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Messages - xXCrystal_Rose

Suggestions /
September 18, 2015, 01:25:04 PM
NG, NE, LN, and CN actually are able to be protected from via a cast spell. It's only the rare TN that isn't. It's true you can't double cast to get +4 vs non mind-effecting spells from them though but if that does actually stack it might be an oversight by itself. I don't personally think something like Neutral Evil is an overpowered alignment, but if a protection from neutral is made castable it ought to be for true neutral only. One spell for five alignments -four of which are already covered- is a lot.
Bug Reports / Windy Canyon -> Eastern Heights
September 07, 2015, 11:29:19 PM
The transition from the Windy Canyon to the Windy Canyon - Eastern Heights is not present anymore. Don't know if it is intentional or not.
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
September 05, 2015, 02:54:43 PM
He was a pretty well portrayed cultist. And great shot on that last screenshot! ♥ action poses.
Bug Reports /
September 04, 2015, 10:40:02 PM
It's because it uses the custom plagues :) Randomly selected which one it uses, and they all have a different DC. Focuses and such won't make it stronger.
Bug Reports /
August 26, 2015, 01:00:04 PM
Yea I'm using the inky black ^^ It is a little weird but it's used by a chultan npc already, so going ahead with it. It's just the black black that isn't working. Probably because it is disabled as a dye choice and conflicting with choice as character creation as well due to that.
Bug Reports / Can't make black characters
August 26, 2015, 12:43:35 PM
The brown skins work, but if trying to make someone who is black it'll automatically set you to the default light tan after you make the character. There is an onyx tone available though but it looks like the character is made of ink.
Off-topic Discussion /
August 20, 2015, 07:39:22 PM
Hurricane Danny is projected to be a direct hit here. Yay. Will be less available though as I rush to finish repairs on a house before it gets wet and board/unboard 8 properties. Not so yay. All depends on if it fizzles out before reaching or not.
Bug Reports / Artificer bugged
August 13, 2015, 12:52:17 AM
I purchased the Artificer efu:a perk from a specific npc in a random area for 3333 gold but after a rest and reset it is not applying. The wands I create only have 25 charges.
Suggestions /
August 04, 2015, 04:15:15 PM
Since this hasn't been officially documented yet is it safe to assume this is still how the system is calculated?
Bug Reports / Oathsworn ring typo
August 04, 2015, 04:07:41 PM
When you enter into the Society Chapterhouse from the illusion (not wearing the ring of Sanctuary) it mistypes 'Oathsworn' as 'Oathsword'.
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
July 31, 2015, 12:06:22 PM
Been a pleasure to magic things up with her!
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
July 23, 2015, 04:14:48 PM
Aurelia always seems to grow close to the Red Knight folks! She'll miss him. He was very well defined of a character. Felt like a real human being.
Suggestions /
July 20, 2015, 12:43:05 AM
There have been some IG studies on magic eaters and certain magic eater events, and I think some of it has been published. DMs have said their activity comes and goes in phases in season still like efu1. More can be learned IG :)
Bug Reports /
July 14, 2015, 10:24:14 PM
I've played a lot of druids in all chapters and have always experienced wildshapes being hour/level. Except when they occasionally refresh at random. As mentioned many times it syncs up with your strength and barkskin spells also so if you cast them a little ahead of time you can anticipate when your wildshape will wear off. Hours/level is a long time, and when you get multiple wildshape uses per day it is really not much of an issue. Just stating that in my experience even back on efu:a where I timed how many minutes it lasts it's been 5 min per level. Think about it like this: if you reach level 7 as a druid, which is fairly reasonable to do at least once before you run out of quest take limits, you can wildshape for a total of 105 minutes. One hour and 45 minutes of wildshape time before you have to rest.
General Discussion /
July 11, 2015, 09:36:32 PM
Join #treehuggers and ask around if anyone is able to log in to rp if you are lonely. Wilds life tends to be a very lonely one, but if you're awesome people will be more inclined to join you! Now is a good time to be doing a nature sort of character largely because there are none I can think of at the moment that are very active. It's ripe for shaping and really has room to grow. You may also need to lurk in high traffic areas to meet people, such as the crossroad caves. You can advance from druidic patrol quests too. Each one has a level range and a certain quest take limit.

Druids most certainly can kill animals. If it fits that specific druids beliefs at least. If an animal is attacking someone you're free to kill it. There isn't always a requirement of peaceful resolution, or for druids to even have ranks in animal empathy at all. What probably happened is the animals most recent command (if given one) was either to defend you or attack nearest so when you went hostile it attacked. Try keeping it told to stand ground. Bear in mind that your AE lasts for 1 minute per level so it might break out of your control, and might even attack you once it does. Wild animals are not pets.

Now for money.... yea, you don't want to be giving magical weapons in the form of potions and wands to enemies. It is a very good bonus for your allies though and they'll be eager to take your business I'm sure! Alchemy stations are a bit difficult to get to as a nature character but there are three herbalism sites out there which you can use and they are all in very safe and accessible regions that you should be going through anyway as a druid. Explore. There are wilderness npcs which can help you get nightshade and you can grow food or buy it, or fish it, or kill the little fish in the river and eat those.

And largely above all.....


You probably took the wilderness starting option. If you didn't though then you'll want to find Mycopolis. That will help you out with your startup gold problems and get you maybe a couple hundred, some short xp and food/nightshades. It's a place designed as a low level safety net for beginning nature players to fall back on because nature is tough and it will not show you any pity. Survival isn't easy and that is part of the challenge.