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Messages - AsheandCinders

Nadir Plix

The Prelate is an Individual raised to their position by a sitting Legate, one for each seat. Upon the Legate's death, extended absence without hope of return, or other scenario in which the Legate is unfit or unable to rule their Prelate Ascends to the seat in their stead to serve the rest of their term. It is not paid

The Vizier is a relatively new position, acting as an official diplomatic Envoy and Advisor for the Assembly. Often a first point of contact for those wishing diplomatic relations with the well and leading envoys to the strongholds and settlements of the same. It is not my place to discuss the wage or lack thereof associated with this position.

Live and Drink

Deputy Chief Scribe al-Samar
Scribe of the Sublime Garden
Head Clerk of the Office of the Sublime Bank
Soldier Lightdew

The Name of the Wyrm is as foul a thing as that Dreaded Spoke itself.

It is a Cursed name, speaking it Invites the attention of the Wyrm, and all the foulness that comes with it, upon all who hear it as well as the speaker themself.

Among the Melek and the Resurgent Sybilants it is a Battlecry, calling upon their god to observe and bless them while inflicting that same blighted gaze upon their foes.

While I could not speak as a Priest may on if such a thing truly empowers the Wyrm, it without question spreads the chaos and anarchy that the Wyrm Delights in.

Live and Drink

Deputy Chief Scribe al-Samar
Scribe of the Sublime Garden
Head Clerk of the Office of the Sublime Bank
QuoteMari Blacke was Tried, Condemned, and Executed as an Agent of Dreaded Qa'im, aiding them by providing Surveillance information.

Her Record remains here for Postetity, but let her Crimes against the Sultanate and the Well never be Forgotten.
Mister Felch

It has become clear over the past few days that my duties are likely to keep me for a formal interview, barring coincidental meetings in which we both find a few free moments, and so I shall answer the questions posed here in a Letter.

The Office of the Sublime Bank made no donations to any campaign, Campaigners have Borrowed Money from the Bank for various purposes or withdrawn money from accounts established by their League for Candidate use, but the Bank itself as a Neutral Government Office offered no direct financial aid or sponsorships.

Legate Guivarch is well documented in his strong disagreement with many fundemental aspects of Baz'eeli Society, and indeed those of We people of the Ash in general. His Naming of two Prominent Baz'eeli citizens currently residing in the well, and a well known and Highly regarded Legate of the Purple League is therefore unsurprising.

My Career is far from in Jeopardy, At worst my place within the Governmental Structure of the Well might be threatened, but the Sublime Garden is far greater in scope than the Well and it's Legates and I may serve out Exalted Sultan elsewhere as I once did before.

I trust these answers Satisfactory, but if truly nessecary I shall consider follow up questions.

Live and Drink

Deputy Chief Scribe al-Samar
Scribe of the Sublime Garden
Head Clerk of the Office of the Sublime Bank
[This Letter is Received, time will tell if a Bellows or a returned letter is coming]
[Once more, a copy of this letter makes it way also into the Pile for the Zenithars, along with a copy of Kreutz Letter]

Apothar Kreutz

The Astronomers of Q'tolip are perfectly Acknowledged in their ability to sell Licenses on behalf of the state. The Validity of those Licenses is not the matter in question here, but the Financials thereof.

But, to Answer your questions in order:

My wage offered by the State is placed into my own Account with the Sublime Bank, making it entirely valid as capital for the Bank's work.

The Office of the Sublime Bank, as a Scribal Office, does not need to be seperately registered on the Stele as other Ministries headed by Non Pyramid Staff might. Regardless of this, I have kept a full and impeccable record of all financial transactions made by the Sublime Bank throughout it's lifespan. I can only hope the Astronomers have been so thorough.

While I am under no Obligation to reveal the Loans taken out to the Astronomers, I can confirm no loans of such great quantity took place to any political candidate from the Sublime Bank. Again, I have full documentation to prove this.

While 'Glorified Notaries' should be careful how they play their hand, one should be far more careful playing with no cards at all.

I have nothing to hide.

Live and Drink

Deputy-Chief Scribe al-Samar
Scribe of the Sublime Garden
Head Clerk of the Office of the Sublime Bank.
[Three Letters are sent, one to each Apothar, A Third Copy for the Zenithar Council, all Identical]


While of late I have distanced myself from Matters of Licensure, in part for my own sanity, recently Renewed talk of "Organizational Licenses" has forced me to once more participate.

You are aware I am sure that while the Astronomers are the Licensing Body for Archeaology and Divination Licenses, they are still a State License and as such funds from such Licenses go into the State Treasury, Minus any Service or Filing fees required by the Licensing Body.

Understanding this, these announcements drawn from the Bellows Logs become a matter of Mild concern.

Quote from: Apothar Cosine Mevura, Subat 5thThe Sisterhood may elect among themselves a representative for their 'organizational license.'

Quote from: Apothar Mae Stern, Adar 8thThe Astronomers and our Nadiri are granted organisational licenses of archaeology and divination. Any enforcement of unlicensed activity laws over these licenses towards our members is an illegitimate practice of the law. Do not repeat your misunderstanding of the law again, Janissary.

Given how the Sale of Each Individual License represents a transfer of Funds into the coffers of the State, I politely request on Behalf of the State an explaination on how the funds for this wholesale Licensing will be Provided, the total amount that it shall come to, and how it shall be handled for any Astronomers who join in the future.

Likewise we shall require such for the Sisterhood of the Sibiline Vine, who having also been granted one of these Organizational Licenses Must therefore have paid the Astronomers for the full Licensing of their Organization, though we have not seen funds to demonstrate this.

Failure to Provide this information in a Prompt manner shall result in Reccomendations of a Full Audit of Astronomer Finances, a Pause in the Providing of all Allotment funds to the Astronomers until the Financial Irregularities have been resolved, the Removal of the Licenses from Astronomer Care, and the Pressing of Charges of Capital Theft against the Organization of the Assembly for the unaccounted funds due to the State against those who have claimed responsibility for the Providing of these Licenses.

A copy of this Letter has been sent also to the Zenithar Council, in the unlikely event that you believe it is wise to fight such requests when they might perhaps disagree it is best that they are fully informed of the nature of the matter.

Live and Drink

Deputy-Chief Scribe al-Samar
Scribe of the Sublime Garden
Head Clerk of the Office of the Sublime Bank.
Correspondence / Re: Deputy-Chief Scribe Aaisha
December 10, 2023, 03:32:57 PM
Sergeant Engida

My Apologies in the Delay in my response, things do take a little time to settle after an election.

Senior Scribe Khatara is correct certainly that we do not wish to bring to mind the ill enforced Laws of the past, though I must note a great deal of the distaste for that particular law was borne of it being misinterpreted by the Legion and charged where it should not have been.

Therefore, I suggest the following wording.

Obstruction: A Person found guilty of Obstructing, Interfering with, Preventing or otherwise significantly disrupting the proper workings and duties of the Palatial Pyramid, its Legates, Its Scribes, or its Proceedings without reasonable cause or with Malicious intent has commited Obstruction. Minor to Serious
Minor: Minor Delays, Irrelevant Outbursts or Disruptions, Excessive Fomentation of Discord, Insults beyond generally accepted norms, Interuption of Private Meetings, etc
Serious: Significant or Impactful Delays, Signficant or Total Prevention of Duties or Proceedings, Inciting others to Serious Obstruction, Any Minor Charge commited with the intent to commit or in the course of committing another crime, etc

I believe this broadly covers most non-Treasonous but still impactful matters that plague the Government at this time, while Allowing the Voiced to ensure that the Assembly is not an entirely dull affair. If their additions, Interuptions, etc are Relevant or Nessecary then there is of course no crime.

This is of course a first pass, and I shall happily offer revisions should such be required.

Live and Drink

Deputy-Chief Scribe al-Samar
Scribe of the Sublime Gardens
Head Clerk of the Office of the Sublime Bank
Correspondence / A Contract Given to Sephidra Niridhe
December 07, 2023, 08:25:32 PM
[A Document Offered after Brief Negotiation


This Contract shall define the Terms of Agreement Between Sephidra Niridhe, Hereafter referred to as the Signatory, and the Office of The Sublime Bank, hereafter referred to as The Bank.

Section 1) Obligations

1.a) The Signatory shall be provided with charity to the Value of 9000 Dinari, for the intended Purpose of Providing for her Supporters.
2.a) The Signatory agrees to see the total value of the charity reimbursed to The Bank, with a static interest of 40%, totalling 12600 Dinari.
3.a) The Signatory agrees to see Reimbursement provied at least once per week at a value of 1575 Dinari of the total 12600 Dinari reimbursement, until the total is reached.
       a) Any additional reimbursement within that week shall be considered early part-payment of the following week's reimbursement.
4.a) The Signatory shall provide either Collateral in the form of Assets or Goods deemed acceptable by the Bank to be Held by The Bank until the Reimbursement is Complete, or the Signature of a Co-Signatory who shall act as guarantor.
   4.b) In the event that the Collateral Asset provided is in the form of Property, the Signatory shall in addition to their Payments provide full payment of the Property Tax each week to be paid on their behalf by The Bank. Failure to do so shall be considered a Failure to Pay.

Section 2) Terms and Conditions

1.a) By signing this contract the signatory recognizes the bank's sole discretion in further usage and availability of this document.
2.a) The signatory waives all right to submit or aid in the submission of any charges of a non capital nature against The Bank or any Deputised Agent thereof who claims and is confirmed to be acting in the performance of their duties to ensure agreed reimbursement.
3.a) The Signatory recognizes the right of The Bank or any deputised agent thereof who claims and is confirmed to be acting in the performancs of their duties to ensure agreed reimbursement, to Seize any goods, possessions, properties, or other assets to the value of unpaid reimbursement as valued by The Bank in the event of a failure to pay, with such seizure constituing an expressed reprieve equal to the number of days outside of the agreed payment schedule.
4.a) The Signatory recognizes and accepts that failure to pay in full or part the notarized and agreed upon weekly reimbursement sum laid out in this contract for a period of greater than one week without expressed reprieve from an Official of The Bank shall be taken as a breach of contract to the full value of the total agreed sum of charity and may at the discretion of The Bank be charged as theft in criminal proceedings to highest level of offence permitted for the total sum, and subsequently waives all right to advocacy in any trial resultant from the submission of the charge.
5.a) In the Event of the death of the Signatory, The Bank reserves the right to claim from the deceased any goods, possessions, properties, or other assets to the value of unpaid reimbursement as valued by The Bank. Should this fail to meet the full value, it shall still be considered a failure to pay.
6.a) In the Event of the failure to pay by the Signatory, after any and all concequences The Bank chooses to raise have been leveled against the signatory matters shall proceed as follows based on the applicable circumstances of the contract:
  6.b)In the event that the Signatory provided the Signature of a co-signatory as their guarantor any and all remaining debt shall be taken up by the Co-Signatory who shall henceforth be considered the Signatory for all matters and terms laid out within the contract, with the stipulation that Interest on the repayment be doubled unless a new Co-Signatory or Collteral is provided as laid out in Section 1, Subsection 4.a.
  6.c) In the event that the Signatory put down Collateral, the Collateral is forfeit to The Bank, to do with as they wish.
  6.d) In the event that neither Subsections 6.b or 6.c of Section 6.a is applicable, the debt shall be forgiven.

The Signatory

Signed (As Applicable)

Countersign by Representative of the Office of the Sublime Bank.
Aaisha al-Samar

Seen another server do this, so I figured I'd suggest it here.

Generally Speaking 6th circle spells are out of our level range, and 9th are obviously right out, this means that Lesser Dispel and Dispel Magic are the only universal Counterspells for 2nd and Below and 3rd and below spells respectively.

It might be cool to move the Variables (Or however it's done, I only know it can be) to a 1st and 4th circle spell, giving us one Universal Counter for each spell level we generally have access to on the server but having 5th as the peak of power nobody can counter.

Lesser Spell Breach would be a good candidate for 4th, Not sure for 1st (I think the server I blantently stole this idea from made a custom "Least spell breach" for it)
Live and Drink

As per the Request of Beatrice Margo, each individual with access to withdraw from the League of Purple election fund account with the Office of the Sublime Bank is being sent this current statement of account Balance and Activity.

QuoteCurrent Account Balance: 5820

Activity: Initial Depost, 2000 Dinars, 11th Subat, IY 7787 - Beatrice Margo
Deposit. 1500 Dinars, 12th Subat, IY 7787. - Beatrice Margo
Deposit. 2000 Dinars, 18th Subat, IY 7787 - Beatrice Margo
Interest Payment. 20 Dinars, 25th Subat, IY 7787
Deposit, 300 Dinars, 26th Subat, IY 7787. Imizael Volkov

Any individual may deposit into this Account to aid in funding the efforts of the Purple League, but only the Designated treasurers and the Candidate are permitted with withdraw funds.

Contact the Office of the Sublime Bank if you have any further questions.


Deputy Chief Scribe al-Samar
Chief Clerk of the Office of the Sublime Bank

I will send upon the Bellows when I am available. I regret that my work keeps me to the depths of the Pyramid more than I would prefer at current, but I shall make every effort to find the time for you.

I would enquire also whether you have had any success in retrieving the second Edict we have discussed at length, the Cabinet awaiting it and it's sibiling stand bare and I do so hate the wastefulness of it.

Live and Drink

[A reply is sent specifically to Roderick]

Baladeer Fischer

I would not wish to Deprive you of any right you have stated in your letter, as you say they are yours by merit if you being gifted the Territory to hold and defend as part of the accord, though the concerning trend of this leeway being used to Shelter criminals rather than expelling them is something to be addressed (I shall note the Banda Rossa claim expulsions as their sole privilege, but that is an internal matter).

This issue is solely with the assertions of Sovereignty. The Rose is part of the accord, it recieves Allotment from the state, it is granted a Gate of the well and attached Fort as its territory. These are what is granted to the Rose in exchange for their allegiance to the Well and through it the Sultanate.

To claim Sovereignty is to deny that Allegiance, to claim it to deny the Will of the Sultan's Legions and Legates is to spit upon it. What is this if not Treasonous?

I trust this illuminates the matter.

Live and Drink

Deputy Chief Scribe al-Samar
Scribe of the Sublime Garden
Head Clerk of the Office of the Sublime Bank
Magistrate of the Second Seat
Representatives of the Cinquefoil Rose

I write this letter as the Bellows once again ring with that most troubling of misconceptions, that of the Sovereign Territory of the Krak des Roses.

I do not know how this misconception began, I certainly do not know why it has been allowed by those wiser to be so constantly perpetuated and nor would I press any blame for such, but every time I believe it has finally been snuffed out it rises again.

I will be entirely and utterly clear. The Krak des Roses is not, and has never been, a Sovereign Territory of the Cinquefoil Rose seperate to the Well or the Sultanate it belongs to.

Where once this might have been brushed off as simple misunderstandings by the fresh and uninitiated, now it is repeatedly used as sword and shield to stave off the will and justice of Legion and Legates alike. And so we must look to the Penal Code.

Quote6. Treason: A person found guilty of energetically undermining or energetically attempting to undermine the government for any reason, thereby inviting anarchy and disorder, has committed Treason. Capital.

Presuming of course, for the benefit of all, that this has until now been a simple and genuine misunderstanding, the time for Ignorance has run it's course.

I trust this shall be the last we hear of Sovereign Territory, as copies of this letter have been kept and shall be used as proof that you are no longer ignorant of this matter or it's potential Ramifications. It is Advised that your membership be fully informed, as the concequences could be extreme for individuals, and frankly a little Embarassing for the Rose as a whole.

This Letter is not a Sanction, nor an Accusation. Merely a warning that tolerances shall be lower in future.

Live and Drink

Deputy Chief Scribe al-Samar
Scribe of the Sublime Garden
Head Clerk of the Office of the Sublime Bank
Magistrate of the Second Seat
Correspondence / A Letter for Fegus Greaseglop.
November 18, 2023, 09:28:49 PM
Captain Greaseglop

I have gone through the Minutes of the Meeting, and have made a copy of a Relevant Section for use in your Intended purposes.

Extract of Meeting Minutes.
Present at Meeting: Legate Marcellus Seanus, Deputy Chief Scribe Aaisha al-Samar, Senior Scribe Bashir Khatara, Prelate Nasreen Shabani, Magistrate Alejandro Benjazar, Balestriere Mirriele Rosseau, Captain Fergus Greaseglop, Soldier Atreya Lightdew, Soldier Kirgan Cavanaugh, Nadiri Xon Dhoten, Acolyte Narwen Alendiel, Jamileh Attar and Hu Prak.

Quote from: Legate Saenus Office General Meeting, 18th Subat IY 7787Context: Discussion of the Diplomatic Incident caused by Ast Ironbanner and Aurelio d'Lyon

Mirielle Rosseau: (Scribes Note: At this time Rosseau was in a Private conversation with Legate Saenus, pausing such to speak this aloud) Aurelio should have killed Ast. Give me a day or two and I'll rectify that mistake.
Atreya Lightdew: ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇
Xon Dhoten: ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇
Alejandro Benjazar: ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇
Fergus Greaseglop: You wont, friend.
Narwen Alendiel: ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇
Mirielle Rosseau: I'll kill you too if you try to stop me, gnome.
Fergus Greaseglop: You can try
Mirielle Rosseau: It would not be hard.
Fergus Greaseglop: We shall see
Jamileh Attar: Tense..
Atreya Lightdew: Planning to murder is capital.

I hope this is useful to you, certain areas irrelevant to the matter have been redacted, to ensure that this extract does not in any way impact or infringe upon the Privacy of those unrelated.

Live and Drink

Deputy Chief Scribe al-Samar
Chief Clerk of the Office of the Sublime Bank
Scribe of the Sublime Garden
Magistrate of the Second Seat