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Messages - Red Moon

My character didn't really spend a huge amount of time with Alciede, but I think she knew him fairly well with the limited amount of time spent- Because Alciede was just honest, and unafraid to speak whatever it was he was thinking at the moment.

Alciede was my favorite prospector, and now he's gone. Big sad.
The Spinning Groat Arena
"Sanguis Enim Vestra"

Beneath the Spinning Groat Casino, lies the Arena. It is there that warriors of various caliber may train and hone their craft to peak form. It hosts it's own in-house retinue of fabled, and exotic, champions that all hold a card for their name. They who assemble the cards will be granted both a boon, and the eligibility to challenge the current champion for his title.

Ownership of the Arena is held by Drayson Sparrowbroth.
Management of the Arena, specifically, is held by The Domina Lucretia.

PC Requirements
Alignment: Any
Class: Any Non-druid, Non-Paladin
Race: Human

Positions Hiring

House Gladiators
Description: PCs who have an affinity for brawling, desire to see themselves famous, and interest in seeing the sport rise in popularity as a result. Ideally, it would be beneficial for gladiators to also have some kind of theme or creativity around their concept. However, this is not a requirement.
Duties: Performing in the Arena during events, protection for the Arena and it's staff, representation of the Arena in public matters.

Description: The Lanista are staff dedicated to overseeing gladiatorial matches, as well as ensuring the care and training of the gladiators in their charge. This position is ripe for PCs who have an affinity for stage performance, a decent understanding of blood-sport,  have some appraise, and the ability to promote the games in exciting and creative ways. Bards may find this a perfect opportunity to boost their own fame in support of the games. Additionally, it would be a good idea to create a stage persona, and be comfortable with the idea of running public events.
Duties:Running public events, promoting matches of interest, being present in the Arena to oversee normal gladiator matches (PC or NPC matches).

Description: The Groat has some common choices for drinking and meal, but that isn't enough. There are quite a few choices that are often requested and difficult to obtain without purchasing it through competitor. PC's with the ability to cook, and brew, finer quality of meal and drink will find their craft well rewarded with both service and coin. Additionally, this position would also include performing as either wait-staff, an event vendor, or bartender. Come be appreciated for cooking!
Duties: The creation and service of food and drink, as well as purchase of cooking ingredients with minor compensation.

Arena Bookmakers
Description: A strong line of work for anyone interested in making money off the latest craze. They tend the Arena's need in securing bets from those who come to revel in the sport. Those interested in the position should have a strong sense of logic, invested interest in the gladiators and the arena's events, and also the ability to organize during periods of high volume transaction. Merchant pcs who tire of fighting for viability in the Square should consider the job.
Duties: Availability to events hosted by the Arena, to work in taking bets and paying winnings, as well as securing the cut for the House.

Description: Socialites are plants designed to get the crowd more invested in the product at hand. They use their social skills in order to will their mark into partaking, placing more into the bet than they might normally, as well as subtly inviting them into the habit of enterance. Any pc with the ability to work a crowd or conversation in favor of an agenda would do well in this position.
Duties: Presence and guile.

Letters to Domina Lucretia if interested.
Suggestions / Re: Examine Mark Reveals Appraise
May 21, 2020, 04:49:31 PM
It would save someone having to roll a check to show how much appraise they have. Not sure if that's an issue per say, but I always feel a bit awkward doing it. Like I'm boasting or something.
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: Aiseth Corvus
May 18, 2020, 09:45:37 AM
Aiseth Corvus spoke to my inner edge lord. Wish we had more interactions, living dead girl.
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: Cynthia the Summoner
April 25, 2020, 08:40:15 PM
Cynthia will be missed . Her antics were legendary, and I must say I am so impressed with your dedication to the character.  Thank you.

Another theme song for you.
Off-topic Discussion / Re: Character Theme Songs
April 16, 2020, 12:03:18 PM
Vulcren's dead, but I ran across this song and it made me think of him. So here you go.

Fraunhofer Diffraction -  ...Into Nothingness
Character: Vulcren Chaeonen

I really enjoyed our moments of conversation. My character was never evil, but I found myself wondering whether she should be. Assuming of course that Mede spoke true, it felt like they were of similar mind on matters.

Anyway! I am sorely disappointed that we didn't get the chance to see how that marriage would have done. I was pretty sure I was going to either get killed, or being harassed. But I also looked forward to that. I wanted to see whether Lucretia had the strength she seems to think she has when it comes to public perception and grief.  But that's just how it goes sometimes.

Great job! I look forward to seeing what else you bring.

Screen Shots & Obituaries / Vulcren Chaoenen
April 12, 2020, 01:34:52 AM
Hello friends.

Vulcren is dead. And the cycle is complete.

Many of you probably didn't know him, or only knew him because he was sort of like this weirdo who happened to be lingering on the edges of every gathering or conversation. Well, that was intentional! For those interested, Vulcren was a duo concept with Drink With Me, of two brothers who are each others keeper. So it's only fitting that they die together.


The brothers V were raised to be hunters of both shapeshifters, and magical beasts. They were abused often, and taught how to live based on quite high standards and expectations. As a teenager, Vulcren was  severely harmed during one of their hunts, and his face and throat were severely wounded.  It was a popular opinion that he would likely die from it, but he happened to live. As a result, his speech was impaired. Every word like a painful rasp, which most PCs believed him to be heavily diseased. And his face was horrifically marred. So much so, that he was given a mask to wear over his face, so he might spare people the burden or distraction. Big shout out to the DMs for making me a flavor item to help me immerse.

Vince was the mouth piece for the two. He was the magically gifted, and a bit of a glass cannon. Doing high damage, but quite vulnerable to attacks.
Vulcren was the intimidation. The brawn who carried most of the supplies. And he didn't do a large amount of damage, but he could take a hit. He was meant to be the shield.


Developement & Goals

The brothers joined a house in effort to strengthen the support of the Ward as a whole. They were tired, old men and only really put their asses in the fire because a shit ton of people got wiped out by the Nothing, and they felt it was their duty. Originally, the plan was to begin hunting changelings for moderate reward and reputation, but that didn't happen because others had a lot of directions they all wanted to go. And that's okay! It doubled nicely with their need to see the younger generation flourish.

As an individual, Vulcren was made to understand other spectrums of horror ever present in the rings. It's something I actually sort of looked forward to him doing. I also would have liked to have tried to ring run. I think he would have been alright at it. So lots that I didn't get to really try or do, but that's okay.


Only really have one from the Boom Blade Tourney in Ticker. But it's a nice little pic of the brothers.

Off-topic Discussion / Re: Character Theme Songs
March 30, 2020, 12:25:42 PM
Character: Vulcren Chaeonen
Song: Familiar - Agnes Obel

Suggestions / Re: The Bard
August 28, 2019, 07:08:22 PM
I find the perks a pretty neat way to incentivize people away from multi-classing.

When I first started playing, I was a bit disappointed to see that the bard perks weren't an option. They seemed really neat. I would be interested in playing a pure bard if they were to return actually.
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Selise Ironblood
August 27, 2019, 02:41:42 AM
RIP Selise Ironblood.

The Short Lady with a Longbow.
The Stonebuilder.
The Sore Loser.
The Quartermistress.
The Perfect Subordinate.
The Whorza.
The Shittest Shot in the Rings.
The Aspiring Merchant.
The Orzan who hated Outsiders.
The Scrolls Learner.
The Friend.

The Sister.

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Selise was a character that I had a lot of fun playing, and learning  as I played. Her history stands, that she was once a watchman in the city watch, in Deepwater; As well as the sister of a character who previously came and went in the City of Rings, Stannis Ironblood. While Selise was friendly, caring, and thoughtful- She  was superstitious and bullheaded when it cames to things she didn't like, or things she couldn't understand. Selise had a great desire to do what was right; And she was generally accepting of certain traits and behaviors of some, in order to enlist them in the fight against what she saw as the greater evil.

Alright! So let's look at some screenshots and loot things!

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Loot stuffs



Description: Selise spent some time living in the water gardens after she left Ticker Square.

Description: Patrol in the Air Seam. Siobhan leading the collective of soldiers: Kelteel, Ironblood, Dion, & Retainer "Jim".

Description: Selise was present for the death of Adrian Winespill. She often had to remind herself to breath, the tension was so thick in the air as the Captain of Velstra battled the Sin of Gluttony, until it swallowed him. [/hide]

Description: Some prayer sessions before a fight. Sinspi was a deity that Siobhan appeared to have great interest and admiration for.[/hide]

Description: The Retinue grew.[/hide]


Description: Selise lays Siobhan to rest with a dagger from her brother. She disobeyed Sargon's orders to sell it, in effort to honor the veteran she spent a lot of time with in heavy conversation and battle along side.[/hide]