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Messages - Runic

[A letter delivered to each Legate from the beak of the Well's fattest hen. She looks at each Legate with disdain and disbelief, that a mere mortal might try to challenge her authority in any matters.]


Tomorrow the Tower will hold our debate. You will attend. You should know the subject matter, but if not you will be informed before the debate commences. Given the delicate content, you may bring your scribes but none other.
That is all.

Zain al-Saiba
Nadiri of the Tower of Q'tolip

[OOC: Dec 3rd, 9.30pm GMT]
Suggestions / Re: Document Aspects on the Wiki
November 30, 2023, 12:21:14 PM
Zain's Thesis

I made this IC resource to document and allude to aspect functions. If the DM's wish it, I can just post a picture of spreadsheet used to catalogue them.
Correspondence / Re: A Letter to Arnock Reyer
November 29, 2023, 10:39:03 PM
[A missive which, not unlike like the first, is delivered to the Garrison by the fattest chicken known to civilisation.]

Sergeant Reyer,

Have found alternate methods of construction. Please seek me out at the Tower and I can inform what needs to be procured for additional arrows.

Zain al-Saiba
Nadiri of the Tower of Q'tolip
Correspondence / A Letter to Arnock Reyer
November 20, 2023, 01:12:46 AM
[The smell of a freshly opened book on parchment recently conjured. Delivered to the Fourth Legion garrison by a fat and haughty hen. It is with a loud bawk that she drops the letter at the feet of the intended recipient; Arnock Reyer.]

Soldier Reyer,

It has taken many months of experimentation, but I believe I may have something of interest for yourself. Recent developments in the explosives field have allowed for the creation of arrows containing explosive payloads. Currently I have only been able to affix standard flaming payloads, not good for hoards of orcs, but potentially for Sibilants or other monstrosities of the Great Ash Desert.

The process is slow, with only three arrows created per batch, and expensive with reagents costing roughly eighty dinar per three arrows, but are easily replicable with little chance of failure.
If such interests, please contact for future construction. That is all.

Zain al-Saiba
Nadiri of the Tower of Q'tolip

[Once more, freshly conjured paper, delivered by a hen twice as fat as the average.]


After consultation with both of you on this matter, and the return now of Legate Saenus from his scheduled leave, I hope that the recommended signing of paperwork can be done to push this matter into action. Long have this cult operated, and left longer will begin to infect more of the citizens of the Mother's Well.

I would humbly ask the law is amended. I believe you had the Deputy Chief Scribe working on the official wording. That is all.

Zain al-Saiba
Nadiri of the Tower of Q'tolip
Suggestions / Dancing Lights Duration
November 04, 2023, 08:56:14 PM
Currently dancing lights only lasts for 1 minute by design. Would it be possible to do 1 minute per level? Or a longer period like 5-10 minutes? I like using them as mood lighting, but given the short duration it means having to recast multiple times.
[Freshly conjured parchment, smelling of a new book just opened. The penmanship that of someone accustomed to writing, and delivered by the haughtiest and most well-fed hen in the Well. The message within is relatively blunt and to the point, to counteract the pageantry of the delivery.]


After review with Soldier Lawcleaver, I request a meeting with you both to make suggested amendments to some laws we feel need scope for action. Specifically the law of Heretical Worship which currently covers the Ninth Spoke, the necromantic cabal of Baharu, and the Pra'raji doctrines. Recent occultist literature, proclaiming a faith known as the 'Sacrament of Severence' which preaches anti-Wheel doctrine has been appearing in the Well and the Fourth Legion is requesting amendment to the Heretical Worship law to include this type of occultism or faiths that preach anti-Wheel doctrine, so that these cultists might not infect the Mother's Well.

Please write to confirm a time that we might have this discussion. That is all.

Zain al-Saiba
Nadiri of the Tower of Q'tolip
[A formal request written on freshly conjured paper, smelling of a new book opened for the first time. It is delivered by quite possibly the haughtiest looking hen; fat and pampered beyond belief. Despite the pageantry of the writing materials, and the messenger, the contents are remarkably blunt.]

Sergeant Mahmet,

I have been instructed by Sergeant Ludovich and Sergeant Adaken to make this requisition through these official channels.
Some months prior, the Tower of Q'tolip lent the esteemed Fourth Legion two Geiger Counters to monitor and track meteoric radiation. The Tower now requests the return of these devices. In the event they have been lost, damaged, or destroyed, we will be asking for equivalent compensation. That is all.

Zain al-Saiba,
Nadiri of the Tower of Q'tolip
[Letters are sent to the prominent members of the Clergy of B'aara. They are delivered by a fat hen, and written on freshly conjured parchment. It smells of a freshly opened book.]

Dear Esteemed members of the Mother's Clergy & Inquisition,

Some nights hence I had my life threatened by a claimed member of the Faith of our most revered Mother; one 'Amadeus Bucket'.

The words he spoke were thus; "Listen to me you little shit. I'm onto you. One false move and you'll be the first I take care of." While they were a whispered threat, he did approach me in full view of both an Apothar of the Tower, and a Sister of the Sisterhood, who were immediately informed of these words. The man Bucket then acted deceitfully, claiming he had not said them.

Last night, he attempted to accost me once more, going so far as to come to the Tower and ring our bell until I answered him. He claimed my informing the Fourth Legion of his transgressions was 'too far' and that his threat has been 'a joke' in view of Zenithar Abael, proving his threat had indeed happened and he had said the words he was accused of saying. Personally, a threat against my life is a type of joke that is not amusing, and given he is a member of your clergy, and after discussion of the events with Lady Nasreen Shabani, she stated I aught bring this matter to your attention.

A note to add, recently libellous pamphlets left by accomplices of the Black Witch Sayyida Shajar have named me a Wyrm Cultist, likely as I had been aiding into the investigation of their nefarious schemes. I have been searched by Soldiers Cavanaugh and Reyer, and determined to have no markings to indicate such. The Ninth Spoke is a wretched thing, and its association with my person brings nothing but displeasure.

I ask this man Bucket is reigned in if it is within your capability, or else I will have to engage in legal proceedings for stalking, harassment, and threat of malicious intent.

That is all.

Zain al-Saiba
Nadiri of the Tower of Q'tolip
Correspondence / Re: [A Letter to Alejandro Benjazar]
October 19, 2023, 04:43:11 PM
[A letter is sent, curt and blunt. The hen is even more haughty than before, if such can be possible. Clearly this is her domain, and everyone else is merely a peasant.]

Alejandro Benjazar,

The Blood Vault may not have been initially Archaeology related, but the word 'Vault' should give away some context as to its original purpose and retains to the larger matter at hand. Too often are individuals delving to find lost treasures of our peoples, and in the process, unleashing terrors upon the Sands. Then rather than seeking the appropriate channels, are hiding away information until it is dredged from them.

I make no omission that two Apothars were present when the Gutter Beast was unleashed, however, it was due to making the event known through the appropriate channels that it was then later captured. I also found it discomforting that your fellow 'professionals' the Torchbearers would claim that the 'Rod of Al-Pesh' was 'theirs by right of finding it'. All relics found by right belong to the citizens of the Ash Desert, as it is our cultural history and cultural legacy that is being disturbed. Apothar Mevura has been told similar.

Your decline is noted, and as such, if you aim to perform digs of an archaeological nature they will be deemed illegal and in breach of the law. It has been made apparent that Scribe Maddicus did not keep records of whom he sold licenses to, and we merely wish to crack down on frauds who might use that to claim a forged record as a truthful one. If you truly wish to drive deeper wedges between members of the Accord while numerous threats hang over our heads, I am not in a position to stop you, but may likely impact our willingness to work closely with your organisation.

Lastly, your creative input on my poetic attempts has been noted. Poetry to me is illogical, too easily leads to misinformation and 'tall tales', and I will likely not be attempting it again. However, one must always value a chance to learn. I pray that Izdu guides you to that same lesson, that even a lesson you deem unnecessary might lead to personal growth.

That is all.

Zain al-Saiba
Nadiri of the Tower of Q'tolip
Correspondence / [A Letter to Alejandro Benjazar]
October 19, 2023, 02:58:46 PM
[A letter, on freshly conjured paper with the scent of a freshly opened book, is delivered to the offices of Alejandro Benjazar by a fat and haughty hen. She steps to the office door, glowers at the occupant with the glare of someone who knows how superior they are than the subject they see, and drops the letter. She then returns to the sender.]

Alejandro Benjazar,

My skills at language are rather blunt, however, to attempt to form connection to your sensibilities I have tried to make my writing here more poetic.

You voice reminds of rusted gears,
That screech and screech and hurt my ears,
For never let it be unsaid,
That these are consequences you have bred.

When plunderers steal my peoples bones,
From ancient cities, and ancient homes,
Despite our charity, your gifted Krak,
Your own homes lost to withering Black.

And there within, those dangers linger,
Like a wasp, riled, poised with stinger,
Unleashed upon our plains of sand,
By careless, wayward, clumsy hand.

I will not forget the look in his eyes,
As upon his tongue did dance your lies,
How you hovered, behind, the back of room,
His oathsworn vow, coated in gloom.

I hope you see them when you sleep,
And that to you no life is cheap,
The Scholar slain at the Pilgrim's toes,
To cover up your wayward woes.

I find no comfort in your inclusion,
For you are wrought with self-delusion,
That these are your self-proclaimed sands to pluck,
I must reply, off you fuck.

I pray you have enjoyed my poetry. Now I will be blunt. I do not like you, you inspire no comfort, and each time you speak I hear your lies on Student Card's tongue. Despite that, we are in a time of crisis, and the encroachment of Qa'im, the Thousand Clans, the Sibilant Remnants, and other insidious threats mean we as members of the Accord should work together. As such I will place my personal revulsion for you aside.
Now, it is a simple interview to renew your license, because the records we were given are half-complete. Maddicus kept none, thus we have no way of verifying whether licenses are forged. If passing an interview and proving yourself capable of handling the relics of the people of the Ash Desert is too much for a member of your esteemed College, I will happily advise in other specialisations you may wish to take as hobbies.

That is all.

Zain al-Saiba
Nadiri of the Tower of Q'tolip


Happy Halfbrood Day, to all who celebrate :)

But seriously, thank you to Halfbrood and all of the DM team for their work
Correspondence / Re: [The Tower of Q'tolip]
October 18, 2023, 03:15:10 PM
Balladeer Aurelio d'Lyon,

It is unfortunately talk like that which drives a wedge between the Accorded Factions, and it is recommended such opinions are not used to further drive that wedge between us. I would humbly request you put aside your personal distaste for my Mistress, as I place aside my personal distaste for your brother-in-arms Alejandro, to ensure the continued stability of our Accorded union. I will clarify, my usefulness which you praise is strictly down to my Mistress's teaching and guidance.

If the hordes of Iakmes are as dire as you claim, continued resentment and alienation will lead to unnecessary casualties. That is something best avoided. That is all.

Zain al-Saiba
Nadiri of the Tower of Q'tolip
Correspondence / Re: [The Tower of Q'tolip]
October 18, 2023, 01:51:38 PM
Balladeer Aurelio d'Lyon,

We have good relations with our fellow Accord members in the Fourth Legion and the Banda Rossa. With yourself and your fellow Balladeers, it is acknowledged that to repair a bridge, one must first be consulted on the blueprints. It is an errant builder who attempts to construct anything without first being presented with the facts. We have no plans because we were not informed of the situation. This is not the fault of any one individual, more an oversight due to political affiliations and the political engine at large. We hold no grudges over such.

As stated previously, if you wish us to employ weapons of war there will be significant legal paperwork to ensure our institution faces none of the potential legal ramifications we were threatened with previously. In the meantime, we will begin drafting up improvements to the defences of the Well.

Once you have decided which role you wish us to play, please respond with the contracts in full which will be debated by our institution and amendments made. That is all.

Zain al-Saiba
Nadiri of the Tower of Q'tolip
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: Odmaus Squeev
October 17, 2023, 10:13:20 PM
Squeev ;_;