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Messages - EventHorizon

Off-topic Discussion /
September 19, 2016, 11:26:47 PM
Sorry for my stint of absence, got lots of information on my brain and don't want to overload too hard.

Rakhaa, Gnoll of Magnatz, Bloodhunter of Malar, has come to make Prefect Carlyle fat with favour, and the Underdark wet with blood.

Rakhaa has heard the call for blood. The call for Magnatz to be feasted upon the succor of others.

She will spill it. Carlyle will sponsor it.

::[ City Sending by Rakhaa : RAKH. You hunters of the dark, you will Rghh FIND Rakhaa, Gnoll of Magnatz, Ironblood. Join Rakhaa, and the Bloodpack will make a feast for Magnatz. Prowl with us the Low Roads, for IRON AND BLOOD. ]::


The Gnoll-Fiend Rakhaa of the Mound gathers a pack to spill blood for Magnatz. She needs hunters of vicious but cunning and often stealthy fashion.

Rakhaa's Bloodpack

Application: Recommended, for Gnoll characters

Recommended Alignment:  [INDENT]Chaotic Evil
Chaotic Neutral
Neutral Evil
True Neutral
[/INDENT] Recommended Deities:

Malar, Yeenoghu, Garagos, Gruumsh, etc.

Recommended Race:
 [INDENT]Monstrous, especially Gnolls, alternatively Goblins;
humans and other normal races, especially of wild, feral, or otherwise bloody dispositions, may also be inclined
[/INDENT] Recommended Class:  [INDENT]Ranger, Rogue, Barbarian, Fighter
Alternatively, anything. The soft will find it difficult to keep up on the hunt.

Fighters: Bounty Hunter, Brawler, Cutthroat, Houndmaster, Lay Sword (Malar, etc).
Rogues: Thug
Sorcerers: Hematologist, Lifestealer, Planar Bound, Scion, Tribal Shaman, Zealous Faith.
Barbarians: Demonbound, Gore Reaver, Punisher.

 [/INDENT] As the Pack is born in blood, it will likely die in blood.


If your PC joins Rakhaa's Bloodpack, you can expect them to be stealing blood from select quarry throughout the Underdark. It is a naturally dangerous, conflict-centered, and violent life. And totally legal! For now.

Will you be the prey, or the predator?


Ideally, you should apply to play a Gnoll PC.
The next best might be an app-free goblin PC, the easiest and simplest option.
Otherwise, any PC or monstrous (app) PC could likely work. ...You'll know a mismatch when you see it.


General Discussion /
September 10, 2016, 07:45:06 PM
I think the key is that emotions subside quickly if we let them. Although I don't think it should be sought out or deliberately provoked, when a player expresses OOC anger upon something happening, I take that to mean the event was very important, and the anger is not really directed at any player but the circumstances. There are certain players whose characters my characters always seem to butt heads with, and whose dialogue IC gets very nasty; I get totally into it, and allow myself to feel the anger and emotions of the roleplayed moment, but I try to maintain a rational, OOC observer's mind on those moments, and afterwards, I reflect positively on those moments precisely because they were so emotional, and I secretly thank the players who made that possible.
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
September 08, 2016, 05:11:03 AM
At least Sharktooth doesn't have to hear all these bona fide puns.
Suggestions /
September 07, 2016, 12:47:45 PM
Extreme second on the above motion.
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
September 07, 2016, 05:42:47 AM
An icon indeed. I basically worshipped Geldgier as a demigod of EFU:r.
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
September 07, 2016, 05:40:41 AM
I'm glad I got to see Bolton's last day. Sergeant Bolton totally failed to recruit my Watcher Cadet Sterr Noros (woops), but that relationship (and Bolton's stubborn persistence) really made it for me. Appreciated and well played.
Suggestions /
September 06, 2016, 04:51:30 AM
Maybe instead of just RSD/Ascetics, we can have a player tool or switch or player characters to reject any healing kits (or other types of healy-helpers like Antitoxins or Salutary Tonics if those have any impact) - that way it's just a hard flood gate you can turn on or off at your leisure.
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
September 05, 2016, 05:00:55 AM
It would be so unfortunate indeed if you really stopped playing Nuhnuh! I hope that you reconsider, and Nuhnuh forges on where Point could not, as I'm sure he would have wanted it that way ;}
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
September 05, 2016, 03:16:27 AM
There we are.
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Point
September 04, 2016, 10:49:20 PM

Point has been a great time, and a personally revolutionary character to play. What really made him was the people around him.

Among the first, and most significant, both for Point as a character and myself as a player, was Casimir Belrose:

I'll be the first to say he was the most excellent villain I ever personally interacted with. Only his player and I, and a few others, know how magnificent the subtleties of those relationships were to behold and be part of. And much of that magnificence hinged on the very real impact and potential consequences these characters left and were prepared to leave in the world of EFU:R. Casimir / Stranger, you are a fucking Magnificent Bastard. So much of what Casimir did, which set in motion many PC careers and lives, inspired both me and my character to plant seeds of inspiration, ambition, and action. And let me tell you, the seeds that these characters have planted and nurtured will live on in the branches of EFU:R's ever-growing tree of stories. I couldn't be more honored, so thank you.

Another special thanks to this guy. Another player's Gnome who served as a fiery early inspiration for Poindexter Point Gnabbleschloffheffenischeise:

Extra special thanks to GorkaMorka / Kemsith Ta'ieta for even sending Point in any direction in the first place. I had no idea you had such a good pitch. Way better than Nuhnuh's, that's for sure; and the rest of you know who you are.


Suggestions /
September 01, 2016, 10:14:13 AM
Maybe there could be a player-driven lore-writing project to quickly fill up an inventory of new texts to work into the Loremaster perk, in order to preserve and accentuate its original function.
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
August 31, 2016, 08:26:31 PM
RIP Wally
Off-topic Discussion /
August 30, 2016, 11:40:26 AM
Poindexter Point Gnabbleschloffheffenischeise.

Points for the chap in the blue shirt.
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
August 29, 2016, 08:47:02 AM
Right on. Rodya was a righteous roachman - sorry, "Star-touched."

QuoteRodya was an unbelievably genuine and personable character,
Gonna miss that bug boy.