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Messages - AsheandCinders

Suggestions / Re: Forum Change Log
March 08, 2024, 09:51:51 PM

Discord is many things, but it's not a Replacement for a Proper Forum Website. Those changes should be on here too.
An Absolute Blast to have interacted with Guivarch from Start to Finish, I am not sure any other PC infuriated me quite as much. I only wish our timezones had matched up a little better.
Just throwing this out there on an OOC level. It has plenty of IC precedent, having been used as a punishment before. Would be cool if this gave the Scribes some more weight to throw around since they control the Bellows heads.
Correspondence / Re: [To Aisha al-Samar]
February 10, 2024, 04:30:40 PM

It is in general always preferable to Ammend existing laws rather than create entirely new ones, as this avoids overcomplicating the Penal Code.

Your addition is a sound one, and one I am sure will be welcomed.

I would suggest taking this opportunity while ammending the Assault laws to also alter the Serious charge to be "Armed and/or Magical" to finally close off one long standing point of contention within the law as to the nature of Assault with Magic.

Live and Drink

Deputy Chief Scribe al-Samar
Correspondence / A Contract Given to Archos Thyestes
February 09, 2024, 08:32:12 PM
A contract slid across a desk, in the last minutes of the Election


This Contract shall define the Terms of Agreement Between Archos Thyestes, Hereafter referred to as the Signatory, and the Office of The Sublime Bank, hereafter referred to as The Bank.

Section 1) Obligations

1.a) The Signatory shall be provided with charity to the Value of 5000 Dinari, for the intended Purpose of Securing the Primary.
2.a) The Signatory agrees to see the total value of the charity reimbursed to The Bank, with a static interest of 30%, totalling 6500 Dinari.
3.a) The Signatory agrees to see Reimbursement provied at least once per week at a value of 1625 Dinari of the total 6500 Dinari reimbursement, until the total is reached.
       a) Any additional reimbursement within that week shall be considered early part-payment of the following week's reimbursement.
4.a) The Signatory shall provide either Collateral in the form of Assets or Goods deemed acceptable by the Bank to be Held by The Bank until the Reimbursement is Complete, or the Signature of a Co-Signatory who shall act as guarantor.
   4.b) In the event that the Collateral Asset provided is in the form of Property, the Signatory shall in addition to their Payments provide full payment of the Property Tax each week to be paid on their behalf by The Bank. Failure to do so shall be considered a Failure to Pay.

Section 2) Terms and Conditions

1.a) By signing this contract the signatory recognizes the bank's sole discretion in further usage and availability of this document.
2.a) The signatory waives all right to submit or aid in the submission of any charges of a non capital nature against The Bank or any Deputised Agent thereof who claims and is confirmed to be acting in the performance of their duties to ensure agreed reimbursement.
3.a) The Signatory recognizes the right of The Bank or any deputised agent thereof who claims and is confirmed to be acting in the performancs of their duties to ensure agreed reimbursement, to Seize any goods, possessions, properties, or other assets to the value of unpaid reimbursement as valued by The Bank in the event of a failure to pay, with such seizure constituing an expressed reprieve equal to the number of days outside of the agreed payment schedule.
4.a) The Signatory recognizes and accepts that failure to pay in full or part the notarized and agreed upon weekly reimbursement sum laid out in this contract for a period of greater than one week without expressed reprieve from an Official of The Bank shall be taken as a breach of contract to the full value of the total agreed sum of charity and may at the discretion of The Bank be charged as theft in criminal proceedings to highest level of offence permitted for the total sum, and subsequently waives all right to advocacy in any trial resultant from the submission of the charge.
5.a) In the Event of the death of the Signatory, The Bank reserves the right to claim from the deceased any goods, possessions, properties, or other assets to the value of unpaid reimbursement as valued by The Bank. Should this fail to meet the full value, it shall still be considered a failure to pay.
6.a) In the Event of the failure to pay by the Signatory, after any and all concequences The Bank chooses to raise have been leveled against the signatory matters shall proceed as follows based on the applicable circumstances of the contract:
  6.b)In the event that the Signatory provided the Signature of a co-signatory as their guarantor any and all remaining debt shall be taken up by the Co-Signatory who shall henceforth be considered the Signatory for all matters and terms laid out within the contract, with the stipulation that Interest on the repayment be doubled unless a new Co-Signatory or Collteral is provided as laid out in Section 1, Subsection 4.a.
  6.c) In the event that the Signatory put down Collateral, the Collateral is forfeit to The Bank, to do with as they wish.
  6.d) In the event that neither Subsections 6.b or 6.c of Section 6.a is applicable, the debt shall be forgiven.

The Signatory

Signed (As Applicable)

Countersign by Representative of the Office of the Sublime Bank.
Aaisha al-Samar

Correspondence / Re: Aaisha Al-Samar
February 03, 2024, 08:29:31 PM
Dear Qari

I am afraid the situation is much unchanged, as I rarely find myself in such circles and one can assume it remains by design.

I am sorry that I must disapoint in this regard, but having two legates actively and swiftly making changes has created a workload the Scribes haven't seen in three terms and it has taken up much of my time compensating for such.

I shall of course make what attempts I can, but I fear you ask me to try and slip through a door that was barred to me before your request was even made.

- Aaisha
Real Life is once again really limiting my play time.
I'll be on on occasion, but if you Specifically need Aaisha for anything reach out via forum letter or discord and I'll try to make myself available for it.

I believe postponing the Merchant's License Renewals to be an excellent idea.

As for the Water Tithe, at current we offer up all that we can spare to Baz'eel, as per the Decree of former Legate Almirah. Former Legate Saenus had written up a letter, with the aid of the Scribes, to try and negotitate exactly this in the most respectful manner possible to benefit the Well and the New District specifically. I cannot be sure if he sent this letter before the end of his term, as he preferred to handle such comminications personally.

I will note to you of course, Legate that it is a tithe, and therefore demonstratory of the Well's respect and reverence of the Sultan and Baz'eel. Such Negotiations should therefore be taken with reasonable caution and carefully chosen phrasing, and I would be happy to discuss such matters with you when time permits.

Live and Drink

Deputy Chief Scribe al-Samar

I will of course look deeper into this Possibility, and can assure you that the Scribes under my command shall take to it with a level of dilligence and speed befitting the generous compensation offered for this large additional workload.

I might be so bold as to ask, to make this and other such transitions easier, that my scribes and I be provided with more than a few hours notice before the intended implimentation of such policies, laws and other matters of governance. This will allow us to be better prepared, and ensure that any further matters are in their most polished form without rushing before being presented to Assembly.

Live and Drink

Deputy Chief Scribe al-Samar
Correspondence / Re: [To Aaisha, left at her office]
January 13, 2024, 01:49:00 PM

I remember we once had a very cordial relationship, before you obtained a ill-intentioned hand on each shoulder guiding you down questionable paths. I would certainly be open to having such again.

Perhaps this is time a time for Change, with the turning of the new year, but with change often comes instability. If our talks might usher out the fears of any such chaos, then we might have much to discuss indeed.

I shall make time for you.

Live and Drink

Deputy Chief Scribe al-Samar
Scribe of the Sublime Garden
Head Clerk of the Office of the Sublime Bank.
Exactly what it says on the tin.
It has been Established Openly that the Scribes have access to detailed information in an Election. Currently that Information is only available via DM intervention, I think it would be cool if Scribes could (Via a new book, or perhaps by interacting with the Voting Machine), see who has cast a vote and for Whom.

This would give people another piece of information they can Bribe scribes for, without DMs needing to be badgered to provide it.

(I will append this with my general and oft stated desire for the Scribes to have more information to sell. Bribe your Scribes!)
Correspondence / Re: A note for Legate Guivarch
December 26, 2023, 09:09:08 AM
Legate Guivarch

Put him on the Stele as such then, or his appointment is not Valid.
I have not Invented this tradition, it is a function of how our government operates.

Live and Drink

Deputy Chief Scribe al-Samar
Correspondence / A note for Legate Guivarch
December 26, 2023, 07:39:01 AM

I do you the Courtesy of sending this privately, as I have no desire to have the public see the government arguing with itself as you seem to.

Your constant Unilateral actions are noted, your attempts to skirt the edges of your power are noted, and your lack of comprehension of the ramifications is noted.

In the most recent case, that of Hamdan al-Hamdan, you openly and publicly defy one of the Fundamentals of the Stele. No person may hold two government created titles, and you as a single legate do not have the power to change this.

I feel I must remind you that you do not wield your own power. Yours is the Authority of our Beloved Sultan, exercised on his behalf in the understanding it is used in the Spirit of his experiment.

The consequences of violating that spirit are great, the Chief Scribe I am sure informed you on your ascension what has happened to Legates who began operating without the agreement of their counterpart.

It is my duty as one of your Scribes to advise you, and I do so here now.
Cease probing the edges of your power, nothing good for you lays beyond them.

Live and Drink

Deputy Chief Scribe al-Samar

P.s. It is exactly the Authority of the Scribes to Remind you the expanse of your executive power. The Chief Scribe was the one to first explain them to you. Do not forget you have served one and a half terms as part of this government, I have served over the course of Seven.
Correspondence / Re: Sephidra Niridhe, Torchbearer Hall
December 20, 2023, 10:16:49 PM

The Onus is on you to see your debts repaid, not upon me to chase them.

If you have one you trust to deliver your coin, you may place it in their hands. But if it does not reach me such is on your head. And this also does not address the fact that you at no point attempted to contact me to inform me of these circumstances.

We shall have words.

Live and Drink

Deputy Chief Scribe al-Samar
Correspondence / Sephidra Niridhe, Torchbearer Hall
December 20, 2023, 10:45:22 AM

I am dissapointed.

We stand at the Precipice of a Second missed payment on your not inconsiderable debt, and yet I have had no Letter, No Messenger sent, no Explaination and No Excuse.

I have waited patiently, expecting from you a level of Decorum to at least inform me should there be issues or delays as we have worked together many a time. But instead you choose to snub me, after leveraging my trust in you to already swell the generous timeframe of Reimbursement.

It is only out of Respect for Naelin that I have not already begun to claim your possessions from Torchbearer hall as in my contractual right, but that patience too runs thin.

Tommorow you shall be in full breach of contract, and Subject to sanctions up to Capital Theft charges at my whim. I expect from you a very, very good reason why I should not persue such, with generous offerings to Placate me for this deeply insulting conduct.
After that, we can once more discuss what you Owe.

Not even death has prevented the Sublime Bank from getting it's due in recent months, I have no intention of you proving the exception.

Live and Drink

Deputy Chief Scribe al-Samar
Scribe of the Sublime Garden
Head Clerk of the Office of the Sublime Bank