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Messages - MaximumOverDrive

Off-topic Discussion /
February 20, 2015, 12:39:58 AM
: I get off at automatic recruiting

ok then
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
February 19, 2015, 11:48:58 PM
Not going to set up a death thread, IC events have reached a different conclusion, Wylder may not yet be.. Dead. Stay tuned.
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
February 14, 2015, 12:19:57 PM
Im just going to say theres more to it than im going to make a public deal about folks~ game on, have fun, I just need a break.
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
February 13, 2015, 03:48:28 AM

badass pc, going hard till the end, rot in the afterlife friend
Introductions and Group Management /
February 09, 2015, 02:18:47 PM
things are starting to pick up.. pots slowly stirring.. people joining up.. And plenty of insane shenanigans!

//since this is revived and started again, original post will be altered soon heavily//
Off-topic Discussion /
February 08, 2015, 08:52:23 AM
00:51: males will be allowed to go maiden of woe only if they wear wigs
00:51: drag queens of doom. they will be known as maidens of wow!
Suggestions /
February 05, 2015, 08:48:36 PM
No you still need to ask a DM. I believe the reasoning they wouldnt add this is two actually 1) they want to give players a choice. Maybe they dont want a custom element for their deity. 2) since a player can just ask for it its really an unecessary effort to script this in
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
February 05, 2015, 09:29:08 AM
Suggestions /
February 04, 2015, 11:38:29 PM
From my experience in ooze clerics, always have to ask a DM, but yes would make sense, and fit the ooze domain. Could apply this for different elements to several domains really.
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
February 04, 2015, 11:49:04 AM
Oh you trolling DMs you... I approve of.this madness xD
Suggestions /
February 02, 2015, 11:47:03 PM
strongly approve, lower feels safe, and that just feels wrong. Lower should be a pvp zone, yet i feel it shouldn't lose it's npc presence either.. So much would-be conflict that doesn't happen because it's more along the lines of going ooc //hey let me get a DM first, if we can, otherwise we have to move somewhere else, even if that isn't ICly  fitting// which I find too meta in itself.
Suggestions /
February 02, 2015, 09:52:15 AM
Sorcerer: Venomancer: You always had an odd fascination with spiders... Your resistance to a majority of "toxins" always gave you something to brag about when drinking, but when it came to actual poison, it even saved your life.. Now you have learned to manipulate your latent raw talent, becoming a master of poisons, and feared as if a deadly viper..

Level 1: Sorcerer Token: Poison 3x per day. Use Poison feat.
Level 5: Improved Saving Throws Vs Poison: +4, Spiders, And snakes are now more friendly in the wilderness, now emit a green glow (Bright: 10 ft)

Level 8: Flame Weapon switched to acid theme, and now also bestows a random strong poison for duration of spell on weapon. Immune: Poison.

Sorcerer Perk: Slime Weaver: Even as a child, you had an odd fascination with the reviled oozes, jellies, and puddings that seemed so deadly to others.. But you had an affinity for them, and they even in their mindlessness realized that too.. Your magic, and your appearance began to mirror that, and where others walked in danger of being devoured.. You walked in peace..

Level 1: Ooze Summoning Theme, Charisma -1

Level 5: Immune: Disease, Acid Flame Weapon, Oozes are now more friendly

Level 8: Acid Resist /5, See Invis 1x per day, Ultravision 1x per day, clauradience/clairvoyance 1x per day, Charisma -2 (-1 negated), glowing green eyes.
Introductions and Group Management /
February 01, 2015, 11:02:50 PM
Seeing someone bring this back up is wonderful, as an advent, and undying fan of ooze I urge you to get in on this ^_^ always a whole lot of fun and conflict
Suggestions /
January 31, 2015, 12:04:27 AM
dear god, beautiful, but horrifying at the same time xD
Introductions and Group Management /
January 24, 2015, 09:49:37 AM
*Coughs* is paperwork your interest? Sitting at desks? acting like a courier? Being errand boy for your higher ups?..


Well I guess it's a good thing that will likely just be your surface now isn't it ;)

Political intrigue, corruption, and clashing literally steering the two facets of sanctuary politics to split further apart, or coexist better depending on YOUR actions.. You want to split sanctuary further apart.. drive more inner conflict.. And split it's people into two? Well shoot, go for it.. But on the other hand.. Would you like to work to support the city strongly, driving unity, and loyalty further to bring sanctuary together, making it stronger.. Decreasing conflict, but fulfilling your duties expertly? Go for it.. And who knows how many other concepts.. personal interests.. other political plans you could devise within the service, and work towards seeing achieved.

And unlike how it may appear... Even a simple clerk can do a lot more than one would think. Do you have the power of a director, or prefect? No.. But you know what you do have? Your the errand boy.. The secretary.. The courier, The Paperwork handler.. Doesn't sound exciting at first.. But your the person who has the power to go unnoticed if you want.. to just listen, learn, and gather power of another sort- secrets, and loyalty.. you handle sensitive files.. You deliver important messages.. You are secretary to a prefect who just so happens to come to trust you and speaks to you often on all sorts of happenings... and secrets... The simple clerk seems a lot more than he is when you take into consideration the freedom, and power they can gain. Not bound by as many restrictions for public appearance as a director or prefect, not bound by as much responsibility, nor fame that would keep you in the light, or too busy to do other things.. You have the freedom to pursue other goals if you so desire, but now with the enhanced power, and knowledge that comes with performing your job.. And with all the secrecy you can manage...

Oh, and you get payed for a job well done in itself

Perhaps it is.. However.. your desire for stronger wealth, power, and prestige, a position higher than the clerk. With effort, dedication, and activity you may just find yourself a prefect, yes with more restrictions and duties than a clerk.. But now with the authority to enforce laws, judge the fate of both your allies- and enemies, you hold much more power in the palm of your hand... Serve your own interests.. forge proof and condemn your enemies to suffering with the power of the law.. Save your allies in granting leniency.. Or maybe.. Be the rigid man of law who truly will judge on justice. Guide clerks, and utilize what their concealment by lack of importance, their ambition fueling their actions to top form to find out what you need to know.. to discover, to spy, and to maybe even...... Kill.

Political assassination
Abuse of authority upon the hapless
Bring about changes to sanctuary
serve the directors directly yourself
enjoy the wreaths of fortune that come with your status
become a figure of importance

these are just many roles your pc could fill as a clerk, or smart enough prefect... like any other place, Sanctuary is a hive of buzzing politics, ripe with both lawful potential, but horrid corruption, your actions will change and define the Sanctuary justice system with your good.. evil.. chaotic.. or lawful rulings.. What will you forge? Corruption, and sow the seed of civil crumbling in law... Or reinforce it with iron, and confidence, bring about law in a superior form. Do not forget that chaos and evil will continue to come, with any amount of material or not.

And what rests at the top? well, the very leaders of our society, directorship.. battle your political opponents in a war for votes, and public support.. Seek , and push forth your guilds and your own agenda's...

Overall? the Civil service is a hive of both political dysentery, and political salvation.. which direction it takes depends on what direction you fight to drive it. Your actions will change sanctuary immensely more than many others may try to if you put enough attention to it, enough dedication..
The civil service is great for those who want to pursue their own agenda's but also get involved in politics, and it's intrigue, uncovering plots, and secrets.. and for those even more highly interested the higher ranks open and their opportunities limited to those who work the greatest towards it.

This is truly my first political pc of chapter 4, and even in chapter 3 I had played maybe 1 or 2 such figures for the politics it had.. Chapter 2, a small variety, and i can say that after having played within the civil service for a fine time now it has proven to gift me all the time I need to follow other plots, or push my own agenda's yet at the same time getting to enjoy the political maelstrom that is the guilds, constant political battle, and intrigue, it is a great experience i'd recommend to any who are willing to look into and understand efu politics. You get what you put into it really, the rewards may come later, or sooner than you think, you could put tons of effort and have it take more time than it should, but you get what is due to you, and all effort will build you higher until you reach the top. Levels? Loots? They truly don't mean anything here, prestige, reputation, your own skills at political rp, and propaganda efforts.. your ability to take advantage of opportunities, it takes a good idea of how to do these, or prior experience, or you could even learn as you go... Probably one of the most consistently active factions that goes as slow or fast as you pursue it's many facets, having ties to every faction or would-be faction in sanctuary.

And on that note... Nothing garners support amongst particular groups if you wanted to grow in prestige in power than.. quite simply.. "Adhering" to their needs in politics, and granting stronger support towards their efforts... Yes many people would love a good puppet.. however, the smart politician.. Would play along, and pull other strings until he's the one with a string for each finger.. Playing puppetmaster. So much to say, you can't even explain it all, that would be the civil service, and the politics of Sanctuary..
And theirs room for more, room for you.