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Messages - EventHorizon

Introductions and Group Management /
January 22, 2016, 03:28:33 AM
Crossbows are in vogue.
Suggestions /
January 19, 2016, 07:49:12 PM
While we're at it, having a half-orc hood for togglehood would be great. Poor beasts always have to show their ugly faces.
Introductions and Group Management /
January 19, 2016, 05:08:33 AM

1 Female
2 Male


1 Halfling
2 Gnome
3 Human
4 Elf
5 Half-Elf
6 Dwarf
7 Half-Orc
8 Goblin
9 Kobold
10 App-only subrace


1 Lawful Good
2 Neutral Good
3 Chaotic Good
4 Lawful Neutral
5 True Neutral
6 Chaotic Neutral
7 Lawful Evil
8 Neutral Evil
9 Chaotic Evil
10 Pick one


1-7 Pure Class
8-9 Dual Class
10 Triple class


1 Fighter
2 Barbarian
3 Ranger
4 Rogue
5 Wizard
6 Sorcerer
7 Bard
8 Druid
9 Cleric
10 Monk


1 Make these variables fit the easy way
2 Make these variables fit sensibly/with moderate originality
3 Make these variables fit in the weirdest possible way

Vital Statistics randomness for added fun:
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
January 18, 2016, 08:32:30 PM
>I just hope you all enjoyed him as much as I did.

As a player and enjoyer of the cooperative writing that is NWN RP, I can say, totally, totally yes.
Suggestions /
January 13, 2016, 03:26:33 PM
Since we're now getting into the question of, "How shouldst one play a Paladin, then?" here is a post that has really informed the way I play Paladins, and the way one can conceive of Lawful Good:
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
January 12, 2016, 11:21:50 PM
I'm so glad you screencapped the Society's side of the dialogue, because some of the enemy was too far to hear it XD
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
January 12, 2016, 09:17:50 PM
I really cannot convey how amazed I was by Algarn on the battlefield - one of the only two times I ever got to experience him, and he was a zen master on both occasions, the first time saying to Nov'ah, "I hope you are not mixed up in the Spellguard's side of this war" or something to that effect, despite having good enough reason to stop her where they met, the other time profoundly accepting the outcome of the battle in his last words, "So be it." It was a rare moment, because almost never do I get to see a character fall in such a cinematic and true-to-heart way, due to the usual logistical problems with trying to RP in combat. So kudos for that, mate.
Suggestions /
January 12, 2016, 03:58:53 AM
I guess I'm going to carelessly throw in my two cents. Paladins are the martial, physical manifestation of Lawful Good, and the last resort of the alignment. Big Orc Man put it best, in my opinion. Evil gets to go through all the other channels of Good, be it a Neutral character persuading them to ease up from Evil, a lay Good showing them that Good can be a good way to live, or a Good cleric more aggressively "converting" the Evil character. But the way Paladins resolve Evil is by smiting it. Smiting Evil. And in order to arm them for that task, to be powerful enough to do it, they are forced into very strict standards which also force them to be essentially intolerant of Evil.
Suggestions /
January 08, 2016, 02:36:45 PM
This one thing is certainly not a game-breaker for me, and with the admission that, "It's not logical, it's just one of the components that arbitrarily makes EFU what it is," I can accept it with no true problems, whatever my preference may be.
Suggestions /
January 04, 2016, 09:01:18 AM
Quote from: Pentaxius;n651679One of the biggest argument in favor of the static HP policy in my mind is the grey zone when it comes to "rerolling" HP by forcefully killing your character in the lower levels. It's frowned upon but not expressively forbidden, and great many of us (myself included) have done it once or twice. It feels petty, unnecessary, and causes self-loathing - but the lingering and exagerated feeling of having a "failed" character due to horrible HP rolls is just something most of us have a hard time coping with.

Overall, this whole ordeal, as irrational as it may seem, does contribute to a suboptimal EFU experience at the lower levels...

This resonates with me, because I admit, I want the chance to "fail" at my character, to screw up irreparably and suffer doom for my mistakes... but I want those mistakes to actually be mistakes, not purely random rolling (life in the DnD system is already subject to random dice rolls enough as it is). Let my character fail because she picked a fight with a Balor, not because she rolled low on a level-up screen you can't avoid nor approach any differently!
General Discussion /
December 24, 2015, 02:36:13 AM