the following...

Eirikr was from Damara and trained by the Disciples of Saint Sollars (Yellow Rose) in an ascetic sect called the 'Order of the Rose'. The Rose taught that the ascetic 'Gift' was given by Ilmater so that it's members could carry out Ilmater's will of helping others while needing very little for themselves. Eirikr, though, didnt really focus much on the spiritual side of the Order and instead just wanted to train. All that changed when Eirikr found himself dumped in the City of Rings. At first he thought it was Ilmater's punishment for ignoring the spiritual side of the Order. My original vision was for Eirikr to become a LG almost paladin type monk trying to make up for a past of selfish pursuits. That however started changing on day two....

A couple of key characters made massive changes in Eirikr's views and character arc. First Eirikr started training with Outis and Outis opened Eirikr's eyes to a lot of information around the City. That friendship was also balanced by Nardic who gave Eirikr a lot of spiritual council throughout his life in the City. Eirikr's time with both of them caused him to begin questioning seriously if Ilmater existed in the City. That brought in the second major shift of Eirikr's development in meeting Maxwell. Through a lot of IG interactions Maxwell converted Eirikr to the Nine-Faced God with Eirikr believing that there was only one God and the Nine-Faced was sum of all dieties in the City. Even more perfectly Eirikr was set up as the 4th Aspect of the Nine-Faced which matched the interactions Eirikr had with Outis that started this whole character shift.

Finally, Eirikr teamed up with Visimar. That was for a couple of reasons. First, Eirikr believed that even if Ilmater was gone that the truths taught by his Order applied. As such, Eirikr saw Visimar as his great challenge and work. To help Visimar become a better version of himself. That caused a lot of interesting situations as Eirikr was placed with people from all walks of life by teaming up with Visimar. As Eirikr was LN, it caused Eirikr to view himself as doing the best he could in a dangerous and violent world. The other key point in this was that Eirikr realized if he wanted to accomplish making the City a better place he needed powerful friends. Visimar fit that bill very nicely and as such that friendship was cemented in stone.

The result of the above was Eirikr finalizing his beliefs relatively late in the characters life. A book detailing these beliefs can be found here

However all good things must come to an end. On my side, I realized I had been spending way to much time on EfU lately and that RL needed to start taking priority. All yall are awesome and I had a great time, but got to focus. On the server side, I found out that the ascetic class itself is in kind of a 'meh' state right now though no formal ruling has come down from the DM team and I was free to keep playing what I was approved for. Finally, had a couple of IG deaths that finalized my decision it was time to retire Eirikr.

Shout out to Visimar, Merredith, Outis, Nardic, all of team Velstra, the Arbiters, Maxwell, the Stonebuilders, the Prospectors, and countless others. Made it a lot of fun to play. Great job to the DM team on a setting that has a -ton- of layers and backstory. See yall down the road!

Suggestions / Monk Store
December 24, 2019, 06:42:48 AM
I may just not have found it yet... but recommend adding a monk store IG like there was in the last chapter.

Also recommend adding monk stances to that store, not the ascetic special ones but the ones you can find IG. In previous chapters it was somewhat common to find them on quests. So far I have not seen any but one. Perhaps make it like the bard songs where the monk store shopkeeper has a random selection?

Also yes this is somewhat self serving given what I am playing. But I generally love monks as a class and think a store would help encourage their presence on the server.
I liked your character. EfU can take a while to get used to. My suggestion is keep playing and keep working on making each character more fun for yourself and others.
Off-topic Discussion / Re: Bye bye...
November 05, 2019, 07:47:07 AM
Can confirm, in the best possible way .
Off-topic Discussion / Re: Bye... for now
October 17, 2019, 01:40:33 AM
As someone who had his own struggles over the years with frustrations (sorry DMs who I may or may not have gotten upset with at the time :) ) .... really encourage you to take Howlands offer. This is one of the best experiences in NWN I found and Howland can really help with mechanical suggestions.

Hopefully see you in game.