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Messages - Runic

Suggestions / Re: Perk Suggestion Thread
March 20, 2024, 04:17:19 PM
Furnisher - Sorcerer Perk

Level 1 - Summon theme changed to Furniture, Summon Creature is cast at one tier higher (Summon I becomes Summon II)

Level 5 - Building +5, Sorcerer's Token that casts Crafters Insight 3/Day, Proficiency with Light Hammers

Level 8 - Character gains special barricade pack upon resting (barricade pack has stoneskin (DR 10/+5) applied to it upon placement. If pack is detected in inventory, another pack is not spawned). Furniture costs 50% less from furniture vendors, repairing furniture costs 50% less.
He'd have loved the recent firearms developments :'(
[A letter finds its way through the sealed gates of Baz'eel, be it through the ships sailing the canals, or dropped overhead by a chicken in flight. Somehow it makes its destination. A small blacksmiths shop, slowly succumbing to the lack of ringrunning trade. The letter smells of a freshly opened book, and the faint whiff of ozone.]


Know that I recall the final words you spoke before my flight.
"For what reason has B'aara have cursed me with such a wretch for a son? A monster incapable of even a smile."

I recall the way you looked at me when Mama died, and I could not find a tear to shed.

I recall the anger in your words when I said I wished to work with fabrics, to place metallurgy second in my skills.

I recall the many ways you think I failed you. Likely moreso now than even then. I have come to understand how you must have felt. My emotions are more open in these recent days, but know now that they ache with the pain you had caused me in return. This letter is not one to open old wounds, though I expect in some capacity it will.

Recently I died. I stood before the Gates to paradise, cradled in the Martyr's embrace. It was only through divine miracle that I remain alive to write to you. Death's gaze averted to another. A brother martyring himself for a brother, as in the tales of Kalim and Gamil.

My recovery is slow. That again, is not the reason for my writing this, nor is it a clamour for return. I will likely never return to the Jewel. It is no longer my home. My home is here, within the Wellspring of Ephia.

The purpose of this letter is healing. Something I now do after my brush with the other side, and something we both aught do. Some part of me must love you, for you are my Baba, and so I will forgive the misunderstandings we once shared, the words once spoken, and the looks once given. I wash my hands of the past, and look only now to the future. If I do not hear back, it will have at least cleared my own conscience.

Please tell my sisters I think of them. I pray their lives are filled with sweet mercies. That they have happy homes, filled with laughter and joy. It is something I am coming to learn now, joy. Each day I find more of it, and pray you do too.

Your son,
Suggestions / Weapon Finesse for Rogues
March 18, 2024, 10:14:06 PM
I know it's been tossed around the Discord for a while that people think rogues should get Weapon Finesse at level 2. Let those sneakers have their fun.

I'd say the Finesse Training of the Fencer (ie allowing them to add dex mod instead of strength to damage) should remain either Fencer exclusive, or be an optional feat that other classes could take if they have Weapon Finesse as a prerequisite.
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: Xon Dhoten
March 18, 2024, 11:25:31 AM
I still can't believe Xon said to Zain like an hour before the incident "I'm going to die soon, carry on my work"

Damn was Xon fun to be around, gonna miss him
Correspondence / Re: The List
March 14, 2024, 02:22:51 PM

Cost of reagents for items requested estimated at seventy dinar. If you can provide the blueprints, it will expedite the process, otherwise they will be crafted as schematics are procured.

Nadiri al-Saiba
Correspondence / Re: The List
March 14, 2024, 12:24:55 AM
[A copy of this list is provided to several other interested parties. Notably, Alejandro Benjazar, and the Legates. Magnifica, the haughty hen, would of course eat something belonging to each party. She is the cock of the walk.]
Correspondence / The List
March 13, 2024, 02:31:36 PM
[Delivered by the haughtiest hen, on paper freshly conjured and smelling of fresh books and faintly of ozone, comes a missive for the eyes of all current Soldiers and above of the Legion. The hen, haughty and unafraid, scowls while she looks down her beak at all of them, eats Samton's breakfast muffin, and leaves.]

Longstanding has been the goodwill between our members. Soldier Keladon, Sergeant Ashworth, Sergeant Reyer, and Sergeant Lightdew each know well my workings. Though not beloved by the Sultan, long may he reign, we of the Tower will continue to support his men and women on the frontlines. To that effect, please see the attached list. If blueprints or bundles can be provided, crafts can be made. Please inform if you need anything.

Nadiri Zain al-Saiba
Nadiri of the Astronomers of Q'tolip

[Following the introductory letter is the following list.]


Tool Blueprints:

Brewing Cauldron - Lightweight
Bedroll - Lightweight
Climbing Claw - Lightweight
Fishing Rod - Lightweight
Fishing Rod - Advanced
Shovel - Lightweight
Shovel - Mining Variety
Rioting Pitchfork
Gardening Rake


Throwing Blueprint:

Alchemist's Fire
Oil Bottle
Tanglefoot Bag
Sparks of Revelation
Choking Powder

Advanced Grenades:

Acid Bomb
Vanishing Smoke
Wall of Knives
Fire Bomb
Magic Disruptor


Missile Blueprint:

Grapple Gun - Lightweight
Sniper Crossbow
Explosive Arrows/Sparking Arrows
Scintillating Sling Bullets/Perfumed Sling Bullets
Booming Bolts
Flintlock Pistol
Lightning Rifle


Siege Blueprints:

Catapult Assembly Pack
Catapult Ammuniton - Normal/Shrapnel
Repeating Ballista Assembly Pack
Repeating Ballista Bolts


Uncommon Material Bundles:

Roguish Neckgear
Advanced Headgear
Greater Tinkerers Cloak
Makeshift Blowtorch
Oil Bomb
Lock Solvent
Greater Spring Boots
Archery Target Assembly Pack
Paralysing Dagger
Trap Disarming Hammer


Primative Materials:

Carnivorous Crytal
Paralysing Vines


Various non-blueprinted or bundled items, and some not listed as not deemed the more appropriate. Please bring material bundles and blueprints to Nadiri al-Saiba. That is all.
[A parcel, plain of wrapping and lightweight to the touch, and a letter smelling of fresh parchment are delivered to the Temple of Izdu bearing the recipients name: Marcellus Saenus.]

Within the Parcel:
A gossamer silk banner in a midnight blue, upon which is emblazoned a shining moon. In the light of the moon, flies a soaring heron silhouetted in black. The piece is refined, elegant, and bears the mark of a talented craftsman.

[Zain al-Saiba's Tailoring skills are Heroic.]

The Letter:
The letter is as blunt as an anvil. There is no flowery language, no melodic poems, no words of greeting, it simply reads;

"This is my submission. Nadiri Zain al-Saiba."
Suggestions / Re: Perk Suggestion Thread
February 17, 2024, 02:17:31 PM
Rogue Major Perk: Barber

Rogues with a reputation as a renowned tender of wounds, the Barber is oft known by the age old saying; "One hand on the wound, one hand on the wallet."

+3 Heal, +3 Pickpocket, Immunity to Disease, Wounding added to equipped small arms (Daggers, etc)

Level 9 Skill Bonus +10 Heal
Suggestions / Re: Skill Focus adding Class skills
January 22, 2024, 08:19:05 PM
Aw well, no big deal. Just thought it'd be nice :)
Suggestions / Skill Focus adding Class skills
January 21, 2024, 03:17:32 PM
As the title says but justification to follow. I think taking a Skill Focus in a skill that isn't a class skill should make it a class skill for that character. The name 'Skill Focus' implies that character has an interest in learning that skill, and by adding it to their class skills this can be better reflected through future levelling. Taking a skill focus is a feat so it's already an investment for the character.

The reasoning behind this comes mostly from looking at Oath of the Shepherd Paladins, who are expected to not harm animals, but have no real way to calm down hostile animals because AE is Ranger/Druid/Shifter only. This would also allow pure fighters to use wands if they took Skill Focus: UMD, so they wouldn't have to do a wizard or sorcerer level drop. I expect it could also lead to more interesting builds, like spellswords taking SF: Discipline, or Rangers who want to focus on the natural magics taking SF: Spellcraft. Either way, it adds interesting ways for players to add new flavour to their class. 
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: Kirgan 'Caddy' Cavanaugh
December 23, 2023, 03:04:41 PM
Gonna miss our many colludings <3 Caddy was great
[A letter, delayed in its delivery, either by the course of duties, or by the fat hen who saunters in to deliver it. Clearly she is a slave to no-one, and performs what is asked of her on her time and her time alone.]


Your concern for my wellbeing is noted. However, while my mind is differed from others, it still functions. Even if I did not bloodlet for the sake of my control rituals, the iron within my blood is aidful in my craft and would be siphoned for distillation and processing regardless. For the sake of decorum however, I have attempted to restrict it to the confines of the Mount or the satellite labs.

I wish not to dwell on this subject any longer. Please inform if the Pyramid is in any need of specific crafts.

Zain al-Saiba
Nadiri of the Tower of Q'tolip
[The letter is written on freshly conjured parchment that smells of a newly opened book. It is delivered by a haughty hen, who promptly steals Bashir's food and leaves.]


Do not concern yourself with it. My duties have also kept me busy.

I am well. I pray you are well also. My discomfort is often medicated by 'control rituals', performing actions in which I feel in control, but given it is mostly blood-letting I have been asked not to do it in public.

A cat will come, but there is no rush. Magnifica is improving as a familiar as of late, though she remains as unruly as ever.

I have seen your Ink familiar. It is a curious thing. At least it is willing to learn.

Your friend,

Zain al-Saiba
Nadiri of the Tower of Q'tolip